- ' i ' ; r — —k Battalion ***** ^— 12. 1260 sw of A ( .orain^ \t tract i«m ... It wa* a rt'tl pkruurr to akare with you in ymttrthy'a imn* tmr retent photo graph of the new bowling Unea in the Memorial Student Canter When our pho- tographer laid the picture oq the Manag ing Editor's desk staff members quit their typewriters for a better gander at the neeulta The same happened when the engraving for the presses was returned faun the lab m Frwter Hall. Am k true With a majority of students on the campus, must of our staff members hadn t toured the Center so the new lanes caused a lot of favorable comment We aaaioaaly look forward to the Outer's openiag day. The sccdamabons of approval motivated by the new bowling lanes will probably he multiplied a thous and fold because am ean assure you the entire budding Is just as pleasing to the eye as the sample in yesterday's (taper. From time to tune. we’U give you more {pictures of the new building mm a sort of preview to opening day. When you have I something as good as the MtjT promises^ te be, it's too good to hold off advance no th* An l nfamiliar Rut helromr Sentiment We heartily agree with Governor Al lan Shivers in his evaluation of (he begin ning of a decent state tuwpital png ram as the most significant step taken by hit ad- imnistratkA. The Governor reviewed hw year in office Monday in announcing h»a platform for reelectior. The revamped state hospital system was long overdue and it is to the Governor's credit that he took such an active (iart in aupporting it. But together with the review of hia administration and recognition of the need for increased public service programs. Governor Shivers sounded a note heard far too seldom in present-day administration Spanking of the rising coet of pnbiu services, he said. “Our effort* te provide more and more of these necessary sen ices in the State of Texas must be tempered with the sober realization that we must not attempt more good than the state s economy can bear 'The upward trend in state spending ” the Governor continued, "must be checked by a trend toward greater efficiency of operation and that means greater econ omy of operation in our state government. The distinction must be made between thoee things that are essentia) and those merely desirable " There are many who pay lip service to such seotiiients But there all too few who. like Governor Shivers, are willing to me th<*« sentiment* expressed in action. Hia creation of the 600-man Texas Econ omy CommiMiofl n an indication of his policies. Those others who neglect the fundamentals of sound economy hold with in their gltttenng promuses the level. We must realize that we must pay for all we receive,* Consistent overspending weak ens any economy and the political body that economy represents. Carried too far, that body faces economic mm. We would like to see such sentiments reflected in the program of our federal government. There is needed not only economy but a more equitable balance of expenditures based more qp need and less on votes. Doesn't Anione Herr Like Oscar? To readers of the Saturday Evening Pint a story on tbs fnsit page* of Ties- day’s newspajier* must have looked like a congressional endorsement of Post polit ical leanings The news story toM of a stinging defeat fur the Truman sponsored (dan for l new department of health edu cation and security. The house voted down the pro|iosal 249 to 71. Presumably the new department, if approved, would have been given to Oscar Ewing who now heads the Federal Security Administra tion. The