The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 12, 1951, Image 1
Circulated to More Than 90% of College Station’s Residents The Battalion PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE Peace May Cost Dream of World Government See Lead Editorial, Page 2 Number 75: Volume 51 COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1951 Price Five Cents UN Peace Plan VoleDueToday Lake Success, Jan. 12 — .^’UP) — The United Nations drove toward a vote today on Va final peace bid to Commun- igist China, offering a political ■conference on Far Eastern :i; p r o b 1 e m s in return for a pcease-fire in Korea. The United States accepted the plan. Russia, in what gseemed to be a stall for time, ■expressed coolness toward it. Non-Communist spokesmen made it plain that if Peiping ■rejects this offer, the Reds aT1 gcan expect no further overtures flanri the war will go on. v Peace Improbable Diplomats here held little hope *v|that China’s Communists would filagree to the proposals. They felt, ■however, s the effort was worth ®while if only as a demonstration Mthat the U. N. had explored the fplast possible avenue to peace. I The five-point plan, drafted by Jpeease-fire commission members I'jNasi’ollah Entezam of Iran, Sir ;-,Benegal N. Rau of India and Can- Sada’s Lester B. Pearson, will be put Jffijbefore the 150-nation political com- ■mittee in a resolution this after- Announcement of the plan yes terday brought from Soviet dele gate Jacob A. Malik the charge Society Sets War Picture “All Quiet on the Western Front,” a classic war picture, will be featured at Monday night’s meeting of the A&M Film Society in the YMCA Chapel at 7:30, Her- ■man Gollob, president, announced today. Starring Lew Ayres and Louis ■ Wolheim, the picture, which was j. released in 1930, is a bitter con- i tlemnation of war. Whereas most 'v frar films deal with America troops, |fd‘AlI Quiet” treats the G e r m a n s I tide of the question, depriving American audiences of the chance fe to associate war with glorious Rl patriotism. •i-witfi that it was an ultimatum. Malik, however, did not completely close the door. He said he needed more time to study the proposals. . Maintain Unity Explaining U. S. approval, American delegate Warren R. Aus tin said the proposals restated the principle that a cease-fire must precede negotiations. He added the U. S. wanted to maintain the unity of the United Nations. Rejection of the proposals, Aus tin added, will cause the U. S. to pursue its original plan to demand that the U.N. brand Red China as aggressor and call for her punishment. Science Group Sets District Meet at A&M A&M will be host to the Eastern District of the Texas Academy of Science regional Spring meeting on April 6 and 7, according to Dr. C. C. Doak, head of the Biology Department. Dr. W. Armstrong Price, pro fessor of geological oceanography and director and former president of the Academy, was elected gen eral chairman of the meeting at a recent meeting of the local mem bers. A local steering committee and sectional program chairmen from the colleges of the district will be selected soon, Doak said. Scientists and students of science from colleges and high schools of Texas and especially from the Eastern District will be invited to attend and take part in the meeting and in the celebration of Arts and Sciences Week. State and out-of-state speakers have been secured and more will be invited to speak in the near future. Members will be here from the district composed of schools and colleges in the Eastern half of the state. Other regional meetings will be held this Spring at Corpus Christi and Wichita Falls. AEG Chooses Nevada F or Atomic T esting Area Washington, Jan. 12—(A 5 )—The 1 . Atomic Energy Commission said 'll yesterday it will use a vast Nevada I area for a proving ground to speed | up development of atomic weapons, | indicating it has mastered a meth- I od of small scale explosion tests. This would mean a valuable short | cut in vital defense research. It £ also would hasten the day when I! the commission will know if it 1 can actually perfect the tremend- : V ously powerful hydrogen bomb. It also may speed up work on new I' type A-bombs for guided missies ;! and artillery shells. The military has indicated such developments are feasible. AEC Noncommittal AEC said nothing about small H scale atomic blasts but its state- & ment was open to interpretation >. .that such explosions can now be set is) off. Such .a method would provide a “test” of the explosiveness of materials designed for an A-bomb : ; without the necessity of detonating I a finished bomb itself as was done I in the spectacular series of atomic 1 studies in the Pacific. Senator Brien McMahon (D- | Conn), chairman of the Senate- House Atomic Committee, said the new testing ground “will save pre- ; cious weeks in making certain lim- | ited tests vital to weapons develop ment.” Authorized By Prexy Declaring that it has been auth- p orized by President Truman