The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 12, 1950, Image 1

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Co^ eS
Circulated to
More than 90% Of
College Station’s Residents
Nation’s Top
Safety Section
Lumberman’s 1949 Contest
Number 62: Volume 51
Price Five Cents
New Kiwanis President
. n.y:Ws?i
Joe Motheral, (left) outgoing president of the
College Station Kiwanis Club, presents the pres
ident’s gavel to A. C. .Magee, newly installed
leader of the local civic organization. K. E.
“Prof” Jackson, principal speaker for the Annual
Kiwanis Christmas Banquet at which time the
installation was held, looks on.
Noted Humorist Highlights
Kiwanis Christmas Banquet
“The difference in a home and a
house is that sunshine shines on
a house—:uld in a home;” said R. E.
“Prof” Jackson as he spoke last
night at the Annual Kiwanis Club
Christmas Banquet held in the Me
morial Student Center Ball Room.
“The thing we have to do is
spread that sunshine so we can
look forward to a better communi
ty and in turn a better nation par
ticipating effectively and peace
fully in world affairs,” he added.
Speaking to a group of approxi
mately 90 club members and their
tvives, the noted humorist, who is
in associate professor of history
nnd government at Texas State
College for Women, kept the group
laughing most of the time with his
nany anecdotes and jokes which
were cleverly tied together as “ex
planations” of his general text,
“Think Without Confusion Clear
“Prof” Jackson,” a member of
the TSCW faculty for 80 years, re
marked, “ . . . we get so tired of
the things we have to do, we don’t
enjoy the things we don’t have
to do.”
Magee Installed as President
A. C. Magee was installed as
president of the local Kiwanis or
ganization by Edward Schreiber,
lieutenant governor for the third
Other new officers installed at
the banquet were Otis Miller, first
vice-president; John Johnston, sec
ond vice-president; John Sperry,
secretary; Doyle Ledbetter, treas
urer; and George Summey, Jr.,
J. G. “Mickey” McGuire, J. B.
“Dick” Hervey, John Longley, and
Greene Triple Winner
In Slide Rule Contest
Triple winner of the freshman
slide rule contest was Donald G.
Greene, Architecture major from
Gladewater, who left the assem
bly hall yesterday evening richer
by two plaques and a slide rule.
Green was top scorer of the
contest with 275 out of a possible
800. He was presented the top
award plaque by the President of
the College, M. T. Harrington.
The five high scorers who re
ceived slide rules were Greene,
Robert Charles Kietzman, EE ma
jor from Houston, Daniel Olin
Atkinson, Pet. E., Fort Worth,
William Richard Casbeer, CE,
Lampasas, and Robert Thomas
Miller, Geol. Eng., Houston. Dr.
Howard W. Barlow, Dean of En
gineering, made the presentations.
Students with no prior college
work who were contest, winners in
their various fields are: Gordon
C. Umbel, aeronautical engineer
ing; James S. Milligan, agricul
tural engineering; Donald G'.
Green, architecture; Ide P. Trbtter,
Chemical Engineering; William R.
Casbeer, civil engineering; Frank
J. Way, electrical engineering.
Robert T. Miller, geological en
gineering; Larry L. McCelvey,
management engineering; Samuel
Court to Define Boycotts
Washington, Dec. 12—'fPi— The
Supreme Court agreed yesterday
to define the scope of the Taft-
Hartley law’s ban on secondary
boycotts by labor unions.
In such boycotts a union seeks
to win a labor dispute by trying
to compel other companies to stop
doing business with the firm di
rectly involved.
The court accepted four differ
ent cases on which to base its final
Jahn, mechanical engineering;
Daniel O. Atkinson, petroleum en
In the group that have had soriie
prior college work winners were:
Robert Charles Kietzman, first
place, Clifford August Schaefer,
second; Donald Harold Niederer,
third place. The plaques were pre
sented by the department heads.
Every participant in the contest
was presented a small plaque by
Dr. John R. Bertrand, Dean of
the Basic Division, who urged more
students to take part in the annual
sliderule competition.
The Mechanical Engineering
Shops, under the supervision of
Professors D. W. Fleming, M. W.
Watson, and H. G. Stallings, de
signed and made the plaques that
were awarded in the contest.
Joe Motheral, directors.
Outgoing..President Motheral re
viewed the activities of the civic
group during the past year. “We
haven’t done everything we set out
to do, but we did a great deal,”
he commented.
