Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1951)
I Ex) add it; Seoul ■start of il Thj of Ea highl ing, i trict Th: out 0 an S durir after Cent* Tw BELL AD Wit/ Clai Inct tam All a.m TWO tact WEST D-l trai: 3, 1 FOR mod bell cup, Box REMI Cou wer lion B Fi E( an k r . Pi Driver Courses Stress Safety to Youngsters By JOEL AUSTIN Teaching high school students how to drive has become an im portant part of secondary school curricula throughout the United States during the past few years. A project approved by the Amer ican Automobile Association, the plan has spread with great suc cess to high schools of all sizes in a relatively short pei'iod of time. The plan operates by giving high school students practical knowledge of operating an auto- mobide through class room instruc tion and actual driving lessons. With the co-operation of the AAA, cars with dual controls have been made available to these high schools which have realized their responsibility in helping keep down teen-age traffic fatalities. Training Programs Set Up Training programs have been programs set up at various key points in the country to offer instruction to teachers who can become better prepared to teach their students methods of driving safety. At A&M the Industrial Educa tion Department has several stu dents enrolled in its course which is entitled “Driver Educa- I tion and Highway Safety.” A two hour semester credit course, in struction is designed to give the college students training exper ience while they are taking the course. Twenty-six students from A&M Consolidated High School are the pupils of these driver’s education instructor-students. With an auto mobile furnished through a dealer in Bryan and through the co-opera tion of the AAA, the college boys hold the classes four times a week at Consolidated High School. The high school lads and lasses are taught safety methods and rules for two hours each week, with an additional two hours spent driving the dual-control automo bile. These cars have an extra brake and clutch pedal installed in the front seat so the instructor may stop the car in case a student should allow it to get out of con trol. Half-credit Offered But these high school students do not get just the added know ledge of how to drive a car out of the course. State education auth orities have permitted secondary schools to allow a half-credit for this one semester course. Hollmig Heads for Minor Baseball Leagues, Training Stan Hollmig, A&M’s All-Confer ence who went straight to the major leagues with a $25,000 bonus two years ago, will be shipped back to the minors for more farming, now that the bonus rule has 1 been abolished, official sources reported yesterday . . . Stan has been play ing with the Philadelphia Phils for the past two season, but has seen little action . . . the return to the minors should help Stan gain val uable experience, more than he could gain sitting on a bench in the majors . . . Ezzard Charles, the 29-year old heavyweight .champion of the world, will defend his title for the sixth' time when he meets Lee Oma of Buffalo in Madison Square Gar den, Friday afternoon . . . consid ering statements on fighting Joe Louis again, the champ replied, “I hope he keeps winning ’til June, and I hope I keep winning” . . . the two pugilists will be at it again during the summer months NCAA members have been swarming into Dallas for their regular meeting to discuss the na tional sports pic . . . former Aggie baseball coach Marty Karow, now at his alma mater Ohio State is there representing the Ohio Uni versity . . . there are many major issues; many of which enter around television, disciplining the “bad boys” of the association, changing a few rules, but the conversation always flows back to the perennial favorite . . . the sanity code . . . something may happen but no one knows for sure . . . When Warren Wright, multimil lionaire owner of Calumet Farms died Dec. 28th, he left his fortune to his widow, Lucille ... he also dropped $25,000 to his secretary, $10,000 to his chauffeur, and the same to his manager and the man ager’s son . . . Wright did a lot for sports, and in passing, he deft a feeling of a “good sport” all the way around . . . Way out in front with 15 wins for the season, unbeaten Bradley, the pride of Peoria, Ilk, continues to be the top basketball team in the nation, according to the latest As sociated Press poll . . . following in order behind the Braves are Oklahoma A&M, Kentucky, Long Island University, St. Louis, Indi ana, North Carolina State, Col umbia, Kansas State, and Wyoming which completes the list of the top ten quintets . . . Bye Now. Instructors in this high school course report that