to use a part of the 5,000-square mile Marine Research Needed -- Gunter The need for more fisheries and marine research on the Gulf Coast was expressed this week by Dr. Gordon Gunter, Director of the In stitute of Marine Science at Port Aransas. Dr. Gunter, speaking to the Fish and Game Club, discussed the his tory and development of marine biology in the Gulf Coast area. New spring semester club of ficers elected at the meeting were John Harris, president; Albert Jackson, vice president; John Wal- thers, secretary; E. R. Berdine, treasurer; and W. B. Kucera, Ag council representative. Las Vegas, bombing and gunnery range for “experiments” necessary to the atomic weapons development program, AEC said. “The use of the range will make available to the Los Alamos, N. M., scientific laboratory a readily accessible site for periodic test work with a resultant speed-up in the weapons development program. Experimental Testing “Test activities at the new site will include experimental nuclear detonation for the development of atomic bombs — so-called “A- bombs”—carried out under controll ed conditions.” A committee spokesman said the phase “so-called ‘A-bombs’ ” had been intentionally used to make it clear that the Nevada tests were to be aimed at the development of A-bombs, as distinguished from hydrogen bombs. Ike ‘Drops In On Denmark In Pact Tour Copenhagen, Denmark, Jan. 12— <A?)—Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower continued his call-paying, informa tion-gathering tour of the Atlantic Pact nations today—this time in Denmark. Arriving last night in a dense fog, the new Atlantic Pact army’s supreme commander was received this morning by King Frederick for a half-hour audience. Conferences Held From Frederik’s Amielborg cas tle, Eisenhower drove to the Danish foreign ministry for searching con ferences with the little Baltic coun try’s defense chiefs on the nation’s state of military preparedness and the plans it has for helping to strengthen the Atlantic defenses. Making a rapid tour of all 12 Atlantic Pact nations, Genei’al Ike now has called in the capitals of four of the European signers— France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark. Norway Next Later today he was to leave for the Norwegian capital, Oslo, for a similar brief inspection there. Two U. S. destroyers waited in Copen hagen harbor to transport the Gen eral should there be a continuance of the fog which delayed the land ing of his plane last night for 20 minutes. From Norway he goes to Brit ain, Portugal, Italy, West Germa ny and Luxembourg. Then he re turns to Pails to fly home by way of Iceland and Canada, completing the 12-country circuit. Allies Repulse Attacks To Take Supply Center Tokyo, Jan. 12^-UP) — Al- | miles of Wonju—remained intact. lied air attacks and artillery L Eleven E - 2 . 9 bo ™ be f cascading horrap-P<5 rirnvp nff n fi 000- heavy ex P loslves m close support barrages drove oir a b,uuu of the ernbattled Americans aided man Red Korean force today j n routing the enemy. Ground and after it seized a dominant I carrier-based fighters rocketed and Miss Nancy Wright is one of the stars who will be seen in the North Texas Opera Workshop’s presentation of Donizetti’s “Daugh ter of the Regiment” on the stage of Guion Hall Thursday night. She will sing the role of Maria, the “daughter of the regiment.” NTSC Presented Operetta Unites Love, Comedy, Lyrics By ANDY ANDERSON Something on the cultural side of life is in store for Aggies and local citizens when The North Texas State Opera Workshop pre sents its version of Donizetti’s “Daughter of the Regiment” in Guion Hall Thursday night. The setting for this comical oper etta is Tyrol, during the period of Napoleon’s occupation, in the early 1800’s. The story of the opera is about Maria, adopted by the 21st Regiment of Napoleon’s army. She was found on a battlefield by Sgt. Sulpice and a letter, written by her father to the Marchioness of Berk- enfeld, was among her belongings. The operetta opens as Maria, now a young woman, is relating the story of her life. Shortly thereafter she is saved from fall ing over a precipice by Tonio, a Tyrolean peasant. Tonio, found strolling through the camp, is arrested as a spy. He asks Maria to marry him. Spring Physics 314 Book List Needed Students considering taking Physics 314, Introduction to As tronomy, during the Spring semes ter, should contact either the Phy sics Department or the Mathema tics Department before Monday, J. T. Kent, instructor, announced. Names of men taking the course are needed to compile a book list for the Exchange Store. The book order must be sent out Monday in order to have the books on hand at the start of the new semester. When the soldiers investigate his Ortensio; Helen Marshall as the record and find that he is not a spy, he is told he may marry Maria if he will join the regiment. Tonio agrees to this but the appearance of the Marchioness causes him to lose his hopes for marriage. She