0 W l op a ji appu eadon an J J rom ^Jhe (battalion .Sta^ Circulated to More than 90% Of College Station’s Residents The Battalion PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE Christmas Sentiments Expressed by Batt Staff See Lead Editorial, Page Two Number ,66: Volume 51 COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1950 Price Five Cents Ships, Artillery Protect Hungnam Beachhead Tokyo, Dec. 18 — (/P) — A flevy bombardment by warships and i field artillery today held at bay another Red Chinese assault on the United Nations’ tiny Hungnam beachhead in northeast Korea. The U. S. Battleship Missouri ar med offshore. Its 16-inch guns and one-ton shells were a welcome addition to the curtain of fire Samuels, Stern Afew Debaters Two new members, John S. Samuels and Edwin C. Stern, Jr., have been accept ed by the A&M Debate Club, after tryouts Wednesday night. Purpose of the tryouts is to detennine if prospective members are collegiate debate material, H. E. Hierth, one of the club's spon sors, said. A&M’s top debate team compos ed of James R. Farmer and B. Paul Jones will be guests of the Baylor University Speech Club, ‘Jan. 6. This team placed first in the University of Houston National Forensic Tournament held last November in Houston. “Resolved that the Communist Party be outlawed in the United States,” is the question which will be debated by the Aggies and a Baylor team. The debate is to be published by H. H. Wilson Publishing Company of Dallas in their 1960 Year Book, according to Hierth. Farmer and Jones will also take part in a discussion by the Bay lor University Forum in the Stu dent Union Building. This discus sion will be broadcast, Heirth said. Other sponsors of the A&M Debate Club besides HieidJi are K. E. Elmquist and M. F. Allen. shielding hard-pressed units of the U. S. 10th Corps. Maj. Gen. Edward M. Almond, 10th Corps commander, obviously was pleased by the intense fire power hurled at the masses of Chi nese infantry pressing on Hung nam port from three sides. Plans Followed “Things are going just the way we planned them,” he said. “Now every time the Chinese Commu nists dig in, we hit them with ar tillery concentrations, mix them up and knock them out. That’s some thing we have been unable to do before.” At no point on the port’s defense arc had the Chinese been able to punch through. Observers said the Reds apparently had not sent many troops into bomb and shell- shattered Hamhung, industrial city six miles northwest of Hungnam. Hamhung was abandoned to the Reds Saturday. An estimated 25,000 Chinese pressed against the beachhead rim. Another Estimated 75,000 were moving up in the snow-mantled hills west and northwest of Hung nam. Firepower Increased Arrival of the battleship Mis souri increases the range and ef fectiveness of naval fire. The mighty Mo’s guns have a range of 20 miles—far enough to reach the white hills sheltering Chinese rear positions. The Missouri entered the Korean was Sept. 15 with an intensive shelling of Samchok on the east coast. This was after an 11,000- mile dash from Norfolk, Va. She appeared off Inchon Sept. 21 to help cover the allied west coast landings and then returned to the northeast Korean coast. The 45,000-ton warship last was report ed in Korean waters Nov. 7. General MacArthur’s war sum mary credited combined naval and ground force bombardment with breaking up a pre-dawn assault against perimeter positions west Safety Campaign Launched With Bid to‘Keep Alive’ Chicago, Dec. 18 were asked today to celebrate the year-end holidays by keeping them selves and the Christmas spirit alive this year. That plea launched the National Safety Council’s Christmas safety campaign, in which 161 national or ganizations are cooperating. The campaign is aimed at re ducing the increasing number of accidents throughout the nation. Special emphasis will be placed on traffic accidents, which have taken an upward swing this year. Traffic deaths for the first nine months of 1950 were up 11 per cent, and the Council predicts that the traffic death toll for the year is virtually certain to reach 35,000. This would be the highest since 1941 and the only year since 1946 to show an increase. “The Christmas-New Year’s hol iday season is the peak accident period of the year,” said Ned H. Dearborn, president of the Coun cil, “and traffic accidents present the most acute problem. Heavier travel and the festive spirit of the season always add to the normal winter hazards of bad weather, slippery roads and added hours of darkness. “And more people will be travel ing this year,” he said. “Service Americanmen and women will be coming home on holiday leaves—and some families will be traveling to mili tary camps to spend