Pohlfchfd Four TimmMt+klj Thrmirhout th» Hammer •»* ■ - A Nation's Top Ssfrty Sootlon i's 1949 ( oatrot CT I TXT At* count ■ i I w Number 23 Volume 50 COLLBQt STATION (A((Msndl). TEXAS, THUtSDAT. JULY 13. H60' Prkt: Flee Ct» Weatherman Fails IE To Hall CS Picnic ■ m '1 T • t«"»— f-r L Li v >4; *■• 1 p, yfw* * * •• ' V. I Hv MW M XTIS 0,< L!? s t.t W ~? ,rr •» n< ' —PMWWW f>»r4>y •ml 4 a vieUtrv uv»-r the Tl •pptoitmateiy I M p. m. k<*tMtu uf tKc tii^W • . T?'K; * i* # j i ™■ - m - -- — l vtrUrv tworr the Tijm in nine wkM m«e.t Un»l nt.^nb <> .mfh. pt,,. l„ U* *!*♦ i wy #1 :imH bud the i*. rates da^tied tbe nontlie-r at li-a«t. tu pu. .(.lunta, » 4, and Ula VapktM stne^d • damper fiam nriio*iula*l i.y thr ( l.lle•|r^• Hta tnm Rwn atiart Counaii ptetua iimi- mitte-o. Tho maft'a afth«H liair'M* tiattle<{ it out «*ft Americans, On Vital Korean River By Aaaaaialad Prana I ariama th« vita! Kuin. bat natural ( army forraa in Karea Tka lattrr A4M < onadi.latMl HcHool aa Aataa •orr paaaaef mt by Dan Lfcvia and tna aeunatant Jo* (ampiall Virfed «ka ahtnat "oM man” on abaala for the nidit «m* W T. Ha va. Haya. shop fora man fur tha AAM Preaa, a as top controller for the honors of the nipht bmauat of his nitnbWm***. i}UM-ltne** ami the diamond Bcnmi* ftom -^t TVr the earn- which he plideMt aeroM the ma* K»»i -< «pal Chunh with the 9* ment abb (on the stiata* and alao firat pitchea rnwatntr the plate at > ohile taluop oreasional fallal. Hia reward for tha atcvnaHoh- meeit **• a i*ott4r of 11namedt and a bo* -d candy McCarthy Hits ppers In New Charge r Wanhington. July 13 — SiMtutor McCprthy iK IAim pathorod around Ika ponrtote iaurt Part of the traiainp offered fireraen allandini Ihe IIat txHual Pireasen's Trainiaif Srimol on the eaaapua thta week ta rontrdHnp a aaaoHne »p«(1 Hre Tab tap their tara pi aahdulM the raanar flame are. left la ripht. H. J. MirnfVa «f Needs Hie; C\ J, Style* and T. A. Barber hath af 1 aanpaat Skater Winner of th* ' you ripest peraon on shatea' at tfce prente w«« little thraw-year-old Imrelle Bn>*n She bats, A lltast*if*ia I* it*wt •a the .Uaphter of Mr. ami Mr* ■ Irll Rnlney O Brown of SW4 Koater St neat Her re%ard am* also a in** of randy. At 0 to the featnr* event *»f the eveoinp war in onhsr, aa everyone Te«as ('My; and C. C <>arcia af San IHepo. Nobe I71> firemen and inatmrtnrs from eight •tale* amd the Pbtriet af (afekhia are altenbap Ihe aahaal aponaared hv (he Indwatnal Katen »i«a Nershre T a , . m , | harrier in South Korea Alitod command waa ahdltahad / T oky . tl, .^*i y \* W T 7 * Unk warplane* pouadad tianaport and Wifiigr rommaaded the isolated l S do^hhoya dup in to- ,aou» north of the nrer anaaaad ^Ohoot Oadpa" af day on the Bum Ifiaer*. math hank thnMl|r ho* the da> (borg* Patt.m a Third A. for a new defenaa ngaadlt North General MacArthur announced Europe He waa cited by Korea* Rod horde. TV> ^*da ^ pppufftUnent last mtfhipht af and praiaed by the V. 8 war iT" rriV** W,lk * r ,k ** f of ^ Army ijpBrtgWt (now the IbjmrtlMnl of / W u.’ t ** k Dfhter „ Jap.,, conwaandei of pround the Army) for hia eoordinaUffc af 1L foiroa in Koran infantry and anaared — l quiet Tha Fight- Army ha* art up att Walker made a : lornane advancod command p«mt in Korea Koie^ fiphUng Sniurday. a " d Uk "! OV " ^ » “< V S MacArthur'd,d^notm» ,fwS?r V] Gall National Guard* Asks Texas Senator «-4 ytwterday pnalurtti paiiers which Hhowrtl hr sakf that govwmnicnt were ntrip- )»ed in l ft If * of ml material defn- ratuf\ to Stole Ihpnrtnvnt cm ployee*. Mc< nr thy iDait file hIri|.