reads the letter which Sgt. Sulpice gave her and demands the regiment give up its daughter. The Marchioness then in forms Tonio that he is not good enough to marry her niece, a per son of noble birth. In the second act, Maria is found at the Marchioness’ castle with Sgt. Sulpice. She is unhap py for she is to marry someone she does not love but her hopes arise when the 21st Regiment, led by Tonio, now a colonel, ar rives. Once again Tonio asks for per mission to marry Maria but the Marchioness again refuses. On hearing this refusal, Tonio pro poses an elopment. The Marchion ess then informs Maria that she is really her mother, not her aunt. Maria, grief stricken, renounces Tonio. This scene of breaking hearts is too much for the Marchioness who, recalling her own romance with Maria’s father, finally consents to the marriage. Cast in alternating roles in the North Texas presentation as Maria are Nancy Wright and Leota Vin cent. David Taylor and David Jones alternate is the basso role of Tonio. The Marchioness of Berkenfeld is sung by Juanita Teal and Sgt. Sulpice is handled by Edgar Stone and James Ramsey. Others in the cast include Bill Sparks as During Heavy Firing Graduating Seniors Assault Enemy on Easterwood Hill By JOHN WHITMORE and cai’ry out the missions of a their regular amount of weapons. platoon in combat. At a pre-arranged time the of- ‘Gentlemen we will attack the During the first part of the fensive’s artillery started to soften enemy at 16:54.” The first squad course the men studied the opera- up the enemy and the platoon mov- will attack along Draw Y_ and the tions of the platoon on offense, ed out. Breaking in two sections second and third squads will attack After the first few hours of class- they formed a pincers around the along Draw X.’ _ room orientation members of the enemy and finally took the hill. Just at that instant a blast of military staff went through the All of this was carried out in artillery shook the earth underfoot, maneuver. The remainder of the a business-like manner. The men “Move out men, keep under cov- semester they will study defense. ” xhe platoon was equipped with a full list of equipment—Ml’s carbines, machine - guns, gren ades (smoke). During the first day members of the artillery made up the entire platoon. Of ficers were sergeants and non- coms were men in the squad. With the students watching, the “but they are learning fast.” This was the first time in recent military men took the objective. After the fighting was over and history such a program has been The next time the class met the the last of the TNT was exploded, included in the military curricula, worm turned. The military watch- the cadets swarmed into the MSG The idea was that of Colonel H. L. ed and the students took the posi- Fountain Room. Boatner, Commandant and PMS&T. tions and rushed the enemy. One of the comments made over He turned the project over to Lt. A reinforced enemy squad had coffee by Bobo Jaska and Terry Col. William F. Lewis, infantry in- a position on a hill, equipped with Green, summed up the men’s feel- structor, to cai'ry out and plan. machine-guns and artillery. The ings, “That is some of the best Final plans called for the grad- offensive platoon was backed with training we have had yet and the uating seniors to study, observe artillery and mortar in addition to most interesting.” er, and make every shot count.” Those were not orders being issued from a command post in Korea, but by members of the A&M Military Department to graduating senior Army ROTC students situated in a gully about a hundred yards off Easterwood Airport’s runways. seemed to sense the seriousness of the situation and concentrated on doing their best. Officers were walking around giving them correction of their positions and giving advice. “They really did need this,” Col onel Lewis said as the men snaked their way towards the objective, Duchess, Al Skoog as both a cor poral and a notary; and Stewart Vannerson as a peasant. Music for the operetta will be furnished by the 61-piece NTSC symphony orchestra and back ground music and color will be furnished by the 27-voice chorus of the NTSC School of Music. The production is under the di rection of Miss Mary McCormic of the School of Music and is super vised by Mary Garden, a former opera star. The program is scheduled to be gin at 7:30 Thursday evening. All seats will be fifty cents. height and poured withering fire into American lines just south of Wonju.” An AP field dispatch said the two North Korean regi ments at nightfall were disappear ing 1 into the hills. The Allies’ northernmost line in central Korea—extending in horse shoe shape within less than two machinegunned the Communists and showered them, with jellied gasoline fire bombs. Second Division artillery laid down a shattering barrage. Wonju Badly Damaged Part of Wonju, the field dis patches said, was wiped out by the air and artillery action. Another Communist force swept Mayors Proclaim Dri veAga