The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 09, 1951, Image 1
-ears, _‘inan metric Binan eom- fica- 'igh(. cans, ifrom zcml- =*ach- Circnlated to More Than 90% of College Station’s Residents Battalion MARCH or DIMES i» i.i .ii PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE ■Number 72: Volume 51 COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1951 Price Five Cents n )o;i k, t> the > ns of i3.tions i sh is > take ■xs the •ecom- tlean. shall : nfflish n his «t. se- their fer to AA'hich ■ ytca- <3 i cate rjs are r «ach :k the at. the overed Rexis- Charter Presentation 1 R, R. Halpin (right), president of the College Station Lion’s Club, I receives the official charter of organization from A. M. Walker, | district state Lion’s governor, at a charter banquet held last night I in the Memorial Student Center. More than 100 members and I their guests attended. • Lion’s Club Given ^Charter at Banquet I R. B. Halpin, president of the College Station Lion’s Club, was presented with the club’s official charter last night by A. M. Walk- ler, Lion’s district State governor at a charter banquet in the Memo rial Student Center. I “We’re ready in any way to make this a better community and in turn a better nation through our [efforts of service and friendship,” Halpin said as he received the char- Iter on behalf of members of the [local organization. | Featured guest for the banquet I was H. C. Petry, Jr., President of Lion’s International. Speaking to more than 100 members and guests, the Carrizo Springs lawyer said, “Tonight by the presentation of this charter, you have become a member of a great organization. There is no greater joy that a man can feel than to know he is a part of a group that is doing good for others.” “You are going to reap the sat isfaction of a person that is doing- good—that’s what we have to offer in the Lion’s club. The satisfac tion you receive is your dividends for being a member,” the club’s top leader said. Opened With Singing The banquet, held in the MSC Ball Room, was opened with sing ing led by Warren LaBourveau, Lion Tamer for the local club. Polio Finances Challenging To Local Citizens The Rev. L. L. Brown offered the invocation. Harold Dreyfus, president of the Bryan Lion’s Club acted as master of ceremonies for the program. Dreyfus presented Halpin with a bell and gavel for the College Sta tion Club as a gift from the Bryan organization. In presenting the charter to the new College Station club, Walker . said, “It’s academic that one gets ' out of a thing in proportion what he puts into it. It is only hard work that gets any job done.” Tail Twister Entertains The group was entertained with several comical stunts performed on various members and their wives by tail twisters Hielscher of the Bryan club and the Rev. Orin G\ Helvey of the local group. Mrs. R. W. Butler offered two vocal selections during the pro gram. She was accompanied on the piano by Mrs. A. D. Medlin. Guests at the banquet included Gibb Gilchrist, chancellor of the A&M System; Roland Dansby, mayor of Bryan; A. C. McGee, president of the College Station Kiwanis Club; and Marlow Fisher, state Lion’s Club secretary. Also attending the banquet were representatives from Waco, Con roe, Bellville, Brenham, East End Lion’s Club of Houston, Bryan, Navasota, and Houston Central Lion’s Club. Music for dancing was provided for the guests after the meeting was adjourned. Approval Is Given To $200,000 City Utility Bond Issue By JOEL AUSTIN Battalion City Editor Voters of College Station gave an overwhelming approv al of the $200,000 utility bond issue yesterday to open a path for the city council to go ahead with its plans for expansion and extensions to the water, sewer, and electrical services. Two hundred eighty-four votes was the largest total amount cast for any portion of the bond money. This was the approval on $20,000 for the expansion of water facilities. Two hundred sixty-two votes were cast for the bond issue with 22 dissenting marks on the ballots. The $70,000 earmarked for electrical extensions re ceived approval from 267 voters with 15 votes cast against it. City officials were surprised to see this part of the issue re- -fceive nine negative votes in Ward two, located in College Hills, the area where practically all the mon ey will be spent to bring about low er electric rates for those people. Largest Amount Approved The largest amount of the total issue approved by the voters was $110,000 for the eventual construc tion of a sewage disposal plant for College Station. Two hundred fif ty-nine people said yes to this divi sion with 25 disapproving the bond issue for this purpose. As predicted before the balloting, Ward two polled the largest num ber of votes in the city. One hun dred forty-five voters visited the polls, located at Black’s Pharmacy, during the period from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. as compared with 112 at the Ward I box located at Gries- ser’s Electric Shop. Only 27 votes were cast at the Ward three box at the City Hall. Mayor Ernest Langford says he and the city council