The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 18, 1950, Image 3

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    Lazarine Wins AAU
Cadets In Sugar
Though one cannot say that the
Maroon and White tracksters will
win the relay, Coach Putman said,
“We are definitely the team to
Other competing team will be
Oklahoma A&M and perhaps Okla
homa University. However, either
the Okie Aggies or' the Texas Ag
gies has won with the other fin
ishing second during the past three
years of competition.
Holbrook, Aggie quarter miler
two years ago, has been working
out for the past two months and
will run the open 440 in the meet.
He was on the 1948 mile relay
which took second at New Orleans
and on the 1949 team which finish
ed first.
Second in 880
In last year’s meet, he took sec
ond behind Kansas’s powerful Pat
Bowers in the 880 run. Holbrook
is doing graduate work at A&M
and at one time he held the con
ference 440 record.
Of the five mile relay members
makin the trip, Mitchell is the only
letterman. The Deer Park senior
looks like the top quartermiler in
the conference this season with the
graduation of last year’s SWC
(See RELAY, Page 4)
A&M Pistol
Team Has
3-1 Record
Coaches Prank Anderson and Ray Put
man will take six runners to New Orleans
to the Sugar Bowl track meet Dec. 31st. The
group will meet in College Station after
Christmas and then leave for the meet on
Dec. 28th
Mile relay contestants are Don
Mitchell, Fuston McCarty, Bob
Mays, James Baker, and alternate
Bobby Ragsdale. Ray Holbrook
will also make the trip but he will
fun only in the 440-yard dash.
One of the recent surprises of
the keen competition for the four
man relay team was the perform
ance of Baker, who just a tew days
ago beat out Ragsdale for the
fourth berth by running a terrific
quarter with what only a short
time ago was a pulled-leg-muscle.
The addition of Baker definitely
strengthens the team, although the
choice was' very close over Rags
dale, who was placed in the alter
nate position.
With all members of the quartet
turning in better times than last
year’s crew,' the Aggie chances of
winning and beating Oklahoma
A&M’s record of 3:16.4 are good
depending on weather physical con
dition, and similar circumstances.
“ ... Team to Beat...”
A&M’s sophomore distance star, Marshall
Lazarine, rudely upset the favorite and
paced all of the 64 entries in winning the
annual Bill William’s sponsored Gulf AAU
cross country run in Houston Saturday
Under the guiding hand of Sgt.
J. E. Cutsinger, the A&M Pistol
Team, has a won 3, lost 1 record.
The pistoleers of A&M have run
up against such rough opposition
as New' York State Maritime Col
lege, Lawrence Institute of Tech
nology, RPI, and will go up to the
firing line against Colorado A&M
this week.
Sgt. Cutsinger’s men racked up
a 1,246-1,203 score against
NYSMC; they beat Lawrence Tech
in a close match 1,290-1,289; and
Rennsselaer Polytechnic Institute
fell prey to the marauding marks
men 1,300-1,195, however, in the
first Colorado A&M match, the
Aggies lost 1,245-1,339.
There are 27 members of the
pistol team; in a match, all of them
fire 300 shots and the best five
scores are used. Perfect score for
a match would be 1,500 points.
A&M’s sharpshooters have an
impressive record in that they
won a sixth place in the national
intercollegiate pistol match last
The Nacogdoches ace ran back
in the bunch, but very close to the
leaders—John Garmany of A & M
and Don Edwards of North Texas.
—for the first two-miles of the
race. He then took the lead and
virtually sprinted the last half-
mile to outdistance all competitors
arid beat out Garmany, his only
close competitor, by five yards.
Lazarine’s time was a blistering
12:10 minutes to ellipse the record
set last year by Aggie Julian Her
ring by 6V2 seconds.
A&M Wins Title
Edwards finished third with
Henry Winston of Rice fourth.
Cadets Charles Hudgins, Charles
Gabriel, and Amel Omo took fifth,
sixth, and seventh, respectively to
cinch the senior division team title
for A&M
Joe Villareal of Reagan High cf
Houston was the junior division
winner and his school also won the
team title in the same division.