tie-m with the Saturday Evening Post comes this way. In a recent issue of the magazine there was an article en titled The Man the Doctors Hate ’ Sub ject for the st«»ry-- which was written as though the Post sided with the doctors- was Oscar Ewing, one of the admmistra- tton ■ leading exponents of compulsory health insurance. The Pokt reviewed Ewing s career and omphaaiied his un(x>pulanty with many Waahuigton officials. Re|HihlH an and Democratic . According to the magazine, if Ewing’s name ia connected with a piece of lagialaUoa it is dmed fur defeat That Seen over the holiday weekend: hun dreds of hungry, over-sleeping students was the result of a pcevvios attempt to create a Department of Welfare with Ew ing as (Niasible head And, to the over whelming tune of 249 to 71 that was the latest rebuke for ths man labeled as the "most taetisss man m Washington." In addition to sponsoring compulsorv health insurance. Ewing n pushing hard for a big increase in Social Security bene fits It was the FSA head who said for the benefit of a radio audience that ex pansion of the social security and inaug uration of compulsory health insurance might require a federal payroll tax of from 15 to IS percent exclusive of income tax And he is also the man whom the Post credit* with the admission that "politic* is my kobby. and a more fascinating hob by no man ever had." Yesterday** news report said the de feat of Truman s latast attempt to cre ate a new Welfare Department wa* a Mouse eapnesmor of lark of confidence in Ewing. We hope such an interpretation is true, but we also hope it » an expression of rongreamonaJ lack of faith in socialized medicine, the inevitable goal of the admin- wtratioa’a present efforts looking for a place to eat Nearly every as ter y in College Station was closed. The Battalion "Soldm, StettsmsM, Gentlimstf' Lawrence Sullivan lost, Founder of Aggie Tradidoofl TV ftetUlfm. •fficial maxpapat of tV Agriailtatal aa4 He^hamml C«IW«* of Tatas ami tV City of Onllac* Station, ia puMiahsI fiw ttawa a wwk daring tV mgalar arhool yoar Imr- inf tV —war, TV iattelioa ia ^ t, »h. <1 < *** tiiaaa a wo»k »» W. ftiiaiwa a* tka adllortal r OBAN USB). E 0 TOEDT jaal Avutin / ... * • *4** *•.,*•*+ mm jn.'~ ■ ’ ■ On m Fartv Acre* r i faculty Members School's Primary Function By LYMAN JONH* A qiuaaraat hut wathu^ eroaiMiawrll of kittmw** rntmoag 1 aivoMity of Toaaa faculty mambrr* may noon praoent IT ■fimtaiiitrmtorx with a firat-clea* Vadartu. Thu Mttrrnea appaan to V <1«at>-aaatad and fandaaawital. aumi- ming from • haak dianetrrmmt V {u for it to «tray antiraly from a, fou not necomiaand bito.' road from whicii it.may nat morally : , Aftnoat rtartly dr part TV ultimata raadaaion of «ach a policy, ia poniard to rta lofiral • tlrnaion. ia thr turn inf of this unirrraity lato a yraduatr and pro- frational arhool for pcopl* ia tV Interpreting the News . Russia Effective In Slanting l \ Status T know that tha adminittratxm haii puhlidy (tatrd that it oppnar* twaan tear hr r* and admmutrator* the tamiac *f Taxaa’ yunior ool- a« to thr PnivrraltyV primary into four year undrrfraduaU funrttoa Apparently it Va hen ». n ,or r.JIrfn* Bat I ran only four or fWr yrara ia tV makmf omaidar thu to be lip aervke paid Baaed on more than Ml inter to (top the permanent fund'a dirt- riewa with faculty mwnVrr (all *ion amo»w all (piU iiuUUiUon- of whom declined to be wientifieiit of leamtiif and an rxammation of rertam IT “But even before this happroa, record* there appear to he thr the teaching faculty member* who main fart* around which tV ron «tay here will V damoraliaed and troveray mrolrr* reduced to the staturr of puppeta. Th* teacher* are chaffing: 1 delivering the aamc lecture year That tV admimdrafton. by an ,ft* r yeaf, *o that they will hare inairtenre on the (mfductinn by time to 4o the reaearrh on which t.