The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 05, 1950, Image 1

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'pZ&f 0 '
Circulated to
More than 90% Of
College Station’s Residents
The Battalion
Nation’s Top
Safety Section
Lumberman’s 1949 Contest
Number 57: Volume 51
Price Five Cents
auer Duo, Ag Golfers ( ,; l ' i l "Y R , e :! s Ft. Hood Commander to Speak
’ ° ' Risk Total War j _ ' r
Feature Links Opening Says Truman At RV Banquet and Initiation
Tnmovrow afternoon at 1:80, ihe
A&M fiolf Course will lie dedicat
ed, and on hand will he the first
.Southwest Conference Champion-
shir) h'olf team and two young’
lovely women golfers known the
world over, C. C. White, chairman
of the golf course committee said
early today.
Alice and Marlene Bauer and the
1920 Aggie golf team will be the
first to try out the new course.
The golf course, located on the
iast side of the campus, is third
longest in the south and is con
sidered to be the best in this area.
Adequate seating for interested
spectators will be provided, White i Master of ceremonies for the
concluded. I dedication will be Frank N. Manit-
Teeing off first will be the 192G Battalion Sports Editor. Oth-
team, made up of J. C. Landon of I ers w * 10 W ^1 play a big part in
San Angelo, A. O. Nicholson of I the dedication of the course, in-
Dallas, Ellis Wilson, of San An- I chui e Bean of Men W. L. Pen-
tonio and Herbert W. Brehmcr of S Berthy and President of the For-
Kerrville. • i mer Students A. Ed Caraway.
... j The teaming for the exhibition
Exhibition Match j matches will place Marlene Bauer
The Bauer sisters will then team j with Jimmie Reynolds against
with two members of the present Herbert Brehmer and Johnnie Bar-
A&M golf team and play an ex- I rett, while sister Alice teams with
hibition match with Nicholson and j Miller Barber in a round against
Brehmer who will also be teamed i A. C. Nicholson and Billie Baker.
with two members of the present
Aggie golf team.
Firsl Golf Champs
See Course Opened
Although the Beauteous Bauer | ing to reports from San Angelo
sisters will undoubtedly hold many Landon can still tee off with the
a person’s eye during the golf [ best,
course dedication ceremonies, five
other persons who will be present I
may attract their share of glances. | Nicholson, although he hasn’t
These five men include the First
Southwest Conference golf cham
pionship team which is the first
of A&M’s golf championship teams
and the pro manager of the new
$75,000 golf course, Joe Fagan.
The four members of the con-
ference title team are J. C. Landon,
A. 0. Nicholson, Ellis Wilson and
Herbert W. Brehmer.
Landon, who has played little
golf since graduation from A&M,
is now ranching in West Texas,
having given up the club sport for
the tending of stock, but accord-
Former Students Responsible
A&M’s new course is largely re
sponsible for its existence to the
Aggie Former Students Associa
tion. They planned the course and
raised $25,000 to get the construc
tion started.
The design of the course was
done by Ralph Plummer, a mem
ber of the. class of ’25 at A&M and
leading golf course architect of the
The Bauer sisters are known
throughout the nation for their ex
ceptionally good brand of golf.
Each has won her share of tour
naments and are leading contend
ers in any tourney they enter.
Marlene, who is only 10, was
chosen by an Associated Press poll
of sports writers as- the outstand
ing woman athlete in the nation
for 1949.
Starting her golf at the age of
, . TT , , , . | 8 Marlene has many envious
p i a ? ed U,^ e ' hai U P ! a ^ e< . in e !^ 1 7 i achievements on her golf record.
Nicholson Busy
given up golf entirely, is kept busy
the majority of the time in his job
as vice-president of the Mercantile
National Bank in Dallas. When
Nicholson tees off on the A&M
course tomorrow it will be the
807th course on which he has
US to Rack Up
Charge Against I t, w Z
O O ! champions!
Chinese Reds
state and in several foreign coun
tries which include Canada, Mexi
co, French Morocco, and Egypt.
