The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 06, 1950, Image 1

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    Cci:i:e ,Ya^ st
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?• & * ^Circulated to
-^■^ffore than 90% Of
College Station’s Residents
Number 58: Volume 51
The Battalion
See Sports Page
For Associated Press
All-American Selections
Price Five Cents
‘Kind Lady’ Combines Effort,
145 Years Acting Experience
Almost a century and a half of
dramatic experience will go on
stage in Assembly Hall tomorrow
night when the Aggie Players ring
up the curtain on their 1950-51 se
ries opener, Edward Chodorov’s
“Kind Lady.”
To be exact, the 14 members of
the cast have amassed the amaz
ing total of 145 years of stage and
dramatic work, all together. Lead
ing off the list of long-time ama
teur actors is Gordon Milne, club
president and floriculture profes
sor. The redoubtable Milne has
spent more than 23 years of his
life in some kind of amateur the
atrical work.
22 Years Experience
Giosc behind him for long-term
honors is Alice Burke, who will
go before the footlights tomorrow
night with 22 years of dramatic
experience. Milne will carry the
part of Mr. Edwards, a world trav-
eler and part-time criminal, in
“Kind Lady.” Miss Burke has
been cast as Mary Herries, the he
roine who is victimized by a vicious
little London gangster, and who
handy escapes with her life
Jerry Asaro who’ll be seen as
Jules Rosenberg, a French art
dealer with .a passion for legal
niceties—has had more than 15
years on or behind stage since lie
appeared in his first grammar
school play. Like Asaro, Wayne
Davis, who is cast as Henry Ab
bot, the sadistic, Dan Duryea-like
little gangster has had more than
•15 years of stage experience since
lie first went on stage.
Cast as Mrs. Edwards, a scatter
brained but scrupulous lady is
Florence Farr who will bring 14
years of stage work jn New Or
leans and the East Coast with her.
And the quick-thinking hanker who
saves Mary Herries’ life will be
played by Harry Gooding, an ar
chitecture /instructor who is now
in his Utm year of play-acting.
| In real life married and with
two small children, Pat Morley,
i former Tessie and Drama Club
member there, will play Miss Her-
J ries’ maid Rose. Her 11 years
of past experience on stage well
i qualify her to hold one of the
strongest supporting roles in the
Student Wife
Barbara Hodges, wife of Aggie
Don Hodges, has nine years with
the Palestine Little Theater. Don
Demke, veterinary medicine stu
dent who plays a quack doctor in
“Kind Lady,” can boast of eight
years, off and on, of theater expe
rience not to mention fully as much
time as a pianist.
In a two-way tie for stage hon
ors are Doyle Smith and Sara
Puddy, who have both had at least
seven years of active dramatic
life. Sara has appeared with the
Players several times before, no
tably in “Our Town” and in the
series of plays presented “in the
round” last Spring. Smith, in his
first year in the Players, has had
experience in High School drama
Conover Model
Jean Robbins, former Conover
model and real-life cover girl, with
more than seven years jof stage
and modeling experience, will play
Lucy Weston, Mary Herries’ best
friend. Doyle and Sara are cast
respectively as Peter Santard (the
play’s lone American) and his
fiancee, Phyllis denning.
A comparative newcomer to the
stage is Theresa Renghoffer, who
has had only six years on stage.
The 145 years of acting experi
ence will go on stage tomorrow
night at 8, with a second perform
ance scheduled Friday.
Speaker Praises
Aggie War Leaders
Outnumbered UN TroopsTake
New Position on Western Front
Cold Crowd Sees
Bauers* ’26 Titlists
“I’ve never mot an Aggie who
was not a credit to his school.”
So said Major General Willis-
ton B. Palmer, commanding gen
eral of the 2nd Armored Division,
in an address to new and old
members of the Ross Volunteers at
their annual initiation banquet in
the MSC Ball Room last night.
