The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 28, 1950, Image 4

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    Outstanding TU Sophs LonghomS HaVC JinX, Team, | TV All American Guard
4 V H "B @
Tom Stolliandske
Gib Dawson
Look at ’em!
They have the Southwest Con
ference Championship wrapped up.
They are hosts to Tennessee in
the Cotton Bowl. They have only
one loss—a one point miss to the
nation’s No. 1 team, Oklahoma.
They have a line—210 average—
that is rough, tough, and ready.
They have a backfield with speed,
power and bullseye passing. And,
last but not least, they have Mem
orial Stadium, and are favored
by two-TDs over the Aggies.
This is the University of Texas.
Fifty-six years ago, the Orange
and White jerseys thundered
across the turf at Houston to
meet A&M in the initial kick-off
and establish one of the keenest
rivalries in college circles.
The University won that game
38 to 0 and ever since has domin
ated the win column with 35 as
compared to the Aggies 15.
Five Games Tied
Five games proved to be stale
Ten days ago the Longhorns
slithered into the Cotton Bowl
when Rice pulled the honey
of the year by popping A&M 20-13.
It was sweet news in Austin as
Texas had shut the door on Bar
tosh and Co. that same afternoon
.to the tunc of 20 to 7.
The fact that only a steady toe
from Oklahoma dropped then 14-13
doesn’t lessen the prestige or po
tency of the Stampeding Steers.
And what about the Memorial
Stadium Orange arid White so-
called jinx ? Do these symbols real
ly exist?
The Aggies have never beaten
Texas in Memorial Stadium, but
a Harry Stiteler coached Aggie
eleven has also never been beaten
on the Steers’ home field.
In 1924, the year the stadium
was dedicated, Texas surprised the
Cadets, winning 7-0, and has man
aged to come through smiling ever
since. But in 1948, A&M came the
closest ever to beating the Long
horns in Austin when the fray
ended in a 14-14 tie.
Regardless of grounds, the
Longhorns have dominated A&M
since 1940 when they upset a
great Aggie eleven, 7-0. Is it then
completely wrong to discard the
idea of a jinx stadium, a jinx color
or just a plain jinx?
A Treat for Grid Fans . . .
Presidential Cup Game
Bought on our ^
Lay-Away Plan
Actually Save You Money !!
• Electric Appliances • Kitchenware
• Silver
• Dishes
• Lamps
• Crystal
North Gate Phone 4-1145
in comfortable
Arrow Formal Shirts
No struggle to go formal when you have
Arrow dress shirts. They’re specially de
signed for comfort! You’ll see the Arrow
“Shoreham” and “Mayfair” at important
proms throughout the country. And now at
your favorite Arrow dealer’s. sS.OO up
Football fans in the Washington,
D.C., area should be treated to a
contest involving the two extremes
of gridiron play when defense-
minded Georgia meets offensb-
minded A&M in the Presidential,
Cup game on December 9th. *
Only two opponents have scored
as much as two touchdowns on the
sturdy Bulldogs of Coach Wallace
Butts. The Aggies have been
scored against frequently, but have
averaged over 33 points per game
through their first nine tilts.
Three opposing elevens have
managed to outscore the maroon-
jerseyed Cadets although sports
writers considered two of the de
feats as “upsets.” Oklahoma’s
Sooners, currently ranked as tops
nationally, came from behind to
edge the Aggies 34-28, with two
touchdowns in the final five min
utes of play.
Baylor, Rice—Losses
Baylor and Rice, the two schools
which upset pre-game predictions,
each nudged A&M by a single
touchdown. The Maroons, on the
other hand, defeated Southern
Methodist despite being considered
the underdogs before the contest.
Nevada, YMI, Texas Tech, Arkan
sas, and Texas Christian also were
downed by the Cadets.
Georgia’s Bulldogs dropped
highly rated Maryland, 27-7, to
open their season, but were thdn
held to tie scores by St. Mary’s of
California and perennial power-
(See TWICE, Page 5)
Byron Townsend
Longhorn Fullback
Sports writers claim that Texas’
success is due to superb line play.
