Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1950)
r Winner in >ut •n i« tk* snmial ftrmioa D»»trtet «rr* M | turf w*u*tk nM k«U Dr It ’ !■ P L Dmtdm Jr Na|aton«*i at«W R*f« l*»t mtrht PlMak WmMr fur tk« laat two yawn, arWi^U *k« ttl Ma had littW at>|MatUMi I vs&iSxt '*.» JiHrkt, iff ilaTaf • uiMa i ll^iw against Dw 411 | Mt4Uf Dm Mat Gwaitmi Cfcamnan, Burtar 411 IH-rtow. Smith. CkUfi, Tar rail); am ad. Tnag 411.4Btoan. •MmI. Nahrat, tlkkman); third, Traog Mr tWilkins Mata*,, P.r- aaw. Drapar) Hawlar Dirtalaa B. Karaw (Nq uppon- 1 ■ H»rl.»w of Troop 411 tuck aarMHl. 1 fint plan la faar *vmt» to raraiao CialaPd), kiffk Man far 0* moat Bartow «en«, Hi«k waa m Uw winmnr Jr Madlay Tt^k* 411 i I »da.): Drat, Wnrk, Klip- IHDai antai. Madiajr Ratay (H Troop 411 (Karow.HI >); wcond, Troop 411 iNeivap, Mhanan, Bovatt); Map |:lt.4. Staan. Proa Htpla (M I I ytfg): Dnt, (Hr G. KHapta; or«m4, G Boyatt, fourth, third, O. Haiwqr, tima—ip.&, r*«>r, 8t, Braaal Jttraka firat D Wairk, •Mw*d G Be putt, and tk.M Burk- tima- 47 J. wa. ou DM wmitmt Jr Ma4n Tm WJ^pT Waati ka Mon tha Jr. Pm vana); _ # ..., „ *\L rtm *'* (M 1 1 fMBO: fmt }?~r*L X . . „ c m^3 £i f.iMrth, k cVtart ^ .P , la < ounril Maat Tima ifj IMMual H^ta, ftrot, G. I a. . D- WkM; ti* (M l £ l ydO; ond, V Hahraf; Wtaaari of tha vahou* avautt _ j 'ZT V witt rapnaaant Dm Braaoa DiatrMt ^ r »* T fardni; aaaond. C. HataaP; hi Dm aapual Ram Houattm Coup th,r *’ J ““i fMirtk. J rfl Maat at ( amp Btraka Augutt 1 Tlllr+BU. * 8*ra*id plart wkinan will nm Bark «raka (SI I I «da.): aa aharuata dataapias to Dm maat firot. T BmWw: aaaamt. P Hick- Tka )uai«r -thvidun roMutod «d "“"t Duil. ( Halvay; fourth. K ka»a of 14 and Midrr, whik the *> *• •MiMt rroup wa* •>•<!# up of hupk Pn# SlyM (1M vda): flnt, I. II and d«ap. j jT jlfeilfei aaadl T. thnwh; third. P. A okirt tail raspua wok won b\ Mi*kMan|| »r*1 fourth. A. Htarawji; Orta Mahay Oad A Btonn* of “»»» Kl* <Haap 411. and Ikiilip Burhanat Birtaf. (plain front dm and alao of Troop 41), won tha ra«w plain u4 dha): flm, Baakd Hr waw-h itKiodad jdmpmf into Dm «mi; aanlnd, A Btr*«nc( third, B. f*Hy draaoMt. undrtMnnir ki Trotter.^nd fmjrtk, J. Lgon« l«4J. Ufa Hariag T«M< iMt Ravine Din < rupo ckaat carry M ft. Drat. Troop JOS (Par ioaa. Lpawa): aacond. TVuup 411 (Boyatt, CWawdl; third, troop 411 II *>ard, Tamili Tirad Swimmar'i Carry: fint Troop MS ' W Pa nans, J. Lronal; Mrund, Troop 411 (Bartow. Wairkl. Skirt Tad Raaraa: Drat, Haivay aad Ktrvana; Karond, Burrhant (add Kudgr. and third, Tamil and Obad I hap Batar l adraaa find, P w ip ■! , f * j \ y t ■ Maytag Representative, To Hold Cooking Class Attantiaa all naw kndoa womaa akaut rake failuroa or kurnt tnaat arc ovwr Mrs. Ekan or Cava will ha Wra Friday to •top rooking failure* bafor> they kad to marriaga faituraa Mm. Eleanor Cava woo racom- rnaadad highly hy tka Maytag rap- raaentatm wha waa ta Col lag* Station iaat work Mrs. Caw is amphtyad wtU» tha Maytag Cam- jpay aa tkair Home Ikonumiat •tha praised rapakJity at Ha aaid tl jura intarratu.. _ pleasant to hatan to barauar of Sar good •paakiAg voica aad her par •onal rhartn and polar had riperkiKv in tku hr la a raUtgr grwBaata a gmduata »f Dm Batty • "king Srh-.l z~r ‘k* Gallaga Statioa Stale Bank lortuBa (right to kfnT hlra. Tample R, Fyk. Jr, Mrs. Lee AIM* Kogara, » OffWara Baal Pyte Mrs. Rd C M ilttamaon, , Lata Bat ham All Harold SuW«aa CS BiiMinefth Thom | —. —.