the holidays with those who cannot come home. “This increased travel calls for extra caution on everybody’s part. If everyone will take a little more time during the holiday rush— just enough to be careful when driving on the highway or cross ing streets and in recreational and home activities—everyone will be assured of a much happier Christ mas and New Year’s. “Don’t let death take your holi day—or anyone else’s,” Mr. Dear born urged. of Hungnam—evidently an attack intended in great force. Attack Repelled However, U. S. Third Infantry Division doughboys rose from their snowy foxholes along the sea shore flat; to repel charges by wildly-shouting Chinese in com pany strength Sunday night. Field dispatches said the Chinese screamed “all right, all right” as they attacked by the light of their own green and red flares. The shouts were in high-pitched, sing song English. And the riflemen mowed them down. There was a lull in the fighting after daybreak. A 10th Corps spokesman said about 900 Reds were killed Sunday by marine and navy air strikes and naval gunfire within a 60-mile ra dius of Hungnam. The approaches to the beachhead were raked by the U. S. heavy cruisers St. Paul and Rochester. Destroyers stepped up the bom bardment with five-inch guns. A navy summary said the fire had made a “no man’s land” of the defense perimeter’s outer fringes. Holiday Schedules Set ^ J As College Shuts Down £W SHTIMSC With this being the last edition of The Battalion before the Christ- 11 mas holidays, a roundup story of | events and important schedules is in order. Included in this list is The Bat talion schedule for the holidays, housing for those who will remain on the campus, various MSC fa cilities schedules, the Aggieland Orchestra tour, and the Sbisa Cafe teria schedule. Deadline for payment of fees is today. After today, a small penalty will be imposed for delinquent pay ments. Publication Schedule During the holidays The Batta lion will be published Thursday Dec. 21 and Thursday Dec. 28. It will resume regular publication with the Thursday, Jan. 5 issue. All dormitories will be closed and locked at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday Dec. 19. j Students, other than those living in Bizzell, who wish to remain on the campus, will contact students in Bizzell who will not remain dur ing the holidays, concerning the use of their rooms. To secure rooms, students will bring a note of permission from the occupant of Bizzell to the Housing Office in Goodwin Ha’l Each student will sign a. roster there showing his location for the holidays, so that he can be con tacted in case of an emergency. These arrangements should be made before noon Tuesday, Bennie A. Zinn, assistant dean of men, said. Students not desiring to use this arrangement may secure rooms in P, G. Hall by signing up for them in the Housing Office. If you find it necessary to ob- This sole holiday sign in the new area typifies the spirit of stu dents as they prepare to start the Christmas vacation tomorrow at 5 p.m. C Battery supplied the artistic talent. Towns and Times Listed Clubs Set Holiday Dances The Battalion last Thursday re quested information from Aggie Clubs for a combined story on dances scheduled during the Christ mas holidays by the various or ganizations. The following list was compiled from information received, Abilene Aggie-Ex’s of Abilene are spon soring an annual Christmas Dance Dec. 29 for students and ex-stu dents of A&M. The Aggieland Or chestra is providing music for the occasion, Alice A Christmas dance, sponsored by the Brush Country Club, will be held in the V.F.W. Hall in Alice Dec. 27. Perry Horine and his orchestra will play for the dance which begins at 8:30 p.m. Admission: $2.60 per couple. Athens The Athens A&M Club is enter taining students of A&M College from Henderson County at the Athens Country Club Thursday night, Dec. 21. Amarillo The Amarillo Club will hold its annual Christmas dance Dec. 22 at Club Runnymeade in Amarillo. Music will be furnished by the Club Runnymeade Orehestra. Profits from the dance will he used for an A&M scholarship fund which will be given jointly with the Amarillo Mothers Club. Harlingen Bill Turner and the Aggieland Orchestra will provide music for the annual Rio Grande Valley Club’s annual Christmas dance at Harlingen Air Field at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 27. Student bodies of all Southwest Conference and South Texas Col leges have been invited. A couple will he selected by each college to officially represent their school at the dance. Lampasas Land of the Lakes Club will hold its annual Christmas dance at the Lampasas Hostess House at 9 p.m. Dec. 21. Admission; $2 drag or stag. Port Arthur