The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 14, 1950, Image 1

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More than 90% Of
College Station’s Residents
The Battalion
Nation’s Top
Safety Section
Lumberman’s 1949 Contest
Number 64: Volume 51
Price Five Cents
NG Division CO
On Campus For
Routine Check
Bunch of Beaut ifiers
Major Gen. H. Miller Ainsworth
and members of a 36th National
Guard inspection team who talked
with NG Battalion Commander Lt.
Col. Taylor Wilkins here yester
day, denied that their tour was
connected with the possibility that
the 36th Division now at half
strength, would be called to ac
tive duty.
The tour is just a “routine 1
statewide command inspection,
they said.
The inspection team of Captain
Audio Murphy, honor guest at
A-feM’s 1948 Military Ball, and
W/O J. M. McGee was accom
panied by Col. R. M. Ise, command'
er of the 143 Infantry NG' Regi
Truman Gets
OK on Military
Washington, Dec. 14 —
(AP)—President Truman got
agreement of congressional
leaders of both parties to “a
very rapid increase” in U. S.
military strength yesterday and in
dicated he plans a sharp step-up in
home front effort to support it.
Mr. Truman’s proposal to meet
the world crisis were outlined to
the leaders at a conference with
the President, Secretary of State
Acheson and Secretary of Defense
The White House said afterward
there appeared to be unanimous
agreement among the conferees
that “our military strength should
be built up with the utmost speed.”
Confirming this for Republicans
who attended, Senator Taft of
Ohio said they also agreed fully
that “a dangerous emergency
The White House statement said
there appeared to be strong senti
ment for declaring a national em
ergency, a step which many confer
ees expect Mr. Truman to an
nounce in a world-wide broadcast
at 9:30 p. m. (CST) Friday night.
But it acknowledged that some
present withheld judgment on this
idea pending further study as to
the legal effects of such a pro
Taft said this on behalf of the
Senate and House Republican lead
ers: l 5 .*
“As to the proposed declaration
of a national emergency, we did
not feel we were sufficiently ad
vised as to the legal effect of such
a declaration, or the program that
must accompany it, to take a final
position on that question.
Dean Bertrand
Named Director
Junction Camp
Dr. John R. Bertrand, dean
Df the Basic Division, has been
appointed director of the
k&M Summer Adjunct at
Junction for next summer,
president M. T. Harrington an
nounced today.
The Adjunct, which has been
created to help prepare high school
graduates become better prepared
for college work, will open for the
first time this June.
Dean Bertrand said this morn
ing the only staff member he has
appointed at this time is Luke Har-
■ison who will serve as recreational
director. Harrison, an instructor
in the Physical Education Depart
ment, also served as dean of men
at the Annex two years ago.
Bertrand and Harrison will leave
tomorrow for the Junction camp
where they will inspect the near
completed facilities and make plans
for the camp’s opening.
The camp has been used for sev
eral years previous as a summer
camp for Geology students, and
will have the added feature for
prospective freshmen students this
Cottonseed Group
Gives $1600 Grant
A grant-in-aid of $1,600 was re
ceived by the Texas Agricultural
Experiment Station from the Na
tional Cottonseed Products Asso
ciation, Inc., of Dallas, Dr. R. D.
Lewis, director of the Station, said
The fund is for the development
of non-shattering strains of sesame
that can be successfully grown
and harvested mechanically in
Texas, Lewis continued.
ment, of which Wilkin’s units are
a part.
The group stopped here while
enroute from Mexia to Huntsville
where they last night inspected
Company F of the 143 Regiment.
Presented Flag
General Ainsworth, who visited
the campus last May when he pre
sented the 36th Division flag to
the outstanding infantry company,
and a saber to the outstanding in
fantry cadet, was amazed with the
advancement in construction and
completing the MSC since that
“The best designed most mod
ern, best arranged, and most suit
able . . . that I have ever seen,”
the General commented as he
glanced around the interior of the
When asked his opinion on the
Korean situation, the General said
that the evacuation of our armies
was not voluntary. Were it pos
sible, we should remain in Korea
to prevent using the more expen
sive action of having to resecure
the beachhead, the General opined.
“What should we do? In the
face of present conditions, the only
logical thing would be to get our
armies to maximum strength, ful
ly trained, fully equipped, and pre
pared for whatever might occur,”
General Ainsworth suggested.
Capt. Andie Murphy, most deco
rated soldier in World War II,
said this was his first visit to the
campus since March, 1948. Thei’e
have been great improvements
since that time, he commented.