Galena Park was runner-up and
Port Arthur was third.
Lazarine’s 1st Win
The win was Lazarine’s first vic
tory in his short college career
which began just this year. He
was a regular member of the
Maroon and White cross country
team this fall which placed second
in the Southwest Conference meet
last month where he placed tenth
in the meet behind three other Ag
gies, two of whom were in the
meet he, won Saturday.
Ag (Algers Set
For Bearkats
Battalion Sports Editor
A&M’s undefeated freshman roundballers meet the
Wharton Junior College Pioneers tonight at 6 in the DeWare
Field House as a curtain raiser for the varsity game which
pits the Cadets against the Sam Houston State Bearkats at 8.
The Kats are all hepped up boasting a team which in
cludes five lettermen, all over six feet in height, to meet the
Aggies. Coach Jack Williams doesn’t feel to good about his
team, but the Bearkats have lost only one game in five starts
this year. 4
Coach John Floyd’s cagers enter
Stiteler Affair -
‘Mistaken Identity’
“Someone, possibly mistaking me
for someone else, took a poke at
me as I was getting out of the
cab near the Shamrock and there’s
nothing serious about it,” Coach
Harry Stiteler repeated yesterday
when questioned as to what hap
pened in Houston Friday night.
Coach Stiteler was .on . his way
to a banquet which was thrown in
honor of the 1950 Aggie football
team and the little-silver haired
man himself who in three years
of living in the cellar placed the
Cadets among the top teams in the
Soiith. .. . *
Although Houston police were
keen to find out exactly what hap
pened, Stiteler waved the incident
as a “mistaken identity” attack
and preferred that the incident be
No one seem to know what hap
pened and according to the descrip
tion given by Stiteler as to what
happened proves that he also
knows little or nothing of what
the affair was about.
The condensed story seems to
:• be n that the A&M coach Went to
answer a call from another car
after he had left the car he was
in, then it happened. At the pres
ent time the Head Cadet mentor
is out of town and will not return
far a few days.
Mural News
Milner gained the right to meet
Mitchell in the finals of the Non-
Military League by defeating Pur-
year, 6-0. The Milner TD was
scored on a 38-yard scoring aerial
from R. D. Pratt to Molteni.
Puryear received the kickoff
arid began their offensive from
their 20 yard line. Two running
plays cost the Puryear team three
yards.- A pitch-out on the third
play netted 18 yards to the 35 but
was not sufficient for the first
Company 10 racked up five pene
trations as compared to Company
7’s one and went on to win t|ie
contest, 7-0.
Company 6 ran, wild in downing
Company 2 20-6 while Company 11
blasted Company 9, 20-0.
C Infantry • advanced into the
semi-finals of the Intramural Ten
nis Leagues by. stopping A QMC
in three straight sets, 5-3, 5-2, and
5-1. Gorman, Jarvis, Smathers,
Snyder, Steen and Moore turned
in the victories.
The C Infantry netters will op
pose A Infantry in the semi
In the horseshoe contests of the
afternoon A AF dumped A Signal,
2-1; A Infantry stopped C Vets,
2-0; B CAC throttled A Engineers,
2-0; and A CWS dropped A Ord
nance, 2-0.
to New Orleans and tho Sugar Bowl track
during the New Year’s Day festivities are,
row, James Baker, Bob Mays, Fuston Mc-
, and Don Mitchell, who will form the mile
and top row, Coach Ray Putman, Alternate
Bob Ragsdale, Manager T. K. Niland, Ray Hol
brook—140 specialist, and Coach Col. Frank An
derson. Holbrook will run the quartermile un
attached, having already graduated from A&M.
the fray with the worst intersec
i tional record of the Southwest
Conference, having lost five games
I and winning only two. One of the
; victories, however, was over high
ly touted Canisius, who has yet to
| lose a game after the hustling un
predictable Aggies upset them 55-
54. Canisius has met two other
conference teams since the Aggies
and won both times over Texas
and Southern Methodist by sizable
In their first two home appear
ances, the Aggies have failed to
click, but this may be the night.
