The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 07, 1950, Image 4
Like Topsy, ‘They Just Grew’ • • » Student Publications Had Early Start Here By JERRY ZUBER “But there was no organized stu dent publications department at first! It was like Topsy, it just grew!”, E. L. Angell, assistant to the Chancellor and former manager of student publications exclaimed. This in reference to A&M’s large student publications department now under the direction of Roland Bing. Created officially in 1932 as the Student Publications Board to be composed of nine members and to head two magazines, the annual and The Battalion, the present department of student pub lications directs the publishing of four magazines, the annual, The Battalion, and handles in addition seyeral minor matters such as printing of the student directory, football programs, and other such miscellany as may arise from time to time. First student publication at A&M was the Collegian, a week ly newspaper. It was later nam ed the College Journal and still later The Battalion. There were no magazines at first, nor was there an annual. Rather the Batt came once a month in magazine form and in June of every Commencement, issues were printed to represent an annual. First manager of student pub lications on a full time basis was E. J. E. Angell in 1932. Prior to that time editors of student publi cations reported to a committee of faculty for guidance and assist ance. When E. L. Angell was killed in an auto accident in 1936 AT jm Aa SHAFFER’S BOOK STORE FOR MOM — MADE EXPRESSLY TO OUR ORDER—PLAQUES to be used as wall plaques or hot plates. GLASSES, ten oz. Aggie T glasses by Libby, and many other really lovely things. POP — He will really enjoy one of our swell KEY CHAINS or LIGHTERS. Or how about a very ‘usable’ DESK SET. Another fine gift is a PEN AND PENCIL SET. JUNIOR- Will go wild when he gets a MODEL of his own to build. And we have just the thing. Or maybe he likes music—we have RECORDS for tots and teens. And any AGGIE CLOTHING (sweaters, belts, shirts, etc.) will thrill him. OR THAT SPECIAL GAL — Man, will she thrill to our AGGIE JEWELRY, It’s out of this world. And those AGGIE SLIPPERS will remind her of you every night. If you want to please her .... come in and see us. — Let’s Make It A TEXAS Christmas — his brother x’eturned to A&M to take over the job of student publi cations manager. The department of Student Pub lications preceded its superior de partment of Student Activities and as more and more matters began to take on a form of “student ac tivity” they gravitated to the Pub lications department rather than to the rather limited Student Ac tivities Department which existed prior to 1939. In 1939, stabilization of Stu dent Activity program as a part of the Student Life Committee under the dean of men was ef fected. Prior to that time there hadn’t been any qualifications for a man to be an editor of a student publication. The Callopiean and Austin Lit erary Societies were the driving force behind A&M’s first paper, the Collegian, and at that time (1878) four opt of every five men on the campus belonged to one of these societies. The first annual came out in 1895 as The Olio. It came about largely through the efforts of F. M. Law Jr., editor of the Battalion in ’95 and president of the Olio Committee. He is now president of the board of the First National Bank in Houston. Only one issue of the Olio Avas' ever published, but in 1903, the Long Horn (two words) made its appearance and only in 1945 when the 1945 annual came out as Yol. 1, 1946, has there been any in terruption of its publication. In 1948 the name was changed from The Longhorn to The Aggieland. Magazines of one form or an other have come and gone at A&M through the years. The publications section of the 1913 Longhorn lists The Battalion, the Longhorn, The Architect Annual, and The Student Farmer. At the time of formation of the Student Publications Board, there were four major publications, The Battalion, The Longhorn, The Technoscope, and The Country man. The Technoscope and the Coun tryman were bi-monthly magazines published by engineering .^and ag- Historical Highlights THURS., DEC. 7, 1950 Page 4 Are there any bargains left in the family budget ^ /fsr tyeu ctot mU 983 M9>i£ fcCaceJ in College Station t&au M mo f 6 One item that actually takes a smaller part of the family budget than it did ten years age is your telephone. That's because the average family Income has increased much more than the cost of telephone service. Few things ^Ve you $o much for so liftie..