The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 13, 1950, Image 2

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    Let’s Play it Safe .
W E CAN guess that World War II is just
put of the question at the present time,
and this will be quite economical. Indeed, if
a frantic preparedness program caused an
immediate peaceful revision of Kremlin ob
jectives, many people would probably con
sider the money ill-spent. Failure to prepare,
on the other hand, will tempt Moscow to
open the throttle on the most powerful war
machine in the world.
Senator Lyndon Johnson (D-Tex) ap
parently believes in the old military maxim
that we should not guess what the enemy
might do, hut prepare for what the enemy
can do. His most recent demand is for the
development of a long range global plan of
strategy instead of the “makeshift mobiliza
tion” that has gone on for the past six
months. “If present policies prevail,” John
son continued, “we may find ourselves weak
er next June than in June, 1950, when the
Korean fighting started.”
We do not believe that political and
military leaders can afford the “calculated
risk” approach.
Military intelligence reported the Chin
ese armies were poised, but the attack was
apparently contrary to expectations in high
er command levels.
The Red army is poised in Western
Europe—who can say that it will not march ?
Let’s pay this installment on our free
dom in preparedness rather than in unwar
ranted decimination of the next “lost gen
From the City Desk . . .
Bryan City Officials
frice Power Lines
. . . By Joel Austin
Skirt Tales . . .
Tess Bides Time Waiting
For Christmas Holidays
Come Now, and Let Us Reason Together . . .
Laws Cannot Produce
Security We Desire
When the history of the Twentieth Century is
written, will we be known as the “Generation of
Cowards?” Not physical cowards. Moral cowards.
Afraid to face and conquer the problems that con
front us.
We fervently hope not.
The thought of a generation’s moral coward
ice is brought to our attention every , day by new
reports of plans to effect security for all of us *
The spare us from troubles plan which is getting
the most attention right now is medical security—
socialized medicine, compulsory health insurance, or
any of the other names it has.
“The Daily Fair Dealer,” student newspaper of
the University of Texas, has just wound up a
series of four articles expounding the benefits to
be derived from such a plan. Written by Dr. Carl
Roscnquist, professor of sociology, the fourth ar
ticle ends with an argument or appeal for adop
tion of a federally controlled health program:
Here Is Their Argument
“Let us suppose that next week or tomorrow you
do not feel so well and you go to a doctor. He
examines you and finds that you need an opera
tion and after that, six months of complete rest.
Or you turn out to have TB, or diabetes, or a
suspicion of cancer, or any of a hundred potentially
grave illnesses.
“Will you give me one guess as to the first
thought that enters your mind after you have
absorbed the/ shock of the doctor’s diagnosis. Here
it is: You will wonder, how much is this illness go
ing to cost me and how am I going to pay for it?
“That is the question that haunts the mihd of
every middle-class person when he is seriously ill.
The doctor tells you not to worry; that worry will
interfere with your recovery. How can you help it,
when you think of the sacrifice you and your fam
ily will now have to make?
“There is no way now of being prepared in ad
vance for this kind of thing, for there is no earthly
way of estimating the expense. It may be small,
let us hope it will be, but it may take everything
you own and all you can borrow besides.
“National health insurance provides an answer
to that question.”
Does it? Really.
This last year brought us a concrete example of
how federal control measures answered another se
curity problem.
How Successful was ‘Potato Security?’
Up in the state of Maine there arc some won
derful potato farms. In fact, Aroostook County
is probably the best known producer of potatoes in
the world. But the farmers up there have problems
just as any other farmer. What if too many po
tatoes are produced? The price of potatoes will fall
and the farmer is liable to have to dig down in
his savings to tide him over till the next year.
Last year our government decided to fix up “the
answer” for his problem If the farmer faced fin
ancial setback because of low potato prices, the
government would rescue him by buying his pota
toes at a price which would afford him a profit.
So what did the farmer do? Well, you can’t
blame him for what happened. Here was a guar
anteed profit crop. So why gamble with anything
else? Every field was planted with potatoes Maine
farmers usually had diversified cx’ops; not now
Rotten Potatoes Everywhere
After a nearly perfect growing season, the pota
toes began to pour in! And our government bought
them. Wasn’t long before there was no more stor-
ajge space. So mountains of potatoes were piled out
side. The potatoes couldn’t be sold. Oh no, that
would lower prices.
So the potatoes were dyed purple and left to
rot. And New England housewives were paying ab
normally high prices for potatoes.