Bad breaks plus sharp-shooting
from the outside sank the Cadets
when they tangled with the South
west Texas Bobcats in their home
openers. The Aggies’ main trouble
seems to be centered around the
Cadets Laud TIL Isbell, SMU
Quarterback Larry Isbell of
Baylor, who threw four touchdown
passes to beat Texas A&M 27-20,
was rated almost unanimously by
the Texas Aggies as the most val
uable player they faced in 1950.
The boys of Aggieland rated the
conference champions,. University
of Texas, as the best all-around
football team they had met all sea
son as well as the best team on de
fense. The SMU Mustangs, who
bowed to the Aggies after an even
ly-matched game 20-25, was rated
by the Aggies as the best offen
sive team they played'.
Oklahoma, who closed the season
as the nation’s No. 1 team, rated
second to SMU on offense and
third to Texas and Baylor as the
best all-around team. Oklahoma
also was rated third by A&M for
its defensive play.
A&M showed considerable re
spect for the second-place Bears
Hy rating them third on offense
and third as an all-around team,
"hiit the Bruifts : didn’t-grit a single
vote for, its defensive play.
Although A&M rated Isbell as
the best all-around opponent for
1950, Kyle Rote of SMU was pick
ed by the Aggies as the best back.
All-American Rote made the im-
pressive record of 126 yards in 27
tries against the Aggies, connect
ed on four out of five passes for
64 yards and caught three passes
for 49 yards. The. Mustang star
pushed over two touchdowns and
kicked twice for 104 yards.
The A.&M team hasn’t forgotten
one Paul Giroski, 250-pound tackle
from Rice Institute, either. Giroski
was practically a one-man line when
the Owls played A&M, stopping Ag
gie runners repeatedly. All-Ameri
can Bud McFaddin of the Univer
sity of Texas was a close second
to Giroski fftP' the title of “all-
around lineman.”
To be paradoxical, McFaddin was
the only player who made the Ag
gies’ all-opponent offensive and de
fensive team, too. The big player
was practically unanimous for
starting guard on both teams.
University of Texas placed three
linemen, on the offensive team,
but not a single backfield Long
horn made the team. Baylor had
three men on the starting team for
offense—two on the line and Is
bell in the backfield. Following
are the all-opponent selections, for
the offensive team as selected by
Texas A&M:
Ends: Harold Riley of Baylor
and Ben Proctor of Texas; tack
les: Ken Jackson of Texas and
Bobby Collier of SMU; guards:
Bud McFadin of Texas apd Walter
Bates of Baylor; center: Dick
Hightower of SMU; quarterback:
Larry Isbell of Baylor; halfbacks:
Kyle Rote of SMU and Gil Bar
tosh of TCU; fullback: Leon Heath
of Oklahoma.
Selections for the defensive
team, all-opponent, were as fol
lows: , .
Ends: Bill Howton of Rice and
Bob Moorman of TCU; tackles:
Paul Giroski of Rice and James
Weatherall of Oklahoma; guards:
Bud McFadin of Texas and Bill
A they of Baylor; linebackers: Lee
Stonestreet of Rice and Don Men-
asco of Texas: halfbacks: Val Joe
Walker of SMU and James Mott of
Baylor; and safety: Bobby Dillon
of Texas.
fact that although they gain more
rebounds, they fail to shoot gs
much as their opponents.
The most predominate shot in
the SWC last year was the hook
shot which was used inclusively
by TU’s Tom Hamilton and A&M’s
Marvin Martin, who has been ac
claimed by Southwest sports writ
ers as a smooth player who is slow.
Buddy Davis, A&M’s 6’ 8” center,
has been on a slump all year and
has yet to produce the quality of
hustle that is needed to place the
Aggies among the top.
In the Cadets’ home openers, bad
officiating was predominate bn
both sides with a grand total be
ing distributed to both sides.
T h e smoothest ball-handling
freshman club in A&M’s history
will have a rough time with John-
(See CADETS, Page 4)
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