The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 14, 1950, Image 2

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    BE Air
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Battalion Editorials
Page 2
From the Woman’s Point of View . . >
Time to Stop’—Clarified...
Friendliness and Serious
Thought Mingle at Xmas
S INCE the editorial “It’s' Time to Stop”
appeared in this column Monday after
noon, we have found that its meaning might
not have been completely clear.
In our discussion we tried to point out
that a joking, somewhat jeering attitude to
ward the Korean situation and students who
soon may be going into the fight, was un
We singled out some military science in
structors as “guilty” of taking too jokingly
the imminence of military service facing
their students.
Results of this, along with other contrib
uting factors, we pointed out, is that many
students are developing a “what’s the use”
attitude and virtually forgetting their class
We did not mean to say that the Korean
situation and the possibility of immediate
military service should be hushed up. Far
from it.
What we implied only, but should have
said plainly, was that we thought it high
time to begin some serious constructive dis
cussion, directed at informing students faced
with military service how they might best
prepare themselves.
No doubt, much of this has been done.
But much more “kidding” and joking have
been done.
If there ever was a time when serious
consideration should be given to preparing
Clear eyes on the road
And steady hands on the wheel,
May avoid an accident
That nature can’t heal.
Drive sanely — let’s all get home
It’s Up to You
66OELL0, old timer. I’m planning on
moving to this town, but before I do,
I’d like to know something about the people
here. Arc they friendly, likeable people?”
“Well, young man, before I answer your
question, I want to ask you one. What kind
of people live in your present hometown?”
“Oh, they’re wonderful. Easy to get
along with. Neighborly.”
“You’ll find the same kind of people here.
And i f you had told me that they are quar
relsome and unfriendly, I’d have given you
the same answer. You, yourself, determine
whether people arc friendly or not.”
Old story? Sure, but so many of us need
to be reminded of it very often. How many
times do we say to ourselves, I’m going to
have a wonderful time if I can ever get out
of college and out on my own.
These, same people who arc waiting for
different conditions to bring them happiness
will probably still be waiting forty years
from now.
Our attitude, not the conditions around
us, determine whether we’re happy and en
joying life.
for military life and fighting war, it is now.
Notice that we said, “serious considera
Under the heading of serious considera
tion should come constructive thought on
how best to prepare for this new challenge.
This, to us, includes—indeed demands—an
even more intense effort in class work than
Our belief is that the sharper, the smart
er a man is in battle, the greater his chance
of coming back alive.
Bearing down now might well produce
the sharpness of mind that will save a man’s
neck on the battle front a year or so from
More “serious consideration:”
What is it like to be in the middle of
battle ?
What are. the qualities most necessary
for a junior grade officer in battle?
And the professors might ask them
selves: “What must I do to impress upon
my officer candidate students the terrific
responsibility they will bear as individuals
leading men into battle, or doing other ser
ious wartime jobs?
These are the things we think our mili
tary science instructors should be talking
about when they discuss the war in Korea
and the international situation with their
Getting straight and sincere answers to
questions like these will produce a feeling
of confidence, instead of the half-despairing
attitude now prevalent.
No, we don’t want to hush-up the war
threat at all. Not by a long shot.
The Battalion’s attitude, as has been ex
pressed here day after day in the past weeks,
is that it is long past time to get down to
We challenge not just our military
science professors, but the entire faculty to
face the problem squarely and begin now to
impress upon us the seriousness of the battle
for continued freedom we face.
Courtesy on the road is more im
portant than in a drawing room—
a life may depend on it.
Still Holds Today
L ONG, dark months of trials and tribula
tions lie before us. Not only great dan
gers, but many more misfortunes, many
shortcomings, many mistakes, many disap
pointments will surely be our lot. Death
and sorrow will be the companions of our
journey; hardship our garment; constancy
and valor our only shield. We must be unit
ed, we must be undaunted, we must be in
flexible. Our qualities and deeds must burn
and glow through the gloom of Europe until
they become the veritable beacon of its sal
Winston Churchill, 1940
The Battalion
Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions
"Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman”
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, is published
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the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870.