He gave up a movie career
which, he said, had its off mom
ents, to volunteer in the 36th
Division so he could be with a
Texas outfit in event of another
war. Captain Murphy is tempor
arily assigned as senior aide to
General Ainsworth.
Be Prepared
“We need to get fully armed
and prepared to the fullest extent
just in case, and if the men are
not needed, they can be sent
home,” he answered to a question
on our army’s manpower needs.
On Colonel Ise’s regimental
staff from this immediate area is
Lt. Barney Welch, regimental ath
letic and recreation officer. Welch
is intramural director for the col
Local men on Colonel Wilkin’s,
a veteran’s advisor here, battalion
staff are Major W. G. Brezeale,
eveputive officer; Capt. Doil S.
Hdmmons, supply officer; Capt.
Donald Foster, adjutant; and Lt.
Ben Thompson, assistant opera-
tioins officer.
Red Troops Threaten
Hungnam Beachhead
Tokyo, Dec. 14—(IP)—A mass of Chinese
Red troops estimated at 10,000 men today
threatened the Allied beachhead ringed
around Hungnam port, last United Nations
toehold in northeast Korea.
A growing Red show of Soviet jet-pow
ered air strength across the peninsula in
western Korea raised another threat.
Twenty-four Russian-made MIG-15s
tangled with four American F-80 shooting
Stars in the biggest aerial dogfight of the
war thus far.
Bob Sturdivant, (right) chairman of the campus
beautification committee, strokes a lone, but
green blade of grass while members of his com
mittee look on with satisfied smiles on their faces.
From the left around are Milton Patterson, Brad
McAllister, Kenneth Rickenbrode, and Bill Smith.
Part ot the overall beautification plan included
building and placing campus signs like the one
here. The beautification campaign is being car
ried out in cooperation with the College Grounds
Department grass reseeding program.
(Photo by Molinary)
Recording 133215
Hollywood-Like Selling
Means Hard Work for Band
Confirmation Will
Be Administered
The rite of Holy Confirmation
will be administered in St. An
drew’s Episcopal Church in Bryan
by the Rt. Rev. Clinton Simon
Quin, D.D., Bishop of Texas on
Friday, Dec. 15, at 7:30 p.m.
The class will be presented by
the Rev. Vein Swartsfager, Rec
tor. Mrs. George A. Long, music
directress, will sing a special so
prano offertory solo accompanied
by Mrs. Charles D. Moore.
Mrs. Leon Trenckman Sr., presi
dent of the Associated Women of
St. Andrew, will preside at the re
freshments and reception to be
given in honor of Bishop and Mrs.
Quin and the members of the con
firmation class, immediately fol
lowing the service.
“Quiet please!” The authorita
tive command blared out over the
loud speaker and a complete si
lence fell over the array of mus
icians on the Guion Hall stage.
“Side 1A-E0-QB-I3321-Take 3—
“The Aggie War Hymn,” the loud
speaker continued. The musicians
readied themselves. The director
raised his hands but kept one eye
to the right of the stage. After a
short pause, a small red light
flashed on and the director and
musicians made their move—The
Aggie War Hymn was being re
“Cut”, blared the loudspeaker
again before half a dozen notes
could be played.
“What now?” was the exasper
ated query of several tired band
members. ^The recording producer
patiently. | explained that some
slight noise had crept in and ruin
ed the 'take’. It had to be done
over. .'V ‘
This/ was all tak ing place an
hour after the Aggie Band first
settled down to record “The War best ‘take’ of each song will be
Miss Holland
Finalist In
Maid Contest
Miss Jeannine Holland, last
year’s Aggie Sweetheart, is one
of the five Texas beauties enter
ing the 1951 Maid of Cotton con
test finals.
Jeannine and the other four
Texas beauties will have 16 other
Winner will be the cotton indus
try’s goodwill and fashion am
bassador. She will be given a cot
ton wardrobe and will tour more
than 30 US cities as well as eight
foreign countries.
Other Texans are Angie and El-
lege Branch, sisters from Houston;
Mary Beth Nicols, from El Paso;
Ruth Brunson from Lubbock.
Hymn.” They went through it
again, and again, and again. Fin
ally, everyone seemed pleased at
the end product—it was a good
“Don’t leave yet,” the producer
said. Let’s make another just like
that one—just in case.”
This was the view that a half
dozen or so spectators scattered
through Guion Hall got yester
day afternoon when A&M’s best
known and best loved songs were
Edward J. Goodman and Jimmie
Stewart, producer and recording
engineer respectively for the Re
corded Publications Company of
Camden, N. J., had their enter-
esting, if slightly confusing, equip
ment set up in the dressing room
of the stage.
