The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 07, 1950, Image 1
B. CC* ie L„ist f’cai- 4 * as a Red Captive Former Student Tells of Life in Russian Prison in Siberia (Editor’s Note: Seiichi Saka moto, an Aggie-Ex of the Class of ’:18. returned to this campus re- centiy with one of the most unique personal experience stories ever to come from a former student. His tale of involuntary service in the Japanese Army during the war is an exceptional story in itself. (The Japanese-American has an even more exceptional experience to relate—that, of being a Russian prisoner for five years. In view of the present world situation, we consider that story extremely per tinent and enlightening. (for that reason we are print ing. it in two installments so that none of the detail need be left out. Today and tomorrow you can read that story as told to Battal ion Reporter Dale Walston. By DALE WALSTON T h e amazing experience o f Seiichi Sakamoto, Class of ’88, read like a movie scenario, com plete with dungeons, mid-night in terrogations and imprisonment in Siberia. The experiences, though are true. The small, thin-faced Japanese- American seldom lost the smiled on his face as he looked back into the last decade. But the smile failed to hide the weary look that testified to the truth of his tale. But let’s begin where he did. It was 12 years ago—1938. “Sako,” as he was nicknamed, was just another A&M student. Good-natured and studious, he became very well-known before receiving his degree in Agrono my that June. Like many other graduates he returned to San Antonio to work for his father. His family had left Japan when Sakamoto was two to settle in Texas. A decision in 1941 set Sako on the trail that was to end in a Russian prison camp. It was then that he decided to study the Jap anese language back in the- home land, of his parents. Unable to return to this country after the outbreak of the war, the Aggie-Ex remained in school until 1943 when all students were drafted for the Japanese army. Since he was born in Japan, he was forced to enter the Japanese Infantry. Through a request to a friend Sakamoto avoided being sent to the front lines to fight against his adopted country. He went in stead to China to fight Chinese Communists who were infiltrating into Manchuria.” Malaria put him out of action soon after he reached China. He immediately began to devise a means to return to this coun try. A suspicious commanding officer warned him that if he tried to escape he would have two alleinatives. Either the communists, who had his forces surrounded, would kill him or the Japanese would recap ture him and hang him. Nothing remained but to stay with the Japanese army. Sako, after many requests, suc ceeded in being sent to school in Harbin, Manchuria, to study Rus sian. After graduation, in 1945 he worked as a monitor of Russian broadcasts. The Japanese at this time were afraid of invasion from Russia. It was while he was engaged in this work that the Russians cap tured him. Sako’s captors assured him that he and other prisoners would be sent back to Japan after the war. In August, 1945, he and the other prisoners left by train for Vladivostok, where they expect ed to take a ship to Japan. Dur ing the night, however the train was rerouted and the prisoners arrived instead in Birakan, Siberia, Sakamoto’s hopes of returning to America were shattered. He was put in a labor camp and again assured that he would soon be sent to Japan. He work ed in the Russian forests and lumber mills. The Russians allowed no outside communication—the group was cut off completely from newspapers, books, and radios. The work day was twelve to fourteen hours long and prisoners were given approximately one hour each day between work and time to retire. Sako utilized this brief time to teach his friends English. He also managed to write and distribute around the camp articles on west ern culture, Christianity and his tory. In 1946, the ex-student began to notice a definite change in the attitude of his captors. Where they had formerly praised President Franklin D. Roosevelt as one of the greatest political figures of the day, they now began to run him down. They especially played down American participation in the recent war. Furthermore they burned the articles Sakamoto had written and forbade him to write more. In place of his teachings, the Russians substituted their own schools, teaching the doctrines of the Communist Party, Mat erialism and Marx’s Political Economies. Sako refused to at tend. Food for prisoners at this time I consisted of practically a starva tion diet. Daily rations included only 330 grams of black bread, 500 grams of sorphum, 50 grams of dried fish, 48 grams of sugar and 8 grams of oil. And to obtain even this mea ger food supply the prisoners were required to complete the “norm” of work which they were assigned. Sakamoto was called before Rus sian officers