As a lumber man in San An
tonio, Wilson still takes a vital
interest in golf, but his business
ties have reduced him to a week;
end golfer at the Oak Hill Coun
try Club. Playing in the 80s, Wil
son enjoys golf just as much as
ever, and said that he is looking
forward to playing on the new
eh mer Consistent
rl member of the 1926
Lake Success, Dec. 5—UP)
—The United States is expec
ted to back up its demand for
United Nations action against
the Chinese Communists to
day with a detailed list of charges.
They will be in the form of a
memo explaining formally why six
countries — the U.S., Britain,
Fiance, Norway, Cuba and Ecua
dor—asked Secretary General Try
gve Lie yesterdav to put the ques
tion of Red Chinese intervention in
Korea on the General Assembly
This move does not invoke the
Assembly’s new anti-aggression
.towers but is taken under old pro-
iedures. Observers do not expect
the six countries yet to ask the ^
Assembly to take the military U c-i condition rapidly, Fagan expects
t on it was empowered in October [ heavy play on the course m the
to authorize. I near future.
She broke 80 at the age of 8, and
recently set a course record of G6
at her home course in Midland.
In 1949 Marlene won the Indo
and Palm Springs Invitation, the
Los Angeles City Women’s Golf
championship, the Women’s West
ern Golf Association Junior title,
and was finalist in both the Texas
Women’s Open and Hardscrapple
Open Invitation.
Alice, who is 22, is an inch short-
j er and 20 pounds lighter, and is
| also a top-notch golfer. She start-
j ed playing golf seriously at the
, . t , I a 8'e of 11, and has since won five
hampionship team is Brehmer, ; g. 0 ]j.' the Southern Califor-
wno still plays consistently al-: n j a Championship and has quali-
though he is a vocational teacher j f j e( l three times for the National
m Kerrville. Holding his score I Amateur Championship.
down in the high 70s, he is expect- ! ■
ed to do well in the exhibition. i
Fagan takes over this new job, |
having held the position of con-
Washington, Dec. 5—(7P)-
President Truman said today
the leaders of Communist
China have deliberately con
fronted the world with “the
grave risk of general conflict.”
“We are struggling to preserve
our own liberty as a nation,” the
President said, and to meet the
threat posed by Communist im
perialism the United States must
enlist “the combined resources and
the common determination of the
free world.”
The big scale Chinese Red in
tervention in the North Korean
fighting, Mr. Truman said, is just
“one part” of the Communist
scheming to “dominate the world.”
The President, speaking between
momentous conferences with Brit
ish Prime Minister Attlee on means
of avoiding a new world war, said
in a speech for a meeting of the
mid-century conference on children
and youth:
“Ou r thoughts and our prayers
are with our young men who are
fighting in Korea. They are en
gaged in a battle against tremen- i
dous odds. The full effort of the |
united people of this country is
behind them.
“All of us are aware of the grave ;
risk of general conflict which has |
been deliberately caused by the
Chinese Communist leaders. Their
action greatly changes the imme
diate situation with which we are!
confronted. It does not change our
fundamental purpose to work for j
the cause of a just and peaceful
The Chief Executive, planning a
second session with Attlee at
luncheon today, told the conference
Seniors and about 80 Juniors of the Ross Volunteer
Company will meet tonight at 7 p.m. in the Assembly Room
of the MSC to hear an address by the commanding general
of the 2nd Armored Division and to take part in the annual
RV initiation banquet.
Initiation ceremonies after the meal will be conducted
by C. C. Taylor, commanding office of the RV’s and will con
sist of a roll call of new members, a reading of the constitu
tion and an administration of the oath. A short history will
be read.
Honor guest for the banquet and initiation include F. C.
Bolton, president emeritus, Col. H. L. Boatner, Col. E. W.
♦ Napier, E. L. Angell, Lt. Col Mar-
i ion P. Bowden, Lt. Col. John Kellv,
, Lt. Col. L. E. Walker, P. L. Downs,
Mrs. Irene Claghorn, W. L. Pen-
berthy, dean of men, Dick Hervey,
Captain Basil L. Hoyle, and Ser
geant D. V. Stroud.
General Speaks
The main speaker, Major Gen
eral Williston Birkhimer Palmer,
began his military career as early
Retreat From
Lost Pyongyang
1918 upon his graduation from
Tokyo, Dec. 5—(/P)—Over- West Point, where he had been
whelmed’Allied troop columns commissioned a second lieutenant
bent a war-wenrv retreat 1,1 the Fiel(1 A Hdlery.