|mu' ir to Presiii* ni Tianian With llie Icttci h«- sent four Sev»-r»l vcicra’i rtalem. -4 who ) he «m»l 1ia<| liecn kaiol t* By JOHN WHITMtiKK t am* ( wrrrsauwdent if ua rler master What -toe* moonlight AtlantH’ < Wan, I'eautHul to spread their iuncheu and eat the awaited picnic sup|«#tH ( old drinks s. rr s*4d at five rent* each while an ample supply of cold water Wa» posaed out free of chaipv The activities for the evpnlfig the • h.itu'i of pot underway apain when les* ix pice letter Thompson calle,! his firkllers (on feconlI for square danamp rml«ic. allert were on •ffbr instruction* f>*r the >rh | muaK add up to **fi*ed hy men h|....i to throw awsr -Teva* Star" -San Antonio H..*e“ all discredititur ihs-uments and other popular lanceu The 1*4let t.i \1( liuman and h.ddie, t .mSeausI fihot^rapm. .iqm - of th. «iate n tames l sNiaaua menu We»w math puMir at a neW* nwjerener younpsters a ho made their way for’,u)ut 24 Mi« arthy told reportrs ihnt the into the pymnaaium t» see several alleped filc-strippmp was -lone eomedic* and cartoons shown hv shortly la-fore President Trumati'n Othel ( hafir* biyalty prupram *tartf.) m |pi7, < urfes hour came at 10 as Burst “Why would th* State Iw-oort of the crowd wa* finishing thew mpht find it nec-eaaary to stnp the "nii-bU|*p' on the leftovers from file* uale»s th« inf-usnwtjo**. when th* met in supper placed hef ."e Uwral'x Inwids s.mld TV airnic committee has already whedufed th«- third and laat sum « - i outinp for Thujadajr, August Virginia Peach Plays Host To Touring Quartermaster the men. It'» Virginia Hear h Thi* lathe place where 375 (Juar termaatcr ROT( cadets wes-ken«led ....... . over the July 4 holiday* Out of Not tir V forgrdten were th* th| , AaM cuM « TO unt I respite all the gripes aUrut the Anny, the local populu- was more than kind lh> aitivated Camp Pen 'i«Ve c iiuaed th- removal of th«s ndixnluaU *” He a.kwd Mr Tru- nan "The Stivprin^ wa* successful to 'he evtent that this natiton w:t* And ie V np b«trw>td” 1 hdn M Carthy caul 'Somes.oe ir the Slat-- I>e|iart- -lea* orticml the file* »tn|fpe-! Mho wa* he* He must he found. Mr Prearlent ” ( turn o Southern Deni s ajr Stick Together dWtoii wa* Iipene*! f.rf the men that none of Uir men will rule with Food wa* furnished am tradapor him so they *ay tation wa* availahle for all men Some of Ihp hiphhghta of the who wanted to go past week,in addition to weekend But Virginia Bee-h wa* not the .activities, igclhded a tour of the only place the Aggies went over Richmond Quartermaster Depot Ihe holidays B-4s, Jagka. Kapen. Hare the n|p|| saw the machines Jack el, ( T Neal and a few others they studied in book* operate took off for the capital ami took and get a healthy respect for a four -lay vacation iti the law the emamutf af the operation making center Back -tappub ouraelves a IH- Kvew f New Ku*i.*d ! W # , *“ tl, ^r f !r ^ * T* Battalion* *»Hei they come in the Frank Simmen, Millard Rchu- mail, juat a* though they were hard. K-diert Schubert Jack Ba-k hewela. And kfler looking them er aad a few other* tm-k * short over for a while, they take them tunr of the New England “col to some of their frmnds from ami centered then atten other colleges and say, “N’alr this on Mew York Tuy Fma* the Is a real - Maapagag.” they tell, the "boy* ftmm The 4er-#« got ftseir first taate Teaa* made h hit in the Vg, ritv of the M l last week and as an The front was relativelj Presumably the North were regrouping for an would return to Korea the press to enact emergency legists- htes Thi* would not he a step Ihisan-Taejon railroad if they wef* tion *uthoming President Tru- toward uamld war, he sanl, hut -uccewsful. man to invoke full industrial mob would l»e a mow "to quarantine . m __ . dilation thoee who *re courting war.” 8 • ^ Declaring theae are among “min-j In • aensle speec h, McCsrranf Aaaariatad