students will back them up in saying that driver education is by no means a rou tine, cut-and-dried subject. Very seldom are any two sessions exact ly alike. Schools in many communities have been asked by parents, hun gry for authoritative knowledge on how to drive a car, to offer a course similar to the one their children are enrolled in for after school hours. In most cases, these after school sessions for the par ents have become very popular. The results in this nation-wide program have proved that high school driving education is giving young people first hand informa tion which has paid off in reduced accidents for these teen-agers who contribute heavily to the accident toll yearly: THE BATTALION Page 4 THUR., JAN. 11,1951 Now You See It — Or Do You? R.&F. Courses Stress Practicality Even Proud Owners of 20-20 Orbs Find Sight Not Always Trustworthy You skeptics can get a ruler and check this one. The two objects correspond in width no matter how you go about it. Smith to Succeed TurneratAngleton Study of range management and forestry practices under practical field conditions has been emphasiz ed in most of the courses in the Range and Forestry Department during the past semester, accord ing to Dr. V. A. Young, department head. A total of 17 field trips of from one-half day to three days dura tion were made by 240 students in eight subject matter fields in the department. Farm woodlot man agement and forest grazing prac tices were observed in the Lufkin and Crockett areas by students in silviculture and farm forestry un der the direction of Prof. R. R. Rhodes. Range management students made studies of range condition, practiced field techniques, and ob served management systems and improvements at the Flat Top Ranch near Walnut Springs, in the Fort Hood area and in other graz ing areas in the state. Plant ecology trips were made under Prof. O. E. Sperry to the Lufkin and Beaumont areas and to Lee County. Observations of mechanical and chemical brush control practices in the Rio Grande Plain and Edwards Plateau areas were made by grad uate students in R. F. 611 class on a 3-day trip with Dr. R. A. Darrow. Emphasis in the field program of the department has been placed on a practical first hand stjudy of range and forestry problems and practices throughout the state. James C. Smith, associate pro fessor in the Department of Agro nomy and former research worker at the Angleton station, will suc- seed W. F. Turner. Turner superintendent since 1945 of the Angleton field unit of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, resigned Dec. 31 to be come manager of several large farms on the Gulf Coast Prairie. Smith received a bachelor de gree in agriculture in 1939 and a master degree in agronomy in 1947, both from A&M. He also attended Tarleton State College. Since joining the Texas Station in August, 1938, as a laboratory assistant, Smith has specialized in the fertility and management of the soil and in the production of legume and grass crops. You can’t believe your eyes— at least, not all the time. A look at the ' illustrations accompanying this story will prove that. But, do you actually know how v often your eyes can deceive you, even fail to serve you ? And the fact that you have what is nor mally called “perfect vision” need not lull you into complacency. First, do you travel under the assumption that everyone you can see can you ? If that’s the case, + you’re wrong. You must take into "^consideration the fact that all persons do not react in the same way to what they see. Nor do all people see the same things. Sight among humans is a relative thing. Some people are just more discerning than others. And that’s discounting the possibility of poor eye-sight entirely. But more in line with actual defects of “perfect eyesight,” even A&M Owned Cow Sets New Record TEXAS POPULATION CHANGES 1940-1950 Agtex Xarmore Fayne, regis tered Holstein-Friesian cow, own ed by the college, has set a new state production record according to the Holstein-Friesian Associa tion of America. This cow takes the lead for all of Texas’ Junior 4-year-old Hol- steins milked twice daily in the Yearly Division, Advanced' Regis try Test, with the production of 418 pounds of butterfat and 13,700 pounds of milk. A&M supervised the testing in cooperation with Holstein-Friesian Association of America. Which of thes four cars is largest? Better look again. The grem lin in the arrangement is the reversed perspective of the four autos. A close measurement will show them all the same size. (Sketches courtesy Texas Department of Public Safety.) Management Class Studies Gopherdom Temple Ag Station Receives Aid Gifts Dr. Leonard Wing, associate