Maj. Gen. Willston B. Palmer
Bowl-Bound C-4 7
Cadets, Officers to
cessions manager in Student Ac
tivities for the, past few years.
A registered professional with
the PGA, Fagan is an exception
ally good golfer and will assist in
the giving of lessons.
No one probably knows the
course better than Fagan, who
Worked on it throughout the sum
mer and was the main reason for
the quick completion of the course
which was even then delayed two
months by lack of water for the
greens and fairways.
With the greens in top shape and
the fairways rounding out into
Quarterback Club
Sets Last Meeting
The Quarterback Club will hold
its final meeting of the season to
night at 7:30 in the Assembly
Aggie head coach Harry Stiteler
will tehatively be on hand to give
a possible into how the team may
fare in the. President’s Cup game.
Films of the 1948 clash will be
Prior to showing, the film winner
of the final Quarterback Club con
test being; run this week, will re
ceive tickets to the Dec. 9 game
with Georgia, being played in
College Park, Md.
At least 20 Aggies started laying
plans yesterday to wing their way
to. the Presidential Cup Bowl Game
Saturday. The nation’s capital,
meanwhile, went ahead with plans
to- receive the Aggies and Aggie
supporters making the trip.
The 20 cadets, all Air Force Dis
tinguished Military Students who
have made application for a regu
lar Air Force commission, will
leave here Friday morning in a
The plane is one of three ships
obtained by PAS&T Col. E. W.
Napier to transport students and
staff members to the game at
College Park, Md. The other two
C-47’s will take members of
the A&M Military Department
and local reserve officers.
Official authorization for the
flight was telegraphed to the'
local AF ROTC head yesterday
from Headquarters, USAF. Col
onel Napier, Maj. B. P. Browder
and Capt. L. C. Callaway will pilot
the planes. The official notifica
tion okeyed the flight for only 20
Air Force DMS’s who have made
application for regular commis- | cy at North Gate for a special
sious. bus to the bowl game.
beat a war-weary retreat
south from abandoned Py
ongyang today, wondering
where they might stand and defend
against Red China’s onrushing
The Reds rolled across Pyong
yang’s airfield and possibly al
ready were, in the old Red Korean
capital itself, a big prize to the
j Communist world.
The first Communist satellite
j capital to be wrested from Red
j control, Pyongyang was open for
! the return of its Red masters.
Masses of Chinese Red troops,
! the vanguard of more than a mil-
| lion which General MacArthur said
had been committed to the Korean
campaign, had turned the tide of
j battle.
In the northeast, Marines and
| doughboys fought to break out of
a deep Red Chinese trap clamped
| south of Changjin reservoir. Oth
er Chinese masses mounted-twin
drives to cut off the entire 10th
Corps of five divisions.
Following his graduation he took
post graduate studies at West
Point until July, 191.9, when he
went to Europe on a tour of bat
tlefields of Belgium, France, Ger
many, and Italy. He was promoted
to first lieutenant in 1919, and then
followed a succession of promo
tions from aide-de-camp, to cap
tain in 1935, to major in 1940, to
lieutenant colonel in 1941, to col
onel in 1942, to commanding gen
eral in 1944, and so forth.
A veteran of the Normandy in
vasion and the landing at Utah
Beach, General Palmer took part
in the capture of Cherbourg and
the St. Lo break through. He
fought at the battles of Mortain,
Mods, Beige, Aachen, and Cologne,
and participated in the Battle of
the Bulge, the surrounding of the
Ruhr and the cleanup operations in
the Harz Mountains.
Commands Ft. Hood
In December of 1947, he was
assigned as Deputy Director and
The planes will leave Bryan Air
Force Base at 8 a. m. Friday morn
ing ami return here, some time
The bus company has agreed to
sepd a 33-man bus on the trip
provided a sufficient number of
Sunday. At Washington the planes ; students want to go. The trip,
MSC Craft Shop Offers Big Saving
On Xmas Gifts for Interprising Cadets
For gifts that please—make
them yourself.