Prsa* ---rrespondent imum” »tep* viUl to l’ S de .ailed the S<»viet J»hs regimes “aa Tf, "« I*mbert reported from the fenae, Johnson told the senate unholy t>apd of ma-l maurauder* " j that the drive began- when , , j On the niher ode of the Capitol, ^ ^ the Han Rhmr gt U. K " tK * V""* the House warmly applauded a Bbnmt * ■ 4W “ Sutes been in **ch grave peril fc y R Bentwn (D-Teil [f**— HurngK a«d pant that President Truman warn the I*' 0 " w ’ th * ,,,n ”7 *o«t k as H is at this moment Legislators in both House* of Com mum* invaders either to with- draw fr->ia South Korea or sUonic homh* would he diop;ied on North Korean rifles. * Bentsen, * World w*r II vete ran, said he offered the proposal a- a move to end the Korean fight ing and pn-vent a new world war “Another Bataan” Ih* iantig that the Korean situs- Berlin Reports New Shippings Berlin, July 12- (AFi- Heportji multiptidd in Berlin today that* detach menu of ’J*" ro !i l l ' irv,,rtp ' nl * Vumt r _i;_. . Bataan Bentsen told the House Eaat (^rman pol»^ trooper. ^ ^ wr r . n m new field gray uniform* are u , thil war now « bring shipped to myatertous des- Senator Johnson said American* MRlttuaa. - j t fighting |n Koran are serious) v A seswer Urnted SUIee usteBi- -ml nun-bared and tOese arilstai > genre officer saW he wa* incflh- ! equipment is inadequate and not ed to apree with one theory, that the right kind The fighting ha* Hr, Innaict'r To kill FEW Speaks to Uas*s Bu, with the weekend* ov*. the over..! rule, they out-shot most 7 theTnYts aw ^ng sen. Z ^ ~ Zrt'Zi^fZZlZ"!*: ^ nn “ f,rt,,r ( * f Cvramay their mission t,, 1 “TongX* did I the foretTound A Tt H O^Iuhi Pit. ' ~ [CUTVI sJTT ^ TSi**** h ?*? the R.ri armor which h Tw.. umi. i.. aa. *j . I ,n •outheast Europe such a* the with one arm tied Vhiml their i ,w^ 13 - killed I for This little, mild-sounding place In a«lditio* W> the M I encounter is where Quartermaster me* will the (odet* h*j to take a tum Yugoslav loirder back * yet that is wrhat is hap- iion of «d the HtnaaU-n hotly ff on Sen- -hr minimised with the reopwration | _ __ .. ' a*or Tyd-ng* (|i-M ii, who head* ^ f ,r * invvstigatoi* and insurance i Pfuapect remamti -he committee investigating Mr- adjusters ac-«>idi:ip to Alrui Graei revival this M CarihvV -he-ge* that Commaniats chief investigator an- in (he N»a»e Department Fire Marsha!’-- Of I a*! w.-i*k Mc< aithy «aid Ty-l- Greer spokv yesterday to s large mission u. pswwnt nw i*l or reli- mg» ma le s "studious’y false as- f U*» ri five msishals attending giou# diarr-mination in th* hiring. -ertton" whrr h« said the KH| had th*- 21*t Annual Firemeh’s Tram- firing and advancement of workers • \aminech-iol on the - ampua Twwnty seven Ih-mociats most * -* f mini 1 hi--n compete and in- "Theie is s motj'e -wlyud every of them from the south, and *u U-t Ca»e of arson and this mwtIUe mu«t Kepublican* delivered the death " k'hM i* n->t the truth," Met ar- be a*«-ertain«>il before ao anvestigs- blow thy said "Mr 1-lying* must al#-- ti-.n can i-e made " Greet told the Together, their Tl votes repre ha ve known It” group ' ErwnomK gain, peison-l tentvd more than -ore-third of the m ^ mr M-< nrihy ir-lule-l a -<>p> of a *at.