The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 02, 1950, Image 6
Former Student Tops Score On Army Entrance Exam MSG Council Heads A&M students have been known to lead the race in many fields and recently Robert B. McJilton ‘49 proved it again. McJilton made a perfect score —100—on the mental test at Love Field Induction Center in Dallas. As a volunteer, he made the first perfect score that had ever been made at that center. With such a score McJilton could have had his pick of the Army’s branches, and almost name his own job. When a student here, he was considered one of the best com pany commanders in the corps by both the . cadets and the Military Department. McJiltrfn was the com mander of “E” Company Infantry. The red headed, six-font-two- inch Aggie-ex was a mechanical engineering major from Fort Worth. After the examination hie TODAY thru SATURDAY iPliri wr; TEN YEARS BEHIND STONE WALLS...A grim future for any man! GLENN FORD bromrick CRAWFORD terfm -4' tKillord MiUhell 1 Dorotliy Malone - Carl Benton Reid ^^^gsHlfcrgaagy l.WUBMaaBBUlHrrilfnr-m iinm*. FRI. NITE PREY 11 P. M. SAT. NiTE PREY. 11 P. M , t c tTst^ 0N! startled his interviewer by saying that he wanted in the infantry. ft seems that almost no one wants in the infantry these day?, and with a man who made such a score to ask for it, was almost more than they could wish. The interviewer turned the story over to Sgt. Ralph Thrasher who does publicity for the Dallas Army and Air Force Recruiting Station. “1 keep telling these boys,” he explained, “that it doesn’t mean you have a hole in the head if you volunteer for the infantry—and this proves it.” AAUW to Meet In A. E, Sallis Home The Amei’ican Association of Uni versity Women International Re lations Study Group will meet at the home of Mrs. A. E. Salis at 7:30 p. m. tonight according to Mrs. J. G. Potter, chairman. Study of economic and social councils of the United Nations will he one of highlights of the meeting Mrs. Potter said. Plans for the program to be presented to the AAUW at their Nov. 13 meeting will also lie discussed. The film. “Men of Good Will,” produced by the United Nations, will be shown at the meeting to illustrate how the international ser vants at Lake Success translate the aims of the U. N. into action, Mrs. Potter said. For Military Groups Set Picture schedules for mili tary groups have been re leased by the editors of Ag- gieland ’51. To assure uniformity for all groups, khaki ties and “going places” caps will ho worn. Those eligible to do so will wear boots. Commanders will carry their sabers and guidon bearers will carry guidon. The picture will he taken in front of the Administration Build ing adhering to the following sche dule unless previous notice is given. 12:30 12:45 TODAY & FRIDAY Your orders are to kill her! MG-M’s hot-3 ROBERT ■Me-fteadl/nes hi lit! EI fABmmiop t inspirator Directed by VICIOR SMILE Produced by ARTHUR HORHBLOW, IR. Screen Play by Sally Benson • Adaptation by Sally Benson and Gerard Fairlie • Based on the Novel by Humphrey Slater Nov G M. Band W.Band Nov. 7 A Inf B Inf Nov. 8 C Inf D Inf Nov. 9 E Inf A F.A. Nov. 13 B F.A. C F.A. Nov. 14 I) F.A. E F.A. Nov. 15 A CAC • B CAC Nov. 16 A Sqd B Sqd Nov. .17 C Sqd D Sqd Nov. 20 E Sqd F Sqd Nov. 21 C Sqd II Sqd Nov. 22 I Sqd K. Sqd Nov, 23 L Sqd C Arm. Nov. 24 B Arm. C Arm. Nutrition Group eels Today The Texas Nutrition Conference opened this afternoon at 1:30 in the M.S.C. assembly room with Dr. J. R. Couch, chairman. Chancellor Gibb Gilchrist greet ed the group. He was followed by Director R. D. Lewis’ talk on “A Challenge to Animal Nutritionists”, and George McCarty, president. W. ft. Graham, Jr., director of research, Quaker Oats Company, Chicago, Illinois presented a topic on “The Use of Thyroxine-like Products in Animal Feeding”. R. E. Leighton of A&M gave “Results of Feeding Large Amounts of Cotton Seed Meal to Calves of Dairy Breeds”. 