The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 07, 1950, Image 20
Above—These portable benches were paid for with $1,500.00 of EXCHANGE STORE prof its. They are used on the main drill field for reviews, in the grove for the summer rec reation program, and at softball diamonds for spectators. $750.00 has been spent to wards a permanent back stop that is to be erected soon. Above—One thousand dollars of THE EXCHANGE STORE profits paid for these seats at the Grove. During the summer, they are used for seats at the movies bingo parties, and moved back to the sides of the slab for dances. Below—a couple is walking through the senior ring at the big annual dance for Grad uating seniors. The large replica of the Aggie Ring was built with EXCHANGE STORE funds. THE EXCHANGE STORE has out the welcome mat for all re turning students and for the many new students who are enter- * ing A.&M, for the first time. You will find our shelves literally groaning from the weight of general and specialized Books, Supplies and Equipment that have been selected by our buyers to fill your every need. You will be greeted by a friendly, courteous and efficient sales forces, made up largely of students and students wives. They ^ are especially trained to serve you, and will be glad to assist you in selecting ail your books and supplies. A PARTIAL LIST OF ITEMS PAID FOR . FROM EXCHANGE STORE FUNDS Aggie Band—(Travel & Awards) Memorial Student Union Operating Fund Memorial Student Union Building Fund Dormitory Athletic Equipment $ 6,000.00 } 105,000.00 50,000.00 6.000.00 Music Hall Equipment 2,500.00 r Guion Hall Equipment (Sound, Etc.) Benches at Grove 2,750.00 i 000.00 Band shell at Grove 5 500.00 Portable Bleachers for Reviews—Softball, etc. Aggie Players Equipment.... i’soo.oo 1 250.00 Rodeo Arena 8 000.00 Four Basket Ball Courts.... 2 500.00 Ring for Senior Dance Piano for YMCA—(Club Room, YMCA Cabin) Boxing, Wrestling & Gymnastic Equipment Golf Course Construction 500.00 2,050.00 1,000.00 - 4 000.00 Record Player—Records & Recreational Material for Cushing Memorial Library 15 000.00 Other Recreation Projects 1,500.00 > Total. $216,050.0(1