Members of the Beaumont and Port Arthur clubs have consolida ted to sponsor an all-college Christ mas dance in Port Arthur, Friday, Dec. 22. Scheduled for 8:30 p.m. the dance will be in the Pleasure Pier Ball Room and music will be fur nished by the Aggieland Orchestra. Admission; $1.50. Students and public invited. San Antonio San Antonio Club’s annual Christmas party will be held at 8:30 p.m. Dec. 27, at the Shadow Land Night Club. All Aggies, Ag gie-ex’s, and Tessies are invited to attend. Admission; $2.76 for members. This covers everything including refreshments and tips for the night. The San Antonio A&M Mother’s Club is holding its annual Open House from 7-9 p.m. the same day at the home of Mrs. J. T. Ryan, 137 Kathrine Courts. Tyler The Tyler Club Christmas Party will be held Saturday, Dec. 23 at 8 p.m. at the Cedars of Lebanon Club. East Texas Aggies invited. Uvalde The Aggieland Orchestra will provide music for the Trans-Pecos Club Christmas dance Dec. 23, in Uvalde. Wichita Falls An all-college Christmas dance, sponsored by the Wichita Falls Club, will be held at the Wichita Falls Country Club at 9 p.m. Dec. 30. The Aggieland Orchestra will play for the dance. Taxes Take Precedent For Senate’s Action WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 —<£>)— Higher taxes for defense raced ahead of increased military funds yesterday as the Senate got ready for pre-Christmas action on top emergency measures. Senator Lucas of Illinois, the Democratic leader, told reporters he plans to call up first a bill to boost existing corporation levies and clamp on excess profits tax on business to help meet preparedness costs. Lucas said a $17,809 billion mili tary money bill, upon which the Appropriations Committee is com- Town Hall Meeting Slated for Tuesday A Town Hall meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday night at 7:30 in the Science Hall by the College Station City Council to discuss the up-coming revenue bond election to be held Jan. 8. City Manager Raymond Rogers said yesterday the meeting is be ing called so that any voters of the city who wish to ask any ques tions about the proposed bond is sue may do so with little or no trouble. Circulars will he distributed this afternoon to all residential areas of the city reminding people of the meeting, Rogers said. pleting work, will come up later during a crowded week that may end Saturday with a recess over the Christmas holidays. The session is expected to run right into the first week of Jan uary when the 81st Congress pas ses into history. The new Congress takes over Jan. 3. The Huge Arms Appropriation was hustled through the House, and Senate passage is a foregone conclusion. The Senate Finance Committee planned to put finishing touches on the tax measure tomorrow. Lucas said he expected to call it up the same day. Besides putting a 75 percent tax on corporation profits which ex ceed 85 percent of a firm’s three best years from 1946 through 1949, the bill would hike the present surtax from 20 to 22 percent. It is expected to produce more than $3,000,000,000 a year to help pay war costs. The surtax feature was added by the Senate Committee after a number of softening amendments were added to the bill as passed by the House. Civilian Defense The House comes to grips this week with a civilian defense mea sure. This bill was approved over the weekend by the Senate Armed Sendees Committee. The House also debates a bill to give servicemen $10,000 free government life insurance. tain entrance to any of the dorms while they are closed, the Housing Office asks that you check with them for clearance. All Dormitories will he unlocked at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 2. Dining Halls Close The last regular meal in the din ing ha’ls wi 1 ! he supper Tuesday, Dec. 19. Sbisa Cafeteria will ho opened for noon and supper moals only through Dec. 22 and after Dec. 30. It will be closed during the other days. Regular meals will be served be ginning with supper Jan. 2. 1951 A schedu!e of facilities that will be open during the holidays has been released by the MSC. The MSC library will be open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, 1-6 n.m. and 7-11 n.m. A temporary library will he located in the Game Room. Maga zines and newsoapers will be lo cated there for the convenience of those remaining on the cantwus. Dominoes and bridge cards may ho chocked out at the main desk. Gallery classes will be held on Monday from 2-5 p.m. and 7-10 p.m. MSC Open The Craft Shop will be onen Monday through Sunday from 1-10 p.m. The Bowling Alley will close at, 6 p.m. Tuesday. On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday it will onen at 3 p.m. and close at 10 p.m. It will open ae-ain Jan. 1 from 3-19 nm acd will resume regular sche- ’-.i-c: .t ST ). 