The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 14, 1950, Image 5
u L i tijir- ir 'ir iiH~iFt'f {Cadets, Bobcats Clash In Home Opener At 8 By RALPH E. GORMAN I Under the direction of new coach John Floyd, A&M’s basketballers will meet the Southwest Texas State Bobcats tonight at 8 in Deware Field House in the first Aggie home game of the season. I SWT brings a formidable offensive re cord to Aggieland tonight and the Cadet cage mentor is not the least bit optimistic cohcerning his team’s chances. In a previous statement to the Battalion, Floyd said, "It Bon’t be easy, . . . I’ll be satisfied with one ■ Like 1-2-3, in that order the Bobcats downed their first three opponents—How- ■rd Payne (two games) and Lamar Tech— scoring almost at will to average 75 points per game. In a game earlier this week, the unde feated Baylor Bears dropped the Bobcats from the ranks of the undefeated by virtue of a slim four point margin—the score be- ipg 61-57. Not so impressive is the record of the padet quintet, as they have averaged slight- better than 40 points per game in winning |wo and losing three of their pre-season Jontests. But the Farmers have been pitted against some of the nation’s strongest cage Teapis in playing OCU, Canisius, Siena, and pliquesne. In his fifth year as Bobcat coach, Milton Jowers brings a five man squad to DeWare Aijeld House tonight that averages over 6’ High point man in the recent Baylor tilt md a two year letterman at the forward post is 6’ 3” Bob Beaty. A member of the all-League team in the Lone Star Conference la$t year, Beaty was credited with 21 coun ters against the Bears and had a season . average a year ago of [ 6.9 points per game. Sharing duty with Beaty at the other for ward spot is 6’ 5’’ Lawrence Berry. A for- ler center for the Bpbcats the lanky let- tqrman chalked up 10 points of the 57 point total in the Bear tilt. Best Bobcat “The best ball handler on the fcpuad.” That’s what.Co,ach Jowers thinks of 5’ 11” Joe Sutton. A stellar member of the Bobcat foot- |)all team, Sutton is expected to have a banner year this season pt his guard position. Up from the freshmen ranks is 11” Jimmy Q’Bannon, who will handle the other side of the guard lost. An accomplished set shot (See AGGIES, Page 6) Jewell McDowell A&M’s All-Conference Guard Leroy Miksch A&M Forward Marvin Martin A&M Center Don Kefl A&M Guard John DeWilt A&M Forward Chandler to Stay Put Until 4 Last Second’ St. Petersburg, Fla., Dec. 14— GPI—Baseball Commissioner A. B. (Happy) Chandler and the club owners settled down to a war of nerves yesterday with neither side budging. Chandler, refusing to step down until the “last second” of his term, expiring May 1, 1951, said he was “going ahead as if nothing had happened.” The owners, who voted unani mously to select a new commis sioner, went home to find Chand ler’s successor to the $65,000 job. Presidents Will Harridge of the American League and Ford Frick of the National were to name two- (See CHANDLER, Page 6) Battalion SPORTS THUR., DEC. 14, 1950 Page 5 Mile Relay Aggies Entered in Sugar Bowl Meet TODAY thru SATURDAY nil? mm., f Vff' ,/jWNF0NIAI^R0B!RIRYAM 1 Jogs Ferrer FRIDAY NITE PREVUE 11P.M. HERE’S A GUY WHO LOVES TROUBLE...HE D LAY HI HIDE ON THE LINE / By RAY HOLBROOK Coach Frank Anderson and Ray Putman’s New Orleans bound mile relayers are putting on the finish ing touches for their two week away Sugar Bowl track meet ap pearance on Dec, 31st. The meet, an annual affair, draws the cream of the nation’s early season track prospects for a selected eight-event meet. One of the highlights of the meet will be the fourth consecutive meeting of the Oklahoma A&M and Texas Aggie mile relay teams. The Oklahomans hold a two to one edge but the Cadets will he eager to even the scries. Oklahoma A&M holds the record which they set last year, 'pacing the circuit in 5:16.4. Team In Shape With fine dry weather for the past two-months the Maroon and White tracksters have been round ing into shape and show promise of fielding a great team. Indications at present show that only one place is undecided with the other three positions of the quartet completely “sold.” Don ‘Jumbo’ Asked For Shriner’s East - West Tilt NOW SHOWING Andy "Jumbo” Hillhouse, one of A&M’s top ends and unanimous all-South west Con- fereqee team member, ha s been invited to play in the Shrine