At least that is the idea of sev
eral enterprising cadets who are
Well equipped for leather-
working, the shop has a com
plete supply of leather tools and
stamps, and a marble topped
table to work on.
An adequate supply of alumi-
spending a few hours of their spare num and copper circles for makin<
time easing the burden of Christ- serving trays, both etched and
mas spending by making their hammered, is on hand. The more
own gifts. daring individuals might try the
ers, bookcases, boot racks, and
other items can be quickly and
easily turned out with the large
array of necessary tools.
Circular saws, band saws, a
jig saw, a lathe, and a sander
make the job relatively simple,
even for the questioning ama
Special equipment is available
Instruction in ceramics will
be given as soon as the kiln can
be put in operation. Gifts and
projects to be considered in the
realm of ceramics include mugs
and cups, ceramic cigarette
boxes, dishes, ash trays, and in
numerable others. You can even
assemble, in due course of time,
a complete set of beer steins.
The craft shop, under the di-
This money saving shop where copper tooled pictures that are to qualified students for testing
these men make $10 and $15, and always in demand. radios. This will also be used by rec tion of C. A. Moeller, a grad-
some even more expensive, gifts Internally carved paper weights, the Radio Club in repair work. ^ ua ^ e student of the University of
at an amazingly low cost for the bookends, earrings, and other sim- A complete file of plans and of Michigan has now been in opera-
basic materials, is known as the ilar gifts can be made with the different projects students yan |.j on f or !j. wo wee ] CSi Already, stu-
A&M Craft Shop. It is located in available plastics. undertake are kept in the shop ^gnts are discovering the* truth
the basement of the MSC next to In the woodwork section, small and can be used or referred to by j n 0 p en j n „. sentence of this
the barber shop.
projects such as lamps, letter hold- students at any time.
All types of work facilities in the new MSC
sponsored Craft Shop are given a thorough work
ing over by students eager to cut the cost of
Christinas shopping. Group on the left are in
specting the leather working tools. Truman
Dailey, right, one of the three student instructors
looks over some of the new tools during one of
the shops tew quiet moments.
Students pay one dollar for
their membership card which en
titles them to the use of all tools
and machines in the shop for the
Open in the afternoon from
one until 5:30 and at night from
7 until 10 p. m., the craft shop
has several competent supervis
ors and advisors to aid students
in mastering the arts. The list
of instructors include Larry
Mims, Truman Dailey, Gilbert
McKenzie—all industrial educa
tion majors.
The shop is designed for the
benefit of students, “and in
decisions this priority shall
taken into consideration,” Moeller
However a limited number .of
non-student memberships will be
available to veteran’s wives, fac
ulty, and citizens of College Sta
tion. Moeller says.
will land at near-by Andrews Air
Force Base. Expected time of ar
rival is 6 p. m.
From Washington comes news
of other arrangements being
made to receive bowl-game fans.
Jack Raley, commander of the
first Air Wing, received word
of some of these arrangements
last night in a telephone con
versation with Rep. Olin E.
(Tiger) Teague, ’32, congress
man from this district.
On the Northwest front, British 1 Jatpr Director of Logistics, Head
and South Korean troops in a.rear quarters, European Command and
guard shield protected the fleeing | in ^49, was appointed Vice
Eighth Army which less than U U) chief of Staff, Headquarters Eu-
which would cost $38 round trip,
would begin at noon Thursday. The
bus would return in time for Mon
day morning classes.
Students interested have been
advised to contact Bill Powell in
Dorm 9, Room 405 or the Ames | rn7r ilf 7p
Travel Agency. '
Some few students have made
plans for an auto trip to the
game. Washington is some 1,600
miles from College Station.
weeks ago was rolling northward
within 50 miles of the Manchurian
There was no major contact re
ported with the Chinese. The
Eighth Army’s retreat on wheels
was too fast for the foot-slogging
The team, which leaves Friday,
Teague told Raley that he would i w 'll be met in Washington by
1 members of the National Capital
A&M Club. Earl E. McChesney,
’43, pi'esident of the club esti
mates that 250 former students
will occupy a special section re
served for them at the' game.
be on hand to greet the cadets
when they arrived. He also out
lined tentative plans to provide
the Aggies with dates and trans
portation. Fifty- and thirty-yard-
line tickets will be available there,
he said. The local athletic office
has 25-yard-line tickets to the
Ten rooms in the Willard Hotel
will be reserved for the cadets,
Teague added. He also promised
that the Aggies would be guests
at a party after the game.