-faction, and ronce^liavnt fur total membership of (to senator*. I || Vaack Ik it I I w- It |p|H b-t'er, ilatetl July Hi, Hh'dl. frpm ether ctimi-Ai acts am rummon ami under the enrumatance* this kJvC ■\vllv 1 aVltl The Ameruan-trained South Ko- k rean Kighth Division wka driven -mt of Tanyang, Mb. Artihur said, and ->thgr S-mth Korean troopa 'were pusbed (mck to a poaiGaii about ten miles southeast of Chungju " Iamhert plarad the active Rad | front on a M* mil# arc from < hoehi- won, 20 milea north of Taejoa, northward and nastwani of Tan- tang He said Red pressure toward the east doe* not endanger Americana at the moment "But a rapid Red drive south from the ( hochiama-Tanyang air coaid them agala." Lam l-eri wnipc ' “Militarv maps ahow there arc fair fold* sonth from These a--- ommodate ha* tpear- I heade«i -m uis Corrlef kroi 1 oaing his most -ri^. o» r i 11 , l c , i r , i , I m- nerlm snti • emmunist rres* rerominerttletT bakery unit*, laundry amts, repair eloquent lungupge for themen who - ^ , . " . i .a ‘ * , , , TT, , .. ,T "** oe*-n reiKirting recently that t As tie- - s-ar\ -in-tat--* the uait*. and other common Quarter- aimed low bril -prayed the pit* i- , _ •. / , j J ,, 7 .. ; . , .a. -a-. i -rw... _;ti _..v i Herman police would be u*«d dering of all unpaid reservist* to p Une* hit Red columns in “Qi- heing ac'ive diijlv thus a.ldinp an estt-1 f .tr,•ilgth’ , MesInemhQJa i Korea. ( mated l, In,000 men Far Eastern air farces caiagMMBWl M’arplsnen Hit Reds Ainej u an and Australian aar in "irtr'rnationsl hrigad*-* Cadets will be m full <>|>eratlol- of all vehicles Sherman Hiftik, * curly haired la-1 front Hogaton. wa- one of the men choaen a* a jevp driver The Hi. Ihdi Berrr made for mterwntmn in oaite a hit f#r himwlf while on . n j.. . r,_i-A: .i. - v - . - - — — -r-w— th- heach He pen. on . party with stwd.M^ ..d Zk^ lb « v J u ^ , r " ,y * n ! Th " ** ^ • * . . Staotolatt said tank, artHb-nr, rad* r -ree and Marine to organise all an< j damag-ri three other* cou Pi lo be eiart there President and Dean wa* only -sna couple and three -tag* B--rry ladled out hi* guitar md ver. head of the FBI. In ihi^ ^tper Hooxcr »aid in part "Thd h (-ihrnl Ruieai of Investi gation ha- maria no -uch evamiaa* tiion ami the ref mw i* Sot in a posi tion to make any statement can- r rniag the complete ness >r mcpm- plet-neas of the Rtate Department with butane and gasoline motives f.»r committing Arao) ,” he was an absolute Mock against con- «* 'l slderation of the (to wbcdule for the vtmtiag fire- arivm-aQ* would have had to tally cu n last night was a areai-m ill- 1.4 vote* two thinis af the entire , k *«’ rt hy ••tratmp mettouls of handling fire membership - to win. They pot situation* Held in Collgga View. mUy 55 snd thus fell nine short four oil pit* werv burned, along The result wa* discontinued files. rabbet nma, and wooden ■Bari r j m •Ar 4 mrses ** •*■ D* M T Harnngtmi president have bad tu tally 1 ’hr college and Walter Pep- lean of men. Will leave at 4 p m today for .'4an Aitom- where they will visit the Kelly Air Force Base at the invitatidin of the ba*e 1 cpn-msn-ling officer TSr same opportua ity i» be lieved to have been eslended other cellepe official* who have «tq«kcnt» enn»lle«l in th«- ROTC camp there this summer Dr Hamnirtor «*id that hg wa- gla-l the opportunity U- visit the Air Force Camp hsd Men attend ed sad hg ws* sniious to *qc the training ted instructioq the gadet* are re«eivint He and Dean Penberthy w|H re turn Sstgrday morning. Th*- Alh«-d fighters and bombers have pretty well choked up the loads l-ehind Red line* with the -leliris of Red tank* and ofher te- . hirlr* A senior officer at advanced American hemiquarters said going to he a joh for the Red* to clear their way through it" But front line doughboys knew nainfully that Red tank* and In* handler! themselves week* in advance Democratic leader Luca* who called for ihe vote, had not shown any hope at all of winning It was the admin Miration'* seeoroI defeat on the is sue The .