2. P’-om D°o 20 through Jan. 2 Coffop will be open from 3 am. until 5 mm. The Dining Room will be onen ^Vom R.g v) ; Tn. DcC. 20 through Jan. 2. Regular schedule will he re sumed at that time. ’Hie Fountain Room will be c’os- ed from 6 p.m. Dec. 19 thnwgh Tan 2. Many vacationing Apgies will have a chance to particinate in various Christmas Parties and Dances. A list of several of the 'lances can be found elsewhere on f his page. Orchestra Schedule Providing music for several of the 'Tances d’lrino- the two-week vacation rerind will be the “travel ing” Aggieland Orchestra. A 1800 mile tour is planned by the musi cal aggregation. That Long Road Home Draper to Attend Turkey Convention George H. Draper has been ask ed by the Texas Turkey Federation to attend the National Turkey Fed eration Convention at Long Beach, California in January. He will also attend the Regional Plan Conference of the Western States, which is being held in con nection with the convention. McSnort Gets Early Start, Has Broadening Christmas Santa’s reindeers forge ahead unhindered as waiters in Duncan Hall go about their chores. The familiar sled and its equally familiar occu pant form part of the decorations that have re minded New Area diners that Christmas time is drawing nigh. By DAVE COSLETT Our friend Willoughby McSnort has been heard from after a con siderable absence from these pages. And, as per usual, he has a tale of woe to tell. Seems young McSnort, following his usually blameless course of action, started his Christmas holi days a few days early. But he had a reason. Consider first the distance ^hich he had to travel. Poor 'Villoughby must journey clear ut Zulch. In his words, It ain’t so much the distance it is the derned inexcessabili- •° rna '? er hiways, you know.” Besides, Willoughby absolutely P sit the girl-friend at ji>CW before she left for the holi days. She's a native of Dime-Box. was that trip that put him in ms present predicament. He was doing fine when he left alter his 8 o’clock class Wednes day (“Had to alow myself plenty of time.”) It was the trip back that threw him. The hitch-hiking McSnort left Denton Saturday at about three in the afternoon. Not t'oo familiar with the countryside, he was only too happy to accept a ride to Grand Prairie. It was headed south, at least. Besides, he had been hitch hiking since ten that morning. Nor was he too disappointed when he reached the metropolis midway between Dallas and Ft. Morth. It was a fine town. He made this latter decision after a Buick-load of beautiful girls had passed him about three times in ten minutes. On their fourth trip past, the ladies stopped. McSnort quicklv adjusted his GTH hat so that the crown hung down evenly over both ears, moved the knot on his tie so as not to hide his DMS bar checked his belt buckle for loose corrosion, slicked down his cow lick and addressed the ladies. “Coin’ my way?” The quartet stared for a moment then answered, “Which way you going?” “Wal, I’m headed for North Zulch.” “And where is North Zulch?” came the rejoinder from a plump blonde ? “Bout 15 miles cross-country from lola,” McSnort replied. The driver forced a smile then asked sweetly, “Would a lift to Midlothian help?” McSnort licked his chops. “Shore would,” then to himself, “wonder where that is?” The Buick roared off with Mc Snort seated comfortably in the back. He rode in silence for a while, then cleared his throat and said, “Looks like ya would n’t be so crowded if one of the four of ya sat back here.” “We’re doing fine,” grunted the (See McSNORT, Page 2) Aggieland ’SO Here-Finally The Aggieland ’50’s have arrived and will be distributed this after noon and Tuesday, Roland Bing, Student Publications manager an nounced this morning. Students eligible to receive the annual may obtain them in officer on the second floor of Goodwin Hall, he said. No identification or student activity receipts will bo necessary, he added. Annuals will be distributed from the Student Activities Office aftev* the holidays to students who failed to pick up their’s prior to that time. Dahlberg Named Stock Show Official F. I. Dahlberg, of the AH De partment, is superintendent of the swine denartment of the South western Exposition and Fat Stock Stock Show in Fort Worth, Jan. 26. Assistant superintendents are Roy Boswell. Fort Worth, Tr-.as Livestock Marketing Associa' : on and R. B. Thomas, Jr., Comme ee, Vocational Agriculture Supervisor. Seven breads of swine will show in the breeding classes. They are Berkshire, Chester White,, Du roe, Hampshire, O. I. C., Poland Chtaa, and Spotted Poland China. Deadline for swine entries is December 15.