The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 19, 1950, Image 1
JJ n , ' DU I* ’ FuMhiM Four Time* Wr+kly Throucli^ut the ft VP /' ft k’l Xalkxi'B Top Hafrty Soetto ’• 1M9 l!V 28 Vnlurm* ^ COLLEGE )AT, JULT 1W. I960 fhrt Senators Drop j Investigation of Sen. McCarthy lv ^ on. July 19—(APt —1 itc Foreign KeU*j Uo< nittce drop|M>d in- *m of Smu'or Mc- ('ommuniiit-m-fov- * n ru** toii*> V nakuiy any fm.l* of •O fnt alon* t«. th* S*n- •*» •ui|r rvpurti* from mn inqi »miRittr«' t k** (b-rmn-ratu ma>.r- f,u ' tton* wfi*- A fraud and C >nator L.wlifi t Ma**), w Ol ttiun (rntml xnirur ***»' S«>Bau>r Hi< kmliatpar < I©' K* |>ut4imn ofi (Sa iat thr Ioiik mvaattfa- tior a* *uj»arfKial and m <on I' rteantoapar parmitakw U» 1 an mtnnnty ' . l»y Au| 1 evident hufn* ttut l>t- ♦ fidanca among tha San nhip that tha ranatMt-f anda tha affair tdkich i haa Sanata ambn.itad for | m«i T f raai faith that il i« atrantly *«« ju^Ufiad ' *««i ha atormy '<♦•»»io* at J w hi tratirn Kvlationa Cuw ■lii ariy |>k kad out ita J rou I of tha i »ll« g«\ and W. la PwiBnr C Tydinga t D-Mil) oft thy. dann id ttudanU, wdl lanva tha lutM-nmmittaa filad tha I ^ •^©‘••day night U» attrnd a pm r*V w Sanata. than within'it™* l**»n« hald at ha Wnght a f( a« withdraw thrm for rnttaraon Air Karra ROTf »u*t- 24 I ha of Srnator »**r ramp at fho’ton, Ohio "'h rht. tha Ka|>uMi«wn j Kurpoaa of tha viwt, arronhn^ Ui Ih-an Kafbarthy it for obaartatton V ft tha broad tmplica* and nmaultation on tha Air Korea Uoa might fight for ra- f Ka*arva Training ( #rpa (amp pro- ■o* i*aga» in tha majority 1 gram Official >»arting tirwa fur ™e ly cantigating Met ar-’ tha tpacia) activitiaa ia I p. m MarradU laapactMa haUa tha apot light far thraa 4AM radat> at tha Fart Mill, Ofcla.. aalaior <aiap far HtfT< for KioU Artillary ata daala. AwaitMg tha Mia part mg affirar ara. left ta right. Richard M Filial Milliam K baadwta. and Morn. %. |>a*b l pan >ar rcaafal mapiatiaa af tha aaaip and thaw •rnivr >aar af adtanrad Military ariaaca. thay will haroair aacawd Itaatraanto rraar*r of tha I', fl. Aral). A&M Officials Plan Summer .Camp \ isit 'Vi. ■I Term Recreation MUIppM If yow'ftJtt • Uaf for aatar tammant th» auramat nottf* tha •acond tarwi mcraatHut pmgpani af tha rollaffi AcUvitiaa at thr Groaa ak>na will kaap yav ba»y aliaoat avary night of tha waah . . -and tha only charga ia Roar rtudaaf activity faa ■lip. ar yawr idanufkation as a wMaga arapktyra or d laambrr of his family. Moviaa arr ahaarn |t tha Groar thraa mghta a waah an Monday Tuaaday pad Th«rada|r Othar attraction* art •hating and Jukr boi dannag an UrdnaMia) atghu •qaarv (taming on Friday, iaad ball roam dancing on Saturday night* Krahma Hlghfowar, a for mar Agfia now worhing an tha Biyan Naw* calhd f#» tha a*juarr da new group. Th* fuhttron pratad U> lia Vtry papulai durtag tha first aunwam Mrn>a*tdr. Tha AggiaUmt < ondm under tha direction of Bill Turpar will run- tmua to play fur Umv* danrpa dur ing tha mcoad u-maafor Mfaih«r« of tha land include (Jiang Tor ranca. Harry Vaughan. Bey ad t Hal I land. Sid ('aft, kannatli Coopar and I Joa Pika. All program* bagit at H p m I anlaa* ralMtliad m (aa« of fam Fur (iagtitaa fun awiaimiha an- ; thu«ia»t* may cool pff in r. L i (town* Jr Natatoniga Tha gaol A M and 7 Eisenhower Named as For Harrington Inauguration 'Od IV Yt ■* (cremom on Nov. 9 to Be For Diamond Jubilee Celebrations sr s* Pi l manahifi modal* war* givar ta ia upan daily frara S Uouthitt 1 water and Ray F Smith to h p m raccpt thy ■uirtw "nbjc< tionablc’’ mal rtain crituiam of l ml tchanloopcr hail b*-cn dHi w full committac T i»wavr». aaid that after ran i mat non he could find -no **aair»*» of a nature whi to be removed " C • onnally (l> Te*l af the ign Relation* ( oinant* tee yU'n that the conuRit* tea fh ualea* It get* fur- tfcai feme the Sonata fort the rn talk of a iVmocra* tic SeaaU- rencure at M CaKh Thuraday and thay will conclude Friday aftemaon Thia i* the ae«ond pach inapac* tion trip the two official* have made They were accompanied on the firat tour to Kaily Air Force B**e by fd E w. Napier and Major ('urtta Re prverfita three from at* teen nmveraitm* and coliegaa in Texaa, Oklahoma New Memo. Louiaiana, Arkangle And M nneaota ilc at- Ya>mr*aa«1 » >4 4 ^ pMfva*vvi Ih.nal.i R J meph wga awarded the honor of outahandmg AAM eadet l»y ; l)r Harrington Mark»- rth|f. MS( 1 Office l ixttires Expected In August by t el. Napiei Athletic officer award* wert made to Richanl K Scott Koycg Bnmberry and Bill C. Butler Scott •tao received a handball meet award In the *w naming meet Stop Southworth won the 4l> yard frag style He wa« a I an a member of the winning medley relay. The*# honor* Werp awarded by I Wan Pen* berth) Ah M e wiftball team look the meet m that diviaion Memlwra of the team included Joe lenamon, Don K. Joapph, Roliert G. Pitta. H. H Kchaeika. K D Hallmark. John Khaanaann. F L Hill. Walter Dyer, H 0. Thorafia.x and Lmna Kay Friday a program began with g tour of Supply and Engineering Diviataas of the field, and mapar* tion of lataat I'SAF airrraft. After M*h 1» the ROTT C rial tore met ■mi cadet* Who ar* mg in the Air than A Hour was conducted through Lackland Air Forte Ra«c “(JaU- way to the Air Force", Friday night. Sunday* ami irliool I* under the care of Fur the mure a there are 22 concrete tenni* ruurt* Intramural tourney* du nng the *eme»ter •oftball ai*d voHeyhall other hut weather Football*. ba»ket ar* played Team* in provide mitertau.ment ball*, pu Gen. Dangbt D. Batwhaalar. ' war time Suprvm* <Owimander of the Allied Expeditionary Ftpce and non pre*ident af ('olunjlda rniverafcy will be principal *pnak- er at the inauguration of Dr M T Harrington a* president of ‘ AAM on Nov ti The ganouncaaient came thi* morning from R Henderaon Shuff ler, director of infonuation for the AAM Sy •ten and member of the Diamond Jubilee < ommitte* Preai den* Hamngton'* inauguration will he tha "Kick-off event of AAM * 7Mh Aiirdvemary year Tentative plan* call for a review ' of the (orp* of ( adet* the mam 1 mg af K, honoring Gva Kiaen- howei. President Harrington, and gueat* af the college A luncheon ha* been w heduled at the Memorial Student (enter for delegnte. to the inauguration. Shuffler naki The inauguration i itaeif will be held at .7 p m. on Kyle FMd. to be followed by a reception. General and Mr*. Eisenhower aril) arrive by train In Hearn* at | 122 that morning and will lie met by a group of AAM official*. Second VMM The fall of the General to AAM be end. the &• year aid general wai elevated to the Krmy’t top poet- tow of Chief of flair. DinwMh— from many foiwign ewantrioa pad a u me mu* honorary degree* foam college* were cogferred upoa Wm ( j A mountain jmak hi t'anadh wa* named hi hi* hpnar and he wm! / preaaated a part af an old raatia ia Seotland “oN behalf at the SeotUah nation in recognition a# hi* great leadrrdMp in the war ” Gen Ei*enhowgr ia a natiPt Texan, although hh boyhood heme wa* in Karnma Hi* birthplacp la Texa* ha* been made a permanent memorial to him. and hi* KaapM home ha* l«econ*o a aatienal *hrine. ( afomfoa Head He a*#u»ie*l the prettdeftcy of (uiumbia on JuRg 7, the foarMl annivemary of F , I>•Day-ph^»•l■ ,, The actaal annifpreary <kf the ia* va*ion of Sormahdy fell on a San- day A* he took ovpr hi* dutMP, El«enhoWei hecapip the 17th niwai- dent of the university. A mead •aid that the (ypaeral felt that taking the