to explain why he wasn’t participating in the Rus sian schools. His refusal to deny Christianity and worship Stalin as a god, placed him under suspicion. The next four months found him constantly watched by a Russian woman spy. (To be continued in tomorrow’s lattalion.) The Battalion MULISH L If / A III E /A TERES t OF A Git FAT Fit A&\1 (OLLFGL Number 59: Volume 51 COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1950 Price Five Cents Aggie Players Open ’50 Season With 'Kind Lady’ RVs Initiate By ALTON WAYNE The curtain goes up at 8 p. m. tonight on the Aggie Players’' first dramatic offering of the 1950- 51 season, Edward Chodorov’s three-act psychological thriller, “Kind Lady.” Based on a novel by Hugh Wal pole, the play tells the story of Mary Ilerries, a kindly, middle- aged London spinster who invited a sup]K>,sedly starving young pain ter into her home for a Christmas Eve cup of tea and shortly finds herself imprisoned by him in her own home, with her family alien ated, her friends terrorized, her servants murdered, and her price less art collection stolen, piece by piece, to enrich the vicious little gangster she has befriended. Although all action takes place in London, and all but one Senator Hints Price-Wage Controls Soon Washington, Dec. 7 — (AP—Senator Lehman (D- NY), one of the administra tion’s regulars, told the Sen ate yesterday wage and price controls undoubtedly are coming “soon.” He pegged argument that Congress should, act promptly to continue rent controls, which are due to expire at the end of this month except in communities which vote to keep them until next June 30. He was far from alone in anti- have to take strong steps to set curbs on both prices and payrolls. Chairman Maybank (D-SC) of the Senate Banking Committee said it is essential that the government “get at this inflation right away and stop it in order to preserve the economy of the United States. Senator Capehart (R-Ind) sug gested throught be given to an ven more drastic move. He said he administration should serious ly consider “freezing” all prices and wages right where they are. He suggested that such an across- tbe-board freeze would avoid “dis rupting the economy later by a possible rollback of prices.” Such action, however, would re quire the services of a large ad ministrative and enforcement staff which is not now available, gov- cipating that the government will eminent officials say. The Senate is considering a 60- day extension of the rent control law, and has agreed to vote on it tomorrow afternoon. (The last Texas legislature abolished rent control in Texas.) A 90-day extension was reported favorably by the House Banking Committee, but an adverse 6- to-5 vote by the House Rules Com mittee has held it up. of the characters in British, Director C. K. Esten has decided to do away with the usual Brit ish accent and have the Players deliver their lines “straight.” The Players’ last production was also laid in London, and Esten feels that two dialect produc tions in a row might, tend to pall on Aggie audiences. Taking the role of the “Kind Lady” is Alice Burke, who is ap pearing in her first Aggie Players production. Wayne Davis has been cast as Henry Abbott, the part- time artist and criminal who locks her into her own bedroom and lei surely disposes of her lifelong col lection of art. In the supporting cast are Pat Morley, cast as Rose, Mary’s ser vant murdered at Abbott’s orders. Phyllis Glenning, Mary’s neice, is played by Sarah Puddy, while her fiancee, Peter Santard, is played by Doyle Smith. Lucy Weston, Mary’s best friend, will be acted by Jean Robbins. Four of Henry’s cohorts and accomplices in the crime— Mr. and Mrs. Edwards and their daughter, Aggie and an unscrup ulous character known only as “Doc,” are played by Gordon Milne, Florence Farr, Theresa Renghofer, and Don Demke, re spectively. Chodrov’s play is in the nature of a “flashback.” Action opens in a prologue which takes place at the present time. A banker, play ed by Harry Wooding, calls on Ab bott to submit an income tax form for his approval, but accidentally meets Miss Merries. She tells him the story of her imprisonment, and the three acts of her play are her story. In an epilogue, Mary gives the banker, Foster, a note for the police. In what has been called one of the most tense and gripping moments in the American thea ter, Foster must decide whether to believe Miss Merries’ story or to brand her an idiot and a liar and give her note to Henry, who suspects that she has given it to him. In addition to being the Play ers’ first play for the currant semester, “Kind Lady” is also the first directed for the group by C. K. Esten of the English Depart ment, recently appointed group sponsor and director. With 23 years of writing, acting, and directing behind him, Esten has done a masterful job of put ting together a difficult and de manding play in only five weeks of rehearsal