The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 04, 1950, Image 3

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Moon Leave
To Bolster^
r 1 ?* 1 S l. LmiiB bnin-tfunt hu nunr* Aft£WC
Willy llwn fm*» th« r oMaci Bmffi
Wl io Omaha ^ Mleh . July 3
in the Western Any wiy you look it tU the shift ^ -The 1«V) AU-Ameri-
be ol bUMlH to AAM r, *x center «» oo«ef:» hmebsll turn, chos-
I > w by the Artiencin Aisocii-
f I tion of C^olkiee R a a e b a 11
ude Te:
On All*Ameri(
tion of
i’ ! |r<>M‘h«w, .inrltMf-ri Murt *y Wail.
i Mb Brnrl, mtd r*h»rtet G«ria m
and <. »^ld Jriiaen of SMI’.
Tb< wia«rMtiin **Wt»r*fi 'anted
the fmt tom Im:
Fred Tajrlor, Ohio State, fir»t
• liarlwi T-aewe. Forest,
Willi Min Hillinffei, lafayettr,
third hane
John Hraaeh t Ohio laiveniity,
Jay Rosad y, S<a*thern t'alifor-
IWN. outfield
Rav VWn < Ve| Kutsem, ootfietd,
Robert (Vn, jNehraak*. outfield.
Robert Min 14). Anaona, catrh-
, _ I ex-cente • t j
flctoar. .<
Mtaiti MW little attain with tile
last fdare Texas I >ea^ i»»' entry aftir
to aigmii i pro mntract June 2 fdr *
a rejiortf'd W.iklO dolUm — $4 Jt f>
for ipHymK his signature «nd IIJID
foi* new year's Mikiry *
Wttllv a boominy but. which tod
esnsd out seven home runs snd la ,
batting mirk of 44M during the a
l* , g»stc i impsign, hid been miencAl If
bv inactivity while representing tlje
Houston team an agtisrent termn
post In the Cirdinsl chiin.
He joined the Herd with Cal btFphenaon, utotber eol-
hge player fresh from the Oklah«lnia Soonen. Moon hit
■afely twice in six trips to the skie, hit w*
I diva. miajudgH w outfield fly, illbwing two
•nlttlid to tin bench
Moving to first-place Omaha Willy will _
( hinoe uf holding a atirting i>osita*| Sim e the (It
regular renterfiekier has torn pliral on the
Houston is well-fortified with surh iRitfrldt'rs ts
cott. Hsrringtrm ami Rlatntk , t .
Moon will be errmsing baU W^th TU> TtSl hllwiMnn, I f gur^Ty dnlniTUr TouTl
who signed after the basketball mar i and was moved ho h> time# »i bat. « • utaem
Lsicoln. also in the Western l>*agun
Till 1 nnly r.<p<xt<rii frum ln#t
Major liesgue MognUt Mav ( mi ad Htscaide l ' Hn ' Tt-nru* Mini Wall.
W»H Ih** h»-rn lh< h» lI #«^tv r of
Many authontii* an hail t«> talo* what their iMuW fet. to" Toxana. a-iui h«v»» now anti two
>lng that the extremn ovirym- miHli-l!. rn»i>uif#<*tun»r* rtiirht he * , 'Hifht R C A A rhampionehi|M
«l tht* W»ar for rtwietnr Ml Tessa ws* Ik*' '*nl) erh«a>l tnj
run# Is,a Ofiide irartH- :d» h*i»m*ni j l»l»re thr»*e 'M-il ■>« the thiv*--i«*#»i
hi a MSrH lar. an.I l| h»im-rx in 1 "<|uad namod r.t.lwr < harlw. (h.t
in iuwi Outfuldt i Hob Krurk m
__ a ... . . t d'*‘ eecond Uam
T#t yeb» the home furl and the
College Station Mermaid Tea
Places Fourth In AAU Meet
The m
Wm 8U<
tamed f«
Women i.