“Texas A&M had acquired that
reputation in the field artillery
outfits I served with in the war.”
Leaders Needed
“Our problem in the army,” the
veteran of the Normandy invasion
Wave Blankets
Nation; No Relief Seen
Winter' svms-on’s -two-ply punch
;>f snow and cold landed sweeping
blows across the nation’s mid-sec-
ion today. Some of the southern
'.aid eastern states were in the
path of the wintry blasts.
The cold air pushed tempera
tures to new seasonal lows in
parts of the north central region,
it swept over the midwest prairie
lands and across the Mississippi
River, sending temperatures to
sub-zero levels. It moderated as
it fanned into eastern and south
ern areas. The cold belt extended
from North Dakota to the Texas
Gulf coast.
Minus 20 in Dakota
It was biting cold in the mid
lands early today. Readings were
more than 20 below zero in the
Dakotas. Temperatures also dip
ped to sub-zero levels in Nebras
ka, Iowa and Kansas. The rest
of the midwest was in for below
zero weather tonight.
The winter season’s official start
was more than two weeks away
hut today there was a blanket of
snow covering more than 1,200
miles from north of Lake Superior
into Arkansas and 400 miles across
from Iowa to northwestern Ohio.
Fresh falls . of snow preceding
the cold' air hit heaviest in Minne
sota. There were 12 inches at
Duluth and 11 inches at Minnea
polis—with falls of some six inches
since yesterday.
Dallas Has Snow
Chicago had two inches of wet
snow and there was a similar
amount at Kansas City. St. Louis’
fall measured three inches, while
the white covering at. Wichita
Falls and Vernon, in northwest
Texas, was two inches. There was
a light fall in Dallas.
Snow and colder weather was
the outlook for Ohio, Kentucky,
West Virginia, Tennessee, Penn
sylvania, and parts of Maryland
and Virginia. The frosty weath
er, forecasters said, will dip as
far south as Mississippi and Ala
Three men were killed at Las
Vegas, N.M., yesterday, when a
truck collided with the Santa Fe’s
Super Chief during a heavy snow
The lush growing area in the
lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas
reported below freezing tempera
tures. But strong northwesterly
winds may prevent frost damage
to vegetables and citrus fruit still
in the fields.
told the group, “is to find the
| proper leaders. Many men have
become officers in the past few
years who have not had the prop
er training and backgrounds to be
come officers. We call them ‘re
sults of necessity.”
He went on to tell the group
that a leader is a man who shows
people what they should do and
think. “You must lead men to do
what you think is right to get the
job done most effectively. The
only way for them to do that job
is by believing in you as an offi
“Beside a certin amount of in
telligence as acquired in college
and a certain amount of courage,
the attributes needed most of an
officer are decency, dignity and
integrity. Of these, integrity is
by far the most important,” he
West Pointer
General Palmer, main speaker
of the evening, began his military
career in 1918 upon being-graduat
ed from West Point, where he was
commissioned second lieutenant in
the field artillery.
RV Commander C. C. Taylor
presided over initiation ceremon
ies consisting of a roll call of new
members by Bill Parse, a reading
of the constitution by Tom Royder,
and administration of the oath
New Members
New members of the organiza
tion, including both seniors and
juniors, are Cecil Adickes, James
Anderson, Vernon, Berry, Norman
Braslau, Voris Burch, Joe Burdett,
A. C. Burkhalter, Alan Burton,
Tommy Carlisle, Eric Carlson,
David , Carnahan, Ernest Cavitt,
Harold Chandler, Bob Chapman,
John Clifford, John Coolidge, Al
bert Crowther, Jeptha Dalston,
Earl Dancer, Bob Dobbins, Luis
Dominguez, Gloyd Dowling, Wil
liam Dunlap Bob Dunn, Charles
Dunn, Fred Dunn, and Charles
Others are Granville Edwards,
Clinton Fawcett, Jesse Fletcher,
Milton Geiger, George G'ermond,
Herbert Corrod, John Gossett,
Richard Green, William Greene,
John Hardwick. Thomas Harral-
(See NEW MEMBERS, Page 6)
Marlene Bauer
Marlene who last year was chos
en Woman Athlete of the Year
and also top woman golfer of the
year, displays the same form
which she exhibited early this
afternoon in the dedication cere
monies of A&M’s $75,000 golf
Dairy Course
Talk Planned
By Shepardson
C. N. Shepardson, dean of
the School of Agriculture,
will speak on “Are Your Sons
Following You in Dairying?
