The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 28, 1950, Image 1

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More Than 90% of
College Station’s Residents
The Battalion
Nation's Top
Safety Section
Lumberman’s 1949 Contest
Number 68: Volume 51
Price Five Cents
Atmar, Cooper New
Additions To MSC
Operating Staff
A. C. Atmar has been named
Purchasing; Ag'ent, and A. C. Coo
per has been added to the Account
ing' Department oi‘ the Memorial
Student Center staff, J. Wayne
Stark, director, said this week.
Atmar replaces M. E. Thomas
who has been relieved of his duties
as acting Purchasing Agent and
promoted to the position of Assist
ant to Director Stark.
Over-All Supervisor
In his new post, Thomas will act
as one of the over-all supervisors in
both the Business, and Social and
Eductipnal Departments of the
MSC, Stark said. The new assistant
has been with the MSC for the past
two years.
The new purchasing agent has
Essay Brings
Junior Award
Twymann G. Williams’ es
say on “Sausage” placed third
in the national Saddle and
Sirloin Club Medal Essay
Contest and he was present
ed a bronze medal at ceremonies
in Chicago.
Williams is a junior, majoring
in animal husbandry. He is a
graduate of the Sherman high
school. His parents live on Route
8, Dallas.
The contest is sponsored by the
Saddle and Sirloin Club of the
Union Stockyards of Chicago. The
Saddle and Sirloin Club assigns
an essay subject each year. This
year the subject of sausage was
assigned. Any student in any agri
cultural school in the United
States is eligible.
The essay will be published in a
pamphlet along with those of the
first and second place winners and
distributed to colleges throughout
the nation.
The judges for the contest in
cluded outstanding journalists and
top men in the meat industry.
Commissions In
Regulars Offered 4
Four distinguished military stu
dents have been offered commis
sions as second lieutenants in the
regular army. The appointments
are effective January 1, 1951.
Students offered commissions
are Henry E. Brown, Overton;
Norman H. Riddle, DeKalb; Hor
ace M. Sanders Jr., San Antonio
and Doyle R. Avant of Laredo.
Final approval of the appoint
ments is contingent upon each can
didate passing a physical exami
nation and certain physical re
quirements. Each individual also
has the option of declining to ac
cept the commission.
Students tendered appointments
Will be permitted to accept the
commissions and will be granted
leave without pay to complete their
education for a higher degree, pro
vided the course will not require
more than two years, is of value
to the army and is approved by the
Position Analyst
Exams Announced
The U. S. Civil Service Commis
sion has announced an Occupation-
•al Analyst examination for filling
positions in the Department of De
fense, the Department of Labor,
and other Federal agencies in
Washington, D. C., and vicinity.
Salaries for these positions range
from $3825 to $6,400 a year.
To qualify n the examination,
applicants must have had respon
sible experience or experience and
education in one or more fields of
personnel administration. In addi
tion, they must have had experi
ence in making analyses of jobs
and job families and in formulat
ing job specifications. Appropriate
college education may be substi
tuted for all or part of the expe
rience, depending on the grade of
the position. Applicants may also
be required to take a written test.
Detailed information about the
examination and application forms
may be obtained from most first-
and second-class post offices, from
Civil Service regional offices, or
from the U. S. Civil Service Com
mission, Washington 25, D. C. Ap
plications should be sent to the
Commission’s Washington office
and must be received not later than
January 9, 1951.
Ipoh, Malaya—(d?) — Kindness
doesn’t always pay. A 43-year-old
woman, Tan Say Mooi, was fined
$20 for trespassing into the police
compound. She was arrested while
trying to hand a packet of roast
pork to a prisoner.
been employed by local firms for
the past 10 years, eight of which
were spent with as buyer and sales
manager for the Lawrence Whole
sale Grocery in Bryan. He has also
worked with the Parker-Astin
Hardware Company.
Atmar’s offices will be in the
lower level offices with other MSC
staff members. Phone calls will be
channeled through the regular
switchboard, the director said.