East-West game in San Francisco, Dec. 30. The 215-pound junior from Al vin, Tex., missed the Aggies’ post- ' season game with the University of Georgia Bulldogs in the. Presi dential Cup, but he played out standing football throughout the regular season. A siege of influ enza kept the No. 1 offensive end from making the eastern trip. Hillhouse caught 24 passes dur ing the Aggies’ 10-game season for a total of 432 yards. He was one of the top scorers in the con ference until near the end of the season with six touchdowns to his credit. The gum-chewing, good na- tured lad snagged an impossible catch from two Rice defenders for one of A&M’s two touchdowns in that game. 'Coach Harry Stiteler has used Hillhouse mostly as offensive end throughout’the season. But the 6-3 giant usually went joggling into the game if the opponent ran too many plays around the ter minal position. Hillhouse was elected for Col lier’s, INS, Associated Press, UP, Houston Post, Waco News Trib une, and numerous other all-SWC first teams. Jumbo was named by Collier’s fob the top honor as the nation’s best pass receiver. He was given honorable mention for all-American. In Intramurals Kemp Leads A Engineers To Win Over H Air Force Poultry Nite Tomorrow “WOMAN ON PIER 13” Malic Your Gifts for Xmas and Save Your Money!! • Flexcraft Kits • Bead Kits ® Dek-allKits • Moulding Kits ® Xmas Story Kits ® Textile Paints ® Copper Paints • Plane Dope • Plastic Spray * Jig Saws * Model Planes * Figurines * Alum. Circles * Copper Foil * Basket Reed ® Leather Patterns ® Wishing Well Plantus * Copper Tools Come By The HOBBY CENTER Next to the Bryan Eagle Office By JOE BLANCHETTE Intramural Co-Editor Two undefeated teams, A En gineers and H AF, battled to a 0-0 deadlock this afternoon only to have. the Engineers win the game on penetrations The win ning ball club had one twenty yard penetration and one forty yard as .compared to two forty yard drives for the airmen. The Engineers opened the game with what appeared to be the start of a TD drive. Two line tries netted 11 yards. A jump pass was incomplete but two more line smashes gained' 9 yards. At this point the drive was stymied and the airmen took over on downs. The airmen coudn’t move the de fensive alignment of the, Engin eers and were forced to punt. The Engineers toqk to the air and the half ended with the Air men gaining possession of the ball on the Engineer 31 yard line as the result of a bad punt. The offensive tactics grew rougher in the second half and the remainder of the game was spent with double-reverses and long passes. Buzz Kennedy was outstanding for the 11 AF team and Joe Kemp was the big man on the offensive for the Engineers. Hallmark reeled off a beautiful 60 yard gallop to score the only touchdown for the G AF gridders as A Composite and the airmen battled to a 7-7 deadlock. The teams were also even with three penetrations each. D Vets tallied two touchdowns, one safety and an extra-point to defeat t-hc gridders of B OAC 15-0. The losers wefe never in posses sion of the ball inside of Vet 40. And extra-point was the differ ence as B Engineers topped E FA 7-6. C Infantry completely outclass ed L AF in downing the airmen 13-Q. The., infantrymen led in the penetration department, 7-0. Basketball White tallied nine points as Com pany 12 waltzed to a 19-14 win over Company 10. Brigham and Anderson led the losers with six counters each. The winners were leading at halftime 10-4. Horseshoes In the horseshoe contests of the afternoon, B FA scored a 2-1 win over the pitchers from B Ar mored. Carl Neal, Harry Kiebler, Dwight King, and Charly Mailhos turned in the necessary two vic tories as the A QMC scored a 2-1 decision over A Vets. A Signal scored a 2-1 win over A CAC, 2-1. The winning scores were 21-3 and 21-19. Tennis In the Freshman tennis finals Company 12 will oppose Company 9 U, E Infantry has already gained the finals of the upperclassmen tennis and at the present time is waiting for an opponent to be de cided. A Infantry is in the semi-finals and is to be opposed by the win ner of the A QMC-C Infantry con test. Mitchell, Luston McCarty, and Bob Mays are the runners who look as if they can count on a trip to New Orleans as three-quarters of the four-man team. Mitchell is the only letterman of the crew and was almost con ceded a position early in the sea