Here’s a look at these two platoons
that most people claim have car
ried the Steer to eight victories
against one defeat.
In all probability this will be
seven starting men on the offense:
LE, Ben Proctor—190 . . . two-
year-letterman . . . sixth ranking
receiver in conference with 18
passes caught for 344 yards and
4 T'D’s; LT, Gene Vykukal—207 . . .
two-year-letterman . .. second year
as regular on offense; LG, Bud
McFadin—245, two-year-letterman
. . . due to make All-American on
most teams . . . already on INS
All-American . . . defensive All-
American and All-Southwest Con
ference last year . . . TU boxing
and wrestling champion; and Cen
ter, Richard Rowan—205 . . . three-
year- letterman ... a first-stringer
since 1947 ... ’50 co-captain . . .
outstanding linebacker and block
er .. . good 60-minutc man.
On the other side of Rowan are
RG, June Davis—205 . . . varsity
letter . . . one of team’s better
blockers . . . plenty of speed;
RT, Kenneth Jackson—225 . . .
two-year-letterman . . . second best
TU lineman . . . played 365 minutes
last year . . . plays both offense
and defense . . . school shot put
champ; and RE, John Adams—200
. . . one varsity letter . . . kickoff
man . . . good pass receiver . . .
also plays baseball.
The backfield: Quarterback, Ben
Tompkins—180 . . . understudy to
Paul Campbell last year . . . fifth
ranking passer in the SWC . . .
has completed 54 of 94 for six
TD’s, 787 yards and a .574 aver
age . . . only six passes intercepted,
. . . has caused stir among pro
baseball scouts as a shortstop.
Left Half, Bobby Dillon—190
. . . one varsity letter . . . plays
offense and defense . . . ranks sec
ond among SWC punt returners
with 247 yards on 11 returns . . .
averages 22.4 per . . . returned 84
yards against Baylor to win game
. . . scored second TD against Ok
lahoma with 50-yard interception
. . . intercepted for 46 yards and a
TD against TCU . . . terrifically
fast . . . runs 440 in 48.1.
Right Half, Bubba Shands—185
. . . three-year-letterman ... co
captain . . . all-around player . . .
injuries have hampered him.
Fullback Byron Townsend—
Ranked seventh in SWC on yard
age last year (543) and fifth on
average (4.9) . . . scored eight
touchdowns . . . longest run being
51 yards . . . had his best day
against A&M, 23 times carried for
138 yards and three TD’s . . .
Townsend came into his own the
last Turkey Day and has continued
on his merry way again this year.
He is the second most effective
rusher in the conference as he has
piled up a net yardage of 717 yards
on 187 romps for an average of
3.8—which is a total of 508 yards
and an average difference of 3.0
yards behind first place Bruisin’
Bob Smith.
He has scored 11 touchdowns for
66 points, and the former Odessa
Flash has everything* Coach Blair
Cherry could ask for in a full
back—speed, power, and courage.
Personal Battle
Many fans think that the TU-
A&M contest will prove to be a
personal battle between Townsend
and Smith, the two finest fullbacks
in the conference.
Defensive positions for Texas
will be filled by Tom Stolhandske,
LE, 205; 'B?ll Wilson, LT,; 2I«); (one
warsity letter; Hahley SeWell,’,UG,
210; Janies Pakenham, RG, one
varsity; Bill Milburn, RT, 210;
Paul Williams, RE, 205, one var
sity letter.
Behind the line will be Jack Bar
ton, Linebacker, 200; Don Mepasco,
linebacker, 185, one varsity letter;
Gib Dawson, LH, 175; Lewis'Le
vine, RH, 190, one varsity letter;
and Bobby Dillon, Safety.
Texas is going to be at least
a two-touchdown favorite over the
Ags, but reports from Austin say
that no one is taking the game
lightly. Coach Cherry has been
stressing defensive play to halt
Smith, Lippman and Tidwell, while
Athletic Director Dana X. Bible
reminds the boys of past A&M
The season is all but ended for
the Longhorns, while A&M has
everything to gain—prestige and
at least a tie for second in the
SWC—and in reality nothing to
lose, as Coach Harry Stiteler had
informed Aggie fans at the begin
ning of the season that the team
would be shooting for a 50-50 in
’50. A&M’s won-lost record is
Whether it turns out to be a
Memorial Stadium jinx, an Orange
and White jinx or a win for the
Aggies, the sellout crowd of 65,-
498 expect this game to be the
usual hard-fought battle that can
only develop from rivalry as such
as this.
