k k ♦ U -i x ,1 ? / . 1 / i Four Tin** Throughout the I • r Nattoa'i T«>p Safety Saettoa *• 1»M» Coateat Volume 50 rv 00LUX K STAl or 4 h.TEcar i f \ \ i r * ,Y 21.1(90 Prin TtnCmU Hannah To Speak At Polk fill Open Inauguration Lunch Qr. John A Hannah pmuient of Miehigan State College, will be guest qieaker at a hinoheon for delegates it the in attguratkjft of Ur M T. Harrington am president of AAM on Noe. 9 according to a Hcnderaon information for the AAM 8v»tem. 1W luriital Sttiitpni (>nu»r fol Shuffler, director of I lowing a rtvipw of thp < orpa of < aiptii thp moltii’ig of Nov. a, 4 ionormir Kiaon yj how«ii, Dr. ftarrihirtur iinn Hyl*- . , PtaiM ia ■obeilolpg to bp the initial esant ef Ai M - TMh A nriivpmarv Pwatrlfiit of \ll« hiran StaU* Ct-I- Ue* niltrp July i. I'.Ml hr Han nak is Votv^tlrmd oop >»f thp wo^t PoUa trill open at 7 a m. to morrow for what ia expected be a relatively light vote throughout the gtate Cam jjaigning will probably reach grpO of Agriculture waa br*t«wp»i ila. pauk t-ourb: whan randidatr* ujM.n him in IV41 by Mirhigan li.r < ..unty ane hatrwt offirea gath Kuta l ollogp. and in 1S44. hr t«<>k f with repreapntativm of randi a IWrtor of Law* from thr daUw fur »taU <»fficpa for a golit I’mvprnlty of Micktgan Wal rally »* * t *« i , Many <»ui»tanrting (‘••■tribution* * Th* gathering ia whpdulrdto In lip fipM uf •dbratton in land ti** !**•“•♦ •* ‘hr cornpr of Mth yrant (WlltWPK havp haari attrilHit- ■ , *' n *" sryan r. U rl to $!liuiMh. Hhnfflp wild ••'inbrem. Bryan •“‘"iw*. wil I I)f. Hanaak ia thp author of fr***** ■* rally. Anybody hamenWa yompkipu. a inpmber »«nt* U» aay a word for a Phi kup!>.< Phi. and is thp inunrd iatp |>««t yr**idpiit uf (ho Am><* ■m ■” rw%. •Tvr. 1 Forces % !4«tnrt of atatp candidat* who ia SrpaMiont of th# Amo.- * >r *~ t " *' ,h# rmiljr tW ^ 4 mstotanding laiof irrant n.llwr^ rintioITaf < rani ( ..IIpitpi. mid ' u ’ i1 ’' *“ * Prndaraon aoid preankwi- i^nv--Hp i* ala« --rer fRSXJT ' r.ndtditpa for any offire an- BMod a* sit airoilrnt «i»*akar, v ! iitvitpd to apoak at thp rally, hp ad fimBw ami. . I idra For M»* ip drd i<4 , . AAM <'.>n*«lidntpd Srh.od will lip kIps for thp rerent movie, Mirfcifan Lraduatr Dr. Hannah rp'pivp.1 a froan th. Mu-higar B. S Statr (V.IMgP in PJ23 An komirary lha tor’a Up •'Wa»p* ->f (.rppn", whtrk told thp atory if land grant rollogp* ami thwif cotitributMjna to tio dcvplop merit of Amencaji agnritltur> wa* i httrlbuisd t*) Dr Hannah « inapir ina «.pa»tk bpfore th# Kpommiir ( luk of Dotruit in January IWir* Dr Hannah it th# chairman of Uta joint cummiaaion or pitpnaion j iogramv polictea and fdala of th« I nitod KtaU* Departmpiu of Ag nurgpaa at ikia | hr thp polling piare for Oollegr gtation raaidenta hviag in the col r area Heraiei K thr preaiding )udgp dnft *1 boa. Propir living in Prennrt 16 J hkh im ompaaara thp area rant of ighway 6 (CoUegr Hilla, at#.,) Will voir at Hhitoh Hall. V J B<>r pkir ia in charge of thr voting at (hia ap<>t Thr Battalion will carry thp com j (lade! Officers Named at Kell> For List ^ eek S hnort Course Kiids On Campus ToSent of Agriculture. ’ i kawd at ii.mW talay ('In* Sg morning kraaion m- rludu.1 in evaminatiwt. un all th# identififation material shown to the Se#S*i»en during th# five day roupa* A tea dollar raah award T.div.' July Jl-nVi— Superior ammunition ta a baaooia team that building for a drive at th# Amari nambere of North Koreaa tanka, waa firing it Red tanka maide Tae- can nank They ware at Nonaan mfant. v n»en and fuemlla* w o n jaa. ' ™dea a*.othweat of Taepm. but blHiing tae>m today after t w a| Vonkdok was deatn.yed by gun days of fwrre amt coatll attock fire from tpo eruiaera. one Amer- Hard fig h,l, '« American tno.pa man ar*d on# Bntiah It waa Capenmant Station and in*p#cle«l?