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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1950)
1 •) \ * I [l it • > , [ j |[ i.jj r. i P«(« 2 Kunut, At4, iko 4 Behind the » * » w w B| ^ t • t ■ m ■■ 9 (lonsmatinn - Tknni^h Kffirieflt IW ... t: Each year aNait thin tone. ndtktHi fel the ^arrirnaijj urge and avtlly bagiit watertnf ihetr arorrhed ta*ns and gar^ denn Inadverteatly. the water migdy drofm and water connervatiun ia aaked. Thia Mwee ha a very atabk bania fi r the argument agatnat our takihf thihgn for granted To the average uaer. water b just something that fkmra from the earth in a never ending supfdy, or frtro the akya aa mht However, thw ta tk»t the eaae. Each year about this tune, iw water levela under the eafth'a surf are drug ia the extent that the uaually eflti aa cient |>umpa no longer ran rnedt the criaauig demand When the*e condition* are read something Kuat be dime to i nnpirw waning water au^ply Y mayora of Bryan and CoUegt the mnnager of AAM * P! uegid coMervatKin The - are fnim|Hag at futl <Hf>a(ity. hut there « a ateady decline in the water level of the raservoira. Hesidents were not asked to (haem- tmue their ear of water for lawn* and gardena, hut engihaaia waa piuchd on us ing it n*na|ty. It will he ap to the idents themaefvsa to interpret the mean ing of the word sparingly We believe that V each of the local resident* were to r*-rvt> only a few gafloaa of water daily aa their civic duty to the community, con dition# would he greatly improved - Locally, the aitunOon has not become critical aa it has in tame of mil larger |n- citiee, where water supply leva* have 4 dropped considerably. Proponed fholitie# ied will soon increase the local supply from day. Tat wa 4muM aad ha hriM into a faJat aauaa of ■n unty, aa our anpphr laa may haeoma even mora arttteal thaa Ala today. St Station, fd fteat* Tirrriint M WN The TideUmhi - A Victim of f ederal A^rewion . .. State School Slated By Committee From tune to tum\ in the enunu ■tale # history, certain cventh occur t itynovc from the states spate of rights and privilege* Many of the i in thest* United States hnva had tniubk- with the national having it Uke away or cl to (Trtais parte of rts Texan, aa well aa one ior stptes with oceans or seas on Up I hi* felt the wandering togrh of Hfimainn on its lands. Recently Un{ States SupfYtne ('ourt mcmler* voted 4 that Toxhs tidclandii becaip* pkopert^ and under the jurisdiction pf the goverumeitt when the state Wax #npex* When the federal government d** 1 made an attempt to take oder thcpispi-s secatun of th** oil rich odclgixli, itOOJfch) wawWH aanie by the atate hgadaturd to fight the cis*- This amount} and more ha» been *|icnt. but menaberv of the sUjprtepe court w<aiM not accept the state** ovvkV of owm nihip In IH3| Thsh* and Megko set ti|f by trraty the states boundarih* at the Hi" Urande Rftrcr xml .1 league* I sightly nw-rr than nuv nukis) out into the Gflf of %x ico Texas' first request f<.