The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 08, 1951, Image 1

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Ae^ s
s Circulated to
More Than 90% of
College Station’s Residents
The Battalion
Isolationism, Aid
Problem Discussed
See Editorials, Page Two
Number 71: Volume 51
Price Five Cents
College to Give Credits
Students. called into service be- courses passing with a grade of i
Scotland Yard to the Rescue
Of The ‘Stone of Scene’Rock Allied Rearguard Force
'fore graduation or the end of the
semester may receive credit for
course in progress on their grades
at the time of their induction, the
Academic Council has announced.
Credit will be given to students
in two categories, candidates for
graduation at the end of the semes
ter in which their call is received
and students who are not candi
dates for degrees.
After nine weeks of class work,
I candidates for graduation may re-
/ ceive full semester credit for all
I courses in which they have cur
rent averages of A, B, C, and D.
;• Undergraduates who remain in
U school for a period of 11 weeks
class work may receive full-se
mester credit for all courses in
’■which they have current averages
of A and B. Those who remain foi
ls weeks of class work may re
ceive full-semester credit for all
C or better.
Credit will be given if the stu
dents qualifies in three provisions.
® The student shall remain in
school until the approximate date
of his call.
® A student to be eligible for
credit under above regulations shall
have made all efforts feasible to
secure deferments to the end of
the semester. Existing laws and
regulation permit deferments and
postponments in many cases.
® A student to receive such cre
dit shall submit to the Dean of the
College a petition accompanied by
a copy of his call to service and
statement of his effort to secm-e
a postponment or deferment of the
effective date of the call.
The Executive Committee also
adopted a plan to assist men
who volunteer.
Volunteers will be given credit
in courses. The provisions adopted
read as follows: “The above pro
visions shall also apply to students
not now in the Armed Service on
a reserve status who desire to
volunteer for service in a parti
cular arm or branch with the pro
visions that such students shall
remain in college until the ap
proximate date of their entrance
on active duty.”
Early Check
Shows Light
Bond Voting
Voting on the $220,000 util
ity bond issue got off to a
late start in College Station
this morning with only 14
ballots reported filed at the
three precinct boxes,
p. Ward one at Griesser’s Electric
Shop listed six ballots marked at
10 a.m. (two hours after the polls
ffppened), ward two box at Black’s
• -Pharmacy had a like amount votes
j- cast, and only two.ballots were re-
| corded at ward three box at the
I City Hall.
Election judges at the three pre-
I cinct boxes said they expbcted
^ many more votes to come in dur
ing the lunch hour and after work
hours this afternoon. The polls
are scheduled to stay open until
7 p.m.
V i The $200,000 bond issue, if
passed, will provide $70,000 for
electrical extensions, $110,000 for
eventual construction of a sewage
disposal plant, and $20,000 for
water main extensions and main
City oficials have pointed out
that voting may be done on each
■ division of the issue as a separate
part, accepting and rejecting any
combination of the three as the
voter wishes.
If the election is successful, all
bonds okehed by voters today will
be paid off with income from water
and sewer revenue, leaving the
electric fund for other uses.
Shivers Against
Superboard For
Texas Colleg es
London, Jan. 8—(iP)—Scotland Yard officials pored to
day over a small oak plaque which may provide the first
tangible evidence toward unravelling the mystery of the
missing Stone of Scone.
The plaque, which bears the history of the Scottish cor
onation stone, was found Saturday by Albert Edkins, 29-
year-old gardener, on a bombed site. It was near Westmin
ster Abbey, from which the relic was stolen Christmas morn
The 8 by 10 inch piece of oak is believed to be one which
rested at the foot of the coronation chair. The inscription
“Coronation chair. Made by Walter, the King’s painter,
at command of Edward I, 1300-1301, to contain the Stone of
Scone, brought by the King from Scotalnd. In this chair
every sovereign has been crowned since King Edward II.”
Scottish nationalists are generally believed to have stol
en the 458-pound stone.
Yields Wonju to Reds
Tokyo, Jan. 8—lA*)—Allied rear- of Pusan,
guard forces yielded the ruins of Wonju’s defenders battled Sat-
Wonju to an overwhelming horde urday, Sunday and Sunday night
of Chinese and North Korean Reds to keep the Red hordes from sweep-
today after a bitter holding action | ing into the gateway city to the
that bought precious time.
Red troops entered the burning
road and rail centers as U. N.
forces withdrew to new positions.
