f \ * 'Hot > Lon ■ a! * t Wonder Day Be'? •I ^ . frrmAd and If VkfiMa 1 U» TWr* M* arvvrftl * tKt C^kU th» krt«r mtxrty nW And vW m M «n it fc? tin* |4> B h«r» at t that and d Have r*d trjr it this i» ihantlv tt> this I a4 Ptill »» fur th* tiracirart whb said tt.nl “siiftimr V roald gri U> fiva Hoads sh la soMoaa sayinr “fat a*-, •‘fall •* 11 ^IsMMasa^ I wsal (All Ifl sa I W^w Wfa ** * tai^VfWI “rapart". 'aiount up" •Asmoaat", i ‘ isppartian. anas’. aad a million ; others that maan but an* thine . . . Hurry ap . . . amt WAIT! Ttra* 4AM Htaff Man —j Day a ThirtMa fioudi slsrp rnaldr on# jto '♦ prapa ntriinf d^rs at tlir tp fact of Army Ufa, tha linos for id sinrr ra 17 ShyAiaf a* •**1 aa OAM) and Mint and nui thf at Itdt hours, Most of thosr Itawa aront ao vat* lont though iavolviBf only hi CsJh» for a panod of fo«r to flvs Hour*. It’s rvally swsl^ thouph! Why I ran roiarmbor So plainly Un- worth of tha l amp ( urnmanth r whon w* smvrd hr said that thr Army works only an mfhl hour dap ’ Thrsv words aro trur rnouth but proasty undorStaU-d What h> noflortod to add was that thrrr Is an otfht hour dhy m thr morn taf and an<»thvr ohc in thr after fmvitnf Stfyr FufrUkuot I rop aw^Cowdpi pu^rralt ." , I Anyone I ierv a ho once Ukoupht He li*i d hd his own ini|tntive by th* fruifs of his own ideas endea-»>r» now know* that, so aa Am y s+hject. be hs« not ideps and %hat this same Army »hiut4*ndieg Platoon l(\en thokgh pe are suhyet the '*ruggednes-t’’ of his “ai leadership, wre sav compelled‘to ap preciate b- udetb" ( af y«n| imagine’ nne| who "ad" us thitughoUtiearh day It’s likt play ing on a ioetlail team wifh Id" iiudrtrrbarf* E|t h one giving sim ultaneous dowmtanda—no tfro of whkh are me skme ('onfusiin has quakly gnmn Into chana Fourth of July firecrackers a* the Korean war stayed Hot One dealer said part but rant all -of the run on tires Ooukl be attnliei! to uaual Fourth of July trade But dealers from Tefcarkana < urtsin 'rl training. The latest event st camp was thk three day sun baking encamp ment on the nfle range, under the watchful eve of < aufain M N "l>r> Cun’’ pordl* y, who ia another of the many interesting regular Army penkmaiitiea to be found among us Treated as Gentlemen I’poa leaving home for camp, 1 wa.« told that we would he treat ed as gentlemen throughout the six-week duration After the first two week« I find this to lie ex tremely true The manv components of the Second Armorer! Ihvision and those |Meo ,c # .ianger of a shortage, rm reason to M k were just atAahing new tires ” hoord tire* and tubes At the same | H then car truhli. Hi Asaonaied I'reM i er» ra|><>rteaibilily of a tire shortage uiuets a totair ahodUge develops He sgij the l otted States is practically yiftependent of raw r ihber s«*urre4 j Temple deah'> reported sales dou ble or tnplf gnrmal One wa* So rusheil he had fo send custimiers rlsePrhere Buf gone ticlieved th«-re was an iigtciiiiaF' threat of ration ing Russia overthrow* Communist Regirae. Seeks I'g Cooperation Tor World Peare Th# Cincinnati | Enquirer All Nat too* Sign Peace and Trade AgreeaieM The Atlanta Constitution Cancer Care ia Found Chica-I go Daily News. Atwai* Peorwfully Revototiaa lie Indontrv The Coll Bulletin j Prraianenl World Peace As-j sored St. IVtershurg Times Revolt of Deaiorratic Forcew in KuaHia Sweeps Stalin and Polit buro fro* Power The Indiana polis Star Plentiful Production and Dis tribution of food for Mana Man Now a Reality I lady News. I'. S. Humean Accord Kearhed ' — The Ihuiver Post. | New IN (Harter for Wurld (iov't Take* Kffeet Voday The Hartford ( ourant. Hum*#50 SK1.1. WITH A BATTALION I'UABainbi> AD gale* St s oar* gm maamma i wiia • Mr BiaUaaa SpaM mu la I'luMfwS amtum So, sm swms MM-ti *MW All < IMWCMd. WMS IWStM lsac. I. th* SteUMit ArtlvMtW (IfflM AH s4. M.ouM h. tafWMl » bf IS M . n W th. Aa, utor. soUMcatioe MUM XUABBIO vn etcnaoNAi. MargAesl W*»w rsiurti Nr glanX TST 1 UALRIMIM ream.- }M Patrrww lisas So • wh bat am-. MS V* *Sf BMalh KKISM Ksttaeu. Him* 4-MTt Hutr.i * POM RSirr • gw Miitmin ua BoMtaa smwrai r* ixiir. arpl ruorrM. sraTk railli K Lata U.n.r.1 cNiatraeMt. Phoas S AfTt ri—w- -* —•—- i masoa t m ( - »R»as umtKMi.' Amwi. I Il» Ler Atma. Hu OakWKwq ur chu,** .. e>.w»* # UNIT AND rYX ND • I 11HT (miM K.trk lU-Kru. Inw-nethm M, le* Ana. Oelm. I Wtuwibu* Ohw" (wll « I?«(. J.V. a rMI after | Faa Bl>4>* Evaporative ( oeie/s We HewhmT Motors FRANK’S ELECTRIC SERVICE Ml A Main PH 1 »IS2 Some Tyle* fiealer* ut*\h* »ume ratio as in otHrf cities YOM fcvy • pmk •( f* CBt :"7T r? 11 # i go ai M • Wjra V gvwM If. UWWmw v * v w fY f . l£i- e: TV . ■ Aiikm .i mmt I ■ / A Krautic Vlorrv AorompliHhf$i Nothing When billk Mart piliDK up and making • i i meet Mem* all but hope leu* the time a come to keep cool and think clearly. Time to Ihink of thnae old items of equipment that you to longer need - item* that can be ctmterted into caah by uamg a RatLaJion ClaaitlfWvd .VI. Call 4e5$24 or come by The Battalion Offica for prompt aervtce Every peraon with a party-lint telephone at homa know* at least three things about the service. „ 9 He knows the line muat be shared fairly to be useful to everyone— just aa • street it shared by those on it He know* he appreciate! courtesy from others on the line—such aa not interrupting, and recognising his emergency needs for the line now and then. He knows whether party-line serv ice meet* h* needs. About half our customers have always pre ferred party-line service. Today, out of aach four familiea with telephones, about three have party-line telephones and one of them has asked for a different type of service. We d Idee to be able to give it to them. We are working toward that, and art making some prog ress despite the continuing heavy demand for telephones from those •till without any service. We have on file thousands of requests for some other type of service. Wherever local conditions permit, we are meeting theee re quests. end ere keeping • cardful record of all requests, to act on at th* first opportunity Zlw Si wtlm cstcru States T ricplteM c \\