TV women'# portion of the Coi
MsMua ■wimirdnc team al-
foartk piaco in the Senior
State AAl »winiminf
swat which wa# held at tV Sham
rrck pool in Hosatan laat Friday.
All but one of tV IS Kart# that
entered the meet from tV local
area sained entrance into the fi- team
aslB. TaiSpletely dominating the ^ Ml
#, pit.
a Vo
rk I ni-
|\e a fine
Murray W’allj Texa#,
TVmae Cwwjy, New
venrttf, plteheii
. , Tn-nnadflii# halting power i#l
A team H the nstatanding fhnrarteelsUc i*f
hied list the dream tea#, The firnt etring :
Wes- ' Ln ** u P' exrluaivb of pitcher*, ha* a
coheetive haUtn# axerag. of .S?l.'
The team* el^gKing perrentago,I
ha*. * j
I diving and ursrhmsMed ■wimmmg
| fveata, the Cork flub wmn tV team
rhapipionahip with VI prtnta. Aar
Antonio’# Aquatic Hub waa aecond
1 with TV point#, Tyler thud wRh S4,
and thr College Station squad
fourth with 2V points.
Patsy Bonner. Ann ('npeiand,
, and Stanry Hale were th. main
counterpart# of tV young College
Station team which to«A one Sec
ond place, three third placet, four
fourth position#, and two fifth
Cat*) Bonnen, aecond in the MW
1 meter freestyle and fourth in tV
400 meter free#tyle, Ann Copelnnd
' in the mdirid
Krige. frfth
maker brewsUMrato; and
Ass ^ Snnnos, faurtk in the 190
. a F w . a. a
Kay Parnell, fifth Hi tV 400 me
I ter flpnstjgu; the freestyle nday
j 'XUTSi
an non. Ana _ „
Nancy H#le, placed third. T»am A
medlef relay made up of And
Pam Wik»« Ann ('ogeiaad
These tw.. ( alleie Ntatioa heautie. helped the ( allcKc Maimn awim-
rth ulkc
mint Meet which wa# held in Houwtan laat wedktnd Mia* Milmm
■warn at. the modlrj relay R team which ptsrdd 4th while Mtw*
t opeland paced the Ird place medl.y relay A t«am awain .in tV
Srd plac. free*!trie r»4a». and wa* third in the I9n meter bmrhHrnke
TIT.S. JI LT 4. IVif Page 3
dwltmt of Mat'W J earn, home run#
thi# yea* to th. h |in.d n.
mhbit A t.wt wa* made rcenl- n a mpy. .1«
ly m Bt. I/.hm conerrmpg '*heth«w a •>hgie tpfiic
or n.*t the l>aH ha* to-oo gixi n exits ■
After fttnagihr tMi'elwIt? of tin
dtffbnfit typ.'* u*.d during tin
l»a*t five Hgniiift a «teei
plate an.) le*Ui>e' the bounce 'if
each by mean# <>f electric fw-
.tuepey, le *ter * «ai.t tjva* then*
waa »« rpwaiderahle .HfVeience Iwt- th« preset t hall nn«t other* , . . u
This might mean thaf the hall* , JjrT M .'V
are given an additional boost hy '''«*•** b
h.g Ibrtii.g hs'e teacl
t*.>nh > r’#i.' on the rid
om- .s'Tt b>- certain w
kuI* Sill ib. t<. curtail I
jnp A* a matter
rtn >a^ed the ndlwnal sport
iearie.1 a pent I Z*'" T *™
rtHl rutrm* But t^tmvv I to HaiHmjilfli,
1 two tiM*fi on th#* miu •d*. Murray
nnd third strinK fiiwt btunnuiii
lat the mo-
t le sgraaaive » — . S,., .
r^ng A* a matter of fart thr I
h..nw;*Ar -ased tV .iduen.t -poit T ^ T'^ ^ ‘"’"'"l
•fteftf. Black Jtog SlWmW <*f ^ f ^ ^*"
11*19. L.I Circuit h.ttim spmrVa.l - ' ^ V '? fh,rrt j
.. ” - ■ “ ” N -othet Southwest, nn u* m.*d. th. t
tV poet-war list* NowS.tne#, pqi Ptiptlp* though, thi cKan
mil sad hat. «h<
the fo # tremen-
x-ugfire *ale«
(IS Legion Team
PLi\h (laldvrll
( allege Stallnn'* \mrriraa
I egiun Junior haurhall leon.