Beat TU
Page 4 TUBS., NOV. 28, 1950
Bud McFadin
Bauer Sisters
To Open
26 Linksters
urse, Dec. 6
The Bauer sisters, Alice and
Marlene, and the 1926 A&M golf
team which won the first South
west Conference Golf Champion
ship will be on hand Dec. 6, to open
officially A&M’s new golf course.
. Members of the team—Herbert
W^l.Brehnier of Kerrvillg, A., O.
.Nicholson of .Daliasr, ,J. G. Lahdqn
of San Angelo and Ellis Wilson of
San Antonio—will be guests of the
Texas A&M Formers Students As
Marlene and Alice have captivat
ed the fans’ attention across the
country and also pfey'Yf'Tf^off
brand of golf which has produced
many major titles in the past two California golf titles—the South-
years. ern California Championship and
Marlene, 16 years old, was has qualified three times for the
named the “Woman Athlete of the National Amateur championship.
Year” in the 1949 Associated Press
poll and was also named the
In 1947 she beat Patty Berg in an
Women Golfer of the Year in the Calif., shooting a 73 to break the
same period. i
■i" Alice. KmUMarlerie shared:the
Hollywood four-ball .tournament
championship this year, and Alice
has been named by Harry Conover
as one of the six most beautiful
women in sports.
“That’s Nice
Get Set For Holiday Festivities
MAYFAIR—Has soft pique collar, bosom
and cuffs and comfortable new low-
slope collar construction. ? 5.00
SHOREHAM — Classic “black-tie” shirt
with medium point collar, semi-
starched, pleated bosom and
French cuffs. *6.50
exhibition match at Long Beach,
Calif., shooting a'73 to SwbV tJin
women’s course record.
Extra Long Rack Swing
Although she isn’t big for be
ing such a great golfer she has an
extra long back swing which com
pensates for smallness. She ^con
sistently drives between 210 and
While playing an exhibition 2 f, yar ? s ’ is , a P^ient fer,
iimtcVin San Angelo not too long [ °"
ago, the girls were asked if they 11
had ever been to Aggieland before. When Marlene won the Woman
Both girls replied no, but when Athlete of the Year award, she
the question was put forth, if they became the youngest girl in the
knew that all the student body history of sports- to be honored,
at A&M was strictly male, Alice with the award and when she
replied, “That’s nice.” turned pro in 1949, she became the
So, it should prove to be quite youngest pro golfer in women’s
Here are some of the golf titles which the Bauer sisters Marlene
and Alice, have wrapped up in the past two years:
Marlene: ■ U
National Junior Golf Champ, 1949
Western Junior Golf Champ, 1949
Semi-finalist, Women’s National Amateur, 1949
Winner California Open, 1949
Winner Los Angeles City Championship, 1949
Winner Palm Beach Invitation, 1950
Winner Palm Springs Invitation, 1949
Winner Everglades Mixed Foursome, 1950
Runner-up Helen Doherty Tourney, Miami, 1950
Runner-up Texas Open, 1949
Runner-up Hard Scramble, 1949, winner over Babe Zaharias
Named Women Golfer of the Year, 1949.
Named Women’s Athlete of 1949, by AP
Winner of the Indio Invitation, in California setting an all time
women’s record score of 210 for 54 holes.
Low Amateur, Tam O’Shanter Invitation, 1949
Southern California Women’s Champ, 1949
Runner-up Pacific-North West, 1949
Quarterfinals Texas Womens, 1950 winner over Louise Suggs, 5-4
Five times winner, Long Beach Championship
Los Angeles Championship, 1948
Runner-up Palm Beach Invitation, 1950
Runner-up Everglades Mixed Foursome, ‘1950
Winner with Marlene, Hollywood Four-Ball Championship 1950
Named by Hairy Conover as One of the Six Most Beautiful
Women m Sports.