inst Polio A proclamation calling on all residents of College Station and Bryan to assure continuation of the fight against infan tile paralysis by giving unstinted support to the 1951 March of Dimes was issued today by the mayors of both cities. Ernest Langford, mayor of College Station, and R. C. Dansby, mayor of Bryan, pointed ojut in the proclamation that bills for polio patient care alone during 1949 and 1950 took some $47,000,000 in March of Dimes funds, again ex hausting the epidemic aid fund of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. The proclamation read as follows: “WHEREAS, for the third successive year the nation has experienced a very serious polio epidemic, with incidence that ranks 1950 as the second worst polio year on record, and, “WHEREAS, the past two years drained away some $47,000,000 in March of Dimes funds in defraying patient care costs that families could not pay themselves, and, “WHEREAS, the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis exhausted its epidemic aid fund in coping with the 1950 polio outbreaks and with continuing care for patients from 1949 and earlier years, and, WHEREAS, the 1951 March of Dimes, Jan. 15-31, must prove the most outstanding success if the National Founda tion’s work is to continue unabated. “SO THEREFORE, we R. C. Dansby, mayor of the City of Bryan and Ernest Langford, mayor of the City of College Station, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM Jan. 15-31 as March of Dimes period in our cities and do call upon all to do their utmost to insure the success of the drive and the continu ance of the fight against infantile paralysis.” Signed : Ernest Langford R. C. Dansby Mayor, City of College Station Mayor, City of Bryan For Third Straight Year Baylor’s ‘Josephine Bear Loses Three More Cubs Three cubs born Sunday to Jo sephine, Baylor University’s bear mascot, have died. One small bear was eaten by Joe, mate of Josephine. Another died shortly after birth from rough treatment by Bailey, another of the bigger bears. The third of the litter died Monday from over exposure. The birth of the bears was un expected by Baylor students and by the keepers. When it was dis covered, several male students at tempted to rescue the cubs. Joe had killed one and had begun to devour it when the men arrived. Students Enter Pit Two of the students entered the pit, while three others stood atop the hut with a rope, ready to lasso the angry mother. When Tommy Lockridge, Hous ton business student, obtained one cub, Josephine lunged at him—only to be stopped by the lasso from above. She was quickly secured to a tree. On his way out, Lockridge grab bed the only other remaining cub. This one had been dropped by Barney when an onlooker threw a stone at him. Vet’s Efforts Fail Both rescued cubs were taken to a veterinarian. Efforts to save Rose, Hobson Die In PlaneAccident Two men were killed yesterday when their Piper Cub plane crash ed and burned two miles north of Bryan. The dead are Jesse U. Rose, Bryan contractor, and Ches ter C. Hobson, Cameron bricklayer. The men, who had just taken off on a pleasure flight from Coulter Field, crashed near Tabor on a farm owned by Marion Jones. Employees Club Sets Monthly Meeting Date The A&M Employees Dinner Club will have their monthly meet ing in the Memorial Student Cen ter Thursday, Jan. 18, at 7:30 p. m. the newborn bruins failed. The bear “situation” was dis cussed Tuesday night at a meeting of the Baylor Chamber of Com merce. The Daily Lariat, the university’s student newspaper, Tuesday print ed an editorial entitled “Lost . . . Six Cubs.” The editorial recalled deaths of five of Josephine’s cubs and one belonging to another bear, Chita. “Carelessness, Oversight” “For the third straight year cubs have been born ‘unexpectedly’ and have been killed,” the last para graph of the editorial began. “Once could have been an accident. Twice might have been a coincidence. But three times appears nothing but carelessness and oversight.” Cold, Dry Weather Aids Wind Erosion Fort Worth, Jan. 12—(AP) —About 207,500 acres of Texas have suffered moderate to severe erosion damage from dust storms, Louis P. Merrill, regional director of the Federal Soil Conservation Service, said today. The acreage in Texas and Okla homa gnawed by wind erosion is expanding rapidly due to cold and dry weather, Merrill warned. Acreage in the two states with out enough plant cover to prevent wind damage has increased al together from 1,170,000 to 2,310,- 000 in the last six weeks. Merrill said there is a brighter side—recent moisture in Oklahoma and parts of the Texas Panhandle may improve winter plant cover rapidly. He said the large plant ings of grain sorghums have been properly managed for the most part and the stubble is an effec tive erosion control. Merrill said the wind threat is perhaps the most serious in the Lubbock-Littlefield-Lamesa areas and in the sandy cross timber sec tions centered around Dublin, Stephenville, Abilene