Vocal Selections
Also included on the program
were two vocal selections, “Desert
Song” and “Some Enchanted Eve
ning” by Jim Jordan, a junior stu
dent from Baytown. He was ac
companied by Miss Betty Bolander
on the piano.
W. R. Schrank, senior student
from Hamilton, offered two num
bers on his guitar, “Abdul Abul
Bui Ameer” and “Bonaparte’s Re
W. L. Maples served as toast
master for the evening, while Rus
sel Coach introduced the speaker.
The invocation for the banquet
was delivered by the Rev. James
F. Jackson, pastor of the A&M
Methodist Church. Background
music was played throughout the
dinner by Miss Bolander.
Following the program, the
group was invited to remain in the
Bail Room for dancing and games
of bridge and canasta.
$200,000 Bond
Election Slated
By City Council
Battalion City Editor
College Station City Councilmen voted last night to
place a $200,000 bond election in the hands of local voters
with the polling date set at Jan. 8.
To be included in the $200,000 issue is $70,000 for elec
tricity expansion and repairs, $110,000 for a sewage dis
posal plant and sewerage expansions, and $20,000 for addi
tions to present water facilities.
If the election passes, the council agreed to sell $60,000
of the bonds immediately to buy power lines for College Hills
and make necessary improvements and also repairs on other
electric lines within the city.
The rest of the bonds would be sold as the need for
additional utility expansions be-> —
comes necessary. Councilmen de
cided that all payments on the
bonds would be made from revenue
from the water and sewerage utili
ties which they own.
Although the council and the
Bryan Commission are still wait
ing for approval from the REA
office in Washington for sale of
the College Hills power lines to
College Station, the local govern
ing body was assured by Bryan Departmental clubs of the
authorities last night that REA School of Arts and Sciences
approval was due here any day. w jjj S p ec i a l meetings be-
One councilman pointed out that ginning Jan. 8 to acquaint
if the Bryan-REA power Imes in ; freshmen with what various
this College Station residential , departnients and their organiza .
aiea veie released toi sale imme-Uj ons d . ivt . 0 ff er( the Arts and
diatoly and the bond issue is pass-1 S c i ences Council decided last night,
ed, the low rates offered by Col-l cliffor(J }I RanS(Jall) ass i stant
to the dean of the Basic Division,
^ inne lLife Committee
Will Be Named n .
At Vet Meeting lieYISCS FOllltS
cinesvtrsi b or Activities
est grade point ratio will be _L 3-Vy T A AA
made tonight at the regular 1
meeting of "the Junior American A sweeping revision of the Student Activities “Point
Veterinary Mcdician Association,' System” met the unanimous approval of the Student Life
P r ; I ; R Bough ton dean of the j Committee last night. The group was holding its regular
udny ° Votenniiry Me( lcinc ‘ saitl monthly meeting in the MSC Senate Chambers.
Newton Lamb, tlimtor qnalitv ,,. Kealk,cation of activity points had been considered by
control for the southern divisioh the governing body at its November meeting. The revised
of the Borden Company will pie- list, compiled by a special sub-committee, passed with only
sent the check to the winner at the ! one amendment.
8:10 t). m. Meetings in the Veterin- The new distribution of the points is aimed at limiting
ai ; v Hospital. extra-curricular participation on the part of students by
the $800 award which is pro- evaluating various student positions in accordance with the
amount of time required in each job.
Arts, Sciences
Plan Meetings
To Orient Fish
sonted annually by the milk com
pany to the senior vet med stu
dent with the highest grade point
ratio was won last year by Hugh
M. Wallace, Dr. Boughton stated.
Wallace who had a GPR of 2.89
for his first three years in the
vet school is now in private prac
tice following his graduation last
The award has been present an
nually to senior vet med students
at A&M for the last six years, Dr.
Boughton continued.
Rain Report
Shows 1950
Not Driest
lege Station could not be offered
College Hills people until probably j j iad previously addressed the group
sometime in I ebruary if not later, j an( j t 0 ] d them through the pro
posed club meetings, the council
Voting Places Set
Voting places for the Jan. 8 elec
tion were set by the council. The
City Hall will be voting headquar
ters for residents of Ward 3. Vot
ing booths will be placed at Black’s
Pharmacy for people living in
Ward 2 and Greiser’s Electric
Shop will be the place' for Ward 1
residents to vote,
Officials for the various ballot
ing places are as follows:
• Ward 1: E. O. Siecke, judge;
Mrs. Ernest Langford, assistant;
Mrs. F. G. Anderson and Mrs. F. R.