time. Almost all of the cast will be new to Aggie audiences. With the exception of Sarah Puddy, Gordon | Milne, and Wayne Davis, the en- j tire cast will be appearing for the I first time before Assembly Hall ! footlights. — New members of the Ross Volunteers are administered the oath at the annual initiation banquet of the company in the MSC Ball Room Tuesday night. Charles Easley and James Anderson repre sent the group of incoming members. Allies Dug In For New Stand In North Korea Tokyo, Dec. 7—(/P)—Allied troops rallied today on a new dug-in defense line 58 miles inside North Korea with hopes that favorable mountain positions, air support and their outnumbered manpower might stem the Chinese Red tide. A hundred thousand enemy troops are estimated in the frontal array against them with 70,000 to 80,000 more in reserve. To the north and east of the new line, U. S. Marines and Doughboys and Allied U.N. forces of the Tenth Corps were fighting in snow and bitter cold in> — — efforts to escape widely encircling ^^ _ « Great Issues Top officers of (he RV Company talk with Maj. Gen. Williston B. Palmer after the initiation banquet Tuesday night, they arc from left to right Tom Royder, C. C. Taylor, General Palmer, Bill Parse, and Noble Clark. Vishinsky Attacks Peace Movement Ft ifie Team Slates Meet Saturday The A&M Rifle Team will attend a shoulder to shoulder meet against Texas University and Ar lington State College at Arlington on Dee. 9th. The team is composed of Rus sel Durrill, Orville Schlinke, Ro land Zapata, John Rowe, Duane Unrue, and William Rainwater. The team fired against Univer sity of Virginia last week and won by 71 points, team coach Sgt. Reese, said today. A special meeting of the team has been called for Wednesday night, 7:15 at the rifle range. All members are requested to attend, ‘Intolerance’ For Film Society Movie D. W. Griffith’s “Intolerance” will be presented at the third meeting of the Film Society Mon day night at 7:30 in the YMCA chapel, Herman Gollob, president, announced today. Griffith, one of filmdom’s earl iest pioneers, laid the groundwork i for much of Hollywood’s present- ! day technical prowess. Among his j contributions are the panoramic I shot, the close-up, and the flash- ; back. “Intolerance” is a motion pic- J ture landmark chiefly because it I contains many technical innova tions which, at the time of the film's release in 1918, were revolu tionary. Other films scheduled to appear in future meetings are “All Quiet on the Western Front, M “The Good Earth,” and “The Thin Man,” Lake Success, Dec. 7—'A 3 )—An drei Vishinsky attacked today a 13-nation appeal to Communist China to stop at the 38th parallel in Korea. His opposition and re ported objections by Red China’s envoy apparently doomed the des perate plea of Asian and Middle East countries for an end to the fighting. Diplomats said Wu Hsiu-Chuan, ambassador of the Chinese Com munists, countered the peace ap peal last night with an unofficial demand to know why it was being sent only to his government. He was said to have insisted it should be sent also to the United States. Red China and Russia both charge the U. S is the aggressor in Korea. Peace Appeal No word came from Peiping on the peace appeal The general as sembly went ahead in an extraor dinary session with plans for a fast airing of the crisis. The as sembly voted 51 to 5 to send to the political committee a six-power de mand for U. N. action to stop the Chinese Comrrtunists. Soon aftni, the six powers—the United States, Britain, France, Cuba, Ecuador, Norway—circu lated the resolution they are put ting before the U. N. the proposal called for withdrawal of Red Chi na’s troops from Korea and pro mised that China’s borders with Korea would be protected. Russia has rejected this. Turning from a long attack on the United States in the general assembly, Vishinsky took a dig at the 13-nation appeal in these words: “American armed forces crossed the 38th parallel with approval of, among others, the authors of a statement published in the . press and emanating from certain pow ers supported the campaign of the MacArthur legions beyond the 38th parallel northward to the Manchurian border at the time, but now they make appeals for a halt at the 38th parallel.” Statement Authors The 13 countries are India, one of the prime movers; the Philip pines, Pakistan, Afghanistan, In donesia Burma, Egypt Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Y r e- men. An American delegation spokes man made it clear the U. S. had nothing to do with the 13-nation plea. He said the U. S. delegation was not asked to give its approval to any implications in this appeal, nor has it given any favorable or unfavorable comment. Vishinsky declared there have been no facts to show the armies of the Chinese people’s republic in tervened in Korea. He said the only document before the assem bly was the “notorious” MacAr- thur