-Mint on the preceding roll call May IV was 57 to 12 Laica* at *hat time promised a sec ond vote m vie* af the number of absentee- ami he got it today, strictly for the re>-ord. Today*. vote, like the one in May, came an s move to cut <*ff d<-hate on a motion to bring FFPT before the senate for ewnsideratioa Only this time, there hadn't been gvea a minute of -iehate I'nder aaany eireamstanres. it WAild appear somewhat prema- **•«. to order % man -hut up before he had opened his mouth But Lima* • nd the other EEPT barber* had ample season to believe from past . xpertem-e* that the southerners, unhampered hv anv debate limit, , wonM try to kill the hill hy talk ing on and pe and on, for week* If ner«wa«ry That is called filibua- i So fhe FF.FC men resorted to the clean re rule, which rails for an end ta debate if two-th-rd* of the fall senate membership support sack a move They lined up 22 Demi'cr-ata and SI RepuMi • avia on their side lieep m aaodMatma with • fetWw afficer la the 1 •artmeot's roMrthutiaa la aMdera warfare. Dr. Vi soda, aealed with peoril ta hand amd pipe la a istalracier af the Hudwy af IIHaaia ta wasaapsettag fr rurreoily (Brecftsi Korea* aelivitin from Mb desk al Fort By., where he la “ varaliaaiap" for the aumaier aa •• Armored Cavalry reserve officer io and ma(> making specialists aie unit* on a combat ba*l« among the personnel involved „ . The American high commission new-paper. Neva Eeitung sai-l Jahnsodfs call for a sper-dup in some rommunist peeplc's police are mohilmng the nation'* fighting nos being trained a- parachute -trength fame shortly after Sec- trooper- by Rassian officer* at retsry of fttate Arbe-on told nsw»- he started iBaking m»uests When 7/maen, in Bramlenhurg men tha^ the Dnited Stafc* will the crowd finely let him go home. | Several F,a*t German policemen welcome Aid from other ruantne- t wa* 1 s m, . have deserted to the West ryeent- , Achesnrt said offer* of ground TV only tBing Bob would *ay ly, saying thry had Iwen informer! troop* frpip Amenca'* allies in alxnit th* afftm i* "If I knew what they would he «ervt to Korea or the I'nittd Nation* would he most was pomp tk lappen I woulda left fearer! they would he ordered to helpful ip the fight b» save South fantrv have my guitar Ri Feia* " go there Korea from the Rerl* - apahlv. Slarlight, Starhri^ht . . . Astronomy Course to he Taught Here In Fall; Physics Department Sponsor Lawyer Speak* Once too Often Have ymf dver wondered what paper An the ratio of the maaaes the univcrsq t| marie of, what ita of the two member* of a distant -hat** **. hgw- big it i» or where d-mbl. -tar it is pomp Ainil OMrerr stnoes , Have you dver had tV desire ^ w shat the astronomer sees Thl * »ummer Kent will visit tmlay, and by its mystery which when he laoM through hi* Mg • *•••" pniiripal -dwena ent«iwd into their religion* and teleM-opes? Hkvr yon ever woe- u * r1 '** •" 'b# nortbeastern «tate« mythologies .|irnr! «ome time apam at Early esiltivatina of astrrmomy *tker celestial Malies , wida fdsad publir interest in aa* PeofM* -)f ancient time* wen- *t- tronomy, Kent said, and by (Re tentive WMtcVr* of the »kie* They genr-rou* financial M|>port which were attracted by the splendor of i has promoted the construction and effective operation of glfat telp- -crqie* in rapidly i0rrea*inp nuW- and deied if psgpfc lived on Mars, or „ . . _ , if there might not be *<>me dis Yerke* ohswrvatory measuring Wa wa4 i hIso inspired hy its practical :RMUa t%(lt |4 ar ^t rwfolvmg around some T^****" wMt* of another doe- , )M .fulneaa in relation to ordinary planet yerriving 1 emote star >>ur s »*n b,r * Ur 4a'ly pursuit* TV daily mUtion which had ppoMe living on it? Astronomy- the “wiene* of the 1 of the heaven* provided a perfect And if pj4* do live on *uch a deemed not men-'v mean* of teRtap Uma. Ra ^ w.