| who ga*# up the nty: of lM».Utn» knocked o#t Wedneaday evening reaparrh prejecte on crope and to.»k up a new and belter defense and night tugume* , t'l>e in hill* four mile* aoutiMM. Vrcp Adr# Ciaclpa T Joy, com- Morning and evening aeaaion*’ Balan. m* tiia witiirawal, AJ- mander of naval force# in the Far ~ ‘ * 1 — Kaat. aaid die eruiaera guns atari for movement to the Far Kaat The Air Fnree indicated it might older aome rearmata into uniform after a week or an Aa the fighting aervicea apeeded plana to expand their atrength to the full 2,i»nM*2 man limit auth on i«d by < ongreaa, the Houae and Senate Armed Sen ice* < ommittee* we gh.d pmpnaafa to lift that cull mg in '.aponae It* a regueal from President Truman Al tke aame time, tke two Cm gr.-ani.SMd frovpa aiudied a biN to extend tke hiteke* of arnisd forces enlisted men by 12 m.tnlka Hath menau.ea aeemed assured of a» ift passage L S#aatnr Ourgry iK SDl .ailed m—<>»kii# far g. turn to re ■ to re the family allotment* granted to arrv .cenp-n ia World War II The al lotment* were oidrred eliminated hy Congreaa on a gradual baai* in mi fJSrney said that while no men witM dependent* are now being drmfltod. many men with families 120 each for any utker rkildraw. At tke onto * .mgr*a* ordered aa end to th# allot menu tke annus) kill was running a round XXke,(kfki- SSS a year. The announcement tkat tke Mar ines were railing up rear rues came late yestetdlg after tkr pd naval guna deatrojrgd ike (Ml jng Native Lraa* Semi” gy Dr K 0 BniW" of the u. S Impart mein anted to the man making grade on tile examm the Tagga, I if Agnculturp. Soil (orau-rvation Brevier, ''Teating Dallia (jraaa heed" by'Mr* R C. Mauldin, peed Snalyiat. of the aknithweatem See.! Servurp at Waco, ami ‘'Vegetable Seed Storage’ by Dr Alien Trot let of Aaagcialrd Seed* Ifw . of to ing the quittea, J W Soc partinert of Agncultural Kngineanng ipuke on "Artificial I chant* Drying and Storage of Seed t n tke i..m iudtng addrea* on the (ipllob, t R He Texa* ieed < ettifk'atu*n Program Nyt W S Pri.-e go.l'was gtjjen by K. V Miller of the State Department of Agriculture fol (awed by general comment* from tie a«*embly on the Short < <>urae « Thurtjrtay morning the group vi*ife«l .the Texa* Agncultural oiuiat < utnmunicationa center »f Vongdok on the Kual ...sal, V> milea north of the beachhead eatab shed Wgdneaday by the F -d ( a* aliy Dividan .meckaatgrdi Prog reds of the Firat t a* airy .nd the Twenty Fifth Infantry Division* which landed earlier this week waa not reported by t.tmeral Mar Arthur’* mnimun.quea M tone raj Mar Arthur |a»d the loan 4 Tae,g has “ao W+hk +***- trance" (r*vn th# mili||r> pmnt of mew Advanced Am##', an head piarteni and th* pn-vdaional g..' ernment of South Korea had The mam purp aito germina tion teat* were damaged one in the air bidtie and the other bv flak in thi St-oui area, but both Tratter T iMke of Bryan Wa* burned t<< 4'* f h early thi* morwng in tke h<>ui* in which h« had keen living i»n Kaat .Tftrd ami Wa*hlng- (oh. 1 i i The Jtrygn Fire Department was nunmrtned to th# bliu* about A.SI. Firafnen weru unable My.tod in tke kouae at the;' the kldar Wa* at it* height. Aft*#'the fir# »ub*'ded, fire found (Hat Lfiritd’* bitov had fl thi<.ugh the fl,** They •wm t»> ll the, tt* Uld Pleads Guillv J Waits Sentenrinj! Ph'ladelphia, July t)—— Harty told pl.