Hwiiig* Into action Iht* after
noon on Kile Field, playing
( a (dwell
I'V |wn learn* w|H iie Vr
sole p>w«e**No) of f«#urlh plac
In Ihsirwi IN, ,criion wf the
«t#le wM* program \ g#m«
•ch.dated with Seale) l#,i Sat
urday wa* pool poned lintll 1 Ue«-
Junior Softball
Players Seek
Nann Hsle
hnl. maker* have liberal .niantitio# .te-lf\in the IwlT and
»f a«h on hniui, anil then give their the |>k<fiidg dUtsSrp, rmluc. the
prod ft# extra whip hv agiMg their hom« ■ ptni. anything Ui reptor»*
for month* in «U>rage vaidt* ha*dt4iS t# a game of lapped skill. I
Aft*w a shortage of timber dur and ihk’g-thinking instead of a
mg the wm venr* in whM-h they gamej.# Kqgtmnt
, IVI WHBsmw toad M<4kHlt> HowieT
Why did Ja.- Met ar*hv r.«h w..ul.| i*>t tolerate any (iomIv i*iav J
the rein# of th< Red 8e\, retif
ing t<» hi* Buffal ., N 1 fatm*
Vk a# i| tan'SII'l' of hi, incoll s|*leitt
luaitb, W* failure of no* pr.atu. Wg
# b*agtie winner for three #ea».iSa.
or waa it U-cauae of Te.1 W lltama?
Ayfori- M.l'arfhy j.d*'*'*! tV Bo*-
t.fn .lull ina|> predt. tel b« would
t"Hde the r^swwspt, JlaiM J >i
l>r. IkHtwi R lid 1
8. li.iui 8tre«*t
Call 2 lb42 for Appointment
*4 h #« NVtlltam*.! eten if it
n.< an| jr. Utmg rid of ^u. h a play-
He i dwdd *a. fifH-»'hwSe of hi*
y.»uittW pjate (H'Wcr giore dis-
ctplg i sopaig hi# team! Aiwt plate-
nowfi h*i It.'en the trkdo mark of
Mrfkrthv team*. Big M illiaim
•th>W t
TM Bffftnter BM deVF Barrhor
taed With thr Bustoni# hleacher-
itr*f A f' d w'H-ke ago jle ix-peated
Hr mm-u.d # rude ei-"tun to a
groiirlot tt* . bier* Fhefe gave Iwen
• torhi of \A dhagHl’ t.-dnewa to
wn'd r..<>k « Walt Ilropi., whoae
Imt'lAr '<tnrk i» W t4*"t- higher
ihs.i fv.r*
(i B1LMAM*. j>’.g. 4|
Dorm 11 (iains First;
Tl G(‘olog) Second
J*nim 11 gynaed undtapuU-d iH.a-ftV rs#i#-telling Mint.
#e*.mn «f fir«t place in th. *um- TV victory "\appH TC\ V *
nier session'* Miftlmll .aoipaign af thr'.- pnau- winning dn ak lloi.
ter THurailay'* activity. W ar.ten and Ken R.»g •»* pa. ed Mil
(iaiaing ;.n 1I-* Verdict fr»m|nei tuitter* rolleetmg two saf.-tie*
I*orm 17. the lan e setter* stretch- . a. h
V thrlr leal! over second place |^ rw jr,-*, \t 4 b, !n I
T. xaif tiitd.igy hv one-half dame, j
In other Thursdai cotitesta, l 1 *!** Br<* k » ft\e hit hurling
florin 1hp.wip.tnd Walton and Mil*; B """ r4 Plai-e'* tine."run honer.