^dsf^ri IV stars, according to Kent. Thg < yde of the moon's phases what they UeAld look like* bat with all the falsafial hadies and the westward marrh of the Chir spa- -'.Vn “Ito vho I SI*’” «hoote»l Lowyef An drew tsavir He was having a lit He irouhk- at a police Hat mg yes terday getting information he wanted for a client Off! -er Wi|. NfWet lian- OTennor’s ear* pricked -in ( “('•me to think of H I dat” re •pgnBed (Vrennor “Yog rw Akdrww 1 y. . man* otber -lueatioas pl*«ri* »nd their aatellite*. with ' end*- purpose* TV pole of tV a^rrwM far,£? nXLlZrZ ^ oTil^Z star- Mai^in tVamtha^L. which • H * Physic* limmrtmeot'* latest un the interstellar material, with the Dipper* wheel, and whose place n't^^rtrm ‘•rtritltoT htTie. 114, Aurv.y of the syatem of the .. now marked roughly by tV po* mg him with md ap^arijg m . - - ^ ^ ,.i/ mrm A Nilkv Wav and the other systems rtien of the star at th# end of which He beyond the MHhy Way the Little IHpper’s handle serve a* In the Survey of Astronomy, you a mside to the traveler on land and Fall l oarse Bel whirh together c-mynse the kaowr --onstellaAlon* with the changing physical universe It daai* with, season* were convenient for cal a eah driver th.t l^one hadn't paid *" |W semester At the Grove Tonight I p. m. free open-air movie “Belle Starr’s Daughter” (Metro GaMwyt)-Mayer), starring (ieae Tlaraay. Bkadent- muat present aludeat actinty fee rtipa for ad- •« M50 laW MU I eon# Was released after pasting a $60 bend Mibb Fori* t« Sneak At PFeiw dub Mett Mies tension Bv syerirt InriU.ion. ^ tolrr" how "m ek T. Kept ;of the Mathematics wmti ^ mt will present this the B i Fwn* aasi wrtaBwj oHeg*. wBl sasisuat e* of Ok la th# Prof—m»aal Pres* HabTl the Ftamingw asnit Tueaday nigM TV# iwretire will Mfia at 1 g- » . herarihnp to Daw a id D MMaMto rtth Bamkarf. the work)'* JP ■Ji Mtrw carrying out nvaaRgations rvaalted la U» puBBratian star* v**u see at to call them hr a as yau do lank Department will present pT™* "nii. ^ 7 ^*iP®0 r friends. Kent said You mill Physic. IVgaHmert lest koo ^ . new Mm of ^ and Ume many r»or. M en . .Udeni of ae- aM ^ rrltU * m kij m tmoomy. legtn nng frvuurrriy over tV 1 idi- sad »-« service rluh* and oidevt af Aeleaces ta the ABM Aptronamy ( Mb The maat compre he naive af the arteneva, astronomy is also segard- •d aa the oldast It can, without J^AMHaktay CMh t •# ltd* --bservatary, where with mate ot naggeration, he eaM that aar astronomer*, thing about ear owr earth which which! the astroaonwr cat Mara can he •f a used ia scale way la Me study of and ia the air today. Mankind * I tons re Hut the value of astronomy must not he measured ia term* of eco nomic application* Kent ttid. A»* krsaamy ie -onreraad pnmariiv with ar ••piratMa ef mankind, which ia fully aa impetlinp as the qw*»t for survival aad material welfare namely, the desire la knew about the universe around a* aad < >r relation M it The importance of this service la clearly demonstrated hy the Nowhere in the college rurriral# can tV value of learning fur (ta qwn sake V more fully appreciated than in ar introductory < curse in astronomy F/tplains Belattonahlps It is the purpose of aetreaomy, said Kent to learnU and gipUm the relationships between the var- iou* parts of the physiqal univrrae At present the picture (p iscom- idete In fart, it ia a rich field fur work by thus# who may pa Y so interusted Kent added.* j Dmibtleas the pirtnrv may maia incomplete always, he MM, ' but future yenra of eiptoaaciom aad study will Wing additional grandeur aad aigaificanee to our view uf the oatUkMh. Tha only new course are er their cqur W at night and pending oa the parution af thorn Hm fht lit Slid MM. -akthra and •aid mis) ‘worV ajarta, Ba the ’/ >* /to