— M. Lea, Staff Meat bar* not pictured ar« Allaa Norciwaa, Tkomaa W. Laa^Vad Mrs. Vara RMvaL Mrs. Wtltiam Umh aad Mia. Ja Ellen < alha. Officer, mlmi.. frli ,ha pic taw are H. A. Liparomb aad H £ BurpeM. The haak firat opened ia July. l»4t ia a prefakrtcaied huitdtag and than •wtmmitpf Proa Aok Batay: flht. Troop Buchanan: eorond. D AN EXAMPLE M- C. HotMohan. prcmlMmit t»f the Tota* KctUU (Irocmra Aaaurhttkm. which repre •Mta 7,BOO iSMtcpamdcat aUtc ntrrtthadU. arfcmUy callp for an md to paalr im\i»u ‘*TVrc ia piaatv of ail kliMh of food for cvaryoM, n ho aakl “PMama do not Board. Hoarding wtl only ermtr arMfldbl . agra and nuanr prkww to har, H hc happen*, we ma expert eoatndn aa trad roan Aa example k» fremh ia otir pepper Srafe hut iag haa ma the to a coat of ?Hr per 4 oa. phg MALE. If yoa need It hay ONE otherwthr, n<M.# limit One Per ( uaUtmer Black Pepper . . Frearha Cleaner 4 Ox ( artoo A -Heareaer Aluminum ... 2 boxes £e 10 Pad Ske Infertile, (Van White ! Pullet E{5g. . . j Dozen 35c tdaaUrai ip Urwde to Out Rent liggh .let 8 lit < ariiui Hwift'a Jewel Shorten! Aaaiyuki ( oaijiare*. With Real Prim e Dog Food . ( CASE OF 4M ( ANM — *4 tt Kraarla H Irggedt'a (Ppratler) lawaomt Fttofllm Rag Cnffee I U». ( omptetr MatlnfarUoa (itiarantgecl Meadolake Oleti. . Ik 27c Or . *. You (an (let With One 104# (Bate 7 Ot. ( an (tie \ aloe) UbBy'a Veal liMf. .... (an 14 Ox. Can UBhy a Deviled llam ... Can lie Cigarettes . . (arton $UWi IV, Cana Airmail Halvcn. In Myrgp Apricots...... ua 'He FROZEN FOODS Maow (Top C Ox (ana Orange Juice . J2 cans Braeeoli Pk«. He< Crren Peas.... Pkg. 25e 84 ( aaa IJBby’o Haivew Peddles .... . Can 25o 84 (an* IJhBv'•* FrBit(,<N‘klail.3 cans $I.(NI 18 Ok. Jar Faaev Whole—Premier Sweet Pickles 25c Every da v Price . 3 Ik 85c No. 'BOS (1 Limas Every«la> Priec—lavrge Ivon Flakes . KuNcdaicK—(ircen 1 White ) cans Dcrher’a Tall Korw Breakfast Bacon . . lb. 52r Le» "f |,amb . Horavel AB Went W einers.... (trade A Rah) Reef Loin Steaks. -(Pia Hone* 'R< liens Fat. FSilIv Oreuncd viiasH Home (iroyra Fresh (!orn .... 6 for 25e Home finjwa. Frowh Crowder Peas ..21k 23c va s**e ( aliforwia Oranges Dozen 25^• mi Star (taakkl Lemons Dozen 25<' I-aege Mtae (alifonna Avoeadoes Kaeh I9e Green Peppers.... lb. 9c GWna, Otap, Big Raarhcw (arrots ... 2 bunches I5e FKKENrONEy FLAVOKKI I AHKAJVSAS ELBERTA PEACHES.. 2 Ik 23c (Maid to Ha Vary Ararre) ECONOMY irif-4 Ih. box . . .VBr Bushel. $4i5 •(We •■Bit la SpecialM fur Friday & Saturday - July ^ I w i fli m jb k Harp Your ( mIi ■f 28th & 2O1I1 Hank Established in 1946 To Serve Needs of City Bv D4U WAUT0N va, anmnd tha fhoot to protect the been rteete.1 for nine eonaaoutiv The ( ulkgd SutHin Stole Bank r .. M •* repreaentouve of the Bra- it truly a "roenmumty enterphat” *®* (uunty 4AM < luh of the State Opened in Joiy uf 1046. Dm hank The only mikhap during the A m*riat*e« of former rtudent* wa, urgamxed by Colkge Station biok'i hiaton, inrluding the eon-j .“• nrt * v,> v, ‘‘e‘Prea|dent Harwld men to »erve the hanking nrwd, “‘‘ruction •*»d Dk wn* a »tuck door * ull,v * n ■ n Agg»e*ei He k a of thii city on the main taalt The door re- “•"o'' * ,kI mrm ber of the College All of the original h«ak Ktm k fur three dayt. J 4 * 1 * 0 " of Cammerce. the ew. irwneil by kn-.l bu.mCM men ^ nk •PP**' to the f '**"'* ^ Amenean and men coapected with the Cal- p' 1 ’ 1 *,? for money * ,uU " f lag** Some ef (heee men have of ^ * • nto, '• Aa 4ggte-ei eaume moved away, but still the unM> ' *M Mlp of a Houston u ir n »'"»•*"» -Mr. •*- .to.. *„*.. 