appreciates the vote of confidence local citizens paid them by approving the bond issue by such a large margin. “Although it isn’t the largest to tal vote recorded for a bond issue (See BOND ISSUE, Page 4) H. C. Petry, Jr. Challenged by the most ser ious financial problem in 13 years of fighting polio, the annual March of Dimes this year will be conducted in Bra zos County and throughout the na tion during the two-week period from January 15 to 31, it was an nounced today by H. T. Blackhurst, county campaign chairman. “Last year was the third suc cessive year of unusually high pol io incidence,” Blackhurst said, “with the result that our backlog of cases is steadily increasing. We must continue to help all those who need assistance and at the same time press forward our research program aimed at finding a means of preventing polio. “It is a double-barrelled job and we will need a lot of help—from everyone.” Blackhurst predicted this year’s March of Dimes would be “the most intensive of its kind in local his tory.” He said March of Dimes com mittees were now being organized and that all members chosen thus far were determined that “this year’s appeal will set a new record to match the increased size of the need.” Graduation Invitations At Student Activities Graduation invitations for sen iors graduating in January may be picked up at the Student Activ ities Office, according to C. G. White, Manager of Student Activ ities. Aggie-Ex Club Heads Hold Planning Meet Presidents of A&M former stu dent clubs over the state met here Saturday and Sunday for their an nual discussion session on prob lems of their organizations, and to hear students and college officials discuss athletics and student life of the past year. Meeting in the Memorial Student Center, the group heard student life discussed by students and col lege officials, a report on athletics over the past year, and a commen tary on what the college has done the past year and its future plans. Saturday afternoon six students and C. G. “Spike” White presented a discussion on student life and ac tivities. Cadet Colonel of the Corps A. D. Martin gave a report on cadet corps activities for this year. Bill Parse, president of the Student Senate, followed with an explanation of his organization and its activities. Dave Coslett and Clayton Selph, co editors of The Battalion, discussed student activities and publications and the Student Life Committee. Curtis Edwards, corps chaplain, outlined student religious activities for the group, and Joe Fuller talked on Memorial Student Center activi ties and operations. White’s topic was “Operation High School,” a program designed to bring top high school students to A&M. Later the presidents discussed objectives and projects of their clubs and heard a report on a foot ball film circulating library by Tom Murrah ’38. Saturday evening the former stu dents were guests at the Annual Athletic Banquet sponsored by the Brazos County A&M Club and the college athletic department. Following a breakfast in the MSC Sunday morning, the group heard a report on activities and plans of the college by President M. T. Harrington. Barlow “Bones” Irvin, athletic director and Harry Stiteler, head football coach, reported on “athle tics in general, football in particu lar.” Concluding their session yester day morning, the presidents heard E. E. McQuillen discuss the Oppor tunity Award Program and dis cussed A&M club fund objectives. Texas Journalists Aggie Players to Meet A meeting of the Aggie Players will be held Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. in the Music Hall. The production for March is “What Every Woman Knows by J. M. Barrie. Persons interested in parts in this play should attend the meeting, A portion of the Texas editor’s attending the in itiation of Sigma Delta Chi, professional jour nalism fraternity, last night, stop on their way to the banquet held in the Assembly Room in the MSC. Left to right they are George Fall, Cald well News; Ted Rickenbacher, Hearne Democrat; Tom Whithead, Brenham Banner Press; Harry Johnston, Houston Post; W. B. Crossley, Madison- ville Meteor; George Carmack, Houston Press; Robert W. Akers, Beaumont Enterprise; David Read, Silsbee Bee; John H. Manthey, Jr., Cleve land Advocate; J. C. Smyth, Liberty Vindicator; Fred Hartman, Baytown Sun; and O. J. Wilker- son, Port Nueces Chronicle. New Coach R. C. “Beau” Bell Bell, new Aggie baseball coach, is shown wearing a St. Louis Brown uniform 14 years ago. He was captain of the first champ ionship baseball team in A&M’s history in 1931, the same year he was chosen All-American by the College Humor Magazine. During his big league stay, Bell compiled batting averages of .345 and .340 in 1936 and 1937. In 1937 he led the American League in two base hits as well as total base hits. Candidates Named For Phi Kappa Phi A&M’s chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, national senior honor society, recently announced election of 45 new members. The students named in the announcement will be ini tiated Tuesday, Jan. 16, at 7:30 p. m. in the Assembly Room of the MSC. The