pro fessor of wildlife management at A&M, and 13 students of his Wildlife Management 403 class vis ited the cut-over area north of Easterwood Airport recently, to study the ecological relations of the pocket gopher. The group found that one active burrow was 281 feet in length, and by further mathematical calcula tion it was determined that one gopher, working continuously for 286 years, could turn one acre-foot of soil completely over. Other data, such as food and breeding habits, were also noted, along with a discussion of control measures which are now in use. Student’s Father Makes 4 Who’s Who’ , Robert J. Loofburrow, has been included in the 1950 edition of “Who’s Who in the South and Southwest,” a biographical diction ary of noteworthy men and women of southern and Southwestern states. CTJ Over 50,000 M 20,000 to 50,000 CHJ 5,000-20,000 m 1,000 - 5,000 iHii Less thon 1,000 change LOSS 1,000-2,500 -S 2,500-7,500 Over 7,500 TODAY thru SATURDAY FIRST RUN —Feature Starts— 1:40 - .3:45 - 5:50 - 7:55 - 10:00 A ks JOAN CRAWFORD NEWS — CARTOON How About Some Bowling ? ONE OF THE BEST SPORTS FOR RECREATION AND EXERCISE! The Y.M.C.A. Alleys Gifts have been made available to the Texas Agricultural Experi ment Station for use at the Tem ple substation, Dr. R. D. Lewis, di- dector, announced yesterday. The gifts include, 2,400 pounds of soil sulphur from IJie Texas Gulf Sulphur Company of Houston; 1,000 pounds of powdered raw rock phosphate from the Ameri can Cynamid Company of New York and 100 pounds of anhydrous ammonia, plus two men’s time and machinery for 1-2 day for its ap plication, from Mid-Tex Liquid Fertilizer Company, Waco. Col. Modlin in Japan For New Assignment Lt. Col. Eldridge L. Modlin has been assigned to the Signal Sec : tion of the Japan Logistical Com mand, with headquarters in Yoko hama. Previously, he served in a similar capacity with Headquar ters, Eighth Army. His son James H., is a' senior aeronautical engineering major here. ^ Colonel Modlin arrived in the Far East Command in February, 1949. His first assignment was at Sendai, Japan. Before entering the service, Col onel Modlin was employed in the supply and purchasing division of an oil company. Loofburrow received his B. S. and M. S. degrees from A&M and has been assistant professor of electrical engineering at the Uni versity of Houston since 1947. He was formerly a research electrical engineer in geophysics for the Texas company. A captain in the signal corps during World War II, Loofburrow served in the South Pacific. I <A\ VlU 4 Bryan Z , SST9 NOW SHOWING dW 1 JAMES STEWART* BARBARA HALE in Four Lanes Certified by American Bowling Congress Reservations for Special Clubs or Parties CALL 1-7584 °*°**Tl£CHWCOlOZ DONALD O’CONNOR GALE STORM-WALTER BRENNAN , VINCENT PRICE-EVE ARDEN QUEEN Screenplay by HOWARD DIMSOALE * CHARLES LAMONT fe SOREST ASXHUS JVOW SHOWING JOHNNY'S ORIATtST THaiUsT j the best sight is hampered by movement of the eyes. The eyes focus through muscular contrac tion of the lenses. While your eyes are moving, therefore, nothing be fore you can be seen clearly. Your eye muscles have no time to ad just the focus. Various properties of an object determine the ease with which you can see it when your eyes are roaming* or focused elsewhere. Size, of course, is first. Motion, too, is an eye-catcher. And certain col ors attract your glance. This information should be of considerable interest to pedes trians who may find it necessary Co-op Group Adds To Analysis Fund to walk along a dangerous road way or highway. Vehicles on that road arrest the attention of other drivers because they exceed the pedestrian both in bulk and speed. The pedestrian’s only chance to compete for safety so that he won’t be run down is in the remaining factor of color. By wearing red or yellow in the daytime or white at night, he attracts the attention of all driv- An additional contribution of $1,000 to be used for the purpose of making “an organizational and economic analysis of agricultural marketing cooperatives in Texas,” has been received by the Agricul tural Experiment Station. The money was donated by George B. Blair, executive secre tary and treasurer of the Texas Federation of Cooperatives of Dallas. Texas Federation of Coopera tives had previously sent the TABS $5,170. Stub Snubbed at Bank Long Reach, Calif.