If Not, Why Not?” at the an
nual Dairyman’s Short Course.
The meeting will be held in the
Memorial Student Center Dec. 7-8,
announced A. L. Darnell, general
chairman of the short course.
Purpose of the short course is
to aid dairymen and plant field-
men who do not have the time for
more extensive training in this
field, he said.
Problems on the general out
look for dairying, dairy herd san
itation feeding and breeding pro
cedures, the inter-relationship of
producer, health department,
weights and measures department,
and many others will be studied.
Registration is in the Assembly
Room of the MSC beginning at
8:30 a. m., with a charge of $2.50
for each person An estimated at
tendance of 150 is expected.
“The course was built in the wet
test spring, grass was encouraged
to grow in the driest summer, and
the dedication opening is being
held in the coldest fall ever expe
rienced by College Station,” C. C.
“Spike” White, chairman of the
golf course committee, told a shiv
ering group of golf enthusiasts
earlier today rt the official dedi
cation opening of A&M’s new
$75,000 golf course.
Alice and Marlene Bauer, the
greatest sister golfing duo in the
history of the game, were also
present as was the first South
west Conference golf champions,
the Aggie team of 1926.
After brief speeches by Dean
of Men W. L. Penberthy and Presi
dent of the Former Students A. Ed
Caraway, the 1926 golf team teed
off, being the first ones to do so
and officially opening the course.
Brehmer First
First of the former students to
lay, the wood on the ball was Her
bert Brehmer of Kerrville, who
was followed by J. C. Landon of
San Angelo, A. C. Nicholson of
Dallas, and Ellis Wilson of San
Also present for the ceremonies
was A&M’s present golf coach
Gayther Nowell. Nowell coached
the conference champs in 1926 and
when he returned in 1948, the Ca
det foursome again won the cham
Brehmer, who is presently em
ployed as, a vocational agriculture
teacher, cleared the tee with a
good drive, showing that he still
had a little “king” in him.
Kream Kow Klub
Adopts New Law
Charles N. Shepardson, dean of
the School of Agriculture, was the
speaker at the last meeting of
the Kream and Kow Klub, Jack
Birkner, president, said today.
An entirely new constitution was
adopted by the members in the
business session of the meeting,
he added.
The new constitution provides
for honorary memberships, outlines
the duties of all officers, and con
tains ideas and practices that were
followed only by unwritten tra
dition before.
Two new offices, Program
Chairman and Parliamentarian,
were also created.
Air Waves Chosen Newest
Aggie-Tessie Date Bureau
West Texas rancher Landon said
he did better than he expected to
do after hitting the sphere a good
ways down the fairway, while
Nicholson, Vice-President of the
Mercantile National Bank, showed
the experience he had gained in
playing on 806 different courses.
Wilson Smooth
Wilson, who is in the lumbering
business and claims to be nothing
but a weekend conutry club play
er, drove the ball towards the first
green, with the smoothness of a
The Beauteous. Bauer sisters,
who seemed pleased to be on the
A&M campus, despite the cold
weather, were hoping to remain
here and play again on the course
should the weather clear up.
“Big Sister” Alice, who was
named by Harry Conover as one
of the six most beautiful women
in sports, was in gay spirits
throughout the ceremony, while
Marlene, top woman athlete of
1949, just shivered with the others
Battalion Sports Editor Frank
N. Manitzas, acted as master of
ceremonies for the program.