1.; J'.'STh" * Knight, Templgr Manon a« Your Mr*. Cave conducted a aimilar rooking school in Huntsville on Wedaunday afUrmwii Juijf Sdtk. Rhe la well qualified to inatfWrt ia Dm cooking ackaol betauae she studied H»flM E<onon.icg m collece and ha* bad experience in field Ske Crocker Cooking Even Dm more expenewefd rooks R ay I a, their Home Economist wilt benefit by a e representative praised Mrs. She has new it,>1 ».w »»»■ Cave on ber <apnbtiity at feed hands at ranking i>a have fun tot- \ demonstration He aaid that her mg She will dtoWme wed tridb ! instruction* wore interesting and (of the old itond-hy rv.ipee. and •be will give away new recipe*. The rooking acheol will take place at the Henry A Mfiler Com- She will hold cooking school Pri pany xtore The atore 1* located day afternoon, inly 2*. from 2 on Mam street in Callege ItattSa. p. m. to 4 p. m There will be no adkniarton ebargy. Mr*. Caw. the Mr. Anthony of have matiWf4h»na. recipes, coekery. will answer any questions “"P 1 *** ew^mmi to min vou might wisk to ask She will *> fttending the cooking Mthboi five a complete foods demonstrs Fr ^*> *** ~»Duitf to low lion. She will use a Maytag Dutch * 1 9 oven in her demonstration F ield Da> Slated Rice Workers 1 4 - nngton and Vi_ _ r The third annual field day of I f Mri ? ^ the Hire PaMu^ E.penmenl Bta- f ^ *'*X ,T Den will be held Am!T near ^ ***£< < b,nn. Tex »si off Highway M V*. mr ”{ * ^ 40 . „ . * gueet, on the lawn of the William, * pt ^ lrr w1 ^ he Norman borne tint-of town gue«U included Efferwon. auDjonty on rise produc Ml „ Mason of Ph.hidelph,.. turn and marketing , Prnn j Mn ArffclUH ^ A barbecue dinner will to held Terre Haute. Ind., Dr. ami Mm. •ml afterward* a tour will to con Norman Borlaug from Mexico Oty. ducted ef eximnmental work at the and Col. and Mr*. Elam KM-klex, of I Station Fort LenvenworDi, Kansas William* ’ Home In Scene of Party I Mrt M T Har- Mw-Chancellor and ■kip remains in College Station „ Tk, 'ton* for tto ton. to. . “if”” *’ * "" mb " ^ 'S' ih zz:; T" granted in Apnl, Itl46 and Die p" •f 11 *' dlrwtor* Kad hope<i to bmld per ri>w w* nt manent quarter* at that tigie How ever rextricth-n* on building ma tonal* made thi, impawKible. *ince the application for pncg-ity for material* was rejected by Dm civil ian priHiuction l«.*r<( ( >n three e<- ckakms. Began HuMneM New Traffic Li^ht Finally the hank began busings* Vf'liss • * a prefabridatod structure S< by “ ||| |>4* IllMialltNl b-rt •tto- m , comb is an ABM graduate of Cashier Tboma* Wj I^e came to the claas of iMf, and owns Lips ( ollege Station Slate Bank in comb Pharma* at the North (iate j,* 4 * Pnor *" to ( ollege He ha. MTrtd two term, on the u Ut T W,t *‘ lWu Mthietic aruncTid 4AM. and ha. 53f 0 r n 5“ nk * ^ Rank Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS Page 4 THURSDAY. JULY 27, 1950 • ai l. W ITH A r ATTAI.ION Cl ASairtSD A f» R,im V . mt* te» m—ni— •tth * Mr viiMimnai agar* ml* w I ’lMUrw* awl MW sar par rahiew Utrli Ket.'l ,11 rwmrfwe* WHfe rwnM laar* to the komMw AHleNM* offw* AH MU MmmH to turnel la b* I.SS t ■ •( I He S*. tot to. mMtoMMa e FOB BALM • rr rr rnidiOAiag Retn^miar t rear* uM tltftw aw Km S k> X I B • to Mir View • MIB<XLLAN«i<Hg a | BK A OOOD CITIBBB Ixm't