-arber* of a heavy output of re- their yohe depend eearfh or *chnlarly ume*. “i* either deltl defaiilt, failing to p«rf*rm the ma jor function of a state univemity ’’ To implement thi» aMcgitl fail ure, the Uachera are further rhar- Ring or vol• I “Many men of integrity.- pac tely. or b> tirularly among the inrtructora and aaaiatant pmfeaaort are leaving, And many more will leave in the future.' The adnumatration ha* ronai*- tently declined ta diacuaa aperifH a »Decir iiarnatg Ky J If* F« i*eH-?n Affair* \nal>*t \t lib f 'nited Nation* predlge m Kii*atp lepoiVl dropping fart a* a raaalt of tV- Kiemlin'* vtcmun at tick- oa the Security Council and Secretary General Trygve Lie In connection with Kon-a, apecula- ?jo» aver whether the Soviet* will over return to the council balk ha.* been heard The Security Oounci! ia e*>» he ing deacrihed in Ruaaian prepagan da a* “half wrecked " and merely a tool of the L* S State Ilepari meeit. The nation* which ndned the l nrted Staiea in railing fog action again*! the Korean < onwnunirt* are called ‘'Mnody fool*” and “a coalition of Imperialist* and beast* of prey * lie f ritieised Lie who wa* the only man Ru( sia Would ceasMier for Spcirtary i.nneral. *V rarewUy mwived a friendly 'ecepti'm at the Kremlin and who haa w.ffered mueculation that kuaala. never mUodiag rial ■o» recent Mart about Korea be Hi*tribut»d to aft member* But it i* npticeahl* that the requart wa* tralismitlrd dircet front Moncow to the secre tanai rather than thropgh her delegation. TV d. legnUon (till t* in New York, of ouwo*. tun with oaly rare official oontact* at lake Sue rea*. Man\ obaener* have felt all the time that Russia * agitation Timm t«» S|icak I n Oklahoma Scfvice l^ra* R Timm, estenaion #co- npatmt of the i ohege left M«>n- day for Stillwater Oklahoma to attami the annual meeting of the Oklahoma Extension ScgVioe Acimding to the arwMffwrement made hy Pi rector (; G (.ihs.m of the Texas Rrten*5«n Service. Tunm vtiH participate in the tug. ting by rumaking U> the gnwip im “Th» Ride of the Agricultural K«t»n* rtoa Service ia Publu Problem* Relating Vi Agriculture * Timm if ejfwcted to n-tur* to College Station on July 1.V Official Notice Mwiiwouw at t aaewrTHMi* to* -i«* («uamu of T(*«. *a» *»p*t< te Wfo-er tar no eWnnfl term of a .ounar % sap «uO elapn as •*. ’**' la Mrur* *•*,■» of •(•mfltaw aaglW. •tuaano *bnui4 naiW owm «a- dblftnna nnat •« *a«i«'ra»*<* ba Wopaw Mr r u a* aetually intended to deal my thp tVimmuiurt bloc * iaat rontacta hvifll the wert, juxt a* -tw ha* * x-eii .-Url.olinw- dtplouiu ti< lontacta m tbp uxlividual coun- tne* a* a tort) her defea**- agairtrt Titoiwpi. ‘ IV l’. 8 ann#«n< cment that it will defend Knrfm** change* the relationahip hgtigaen A men* a and ( ommuniat i'|iag from on* at mu tual antipathy tg one approximat ing an armed tguca And no one know* wVr thn|r may be broken by Commumai action in Formosa Knroa or Indo-Duna IVipmg Vdmiamon In likely A* long a* tb| present situation exist*. aAmuudori of Pciping repre- ncntativo# to t|e hall* of Ijtke Socaeaa *eem|i firtremely unlikely if not impo* Sibft. Rpssta, theg. ton t>e expected to boy«f*ti this falf* gen« ral aasem- bly, in which thg Nationalist Chin ese will ron|inM to participate And) she rmght pave for good »if ourae it ftpuld not Ire beyond Rust ia if it aefvwl her purpnae* te jg*t trwp tV Chinese Coinnain iswi .adiwwlaa ipw and roww hark a* though nathiag hail haptwned But her whole Bne of propaganda now serve*, iwlathei that i* the maia iwtercat not. to discredit the Coited N’M * in the Com munist *ph< m- Hltd to pave t h r way for rompiafe rupture 1 That the aiftoinirtratiwi salariea, feomotwn* and discharge* makes nearly all its freommanda-1 »r reatgnatioa* of Univeraity fac turn* for promotion* in academic ulty member* Njyr will it publicly rank cwntmgent on tho iiwlivuiual s acknowledge that any controversy research output and scholarly pro exist* duct ion. "regard leas of teaching Ne\erthel#»* the adminiatrativo competence " p®int of view as regard* the im- 1 lh.t the admiaistration lia* l»rUii«w In which it HoM* r.-aearch told some -lepartment hew<»- “to •« welWarumented. , L< u (•a** the wiirdalong" Gi teacVr* , Np**k*$K to a General haciilt coming up for pronurtion* "to con- {^ OU Tj' ' cefifrate on outside t research ami Pfe^ldaaiti T. 8. Painter said: scholarshipi work even if thi* Two yeara ago 1 told thta fac ulty that productive roaearch wa* H-ulty 1 l, IT 1 u *dmtoi*ti-ati«a'* [V* I Ref that tV way to national pres tige for tV I’nivaraity lay hi.re- aiMirh and *larahip aiPtoftllft* IMftWVt "Booa after I cape MgA (iM ^rea>d / everything in ray pa w »* r ^ / / *1 lat« and aupport raaraivhea .m the j pert of oar faculty and ether dtaff ipcinben. •The rvaaoa for thi* . . . Xtoi •imply that rf the Univeraity of Tetaa ia to he truly one el the firat class., measured by net tonal standards, oar farai» must be made up piedoaiinantly of fftM* / famed throughout the land for their productive and sound echeiar- Rhip.’' TV whole roirttostersy wa* aih. drracered recently. wVn the UT admimstratuon derided to rerton- itierul a chance in the statqK at assistant prnfeseor* uader whal the University calls its “up or eut*’ rule This rule currentty provides that. / after four yearw of teaching, an a-distant pn>fe**ar must either l<# ptwmote.1 or given a terminal ap pointment The adaulustration now w-ek* ami will iwremmend te the •ext regular in*sting at tV Beard Of Regents July 14 and lb Adhat |he foer-year period be extended to tix year* Th«- (irnposal wa* mode lancely tSm- FAt UUnr, Page 41 means slighting leeching duties " 3 That the nlloged insistence on outside work operate* in favor of people in the scientific depart ments - >n whose field* much bss research remains virtually un touched and where grant* . are HVHitatile and against those tn the trane! kcndcntic fields of tV arts, the bumamtee, or the serial sciences 4 That the ml ministration-, de spite public pledge* given that teaching load! would be lightened so that time would lie available 0>r outside work, "ha* consistently re fused to do this ahd ha* in fact, avoided com mg to grips with thc pmblem ' Krram-kmi kluli Asks \(llllTSM> VI H Anftwdiy, -ponsor of the krooni and Kjpw Klub, ha* re qurated tha' ai| club member* who plan tn stg-ng the second six weak* of airliner school leave tbeji aiklm-aaesi aith th*- se«-rotary of the Ilairy H , " , bandry Ib-pnrt- meBt They may tUbr be notified of a o eating at MAth change* to t to ri ub** constitugon would be made, to- said During thy Ja*t regulai mi-et- ing of the cl|b it was .ieciitod that the mepi||rr* Httending sum mer school Wluld me«t with fir. I ft Ru(»el ini revise the old con rtitutton snd present the revised <>na to the for approval this fall Ex|H*rintf nl Station R4‘4 <*i\<*B Aid A