Sons Are Students
Atmar’s two sons are presently
enrolled here. Jerry is a senior
wildlife management major. Dick is
a sophomore student majoring in
architecture. Atmar himself is a
graduate of Crockett High School,
and later attended Southwest Tex
as State Teachers College in San
Marcos, and the University of Tex
Cooper Newest Accountant
Cooper, newest addition to the
MSC’s Accounting Department, is a
former employee of the Charlie
Cade Jr. Company, automobile
dealers in Bryan where he served
as office manager and accountant.
He also served as Collector of In
ternal Revenue in Dallas for three
years before accepting local em
Cooper and his family reside in
Bryan. His daughter, Elizabeth, is
employed as secretary in the Man
agement-Engineering- Department.
His only son, David, attends Bryan
high school.
Local Scouts Plan Banquet
The annual Brazos district Boy
Scout dinner scheduled for 6:30
p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 2, will be held
in Duncan Hall instead of Sbisa
Hall as previously announced, by
W. L. Penberthy, banquet arrange-
24 Division Force
Expected By July 1
Washington, Dec. 28—(A 5 )—The
army expects to have a combat
force equivalent to 24 divisions
w-hen it reaches its current expan
sion goal next July 1.
Although the figure used by the
defense department involves only
18 divisions, an army official told
a reporter today that the fighting
force will be augmented by the so-
called regimental combat teams to
equal the strength of 24 full divi
A. C. Atmar
Atmar has been named to the
post of Purchasing Agent for
all MSC supplies. He takes ov
er the position vacated by M. E.
Thomas who was recently pro
moted to assistant to the direc
Ag Swine Center
Opens in Spring
The Swine Division of the Ani
mal Husbandry Department plans
to be in the new- Swine Center by
next Spring, Fred Hale, director-
said today.
Main attraction of the new cen
ter is a modern $130,000 laboratory
and swine barn, especially built
and equipped for teaching and
demonstration purposes.
The Center has 80 feeding pens,
and 40 farrowing pens along with
the necessary lots and equipment
for the program,s he added
Research done on the feeding
of cotton seed meal to swine has
been more valuable alone than the
original cost of the program, Hale
Engineer Council
Sets Spring Dance
An informal dance for members,
both student and faculty, of the
School of Engineering and their
guests will be held March 9 in
the MSC Ball Room, according to
Jes Mclver, president of the En
gineer Council.
When the Korean war started,
the army had 10 divisions, with
none of them at full war strength
except for a division in Germany.
There were about three divisions
in the United States. Only one of
these, the 82nd Airborne, had any
thing approaching effective
strength and that was only 60 or
70 per cent of full strength.
At the present time, the army
has 11 regular divisions, plus four
National Guard divisions and two
Guard regimental combat teams
which have been brought into fede
ral service. Two more guard divi
sions will be federalized next
month. All guard units must be
trained and brought up to full
strength after being inducted into
the federal army.
Another regular army division
will be formed in late spring or
early next summer.
This, it was learned, will be an
armored outfit. Currently the army
has only one armored division, the
2nd which has been based at Camp
Hood, Texas.
An 18,000-man infantry division
is a self-contained fighting unit,
with supporting weapons, including
tanks and artillery. A regimental
team is a small-sized infantry di
vision, usually consisting of about
5,000 men. Depending on the mis
sion assigned to it, it may include
elements of infantry, artillery and
armor, in varying proportions.
Local Polio Victim
Dies; Services Held
Funeral services were held Mon
day afternoon for Mrs. Margaret
Sauer wdio passed aw-ay last Fri
day afternoon in a Waco hospital.
Stricken with polio three weeks
ago, Mrs. Sauer is the wife of C.
A. Sauer, an instructor in the En
glish Department here.
Rev. C. F. Pitts, pastor of the
College Avenue Baptist church,
was assisted by Rev. A. T. Day,
pastor of the First Presbyterian
church, in conducting the last rites.
Interment was in the College
Station city cemetery.
Beside her husband, and daugh
ter, Mary Ruth, Mrs. Sauer is sur
vived by her parents. Rev. and
Mrs. W. J. Mitchell of Winnepeg,
V. M. Faires Named
To Engineer Group
V. M. Faires, professor of mechan
ical engineering, and head of Post
Graduation Studies at A&M, has
been named to the committee on im
provement of engineering teach
ing of the American Society for
Engineering Education.