|i admission on an equal basis with other stales prevtous- 'ly ..dmittivl were refused. To b< apeepted ou aa it that Urn federal USive the state's would pmpsrtim. aa wail Hue slate huwmwr, causa of a tea suHm • < svta • fits later of Itetes was to rstaui Ha public domain of NuMUt aad unappraunatad lands to pay its dabta. Ttua iasiudad the debt aa w«U aa ttu mites of tutelaads Jusllre Pstn FVnshfurter who cast a dumeating vote, said that the Supreme Court "now derides that when Texan en tered tho Uaiott sbo lout what sh« had aad the If. P. acquired it. M The Supreme Court's decision hs* yet to bt‘ acted upon by Cnngrwi* TVwijxjrsry sutiionty to operate the tidelands arena pending permanent con- girsaional action ha* bn n pn»|*»se<^ by congtsamonsl tegtAalion. If this art*>n is carried out it can aiaao only the mov ing in of the federal government on states right*. Furthermore, the cost of setting up of a tidelanris ufterstional program by the federsi government will cost a great deal. Therefore, we can but hiqir that con gress will refuse this authority, and al low the state* to retain tho right of opera tion d that which belongs to them Auxin. T»*u* ‘THr n**« two or thryr y*-»r» wit h* rritiral for alt of thr higKrr Mlur>«tH>n in*li tstioss in Trxai*,’* laid Hr l>, pi. WifinS*. fhairmaa of tKe ro*nr1l of < ollrpr and I’roaidant (A Tetea IWh at I«uM>tm-Ii. in an- Mnwnritw IK*- of a ronumpr*' i» makr a MuSv of Um> rtoil Uni M-rv )»•♦*« of *Ut«- nSfr- portr-rl inalltu(ionn if highrr Irafn- iaf in- T»**a» TtH- iMwdy will lu » thopHUTk •urvry th (<>mf*a»** thr coat, ♦*- ndlmofit *n»1 omrt fa<t»>m w|th roller** *<nl univenniirx m otter xtalr* <A tte rtxintry •Ths »lud) w not ia conflict with the -urvey of state higher wlura tion rprpi tly hei*g ma<i< by |h»- liefo>lfUV« < oundl to whtth mr vey nWotiM-rx of bw Ooumil Mve Kiveu unanimoux s^provnl au<i »B|» |«»rt," D» W•ram* xput “Ail Kao*- that out of 'tear «liid- iee will yum* a nsiff < ffieiewt iml uroftmjtiv.' •y*t<*n| of htrter «e1u rsiion, U,* are lonfuw'i i that the people* of Tcxax **ni <oir *y*Wfc of Uate xupportiel < of higher Isart na to rank among the beat te tk. PnilMt .'Uate*.' the ( .nincll Prp*i«ient eanl A mens •*«■* of |hr ma|t>r pn-b- f )<>*•* i >an«N uni with the »urVey wiH hi Ike naing roe! of higher > Sues tea ww*1 the ye—«■ foe the irv-reape !>r W i«t.« pointed out tea*on« riw an mWrsSo4 «wal during re«-egt year* They Inrlude te xauf “A aharp ^eerrs*»‘ is Veteran* A«ttmsi*trmtioti fsrtS* available a* veterm* coispieU their w-h<Kilhy* Bi» l.itllr Man nf the I \ - Russia . . . "Wo Into; a* men arc dyteg an the Imt- tte firM* ft <Hfcnst of the Qfnitad Nation*, this counckl will not wwth to t htapon (heir suffermg r»r stilly their he|Msm by teem ing to eigaga in the cttesKterskhte °f cteah" | a. i ' I ' Theav w-ntls sjs»kcn fy the A*ier- kxh Srrufity C'»«ncil IWc^ste Wnfrm R. Austin rrfkrt not only th«» official bdlieis of Amends hilt also those bf the iwitegt citisen We ale engaged in the find artiv* dmciphUary hction taken by the rgited Nations This t* the tunc to (Wove wlpth er t iviliaed nation* esn bund