While the musicians were going
through their paces, these two
men sat humped over their instru
ments turning little black dials
with one hand and following the
music on a dummy sheet with the
It was not hard to tell when
something went wrong. If the
recording had just started, they
naturally yelled, cut. If it was
well underway, they would let
it continue, but you could see
both men wince when the bass
drum came through a little fuzzy
or a cornet cracked the slightest
After each ‘take’, the recording
was played back over the loud
speaker to detect any possible
flaws. At least four ‘takes’ of each
song were made before they finish
ed. The best two were kept. They
will be gone over again and the
put on wax.
The first of the two records com
posing the first album of A&M
songs ever made will consist of
“The Twelfth Man” and ’’The
Spirit of Aggieland,” featuring the
Aggie Band. “Silver Taps” will
also be included on the record
with “The Spirit.”
On the other record will be
“The Aggie War Hymn” and
“The Spirit of Aggieland,” fea
turing the combined talents of
the Aggieland Orchestra and the
Singing Cadets.
The two-record album entitled
“Songs of Texas A&M” will be
available sometime in February,
according to C. G. “Spike” White,
director of Student Activities.
Also i-n the album will be infor
mation on the history of each of
the musical aggregations. Several
pictures will als6 be included.
The impressive maroon and
white cover will" bear a sketch of
the Academic Building and the
A&M Seal. A 75th Anniversary
seal will later be pasted on each
Chines Go Home,
If You Do—Malik
Lake Success, Dec. 14—UP)— In
an unexpected move, Russia’s Ja
cob A. Malik said yesterday the
Chinese Communist forces will go
home if all “foreign troops” (Uni
ted Nations Forces) are withdrawn
from Korea.
This surprise statement came
just before the U. N. political com
mittee beat down Malik’s stub-
bora opposition and approved a
plan of 13 countries for seeking
a cease fire in Korea.
The vote was 51 to 5 (Soviet
bloc) with China abstaining.
Malik’s statement to the politi
cal committee was the first time
any Soviet delegate has even hint
ed the Communist Chinese would
leave Korea. He said several com
mittee members had stated that the
Soviet demand for the withdrawal
of foreign troops meant only U. N.
forces and did not refer to Chinese
Communists. He said he wanted it
stated that Chinese “volunteers”
also would leave Korea.
Foreign Troops?
Asked just what he meant, Malik
told a reporter that if the foreign
forces (meaning the U. N. troops)
are withdrawn, there no longer
Batt to Compile
Christmas List
The Battalion is compiling a
list of Christmas holiday activ
ities. All clubs having social
functions should bring the no
tices to The Battalion office in
Goodwin Hall by 5 p.m. Sunday.
The notices should have the
name of the club, date of party,
place, time, and cost. To avoid
loss they should be submitted on
a full sheet of paper.
Santa’s Letters Humorous,
But Sometimes Pathetic
QB Club Meets
Films of the Presidential Cup
Bowl Game will be shown at a
meeting of the Quarterback
Club at 7:30 tonight.
New York—UP)—Give a child a
pencil around Christmas time and
often he engraves a message on
your heart.
Some are funny.
Like “Maureen” in Galway, Ire
land, who wrote to Santa Claus
care of New City's big general
“Santy, don’t send us any more
Some aren’t so funny.
A lower East side child wrote:
“I pray all the time and I rit
you last time and you did not
bring us nothing. My dad is in
India and I rit him. Mother says
the angels took him she think.
We did not get no presents last
Christmas. Please don’t forget
this time.”
“I am three and mom says my
babies. The last lad is very cross.” dad j s no t coming home no more
Postal employes each year try to so you can’t come to see me. Please
meet the requests that come by the come. I want toys and clothes. My
thousands. They buy toys, food daddy is very far in heaven.”
and candy with their own money. Underneath Billy’s mother
A Bronx child suggested: wrote:
“Please don’t bring roller skates “My husband was killed in Ko-
as my mommy will have a fit foi rea so please help us.
they make too much noise.” “Don’t disappoint my boy.”
will be any need for the volunteers
in Korea and they would be allow
ed to return to China.
There was no immediate reaction
from the United States or other
Western powers.
Russian opposition to the cease
fire proposal made it doubtful a
truce could be arranged. Malik’s
explanation indicated he expected
the U. N. forces to withdraw first
and this is a tondition which West
ern delegates indicated they could
not accept.
