The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 12, 1950, Image 4

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./ /
From the City Desk
Greener Grass,
Selects Seven
A&M Students
CMmp < otfmpmim*
urdennf Um dty manafer to priporc and preaeat to a
®0XMX ■astittf an cffactiva and efficient schedule of
vatar rtiaa
1/ adopted the new ratea
duced ; they would
■ore water lor their
tad warn fall monti*
The rate reduction in intended to be ahnftar to a new
“^^dule recently adopted by the Bryan City ^ * ‘ “
The city leaders plan to meet in special ac
The hot weather here at
took a big step forward Monday night _
1 Fort Beivoir continues to be
reduced one .of the main topics of con
versation. Boys from frigid
r new rates would not b* permanently re- Michigan seem to be finding
only be insUti^d to help remdenu deeiruiK h# wither sIhmmi toe M l* beer,
•ir grass and Shrubs during the summer B«u*iu>n officer* ver*
dWeee from “C* rompeity fur the
June SMI. Xgfte* who
hettelion cowneSnSow
were S. W (ofen. A. W. BeMae,
I G. <Allow 1) k K Berman, and
KiwaniansTold Second City Picnic
Scheduled Tonight
euapect natural amsioaitv be- , , . . .
tween the ise.^r.phK-al Me- - f TI * •“»»«'■ * 111 W ~<iy <» uk. . tweih
Uon. of Kornk except where ^'^2^ tfZ I f -w Ttw.
ith a
baa been fostered by for- ^ht witK a »ftbaU 'triple-header PUnie lenche* will be »pmwl at
eiffnera, Dun Vcatal t<id the Cel- on the iumoivix arrow* from 8t that time and hungry pimirken
lefe Station Kiaania Chib at ita Thumat Eptacopal Churcb. an- will gather around la ent on the
weekly noon lumhron yeeterdny. nounced C. G ‘"Spike" Wbite.fbnir
Vcetal. wh«» wa« autaMicd in Ke man of tkc ( ullcir*- Station Rerrea
rea in )Mh with the Atherimn mil- tion Council,
itary government, related to hi*
bciosw July 90 to conatder the change, in order that bllkiTor * H B^r*m c. C, Tnyke and
thia month will include the reduction ( 8 Ferguaon were reglmental
A e « | commander and eiecutive dffleev.
Owe of the ouoy moothl, headache, of the council a ,h ' '* r
•mall, neemmgly unwanted lot in College Hill*. The council Tueaday of that week waa de-
•wad for bids on the city-owned property at ita June meet- voU * to ibetructiwi and demon
tof Only one bid had been nubmitted to City Manager JUy-
5p "^* mi ' r rT
. the bid waa read at the council meeting Monday um piaatk npiuetre were atudie.i
Ujtnt. it waa iaunediately rejected. Evidently the councilmen
thought the property waa worth more than the bid S2f>
1 fellow Kiwamana the backfruund
| of the county and ita' people.
“The Korean* are a bonuigenou*
| people, eloaety related hy family
tie* in both the north and aouth
j ■ectiona,” Ve*tal aaid.
