The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 19, 1950, Image 4

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Early Risers Disrupt;
Infantry Camp Activity
I rountod m ■
Ml Jkvkd MMi
ib. TWn. torn*-
C'MBf <«rw»—iwn
Wton AAM cmWu cmflM u Fart
■food, rumor Wmd I* tfc«t therr wrTr
■••• BwfuOy «urty rt—rr D*
rroMMtwr trying to 4m
•»m*on« mi tlto fourU •to*,
f< if Ml* »**ry moming ’ 1hr>
Mv# *Bmr W* too. who jump oat
•f ko4 at 4 b. ». on# oh* on
tf riWw Tito Afgiv “drown-out"
•Ptrlt amot bo rominf to Hfo
Firv W«mom
(•toU mv tWir first rosi or
tWn loot Thursdoy Ninr man teaitu
from Mtob of tito vlovrn o h. ol*
b» romp wots gtvon th»
lUy to fir* thro* round*
- T Vkk tlw 71 mto
rwroitooo nfW, TW targot was a
tank bulk akoot loo yank away
Of tlto first lAroo orboolo to firs,
•orb nrorod two miooM and oar
fkm Arkanaaa U. Morod aa»
toiM and two bits Tram numbtr
to von wm A Urn A rods my; thoy
Arad S pooaiMr thror for tkrrr and
t vary body sms roody to ronrrdr
tlto rbampiuaabip to Utom . n
coot thr Aagir*
■MPto U. “bolord' thrn rantv
tbo morooa 1 and whtto Pot r»rk
Honry Romory loadrd ond Kay
"t) • a d Ey*’ f Roroby artrd a*
MMMR. Shota oar and two wrro
dtrort hits Thr third a hr! I wont
halfway into thr brrorh and yato
W* wrro fivrvi only thrrr round* >
i ban ad tb4i
W« *huok and
."Su toaidh'i rot .t
oar savr tha olwll a kick, and m
thr wraA Ray fiiwd and a lontli
of a arcoad Uur A Urn know thry
wars Iwkod TKr Afghra hod ocorrd
thrrr dirort htto.
Aftarwarto Cal 'Rmilin Ja<-h
bswta tqiri ar hr had plototrd to
takr drmotu- inoamrrs tf wr Had
not ronM throurh
On tbr fourth of July, tlto whoW
camp opant thr day at •urlanon
Dam. lioWanl Korror was atoi.doM
tooror fcr tbo T A M. C Fhw A»-
gir* arr Mton at comb on wrrk>
•od* (xtop* trip* to Oalloh. Fart
Worth. Ron Antonio. Wa«o ond
Trnt|*lr uaually Itof m aftor rrtrrat:
••r Friday w
Srrn omusd ramp ho or bhoh ra-
yoll km.tor Rod Duhr. C. C tfannw. !
and B*m. Rrooaimrd
Acting < arirt Cid Al Koton r*
crivrd tf» rsviow la»t Friday Thr
srholr cadet rrgimrnt whipped out
like Indian* when the A. I. Ft
hand SOUMini "Recoil Ond ■ phttod
the Aggw War Hymn Felt olm<«t !
I3te hunto . . .
Rosfnber®; Asks
For Early Trial
(Ihan^rs arr Made
In Snim Program
Several change* have bom made
la tlto Rummer Recreation Swim
mmg Program bora use of thr great
mtoNBt. occt.rding to Art Adam
oon, iwimming mrtructor
Tha complete arMedule of morn-
swimnung claaoe* now*
tys ond Thursday* High Se
at (. X tor ice Beginner* at
and Low Intermedia'. - H at II;
Tueaday* ami Friday*. U>w S*
•ianor* A at 9. U>w lirginnerH B
•t 14, and Low latermediato* A at
lit Wadnorday* and Saturday*.
High Intermediate' at IP and ad-
eaarad at 11.
Twaaday*. Wrdneolay*. and
Thuraday* at 2 p m competiWirr
team awimming and diving i* *cht*
Two women’* cla**e« not Inrlttd-
•d in the Summer Recreation Pne
gram, have Iwen added A .la**
of eampu* womor is held at 1 p
to Mondays and Wednesday*, and
a burinro* girl’* rlaa* i* scheduled
at k:S4 p » Tuoeday* and Thurs-
New Turk. July 14—Wf* An
Itorly trial apt*eered likely yewter-
May for Julia* Roaenberg. accus
| nd of a part in the Klaus Fwch*
lussttn-hacked atom *py rmg
Roeenherg. arrested by the FBI
Monday night, was held under
|1 (Mi.bOli tioud The charge ia con
to»irary to commit espionage The
maximum penalty i* dewth
Hit attorary, Kmanuel H. Bloch,
told newsmen he wbnta *k early
trial and may *eek a lower kail
Chief Atoistant l* S. Attorney
M y tea Lgmea *aid the .-aae pt-oiiaMy
will go to the federal graad jury
here in the very near future
Ruaenberf* wife, mrgnwhile,
•aid her hupband was no Cdmmun-
i ut and calked the charge* against
him faiae She said *he i* a •inter
af David Greengtaas, whom the
FBI call* another spy ring mem
Newcoiwr* .