Dry Citizens
Stock Cellars:
Big Spring, Tex., Dec. 6—<2Pi—•
Customers were buying whiskey in
case lots here yesterday. Liquor
stores were just about sold out.
It looked like a small reenactment
of 1918.
For prohibition arrives in this
South Plains city tonight.
A local option election went
against liquor. Citizens who drink
obviously have been stocking up.
Sales have doubled and trebled.
One dealer said he had ordered
more whiskey, gins and wines since
Nov, 1 than in any two ordinary
Some package dealers said a
great deal of the buying was for
Christmas celebrations and cook
ing, but others said it simply was
a case of buying while liquor still
was legal.
Most dealers were trying today
to reduce their stocks as far as
possible. Wholesalers will claim
what’s' left.
Deadline for legalized sale of al
cohol beverages falls at 10 p. m.
today for package stores and and
at midnight for wine and beer
license holders.
Aggie - Tessis relationships
should be more closely bound in
about a week—this time via the air
Two programs — one an A&M
newcomer, the other a TSCW
stand-by—will go on an exchange
basis next week. Both will be
dedication disc-jockey stints.
The veteran show is “Salute to
Aggieland” a program of Aggie
requests aired each week on WCST,
the TSCW radio station. Zella
Maxwell, WCST production man
ager, is making platter chatter for
the second straight year on the
WTAW announcer Allen Waldie
will be handling this end of the
exchange with a new program
“Salute to Tessieland.” He will
| tape-record requests and mes-
; sages from Aggies to Tessies in
’ the local studios, then ship the
tape to Denton for presentatiion
; there to WCST listeners.
WTAW listeners will hear Zella
reciprocate with a similar Tessie-
to-Aggieland dedication show, also
To make a dedication on the
Denton show, Aggies need only
address their request to Salute to
Tessieland, WTAW, College Sta
In a letter to The Battalion, Zel
la offers an additional service with
the exchange. In her words:
“If you do not know any Tes-
sies, just let me know. Write to
Tessie, WCST, Texas State Col
lege for Women, Denton, Texas,
with your heighth, classification,
etc., and we will try to find you
the “girl of your dreams.”
A series of special programs de
picting the traditions of both
schools is also being planned.
Horticulture Club
Plans Annual Show
The annual A&M Horticulture
Show, sponsored by the Horticul
tural Society, will be held in Sbisa
Hall December 11 and 12.
Various horticultural products
will be on display and fruit juice,
gift fruit, and pecans will be sold
during the show.
Proceeds from the show will be
used to finance a trip for ten
seniors and A. H. Krezdorn, their
instructor, through the Rio Grande
New Defensive Established
Near 38th Parallel Border
Tokyo, Dec. 6.—United Nations troops dug in near Py
ongyang today for a new Western Korean stand against the
onrushing armies of Red China.
General MacArthur’s Headquarters kept secret the lo
cations of the new line. The Americans, South Koreans,
British and Turks of the Eighth Army with their better-
transport had outrun the Chinese and every hour was vital
in bulwarking their new positions.
A spokesman said only that the line ran from a point
south of Pyongyang to positions south and east.
There were indications the new line might be somewhere
near Parallel 38, the old border between Red North and Re
publican South Korea. South Korean forces swept into hill
country to clean out guerrillas near Sibyon, a hamlet 70
miles southeast of Pyongyang.
♦ Gen. J. Lawton Collins, U.8.
! army chief of staff on a 1 flying
| visit in Korea for close range study
I of the military situation, said: “I
j think the Eighth Army is capable
| of taking care of itself.”
Morale High
At a news conference in Seoul,
he told war correspondents morale
was high among troops he H,at)
seen. He flew to the area just
south of Pyongyang.
The Chief of Staff said he could
see no worthwhile tactical use for
the iitbm bomb in Korea.