Then what happened? This will make you laugh
—or cry. Canadian potato farmers began to ship
their produce to the United States. New England
shoppers bought Canadian potatoes with mountains
of U. S. potatoes rotting in their own back yard.
Where did the money come from to pay for the
mountains of rotting potatoes? When you get your
next paycheck, look at the cut taken by our federal
government—now you know
“No Law Can Give Us Security”
No, Dr. Rosenquist, we had rather believe Ben
E. Young, vice president of the National Bank of
Detroit. In a speech at Michigan State College,
Young argued that no law can give us security.
“There appears to be no price we will not pay for
so-called “Security,” said Young. “We appear to
think that by passing a law we can have security—
that, someone will look after us aside from our own
“No law can produce two articles where one
existed before. We have to work for security, and it
is up to each able man to provide his share.
“If a man wants the greatest possible de
gree of security, he will do everything he can
to provide iL from his own efforts and he will-
avoid forcing his government further into this
business—since he may end up without security
and without his own liberty of action as well.
“Gifts from government never come free. If
men for long are to govern themselves, then they
must support their government and never fall into
the habit of letting their government support them.”
Residents of College Hills who have been looking for
that long over-due decrease in electric rates can make plans
for becoming a part of the regular College Station electric
service, IF:
$ Voters of the city pass the $200,000 bond issue
which will be placed in their hands Saturday, January 8.
The local city council accepts the price set by
Bryan city officials on their power installations in College
Bryan city officials announced yesterday they had
placed a tentative value of $35,845.42 on electric lines, poles,
transformers, etc. which are in the College Station city limits.
They would not offer for sale any of the power lines out
side the limits of the cty.
$70,000 for Electrical Expansions
With $70,000 of the $200,000 bond issue (if it passes)
to be alloted for electrical expansion and extensions, the
lines belonging jointly to the City of Bryan and REA would
be purchased with that money.
The hold-up on purchase of the system has been in se
curing official approval from REA offices in Washington.
Although no approval has been granted yet, application to
sell the lines has been made by Bryan and an OK from the
Washington group is expected at anytime.
Many adjustments remain to be made, however, before
the lines can be sold to the City of College Station—the vot
ers willing. If the bond money is provided for the purchase
of these electrical facilities, definite decisions must be made
by officials of the two cities concerning the ownership of
various electric poles and whether rent will be due either
party from these poles, transformers, etc.
One city official said yesterday that any adjustments
that must be made should not vary from the $35,845.42 fig
ure more than $1,000 either way.
That’s Lots of Money
As for the other $130,000 to be included in the bond elec
tion, all we have to say is—that’s a lot of money. According
to plans agreed on by the city council, $110,000 is to go for
sewerage expansions and a sewage disposal plant.
There are no immediate plans for building such a plant,
but provision is being made in this bond issue for it since
all bonds will be paid off with revenue from city water and
sewer systems.
The remaining $20,000 will be used for repairs and add
itions to present water facilities as the need arises.
Some $40,000 is still on hand from a bond issue voted
four or five years ago which is to be applied to the disposal
plant fund. Estimated cost for such a unit to be established
here is approximately $150,000.
All You Have to Do Is Vote
Only $60,000 of the bonds, are scheduled to be sold im
mediately after the election, if the issue passes. This money,
as we said, will be for electrical expahsions.
As to when the remaining $140,000 will be spent, the
council must decide according to th<al needs of the city and
the growth and new additions which require more utility ex
The only thing that remains to be done now by citizens
of College Station is to make sure they go to the polls Jan
uary 8 and cast their ballot for or against the bond issue.
We think there are enough people in College Hills v/ho
would rather pay the lower electric rates offered by College
Station than see the bond issue defeated and continue pay
ing high rates to Bryan.
Daily Lass-0 Friday Editor
TSCW, Denton, Tex., Dec. 13.—
We’re just biding our time. Trying
to swim through this one last week
without straining our brains. This
is the week to sleep through class,
cut class, work the whole book of
crossword puzzles, catch up on
letter writing so the buddies will
be speaking to you when you get
home (and the family). Maybe the
profs will credit our inertia to
battle fatigue and be lenient. Who
knows? After all, they’re just as
anxious as we are. They probably
don’t enjoy viewing the same sea
of faces every other day after
every other day.
But they never had it so good.