At 2 p m. Toditv
TK Newcomer’s ( tub of AAM
follagt will meet Wednesday July
IV at J p m for bridge and can
asta at the home of Mrs. A D
Folwetbdr at Ihf Jones Street in
(oitege %htion
Britain Ceases
Oil Shipments
To Communists
London, July l»~om^lritoin
rhoppetl off all eR aMptoanU to
CtoiwmMtfat CMbp ptoMpm.
The foreign office aaid the ac-
tiott wa* a reault of tlto United
Nations battle to rail hack the
i ummunist invaders af South Ko
rap. The British Amy. Navy aad j
Air kotow in the Far Fast need
all oil storks in that arwa. a
spokesman said, and hav« dseided
to take thorn ovar for tltosr own
Earlier this month, Britain turn
ad down nn Amerwan soggeation
to limit Oil shipments to Red
China, in line with a similar Amer- {
lean *hu4down The I'm tod Stoles
then renewed its re«|ueut
Th* State ltepsrt»»nt *■ Wneh-
ington today said it was highly
gratified Official* said the emuar-
go would effectively shut off ail
seestrrn oil to the t'hineor main
land. where it might find it* way j
to North Korea
•Britain possibly risked whatever
chance she ha* of ompleting a
full exchange of diplomatic re-1
presents tire* with the ('hmeae
Cammuatat regime at Peiping,
which ahe hs* re...gnised
Prime Minister Autee ma«ie it
ctear Bntom feels that the North
Koreans will have to poll back to j
their Mtth parallel houndry before
poser can be restored He gave a
cool recsrption to Prune Minister !
Stalin’* espresee.l willingness to
•wek a pe*cef«, setUement in tbe
U. N. 4f Re.1 (’hina is represent
Three new case* of auspected
palH.tage aboard three Bntish de
•troyera. possibly of ( ommunist
origin, Were reported Security
measures were tightened at naval
bases and a naval court of inquiry
began questnwiing Ml Wifrwaoes
i-encentiaf the explnsion of nine
munitions barge* st Portsmouth
last Friday Three barge* were
loaded with ammuiUun for Ko-
Vow* Exchanged
Miss ARie Jean Kosarek ami Joe
tilas* were married I ue*day even
ing at 7 p m. in the First Me(h
odist t’hurrh in Bryan Dr Harry
Rankin officiate*!
Mrs Lawrence C argill wax mat
rwn-of-honor She is a sister of
the brute Bridesmaid* were Mary
Ann Norman and Helen Ann ( and.
Best man was John Buchanan of
Lnfkia. Usher* were John Kosarek,
David Butler Rob Ross, ami Paul
Bowden of Houston
Battalion CMy BdMwr
Th# onfinal inaUlatJun of ptrking met era in any town
ia a big quant ton that drawa quite • bit of cgntroveray In
small towns caper tally In thia true Such is the cane in Col
lege Station
The xim didn’t rtault from auneatujns for additional
y The pro(
revenue* for the coffer* of the city The proposal waa made
at the June city council meeting at which time a buaineaaman
from the North Gate am presented a parking problem,
which he claimed waa causing him a km of customers.