1. W. Rupel of A&M discussed, “Feeding Trials to Determine the Advantage of Adding a PI2 Sup plement to a Simple Grain Ration for Dairy Calves Weaned to Dry Feed at 8-1 (I Weeks of Ago”. Fridays session will begin at 7:15 a.m. and end at 4:30 p.m. Students interested may attend the sessions and hear more educa tional topics, according to Dr. J. R. Couch, program chairman. STORY OF O.S.S. ( APT. CAREY” ALAN LADD “Wheels on the MSC Council” R. A. “Dick” Ingels and Joe Fuller put their heads together to iron out partinent problems. Elected by the Council Monday night, the two will serve as official student heads of the Center. Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS Page 6 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1950 SELL WITH A BATTALION CLASSIFIED AD. Rates . . . :ic a word per Insertion witn a 200 minimum. Space rate In Classified Section . . . 60c per column Inch. Send all classified with remit tance to the Student Activities Office. All ads should be turned In by 10:00 a.m, of the day before publication. » FOK .SALE • 1940—2-Door Ford. Phone 4-4808 after &. 4-ROOM HOUSE, newly decorated—Gar age 18x28 concrete floor, lot 75 x 140. Hillcrest addition. See owner at 205 E. Duncan Street, Hillcrest. Phone 2-5729; priced for quick sale. FULLY EQUIPPED 1946 Ford 8 Tudor. $790.00. Phone 2-8389. 1939 FORD COUPE, clean, runs good. Fair tires. Terms will be considered. 4209 College Main. THREE BEDROOM HOUSE and Furniture. 217 East Dexter. Phone 4-4808. NEW AND USED tape recorders “Revere” and “Ampro”. Terms. W. H. Shell. Trailer F4. ONE 1949 CHEVROLET 4 door deluxe sedan, and one 1941 Dodge' army am bulance. Sealed bids will he received in Ihe Office of the Comptroller until 10 a.m., Tuesday, November 7, 1950. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all tech nicalities. Address Comptroller, A.&M. College of Texas, College Station, Texas, for further information, • WANTED TO BUY • DOUBLE DECKER hunks, complete. Box 7048; see C-19-O, College View. • FOK KENT • NEW UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bed rooms, living room, kitchen, dinette, oath, good location. Also new furnished apartment with real nice furniUire, 2 hedioom, kitchen and dinette combined, bath, Call daytime, 3-6015; after 6 p.m., call 2-7X59. MISCELLANEOUS SPORTSMEN — NOTICE! Duck Hunting Season will open November 3 at 12. o’clock. Hunting will be permitted at Norrnangee Lake. R. L. Gresham, Mgr. FOR ESTIMATES on building, general re pairs and concrete work, call D. R. Dale General Contractor, Ph. 4-8272. PERMA-STONE DISTRIBUTOR. • HELP WANTED • TWO FRESHMEN to sell Directories in Basic Division. See Roland Bing, Room 211, Goodwin Hall. HELP WANTED: One or two veterans attending school to sell nationally ad vertised appliances on good commission to supplement income. Part-time is ex pected. No one but hustlers needed. Apply Better Homes Appliance Center. Phone 2-1642. What’s Cooking AGGIE SQUARES; Friday, 8 p.m. Episcopal Parish House. Be ginners will meet at 7:3.0 p.m. AUSTIN CLUB, Thursday, after yell practice, Room 123 Academic Building. BRUSH COUNTRY CLUB, Thursday, after yell practice, Room 304 Academic Building. EAST TEXAS CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Reading Room of the YMCA. Discuss plans for Thanks giving party. FIVE AND TWO CLUB, Thurs day, 7:30 p.m. South Solarium, YMCA. Houston A&M CLUB—Reagan Chapter. Meet after yell practice in Room 301 Goodwin. INTERNATION AL RELA TIONS CROUP OF THE AMERI CAN ASSOCIATION OF UNI VERSITY WOMEN, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Home of Mrs. A. E. Salis, 221 James Parkway, College Hills. PISTOL TEAM, Thursday, Nov. 2, Alter yell practice. Rifle Range. FORT WORTH CLOT, Ttara- aSS day, after yell practice, Room 10, ' A0 P- n l’ K Tcf'W $f«; ™ ks - KS/S SST&Sf Radio Repair. 