-a,le.t guilty to e*- pionag# charge* featenlay and wa* artifkia! drying were al*u .ompxtkml to priban U. await »en- rented during the ■ mjrre Imttrgw i j Dr R (1. F«tu, of the Agro. He rguld racbive the death pen- mrm> Depurlment was m charge •alty fof turning »»ver I’mted Stoles atuisi. becret* tu Kureia But that i* awndben-d very unlikely The abort, xtubby reaearck chem ist ttudd aUffly before the tmr Auatm. July 21 — r* 1 - Negro nd to bear two indictment* ugainat man Marion Swaatt. Houston Negro tne him* Aiked how he pleud#*!, Gold postman yesterday wa. accepted aaid in fleai. firm tone* "fuilty " f„r entranew u» the I'nivermity of Tke jidictmant* accused him of Teta* law acknoi conapirgry to commit espionage and Registrar H. \ Mrl own *atd of Tl #ver acta of transmitting notice af Sweatt * arccptancr was Th*- new I S frorg on higher ground » a belter juration for righting a delaying gction, Ma<- Arthui *4id in a cr.mmpniqua Th. I'Hited Natiena comma ruler said h*-#vy infill,atnm tactic# by i-r~umfd «#ftoy guemllsi who .Kitflfcnked th# Two y a | hit at I S American army umt*. and Cu.rdl p Hrp 4 oVn * I MacArthur’a rommunique aaid a 0 hu> State I’nieerMfy at light Army s**uth konmn regiment an the Ten- tire Sept I Korga aaid the ln| j recaptured Yeehon, #tl H* was connected with the Vet w.tMrawiil waa 'ptarWied and not relU> ^ th ^ ( S , up . ennj|ry lienee Department, a unit a precipitous fligh* | in# frofn INiaan of the School of Agriculture which No w,#d wa* received of M .j, Other Sopth Korean unita pushed wa* the forerunner of the School Gen. William F Dean, commander to the outskirts of I’unggi, In n of the tfoop* fighting the bitter northeast of Yeehon m 1IH6 Taejon dblaying acti.to He w a • In flat, open country southwest Hi* firat job waa a* chief labor last re parted y eater-gay, paaamg of Taejon, the Red* were reported atory technician ia charge of anti- East Germans Pledge Alliance ^ith Russians BerDn. July 21 With the big buwirw t»f the romlnform standing by, Orman communist* yestfr- day denounced United St a tag 1 intervention in Korea and plsdgerf to fight alongside Russia in gny N new world War Overhead, there wa* an Mag- ^ covered more than half“th* inati iTexa* fever in cattle, won hi# R** , ' n *^ ^*’ v tot avtotiawr^ tution'a hiaton I fighrt in 1H1* to have the S*-h.H>l * ”**"1 af Mout M Raastaif fgJMP . Dr fhinn, wb«i served aa dean of I of Veterinary Medicine established r rafed a#t-r the Antrrifan k#e- the Sch.w.1 of Veterinary Medicine at AAM ( ,, * r I.MW feet The iiirlil» dnwn to Welfare apd Student Re.,cation#I .annot be lowered more than the Facthties. and the remaining $2,INN) usual retail pnre becaua* mer to the Aggie Band Through these 'bandiaerm would refuse ..rdors mean* the money i* returned to the from the store, the manager said «t#dent is#iy Pair Trade low* aad the poaaihil- in the past one-half of rarh ity of nolven. y of a concern »perat rear* profit wa« returned for »tu- mg 'm * non profit lm»i* with no dent use n a similar manner In other finaiM-ial ha.kgn.und also a pern«l ftnm 1P45 through 1P49 lift? 4MM 27 of the profit ha* hrer given to the MST ..permting fund Another $6m •he store i reserve fund and do- nated to the MS( building fund Sharing I’ton Failed 10 nr 1.1 years However, four nu-n were grantrei d'stof of veterinary medicine de grees m the firat cliaaa in 192*1 ‘We encounteied *«*«*•■ difficul- atudenta nary meWicine," h«‘ aayi "Now we are having diffi culty in meeting the demand ” Seme 000 men hare been grad [ uaMd f rom the actowd to dat. The graduating rlaM in June totaled more than (hi, while the largest graduating riaaa in 1941 74. Karh freshman riaaa enrolling in the arhool now ia limitsd to M, he cause of the increased demand for votennary atudv The man who pioneered eradi cation of bntrelloan from infected herd* foresee* constantly growing possibilities in the field of veter marv medicine, partidularfy in the study of disease* which are (relia nt i a* ibie from anioial* to humans ‘‘It i* entirely poaaibie.” he says. mm pafw agreements. < \ Mhile tke littl# (ierman* talked lug at their most flamboyant eaaa* muniat party ..ntventiM. tke ejto of mo»( wrest*-n| observer* wen fixed cm tkeir ^honored foretgii gueata" the continfarm delegates who stayed sihatly in tke Wk- ground. A (.ernwit spokesman raid tke com inf oral rh>. ftian* “will eer- tnnily ua# tkia .pp-TtonHy to dta- t t^tod F* l * , ***l guanttawa arising fram the pr#*.