Her *l*p|U*l T<W by identwal '**»Vh defensive play enabled
a. .*res, 1 Ih.m. Ik to *moth. r flourwtrring
Ihwm 14-11, tVm IT ! ’ ] ^ * t
M iho th»4^ ru»"» in
Inui t.reaney, a newcan. i to the j ih. *mdid. two in the third, and
iN.rni 14 mound *taff tw.rl.ii no* foni m th. foiirtl to opd me game
hit twill while hi* teammate* gath- aft.-, fogi iiinmg- ..I play Ucau*'
Junior (Mftball is fPttinR
und**rway pa<l the |iUyer* are
lookinR fbrtoard to out-of-
t.ron I' from team#
o f NxvxBoAjl, Madmonville,
and other* Jknioi Xoftbail Qmrh
Taylor WiUiia# *,od yeatet'Ouy.
I Wenty eiptyt player* are in the
Ifarv Ik The
Dream Of
I'atai Honneo
Mia* Hannen led Cntfqge Station
*wtmp)er* in IV AAI ! nraipr
Uonmn’* Hwiainiiag and diving
championship* at thr Shamrock
Hotel pool I rrMay. BV finished
second in tV Hdi meter freentyle
and futirth in the 4M meter free
Mia* Hale waa one of IV la.
College St a turn swimmer* io IV
recent Mate AAl auimgiini
meet She swam on (V third
place medte) re4oy team, tMrd
blare freestyle relay learn, and
■ained a fourth pomlten |p the
individual medfep.
W wn l.oet Fet. G.B.
f 2 .m
it m
“The I’erfeet Sitter" is dearnVd
in the July 2 I'm rad#, madathte a*-,
lion of The Houston l*.*#t And the
comment in the article that the
"composite ballplayer who ran hit | and
1 to all field* i# etcry
junior diviaiCk MoVt nf Them have '• definitely no overoUU
plated in fli4 thre*- scrimmage
game* (afte*' team# from Col-
-ge Station alwl B.yan F.arh time
they have adranmaged. over twen
ty of the hOyft have played in the
game* of wI)mAi th« y won the first,
.-|, tied the-sirond, Wt-13 and won
the thinl game Wedneadav even-
IH-a, \Vll|ii
from Kddie
fork Giant.' N
n, hi# #up»T-
IB* added
Va'ler* arr VtW.-en
leen year* uf age
on th. light#.) soft
We pay ♦bw highest prices, loi Uied Books
We riaintom wholesale and r*-tail lists the
year round.
THE exchanc;e store
Serving Texas Aggies
rred mn«' fr.« |.a-*e» and *tx hit*.
1 h»' Utctory virtually walked to
an abbreviated victorv .all.-.l at
the end of th"i and one half inn*
mg* hecaune "f #> insurmountable
W B (V'litiav. \ tiad trouble find
ing the plate, ind when h- did g.t
tV l«ll »nrr, Ikon) II hatter* jib-j ei
of an K-hm I. ad
t. W Smith ni
eiijovt d |m-i f. < |
t h. piatt for lV.«
. oil.-- texl tup lot./
I .ondmort dr *w t w
I t.h n t,,M#l!is. n
.•rf.trmancew ,.t
w otu. r* Smith a") whih
I’,.*#. - and ha n
meied out a single
ThirtHvla.i l»»»*in hi
gtiti. -p(n. <
Ih.rm V
out lasted
It. i n
t4' ami
I’TB' tier |. t|f|t
Oli diamond A.