Member of
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John Whitmore, L. O. Tiedt Managing Editors
Frank N. Manitzas...... Sports Editor
Bob Hughson, Jerry Zuber.. .!..... Campus Editors
Joel Austin. i * City Editor
Today’s Issue
John Whitmore Managing Editor
Jerry Zuber Campus News Editor
Frank Manitzas : Sports News Editor
T. M. Fontaine, Carter Phillips — Editorialists
Bob Hughson, Andy Anderson, (Seorge Charlton. Tom
Rountree. Allen Fengelley, Leon McClellan, Wayne
Davis, Bob Venable. Bill Streich, Norman Blahuta,
John Hildebrand, Bryan Spencer, Rgy Williams,
Herb O'Connell. Jim Anderson. Ori James, J. P..
Stern, Rajmon Swan,. Robert Ball. Bert Hardaway,
Edvard Holder, Richard Ewing News and Feature Writers
Roger Coslett .....Quarterback Club
Fixse Marie Zuber .Society Editor
Jack FuiiUiue, Jerry yvateiae.- Special
Sid Abernathy................ Campus News Editor
Barn Mollnary Chief Photographei
Merman C. Gollob Amusements Editor
Ralph Gorman, ttay Holbrook, Harold Gann, Joe
Blanchette, Pat LeBlanc, Dale Dowell, Jimmy Curtis,
Chuck Neighbors. Fred Walker Sports Writers
Bob Hancock, John Holllngshead,
Tommy Fontaine, James Lancaster Photo Engravers
Emmett Trent. Jerry Clement, Bob Hendry Cartoonists
Autrey Frederick Advertising Manager
F-ussell Hagens, Fraak Tbunaoqd. .Advertising Representatives
Christmas shines from Aggie-
All over, the trees arc nodding
with tinsel and blinking their tiny
lights in greeting to all comers.
The season of Peace On Earth
comes down to a world more troub
led than at any time in the history
of mankind.
The radio says “It’s Christmas”
with the music and hymns that
gladden the airwaves. Our mail
boxes bulge “It’s Christmas” with
their fill of greetings from friends
old and new, far and near. Gaily
bedecked packages whisper “It’s
Christmas” as they perch on top
most shelves. Kitchen stoves agree
“It’s Christmas” as they send forth
the nicest fragrances of spice and
nuts and baking fruit cake.
But most of all the children
shriek “It’s Christmas.” It bub
bles out in their laughter, in
their fumbling fingers as they
hang the Christmas angel on a
low branch of the spruce tree,
in their wide-eyed anticipation
of Santa Claus, in their unleash
ed happiness and their cherubic
Christmas conies . . . and wc bow
our heads for the friends who
fight. We arc silently aware of
the imminent danger to our own
security. And wc watch by night
for the star that long ago looked
down on the Wise Men of Beth
lehem . . . and our hearts are pray
erful that this may be a sign of
real “Peace On Earth, Good Will
Toward Men.”
Industrial Education Wives hon
ored Yuletide Monday evening
with (heir annual Christmas par
ty. Frieda McKell, Quella Hart
and Doris Blissard did the hon
ors for 15 club members. In the
South Solarium of the YMCA,
the party featured a tree with
gifts for all, games and refresh
ments. . . . I Ed Wives are astir
over anticipated Friday night
plans when their husbands will
honor them with a Christmas
dinner-dance in the American
Legion Hall.
SILVER WING'S. The tale comes
to us that a few of the would-be
airmen of A&M almost changed
their minds after the recent flight
to Washington for the President’s
Cup Game. Seems their plane did
not take too well to the icy atmos
phere . . . and for a few panicky
moments corpsmen prepared for
initial parachute jumps. All end
ed well, so the story goes. And at
present the Military Department
hasn’t made known any requests
to transfer to other branches of
the service.