together* and police outlaws against free choice of jgov- emment j HushiA h iakob A. Malil. counoil pres ident, hxigHt tempted to puVstitega on this agtran. He ha* demanded fhatRc^ (Inn* bp admitted te the coumte a tel triad to link the two questions toUKhte * Korea and China are Ideated olodi to gether on the map but that is about as far aa the two art Imbed Since Malik s return to the council, he ha* been conv- plainmg and trying to "make a deal with ths active world |>owmi who have decided at long last to stand up to the Kremlin. To back down now would be tossing one more amall country down the hungry maw of Uncle Joe Enough of this de- ferniig to Soviet Russia ha* already tak en piaee Rumia ha* and is continuing to act like a small tune bully It's thinly dw- guiucd fact that Russia ha* been supplying the North Korean force* Now when the United Nation* send* in a force to quell the uprising, Stalin and hta aatoUttm endeavor to cloud the isauc and to throw moral axioms to convince the world they are innocent Haven’t they heard the old aayttig. A guilty mind nerd* no accuser 1, ‘ , W TA H Kate. Fvsfraai It 4 klU*>rlf« **t*e4m' * **-«¥•»*» e»rm * *"•>'« » IN M-rnm* » V» . T«»«- V»rlB *«..»» •t ** «'*•*» < hl* T 1* .W#». .rwl Vl*«* i » •*«*■ •>» link* 11 " t* U<Wr«» ■ xr.sts* Hour k «* -tf*piir,( » «* .w>m»r n4 <1# Sir * r* -KWl* to on -Mlitto , Hanoi Ban I) UO .Brtw Haw* 11 IO »ln|*rl M. 11 tN4*WMMll, W» MS* n ♦* ♦*••*. »m a«ws*» I? 40 • t«0», r*/n» MS u i» • a<i J ,VV < Xa«,r*V>»r4 J no* *1 *< »r*h*ar<l 3 V' ■ K l «» N OO, r>#«rtt H'W* » I* • 0«Or* a<w» !<*% N -to. «#h1 N 0*n«fn awmS * as»t* *" ihteovwt* * V> • M*« Irani no piiH 7 <t*4 ! tnn M«rr*y *nr-» 7 VO. *.*• Off 7 WH *.(*1.) MPtnanah » *ar A taw (MMl Vlnw A lit i BnMua*e A KV Hnh.-* .'hrW'fcr' llrwr a *V iTymi* ‘.ot^ai » 40, lorn-rtf. Hrnir » MW Mir*.' by Maatpt r«*Bpo»*r» to M* H*nr nl •< VaMc.* Hi ».V. Mbmin* VIMMS* It 0*. Av* BfprW Cl»*r-n 12 i :xi The Battalion "S*Um, Sutnm* lawrentC Sullivan Him. , Kmgkdy 0* Fouodm of Aggie Ttaditkns 4 rwt. N»v»*o< t N*«» 4 l*t l*l*n,tit» 4 lit *»'r»«1 n»*|1 A** M»n« *o*r »«« 40 A t **io aten** a *W ayunr* iwnOt iW.HWt 7 M> San Off WMWat a «M* 7»I* y*rm * Mmm n ta. W TAW *n«B4t>p 7 l'W»* 7 te tew* ot 7 4i H**r-> ('Hr a as UferMac •m ^U*fete • JS- U»WHM*a*f S*4II.—K* » ** *** v*wfy 1* MMte* May !• IB Mu»>. far ljn***r Afrimltural and i n** times a »»el four timea a we of Taxaa and tha aekool y*ar Dee i ted every Tmaday *•« A-**"*! 7 »*A* e*rr» '• M«r«anara '3~sr The A»*orbtH iv^y te tea of al origin riHitk Uum4 m ta* as *( caasms •* Uai a is4 WEAlf Oa TUda r,~te-.