presidency of an •du rational institution wa* one of the mo«t dignified g*f* in which • ould wind up hi* Army career. .. . Kohert E |ae did it,* tMlg Ti, ,,n " th ' ^ 1 “‘d- 'vfwnng U the Cmm- of World War II. He wa* principal f,,)*rate General'* nre.ideticy af punching bag*, etc. are availabfc at the phy* aiial edaration office in DeWare Field H(C*« - In the mtuieal line, ptaao*. record players, and An organ are available at the MuMr Had from Ha m to I p m daily on week day* I height D. Mam him rr •peaker at the college* Muster Day reiwmonie* on April 21, 111411 At that time, ha received an hon orary dortor’* degree from AAM A few month* after the w*r’» \cheson Reach •£?* f ith Reply To Force Adminiotra- j I J Minister Nehru KemiMlelin© Slated for Tonight Underway On Washi^bon. July It- Tnu ORI mght P nr anient Tmmaa w(H ad Cnma tha HMm tear thM four major radio network* and via television at 9 30 p m . I S.T Officials »#d Mr Truman's me* mg* ta Cdngte** may he expartad to ask voluntary home-fwmt eaatrola be- f»rr compulsion is attempted "even •a*a bmttad ftald-f In a joint statement Senator Taft (R-Ohia| and Rep Martin <R-Ma»0, chairman of the Senate and Houae GOP Policy Committsaa. mad* it dear that the Republican 1.1 Classrooms Conttruction work on the ramima haa not stopped with such large projects as the Memorial Student Onter or Office furnishing* for the Mem orial Student Tenter are ex parted to arrive during August, according to W H Rp.lgett, axai.iant man ager (# phyaual plant* Ike contract for office furniah- iags wa* awarded tu Roliert D Herrell Inc , l.aa Angule*. by the State Hoard of Control* July It, Radgett said. Harrell wa* in charge of decoral ng the Shamnok Hatel and the Baylor Student Taioa MMMm Hid* for the furnishing* for the barber shop, fountain room, cof fee shop, and gift thop will be -f* - Polio Rearh Nen lli^h in Tenaf Report of 124 caae* of polio myelitis in Texas for the week end ing July 1, wa* the highest mci dr nee ever recorded according to the Texas- Sjate IW>partmrnt of Heuith < ompai isaa of polio case* with the seven year median for tha mate period of time show* polio ia much almve what it should he Biaso* < Munty Health t nit in Bryan reyiorted one new -war of polio for the weak tndmg July ll Kigkty-mght *ep4u sole tljrnaU have bm-n rapotted m Bryan ami College Slatto" f'* r Ibe same Other disease* in the twA town* included chickenpo*. dtarrhea. m- fliierxa mtimpe. aad pneumonia (»{>ened Thursday This aquipment im lude* the counter for the coffee •hop booth, fat the fountain room, and display case* for the gift *hop tcwrdtng u» Bad get t, orders have been placed with factories all the way fhwn New Yarh to Cali fornia far such furnishing* as tables for thr ban<|u*t hall, chairs for the banejuet hail and dining room, rug* and carpela. drapene* 'bower curtama. anl vartetian blind a The order* that haven't already born filled are expected b> arrive by September |. Venetian blinds were delivered Tuesday anti will be mstallad the first of next week The shower curtain*, rug*, and carpet! have arrived The fir* eerapea hav# been inatallod and pamtad All major part*, including kitchen and fountain equipment, should arrive by FoptattW. BadgeU aaul Carleum W Adams, AAM Sys tem Architect, is planning the var ioim «<>uml cunpment to he ig- * tailed in the near future This eoJipment includes record player*, a public address *v*teai. and juke hapaa, Arrangement* are now under ■way for constructing several new load* a* well as parking lots in the Memoiial Student Onter area, a* week c«»rdiag to BadgeU Thi* portion of the work i* being Handled by C. K loighton. cm struct ion eRgmeer for (he AAM System Former