Monday*, WyAnesdav*. and Krbtav#
ttVHti 5:3n ultal 7 t» m
Binci* nta. •» . * on June
7. the bog# hive boon workiig nut
with the fgioinmgntal* of roteh-
"ig throwing] fieMitig and hitting,
t ouch W ilRjn# <*1,1. (Same# atg
o#t acheduhiilmore than .me week
of ten dav* in advancx- Gam.-#
sVitld Mart.'Av>ut the Second week
of J.ilv and list through 'fie la*t
we. k in Anfimt. he addev*
The line-on for the scrimmage
irOmes ha* fron Joh-.ny I.yon* C,
Bolhy M kl'k- P John R Smith
1H Fdxrard pslmeh Kivcr IHihl
tide got hi#
Stanky. th. New Y
cagey aeepod baaegia
sharp vision from Ted W’itliam*, 1
th. k.-d S.ix'# prtrenmal batting
leader, and hi# pokrer from Ralph
Kinei. th.' Pittsbuigh Pirate#' ter-,
nfic home-run slugger. ,
Itofm 14 ... _ .
Texas t^.d A )t .TH %
' lh»rm 16 f 3 .709 f
Milner ..A , 4 Mid t
—►— — I Ik.rm IS % 5 MO 1*6
* . . j TTVV .4 6 .M4 3
Telephones Scarce w *it..n „.4 i <441 ^
Jerusalem It* hard to get lh>rm 17 ..J H .222 I
a Udephone in larad. When yo«. W Pointer* I . ^ *4-1
do. it »,i*U 11.34 40 for iii*Ullati<»ii Thi* Weak'* BfVddlc Tbarwday.
the finit year’# »erVH-e. A ; Ibirm 14 vs, 15 on Jhamond f.iur;
manager # ] reader of the "Jerusalem P<lgt" Dorm 1« v*. Mflinj on Dtamond
probaMy hold# the natton'* "wait- Five, Dorm 17 ra. Texa* fioologp
mg" record He wrote to the ; on ftiamond Blx.
new*pat>er Friday. Texoa C.Jv» Tt’VV og
"I would like a phone in my, Diamond Four; fkorgi 17 va. Wal-
lifftirrte' I have h.-«*n on the wait-1 ton on Diamond Fivo Dorm 14 rt.
list for m-ven years ” Donh 16 on IHarootwi Hi*.
in the ar-
Stan Muaial of the St l<oui#
uth of the Grove on Cardinal* gave Htip hi# fore arm#
and timing, Joe IhMaggi'. «>f the
New lork Y.iok.»# donated hi#
iniat action, and larlie R.dnnaon
of On Bi.">kl>n Dodg.n rontrlb
utrd hi# Hg« h-r a peed on th* baa.
Pitcher*, rvn fnr cover!
•rally poun.h.i .t It «a*
I IT*# Sixth l»'S In five start
i ing the Riser* nearer to
dwelling V.»t Point
Milner **. 1< t \ I
Alter luMn*;, I-'.' to 1 * V
aoaday M'l-rr '•.Mireed back
MVaing dav t,> maintain
j Hdtdpil.v ra. kina pitihi
l»#tx 'B <.e#r4r.' l.ttton SS Tommy
lav lift#' •n on * high smnng T ^ r r ,n ' ^ J? 1 ' lh , F
fo.c- intramweal *oflhall *. ra, and T-avi# ^'Alehrecht Bh
. liar I a.-ed at th. |»iate' hv Fiafik 7 lie re- t 4f|the team i# made up
basil-M* I’ M M. Daniel*, and .f <'l,ftor Ipil. * ( F Bill Hieax.-al
So, m» Ha,"* i'orm I*' jumped to <F Jack H#4i* Kh Walter llahl-
a , ally 1 <i le.i'1 ). r 4 -lev.-r lu*t 's»rg SS Strarlman liavi# 2R lion
Wed- c.tnt ml dorr v th, *ligrfe*t lifaper .'tB, Mgn r Telman P. Nof-
the the 17 run* |ioi>n 1^ caiiected n*n Floe.x JlS, < Imton H< Ivey P.