raport “which was submitted by this evil genius of our day who VISHINSKY, Page 6) Chinese man-traps The Eight Army’s western de fense is manned by the survivors of Gen. Walton H. Walker’s force that outnumbered 110,000 troops before it was forced into retreat late in November. The defense is pegged on the Yellow Sea coast and extends 60 miles inland on an arc to Koksan. It is 63 miles southeast of the Red Korean capital of Pyongyang. General MacArthur’s headquar ters described thq U. N. line as running east and north from a tributary of the Taedong River— near the port of Chinnampo—back down to Koksan, 35 miles north of the main highway to Seoul. American troops joined forces on the snow-swept northeast front for an escape drive through a Chi nese trap. They pushed into Koto today after a bitter battle through heavy Chinese resistance south of the Changjin Reservoir. Eight Miles in i") Hours It took them 25 hours to batter their way eight miles from Haga- ru. The first elements of two ma rine and two infantry regiments made their way into Koto at 7:45 a.m. (5 p.m. EST Wednesday) Associated Press correspondent Jack Macbeth, the only correspon dent in Koto, said eight hours later they “are still coming into Koto today.” A headquarters spokesman said, “the pressure is heavy at Hagaru and the enemy is trying to cap ture as many of our men as they can.” The Americans still were faced with fighting their way out of Ko to through heavy Communist con centrations to cover the 40 miles of winding mountain road south east to Hamhung. Seven Divisions Line Road Seven Chinese divisions were re ported deployed along the road— the only escape route south from Koto. The spokesman said he may be able tomorrow to identify two other Chinese divisions fighting to hold the Americans in the trap. The eight-mile trek into Koto was rugged enough. Elements of the Fifth and Seventh Marine Reg- igents and the 31st and 32nd Regi ments of the Seventh Division fought through zero weather, a blinding snow storm and one Chi nese roadblock after another. The Communists threw mortar and small arms fire, “Molotov cocktails”—gasoline filled bottles —and sticks of explosives at the Americans. Allied aircraft countered with strikes that left the surrounding hills ablaze. Marine Commander Promises Fight Col. Lewis Puller, commander of the Marine First Regiment, said the Chinese have blown bridges and blocked the roads “but will make a fight out of it.” Infantrymen from the U. S. Third Division moved up from the Hamhung area to try to clear the road for the trapped Americans. They were forced to halt near Ma jor, 15 road miles south of Koto, and engage Chinese troops in heavy fighting. To Be Offered During Spring Several speakers for the Great Issues course, to be held, during the spring semes- | ter, have been engaged, Dr. S. R. Gammon chairman of the Great Issues Committee, an nounced today. A budget of $2,800 was made available by the college to obtain speakers. One of the notables al ready scheduled for the spring calendar is Eric Sevareid, one of CBS’s leading news commentators, who will speak Feb. 9 on “Wash ington vs. the Country.” James C. O’Brien of the Federal Security Agency will be on hand Feb. 19 to discuss “Manpower Resources in Time of National Emergency.” Mrs. Vera M. Dean, editor of the Foreign Policy Association’s publications and authority on in ternational affairs, will discuss “The Next Phase in US Foreign Policy” March 7. The last two speakers that have been scheduled to date are William L. Shirer, noted MBS news com mentator, who will speak on “Our Struggle for Survival” March 26, and Felix E. Larkin, Counsel for the US Department of Defense who will discuss “Our Current De fense Problem” on April 2. Negotiations are in progress by which the Committee on Great Is sues hopes to add two or three more competent speakers to the list, Gammon, said. Icthyologists End Guadalupe Survey Thirteen Icthyology students un der the guidance of F. T. Knapp of the Wildlife Department re cently completed the first complete survey of the species of fish pre sent in the Guadalupe River Sys tem. About 40 different species were found from the mouth near Tivola to the headwaters near Kerrville. At present it is not known wheth er any new species were taken. Complete data of the survey should be available within two weeks. Aggie Metallurgist Presents Paper Robert L. McGannon, Metallur gical Engineering student from Wink, presented a technical paper at the joint meeting of the Texas Local Sections of the American Institute of Mining and Metallur gical Engineers in Lubbock, Dec. 1 and 2. Attending the. meeting with Mc Gannon, was faculty representa tive, Joe A. Laird, assistant pro fessor of Petroleum Engineering. Seiichi Sakamoto, loll, ’38, discusses old times wilh Classmate J. Wayne Stark, director of Hie Memorial Student Cenler. Sakamolo was held in a Russian Prison Camp