SludcnLs Move Into MS(, The Former Student* A*»ociw tion m<ved into new office* ip the Memon«l Student (enter yew terday, sccordtng to L B lock*, assistant secretary When the Former Student* Aw suciatm* was estaldtshed in 1927. their office wa. kicateil in the 1 Civil Rnginet-nng Building A fit* ia that building in DMtl, however, dor and Nehru t »i*ter Washiagtmn. July It 'Ah g** retary of State Acl»*»n Wa* be lieve! ready U* tell FVinse Minister Nehru yesterday that the Taitod States antenii) want* peace in Asia but not at the pi ice of bogtng to Communiat aggiesaudi in Kdma A carefully wnrdetl no |nent reply to the Ipdien peace appnmch to the United State* a»d Russia wa* drafted for diajiatch tn New Dalki The State Departgient eXpacted to make it public afoer a cop* is handed hiao t* Mpdaiae vijya luikhmi Pandit. Indian ambaana- I ,y MI party will not “rubber atamp" any thd n«*W SciwnCf Building. AC- by Hppease i leader'* caused the office to be moved tp the basement of the Mechanical Engineering Building The office remained theie until the Admmietrstion Building wa* completed in 1932 At that dm*, the office was moved to Room KM of the Administration Building where it remained until now “After IB year*, we are moving into quarter* provided in the southwest corner of the Memorial Student Tenter." I»ckr said Marine Volunteer Tells Why* Women Madame Pandit Monday gave Acheson a copy of a reply from Soviet Prime ImiatAr Stalin con lending that the adnd*«ion *f Tom munist China into fie I'M i* an essential atop leweM ending the Korean war Nehru al.< called for the oeating of Tomlnuniit China which has I men iWeagaiaed by India, sad for the IWtum of Rus sia to the Security Touncil In a second mewtogr to Stalin today, the Indian IVimr Minuter called the Russian fepl) ‘enrour Authaaly U> call up 770,— , more men *ad billion, of dollar, pnopom-d in new defertse fund* |P* r ’ Tiamaa. t Power to carb inflation chief GOP Sopp.wt \mared ,hr by reetlietron on consumer ere- ffc,. (^)p leader* said their party 4it ifwl pofniHy mm* coni rob ov^r wou y support U*ft*iftt)on “(ptrinf P 0 '™ the greatest puaathi* backing to 3 Mandatory power to allocate men fighting against tremen steel and other vital war materials,, (tod* odd*" in Korea, but they de- although thif power would be used rlarwd: ■ oaly if voluatary compliance failed. W* espact to arrutimss rare Top official* »aid Mr Truaian fully every measure proposed by wtli not call for increased taxes, the administration to make sure immediately, but that higher taxes that it is actually naceaaary to probably wtR be sought in a sep arate message later Some nigt otticiala were loan iag ti>wa(id esc*** profits taxes, as a guard against unwarranted war profit*.' sod to higher ierie* <>« individual income as a check against inflation KaiphaM* on Korea Informed persons said Mr Tru man aril) emphasise that the Ko- mohilite he nation’* resources, and not merely to serve a* a step to ward permanent government con trols " An opening Mow at inflation al ready wa* struck, in an order clamping the brakes an free and easy housing credit Further. Mr rean war grid the international sit uation in getiera! will reqaire sac- rifice by the American people On Tapltol Hill, the dehate ia both chamber* of ( ongress turned constantly to the topic of war and Truman's report to Tongraaa tH'?