Brison clerks.
• Ward 2: J. B. Lauterstoin,
judge; Mrs. F. L. Thomas, Sr.,
assistant; Mrs. A. B. Stevens and
Mrs. P. W. Burns clerk.
• Ward 3: Lloyd Smith, judge;
Mrs. W. B. Clements, assistant;
Mrs. W. R. Fitch and Mrs. A. P.
Boyett clerks.
Town Meeting Set
A Town Meeting has been sched
uled for this week (the date and
time is still uncertain) to bring
interested citizens together with
the City Council to discuss the
forthcoming bond election.
The meeting ■ is to be held at
A&M Consolidated High School as
soon as arrangements can be made
with school authorities.
The council decided to hold the
third annual all day Open House
at the City Hall, Dec. 22. Coffee
and fruit cake will be served vis
itors during the day.
would provide freshmen an inval
uable service.
A first year man will be able to
meet heads of the departments,
talk with them concerning various
fields of that department, meet
students of that department, and
decide with more accuracy what
course he is most qualified to take
and in which he is most interested.
Club meetings will be considered
a definite part of the freshman’s
orientation program. When a
freshman signs up to attend a
meeting/he will be expected to be
present at that particular meeting.
Rolls will be checked, Ransdall
told the group.
Joe Murphy, chairman of the
committee for betterment of fac
ulty-student relations, presented
an eight point list of proposed sug
gestions for council vote. It was
decided that suggestions would be
mimeographed, distributed to mem
bers for their possible amendment,
and consideration, and voted upon
at the next meeting on Jan 8.
Representative , to the Inter-
Council, Joe Perry, gave it report
o'n the afternoon meeting of that
Onion to Close
Guion Hall will be closed to
morrow from 1 p.m. until G
p.m., during a recording session
of the Aggie band and Singing
Cadets, according to Toni Puddy,
Guion Hall manager
Lady in Red
It is not as dry as you think
it’s here at College Station ac
cording to the records kept by the
United States Department of Agri
culture at the Main Experiment
These records have been kept
since 1889 and record the rainfall
for each month since that time.
The first eleven months of 1950,
yielded a total of 31.67 inches of
precipitation for the College Sta
tion area. This amount is 7.25 in
ches short of the annual average of
1 Thus far this year can be classi
fied 'as one of the drier years but
far from the driest. The driest
year recorded at the weather sta
tion was 1917 when only 15.50
inches of rain fell on College Sta
The wettest year on record was
1900 when 60.75 inches fell here.
For the three month period of
September, October, and Novem
ber, the 1950 records show this
year to be the fifth driest three
month period on record. During
this time in 1950, 3.25 inches fell,
while for the same period in 1915,
only ,45 inches of rain fell on this
The wettest three month period
of September, October and Novem- j nomics
her, was in 1889 when 21.03 inches | “the most
Farm Bureau
Rejects Price
Control Ideas
Dallas, Dec. 12 —(AP)—
; The American farmer doesn’t
want either price controls or
rationing, speakers at the
American Farm Bureau Fed-
! eration Convention' said yesterday.
“Price control does not control
inflation, it is the hand maiden of
| inflation, it covers it up.” He sug-
J gested higher taxes as an inflation
E. Howard Hill, Iowa Farm Bu
reau president, said polls in his
| state show the people don’t want
! rationing. He also said “price ceil-
| ings do not control inflation in
the East.”
I H. H. Alp, director of the Fede-
| ration’s poultry department, said
j the department’s advisory commit-1
| tee “recommends that there be no
price ceilings and no rationing.”'
Delegates representing 1,500,000 I
! farm families in 45 states and i
Puerto Rico attended separate!
conferences ’ preceding formal con-;
vention sessions tomorrow.
At the joint commodity confer
ence, Kline condemned price con-1 treasurers of various student or-
trols on grounds they interfere ! ganizations. These positions bad
with the best weapon against in- formerly been valued at two
flation—increased production. 1 points.