and Jacks- boro. Governor Proposes Statewide Action Austin, Jan. 12—(A*)—Citing polio’s threat to Texas, Gov. Shiv ers designated Jan. 15-31 yesterday for the March of Dimes. The governor noted last year was the second worst polio year in the nation’s history. Texas had 423 more polio patients last year than in 1949. The total was 2,778 cases. The governor also cited rising costs for treatment of polio vic tims. Money raised in Texas in the last three campaigns has been spent entirely in the state. Texas contributions have been supple mented by $377,000 sent by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. B. J. Griffin Named New FFA Prexy The Collegiate Future Farmer’s Monday night, named B. J. Griffin to head it for the spring semester. Griffin, from Ovalo, is a senior agricultural education major. He succeeds Floyd Kerns of Emory, retiring president. Other officers named at the meeting are E. E. Jekel, Cameron, vice president; Wilfred Eckermann, New Ulm, second vice president and D. R. Price, Bells, third vice president. New secretary is J. T. Lenamon, Groesbeck. A. T. Edwards, Burkett, is treasurer; James B. Ethridge, Oglosby, reporter; J. T. Spray, Burkburnett, adviser; M. E. Strate- man, Converse, parliamentarian and R. G. Fitts, Atlanta, histor ian. Bataan Survivor Rejoins Service New York, Jan. 12—(A 3 *—A pur ple heart veteran of the Bataan death march volunteered for the army yesterday. He is Julian Wyse Adams, 35. “I feel my country is at war. At least men are fighting and dy ing. I’d like to get back myself,” he said. The army thinks he’s probably the first Bataan survivor to offer to return to uniform. wide around the American line and set up a road block on a vital sup ply highway 31 miles southeast of Wonju. This Red force, possibly 20,000 strong, drove a deep wedge in the Allies’ central Korean positions protecting the Taejon-Taegu with drawal route for the Eighth Army toward the old Pusan beachhead. . Brisk fighting swirled north and west of Tanyang, a rail terminal 37 miles southeast of Wonju. The Communists set up their roadblock near Ochi, a town on the main roack, between Tanyang and Chungju 22 miles to tbe west. They poured fire on Allied vehicles car rying supplies to the Second Divi sion farther north. Allied patrols rushing out to clear the supply road ran into road mines. Then the Reds at tacked. Another vanguard of the Com munist flanking force tangled with Allied troops northeast of Tan yang. The Eighth Army did not report the results of either skirmish. It reported there were at least 1,000 Red troops along the Tanyang- Ghungju highway. Tidelands Case Can Be Won, Daniels Claims Texas City, Jan. 12—(AP) —Attorney General Price Daniel said last night Texas congressmen have enough power to secure legislation re storing tidelands to the states. He told the Texas City Chamber of Commerce: “Texas can win in Congress be cause we are not alone in this fight. Twenty-eight coastal and Great Lakes states have tidelands which are being claimed by fed eral officials.” Daniel said inland states fear that the same theory will be used in winning federal ownership of Riverbeds, lakes, and other in land waters. “A majority in both Houses of Congress favor state ownership of submerged lands for all the states,” the attorney general said. Turning to national defense, Daniel said security would be “helped rather than harmed by continued state ownership and con trol.” He noted that the judiciary com mittees of both federal Houses were on record as concurring in this. S. A. Lipscomb To Head Board S. A. Lipscomb was re elected to head the College Station State Bank Board of Directors for another year, as the newly elected directors of the bank met Wednesday afternoon for their first session of 1951. Elected to serve as executive vice-president was Harold Sulli van, with H. E. Burgess also being named a vice-president. Thomas W. Lee was appointed cashier for the local business located at the North Gate. Other directors elected by the stockholders were R. E. Butler, Coulter Hoppess, L. G. Jones, R. W. Steen, G. E. Potter, and T. W. Leland. The only business undertaken at the directors meeting was to in crease the banks certified surplus from $15,000 to $20,000, according to Thomas Lee, bank cashier. Catholic Clergy Banned in Rotary Vatican City, Jan. 12—(A 5 )—Ro man Catholic clergymen were for bidden yesterday to belong to Ro tary Clubs. Catholic laymen were warned to follow cannon law in re gard to membership. The ban was disclosed with pub lication by the Vatican’s newspap er, L’Osservatore Romano, of a decree by the supreme sacred con gregation of the Holy Office, which Pope Pius XII heads. A source connected with the newspaper said the decree appeared aimed at European and Latin American countries, where Masonic connections have been attributed to Rotary, rather than against Catho lic membership in Rotary in the United States, where the interna tional organization was founded 46 years ago.