,i* gav. iSe vn tor* * to,*i of 7» i-un* Johnny he p| ( M b.- Luther RF,
iuel tallie.j thi* . anipaign during nme Ri* hard Wllir LK Jei ry Oden
Vtween B rt Rev, an f Holland control#* Th,# i* th< High.-at num f pndy righ BF Jimmy Rob-
V\ nd. - 'ka- went f,.i fou-- mring*, h. ,f n|na M-or.-d hv a tingle team ert* GF, Jogmteerr EF. F.rneM Tan-
M-ln. r r 4itrope.' . Mim I <i in tlw Idagu. /*r TF. and Be, Trotter IB
In the ftl'h tn«* i.*.f fell m for I <dhri gam,-* Friday. |h*rm X-l—— — -—
irVY I .g.-i , ,n, i # .iji(d.*1 ( II troggfod Milner |0-2 ,n four F.aston. Uml. - -9 ,, >eem*
fi’ c hiU r.db.t.d four walk- and, and Ihiim lf> stnpped little girl* world is rapidly
pushed H#-r.»* m-v.-n mark, r* in T* \ V. |-5.
I>rathfT Pattprns Airplane E^iel; PVxerafl KtU.
Ktibb* rhand Model AirtiMmui.K'AifJiier E’oil, A|um-
inurn iHhk (all Higf’ni. Kh.Ilcrjift, CryKt-Ii-C'Ex9P.
Kxacto-Knif** Kitx Iteatk-rafl] Aifplane I hyp#
lit F.. 2»>ih ~ Brian — (Nrxt Io Bi y»n Daily Ka<le)
1.0 Oh K I III) I K S
This Ad snd 5 rrnts ih K'mkI ofi any Tram
(ars Fem.swheel AirpUto.
I MIL NO\ I, IB'di
Highway H Sodn
Between Bryan & College
.•teninf thej ittle boy'# world In
these part* llArontly a Imy walked
aoav with in- hop scotch ehamp-
iWiship for f tie area
* 4*1-...
Hotor tails
why It's
so popular
I racluT* ^ anl4‘tl
Mich , < xlif . t Mhcrw
Many fijieningK in Single
Salary ■Schedules Ranging
from $2700 - With
large credits ft>r exp.
College Teachers of
Education all ranks
Permit* granted e 1 e m e n-
tary teachers without but
near degrees in Education.
(Jive photo, phone, qualifi
( line Teachers Agenrt
hdist I<ansiltg. Mich.
(hi SuiiitiHT (llothrM ami Sandal*
I mimes Toy n Tot Shop
“ljuaiily Merehandior For I#****
1U01 8. ObtatAto- Ph. 2-1618
I'MtKIN.i I’l.A. KS
New Location
Tie II ii\i* Mo\t*d Our Store To
Smth llijiliwav (uK Liudlrr Drive
N*at to ( orlHiiwer Cl
Nffl (W U*t
S’nd llit- Battalion Home
It I* Published Fnrc Ibtya a Week I>\tt-ing The Regular
Four L>»y» a Week lhiring The Summer Terr*
SuIimt t Price Wi.Wl ftir 12 moi
sSi.OO fort month*.
Incloeed find my check or money order fur
I'leaae send the BatUliob to
Name ....
C Qtj
STOP at the
M Ih.
Cbotro boef on taooted ben with
mitftand or aalad Brroamg,
pirkH and owkow—
Onl) Me
J Im tv
t 0^0^ 99 • aA H g& 4
jFiirr* yon rw in ii4
bmit* m every summer ecfivffy Their superior
\ 1 1
VOftoring «nd cnoct cotton ana rayon roDncs art
•w#*»» yo%mT WfffTf one*.
*\ . V ,
Suit your fc*cy in the rnolett, the mo# wtomble
Bnd weehohte sport slum you'll liqd qH»wheHk
Come m todoy and Mtot from o complete nock
Iprevwy summer activity
‘Sorting Text*
V ^
A ■
If a
// v\