His appointment makes A&M one
of the two southern engineeiing
schools represented on the commit
tee, which is composed of engin
eering faculty members of such
schools as Cornell University, Car
negie Tech, Ohio State, Massachu-
sets Institute of Technology, Uni
versity of Illinois, California Tech
and Purdue.
ments chairman, said.
Early reports indicate that tick
et sales are going well, and that
the crowd will exceed last years
record of 540, said Linton Jones,
district chairman in charge of tick
et sales. Tickets may be purchased,
from him or from Thomas Lee at
the College Station State Bank.
Troop committeemen and Scout
masters also have tickets available.
Scouts in Charge
Eagle Scouts from Bryan and
College Station will have complete
charge of the program for the an
nual dinner meeting.
Master of ceremonies will be
Eagle Scout Julian Carsey, of
Troop 12, and Spencer Buchanan
of Troop 411 will direct the open
ing ceremony. Jack Burchard of
Troop 102 will give the invocation,
after which Jack Spell' of Troop 12
will introduce special guests.
More than 500 Scouts, Cubs, par
ents and friends of Scouting are
expected to be present for the din
ner to see and hear the program ar
ranged by Guy Deaton. High
lights of the scouting program dur
ing the past year will be presented.
Program Participants
William C. Bolmanski, of Troop
Games Featured At
Baptist Youth Fete
Sixty-five young people gathered
at the Baptist Student Center Sat
urday night at seven thirty for the
annual Baptist Student Union
Christmas party.
Jerry Burks was master of cere
monies and led the group through
almost two hours of many old and
new games.
After the game session everyone
was served cookies and cold drinks.
The serving of refreshments
brought to an end the party, how
ever many remained to join in with
the singing of Christmas songs.
81, will be in charge of the Cub
bing program presentation, while
Philip Buchanan, of Troop 411 will
be in charge of the Explorer unit
part of the program.
Dr. C. C. French is the only
speaker scheduled. He will be in
troduced by Albin Zak of Troop 81.
Installation of the district commit
tee, volunteer adult leaders who
will be in charge of Mike Barron
of Troop 81. Jake Hamlen, repre
senting the Sam Houston Area
Council, will be the installing of
Walter Parsons of Troop 102 will
direct the closing ceremony.
An added feature is a movie tak
en at the recent Boy Scout Jam
boree at Valley Forge, Pa. La
mar Carroll, of Troop 81, will MC
this feature.
War Front Action Lags;
Evacuation Data Given
Tokyo, Dec. 28—UP)—Hitherto unpub
lished details of sea evacuation of the 105,-
000-man U.S. 10th Corps from Hungnam
were disclosed today.
Correspondents who covered the evacua
tion were forbidden to give tactical particu
lars of the beachhead battle. Jit would tip
off the enemy on how the army might fight
in any similar future situation, said public
information officers who doubled as censors.
Apparently security considerations have
been erased by the inter-service scramble for
credit for the Hungnam evacuation, howev
er. Maj. Gen. Edward M. Almond’s head
quarters rushed out a special release today
to tell the world yesterday’s se
Among other things, he said the
enemy knew the when and where
of the evacuation.
“In this operation, we did not
have the surprise element of an
amphibious landing,” Almond was
quoted by a PIO. The enemy who
had us greatly outnumbered could
easily figure out which way we
would go and about when we would
go. There was only one way to go
—out through the port of Hung
Reporting Forbidden
Until Sunday afternoon, Corres
pondents on the beachhead had
been forbidden to write either
about the evacuation or Hungnam
port activities. The ban held af
ter the story was published in de
tail from Tokyo. Bulletins that
the final withdrawal had taken
place Saturday still were being
held Sunday when the Pentagon
broke the news in Washington.
That the enemy knew about it all
the time—came as no surprise to
correspondents. But the complete
turnabout in the Army’s official
position caused raised eyebrows.