son. McCarty has been coming along steadily as the most im proved man on the squad and has been headed for some time toward nailing down his position on the quartet. Mays—Pleasant Surprise M^ys is the most pleasant sur prise of the fall workouts, having jumped out ahead of the remain ing competitors only recently. A junior college transfer from Brownwood, Mays was 1 held out of competition last year and looks like a comer for the season. A hard fought battle for the remaining spot is fofseen during the' next few days v/ith a decid ing' race already scheduled. Cecil Inglehart is the leading contender, but Bobby Ragsdale outstanding sophomore, may take the berth from under everyone’s nose. Both Inglehart and Ragsdale have been having a close battle but another possibility is Bobby Harris, who may prove to be the equal or bettgi' .of, the previous mentioned. 'It al/1 remains for the run-off race before the decision is made. TODAY thru SATURDAY FIRST RUN —Features Start— 1:20 - 3:04 - 4:48 - 6:32 - 8:16 10:00 | "Producer made it with his | heart." — lojjella Parsons Li Telechron “Yachisman’* ELECTRIC CLOCK *7.95* 9 Handsomely styled mantelpieei 9 Self-starting movement O Buzzer alarm A distinctive clock, in a stun« ning ship’s wheel design. Ivory and gold dial, brown plastic case. *List price subjact (c 23% Frd. Exc. Tax- Electric, Automatic I Dormeyer "Fri-Well” Fiyer $27.50 lew $2.75 $1.25 Down Weekly 9 Serves 6 full portions 9 Deep fries quickly, easily 9 Includes wire basket— cover New — famous Dormeyer fryer handles all kinds of deep frying automatically — makes work lighter and faster. “Cold Well” prevents scorching. Drain away faucet makes cleaning easier, faster, safer. B. 1. GOODRICH 133 IS. 35th Bryan 7IRE.HEADQUARTERS J SHOPPING SPECIALS FOR DECEMBER 15th & 16th • FEATURES * Ocean Spray—CRANBERRY Sauce.... 2 cans 25c Frisco ... 3 lbs. 85 c Geld Medal Flour .... 5 lb. 39c Cashmere Bouquet—With Dispenser Top Giant Size Hand Lotion . . . 29 c Wicker’s Frozen Apple Pies. each 59' Armour’s Star—Whole or Shank Half Hams ..... lb. Butt Portion . . !b, 57r 5 Lb. Bag Texas Oranges ^ • GROCERIES * Dromedary-—With Pkg. Coconut Devils Food Mix I9c Package Kraft Dinners 5e Carton Wrigley’s Gum 59c Carton Cigarettes $1.86 Salad Bowl Salad Dressing . . . pt. 25c Diamond Walnuts Ib. 35c Libby’s No 2'/ 2 / Peaches Halves 29c; Norlhmoor Chocolate Covered Cherries IK 19c Libby’s—46 Oz. Pineapple Juice .... 33c Dixie—Colored—In '/j’s Margarine lb. 25c Meadow Cold SWEET CREAM Buttei 4 lb. 69c Kraft’s—8 Oz. Kay Cheddar Cheese . 25c Pillsbury’s Hot Roll Mix .... pkg. 19c Betty Crocker Party Cake Mix . . pkg. 32c Stokeley’s—No. 2 Pie Cherries 21c Pillsbury’s—1% Lb. Pancake Mix 15c Folger’s Coffee . . .lb. 82c Gordy’s Salt 2 pkgs, 15c Kimbcll’s—303 Chili Willi Beans .... 29c Breast O’ Chicken—Chunk Style—j^’s Tuna 29c New Ace New Crop—7 Oz. Pkg. Pecan Halves 59c Charm in Toilet Tissue . . 4 rolls 29c Channin—60 Count Napkins 2 for I9c ('harmin—200’s Cleansing Tissues .... 10c CatupheU’s Tomato Soup . . 2 cans 19c Diamond—No. 2 C u l C ree n Bcans. 2 fo r 25c Nib|et’s—12 Oz.—Whole Kernel Corn ... 2 for 29c Aunt Jemima—l l /z Grits 2 for 27c Engle Brand Condensed Milk . . can 27c Ken L Ration Dod Food . . o Diamond Who 1 e I * lain . 2 for 25c Sweet Pickles . . . . pt. 29c Kim he lps—12 Oz. Strawberry Preserves . 31c ® SUNDRIES ® 24’s Bayer Aspirin 15c Knapp Monarch—With Juice Extractor Power Mixers . . ea. $32.50 Adorable Holiday Corsages each 50c « SNACKBAR • SPECIAL Delicious Cup of—With Marshmallows Hot Chocolate . . . cup 5c Fruit Cake Ingredients Xmas 'Frees - Nuts - Candies ® FROZEN FOODS ® Blue Water Brand—Lb. Package Perch Fill cits 45c Minute Maid—6 Oz. Orange juice . . . 2 for 39c • MARKET # Northern Corn Fed Pork Choj is- .... . lb. 45c Armour’s Star Bacon lb. 55c Armstrong’s Famous Bacon Ib, 49c Dixon’s Weiners lb. 45c Armour’s Star Veal Chops lb. 79c * PRODUCE • Idaho Russett Potatoes . . 10 lb. lias 39c c Texas M.S. Grapefruit . . . 51b. Bag 25c Nice Size Tangerines .... Do/. 25c COULTER DRIVE AT HIWAY 6 The Shopping Center “FORMERLY BONEY’S” Open 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. We Reserve the Right 7 days a Week To Limit Quantities Closed Sundays 1 P. M. to 4 P. M. YEAR AROUND AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR SHOPPING COMFORT LARGE FREE PARKING AREA