-' t wtuatum " Thi# -uggeatcl the first full-acpjn parley of the t-oiuinform (be Mm- C1*W~ ruled ronimumat indormatiaft l.uraaw aiwee that held last De cember "annewhere in Hung*I?." The apekewm*n wa* Deoraw Rti- M. deputy bn Fast (.ernwny* pra xis chief Gerhart Kislei Ha to apurify the quest mna that would kr disruaaad. Early * peer he* in the aonvanttoa had highlighted the Koreaa war and. imgaixia refused R A profit sharing plan waa begun i ]®4A after * rodent* had raised make* that plan Unuaahie he add ed B.n.k- t»>ught from students and sold to other book haying con cern* or to other students are sold at mat with the usual exchange price paid M urgent for keeping fa- fnm (1|4lB , mJ a ,| fhr JVretot cl.tie# for ictennarv training up M < r ||ite , Ut ^ ** well a# Italy** to dat# and expanding them aa Ibgliatti Jacfue* Dwrio* th* we*1 anaea “We ia Texas." he says, “will hare ta go some if we keep up with tke other states" ami France# :W- 4 r « J I $ f- . ■i If Dr. F. C Holton pc oldest eareMtaa af the cal- legm (ranter) vwMa with AttM atadewta altowdtog tke as— > |M>Tr earampraeat at Fart Maa msgth N. J- Tke atadraU are aarailed ia tk# ara Sigaal Carps an h tan arm ace riaaa aad^ baa retarned fram Fart Maamawtk. wksre be rep Mttlili AkM at a three-da* 10TC rawfrrawce Each year W'* df Um ttore* profit is appropriated for varem* phase* of activity hy (he Ext haajge Store Advisory ('oMmittau The rofwmitlpg ia made uf af rrpraaea- tativea of tke adminialraUoa. mem ber* of the teaching staff, and «tu 1 dent i apraaaatotivra from each class Each yaar tha group chan nela out the profit to where D»v nmy he aae* atudanta Of tke ataraa tota) meurae last < fHa Mraitwhtte year (fddM 7P4Mi. k reafraf a kept for eagk student i grass profit af flFT.OM 02 Operat amount* of M* purekaae lag expanse* depleted tkat aae mat Yet Bipfwwll said tkat oaly by 192 41V M, which h-D aa operat- sightly mare than I pereent of tk# i«f profit af ITMIMY aludants tunaed ia tkeir receipts Siaee the store ia dat financially aad egdy a haul half ef tk# $ per- aapperted ky tke ratlege. t® par- rant Mar raCrnad to pick up tkeir cent ef the net prwttt i* retained akare af fke profit* I for capital backlog aad fwture Altar two year# tha ptaa wa# rexan Anm (lampM Halt IV-artivation Kemndeiing I Maas complaint* about not receiving a Remodelmg plan* far th# Ex pmr#ntage ef the profits, but change Store Ruilding include ran Brownwwod, Tex., July tl—^— afker a two yaar trial, waa dropped, verting tke upstairs apace, now The diepaaa) of surplus gowarn- harauae of lark of interest. Carl leased nut. into atorage space for meat land waa ordered stopped at Mrdwell manager of the store, hoafc* and other umrehandue thru* Teas# Array ramp* yeater •aid The left aide of the •tore bow .lay "with no order* of aay kiad Coder (he plan the »tudewt* used fur atorage Space will be eon-^ to tke future signed *h«4r aame* to tke receipts, tea area dropped them in a nearby box, and ky the returned gt th# end of thr year to rereiee t|#»r share of tke pro- Stav Neutral# Sav 0 A r - r W Britmh tf» Hert* London, July 21—(ttA-—ttrtlabi has •»d* red her Far Kastern fleet to stay aawtral if (TMwee* Cone- mwniata attack Formeaa. an offl- riaj anuree aaid today The infernu.nl aaid Adm Btf Patrick BHnd. Far Rastern naval commander, has bran ordered to keep British skips <*t af aay raw fl ct wMck might flare up If to acre* at caaip at Caaip Maaey aad Nwtft alt At the Grove Tonight Square dancing at I p ar A talf hour af iaatfwrtiea wilt p®»-