Collins planned a flight Wednes
day to the Northeast front, where
100,000 Chinese were mounting a
vast enveloping move around five
scattered Allied divisions of the
U.S. 10th Corps.
One Chinese spearhead already
j had cut the main highway between
the. two major East Coast ports of
Hungnani and Wonsan. Hungnam
is about 50 air miles north of Won
san, 10th Corps headquarters.
MacArthur’s Headquarters re-
p o r t e d “decreasing pressure”
against Marines and soldiers' sur
rounded at Hagaru and Koto, sohth
of Changjin reservoir.
Singing Cadets
Plan Houston
Program Friday
A&M’s Singing Cadets will
make their initial appearance
of the season Friday night in
Houston at the San Jacinto
High School Auditorium, ac
cording to Bill Turner, director.
The program will begin at 8 p. i
m. and is being sponsored by the |
Houston A&M Mother’s Club.
Fifty-five strong, the troup of
Singing Cadets will leave by bus
from College Station at 4 p. m.
Friday and will return the same
night after their performance in
Soloists for the night will be
Harold Hughes, junior from Abil
ene; Tommy Butler, senior from
Waco; Don Forney, senior from
Victoria; and Leslie Polk, senior
from Houston.
Other appearances scheduled by
the Cadets for the near future
Marines Trapped
AP Correspondent Tom Stone re
ported from Koto that Marines in
their darkened tent city there ap
peared hopelessly trapped but were
! determined to make a fight for
A Christmas Sing is also sche
duled by the vocalists for Dec. 17
in the Ballroom of the Memorial
Student Center. The program will
begin at 2:30 p. m.
The program for the Houston
performance will include such
well-known numbers as “Now Let
Every Tongue Adore Thee” by
Bach; “Where in the World But
in America” by Waring; “I Only
Have Eyes for You” by Warren;
“I’d Rather be a Texas Aggie”
by Littlejohn.
Other numbers will be “Onward
Christian Soldiers” by Baring-
G’ould; “Wanderin’ ”; “There’s
Nothing Like a Dame”, by Rogers-
Hammerstein; and “Battle Hymn
of the Republic” by Steffe.
The Fox Trot — On Your Own Feet
Dance Instructors Enlighten
Ways of Socially Outcast
include a performance at t he Em-. .. . ■ , > • • ,
ployees Christmas Dinner in Sbisa Stom ' fle ,' v t mto
ti- n ,, w, Koto by special military plane and
‘ vc ' ’■ then flew out with his dispatch. He
quoted Col. Lewis (Chesty) Pul
ler, commander of the First Mar
ine Division:
“We will suffer heavy losses.
The enemy greatly outnumbers us.
They have blown the bridges, and
blocked the roads. Our vehicles
may not get through, but we will
make it somehow.”
Poultry Team
Wins Fourth :
In NatT Contest
A&M’s Poultry Judging
Team won fourth place in the
National Livestock Show in
Chicago, Nov. 28-29, E. D.
! Parnell, team coach, said to-
| day,
Last year A&M’s Poultry Judg-
1 ing Team won top honors at the
| Chicago show. In the three con
test divisions this .year, A&M was
J second in market production, third
| in exhibition and 11th in prodde-
j tion judging. Karl Meyers, of the
j A&M team, was third in market
j products and seventh in the entire
| Jack Elwell was ninth in ex
hibition judging and ninth for the
| entire contest. Other members of
[ the A&M team were Joe Fechtel
! and Dick Taylor. Kansas was first,
I North Carolina second, and Miss-
| ouri third and Purdue of Indiana
I fifth, for the entire contest. ’ :
A&M teams have not placed
j lower than fourth in the National
| I ivestock Show Intercollegiate
j Poultry Judging Contest since
1937, Parnell said. ’•
Now Maybe They
Can Really Think
Lake Success, Dec. 6—(JPi—The
U. N., beseiged by crisis, has
opened a “mediation room” here.