grant in ftd of KM*> has lieen regeiVad by th4 Texa* Aern-ultoral Kaperirtlent 8to4 ,o n front the Re search ftopartgtont, Sharpie* < ham- ical*. fnr , |Fy*nd<>tte. ilicb According ta f>r K (> Lewis, statiun direatarv the grtoit is for coftan def.'liai ipn t vpenm -wt- to be eundu'' xt ‘ it the Iwwer Rio Ctonde Va|«4 Statior at fte*- laeo The nxBrnments are under aupervisioa pQli'. R HolWtoy. *up- •rlntaiident nf ih* Weslaco station. Kmally. tto- teachers charge that the disaffection is “rapidly beconv mg a|iparent to tV student* in the are* where it injuries the I'm- ver»»ty most " TKos< leveling tto ** charges em- phaton that tVy do not oppose reaaaeeh or sehrtaraliip flatly “(u*r *e" Jvut they insist that the sdministration's “ohsewsion with it a* the only way the 1’niverait) ran tonld its national prewtigc i* per verted and one-sided m the ex treme " One as*'" uite |>rofessor, at I T for 15 years pula it this way “A state university any state university —ha* a triangular func tion It reata, so to speak, on a three-legged stool. “Tto- point* of this tnangto the legs of the stool are P-aching, ex tensioh. research And the most im portant of ihewe for a state in stitution of learning i* teaching the education of the children of the tax (►aver* who support thi* ^ inaiiiutiion Tf this were a priratelyendow ed institution, wa would *GII op l>ose such a course *» unwise Hut f.>r a *UU' univeraity to adop' a | poBcy of favoring one of its func- | tion* over another tn this ext -nt essential if the University of Tex as was to rank in the first claa* snd that during my a> motion- as follows “I urgr thr tHoignt couneiis to ^ use great rare in sending up ro commeruUtiOM for advaneemei t* in (ase there I* sorm- dtodit j in your mind atomt a man * * In lit) ,| to make outstsuding contntoition* {j i in hi* field, it i* imperative that » *•» MTTM liMOn *— Featarp No. 1— hurts Z:45-h:SO 8.IS 1 PU S: t ARTlNlN—NRlk'S On aaa*<* Willis* now* dtoaatehes *piaais nooas origin puMish- Mis arfVMl •m IgBask. It .-••illhals 1st **• tlsalni •( nhdn*r>e*> '1*t r *» <• 8sl • III *»ss.nl Bit SoMrslMn tosltl sM n- nas *e<4» mu** ti i*** ■*■■ maaasr lunfcs sn* T»«iws>aw *e**w»i* •to Hsrvrr" akinm*) ton ' l *i a am I|t bnmr MS AtaSsou. BuiMia | laamwisS mraiarrs M I nr IscWIS sf I w orsaas's Isas'-: »r* nvas* is M krsM si SifnS J C, gawip OaOmsa Bible Verse “For GOB Bath not given us the *^int of fearj but of power, and love, arfi of a sound mind. II Tim 1:7 Don't worry atonrt the sum on your best dreaa . . our experts can make them disappear ju*t Uke -nagve Eumpu* (Jeanerw « “Over the Exchange Store / JiiftI Ah ^oii I)<*|mthI on Ice ... to k«»|» ftonnhablf foods tfrinh liinjft-r thetM' hot dtyik yog may place the name degree of dependability (ii a BAT TALIOJN CLASSIFIED AD BattalioD Clmaatfieda work for ytni around the clock. Call 4*5324 UX ABSm Ttw Idiot Era!I - t*» (WMwaf wrtsw drt’ m* taae i «r at tb* *4Btorial office. Room 101. (4-MB4> or at th* Btuudvnt Activities CSII.IV ■ Mar Si j^giRiFaxatoDVbAttcMMifVY few FiRfFMMNft 1 A jvapurtaa torviss lac . al M*w T*tk CM*. Maas, to* kawsto. ao4 Boa Pr**>—s Hwag is* Bcasdaw Psam.r toftkp n M TP 11 Ad ■ Csara* VH—gksrirus asrltaa I tom raws* 4X*~Jn***fw* aawmgMM -*r ■toaiMB toil x (Mmiimm T bntoy u tljfe c—f* sm- torttattoi ft«4 PMwptoftiftft F I K ft N htort (' M' 4 ... O-Bditon Feat are Editor asm iso I to# » tv asaaito tpr tuna seem anas to HMM WtoMrao wto aalart ta raa T^-wmv 00 MAFK TO _v1LS fSqm GnABB»y|6 ^ and Kusaaa THtOifUJS rvirv A] \a MJMfXCT t AAMPl l '%£? \ / / \ ¥ / T