* 1940 Population 2,184 1950 Population 7,268 1940 Telephones 951 1950 Telephones 1,934 Population Increase 232.2% Telephone Increase 103.5% Vk Southwestern States ZdepkmCff. ricultural students respectively. About a year after formation of the student publications board these two magabines were printed under the name Scientific Review, maintaining the policy pf publica tion under the two separate schools. In 1941 the two separate maga zines re-emerged under the names The Engineer and The Agricultur ist. The Battalion humor maga zine which had formerly been a monthly issue of the Batt had fi nally come into its own as a month ly humor magazine, but in 1943 it disappeai'ed with the disappearance Big Buy of A Bygone Day of talent to the war zones. War put all student publica tions on a shelf with the excep tion of the Batt and the Long horn. In 1947 the Agriculturist and the Engineer were revived. The Battalion magazine was re named the Commentator which now comes out eight times a year. In the spring of 1948 The South- (See PUBLICATIONS, Page 6) This was “Hollywood” the famous wooden shack area erected to house an overload enrollment following World War I. The shacks were situated in the area now occupied by Law and Puryear Halls. Out-fitters for Young Men and Men who stay young THE HOME OF JHanftattatt and tnmp grrota Collars, and Sc Jfpgty g>tet£oira/?c/ Crofttt £ %napp j»at&, ilupptnfictmer and g>ocietp ffirantLCfotfjuifc We show the Latest Nov> cities in Ties. Handker chiefs, Belts, Hosiery, Etc. A Cordial Welcome Aulails You ikantron Sc lafotence %This Brandon and- Larwrenceradiaihdws bjdth'tJie StylbB df tlt^ dafty" part of this century and the typfe advertising carried in early-day Battalions. The firm is no longer in existance. 3ar DL ode Who oCihe ^Jlie Jinedt Lounging Paj amas a wonderful gift Nylon Wear & Hosiery Beautiful . . . House Robes styles to please any lady all sizes and shades The Collegiate Shoppe 113 N. Main Bryan UIFTS BEAUTIFULLY WRAPPED Specials For Friday and Saturday, 11 CHRISTMAS TREES HAVE ARRIVED! Vacuum Pack MAXWELL HOUSE Coffee 1 lb. 8lc Popular Brands Cigarettes Carton $1.86 Large Tubes—Regular Pkg. Quaker Oats 33c Kirabell’s—In Pretty Tumbler—12 Oz.—Pure Peach Preserves 21c Guaranteed—Mixed Colors—In Paper Bags—Medium Eggs cloz. 53c In Quarter Lb. Sticks—Dixie Colored Oleo lb. 29c Crisco 3 lbs. 89c No. 300 Cans Gebhardt’s Tamales can 15 c No. 2 V 2 Cans Airmail Unpeeled Halves Apricots ... 2 cans 45c 37c Value—Libby’s Regular 7 Oz. Tin Veal Loaf 2 cans 49c No. 2 Cans Diamond Tomatoes can 10c No. 303 Tins Libby’s—29c Value Spaghetti & Meat . 2 cans 39c 4 Oz. Pkg. Baker’s Premium Coconut pkg. 15c 7'A Oz. Dromedary Dates pkg. 23c • SALE OF JUICES • 46 Oz. Can Libby’s Pineapple Juice . . 3 cans $1.00 46 Oz. Can Grade A Fancy Uolcl Grapefruit Juice . . 3 cans $1.00 46 Oz. Apple Keg Apple Juice .... 3 cans $1.00 46 Oz. Cans Libby’s^ Tomato Juice . . 4 cans 81.00 AN ACCOMPLISHMENT Several visitors returning from the Holi days have volunteered the remarks that our grocery prices are lower than those they ob served in cities visited, particularly Houston and Austin. Inasmuch as this community, like most college towns, a few years ago was rated a “high” grocery town, we take a moderate pride in the fact that our prices now com pare well with those cities long rated “cheap” grocery towns. The best grocery buys are found right at home. • PRODUCE SPECIALS • Fancy Red JOeUcious APPLES 2 pounds 25c (Special Price by the Box) Golden Ripe BANANAS.... 2 pounds 25c Large Iceberg LETTUCE . . 2 firm heads 25c 5 Pound Mesh Bag TEXAS ORANGES . 5 lb. 29c California CARROTS ... 2 bunches 19c No. I Russet—Mesh 'Bag POTATOES ... 10 lbs. 39c • FROZEN FOODS • Pictsweet—16 Oz. Pkg. GREEN PEAS 25c 6 Oz. Cans Old South ORANGE JUICE . 2 cans 39c Regular Pkg. Honor Brand BROCCOLI. . . pkg. 29c Full Line of Fancy FRUIT CAKE INGREDIENTS • MARKET SPECIALS • BACON Armour’s Star . lb. 53c Decker’s Tall Korn . . . Ib. 43c Heavy Veal Grade A —- LOIN STEAK.... . lb. 85c Grade AA . lb. 95c Square Shoulder ROAST lb. 65c RIB STEW BEEF. . lb. 35c Heart of Texas— FRYERS . lb. 53c Small—3 to 4 lb. Pieces HAMS . lb. 55c Larger Size . lb. 59c Mild Wisconsin—-Hoop .lb. 47c CHEESE Velveeta CHEESE...21b. box 79c End of Loin PORK ROAST.... . lb. 53c WE RECOMMEND ARMOUR’S AA GRADE HEAVY BEEF FOR EXTRA FLAVOR AND ENJOYMENT-MOST CUTS ARE ONLY ABOUT 4c PER FOUND OVER VEAL. We reserv e the right to limit quantities SOUTHSIDE FOOD MARKET Save all our Cash Register Receipts. They May' Be lAchangod for Venable Pramiuuis