“The only yay I know to get Additions to the list _ i.wluded
pigs is to breed sows,” the fede-' U'^dont, MSC CouncH; vice*>re8>-
ration chief said. He said price ^ ' Senate; secretary,
controls would bring black markets j
and government subsidies. 1
At the same ,conference, a gov
ernment spokesman said, “none of
Main objection to the previous
point allocation was that it. was
outdated and otherwise not justi
fied in many instances by the work
and time requirements of the stu
The new list, which will go into
effect during the 1951-52 school
year, reduces four previous “10-
joint positions.” No student is al
lowed to engage in activities, the
sum of the values of which is more
than 10 points.
Dropped from the maximum
point positions were the editor
ships of the four A&M magazines
—The Agriculturist, The Engin
eer, The Commentator and The
Southwestern Veterinarian. Each
of the posts is now worth six
The only amendment to the sub
committee’s proposed, list concern
ed possible co-editors of the maga
zines. Although Student Publica
tion regulations do not prescribe
co-editors for the magazines, thg
regulations do not prohibit them.
Co-editors of both The Battalion
and The Aggieland are required by
present regulations.
The committee as a whole decid
ed by unanimous vote to allow
magazine co-editors two-thirds the
value of a single editorship. This
means that magazine co-editor’s
job will be valued at four points
next year.
Dropped entirely from the activ
ities point system were the jobs
of vice-presidents and secretary-
us knows when and whether we j f our p 0 jnts.
may have price; controls and con
sumer rationing*.” Oris V. Wells,
chief of the Agriculture Depart
ment’s Bureau of Agricultural Eeo-
agreed with Kline that
effective control lies
Battalion; and vice-president, MSC
Council. The first four jobs wett
added at a .value of six points
each. The latter position will be
fell on College Station.
in increased production,”
Texas’ Long Battle
Over Tidelands Lost
NTSC Vaudeville Show
Features Songs to Magic
Ocean Research
Council Appointed
Dale F. Leipper, head of the De
partment of Oceanography an
nounced today that a nationwide
council for ocean w r ave research
has been established by the En
gineering Foundation.
The council, sponsored jointly
by the four major engineering
societies, (Civil, Mechanical, Elec
trical, and Mining Engineering)
has a four-fold purpose: to en
courage and sponsor research on
wind-generated v r aves and relat
ed problems; to review the re
sults of laboratory and field stud
ies; to develop and design meth
ods and procedures for the use of
practicing engineers; to publish
the findings; and to recommend as
signment to appropriate agencies
such continuing services as are de
Miss Lesley Ryall, a cute brun
ette in a flaming red dress, was
the hit of the show last night,
when the Collegiate Review from
North Texas State College made
its appearance on the Guion Hall
The co-ed from North Texas
sang “That Old Feelin’ ” and
“Happiness Is Just A Thing Call
ed Joe" in a warm sweet voice that
brought the house down. The cute
miss was visibly impressed by the
roar of applause that signaled the
end of her numbers.
The band led off under the di
rection of Gene Hall, director of
the department of modern music
at NTSC, with their home-made
arrangements of *T Cover The
Waterfront” and “Rhapsody In
Blue.” The second number was
taken from Glenn Miller’s ar
rangement of the Gershwin
Following Miss Ryalls songs
were two more band numbers,
“Temptation” and “Shade of Blue,”
which featured “Cyclops” Manning
on the alto sax. Meaning plays
saxophone in Hay McKinley’s band
in Dallas.
Jack Alexander, the comedian of a “A Good Man Is Hard To Find”
the show, turned out two outstand- and “Baby, I Got News For You.”
ing numbers with his renditions of To show its versatility the band
switched to a seven man combo and
accompanied Adiian McLish who
sang, “I Only Have Eyes For You.”
McLish is a former member of
Vaughn Monroe’s Moonmaids.
Keeping its change of pace
moving, the combo then gave out
with some fine numbers in Dix
ieland among them, “Under the
Double Eagle,” and “How Come
You Do Me Like You Do Do Do.”
Ruben Rodriquez made a hit
with a few minutes of sleight of
hand and light magic. His peppy
opening remark “Gig ’Em Aggies!”
got him a cheer at once and he
kept the audience happy while on
Once again the appearance of
a feminine member of the troupe
brought forth huge rounds of ap
plause, when Leola Vincent came
out to sing “All The Things You
Are” and "Kiss Me Again.”
All the members of the review
were students of NTSC, according
to Maestro Hall.