Dimly-lighted and somberly
decorated it was opened Monday
without announcement as a head
quarters haven for delegates, sec
retariat employes, and public vis
itors who wish seclusion in which
to ruminate on the current perils
to peace.
Standing beside A&M’s first airplane designed
especially for Agriculture are these men who
helped make it possible. The plane, equipped to
serve as a duster sprayer, seeder and fertilizer,
was dveloped by the A&M Personal Aircraft Re
search Center. From left to right are Dean H,
W. Barlow of the school of engineering; Gibb Gil
christ, chancellor of the A&M System; Delos Rent-
zel, Civil Aeronautics Administration official;
Fred Welch, head of the A&M Personal Aircraft
Research Center; and C. W. von Rosenberg, CAA
test pilot.
Cup Game
Broadcast Set
Plans to broadcast Saturday’s
Presidential Cup football game
between Texas A&M and Geor
gia were announced today by
Humble Oil & Refining Com
The broadcast, from College
Park, Md., near Washington, D.
will begin at 12:15 p. m.
for a kickoff time at 12:30 p. m.
Charlie Jordan and Eddie Bark
er will broadcast the game.
I was a social outcast. Girls
j shunned me when I stumbled to
ward them across the dance floor;
i they knew too well of my dancing
! reputation.
But then I read in The Battalion
s of a special instruction course in
j dancing for unfortunates like my-
| self. It was being offered at the
| Center, and so I made my way
j over to the office of Miss Betty
! Bolander, assistant director of
| MSC social activities, and left
$1.50 with her for the 10 lesson
J course. She assigned me to the
! Tuesday night beginner’s class.
The teacher, a pretty young
| housewife by the name of Mrs.
LaNell Hagemeier with dancing
experience from the time she
had been two years old, prompt
ly ran us through our paces
i starting with the old “one, twd,
rest, one, two, rest.
Pretty soon, our class of about
20 in chain gang formation, with
Mrs. Hagemeier calling the counts,
was beginning to “get the rhythm”
of the fox trot. We’ll try some
thing more ambitious next time.
The dartcing classes, planned by
the MSC Dance Committee and
held in the Ball Room include in
struction in the samba, the tango,
and one of the more difficult dan
ces. It is now possible for per
sons who want strictly private les
sons to sign up at $5 an hour. And
also persons who wish to sign up
in semi-private classes may now do
so by contracting Miss Bolander
at the MSC. These latter classes
cost $1 an hour.
Teachers have all had previous
experience. Mrs. Hagemeier, a stu
dent or architect construction in
Amarillo, graduated with a B S.
from West Texas State College
at Canyon.
She studied tap and ballet
with Nice Charisse and Johnny
Boyle in Hollywood and has tak
en 16 years of tap and ballet
acrobatic from teachers in Ama
rillo. She has taught ballroom
for about five years.
Mrs. Clara Howard is the other
dancing instructress. She studied
ballet at the American School of
Ballet in New York City under
Muriel Stewart, a protege of Pav
lova, and at the Ballet Arts also
in New York.
At one time or another, she has
been associated with both the
Fred Astaire studios and Arthur
Murray studios in New York. She
is a member of the Chicago Na
tional Association of Dancing Mas
ters and has been teaching for
the last three years in the Col
lege Station-Bryan area.
Pre-Mcd Society
Will Hold Banquet
The Pre-medical and Pre-den-
■: tal Society will hold its annual
; banquet at 8 p. m. Thursday, in
| the dining room of the Memorial
j Student Center.
The banquet, which is the high-
i light of the societies yearly ac-
1 tivities, is open to the public. All
pre-med and pre-dental majors are
j invited.
Dr. Jack Ewalt of the Univer
sity of Texas Medical School in
Galveston will speak.
The deans of three Texas medi
cal schools and two dental schools
or their representatives will at