Approval Expected
The general assembly is ex
pected to take up this cease-fire
idea today, with approval ex
pected. It calls on President Nas-
rollah Entezam of the assembly
and two persons to be named by
Entezam to see if there is a basis
on which a cease-fire can be ar
The vote was taken after Can
ada and the Philippines warned the
Russians and the Chinese Com
munists that the free nations
would fight together if the Com
munists start a war to gain their
The resolution approved by the
committee was sponsored by Af
ghanistan, Burma, Egypt, India,
Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon,
Pakistan, the Philippines, Saudi
Arabia, Syria and Yemen.
No Overnight Solution
Malik sarcastically said it was
“naive” to assume that the cease
fire group could settle the problem
overaight. He said it was “danger
ous” to keep on excluding Com
munist China from discussions on
the Far East problems. .
Malik said the “fundamental,
overriding objective” is the eva
cuation from Korea of all foreign
“Without the withdrawal of for
eign troops, which is the first con
dition for the settlement of the
Korean question, there can be no
such thing as a peaceful settle
ment,” Malik said. “Where foreign
troops are present no just settle
ment of the destiny of any people
which finds itself under occupation
can even be thought of.”
The flashing battle was waged for near
ly a half hour over the Sinuiju area on the
Korean side of the Red Manchurian border.
Pilots reported one hit on a MIG and no
damage to their own planes.
Earlier in the day 14 to 16 MIGS—the
largest number to appear fighting in a sin
gle dormation up to then—engaged U.S. jets
in a brief clash in the same area. That fight
was broken off without damage to the eight
American jets involved.
Farther south, the U.N. northwest front
was generally quiet.
A security blackout settled over
the general picture in the critical
Hamhung-Hungnam area of north
east Korea. But a U S. 10th Corps
spokesman there estimated that 10
Chinese divisions were putting
pressure on the slender beachhead
from three directions.
Two light ground attacks on the
oerimeter, which embraces Ham-
' ung and its Hungnam port on the
wa of Japan coast were reported.
Attack Repulsed
Both attacks were repulsed, Chi
nese in company strength wore
captured American uniform* ia
the first probing attack.
The perimeter is manned by ele
ments of three American and two
South Korean divisions plus British
and Puerto Rico units. They are
from among the 60,000 or more
Mlied troops drawn to the beach
head from all northeast Korea.
Chinese menacing the perimeter
were hammered by carrier-baaed
Marine and Naval fighter-bombers.
41so protecting the beachhead were
the long-range guns of American
Field officers expected a sharp
fight within the near future. Cor
respondent Swinton reported Chi
nese forces were seeping down
from the north on foot. The heav-
ost force was moving through the
Suehong Valley north of Ham-
Move Forward
Ag Honor Society
Announces Award
An award will be made to an
outstanding freshman in the School
of Agriculture by the Agricultural
Honor Society.
The winner will be selected on
the basis of his grades, character,
personality, and leadership ability.
Any freshman in the School of
Agriculture is eligible for the
award to be presented on Mother’s
Freshmen who are interested
may obtain more information from
Dean Shepardson’s office.
West of the Hamhung-Koto road
other Chinese elements moved to
ward the beachhead. A third force
swung down from the northeastern
coastal road, still well to the north
of the right flank of the defense
It was down the Hamhung-Koto
road that the U.S. First Maripe and
Seventh Infantry Divisions re
treated through a series of Red
traps from the Cjhangjin Reservoir
last week. 1
Intelligence reports indicated the.
huge Chinese fo’rce menacing the
Hamhung beachhead came from
three or four army groups froin
About The Commentator
About The Engineer
Engineer Editor Says .
• •
Commentator Editor Says
Editor, The Engineer
I still haven’t been able to fig
ure out why I’m having to review
The Commentator, magazine of the
about a few things. For you
music lovers, there they are—
The Things. There have been
two of them all along.
“And most of the rest of me is
know how to use one anyway.)
And those pink polka dots all
over my face—I think the staff
must have been drunk when they
thought that one up!
“And look inside me at the title taken up with short fiction stories.
School of Arts and Science, but page. Now why would any two I haven’t bothered to entirely di-
occasionally an engineer must be gnys want to place their names gest these because there are still
called on to arrest the critical right below Lennies Picture ? What a lot of unemployed joke writers
shortage of capable staff writers are they hoping for, a date ? Some- raving around these United States,
on The Battalion. body better tell them she’s ah’eady “But what I want to know is
But to the subject on hand. taken by a junior. why my authors don’t place their
The vexy name Commentator “And then pages two and thi’ee names at the beginning of the
suggests a person who writes a re- of me are a complete waste. It is stories instead of the end. What
mai-k or criticism. Considering obvious the type was set only to do they want, running room to
the magazine as a whole to be take up the white space on the start with ? I, as a magazine, axn
that person let us read its own page. just about to develop an inferioi-i-
remarks and criticisms, about it- “But to my inspiration, my pride, ty complex.