At least they don’t have to prove
they know what they’re talking
Our favorite profs are the
ones who stomp into class, check
roll before the final bell, and
pull out the imaginary sign
which reads, in part:
“For the next hour we will have
absolute silence, except as it is
broken by my own unexcelled elo
quent expose of . . . (next install
ment in the monotone). For this
dissertation from my dias I am
forced to demand your entire at-
tentiion. I realize it will not be ne
cessary to ask this as the looks on
your simple little faces tell me that
you need it, God knows. Let there
be no coughing, sneezing nor scuff
ling of feet because all of this will
not faze me. I am getting paid
to give this speech and if one of
you looks the least bit uninterest
ed, I will forthwith keep you after
the emancipation bell to get even,
because I can get away with it
Capt. Hill Recalled
To Active Service
Capt. McRae W. Hill, a 1942
graduate of A&M and a reserve
officer called to active duty, was
assigned this week to the 140th
Tank Battalion, a unit of the 40th
Infantry Division now training at
Camp Cooke.
and there’s absolutely nothing you
can do about it, ha, ha. So there.”
Now', isn’t that right? Just no
tice the look on your prof’s face
at your 8 o’clock in the morning.
Can’t you just see such thoughts
racing through his little mind?
They don’t think we know.
I guess we always feel this way
just before vacation time. One is
just a little prone at this stage
(prone is right) to satirize those
little things which make life in
teresting, including profs. But,
they’re really OK. After all, what
would college be without profes-
sors? See, they’ve got us there.
Since the holidays are so omni
present right now, the activity on
our fair campus is nil. Not that
we’d have the strength to attend
if there was anything. Saturday
night we had our last pre-holiday
fling what with the Cristmas all
college dance in that gathering
place for Terpsichore’s sons and
daughters, the UB Ballroom. Just
like we predicted, many, many Ag
gies made the trip up. And many
stayed over for the Nativity Pa
geant. It had three performances,
two Sunday, punctuated by the an
nual dinner for the cast, and one
show Monday.
Hope you Aggies are taking
advantage of the Salute to Ag-
gieland and Salute to Tessie-
land radio program exchanges.
Get your best girl serenaded
through the facilities of WTAW
and WCST. It involves a very
simple process. First, you equip
yourself with pen and paper.
Then, grasping the pen firmly
in one hand, address an envelope
lo Salute to Tessieland, Station
WTAW, College Station, Texas.
On the portion of paper which
you will forthwith place within
the stamped addressed envelope,
print plainly:
“Please play for my
favorite girl, Miss Sin
cerely yours, or something to that
effect, signed See, it’s
so simple a child can operate it.
And, it glows in the dark.
We don’t usually expound at
length about a past event, but in
the case of the entertainment pro
vided by Mr. Charles Laughton
last Friday, the rule can be by
passed. The noted Thespian made
the woi’ds of Bill Shakespeare
come to life as we have never
heard them do so before. And, he
willingly posed for photographers
while munching five bacon and
cheese sandwiches which he had
purchased on our own Drag.
As you readers of the Daily
Lass-0 may have noted, there are
rumors of a firebug loose on our
campus. The second fire last week
was discovered on fourth floor of
Brack Friday morning. Damage
list included a desk loaded with
books and notes. Some people have
all the luck.
Let’s end this for a while, say
til after the Christmas Holidays?
Hope all of you have a party time
at home and that Santa brings
each of you a new tie.
“Serving the Aggies and their Families”
State Wo-SJ
(for the end of a perfect day)
North of Sulphur Springs Rd. on Hwy. 6 South
Rt. 3, Bryan, Texas Phone 6-2024
woGxWp & Co.
"A Masterpiece in NyloJ.l ,,
Our Fashion Academy Award Winner
! n a * a j-ia •, t<> Prof Writes Timely Letter on Student Preparedness
IjCHSJ S 10 me LsO imt» For War; Batt Editors Rapped Again; Mistake Found
Editor, The Battalion: tradition to commit American cit- Aggies have gained a reputa-
This letter was prompted by the izens to mortal combat without the tion for A&M College as a pro-
editorial “It’s Time to Stop” which sympathies, productive power, and ducer of leaders that all Aggies,
I have just finished reading. I do the potential armed might of the past and present, can justly take
not intend it as a criticism of this nation standing squarely behind great pride in. A&M is still doing
very timely editorial, I mean it as them. We should not hesitate to business on the same old corner
an appeal to sane and clear think- keep our record clean, even though and A&M is still producing lead- to neglect their education during tion sends us to fight.
gun—and shoot it, too—educated
Aggies can join in the greater
battle, Hie battle for a world in
which each individual is a
Can Aggies at any level afford
pants”—we apologize for our
wardrobe. But it’s not quite as
•frilly as you infer. Nowhere do
we try to cover up the fact that,
in all probability, we will go to
Korea—or wherever else our na-
ing on the part of the many Ag
gies who are naturally upset about
their draft status.