“Given the opportunity,” Gener
al Almond said, “the enemy could
have pushed in with the 11 Chi
nese divisions we had been fighting
since late ovember and three more
orth Korean divisions. The Chi
nese divisions had been badly
mauled and the North Korean units
were at reduced strength but they
coul$ have given us a lot of troub
A&M Student
Back Home
From Greece
An A&M student, Edward H.
Hill, has been honored with a “Wel
come Home Breakfast” on the
Starlight Roof, Waldorf Astoria
hotel, New York, on his return to
this country from Greece.
Hill and 41 other American farm
youth left the United States from
Washington, D. C. early last June
for a trip to Europe under the In
ternational Farm Youth Exchange
Project, J. W. Potts, assistant ex
tension editor at A&M, pointed out.
The purpose of the exchange is to
build up a better relation and un
derstanding between the European
countries and the United States, he
Hill, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.
H. Hill of Garland, will return to
A&M next semester, Potts explain
He was elected program chair
man in the Collegiate 4-H Club at
Texas A&M Coliege and was one
of the four Texas delegates to the
national 4-H Club Camp, Washing
ton, D. C. in 1948, Potts stated.
Tokyo, Dec. 28—UP) — United Nation’s
forces manning the 150-mile defense line
across Korea’s midsection braced today
against the expected flood of massed Red
manpower. But there was little action.
General MacArthur predicted that more
than 19 Red divisions—up to 190,000 men—
would rush against his tightened new lines in
the next two weeks.
The U.N. commander said Communist
China has mobilized its “war effort on a na
tional scale.”
In his war summary, MacArthur said the
last known location of the 19 divisions, which
compose the Chinese Communists Fourth
Field Army, placed them in a pos
ition to hit the Eighth Army some
time between Jan. 1 and 10, He
said there were six Chinese corps
in the area and that limited at
tacks in lesser strength of one or
more armies (corps) could be
launched at any time, but a coor
dinated attack could be expected
by the 10th of next month.
“The character of a major mil
itary effort by the Chinese Com
munist government, though init
ially masked under the treacher
ous ruse of a “volunteer partici
pation”, is only too apparnet in
the deployment of all elements of
the Third and Fourth Field Ar
mies, which represent two out of
the five field armies constituting
the entire military structure of
China, “the communique said.
McFadden’s Work Praised
In Agricultural Magazine
Dr. Edgar S. McFadden, agrono
mist at the Agricultural Experi
ment Station, was honored in the
January issue of The Progressive
Farmer as “Man of the Year in
Service to Southern Agriculture”.
Every year since 1936 the maga
zine has recognized some man of
outstanding distinction. “This year
we recognize Edgar S. McFadden
of Texas A&M College, the South’s
world-famous plant breeder”, was
the editor’s note.
The article praises McFadden for
his work in transferring the rust
resistant qualities of feed wheat to
the bread wheats which resulted in
a new wheat called Hope.
“$400 million is a conservative
figure for savings during the war
years because of this great discov
ery. For all the millions of dollars
he has put in the pockets of far
mers, McFadden has profited not a
penny. He gave his discoveries to
farmers and humanity,” the article
Recent contributions of McFad
den to agriculture include the in
troduction of a new variety of flax
that promises to extend the Texas
winter flax belt another 100 miles
nodth; a new varitey of bailey that
is resistant to the four most de
structive barley diseases in the
Gulf Coast area; and a new variety
of wheat to meet the specials needs
Southern Texas has to offer.
In concluding, the article said,
“McFadden’s example should fire
many a disadvantaged farm boy
with new ambition and aspiration.
His work should give many a farm
er and farmer’s wife a new appre
ciation of the patient toils and
struggles of American farm scien
tists who work not for their own
gain, but for the welfare of man
A. C. Cooper
Newest addition to the MSC’s
Accounting Department, Cooper
is a former office manager and
accountant, and has served as an
Internal Revenue Collector in
Freshmen Set Ball;
Orchestra Named
The Aggieland Orchestra will
furnish music for the Freshman
Ball at 8:30 p. m. in Sbisa Hall
Feb. 3, Thomas Clemens, fresh
man class president, said yester
day afternoon.