The Allies had fought fiercely
for the city, 55 miles southeast of
Seoul, to buy time for the main
body of U. N. forces to retreat
southwestward from Seoul on the
road leading to the southeast port
heart of South Korea. A web of
roads lead from Wonju into the
Held at bay by the grim defend
ers were seven Chinese armies, pos
sibly 210,000 men, and their Ko
rean Red comrades.
Then the defenders abandoned
the town and its airstrip. Allied
warplanes strafed and fire-bombed
Council Names Bell
As Baseball Coach
R. C. “Beau” Bell, class of 1931 and was chosen on the American
A proposed new superboard
for Texas colleges drew op
position Saturday from Gov.
Allan Shivers, the Associated
Press reported.
“I don’t want to see any more
boards,” Shivers said. “A study
group for colleges would be OK.
Study should come before solution.”
The comment came in reply to a
question concerning a legislative
council committee, which tentative
ly recommended setting up a new
board to co-ordinate the far-flung
state college system and sc
proposed additions to it.
Proposal of the “board of regents
for Texas public higher education”
was made at a meeting- of the
Council on the A&M Campus last
Provisions are for a board of
nine members with staggered terms
of six years each to be appointed
by the governor and confirmed by
the State Senate.
If adopted, the recommendation
for a top board would prevent ex
pansion of existing programs of
the various, state institutions with
out the approval of the proposed
Existing boards, such as A&M’s
board of directors, would still func
tion, but would be co-ordinated by
the superboard.
The committee completed its ses
sion Saturday without arriving at
a specific plan on how the co-or
dinating agency should be estab
at A&M and player for eight years
in the major league, was named
varsity baseball coach by the Ath
letic Council in its meeting Sat
urday afternoon.
Bell, who is presently working
on his master's degree at the Uni
versity of Houston, replaces Marty
Karow who resigned last summer
to return to his old school, Ohio
State. Bell’s appointment becomes
effective at the beginning of the
Spring semester.
Only other important business of
the council was acception of the
resignation of line coach Bill Du-
Bose. DuBose is to become new end
coach for the University of Texas.
Born at Bellville in 1907, Bell
graduated from Bellville High
School in 1927 and enrolled at
A&M. He lettered two years in bas
ketball and three years on the
baseball team 1929-1931. He w r as
captain of the first championship
baseball team in A&M’s history in
1931. He was chosen all-American
by the College Humor Magazine in
Purchased by Browns
Upon graduation from college he
signed a professional baseball con
tract with Galveston of the Texas
League, remaining there until he
was purchased by the St. Louis
Browns of the American League in
1934. While at Galveston, Bell es
tablished a modern Texas League
record of two base hits for one
season which stood until 1949.
At St. Louis the new coach com
piled batting averages of .345 and
.340 in 1936 and 1937. In 1937 he
led the American League in two
base hits as well as total base hits,
League All Star Team.
Bell was traded to Detroit in
1939 and was a member of the
Cleveland Indians in 1940 and 1941.
By 1942 he was in Toledo with the
American Association. From there
he went into the Army.
After his discharge from the
Army he became playing manager-
in 1947 of Austin in the newly
formed Big State League. That
was his last year with organized
For Non Graduates
Summer Camps for AF ROTC
cadets during the summer of 1951
will be conducted for only stu
dents who will complete their aca
demic and military work within
the current academic year or the
academic year of 1951-52, Col. E.
W. Napier, PAS&T, announced.
The official directive was sent
from the headquarters of Air
a f T 10TC to Colonel Napier.
All students whose. academic or
. mmitary work will not be complet
ed in time will have summer camp
Colonel Napier believed the
new directive represented the ini
tiation of a new Air Force policy.
Cut he warned the new order does
not mean summer camp will no
longer be required before an Air
Force cadet is commissioned.
Col. H. L. Boatner, commandant
and PMS&T, advised that no
change in the plans for conduct
ing ROTC summer camps for the
Army have been received.
Nine to Speak
At Real Estate
Panel Jan. 10
Nine specialists in various
fields of Real Estate will
make up the Panel for an in
formal discussion to be held
Wednesday evening at 7:30 in
the) MSG Assembly Room.
The discussion, sponsored by the
Department of Business Adminis
tration, is presented through the
cooperation of the Houston Real
Estate Board and the University of
Houston Downtown School.