—/—“This is the start of our joint bank ac count,” the bridegroom told the teller. The clerk took one look. “I’m afraid it’s a poor start,” he said. “You see this is the stub you keep, not the check.” The blushing newlywed returned to his home and found the check in his waste bas ket. Herein lies the reason why male pedestrians are struck more often than females. Men dress in drab colors. Their solution is to tuck a handkerchief in their belt or drape it over their shoulder. It makes a cheap but effective tail- light—especially at night. The color factor also explains one reason why pedestrians are cautioned to walk facing traffic. Their face, being lighter than the back of their head, is more readily seen. Again, this applies mostly at night. Libby ’49 Finishes AF Pilot Training Gilbert F. Libby, ’49, was one of the three cadets to receive reg ular commissions upon completion the USAF Advanced Multi-Engine Pilot School at Reese Air Force Base Dec. 16. Libby, who is from Alvin, re ceived a B. S. degree in Industrial Education from A&M in 1949. A regular commission, present ed instead of the usual reserve commission, was given on the basis of outstanding leadership ability, academic standing, and flying pro ficiency during his course of train ing as an aviation cadet. Another limitation of even nor mal eyes is side-vision—the ability __ to see things adjacent to the line of vision. Again this factor var ies with the individual. Some peo ple are severely restricted in see ing- things at an angle to their • line of vision. Other persons have relatively good sight over an area of 180 degrees. Side vision can vary with the same person, too. It decreases in - direct proportion to the speed of the individual when running or riding in an auto. Referred to as tunnel vision, this causes a per son’s “focus point” to move fur-' ther ahead as his speed increases. Traveling at extremely high speeds, a person is seldom able to see anything at a right angle to him—even if his side vision is well-developed. Depth-perception is another property of the eyes that often im pairs the vision of otherwise keen- sighted drivers. The fact that you have two eyes, each seeing from a slightly different angle allows you to perceive depth and distance. Let one of your eyes fail you and this important ability is lost. Fatigue often causes that suit. Each person has a so-cal, dominant eyes. It takes over duty of the less powerful one when fatigue and vision strain combine. Other factors impair your vision in other ways. Color blindness, of course, is a well-known vision de fect. D. W. j trict r 1 tion is respon Artich *(The i many possib f Dc Hi. But how many people of a de fect common to all of us—the inability to perceive motion un less it is across your line of vi sion. Change in size is your only clue to the motion of an object coming straight toward you. You find it almost impossible to determine speed. Night vision, too, is variable with different persons. But every one’s vision at night is impaired by bright headlights of oncoming In darkness, the openings of your eyes (pupils) enlarge to ad mit more light. The bright head lights of a car cause your pupils to grow smaller. Then, when the car flashes by, you are partially blind until the pupils have again ad justed to reduced light. That’s why it’s wiser to watch the right side of the road when approaching a car at night. Check on the peculiarities oi your eyes. As a driver, what you can’t see, can kill you. • GROCERIES • Crisco .... 3 Pounds 99c LIBBY’S—46 OZ. CAN Tomatoe Juice 25c HAPPY HOST—46-OZ. CAN Grapefruit Juice .... 24c TEXAS CLUB—46-OZ, CAN Orange Juice . . 27c NO. 2 CANS DIAMOND Hominy 3 cans 25c 1- Glass Bake Casserole 2- Cans Heinz Baked Beans Only 77c 303 CANS KIMBELL’S FRESH Green Limas . . 2 cans 43c KELLOGG’S — A DELICIOUS BREAKFAST CEREAL Corn Pops .... Pkg. l()c NO. 2/z CANS EXPOSITION—FREE STONE IN HEAVY SYRUP Peaches 2 cans 65e 1 POUND BAG FRESH SHELLED Peanuts .... 39e 303 CANS—KIMBELL’S FRESH Blackeye Peas . 2 cans 25c • MARKET • WISCONSIN MILD CURED Cheese lb, 54c FOR SEASONING Ham Hocks lb, 35c SHORT CUT-NO BONE Ham Slices lb, 65c ARMOUR’S DEXTER Sliced Bacon . lb. 43e Hens & Fryers • PRODUCE • CALIFORNIA Avocados..... Each 10c FRESH CRISP CALIFORNIA Carrots... 2 bunches I5e FIRM CRISP Lettuce 2 heads 15c YELLOW Onions 2 lbs, 7c 200 SIZE TEXAS Oranges doz, 27c • FROZEN • OLD SOUTH—6-0Z. CANS Orange Juice . . 2 cans 35c WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Specials for Friday & Saturday — Jan. 12lh & 13th Charlies Food Market North Gate College Station — HE DEL1VEK — This Collegial various < ers brou Perl serious i famed “ support We this coclf Below is tion. Tom Con fereu NCAA.— qnft Wh he deri College pa tion The co und int institut be adrr Mid sh itandai nancial though recipie permit (a (b) (c) Any however, aid awai missible In £ recipient terms th The this sec athletic (d) (e) «, 1 (f) (g) (h) Sect (a) (b) (c) R. A. San A. tor for sion Sei cept a p will be the Fre< He jo ing E-x April, 1 ovfpnSlV