~. -.4- rash Msmtij e- f MTmrz«» 'IteaHWM ■■MuiSy he W*Sml AS mrtetaa awtea law. 81 Hww f«a am. <is*ws tte An. ate tea rveMW** r ■* 1. wiio* --«* r»rx s Hoi** fk ^Sr u9 «f ASteteU JteM na*i Mr fate** •* U*t*M - e Ml "CoaMatebu Nxk enpilltnent* (k>«ptte ttw «tnyp in veteran*' ett- roilmtnU. ‘Marke<l inrnanea in the coat of phyAtcal plaid ai»eration and maintenatH-a “Ntaal fof repair ei.rk Ui phy»i- cal plant* poAtpoted iturtnf World War II "The neerl for mage inatnwtum a or I ppyfraatrrA at the up»a r level* anil lit** lag of teacbeix’ xalartea kehirnl the ri*mg r#*t of living ” Tbr (Vniaril roigmAtee apiM.tnlerl tr 1 make ike Ati»«l| b eompoaed of <’ K (iraoberty, asaieiant to th*- apHortent of the I’mveraity nf TeXMA, rkairman] Dr John (». Khnaer*. MuKUtwyai T*-ya» State Teachor* ( ollege. S*i Mant>», Hr. t’aul L Hojrntna, piwmient Steph en i 1 Auft.n SUte diH-he* Hr. Wl t ne.dfnt. North •ge, l hen ton. Hr pr* Kidtitt, John T tural Cot leg* Ap I. A off ell. aaaiat|i relinr, Teasa A. Coll, ffe, Nai«*ff- J Md oonell. e»a* KUU- «'ol JC- J Howell. idrt.»n Agricul- ilirtr." and K dtnl U. tke chan te M. TIHUY A NATI RPAY - Keaturffa .Mai t I W - .'{;ll* - 4 4i. 6:22 7:.*SI - | W [iaumrSUjr ^pammWj NKWs (A|tT<MiN PREY I E TIINH.HT k lkkf It N — kaetSW Mafta II..1# l‘.W.- ■aw 1 —" 4 UUiJSTBI*' v^-INiTI i^wmaKig* NMh.'A 4 AkTlMIN PKim; RATI KII4Y 11:0$ P M (’Valare Marts II ..1* P.H.- N BWh—4 hlTOON LTL AHVI’Jf a V / V I]/!] ffome Life 'The Navy Way Depicted In Current Movie JTtZX? |? Could vou of •A total I ifcf ? Or that aioanuogijr s.rhtir, ia Alt tern was bo In be mesatb kylSpTj s year at Iwted men. Ls*vt the Navy? Nev- for oar dmoging Dsffy. ji® or! “ pteki op ker club fb#t A* Kbbfaro and Am tittle fin rhiUt-n and iroe* bomo to mteher. / test o htety retraot, the fight ia ’ (Semetisag ao' oo •'tj villian viIlian, awtltng R ut g t n ha* impreosod a born*** « <1a»tasd vdltan.’* *S>ota tke rnelan ^ Achmml • Mwanf Armddi who rholy lioiaxr Bbol ih> m««i.k. •Mggief a < IVJLMN (That rlaote. * raoonU Rornw-k Hitt Bat llAI|tf ki> wmdti job for hint fids the amall Uftle i» tempnrarily in- fB ,|, tkr.mjh when tbii • hluahinf trrmpted when Haffy (And a good kni*ewife f (H ,|i S |||y trte* to dki ^ atrknanw it ia.| xlipa na a akate ^ u t woman'■ chib «n how Is and breaks her ankle nn the home among *aid *sdB}. The new of the alory » dedicated enee being hta ftilufo !**•$> wifo. to a c oop dr gr»re. After over- {u^^lMn ta sttemod whoo / inming mm**r bmtxebnM (itaaaterx almoat msrtjrra lumaelf Bill firune* hnw to ran the home. but aa to be expedlod daffy/ attend Sonar School for aix hoora. *, w to r* hack to •nd give hi* atm a rumpk> m** And xo f 4.n.iaS«l2er WllW eaay laaaon 4*r Tke Navy Way tgf-,— .ut|m being S houaewife. A Plaa «d tke Day ia mapped “at 1 DmImw atope th.nkW in clvili*n and followed vtnormioty. end Navy u>rw , k(vl jumor etoga mM* / Day ia reverently ohaerved on Sot- —•- urate*. y. Thi* is Jiixt a wee bit too murk Dr. 1. Davis Heads •MS-S'MrxinmFWdTrip tie mehaa borne te a w|^ (Joan Inn he) boy*, »end* the like itHial amlor* imunlet will imriion me for call tog him a xaiktri aettlea down for a Hr W B Havta, Heayt of tke ■enea* talk with «p<>unr Daphne Wildlife Uaoairement rVpanioent. Tkey are getttng Ui tke moor rondurtuig a *i* wtn-k* field xertoua aukpet* wken Bwo unweb 1r| p Uarraha. Mrxum. for ike rome vtxit4»rx arrive ||r-, j p ur p, >se „f «tudymg all plant and tke Sardine 'rai, Wo^wiUone ,| nima | ju*. »rr<,nW t« W G. {hlly boy to take over Bi* fleet <»f 1 ffekhitig l»oat*. while hi* tlinky frau add- K idunbot ununt nad a coapk- .if bump* It i* all n plot Kop *ome ob- -eure r«a*«ii. Hapbrte d«*ean’t re Iteh Iwing aepamterl fo>t»i h* r hu* band Bill n<.' I .