Louis L. Strey, Chairman of the
Educational Committee of the Tex
as Real Estate Association, is in
charge of the meeting. He will be
assisted by Charles H. Hurlock,
who serves the Houston Real Es<-
tate Board in the same capacity.
Members of the panel, headed
by James C. Taylor, Director of
the University of Houston Down
town School, are Morris Lee, Ap
praising No. 1; Meredieth James,
Appraising No. 2; Harold F. Thu-
row, Real Estate Law; Clyde
Knapp, Property Management.
Charles Maybee, brokerage; V.
P. Ringer, Real Estate Finance;
Charles Bell Principles of Real
Estate; and Richard Boyce, Real
Estate Advertising.
Eighte Demerites—Ruffle Dirtie
Plates of Past Uniforms
Now Displayed At Center
Wonju after the withdrawal. Ait
ammunition train was blown up.
U. S. Eighth Army headquarters
said Allied casualties were light
during the holding action. Head
quarters said fighting continued in
the Wonju area, east and west of
the city.
One battalion counterattacked
With U. S. Forces in Korea, Jan.
7—(Delayed) — OP) — Allied forces
have pulled back south of Osan, 28
air miles south of burned and aban
doned Seoul.
Osan is on the main highway
leading south from Seoul. The
first American soldier killed in ac
tion in the Korean war last July
fell at Osan.
Monday morning, but pulled back
after a brief fight. Planes attack
ed Reds on ridges on Wonju’s
The Allied rearguard still was
fighting desperately to block the
Reds from a southward sweep that
would menace the main body of
U. N. troops.
General MacArthur’s summary,
timed at 2:40 p.m. (12:40 a.m.,
EST), had reported U. N. troops
north of Wonju had withdrawn,
but gave no indication they had
given up the city. About noon, a
U. S. Eighth Army spokesman had
said: “As of the early hours today
(Monday) we still controlled Won
Heavy Red Casualties
MacArthur’s summary said
heavy casualties were inflicted on
the Reds. It reported Allied troops
had withstood heavy pressure on
Wonju’s east side.
The Communists had penetrated
the devastated city’s outskirts Sun
day only to be hurled out by a
So fierce was Allied resistance
that air observers saw Red troops
digging in two miles east of the
town. In one fight, Wonju’s de
fenders killed 470 North Koreans
and took 74 prisoners.
Ever since Washington led his
new colonial army across the Dela
ware to recapture Trenton, there
has existed, respectfully in termin
ology of US Army handbooks and
non-respectfully in vocabulary of a
a few others, what is known as
“the regulation uniform,”
It has taken the Army over a
hundred years to arrive at our
present, uniformed apparel of olive
drabs, khakis, and different shades
of green. Stages in this process
from 1776 to 1864 are depicted in
eight beautifully colored plates now
NTSC Opera Group Offers
Program Here January 17
Registrar Posts
Conflict Finals
A schedule of conflict final ex
aminations has bedn posted on the
first-floor bulletin board in the
Academic Building, according to
II. L.
iton, Registrar.
having conflicts not
d report to the Regis-
-! immediately.
U (
^ Profs Attend
Halpin will receive the official charter of the College Station
Lion’s Club tonight at a Charter Banquet from Walker who is
district governor of the Lion’s for Texas. Also featured on the
program for the evening which begins at 6:45 in the MSC Ball
Room, is H. C. Petry Jr., International president of the Lions.
Donizetti’s “Daughter of the
Regiment,” tenth production of the
North Texas State College Opera
Workship will be presented in
Guion Hail Jan. 17 at 7:30 p. m.
Directed by Miss Mary McCor-
mic of the NTSC School of Music,
and under the personal super
vision of Mary Garden, former
opera star, the operetta will ap
pear in Denton, Big Spring, Aus
tin and other Texas cities. C.
G. “Spike” White, assistant dean
of Men for Activities, said.
Dr. Walter H. Hodgson, dean of
the NTSC School of Music, will
conduct the NTSC Symphony Or
chestra during the performance
here and in the other cities.
Miss McCormic, producer of the
opera, has the distinction of being
the first American singer in 60
years to hold a contract with the
Paris Opera. She is also noted as
one of the most outstanding figures
in the opera of France for 14
A protege of Miss Garden,
Miss McCormic made her debut
singing Michaela in “Carmen”
with the Chicago Opera Com
Since joining the NTSC faculty
in 1944, Miss McCormic has pro
duced such operas as “The Choco
late Soldier”, “Bohemian Girl,”
“Rigoletto,” “Faust,” “Carmen,”
and “Romeo and Juliet.”