24 Hour Service "We recognize the fact that no one likes to be without a radio for long ... so we’ve established a 24 hour service on all repairs that do not require special parts. Call us today! THE RADIO SHOP One Block West of Post Office on 26th Street PHONE 2-2819 BRYAN LOST AND FOUND LOST! Parker 51 between Petroleum Build ing and Academic Building. Blue with Silver to]). See Frank Allen at A-l-W or Box 014. SERVICES THICK OR TREAT your children at my football party. B-25 Vet Village SI per child, Nickl Roberts. Sul Ross Lodge No, 1300 A. F. & A. M. Called meeting Thursday, Nov. 2 at 7 p.m, Work in Ft! degree. S. R, Wright, W.M. N. M. McGinnis, Sec. NICE LARGE BEDROOM in walking dis tance of campus, on bus line. Breakfast if desired. Phone 4-9034. BEDROOM with kitchen privileges. Walk ing distance of campus, on bus line. Pli. 4-7064. Prompt Radio Service - Call- Sosolik’s Radio Service 712 S. Main St. Ph. 2-1941 Bryan CAMPUS TODAY THRU SATURDAY FIRST RIJN Starts—1:33 - 3:40 - 5:47 - 7:54 - 10:01 Also — News - Cartoon mmtsesr Special for Friday & Saturday - Nov. 3rd & 4th Pillsbu ry’s—1 *4 Lb. Pancake Mix 15c Kimbell’s—No. 2 Whole Green Beans . .19c Sweet Cream—1 Lb. Meadow Gold Butter . 69c Colored—1 Lb. Dixie Margarine .... 25c Folger’s Coffee . 2 lbs. $1.59 Dole—No. 2 Sliced Pineapple .... 25c Diamond—No. 303 Pork & Beans . . 3 for 23c Hunt’s—No. 2/t Peach Halves ... 2 for 49c Kimbell’s—303 Blackeyed Peas . . 2 for 23c Curtis—10 ()/.. Marshmallows I 5c Bag Hershey’s Kisses . . . .21c Gold Medal Flour 5 Lbs. 39c Package Kraft’s Dinner 10c Del Monte—-12 <)z. Whole Kernel Corn . 2 - 31c Del Monte-303 Early Garden Peas . 2 - 37c Her shey’s Cocoa .... 22c 8 Oz. Whcaties 14c Del Monte Yellow—303 Cream Style Corn . 2 for 31c Kraft’s Salad Oil . Pt. 29c - Qt. 57c Del Monte—14 Oz. Tomato Catsup . . 2 for 37c Charmin Toilet Tissue . 4 rolls 29c 1 Can Ajax Cleanser FREE with FAB 2 pkgs. 55c 8 Oz. Ritz Crackers 15c Del Monte—303 Fruit Cocktail 21c Tucker’s—In New 3 Lb. Tin Shortening 3 lbs. 75c Yi Gallon Lilly Mello Kream . . . 59c Carton Cigarettes $1.86 Diamond—2 Sweet Potatoes . . 2 for 27c Rotel—303 Sauerkraut 2 for 15c Hunt’s—8 Oz. Tomato Sauce . . .3 for 19c 20 Oz. 3 Minute Oats 15c Kimbell’s—12 Oz. Strawberry Preserves . 31c • MEATS • Wisconsin Aged—Over 1 Cheese ... Year Old . Hi. 53c Northern Corn Fed Pork Chops . . . . . 11). 49c Jasmine Sliced Bacon . . . . . lb. 58c Armour’s Dexter Bacon . . . . lh, 53c Baby Beef Crown Roast . .... Ih, 64c Heart O Texas Fryers ... Ih. 55c Lean Veal Slew Meat . . . . . . Ih. 44c Veal Chops . . . . . lb. 79c • SUNDRIES • Telechron Self-starting— Gexrantoed (Tax loci.) Electric Clock Luminous Ivory Color .... f 1.99 Stripetex—]0/ 2 x 18—Reg. 29c Loose Leaf Notebooks . 19c 6 Cup Pure Aluminum Percolators . . . Each $1.29 With Rubber Edge—Reg. 29c Metal Dust Pans . Each 19c Sue Free Formula Q — for Hair & Scalp Shaker Bottle—12 Oz. — (Tax Ind.) Hair Tonic 29c Keg. 60c Alka Seltzer . 39c Johnsons — Reg. 25c Baby Powder 19c • PRODUCE • California—Nice Size Lettuce . . . . . . Each 5c Pascal—Nice Size Celery . .2 for 25c Colorado Carrots . . . . . 2 bun. 15c Idaho Russett Potatoes . . 5 lbs. 23c COULTER DRIVE AT HIWAY6 The Shopping Center “FORMERLY RONEY’S” 0P ? ! %«««»»«« Closed Sundays 1 P. M. to 4 p. ' ,es AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR SHOPPING COMFORT LARGE FREE PARKING AREA • FROZEN FOODS • Minute Maid—6 Oz. Orange Juice ]9c Fordhook Lima .... 29c Birdseye—12 Dz. Birdseye—14 Oz. Spinach 21c