Winner of South Dakota State Championship at the ago of 14.
Marlene Bauer
Alice Bauer
a treat for all linksters in the
surrounding area when the girls
play their exhibition here next
Alice, the “big sister” is 22 years
old, has been playing golf since
her 11th birthday and holds five
In SWC Statistics While Idle . . .
Cadets Hold Leads
Even if the Aggies did have a
rest period this week, they held
their own in the SWC to stay in
second place. They are tied with
Baylor for this position and are
topped only by Texas, who has al
ready won the title.
The Maroon and White have won
three games in conference com
petition and have lost two while
tying none. This gives them an
averag;e of .600. The Aggies have
won six games this season and
have lost three for a season aver
age of .067.
In these nine games the Cadets
have racked up 147 first downs
for 3,441 yards. Of this, 2,567
yards have been gained rushing
and the other 874 were captured
through the air.
In the Farmers aerial game they
show a completion percentage of
.472 for the 58 times they have
connected in 123 attempts. Only
eight of these passes have been
intercepted while the Aggies have
snatched 18 of the enemy’s aerials.
Along with this passing, the
Cadets rate a second place in
punting. In this department, they
carry an average of 39.6 yards per
Bruisin’ Bob Smith, the big Ag
gie fullback from Houston, is the
No. 1 ball carrier in the SWC,
and unless a mh'acle happens, he
will still lead at the end of the
season. He has carried the pigskin
178 times for 1,225 yards and an
average of 6.9 yards.
The two halfbacks on the Cadets
No. 1 offensive lineup are also in
the top ten ball carriers in the
SWC, as Bill Tidwell and Glenn
Lippman rank ninth and tenth,
respectively. Tidwell has carried
70 times for 462 yards and the
second best average in the con
ference, 6.6. Lippman, the scat
halfback on the Aggie squad, has
lugged the football 87 times for
453 yards and a 5.2 average.
Townsend Second
Second in this class is Byron
Townsend of Texas, who has car
ried 187 times for 717 yards and
an average of 3.8. He is the closest
one to Smith and still lacks 507
yards catching him.
Kyle Rote is in the number three
slot with 698 yards in 141 tries
for a 4.9 average.
Dick Gardemal, who fills the
quarterback slot for the Aggies, is
the No. 8 passer in the SWC. Hav
ing completed 26 of 49 aerials with
only four interceptions, he shows
a completion percentage of .531.
Six of these 26 passes have been
for TDs. and Gardemal has a net
gain of 400 yards through the
Ben Tompkins of Texas has
thrown 94 passes, completed 54,
golf history.
She first started playing gol
while she was only thi'ee arid :
half years old and at the age o:
eight, she won her first big tour
nament. At 11 she won a local jun
ior toumey, and at 13 she was tin
Los Angeles Women’s Golf Cham
pion after winning the tourney ot
a course where “children undei
14 years of age are not allowed.’
And,-she was algo the younges'
contestant ever to reach the fi
nals of the Natioriai Women’s Am
ateur. Chafiipionship.
Her exaggerated backswinj
gives her good distance off the tee
and she is an' accurate putter and
has deadly approach shots.
Laid out over 125 acres, the 18-
hnle course stjreiches to a’ 1 length
of 6,800 yards, ' being the third
longest course in the South.
The Course is Ideated at the
southeast corner of the campus,
just eaiit -of the’- Adrriinistratidn
Building. . It is -of champiolisliir
quality, with .a par of 7J.. Dotted
with .trees and presenting a roll-
ittg terrain, the location is excel
lent for such,a course.
Foriher Students Help
.After two years of planning, the
Former - Stuelents Association ql
A&M raised $25,000 to start con-
straction of the $75,000 layout
The remainder of the money was
paid front college funds.
Ralph Plummer, former Aggie
in the class of ’25 and one of the
top professional golf course-archi
tects available in this part of the
country, was secufed to design the
course. He both designed the
(See GOLF COURSE, Page 6)