Truman to Ask for Sacrifices
A&Njl ^rigineering Meet
Four members of the Engineer
ing drawing faculty of the Univer
sity of Houston College of Engin
eering will attend a meeting here
Jan. 18, 19 and 20. The meeting
will be that of the Engineering
Drawing division of the American
Society for Engineering Educa
■ UH faculty members scheduled
to attend include M. L. Ray, act
ing dean; Carl P. Houston, admin
istrative assistant; Wilkye B. Lowe
and Burt Fraser,
Washington, Jan. 8—<2P)—Presi
dent Truman goes before Congress
today to ask approval of greater
national sacrifices—in services and
money—to speed preparations by
America and its friends against
new Communist attacks.
As the basis for these requests
to the new Congress, his Capitol
Hill lieutenants expected the Chief
Executive to defend vigorously his
policy of countering Communist
force with force in Korea and of
helping western Europe to rearm.
“State of the Union”
Mr. Truman arranged to deliver
bis annual “State of the Union”
message personally to a joint ses
sion in the House chamber (1 p.m
EST). The nation could see or
hear its delivery on any of the
major television or radio networks.
Despite the grim military situa
tion in Korea and the threat of
new Communist aggression else
where, Mr. Truman was expected
to hold out hope for peaceful set
tlement of the world’s problems.
For the President this may in
volve outlining in detail his for
eign policies, which have been un
der fierce and growing attack from
Republican leaders in and out of
Measure Bid
These GOP lawmakers and oth
ers will measure any bid for na
tional unity by what the President
has to say on specific issues.
For the 82nd Congress which em
barked on its two-year life last
Wednesday, the presidential mes
sage marks the beginning of a
struggle with problems greater
than any faced by lawmakers since
World War II, and generally con-1 as food, linked with an extension
ceded to be among tbe toughest in of federal rent controls.
® Limited economic aid for for-
the nation’s history.
Truman to Ask
In advance of the address, most
observers thought Mr. Truman was
virtually certain to ask for:
® Revision of the draft law to
boost the armed forces rapidly to
ward his announced goal of 3,500,-
000 men.
• A budget outlay running up to
$75,000,000,000 for the year begin
ning July 1, with the major share
going to the military buildup at
home and abroad.
® Up to $10,000,000,000 in new
taxes, with accompanying econo
mies in non-defense spending.
• Broadened powers to control
prices on such cost of living items
on display in the left wing hallway
of the MSC.
And after taking a good look
at those fastidiousi creations, one
can come only to the conclusion
that the Army has at last hit up
on the proper dress.
The uniform of the Independent
Corps of Cadets, a branch of the
Massachusetts Volunteer Militia of
1858 was representative of that
period. The members of that outfit
look like they should only be ready
to attend some fashionable soiree,
not ready to enter battle. The uni
form is described by a contemp
orary of the day.
“When escorting the Governor,
we wore a gray uniform with black
felt chapeau with a big red plume,
which was very comfortable to the
head except when the wind blew. In
a rain storm, it delivered the water
well to the front and rear . . . For
parades of less moment, we wore a
stiff leather shako with a red pom
pom and white and red rosette in
front that was the most perfect
bullseye I ever saw. . . ”
Another plate shows the Marine
Corps uniform of from 1805 to
1818. It changed for the better.
Between fights with Barbary cor
sairs, naval engagements on the
Great Lakes, and skirmishes in
Florida, these men wore a fancy
outfit consisting of a single breast
ed suit with one row of gold but
tons and yellow trimmings on each
side, a pair of white cloth panta
loons, and black cloth gaiters to
the knees.
A plate of the Virginia Dra
goon uniform of 1810 shows one
of the more radical getups. It
consists of a short green coat
with buttons, lining, half-lapels,
cuffs and capes of white; white
vests and leather breeches, with
Jack boots, spurs and black
stocks, and a black leather cap
dressed on the crown with the
skin of a bear.”
The display was given to tbe
college by the Military Collector
and Historian, a society which pub
lishes a quarterly magazine dealing
with hand colored prints of Amer
ican military and naval costume, in
signia, arms, and equipment.