Evidently store owners at the North Gate have been having
trouble for tome time Row with people who inaiat on parking
their cam In front of the atom for purpomi other than do-
iuk bustneaa in that am
Certainty the bunmra—an’a plea waa Justified as many
of us can aer by the great number of college students alone
who have parked their cara in the North Gate shopping dis
trict while attending danse*
But also to be considered tn the plan ia the fact that
many of the employe** and even employer* of these atom
make a habit of leaving their autonnobiiee in front of the
places of bsainesa while at work
Thia problem coaid be easily remedied, but student
parking in the unaaigned am does present a problem and
should be dealt with accordingly,
After the plea for parking restrictions was made by the
North Gate businessman parking metera were auggeated
by use of tke councilmen aa a pusaible way to control park
ing there. The citv dads discussed the ueggestion and de
cided to give the idea additional thought inktead of tabling
26 A&M Cadets
Officer Change
Twenty-aii Ag|W*
ing Air Force KOTC i
Meters, or No Meter*; That la thr (Jiiestioii
Stnr* that tins* th* star* own*r* isrg*st atunb^r a/ p*<»plr and still ^
at th* North (into ar*a Kav* ssk*d rwgulat* th* |»alking in this busy
that parking nsrtor* also b* piar^d part at our rMy. Mayor Em*st
at th* South Ciat* sboppiag cantor Iwugfor# **t<l h* b*ii*v*d *om*
and othar major place* of basi suitobte solution could b* worked
nass and trad* in t oitege Station out which would comptetoly ex
it wax thair opinior that inxtalbng elude th* installation of the park-
th* mators ia thair localty would ing mators
rauaa thair customers to go else On tha other hand, he ssm! th*
where to do trsdiuj rousetf would still have to decid*
As far as most peopir ran see. what tha most profitable and eco-
thar* is no immediate n*e*asity of no mi cal an-war would Ij* far all
parkin* mators at any xput in town par^uws rorm#* ted with this city
With tha poaaihl* etceptian of th* befor* any final ar*l definite ar-
North tiato. Uxm ran be takes
('onfrontod with this prohtem. Psriiiag maters are nice things
the mayor and his roancil are . if they are used when and
trying to find • way to satisfy the where needed?
Our New Park—Hell, Aayway ,,. .
J. M Smith
(tea of the lw* *** awn*'* of the Janes Barber shop at the Narth
(.ale, Mr. J. M. Sadth stand* beside his barber rbair ready to do
busmen* at tbe new tecaiian K. H BallenSedt is his partner ia the
rwncera which was purchased recent ! y from K. K. Jones
Ordnance Cadeis Entering
Fourth Week of Training
As xtaWxi in this cohimn last
week, a new park is being aon
structod tn the rioilar* Hills area
to which we ate commonly used
ta ref#ring to as parks,, but the
newly roMtrurtoti place shows only
At tbe lime that story Was wnt th* stwns uf a gulley wbiCh has
tan, we had not per*<»naly looked boat cleaned ef weed* Surely more
over this new ‘playgn>ulid" ptens are mtpntfed for this park.
and if •«. we will eagerly await
Perhaps small town parks thair addition to what baa sltoady
shouldn't be compared with thoae bean daw*
Wsksew I we FWas. j
Hi H J FlhTH
Camp ( ..rrespandeni
Lika m<M«t branch** of ROTC
now in summer training. Ordnance
cadets at th* Aberdeen Proving
(iround are going into their fourth
weak of activity The total number
of Cadet* is <44. representing 15
states and Alaska The group is
organisex) as s lattalion of three
companies of near equal strength
All lit men from AAM were as
signed to the 1st Platoon of *'A M
Company and live t«q|ethe»
Inapections were the Order of
the Day the first week of camp,
ami AAM cadet* won the. first
two out of three held. An award of
three merit* wa# made to every
man. Thoae menu will mi doubt
prove of great valua to many in
cancelling demerit*, for the latter
are ^ore easily acquired
Travel tteasdale
pot at Chamhersburg. J’ennsyb
vama Almost to the man the visit
to liettorkenny a as voiced as the
most enjoyable of the l amp per
iod This was true mainly because
of the atumlanre of near home-
cooked quality f**od provided there
The long July 4th week-end
found the Cadets in other places
than the p«at A large percent
age. ItXPt in the Aggies case,
where to l»e found in Naw Y<rrk
City The obi Aggie custom of
hitc hhiking wa» let down somewhat
with the chartering of a Inis for
transportation to am! from the big
Boot* la Review
camp Al Kslly Air Force Rase
in San Antonio ware chosen
cadet officer* each week for
tha UtiiM and fourth meek if camp.
During tha fourth weak ( ark*
j V. Raya* and C. %. Jowa war#
rhoeen cadet majors Reyes ia
serving aa group adjutant wjM*
Jonas is squadron ewmmandcW
• Hher officers far that week In
clude cadet rnptoine Paul D Hoov
er Thomas F. Ryan, Jr, R F,
: Smith, and J. D. MajrfteW Hoover
and Smith are squadnM executives; ^
• Ryan and Mayriald Ware selected
• squadron adjutants.
Flrat lieutenants and fltehl lead
ers are John J Hill, F K Alea-
ander. J. C. Hei rii^f, and B, J.
IT Barry ! J* *\
Choaan ns second Hwetanants and
etement teadars Sam V Sherwood.
Jr., Koyce Bnmberrf, R J. Caelett,
B G Fenner W IL I.wpp, R W, *
Ixwg. G W Hknaon, l>. A Norton,
H C. Paulson and (X L Wilson.