self. and joy of November, (published “And then, in addition I have
If we listen carefully we can in December) pages four and five, two non-fiction features, an inter-
hear The Commentator complain- “She is a Queen, is Lennie—we view with the Aggie Players and
ing about the covex*, fickled as an love that gal. These pages could the SWC Basketball forecasts,
old society matron, the magazine have been it, pictures of women, Even in spite of the bad reputa-
likes to appear well dressed in sex, and pulti'itude. Thats what tion I have, this year’s staff could
public, but. . . the boys want. But wdxat did they not shed any bad light on the Ag-
“Oh honest to goodness, these do—they made an encyclopedia out gie Players. And that Basketball
Arts and Science guys couldn’t of it. forecast was written by The Fight
line up a photograph to be “In that slanting picture on ing Texas Aggie, need I say more,
straight even if they used a page four they had to tell the And about those ads, my blood
transit. (Probably they don’t world (100 subscribers that is) (See ENGINEERS, Page 6)
Co-Editor, The Commentator
This issue of a magazine, whose
main purpose is to supply the lat
est in engineering news via fea-
College Station mailboxes will tures, profiles, pictures, and cax*-
be crammed full this week, the rea- toons continues to serve in that
son being that Student Publica
tions has turned downright proli
For it is not often that, in one
week, three student magazines roll
off the presses. In fact, it’s not
often that one student magazine
rolls off the presses.
Impossible happened this week.
Two issues of The Engineer, the
November and December issues,
and one issue of The Commentator,
the November offering, have made
big time architect’s office. The
Engineer should have more of
this type material in later is
The Engineer has initiated this
capacity and does a few other das- year a new layout for each issue
tardly things besides.
An injection of humor is what,
perhaps, any technical publica
tion needs. This issue, in that
respect, is certainly not differ
ent. However, for laughs, there
are always the jokes. Comment;
the years have been kind to
And now, seriously.
“An Ode to a Sophomoi’e C. E.,”
their fateful journey through the a poem of considerable length men-
A&M Press.
We’ll take up the November
Engineer, and ignore the rest.
The Commentator will be cov
ered by the editor of the Engin
eer. I know, even now as I write
this, that somewhere on this
campus, in some smoke-filled
room, another student is busily
“taking care of” The Commenta
tioning in a humorous light the
idiosyncracies of certain members
of the CE Department staff is
quite good and cleverly worded.
(We hate to admit it.)
concerning current issue affect
ing engineers or engineering stu
dents. This same type thing has
been attempted in other magazines
in the past and present with less
space. The editorials are usually
shoi’t, readable, and get the point
over quite well without being terse.
Battalion, take note.
Now, for the technical matter.
Special features of the magazine
cover subjects ranging from rust
prevention to the Dallas Water
supply, perhaps the most timely
of which deals with facts about
These features, just like any
factual articles, will interest some
pletely enjoyable is “All Archi
tects Have Secretaries.”
The main plot concerns the
trials and tribulations of an at
tractive young secretary in a
Egger Heads YMCA
Planning Meeting
King Egger presided over the
South Texas YMCA and YWCA
planning conference held on the
A&M campus recently.
Representatives from Sam Ho .s-
ton State Teachers College, Te* as
University, Prairie View, x ad
TSUN were entertained at a iun -h-
eon in Sbisa dining hall af er
which programs and themes of ho
sectional and regional encaxrp-
for the various magazine depart- j ments for next spring were dis-
ments. I cussed.
Another bit of whimsy and com- intensely and strike others in
quite another manner. However,
these articles are always less
wordy, so as to make more room
State Senators
Discuss Schools
Taxes, Phones
The Texas State Senate's
committee on higher educa
tion met on the campus yes
terday to draw a draft for a
tenative report on higher ed
ucation. -
The Draft will be submitted to
the full council in session here to
The committee has been review
ing staff reports, testimony and
suggestions of the advisory com
mittee received at hearings in
Austin Monday and Tuesday.
All dealt with the subjects of
coordination of higher education,
negro education and junior col
Callan Graham, committee chair
man, said the draft presented to
the council today will be submit
ted to the advisory committee and
the council of college presidents.
The college presidents will re
turn the first draft with sugges
tions which may be incorporated in
a second draft to be presented to
the council and it approved to the
Today’s session of the council,
according to Executive Director
John D. Mosley, heard staff re
search reports on intrastate long
distance phone rates and discus
sion of additional material on tax