^ am EFT) was expected tn ask New military fund* exceeding Expansion of the armed forces by perhaas M nor rent in time Towtrois over soaring consumer credit. Allaratioa of urar-oaaential met ■ guig and said h* »•- contortinf brought these development* “the othar governmeat* concemod ’ Republiraa leader, demanded cording to W H H*dg< tt, assist ant managei of physical plants. The Textile Budding is Ming made into an office budding con taining 12 office*, 1.1 da**room*. mimI • krCture r*M»m with a seating capacity of lia» Tlie building, which will house the overflow of classes from various department*, is be ing completely refurnished and painted. Tly Fiber Testing lab of the DS Defmrtment of Agriculture which was located in the Textile Budding has been moved to the basement of the Production Mar keting Building The Wool Scouring Plant aa» moved to the Blue Bon net Farm* Budding H which was largely destroyed by fire during the ng semester has been restored carpenters and painters are scheduled to complete work aome- time n#ft week Two halcome* are being con structed, BadgeU said One i* lo cated in the Industrial Education Budding and the other in the Foun dry Shop The balconies, which will be used for holding rkasae*. ar* federate (ienenTt pipsiiMnf jf Washington and Lee I'mveruto. Upon accapuaad af the ( oiumllb iMwition. Gen ElaHihowar athflin Would “remain in the Ann/" and work for national secur after his retiredmtt I am above grtand." am never going to leave the Army A > laraiag Mere His switch from a military to #• —lacational career meant (imaidar* •Me more m.meg for the CiaPmtm, Tnder a < oiigrmalnn*l Art ha re mained a five star General for life, with 111.090 annual eamiwneatiaa 'fmm fW gcieminent Hu alary from Tolumbia ia anofficially an nounced a* a roajMrfIMBB. Before the I9|B presidential capi- l>aigii, hi* nanfo wts men Gonad frajuently in ctomection with tha |M>aition Both parties had strong •upporters for the General within their ranks. He, however, insutad he had no poHtiral aspiration*, f - "I wouldn't have the effrontery to say I wouldn't he Premdeal of the I’nited State* no ane ' In asked me." the General said on one occasion, then reiterated his pre viously-ex preaaed positron of no political ambition. nls. voluntarily if possible but with! expert*! to be completed by Sept* backstop of emergency power* ember 1 New York, July It—al tar Naadeo, 24. uf Highland Park N J., explained why he vohn leered for the Marine Turps ter he was sworn in. “I had my choice of getting mar ried for life or giving four year* of my life to the Manae Torpa, He Mid. "So I’m here It’s a better all-round deal " Korea at a (glance South Korean Defenses Strengthened With Two US Divisions Joining Fight But now, two years before aw other ptesidenUAl election, a mu or Ike-for-President boom Has been noticed by maty of the nation's political lewder*. When the eueatKin was asked once whether he should be railed "General" ot "President" a* Head of Tolumbia, (Jen. Elsenhower re plied. with a < hararteristig gn*: “So long as I live. 1 skafl most readily aaswer to the name «.f Ike:" ' m *j ; * t *-• \ Rrd Koreans lsin£ Russian Advisors Washington. July lit- —Tha Army stated flatly yvateniaj that there are Russian a#vi**r* with the Tummuniet Arngr from the north ahirb in waded South Ko rea A briefing officer gas* no iadi‘ (ation of the extent to which such advisers are used, or the de gree of their infWene* But he told newsmen the Amy has definite information that be tween It and 29 Russian officers are with a "certain unit" of the Korean Red forrea. tl t Hi The Aeamctoled Pro** ky<4 Juiv 19 Thousands S doughboys from tw# fraob action had kaap ra pact- ■to. Tbs Red i-9 rr :4k V f*J je • ■ VHP ReprrnT — «f aampanfoe I Heed Texa. AA M's flee tofaatry ROTt c atlending sammer camp at Fart la tbetr fifth aeek of the all week Ike cadets arc recto nag traiatog ia eatb af Ike tofaatry's pb *e* af doty The wee* vmtted leal week by Cel IT N. Bi 02% ly landed m(entry dfoietone ptung *d into the Kureat