From another source, Tex Eas
ley, correspondent for the Asso
ciated Press Special Washington
Service reports that other Texans
are preparing a grand welcome.
He says: ’
“Casting their individual
school partisanship to the winds,
alumni from ail the Southwest
ern Conference colleges and uni
versities are joining under the
sponsorship of the‘Texas State
Society of Washington to back
up the boys from A&M.
“A big block of seats on the 50-
yard line in Maryland Univer
sity’s new Byrd Stadium, at near
by College Park, Md., is being set
aside for Texans. After the game
a big dance and reception will be
Colonel Napier is trying to ar
range for transportation for ca
dets to Washington and to the
game. He is also checking on ac
comodations for Aggies at An
drews Field should hotel rooms
be not available or too expensive.
In addition to the three planes,
arrangements are still pending
with the Kerrville Bus Co.
through tl]e Ames Travel Agen-
There was no indication as to
| where or when the Eighth Army
would make a stand. AP Corres-
! pendent Leif Erickson, at Eighth
! Army Headquarters, suggested it
might go all the way to the Seoul-
Inchon area in South Korea, 165
road miles south of Pyongyang.
The Eighth Army faced the
mounting threat of a flanking
move by Chinese swarming down
the rugged and lightly defended
i center of the Korean peninsula.
ropean Command. Oki November 1,
1949. he assumed Command of
the 82nd Airborne Division at
Fort Bragg, North Carolina, where
he remained until his assignment
as commanding general of the 2nd
Armored Division and Fort Hood
in 1950.
Purpose of the organization is
the same now as when it was es
tablished hack in 1887—-to baind
together the most military men on
the campus into a crack drill
team. The organization has already
taken active part in several cam
pus events this year such as the
college birthday ceremony, the
president’s inaugural parade for
Eisenhower, and the presentation,
of the Governor of Texas before
the Thanksgiving game.
Agricultural Pioneer
Mum U' ,
A&M’s first airplane designed especially for Ag
riculture prepares for take off during its test
ing by the Civil Aeronautics Administration.
Ag Plane, F armer’s Friend,
ciub space open Takes Maiden Flight Friday
111 A mrifil mirl "ril ^^ J
In A prqnj eland ’51
Religious clubs, honor societies,
professional groups, and hometown
clubs desiring space in the Aggie-
land ’51 are asked to make their :
reservations as soon as possible,
all | Bibb Underwood, club editor of
t> e i the publication said this morning.
Pages which will cost $55 for a
whole page spread and $35 for a
half page, can be reserved in the
Student Activities Office in Good
win Hall.
Jan. 20 is deadline for obtaining
space in the annual.
A&M’s contribution to the Ag
ricultural air world made its first
official flight before an audience
of several hundred Friday at East-
erwood Airport.
The first agricultural airplane
designed to seiwe as a duster
sprayer, seeder and fertilizer \yas
developed by the A&M Personal
Aircraft Research Center headed
by Fred E. Weick.
The single seat, low - winger,
silver monoplane is especially de
signed for flight low over crops at
a slow speed while delivering an
extra heavy load.
The all melal plane has a
wing-span of 39 ft. and an over
all length of 29 ft. 8 in. A spring
steel landing gear and hydraulic
brakes combined with large
flaps and non-spin slots enable
the plane to land in small fields,
which is an asset to the agricul
tural air worker.
The Agricultural air pioneer
which is powered by a Continental
E-225-104-14X engine is powerful
enough to gain a 50 ft. height in
1,300 ft. after take-off.
Another feature of the A&M
farm aircraft is the ease with
which it can he repaired and main
tained in the field, thus eliminat
ing costly and delaying trips to an
air field for work.
This enhancement to the value
of the craft is possible since the
plane uses a McCauley one piece
propeller and is of relatively sim
ple construction.
The large control area of the
(See AG PLANE, Page 6)