Despite patural blunder* U> oc
the picnic
rpmgvnm in-
peopie of all
Lh tat* enter-
cupat'ion"..f"". "fi"reign" ceiintry' the l-'n^nt he prnmiaed eipert anp-
An evening af entertainment and
enjoyment waa promiaed to all
people of the city by Donald D
Bure hard, chairman <
He aaid the e men mg'I
eluded activitie* for
age group* and with
No Parking Motors, Yot
Several people, me hiding amtou* »ured the dwtaac* frem Ray'*
wetar aaleamen. were surpnaad Snack Bar U> the ( allege Station
that aa action waa taken on lh# State Bank on both wide* of Sei-
ptmatoiemr mwation *t Mon- phur Spring* R.»a.t Alao included
day night • meeting Reprraenta m the aarvey were aeveral Mock*
gee* from two compame* however, on Main Street
hemalnad an band to ahow their At the Jane It meeting ef the
•are* to the council council, the city attorney we* m-
One repreaantative of a meter •tntetad to draw up an ordinance
company told the council that Itt to provide for inatMlation of park-
would he needed to take ing meter* in the Morth Gate area
car* of the area tentatively net No mention wax made of the
for parking meter tnetaliation The ordinance at Monday night * meet-
representative aaid he had mea- ing.,
Trouble-Shooters Neetletl
cauncil, undoubtedly, i* unlem the South and Ea*t Gate
weighing all aide* of the matter area* receive it aho
before making a final decision on
th* parking meter* North Gate At the prenent, few have been
r 'hanta 4e ‘
rairv aome aolution to able to find the negesaity of park-
psHting problem in that area, ing meter* in them* place* . . .
but do not want meter installation and ao the conflict continue*
fUnreatioii for College Hills
With new house* *pnnging up City Manager Roger* iay« the
throughout College Hill*, not only new park *houki te> completed in
the children but resident* of that the very near figure in plenty
•artion should he interested in the of time to enjm the cool shade
pragraa* of the new city park lie- offered during these hot «uinmev
ing const meted there .lav*
Dox't IVnrr Me In
i A road in Collage Hill* ha« heen More trouble arose, however,
another item causing a fonaider- when tbs council de< ided that no
aUe amount of trouble foy a limit- money cuukl be «pent in continuing
and then detonated in the f|aM
Stationary motor*, tool* power- ;
ed by mounted air rompr+aeor*. ;
and vaneui ruadbuildmg aqnipment ,
was (tadied for the rest 'it the
week W# got a "big charge" from
dnving and operating available
read grader* bulidoaen, and pnw
rr shovel*
P S Park, champion chowhound
of “C" Company, operated the bull j
doter in high gear until gn in
structor gave him a lecture On the ;
On July 4. many Aggie* saw the
dmble-header between the New |
York Yankee* sad the Washington ,
Aggie* spending the week-end |
in New York were A F H*rvev,
J B O'Neill. K K Harman, j H
Newton, C. B Ferguson, H C
Wr.gbt, C C Tavlor. M. M Sul
livan and A. M Wilson. James !
Kdpatnck amt Ixither Dnirort, wan j
denng adventures, journeyed to
Virginia B«»i h for the week-end
Extension Workers
To Attend Meetiii*;
Five memtier* of the Agricul
tural Kxtenskm Service stalff will
American military government
! maad friend* of the nativas dur-
• mg the occupation pendd preceding
I the recent conflict in Korea, the
' speaker said He poigted out a*
I evidence the lack of “fifth column”
I activitie* behind the American lines
“About *6 percent of Korea’s
I population is in the wndh of Amer
lean tone,” he said. Trie vast ma
joHty of the people gee farmers.
erviaion from pH com mi its* chair of CJUtol Chafin. Several reel*/ of
table* and from blankeU spread
around the slab. ‘ J, t
Square dancer* will Start limber
ing «p about li whan Lee Thomp-
aon gnd hu crew of “caller*" tuna
up the record playw for the lat
est square dance muatc Hit*
Nut to be left out are the kid-
die«, said Bure hard. TVy will hp
feted with a gala program in thn
gymnasium under the ■upervisiOn
Picnk ( halrman D. D. Bar
chard aanenneed at aooa laday
that the plenkr will be post pen ed
tonight if rain continues to fall
throughout lbe evening.
otherwise the program will
run as scheduled, with (be pos
»lMe eiceplian af ibr baseball
(sales, if the showers do sot per
stsl. Kurrhard added.
Tap three amon* the Hoys Jaaior Division in
breaststroke gre. left la right, Harry Gayer of
third place; winner J«e Steen ef College Si
I Me It Hickeraan also ef I ollege Station.