local chapter, headed by W. A. Varvel of the Education and Psychology Department, was in stalled here in 1949. Phi Kappa Phi is the only honor society on the campus that chooses nominees from all four of the schools here. Members are elected on the bas is of scholarship, usually during their last semester in school. Ap proximately one-third of the most eligible candidates, though, are elected in the semester before graduation. Represents Top Sixteenth To be eligible a student must be in the top sixteenth of the graduating class. Newly elected members will be informed of their election by let ter. They have been requested to get in touch with Fred J. Benson of the Civil Engineering Depart ment, treasurer for the group, if they accept the election. An initiation fee of $8.50 is re- Junior Prom Date Will Be April 14 The date of the Junior Prom has been changed from Feb. 10 to April 14, Harold Chandler, class president, announced last night. All reservations for rooms in the Memorial Student Center have been changed to the new date. The banquet will be held in eith er Duncan or Sbisa Hall on the night of the Prom. Changing of the date was for two reasons, Chandler said. Cold weather ruled the Star light Terrace out if the Prom were held in February. Additional dancing space in the Assembly Room was not available because of previous reservations. April 14 the Assembly Room, the Terrace, and the Ball Room will be available for the Class of ’52’s dance. Dr. Clark Attends Speech Convention Dr. Jack P. Clark of the English Department attended a meeting of American Speech Association in New York. The meeting was held Dec. 27 and 28. Clark demonstrated the use of various devices for the correction of. speech defects. During his stay in New York, Clark also attended the meetings of the America Folklore Associa tion and Modem Language Asso ciation. quired of all new members to cover the cost of a key or lapel pin, a certificate of membership, a year’s subscription to the National Jour nal of Phi Kappa Phi and a year’s dues to the society. Social Period Planned At next week’s initiation cere monies, light refreshments will be served during a social period. Wives of new members and of pre sent student and faculty members have been invited by Society Pres ident Varvel to attend the initiation and social period. Other officers of the group are E. C. Klepple of the Mathematics Department, vice-president, and R. L. Patrick of the Agricultural En gineering Department, secretary. Summer Graduates New members who graduated last summer are William G. Adkins, Gilbert V. Cham bers, School of Agriculture; Den nis E. Feigenspan, James S. Gup- ton, George K. Harding and Earl A. Wawak, School of Engineering; and Joseph C. Fraziers, Jr., Henry R. Grove and Loyd C. Smith, School of Arts and Sciences. January graduates named on the announcement are Carlton J. Chapman and Vernon G. Pool, School of Agriculture; Harry L. Butler, Floyd J. Carroll, Arthur F. Clevenger, Eugene Harrison and Billy G. Langford, School of En gineering; and Thomas E. Field, Bill A. Owens and Charles F. Wardle, School of Arts and Sci ences. Reds at Heels Of Retreating US 8th Army Tokyo, Jan. 9—UP)—Communist forces driving fast on the heels of the retreating U. S. Eighth Army attacked Allied rearguards today 13 aand 14 miles southeast of Osan. The attack put the Reds only 50 miles from the Kum River where the U. S. 24th Division began its tragic defense of Taejon last July. In the central sector, hard-fighting Allied troops slowed the massive Red manpower push toward the heart of South Korea. The Korean Communists, bulwarked now by hundreds of thousands of Chinese who entered the war when the Allies almost had it won, were retracing their route of summer conquest into south Korea. The Reds walked into abandoned Osan Monday. Osan, 28 miles south of Seoul, is the town near where the first ♦’American soldier of the Korean ll/f ■ war was killed last July. January Meet Scheduled Here By Eng meers The mid-winter meeting of the drawing division of the American Society for Engi neering Education will b e held here Jan. 18-20 W. E. Street, head, Engineering Depart ment, is program chairman and a member of the executive commit tee. Prof. Ralph S. Paffenbarger of Ohio State University is chairman of the drawing division of the ASEE and Prof. Clifford H. Springer, University of Illinois, is secretary-treasurer. Top-flight men in the engineer ing field will appear on the pro gram, including Prof. A. S. Levens, professor of engineering design, University of California; Homer Briggs, Reed Roller Bit Company, Houston; R. M. Sherman, Waco, co owner of Central Texas Iron Works; Prof. J. H. Porsch, chair man of engineering drawing and descriptive geometry, Purdue Uni versity; Fred E. Weick, research engineer and distinguished pro fessor of aeronautical engineering, at A&M; Elgin B. Robertson, Dal las, member of the Texas Society of Professional Engineers and the National Society of Professional Engineers. Prof. H. C. Spencer, director of technical drawing department, Ill inois Institute of Technology; Prof