John M Holm served a* master ’
sergeant and group sergeant major.
Selected ns flight guides were L.
F Carruth, R ( Graham, ami W
D. Richardson, and B. C Butter
W. P. Gardner ia ^u ad ran first
Third week camp officers includ
ed Jack L Soiether, cade* major
and wing adjutant, who waa killed
la* week in a fight Jasper M,
Bethwel! was rhoaew-a cadet lieu
tenant colonel, and group no»-
manding officer Joseph A, Mas**
ami Henry G. Phillip* were alxvr
cadet majors and served as sqaad
run rommamters
Cadet captains inducted Gegrge
V Chariton, and Martin B Otern.
Chariton was sifowdran executive,
ami Olsen, squadron adjutant
( adat first s*-rgeanta were Jasnes
W Doiibyn ami Richard l. Pipes
First lieutenants and flight lead- *
ers included Katity D. Hallmark,
Frederick P Henry, and John L. *
Cadet second beatoaantp and ele
ment leaders were Jesse E, Hil
liard. Jr. Charles E. Francis, Dav
id T Duncan. Jop- A. iMin*.
James L Mayhem Fmrtrt' W Junes,
Billy J Frasel, Hubert C. Molberg,
Donald H Nowlin, and ('Urtls L.
W ilaon
Sherman G. Bebrena, Joe T Len-
• mon. and William D RMhardson
were choaan flight guides, and Sam
W Sherwood and Herman O
Thompson were guidon bearers
Considering the overnight biv
ouac visits to other Army Inaatta-
Hard pressed with many prob- < auae they ;wy Just as much in
lams of administration and nty taaes (individualyl as people of
government, the city auuncil is other section* of the city pay (in- ' tM,n • ,n ,h "‘ t 1 ** • n ® tn P* ,,n
finding that it has expanded the dividuaHyi.
limit* of the nty much faster than
Magba our eouncil has sewer
luias to tey and water nsains to
construct, but maybe someday they
can gat aroumJ ta furnishing water
to thea# people of College Hills
< in parade down the streets of
New Yprk, senior boot* oftan
brought other sidewalk traffic to J *—
i s near standstill They aaw the TruHting Oitek Triew
floors of Billy Roae's Diamoml
Horaeshoe, the heavy state spiral
, mg sups of tha Statu* ud Liberty
and the boardwalks of (teney Is
| Robert L Giles of Houston wsx
contestant on the "Stop the
thf -R (
A can meat the demands of the
people in th* new areas
The certain section in mind is •
part of Caller* Hills that is cur
rently suffering from a far from
ample water supply during the
Summer months as well as a
aoticable insufficient amount dur
tag tbe other seasons of the year
When taken lato the fity, these
people ware premised Water and
ather facilities which rad normal
ly be obtained by being a part of
* corporate city Of tours* tbe
fity couldn't extend many of these
Conveniences immediately, but they
Were promiaed to thcA* people
when condition* would permit m
Malta Uon.
J<w Sorrels, a resident of thi*
Section, ha* been to tw# meeting*
pf the council lately telliag them
about the water shortage he and
I"- neighbors have been suffer
week ends, scarcely rpore than hall
of the past three w*vk* ha* been
spent on the post Th# Camp Train- |
ing Schedule has < arfied the cadets
to the Army Cbeip'ral Center, •
F.dgewood, Fort George Meade,
Gettysburg, and Iwtterkenny De ’
Music" radio program and won a
To Hatch
Oakland. ( alif (Al -R C. Tral-
ter says b* just hadn't the heart
to tell his little red hen the fact!
of life k
He gave her some potatoes to
eat a week ago She’s been sitting
for the
room an conditioning unit while ufi than etnee, AtMttag
in New York "puda to hatch
, , „, S TH. -»« 01
** naoHiO
.QilARew t"’ t®
ill' YOO.f
jrrelx told the council that ia
Some places as many as four i
houses were being serviced off a
one inch line which is Hardly suf
j firtent to supply one home with
an ample water supply.