Mt, yards
ler, o ho took
talton, gad third pl* r e
using what to us anr primitive u , be Og hand to see that
method* There arc few natural fVery phase of the program oper-
resourre. except m the north where aVM M M poM.ble
there ve hydo-electnc piwatbll.tiea, G wi jj ^ ^ ^ftball
land a Tew mines, VegUl said D lsVerm aiartml in tbs Ma
CSr attSTMember. J
all roller skating fan* for a spin
big triple
i «f the au
wit* and
'• atand-
oartoon* and coinage* will A be
■howyi for the younglD-r*
Burrhard saitd curlew hour had
bean set at 10 p. ah which should
he agiplc time for ekwryon* to be-,
coma t>r»d nid ready to gv home
Everything is free except the’
toft drink*, which unl| be aaid
for five cento each. Plenty of ico
water will be available under the
able supervision of Taylor Witkma,.
Burchard added
Vows Read
the club member*
Jack Robert
nke, were married
A® Experiment
Station Begins
Plants Program
A ‘ nt-w ptanta’’ |ir<j:rain
haa be«*n begun by thg Texge
Agneultural Kxpenmart SU-
tion It includes more than
2.000 fureign mtmductiuna
and collection* from th* wild f|<»rs
PI a nts have been cn|lec|e<l ft*»m
prnctually all «*rner* of the earth
except Russia am) her satellite*
PiViminent *s source material ha^e
heen vanoua Countne* gf South
attegil the Bclthri<le GotUm Me<h- and CertlrMl America Afnfa India
anirktioti Conference at Green- Tarkey. and the Philippine*
'Wild Critters' On Campus
Give tiV' 1/ Another First
on the concrete alab Davtif and Saturday evening at H at
hi* right hand paaiatant Joe (Amp the First Baptist Church with Dr
uvMa r
ad number of people
The council ordered *4 *« the
story goes a fence built aero**
this rood, which separate* a Nei
■flat net from the
the road along it* briginal path
Vt ith no appropriation* made the
group voaed to instruct the city
manager U* re-opefi the road
‘No gruating machine 1* effi
cient enaugh to keep clay from
befaming *t*cky when it rain*” was
A letter from nne resident began the comment from iwie counctlnwa
the arguaaenl In o^er to carry after the motion had been mad*-*
hi* maid home from work in the and passed.
evading*, said rwstdent asked that s Rut. the road will ^ open .
the nuud he opened lagjglly, if not atmoepherically
aille. Mississippi from July II to |
17, ace<*rilfng t») Extension Bervice !
Director G G Gihawn
Staff mendwrs attending include
i I), Prewit, vice director and
State agent. F C. Elliott, cotton
work specialist. W L I'lich, ag-
ncultural engineer, F E. l^ghte, |
cotton gin specialist, and R. H
Hush, aaaociat* county agent wrn
Part of the conference program
will lie held at the experiment sta
tion near Htonevtile Mississippi
where all types of machinery used
in the production, harvesting and
The Texas Htation project is
supervised by a new plant* copi
mlttee, of whifh Dr R G, Reevy*
prufetsor of agr"n< *my slid gehe-
tig», is chairman
New crops research m the l’*i
ted Stake* is grgantsed an a na
'lenai regiong), and stall law*
Texai was the first stahr in the
Southern region to get its pro
jeft going
IRrector R. I> la-wn of bu
Texas Station, i* sdankistrative
a<hi*or for the Southern region
Crop* under Investigstian U' firiit
i>i|t adaptation to seasons'
ginning of cotton will lie demon-1 condition* in vprious part* of Tex
sirs tod
In making the announcement.