H. L. Henry, Louisiana Polytech nic Institute; Prof R. M. Coleman, in charge of engineering drawing, Texas Western College, El Paso; Prof. R. P. Hoelscher, head of the general engineering drawing de partment, University of Illinois. The Bryan Acapella choir, direct ed by Thomas Hardy, will give numbers at the dinner meeting, Street says. City Council Meets At 3 p.m. Today The College Station City Coun cil meets this afternoon in a spec ial called session after postpone ment of the regular second Mon day meeting, Mayor Ernest Lang ford announced yesterday. The meeting, which gets under way at 3 p. m., is expected to have on its agenda the council’s plans to use the bond money voted in yesterday’s $200,000 utility bond election. Communist forces rushed Tues day into the Osan area, massing for the continuing pursuit of the fleeing Eighth Army. The Reds moved artillery southward across the Han River at Seoul. An Eighth Army spokesman said one force estimated at 10,000 troops was spotted near Osan. Allied pilots said Communist troops were clogging the roads south of Seoul and in the Wonju area 55 miles southeast. Ane air man said: “I’ve never seen so many people on the roads up there. They were all moving south.” The airmen were ordered to shoot up all groups behind Com munist lines, whether in or out of uniform, except for obvious family groups or children. Sheep’s Clothing The order was provoked by the Reds’ persistent use of civilian clothing to camouflage their troops. Thousands of Chinese and Kore an Red soldiers clad in wdiite civ ilian clothing have infiltrated ref ugee columns passing into Allied lines. Pilots spotted 4,000 Reds chang ing Monday from uniform to peas ant clothing. A Red patrol attacked two Al lied companies early Tuesday 13 miles southeast of Osan. Red mor tar fire showered another U,N. company 14 miles southeast of Os an. Allied forces drove off tha Red patrol. Low clouds, rain and snow Tues day hampered air attacks and ob servation of Communist troop movements. But one F-80 Shoot ing Star jet strike swept through ground-hugging clouds south of Seoul and shot up Chinese field pieces. This was the first report that the Reds had moved big guns south across the Han River. Correction A story printed in Monday’s Battalion concerning summer camp was wrong. The story should have said juniors taking AF ROTC at the present time and who will graduate from school after the end of the 1951- 52 school year will be deferred from summer camp. AF ROTC Summer camps will be conducted only for students who will complete their AF ROTC and academic work within the current academic year, or before the end of the school year 1951-52. The writer of the story has been properly chastised. His fingers were dipped in the mol ten lead for six minutes. Those Who Want to Can Stay—Zinn Armed Services Lured 111 Of Semester’s Drop-Outs By ANDY ANDERSON A&M has contributed 111 men to the different branches of ser vice since September according to figures obtained from the office of the dean of men. These 111 resignations represent 31.4 percent of all resignations since the beginning of school. There were a total of 350 resigna tions up to 5 p. m. yesterday. A breakdown of the resignations shows that 27 men quit during September. October claimed 22 men to service. During November the number dropped to 8. This may be explained by the change in policy of the Selective Service Commis sion at that time. There were two resignations prior to the 15th of December. Just before everyone went home for Christmas a rash of resigna tions were turned in and since Dec. 15, there have been a total of 52 more. This is almost equal to the number who resigned the previous three months,. “Some of the men who resigned saying they were going to enter service were failing and would probably have been drafted in the very near future” says Bennie Zinn, assistant to the dean of men. This could account for a small percentage of the resignations but draft boards were breathing down the necks of most of the men who resigned. If you plan to resign because you think the. draft board is go ing to call you immediately, drop in at Zinn’s office in Goodwin Hall. Along with this, remember the ruling that the Academic Council announced yesterday. If you have passing grades and are a graduat ing senior, you can get full credit after nine weeks of the semester have elapsed. Others who have gone for 11 weeks will obtain credit for the course in which they have a B average or better and after 13 weeks those with a C average or better will be given full credit. The above rules will be ef fective only if a man remains in school until the approximate date of call, he has made all efforts feasible to obtain deferment and he submits to the Dean of the College a petition accompanied by a copy of orders to duty and statement of effort to secure a postponement or de ferment of the effective date of the call. Zinn said that he would be glad to help anyone who is unable to obtain deferment if they wanted to remain in school. It is his belief that anyone who really wants to stay in school may do so.