With the low watet pressure
Which these people mu*t contend
With, there is also tbe problem of
fire protection In the individual
rase of Sorrels ■ boa* Would have
to tie strung I Mai feet to the near
eat fire plug in caa* of firv
Naturally fire insure ace rates
are going t# It* higher with the
few fire plugs and low Water pres
Sure Serving these people Tbe
resident* ef this part oi town ateo
feel they are justified in asking
for bettor water conditions be
ecu. with * a*TT*uoi* n.AeairiHi)
At) lletss w * *«eS M*f THMeltOT
wWi • ear nssanuni Hen-e r»le in
rimmnti swnsa aue p»t autumn
hm* asas sll eis«MSw4* whs r*nn
nfUflMflKI’ «i»«rimevM with garage tn
H*ya( Ideal for c«Mi|de AIm* al
Hfty fteinste in • laHtage tfadaita ' pp4> J*e
! .ee Aktefitie Me* < >a(li Wtsttet i.r itetoere
li <UM44
AM MU mwas Ue IMMS is k> MW
■ a> <4 Uw ta. kntuee auMirntwe
Ft anfc
Whtan 1 think of How you mtatrwntad me
1 atmowi fteHl oxer
HKaYT ('•’TT srtnvoa mV SMMr*M r«
Auntie bnA 6>l WaNan l>*1»e
TNKIC4C SOON MOHS* •ml 6*11 in es<*l
MM imsaisa M Unite M All cun
■ *nMli-» M*US MSI *n,eue »U*«
Sne si SIW m rsir»>»» ' i.H**e
Dr. ('grlton, R Iiee
208 S Main Street
t'oMPMTM.T PURHISHUI' .|H,n .»•»'
Uatf WwS 'ran < *miM* SuuUinuie
Tall 2-1442 for Appointment
ruaiarl OS«n at « 'X*
■ an
Coltefp Stition Rwpreaentativa
J \C
I I W v 'l l “ S' 1 ' -.*f f v> a . v J; ' d, 1 Ji.i j ^ ..
t VOU smaf Mtol etfU* f”
Cbattorftoid eraaaw W
YOU hug • F«ch #♦
Chaatorfieidt wnd
age** *
YOU emala CheatofRaWe
and prove what every
L? > ^
t imun a ta** Tcm.'- o
it Make yaar owa TaMtaecae that #•*•«
|ttip I ’l I MtJ« tmaka Miltfar
- -- '-^c
Houue Votes Down
New Amendment
il* 1S> The
Hause vesteclay kilted a propo»ai
to abteish the electoral aollege sys-
tem to eteeting preaidents. in ef
fect for nearly I Ml year*
Members voted 21(1 to 143
X inat submittiinf a prhpoaad coo
Jttonal amendment ta the states
far ratlflflaioii. Ta have hewn
adopted, the proposal Would hare
bad to receive a two thirds major
itv of thoor voting II failod by
M votoa.
Each party registered a major
ity against the change Eigbty-aev
aa Democrat* and 47 Republican*
voted faf R; 114 Democrats, *3
Republicans and one American
Labor representative Against it
Tha Banal* had approved th*
proposed change Fah 1 by a
a# 44 tor
r I -f L ; " t "ffl ' I
But it ran twto boated
itertseaa ip ttte Haase
Rena tor Lodge (•-Masai apon
sored the amewdmeat In the Sew
ate Rep Qeeaell (IMpa) waged
fight far House
Tax Assessor • (!ollector
I want to thank all my fnwndn and aupjportwr* for
thr votua »nd wundrrful aupport givm mr in (Ntat
electujhm in which I haw bren a candidaU. and 1
earnmtly 4rrk and will amirrciatr that support again
office and I need the jofc
I an qutified for thw
and I need
HiiB la my aecond trial for the office and the
votea daft in my behalf two year* ago stand out aa a
aa Tax Ai
recommendation for me
or and Coliec-
r our friend* or
am ejected. I
If you can recommend me to
I won t let you down If
^ _ the duties of that office honestly,
eonftatxWy end efficiently
Iktei you. •
N. R H
(Fate Fteitieal Adv )
(•um •itiiii
I w . Jl
swO 14#
urfssruM sawtteB _ ?
_ untATuei i*•*<*. sm (
. ii!., Imt e •#■>. *• #•>«.*,
. HI., tea we *»<* wuss
, ofeuruai ewe** w
lOOABITMMK a Tft* 1**'« 4#
•u* am» Ma-ipxi. aw •• n
. mH* WtWnr y- . I *>
. muoaoews, *.«•*• i te
. SWUOVOSto, SssSI*s* » 2. I I#
. mratci. w«» vsw &*•*• n
. POuwcAt joeaMt _ . M
. sounci, aw *« Awvtxe* I.H
Uses*, W«1
PWw O,#. al
i si
An s< l-M
i aa
te- - *M
uwt. (mat. ami *• - •
was* . *n I M
WAiisetsH t PWn.
Mist awl, WnSste sw te
leAMitM os'
rusos a sruset wsn on.
U. » Is IstwW WnW Wn _
u a. w ias4. awns w
e. a, saw IS**, Htewy te
The Exchange Store
"Serviag Texas Aggiea”