Admission charges for the dance
will be announced later, Clemens
Freshmen desiring to place an
entry for Freshman Class Sweet
heart are asked to turn in a
5x7 photograph to one of the fol
lowing men: Charles Andres in
Walton Hall, room G-12, William
Rowland in Dorm 14-410, Robert
Ball in Dorm 15-206, George Cook
in Dorm 16-113, or Joseph Rey
nolds in Dorm 17-131.
Pictures should be turned in
as soon as possible so the sweet
heart selection may be made be
fore the ball, the fish president
International Farm Youth Exchange delegates
were feted at a recent “Welcome Home Break
fast” by the Grocery Manufacturers of America
in a New York hotel. IFYE delegates from the
United States toured foreign countries while for
eign delegates observed Farm operations in the
U.S. Standing in the usual order are Abrinar
Scheele of Province of Zealand, Netherlands;
Burton B. Strong, a Vermonter who visited the
United Kingdom, Elaine Serfass of Penn, who
visited Germany; and Patrick Gibbs of Arkansas
who visited Ulster. Seated in the same order
are Hortense Burton, a Wyoming resident who
visited Finland, Edward H. Hill, a junior ag.
ed. major from Garland who visited Greece;
Host and president of GMA Paul S. Willis, and
IFYE .Coordinator Warren Schmidt of the Ex
tension Service.
Dairymen Save By
Use of Machinery
Texas dairy farmers saved
$10,700,000 in labor costs last year
by using electric milking machines,
according to P. T. Montford, pro
fessor in the Agricultural Engin
eering Department.
Montford estimated that 7,200
farmers used the machines. The
electricity alone would cost $155,-
000, he declared.
W’ar Budget Said
“This war effort on a national
scale is recognizable in their mili
tary budget. According to reliable
sources, the Chinese Reds in Peip
ing have approved the spending of
eight blilion dollars for war pur
poses in 1951. This is probably
the biggest military budget in Chi
nese history. It is estimated that
it is three times greater than the
Chinese Communist military bud
get for 1950, and eight times more
than the Chinese Nationalist gov
ernment has ever spent in one
(Chinese Nationalists in Taipei
said Monday the Communists’ war
budget was 8,000,000,000 Chinese
silver dollars. On the pre-world
war II exchange basis, that would
be approximately $4 billion U.S.
Chinese currency is virtually
worthless, about 4,000 to $1 when
there was an official exchange rate
months ago.)
The vanguard of a 1,350,000
Communist force, mostly Chinese,
was only 35 miles north of Seoul
Thursday night.
Professor Back
From Washington
Professor Daniel Russell has just
arrived from Washington, D. C.
where he attended the fifth annual
White House Conference.
The purpose of this confei'ence
was to present the problem of the
ural youths of America and
what we can do to help them. Rep
resentatives of 43 foreign nations,
delegates of the United States and
its territories and possessions also
attended the conference.
President Truman presented to
the delegates of the conference his
views on the issues which were
brought forth.
At present Russell is giving a
series of lectures on the subject
of the conference. Those persons
interested on the subject should
contact Russell.
Short Course Set
For January 22-23
The first annual Livestock and
Grading Short Course at A&M will
be held January 22-23. Events will
be run off at the new beef cattle
“The purpose of the short
course,” Fred Hale, of the Animal
Husbandry Department, and gen
eral chairman of the course says,
“is to coordinate thinking with ref
erence to the type and grade of
cattle and hogs associated with ef
ficient production.”
Chairman Hale, widely known
throughout the United States as
an authority of swine, says “only
cattle and hogs will be considered
in this first short course since
there seems to be more different
views concerning the type that
one should strive to produce in
these two species of livestock.”
Former Student
Inducted in Army
Dan E. Jenson, a June 1950 civil
engineering graduate of A&M and
a recent arrival at Camp Cooke,
was taking basic training this week
with the 40th Infantry Division,
former Southern California Na
tional Guard unit.
Jenson has been assigned to the
140th Heavy Tank Battalion, in
the operations section. His pre
vious military experience includes
two years in the ROTC unit at