The band is what Hall terms a
lab band in that it does not play
as a unit at dances, but is made
. up of students taking music at
‘Cyclops* Manning XTSC.
Austin, Dec. 12—*/P)—Texas’
long court fight to defend title
to tidelands it has claimed since
the days of the Republic was lost
finally in Washington yesterday.
The federal government 'won,
but the supreme court in its final
decree conceded a point figured to
be worth more than $8,000,000 to
school children.
Texas’ only remaining recourse
was to federal legislation that
would cede title to the states. At
torney General Price Daniel and
Land Commissioner Bascom Giles
both said they would carry the
fight to Congress. Gov. Allan Shiv
ers agrees.
The U. S. Supreme Court issued
a decree ordering Texas and Loui
siana to account for oil royalties
obtained from the submerged lands
in the Gulf.
It enjoined them from using the
tidelands without permission of
the federal government, which has,
the court said, “paramount rights
in, and full dominion and power
over, the lands, minerals and other
things” in the disputed area.
The states must account for roy
alties beginning as of June 5, 1950.
That means lease payments or
royalties collected prior to then
all belong to Texas, Daniel said.
The Department of Justice had
asked the court to make the ac
counting date from June 23, 1947.
Giles figured Texas’ gain under
this point to be $8,297,707.54.
June 5 was the date the Su
preme Court decided, 4 to 3, that
the federal government has top
rights to lands under the marginal
seas of Texas and Louisiana. The
June 23, 1947, date was when the
court had ruled similarly in re
gard to California's tidelands.
Giles called today’s Supreme
Court action “at least one small in-
sfcaoce of unprejudiced justice” in
the legal review of the eontrover-
I sy.
The court rejected Texas’ spec-
! ial claims to the tidelands, growing
j out of this state’s terms of admis-
] sion to the union. It also would not
I heed Daniel’s added arguments
| that actually never became a part
{ of the agreement of admission.
The attorney general issued a
) statement in Miami saying he
(See TIDELANDS, Page 4)
Reduced in point value from
(Sec PARENTS, Page 4)
Active Duty Tours
Open to Graduates
j Several thousand Air Force sec-
j otid lieutenants will be offered
j tours of active duty during the
j next, seven months, the Air Force
i announced yesterday.
Officers will be recruited largely
; from AFROTC graduates and re-
| servists who wish to apply for ac-
; live duty.
Vacancies have bden created by
) the current expansion of the serv-
; ice by Congress.
I Opportunity for extended active
! duty is open particularly to
AFROTC graduates desiring fly-
j ing or technical training and are
! desirous of remaining on active
duty as potential career officers.
Grubs to Chestnuts
Seen in Hort Show
Everything from the common old
grub worm to the latest species
of the Italian chestnut can be seen
on display at the Horticulture
i Show now being presented in the
banquet room of Sbisa Hall.
The annual affair began at 4
j p. m. yesterday and will run until
3 p. m. tonight.
Almost every phase of the pto-
! duction of fruit and vegetables—
| from a mere seedling to the fin-
! ished product sealed in a can—
can be followed by stepping inside
the door, keeping both eyes open
and taking a counter-clockwise
tour around the rows of tables be
decked with beautifully arranged
specimens of raw vitamins.
Propagation Theme
Propagation, tha general theme
of the show, is very adeptly de
scribed by means of models of
seedlings actually being grafted to
others along with explanations of
fertilizer's used, equipment for
tending vegetation, insects and
weeds found in vegetable fields
qnd gardens, attractive selling
1 displays, and the actual processing
and canning procedure.
The different kinds of can ena
mel is even included in the display.
There is a certain type enamel
used for sulphur bearing fruits
and vegetables such as corn, peas
and carrots, and another for high
ly colored fruits and vegetables
such as beets, berries, and plums.
Pecan Show
An interesting aggregate of the
different varieties of pecans is
also featured in the show. They
range in size from the tiniest of
humming bird eggs to the largest
of a Rhode Island Red’s best ef
The horticulture show is for the
benefit of the senior Horticulture
majors who utilize the profits of
the show in making a trip in in
terest of their field of stury. This
year, they will make a trip to the
Rio Grande valley to study the
various fruit crops raised there.
The fruit and vegetables on dis
play was purchased from various
wholesaler's and will be retailed in
Sbisa as well as in the dormitor
ies by students bearing' conces
sion cards. The profits will be
used in making the senior trip,