Many of us who served in the
nation’s armed forces during
you and I must take our place be- ers, leaders who arc ready to fight, times like these ? Even the classes
side and not behind our fighters, if necessary, to preserve the great held on December 18 and 19 could
Did American troops have any “American Way” and to let its be important, final exams are corn-
business in Korea last summer? glories shine throughout the world, ing up fast.
Then, where do they belong now? As Aggies await their draft no- Marvin H. Butler
World War II got the idea that we Our Korean policy has not been tice or reserve call—as they pro- Economics Dept,
were fighting—at least in part— too satisfactory in light of recent bably should and almost certainly Captain, ORC
for a world in which individual events—we haven’t moved fast will—let them be preparing them- (Editor’s Note: Thank you Mr. } ous over and do our part,
rights would not be subordinated enough and we haven’t put enough selves. Not preparing only for an Butler for a very timely discus- too. You’ve heard the phrase fre-
to the will of a few strong rulers, on the road. There is only one impending war, but also preparing sion. We hope that your letter quently. We’re no more anxious
If we do not believe in the sane- course to follow, and that a very themselves for an active role in will pave the way for more dis- nor atl y more reluctant than the
tity of individual rights, if we do rough and rocky one, unless we do making American principles some- cussion from faculty members in nex t man to risk our lives in de-
not believe in the freedom of the m complete about face and apol- thing to be pointed at with awe our “Letters to the Editor” column fensc of our country.
We accept that fact. But it
doesn’t make us happy. It doesn’t
raise our morale. And we’re of the
opinion that it doesn’t look too
inviting to most of the students
around here.
We might say that we’re anx-
individual to express himself as an ogize for our untimely interference and reverence by all the peoples of on matters of such importance.)
important member of the society in in a quarrel that didn’t concern the earth.
which he lives, why did we com- us. If we follow this latter course,
mit our troops to armed conflict We must forget our hypercritical
on the Korean peninsula a fe \v pretense at being interested in the
short months ago? things for which the United States
It is not a part of American of America has always stood.
At A&M, as at other institu
tions of higher learning, the in
dividual is prepared primarily
for life, not for death and kill
ing. Any Aggie can carry a
The Battalion
Editor, The Battalion:
In reference to your editorial
telling us to stop pressing the
“you’re going to Korea” issue,
I’d like to say that the sooner you
and a few more million like you
realize that the sooner we get
started the sooner we’ll get finish
ed .. . it’s a job that has to be
Another thing. We’ve fought for
our right to say what we please
before, and we’ll do it again . . .
98 per cent of the boys down here
don’t wear lace pants . . . they
can stand the cold facts. If any-
thing needs to be stopped around
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, is published here, it’s the “infernal preachin’ ”
. five times a week during the regular school year. During % the summer terms, The Battalion is published you editors do.
Page 2
But we’ve been told by rather
competent authority that the best
way we can help at present is
to educate ourselves to make good
officers and leaders of men when
our time comes. If ever our coun
try needed intelligent and well-
trained leaders, it is now.
Anything that lowers men’s de
sire to get that essential training
and education that will equip them
to be these aualified leaders, any- L
(See LETTERS, Page 4)
Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions
’'Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman”
The Eyes Have It
By A1 Gapp
four times a week, and during examination and vacation periods, twice a week. Days of publication are
Monday through Friday for the regular school year, Tuesday through Friday during the summer terms,
and Tuesday and Thursday during vacation and examination periods. Subscription rates $6.00 per year
-or $.50 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request.
L. O. Tied!
Jerry Zuber ....
Ralph Gorman
Allen Pengelley
Today’s Issue
Managing Editor
Campus News Editor
.. Sports News Editor
City News Editor
Beat the hell outa Russia and
UCLA. (In that order.)
J. Harmon ’47
(Editor’s Note: Excuse our not
being heroes. We’d rather remain
As to your remark that it’s time
to wake up, we thoroughly agree.
If you've followed anything but
the “Letters” column on our edi
torial page, you should have seen
that The Battalion has been awake
for some time as to the state of
international affairs.
Regarding our wearing of “lace