Mayor Postpones
Council Meeting
The College Station City Council
will not meet tonight as previously
scheduled, Mayor Ernest Langford
announced yesterday. Important
social functions involving several
council members was given as rea
son for the meeting postponment.
Mayor Langford said the meet
ing will probably be held Tuesday
or Wednesday night.
Dimes Drive Set
To Begin Jan. 15
eign nations, particularly in the
“point four” field of assistance to
the world’s undeveloped areas.
No Details
Details of the new budget for the
year starting July 1 will not come
until next Monday, when Mr. Tru
man will present his budget mes
sage to Congress. Still later will
come the annual economic message.
All three g-o to a Congress domi
nated by a coalition of Republicans
and southern Democrats. This co
alition is effective in the domestic
field and in the past has blocked
many of the President’s “Fair
Deal” proposals, but it does not
generally function in the foreign
policy field,
The uniform of the 6th Virginia
Regiment in 1776 consisted of a
hunting shirt and overalls. A buck’s
tail is hung on the hat. This getup
is shown in another plate.
The first uniform order to this
organization pointed out that
“these attentials (regulations gov
erning uniform) may appear tri
vial, but they are in fact of con
siderable importance, as they tend
to give what is called Espirit de
Corps, without which Regiments
never grow to Reputation.”
Other plates depict musicians of
the 1st Infantry Regiment of the
1812 vintage, the Regiment of
Mounted Riflemen of 1847, the 16th
Infantry Regiment of 1812, and the
Hesse-Cassel Fusilier Regiment of
The Annual Brazos
March of Dimes campaign gets
underway officially Jan. 15 with
the College Station Lion’s Club
sponsoring the drive as its first
big project.
H. T. Blackhurst of the Lion’s
Club was named chairman of the
fund this year. Robert S. Cain will
be publicity director, with the Rev.
Orin G. Helvey scheduled to serve
as treasurer.
Money raised in the dimes cam
paign will be used by the National
Infantile Paralysis Foundation, the
Texas State Department of Health,
and the local Polio Foundation for
aid and research for polio and
polio patients.
Eight Cases Reported
Approximately eight cases of
poliomyelitis were reported in Bra
zos County during 1950 according
to Dr. David E. Brown, director
of the Brazos County Health Unit.
Dr. Brown said this figure com
pared with a slightly smaller total
of six for 1949.
“The thing that amazes us is
that most of the cases have been
in and around College Station,” the
doctor commented. “In fact the
majority of the College Station
cases have been localized in one
residential area which has made
it even more difficult for us to
understand,” he added.
One polio death was recorded by
the county health unit, Dr. Brown
State Figure Reaches 2,778
The Texas State Department of
Health reported a grim new record
set in 1950—2,778 polio cases for
the year.
Never before in state history
have so many cases been reported
during a 12-month peidod. Eight
cases occurred during the last week
in December.
Two hundred and one counties
out of the state’s 254 were in
volved in the 1950 outbreak. The
disease reached its peak on Aug
ust 12, when 131 Texans fell ill.
That marked the greatest single
County weekly incidence ever to be re
At that time, State Health Of
ficer George W. Cox predicted that
3,000 cases would be diagnosed be
fore the year ended. He missed
his estimate by 222.
Early in the polio season, Dr.
Cox pledged the facilities “of the
entire State Department of Health”
to local communities in combating
polio. The health agency’s labor
atory and field personnel, working
in cooperation with civic organiza
tions and local health units, were
credited with keeping the epidemic
from reaching even greater pro
201 Texas Polio Deaths
State health department death
records show 201 polio deaths
through the first 11 months of
1950, and 192 deaths from that
cause during all of 1949. Complete
death figures are not yet avail
able for December, a department
spokesman said.
Twenty-eight counties had 20 or
more cases in 1950; ten had more
than 50 cases; six had more than
100 cases; and three counties—
Dallas, Harris, and Tarrant—had
more than 200 cases each. Those
thi-ee areas represent the most pop
ulous regions in Texas.
The 1951 March of Dimes drive
lasts from Jan. 15 to 31.
Semester Classes
To End January 18
First semester classes will end
5 p. m. Thursday, January 18, it
was decided at a meeting of the
Academic Council. Examinations
will begin Saturday, January 20.
Second semester classes will end
5 p. m. Thursday, May 24, and
examinations begin Saturday, May
Exemption lists will be posted
not later than 5 p. m. January 18
and May 24, C. C. French, dean of
the college, said.