Gibson said that conference pr»>
•f* 11 m, the demonstration* and the
personal contacts the group will
make should be of value to them in
i ronductling the cotton mechnnit*
! tion and improvement program
here in Texas
(Continued from I‘age 2)
as include those grown for forag*
pasture, oil. fruit*, vegetable*
lahd*r*|>e. and rabiwr
Rupcl. Miwirc Rack
From Bain Vied
H> (hbrteb Citm hfiei.d
“Our campug ha* mor* wild
cntter* on it thtti any ether col
lege campus in Texas.” is anoth-
ei 'first" we cafe chalk-up if we
*o choose
True, this aifetement cfen lie
taken several wfey* and still re
main truthful, b*t I refit strict
ly to our wild apumal population
Our large affonl* pro-
les'tion to mi«ny varieties of
bmls ami mamtfeaia. am| just a
sidewise glaneu frost any time of
day will prov aid a iiersen sight
of some wild dPea ure (Not a
fellow student I)
Bird Varieties
Among the feiRl vanetie* found chance to show
on the campu* afe mix-king bird*. run
mourning dovtxi bluejays, Kng
lish sparrow* gfeBckle*. carlinal*,
sci»*or-tail flyfa|fhet» woodpeck
er*, robma, add many othei na
tive ami migtaRiry species. The
kind of bird* hfere vary greatly
with the soaanigi
Siane of the tfrinima!* cradling,
hopping, clim|i^|. running, ami
digging amunti the campus are
cotton tail rabl’H*. ^ rabbiU.
p<x ket gopher*. fox squiirels,
skunk*. oppoliA*. bale foxes,
rat*, and ml eg.
['hough the Aamniais are not
so frequently sfrn as the birds,
their existence ife shown 1^' many
tell-tale signs, |A walk [by the
Acalemic Bmldifeg or Foster hall
will allow «n«t fr heat the shrill
squeak* of the piany iiat* which
he hidden in thfe crevue*.
An attempt to inhale a hrealh
of fresh air anfretime* gives no
tice that the fetie black rat with
the white stripe* i* maming
Ocraatonally a squirrel can be
seen tlaahing from une tree to
another, ami then- are wlway*
cotton-tail rabbit* hopping about
at dusk ami after dark.
Mule-eared Rabbit*
A sight which wh» attracting
quite a bit of attentuMi the other
day was a ing mule-egr jack rab
bit hopping casually along by
the Assembly Hall After lietiig
somewhat excited by tome inter
ested students, the rabbit loped
across the street and aat by the
fountain to think tjhin** over
He was probably hqptng for a
dd $fr>t bow to
ball will pruvtda skate* for awry
one. regardU«a of age or sal, to
‘wheel" around on the court.
The ingfeat attraction of the
evening ha* been tentatively sche
duled for 6 Ife At that time. Bur
chard said, the ball game* should
W. |l, Andrew, officiating
Parent* of the bride are Mr.
and Mr* Paul Joitos. 104 Da via
Street Bryan The bridegroom’*
parent* are Mr. and Mr*. Karl
George Remke of San Antonio
Mr* J 0 Tucker was matron
Eugenia Pierce
Enj'a^ement Told
be over and moat of the skaters , of honor Bridesmaid* w*w Mum
Betty Jean Vance and Joanne Kapp.
William A WaHrmund served
as tost man Gmotfepmen were )