War today One dlfMMMI bit h* Red enemy immediately TW ar* division* are tto firat cavalry, diamoentod. sad tbe fhth i ttrapic lightning1.1-Tbey were whipped into ibr hnllie sene on It Ke fotaarrtoimto'h want Into immedinfferthdfi Ifo ierntlon was ■at di< The firat eavairy appnasd at Pahang. M the Beet Toast H was the ft rat til. am phibtouc lending af tbe war Po liana la a little part 99 mile* north at Kean, important I’ R supply base on the mutkeadl renal TV new UJ. Upapa will lift aeaw of the ftgbtMf harden from tbe Ananeae 24th Dtviaiaa TW 24tk end Sooth Korean treaps have been fighting a bolding art me fot days oa tbe ricejtoddy fMd* *f and ea (h* right western Korea iltoaenta af tbe: berotofeca loU solely 24tk stood today hat ween North I Korean trangn. I n#* pi Koresi in*ader* crossing tW Kum Hear, add Taejon, tW recently abandoned emergency capital of tfte oboam i IrtMery Seppert TV fimt cavalry, aetanlly now all infontry unit, went ashore witb artillery. rwgineetmg and signal units and mounds of suppUee TW tnmpar* roared inland aeven miles or more without meeting tbe communist* TW number of men landed waa a military Gaomlts a ia the area earlier North ktrees radio boasted last week that a division #f North Ko rean# had laeded at Pahang. General Mat Arthur's rommuni- anaaantong the arrival of the divtaian* ia Korea said eie- mawta of oae “have already enter ed com la t" and that tW other weoM be “dunnutted to actioa in tbe eery Mtr future TW tlUi rowld have gone iato at Yarhon. It miles inland artillery fire was reported at Ye- chon eariiei this week (Jeff l.ieea I'achaaged (fee m G*-.h In the Taejon arve. tbe battered defense line* of the 24th divieion "have remained unchanged since yesterday " Mid MacArtaur. Taejon s«t|l is ia AaMru-an hand* Infantry patrols continued to prebe enemy territory before Taejoa. After bucking acrato tbe Kum River and driving to tW owtakirto af Taejon, the North Koreans hove baited Oae explanation was that tbe river trasaiog met the Reds ee many men tWp weae still grog gy Another was the! they could A fourth Yak wa* listed as prob- *My downed TW Yaks were caught strafing and bombing American positions near Ibeyon Dogfight* ensued between the feet Aieemen plane* and the North Korean fighters It «M tW fjrst aerial opposition encountered by American fighter* smre ewrly ia tW war TW three Yaks nflfinaiiy credited to' tW jet* hy the far East Air Ferres bring* ‘ tWir tide I war hag to 31 enemy plan** Pilot* credited with downing the Yaks ape Ida Charles Wurster ChilHcnthe, O,; Kohert M« Kee Bryan. Tex . and Reehester N. Y.. art got arrsas many tank* to Wad an d Klwod Keaa, Janahor*., La fMMNHMMK I i. j Airatoa yesterday reported see Mar Arthur mm tbe Heath Ko- iag a Urge number of pock am* rean Eighth DivWtoa laflicted male nmvtng euppltes Oheerver* heavy casualties oa the Reds ia my thi* indicates tW North Ko- attacks along Ito frept northeast rean* are runaiag lew un vehicles «f Taejoa or gaertine ar both w Air attacks *a North Korean # V tor* soa supply line* and troop and trane- Amencen jet fighters shat down pert artvresent* ore credited with three Russian buBt Ytikt fighters knorkiaa out handrada af traae- taday over Korea. I part vakicWs and storage dumpa. Magazine Nerds- Ag Majo rw All agncultorv majors who are interested la wnrkiag aa the Agriculturist, ttudent Agricul tural magaaine, are mtoted to stop by Room tOl, fleedwia Hail, or coatort Bar tamdrum la Ruom 111, Dorm lh A.bliliuna, help IS needed If hath tbe husiaeas and circula tion department* as well as in the editorial phaar of the puMi- catioa No previous experience of aay kind ia aaeoeMry At the Grove Tonight % • f-ot.—1 ,kh a k * \