XaM aet for tan ala* ^traa Bell llwaa uu< AaladP awuk, la mar Ota to* Ma M> era nouma tar Hlalory ISS-IM Hirtwr> MM ‘""r^TyTTJP TO BENT • ammmaammmaaumaHBBseunamMmimma T* A11 KH Motiag far A to!art A • M Pr< <'olla.a Harrisburg National IB * m that and rtmtinued ‘huainesa place until February. MMK M4BW' f mm-ed tWta t**mpnr*rv quarter* while the present build tag w*» being built The preaeftt building nth Member, of the b«ard of direct or* toaide* Burge**, Sullivan, and l.ipecomb include L>r Luther G June*, profwwor of agronomy Dr A new thref light traffic signal (••‘urge E Potter, arofeesor of wiU sAKia be oigapUed by the city Dr Kaiph W. Steea, pr>-1 at the Main RtgdH Sulphur Springs of nlstortr; Coulter ll pi . «- Rom) mterwectiaa at the North president of. the Brain* County • Gato ONK l*«» « IIOOR CMCVROt.BT *a*.r •rala* Im4* Will to raraira* ia to otfVa at tto < am|Htoiler uatH la * m rn*«« i i«uat 4 l«au Tto rtfto la reaerve* ta rejarl »a» alxl all tH*r *a* la w.lrr •*» an* A. IMtUKamiM ASStoM I • atoHraUer ASH < aO««a of T»,», ^ I oliafa Stanaa Tatar fa* factor la W fana allaa PERSONAL **~S—* I Saa 1 w*at la Mac maiMal pr.aaarlir.f* agalnai yak rrm* AWft. raaeu ! essentials your courict ktihUghud \ packed into a nutthtU, ^ quick thorough review! Ati( to Kt the famous citiiii •min iiiiii XOCCIUUIRIO. Ba. woo onto** •to aa* »*ar al . M Oaa Mlt MMA B*>-11W in hlM Iap4 New 6.,toa ....••• lyst bM>4 Me -to MOW ... IIS wWMiVwgus.e warn . . . m I aost naifii Mato, d ... . n ■r: •::;; ii ie Store — "lervi«g Texas to-. n awiasiai* aeaggHw lu Brvft* I4#fci fur IS of CBB- 1 '’"'*'' 1' Abstract ( ompany; R R Butler TUlT “* erete tonstngtoon with a (<>unda- Tire new light i, being inatalled •*niri»SN»r and I>r — — Don which wdll allow the additi-m ,ri *om pi ie nee fwg#* a state law re- T * lowland, Hea.l of the Re*. R '2^* aaitoto, 1 of a **<'ond atory when ar-ceaaary q U| t ,r 'X " sengN #f red amber, and Adminutration Hepartnaent 4 srr* ir the future. Thi* buildiag 1* the *'»»n light* <>a a highway signal m<.«» mtidern banking facility in Workmen a|*4i will *oor he m- Braxo* ountg »tHlli*g ped.*trtar buttons at thi. The construct ion of gy* hank 't’taiwvction iry Mar'<*u» place* te aid building wa* unique in that it wa* P^»plv in rrmgiM the street* The built around the bank', ronorate- button* will bg M»«e<l a' two croa. itoel vault Thr vault Was cun "’■C* “ n Jer»ey Street near t'onaoi •truetest m 1|44 at which time the 'dated School before school start. engia.1 building »•• eregtod “nie * — pre-fab wa* tom down in February. Khartoum j -liri Cpper Nile li*41t. and the vault wa. I#ft stand Ptwvinre has atmething new in ing on the lat traffic )ama Shiwly the new building (tatted Guard* pcMVMteri anyone from (•king shape amund the vault, but using Khor <*vg bridge imsause a for nearly a menth the vault stood wild elephant gas giving birth on in the open by Itself, with a an the road wh** the hndge ends Prampt Harvtee HoaUk * Radio HrrvUw 711 S Main fit Pb I-lb41 Bryan X FREE Cooking School MRS. EVBtYN C AVE Mayta* Home S>e»eaiial Friday, July 28th // ^ {■ From 2:00 la 4:0® P.M. No Atimkiaiofl Chargr Fma Rev i pew Y The f«4kming priaim yrlll hr gtvra away lat priar—MET OF ( LI B ALI MINI M 8ad priar—(1. E. IKON 4 Srd priar—KITCHEN CLOCK other prisra E\ EKYONE INVITED Henry A. Miller Co. COLLEGE MAIN HTREET (XJLUDOE STATION — , . r t • 1 1.1 1 .1 i ■