C. Sicken* and Benny Kimleisen.
The bnde was graduated fm|n
Ste»dieri F Auatin High School and
attended Baylor U«iver*ity, She
Mr ami Mr* Graham L , ha* Keen employ^ ^ »ha Former
of Delia, have announced the ' A""" 1 , A4M f<,r
engagement of their daughter. Mias P**^ yr * r •™ * , « l
Eugenia Ksytier Pierre to Robert , The groom attonded S^ryner
Bertiartl Kisia*. win of Mr am) l; : M|«te and was graduatod fr-m
Mr. E J Krause, Bryan Ad* thia M>riag He i* njd e»
The werbiiitg will take plaw at ployvsl by the l S Gypsum f ora-
the Holy Trjn.ty Church August f* n J *™*f*lt
5 Mrs Grahfem L. Pierce Jr will
lx- rfeatron of honor; Mr* ('Urti*
H I^*e and Miss Patricia fierce
Th«‘ largest game to venture will to bridegmaida. E L Krauae
onto the campus i* i*n occasional
gray fox wandering l>jr, but a cou
ple of genuine wild hogs I pee
caries) are kejd in a |wn on the
hog farm
will to tost (nan Rush Pierce and
Donald kruune. Hryan, will to
gnx>msmeii Dr Graham L. Pierce
td Galveston and Robert Krause
of Bryan wdl to ushers,
Dr. Carlton R Id*«
m S Main street
Call 2 1M2 for .Appointment
Hervcys Hmaf Nrw Son;|
Thu w juat • namplr of the
many itrtn* markmi dowh
to MW you real money
Prirea reducod on all Nunn
god Bdjert or sh« u-h
Summer Sport* and rtfular Fall
because of the situation which
exist* in the ('ollege of Engineer
mg where teaching load* are part
tcularly heavy ami research time
generally unavailable Many an
assistant in that department ha
rm time for lining the renearch to
qualify him for the budget coun
«il’* recommemlation for (>romn |
lion even though hi* four years
ander the rule are up
Thoae who <4qsMo the adminis- |
tration policy ile, lare that the pro j
posed change in rule* 'serve* only j
to avoid the ba*n decision which
must be rear bed by the Uaiversity !
a* to ha*** for promotion and the
presently established base* of 'pro
ductive reaeanh' and the demand* 1
of the lAiveraity upon the time
of its teaching personnel far teach ]
ing load* and instruction
“. . . it i» our feeling that the
adequate performance” of teaching
duties “make a significant contrf-
but ion to the rniversAy
“If they were properly per I
formed, and the men involved give |
promise of continuing to perform i
those duties well, that vitally im-j
portant contribution ahmild to re* 1 -
ogmsed by prunaotion at tbe emi
I of the usual four year period ”
j Despite open opposition of this
| nature to the administration's an- j
i nounced intention to make the rec
ommendation (pr th# change to the
forthcoming regent* meeting, the
recommendation will to made and
prohaMy approved
According to Dr Painter, the
! Beard af Regents concur* in hi* gn tuo coitit raw* ettww*
stated opinion that rwaegteh and isaaa* •** <aM** * «-*ii**e**i#
acholBfahip art the beet poaaible
mean* for building notional pres
tige and reputation for the Uni-
—TV Auolin Am mean Rial earn an
I W. Hupei and A V
M>x>re the Husbandry
Dejmiimerit have returncl from Ttt jllM BoM lO Jones’
Cornell t niversity, wfeere the
American ItoifV Science Assrwia
tion held its 4> r ith annual Jneehng
(ivei 1 .MHI men and women at
terxto! the meeting which wn* open
to mat rue tor* m dairy husbandly
at the various colleges a* well a-
college gia<luate» who a re working
in tn« science of prudfection or
manufacturing of milk and nnlk
A abb- from attending the var
ious meetings, Dt Ri|p«-I :d*«‘ a* chairman of the commit
tee which received nominations for on June V
officers to to elected and serve at
! til. rx xt annual meeting of the A*
Janies Dtx4n Hervey, son of
Mi and Mr*. James B Hervey
of 10fi JarksiNi j Street wa* tom
at 1:06 a m fra July '* at the St j
Joseph * Hosfeital in Bryan, the I
hospital staff innoiinced James
Dixon weight'd i pound* 24 oun
ce* Hi* fathef B the Secretary of
the A4M Foifenir Student* Asso
Twin*, a hof dki<| girl, Were born
to Mi ami Mr*] Truman R Jones
Jr who live at III Munson Drive
at fidst Joseph's Hos
pital in Bryan, the toy weighed (i
pounds 4 It I ofenre* aiul the girl
I* 7 4 yicaa.