Wc spent a thoroughly delight
ful Sunday evening last when our
across-the-hall neighbors, Betty
and Paschal Drake, invited us
over to meet their brother, Cap
tain Ernest Brawley of the Med
ical Corps, U.S. Army. Dr.
Brawley was just back from the
combat areas of Korea where he
had served from the outbreak of
the w ar until recently. He show
ed colored slides of Korea and
talked of his experiences while
in that battle country.
Truly has become an authority on
Batt Hit for Criticising
Truman Foreign Policy
Editor, The Battalion:
After reading your editorials of
December 8 and 11,1,too have come
to wonder how you editors have
ascended to your present position
which should be one of honor and
dignity. I do not doubt that you
are among the most capable ex
perts in the field of foreign policy.
After all, no one but experts could
print “authoritative” statements
about our president such aS you
printed in your editorials.
1 would be the last person to
idolize Mr. Truman—The Perfect
Man. However, I do believe that
our present administration knows
just a little more about foreign
and domestic issues than you do.
In case that you wish to prove
your ability by heaping sarcasm
upon our elected leaders, why not
apply for positions as editors on
Prgvda or Red Star. They would
be, sure to accept your editorials
dealing with the total incapabilities
of Mr. Truman. In my opinion,
this is not'the time for you to crit
icize every action of our elected
president. Neither do I believe
the office of our president to be
The continuous strain of Mr.
Truman’s position is reason enough
for me to explain his ill-timed let
ter to Mr. Hume. However, it does
not warrant two-bit articles by ill-
informed “journalists” to fill the
pages of our newspaper. Further
more, how can you criticize Mr.
Truman for writing strong letters
of rebuke, when you practice the
same .tactics in your replies to peo
ple like Mrs. York and Mrs. Smith.
I must agree with you and Mr.
Pegler, “Let us pray.” Why not
continue. Let us pray to Almighty
God that our country be not di
vided by petty bickerings, but that
we remain strong and united in our
future actions.
Marvin Twenhafei
noless a disease than the common
old American mumps . . . since two
weeks ago when we created a small
crisis in the family by getting
them for the Texas U game. Now
installed again in our own College
View apartment (we spent the
worst of our seige at Mother’s)
we feel up to most any old thing,
but Doc still says nuh-uh! So here
we be . . . visited by sympathetic
I - have - had - the -mumps-I’m-not-
scared-a-bit folk, by a few ha-ha-
who’s-afraid-of-the-Big-Bad-Wolf ?'
people, but mostly by the I-think-
-feel? crowd. We added our sym
pathy to little neighbor Kelly
Mims, who is recovering nicely.
. . . And we just said so-long to
Mildred Vandever and advised her
to take her mumps home to bed.
That’s the nicest thing (I might
say the ONLY nice thing) about
being sick. Once you've had a
malady, you become an authority
of the last word on it and can go
around giving- all your friends
much-much advice.
Our Small Fry grow and grow—
and most of them insist on turn
ing the years of their young lives
with birthday parties. Recently
Bill Bob Carruthers became five
with what he describes as “lots of
kids, several mothers and a whole
Jot of cake.” Mom Emalie did
the honors for 18 young friends.
. . . Gloria Kay Jenkins was five
with 20 guests in to do the occa
sion honors. Her mother, Kay,
was hostess for the surprise par
ty. . . . Linda Pfrimmer was four
the week just gone by. Her mom
and dad honored her with a party
for the neighborhood children.
Hunting fever still flames.
Bill Rutledge claims he didn’t
bag much for his trouble on a
recent holiday trek of the West
Texas plains. . . . John Rebold
fared better with a five-point
buck as reward for his hunting
The Rebolds—John and Ear
line—and “several fellows” are
planning a Christmas trek to
(See WOMAN’S, Page 6)
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