••neral (Juarter* I* nnundetl, Ihv ArtH-ltw f(lr th<- < on- atitutlon of ’be Navy ait- read, am* the Navy Hymn h rhanted t*> I'holUH of l< II thriUXillHl M IAlU elt Nta thumb . Tht* ia I'ootedy, bwt n»medy on a iow level h'aree oasxea to b* i gwel when it ta mixed with naelft- dmma and eheap b«rte«qw J«*n ! U^dte ia attll g—d te Vh* at, Kf^Hrrt WaHu»r RtiM K4^ ward Arnold and Spring Byington nre *tiM »uh|e« to pbtying kalf- ! WlU. ™ j I think that the moral of thia pH-lare t* never marry a woman that dnoaal like awoeping <b'Wn fore ami aft * landing at aUentum bifore brtHikfaxt. -aluting and be- itig *e|MiraU*4l from her huaband Swank. Instructor in the Depart- f or V*** •* “ n\cn\ of W tldJift- Manageiin nt t Comment: Don’t laugh too much, A*«i*ting Hr Havta ia .lame* Korea i»n t over yet. Dixon, m»trwter tn the Itepart-j BiM<> Verne "Therefore, my beWyed t.retke rvn. be yt *tea<lfa*t. kamoveakie. alwav* abounding m eke work of ike I**rd. fornnmuch n* ye know thw’ your labour i* nidi in tain in the laird." I ( or I5:g|. nw-nt of Wildlife Uanagement; Chester Howell, inatruetor »n ike (apartment of Biology Ralph Ax led. a atudent trom leva* AAl Coilegr, who i» a aperiahat in her petology, *nd l.ynton Rut«ert*on f nmi Bryan. who i* iknng graduate work at AAM and apmal atudy ronremtng th* lava moune Bernado HelU of the (iame and Forestry l>e|iartioe»it of Mexteo. and Paulino Rojaa, an inutruetor fiv>m ’he Inatitute of Hiokigy. <«f Wexttn t'tty, are alxo asaikting Dr Havta Itr Davis and hi* assiataot* are working with th* Mi xlean govem- meiU FOR MUSK THAT CANT BE BEAT . . . It a really s treat! Buy (hat M AGGIE RAR HYMN" We all know that it ■ tho heat in the load . . . Bo buy mi now while Ixhj haa them on hand LOG POT’S "Trado with Ixm — He a right with you” CLARA ’» H J Ml? \ ’ Use The Battalion tu hcII your .surplus automobile, furnrture or other items uf equipmeAt We inglutie this blauk for your convenience in using Battalion flasai- fiol Ads. 1 want this ad to appear in The Battalion on Here « the way I want the ad to read Charge to: — Gip ami Mail to I THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Remember your envelope requires no |»otexge if dropped into the box at the Faculty Exchange Fuat Office m the Academic, Building. By Al < app AM i A NIJttAMCETA. '■** or iVcmcv 4 MICE mm - s or AU. \IT SHOra cvw A mipe / L£kl tCES/ Aftt > MiGwry TOUTK ECT SMCVCS the Btvs HE Of APf MKjMty ouft M0U know Dgr Ufetl Aj" mot UK* 'gg MOr y*r - 1 I DO NQT WMOfT TO r»t w*JE.TMpur < yjST ONCg BE AA I BC a %*omrr i ah ra JUST A ypteil Au. I NEED IS A KULtft-Apr 9K.T nm/ft: ’ hnOw U’L AteNEK Acruon tke Sirtea irw«A ILL »NI. “i OU SO. to SEE. AH % PAAOClv i NOW.vO'lV I _ AGAi-rgi OUT" UkTg AT NffSMT ■ Ak.N ftOVS 7'* x iff lEETVX pjOct SHI ns DOPfDiN, j CAdkAt-LEACkT, •THE .'-CtOAOl Mf AT .QQnE