p, Kinds
P»Kt* 4
WEDNESDAY. JULY 12. 19fi()
gl l. WITH A BATTAI.PIN <11 saaingp,
Ap, Kslss , *r * »o*a p»r Insedaw I
sot* s KW mtsimsm Spar* rats m |
rtSABirwa ssettaa »■- par roltma
mm swmI all naMi'wa- was r*aM<
lass* to ttw *)ua«c l.i <n»M offlr*
AS »a> *hsaM »» larnsS *i k, It •*'
t si of iim As. boOm poSoasuse
rtm RALB a
t SKI nts>M rnAM HoraE, m Fair i
vw* tiara cass
a mum — Msst
Mm**' v
bsiaaro t*4 par sMMS
mo* Hsmsa — s Sira
1 rr KM tgHKl' agpimisai wits is
aeysn Idssi f<d o«i|K* Also room.
I at mi bom* .* mrfMg* Station Appt>
JUS Is* s-snua pn OsSnotnt at ShotM
• «-««
* A—l — —
rt nNIBHKti AfeAfeTMt NT fame* sir
mat ' <m*n «*> ">** mpsosalx* IdtlA
Htgawsr • a«atiy Bn »*
NtMPt a^Rl T rsrsjsnet spscnwnt Half
Mark dorr - ■»!*- mmtt "M* I'selsrt
'Mss I « stAj
- -f -J-
HCNt ClgOTMiNff since icwc
r*W**» Vtsw. sftsr s is> * m
c* »
i»s* i i>ooft aim an
atri* • salat
<m psrnwsu
* c« rr wfrrriN.;Mt>t s»;
| Uslvsrsal gas cooSlai
rial tail ntasgit 1 gas
Ms* St taaparta* at M
W a* Ml NO MACHINk Wrtwgsr Ups
Ntaa is-A v«t vmsas
i »'ii.
It ron pw*fr
sm at a ' < »amfen
rtm tar tad ; 1
'taught iwrgra
Hag Aflpq k
IS b* an idltfr
• Lorr a^d
Tss staulg hsvs
»su ga** sm t
rou ar* trytag
Arvcrd Smith* Joyce
Pundcrburk Marrictl
Mag Jayre Funderburk of Bell-
viBa Mid Arvani Smith af M ailer
•nd Tjdw mors married in the i s U I5* «•*'» I "wm m mt
Baptist Church af Hampstead on ya**««a* «* Ttarsgsr » |t a cdts** B p wa*u
June M
Urn bride ia the dnughler of Mr
and Mr*. 8. U. Funderburk of Bell-
villa. ! —
The bridegroom i* the son of PWVtwo
Efe and Mra f. C Smith of Wal Jt^Tpu#
Inr Ha ia a gradnnla af ARM. bum* *a*ns
l.oET lues ruM ausr hstssm tta Cava
sag tta MOrsrf * Jim W hitman as
-ft WsMaa
III*. Tsoasaass
nuuat far tfeeas
Ms 'srioUtg tea
Members Of The Team
If KepirterH Wore F4h»iImiII Uniformii.... Thi* iw
the Way The lluttalhm Kditoria) Staff Vioiild
IahAl ....
Like member* of a team thoy are aftoembled ready to do thefr bit
at rejiorttig every bit of the nefem that m "fit to print. '
They are member* of a team that ia trying to help the Coltefe and the
Collepe station Community realise the utmoot in K r 0Mrth harmony and
You aa a rmtder and aa an advertiser muat realise that you play no amall
part in determining the success of this team.
The HatUhon ia the only newspaper that goea into every home in College
Htation. It ia the ideal medium to uae for covering College Station. Won’t
you make it your paper? If you have a news atory, call 4*5444. If you
have some event that you think deserves a picture, call 4-5444 Tha beat
photographic and photo engraving aenrieea in this area are at yoor disposal
If it's news... think of The Battalion!