lor five years after being pressed inlo service in the Japanese army during (he war. Tau Beta Pi Initiation Banquet Slated Dec. 13 Seventeen student members and 19 alumni members will be initiat ed into the Texas Delta Chapter of Tau Beta Pi on Dec. 13. Initiation for the 36 new mem bers will be held in the lecture room of the chemistry building at 5 p.m., Wednesday. Oscar II. Koch, consulting engin eering assistant with Koch and Fowler, Dallas will speak at the banquet to be held in Sbisa Hall at 7:15 Wednesday evening. New Officers President of Tau Beta Pi for this year is Thomas E. Flukinger, senior EE major from Houston. James E. Pianta, senior EE from San Antonio is Vice President of France to Call Meeting to Talk Rearming Plans ft Paris, Dec. 7 — (AP) — France announced last night she will call a meeting of the Western European nations in Paris next month to draw up plans for a European army. Information minister Albert Ga- zier said this and confirmed that France had agreed to immediate formation of West German com bat teams in Atlantic nation for ces which would defend Europe against Communist aggression. Previously the French had held out for creation of a unified Eu ropean defense ministry before us ing German troops. Faced with the worsening Ko rean situation, the French offi cials said the German units would be accepted as an emergency mea sure. Some Progress In London, the North Atlantic Pact deputies reported “some pro gress” tonight toward an agree ment on how to bring West Ger man troops into western defense forces. Authoritative sources here said behind-the-scenes political man euvering had averted a threaten ed collapse of the French cabinet over rearming Germany. Socialist Guy Mollet, French minister of state charged with council of Europe affairs, was re ported ready to resign ffrom Pre mier Rene Pleven’s coalition gov ernment early today in protest against a Dutch plan for recruit ing German troops which the At lantic pact deputies are consid ering. The Atlantic pact deputies’ spokesman in London indicated their negotiations on German re armament have entered a possibly a final phase. The Dutch plan is reported to provide for a civilian high com mission to handle recruiting of 150,000 German troops. These would be seeded in brigade units of from 4,000 to 6,000 in Atlantic Pact forces in Europe. A West German spokesman said yesterday the plan was unaccept able, that it “discriminated against West Germany.” the club. Other officers are Wallace j Hooper, senior Ch. E. major from Ft. Worth, recording secretary; Albert W. Rollins senior O. E. major from Austin, corresponding secretary; Jess D. McTver, senior C. E. major from Honey Grove, treasurer; and Robert G Ransom, j senior EE major from Houston, | cataloguer. Faculty Advisors i Faculty advisors for the club are II. W. Barlow, Dean of Engineer ing; S. J. Buchanan of the C. E. Department; Norman F. Rode of i the EE Department and W. E. | Street, head of the Engineering Drawing Department. The Delta Chapter, received their chapter on Oct. 11, 1948 after many years of effort on the part of the engineering department and the college. Requirements Present requirements for en trance, into the chapter require a first semester junior to have a grade point ratio of 2.75 or great er. A second semester junior needs a ratio of 2.25 or greatei; and any senior must have a ratio of 2.17 or greater. Acceptance is based on character, leadership, campus ac tivities along with the high grade- point-ratio. The figures for admittance are based on the top eighth of the junior class and the top quarter of the senior class. These figures are revised slightly each year ac T cording to the size of the graduat ing class for that semester. All members 1 of the club are asked to pick up their banquet tickets from Mrs Coleman in Dean Barlow’s office before Saturday. Journalism Head To Address Gonfal) Donald D. Burchard, head of the j Journalism Department, will ad* dress the Texas High School Press Association twice during its meet- | ing at TSCW, Thursday through I Saturday. As principal speaker at the meeting, Burchard will first ad dress the general assembly, con sisting of some 700 high school ; boys and girls at 1:30 p. m. Thurs day. ilis subject “Twenty Thousand ; Ways—All Journalism,” will point | out the advantages of including J some journalism courses in any college curriculum. Another talk to a smaller group will be given later Thursday after- i noon on the principles of news j writing. Poultry Class Sets Trip to East Texas Poultry Husbandry students will make a two day inspection trip to Nacogdoches and Center, Friday and Saturday. The class, will investigate new methods of raising broilers and inspect the broiler packing plant at Nacogdoches. Over 500 broiler houses have been built the last two years in the North East Texas area. John Moosberg, Shelby County Agent, will supervise the trip,