The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 04, 1950, Image 1

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    City Of
Nttioa't Top "’-I;.* |
Hafrty Section
Lumhrrman'« IM9 C«ate«t
Volume 50
Moves Offices
f rom Bizzell
)AY, JULY 4. 1950
Independence for 174 Years .
AU officel of the Iffmoml
Stmknt Center heve bret.
moved from Biuell Hall tu the
^ter aawrdliM to J Wayne
SUrk, director of the MSC
art auw open,
•"•rh Mid, #thoueh Ov- rent of
the (hetar «|l not b» u
tor* 1
tWmw ut tk* dirertor amitt
aat dirortvr aid humnoM man*
* rr OeeoaaWljf offiee* rantner.
4if«eHk, and manae*r of
jr<'e»t room* 40J rrwtrvation* will
h* located in the eitrenM »e*t end
of the baiUtriT
t'Wa'w um the Oral di>or from
the ttdfwralk oft tdark Stiret u>
'•‘ter the htflllltae l ,, Stark «"l
OmaM of the VUftrka-nie arent.
taMdtttir « H*hntend*at, and ware-
he®*r will he iorated in the ba«e- t
•nent of the hoildina, Hre***nt en
trance to thane office* in on the
wmth tide of the baildinf, unind
the ramr enti^riee to the baterm-nt.
W. A Hill, tnaaatrer of the ru**t
r<M>ine, in now taking renervationn
for fvent inodit, short coumea, and
fonferem-e*, Stark naid Any other
tyfe of meeting will be taken tare
of at the bwjriftninf of the fall i
ftemeeter in September,
Telepht me number* for office# in
th# H8<' an* a* follow
Office of the Director, a**i*tant |
(iinetUtr and hwnine** manager, ac {
coantinp department, *tie#t room*
and re nervation* and atK-ial di
rector, 4 1227, i*uiUiinp *ui>eiinten
dent, punhaairig agent, and ware
bouse, ft iCn.
Ihe Memorial Student t enter 1* j
Mill aperating the ( av* ami Cave
Jr, Stark aaid The ( a»i|>a» Cor
ner wan pertnatwnUy rloeed Satur
day ( losing rate of the t'ave will
tie aanouintd at a later date
L —
Shivers Presents Bell 4
To College TomorroW
A Frew Cittsen' in a Five
Land n The engraved meaeage
»Utea that the bell wa* a tymbol
of th4
* JLmm m mil» 4 4
plaining the reason* (or
ag the replica to A AM.
iver* naid. “In addition to
I the inflrreat that ha* been shown
there b> •xstudenta and official*.
A AM a ill celebrate (U 7bth anai-
Veraart oeit year anth a record
*——* Ary*/ 1 ** * ^
Tllp* • mJm d . A *1 yA *• d 4w w A ^
A. >*» d/ dki W^
Of having contnbutod aome 14,000
men aitd official* in thir last world
war thousand* of other* in earlier
conflict* *0*1 many thousands of
fine citisen- and leader* in civil
ian lifc“
The liell will be brogght to AAM
-444. Mmt
l—v A.^^4 ■w Ap.
^ - - 1 - AO.
iXl M *hw /A dw» p
, t 4 db,. *1 ,«A <
^fec^-AAh.' ^ .
Hpi■< ,
¥ x .
Money Donated
• if
For Ordering
Ser\ i
u mm*,; a p o<— A,a—-rffff^rr
n/i/-Ar* **~4.W*I .rt. ^*1. V . dWBii*Ar ^
hp+~ Jfii.
The Liberty Bell replica that
toured Texas for six woek'* dur
mg the Independence Bond Drive
will be officially presented to the
college tomorrow afternoon by Gov.
Allan .Shivera.
All (lasses will be dismissed
from 1 45 to S> m to otteml the
preaentaUon ceremonies in The
Gruve The ceremonies will be held
at 2
The hiatonc bell was selected a*
a symbol of the Saving Bond Drive
by Secretary of the Treasury John
W Snyder One bell wa* exhibited
in each state and in tW District
of (ulumbia Itarh state will re
ceive its replica to I ■ecu me a pei
inanrnt part of trophies of that
Through the effort* of Gibh Gil-
rhn*t, chancellor of the AAM Sy*-
tem. Dr M T Harrington, pre*i-
dent of the coHege. and group*
of former students. Guv Shiver*
announced last week that the bell
for Texa* would he presented to
Engraved on a plague at the 1 Master of cervmunies for the post
t*a*e of the bell is "Dedicated to Indepegdence Day ocrMton will be
Transportation Set
As System Project
of AAM
Brace well will introduce
who will prreewt the ball
Gov ShiVera. after
boll ia behalf of the estate will
than ia turn present it to Do. Kir*
nngton Dr. Harrington will aeccfS
the bell for AAM
The governor aad hi* party will
arrive at Eastertood Field toaaar
now momiag. With him atll
Garland Smith, hi* executive
•latent and a former O
newapaperman. The party will
guMte of Dr. Hamngto 1 and
t 1 u V , tear the cam pun with him
from Dalle* where the saving* ^ eofeinonioaT
k-jT-sss zirt *rz?^£x£2Jtz
rrt*' t^'r T'&zzr&szT 7.
mg the ceremony, then w.H he CnkvfM< j B> ^
placed a* a temporary aite
Nathan Adams, •late director
for the k*old dm# and Delta* bank
er. wiB arrive in Cnfioge Station
by trajn tomorrow morning tn or
der to pertinpete tn the ceremony
Orders for a gilvar buffet
BcrvKc tti W- uaed in the Mem
orial Student Canter were
placod Juno 29 Wayne Stark,
director of the centar mkI yes
terday . .J
The money, totaling !i*»0 wa* i
given by tke Mother* (luh* of;
Sftn Angeb*. San Antonio, Hr* •
xoa County, and the cla**e* of j
1MM, ISrtft, and l*Mi The
of lUbo left SLIM of the
SilVerplate I* Item?
from the International Silver Co
tn “Cromwell' pattern Stark not
ed that International i* the same Armored F^ld Arttllepy Battaliuii
roAipany that, furnished silver have beer, announced hw Major!),
fof the ShalWBH k Hotel in Houa- j |) Butler, Battalion vommander.
tun, and the world-famou* Wal- | The ftdlawmg officer* u**k over
4arfA«tona Hotel and KoTkefel-i t he staff duties indicated, aa of
lar Center in New York City J u | y J< Major Babrrt N • rauj,
Item* on order tn<lu«le punch Hattalion Executive; Major F w.
howl* end rups. candlabra Hinaal. Jr, Adjutant, (aptain
fee um*. chafing dishes, peatry Freddw- A Woltera, B-8: Captain*
tray*, compsite* and an tea *#r- Billie N Mitchell, Lta
vine All Mlver will liear the an d luoutenant John
AAM seal, and the name of the Aaaiatant Adjutant
oimanixation giving it BatMiry Aaetfitmenfa InAtcated
(Hher Mother. (Tub* haw | are lAeWtenant Kalpa C Hook,
asked to eontrdiute toward the Jr., Headquarters Bafttery Cufn-
“• ' -S' - LantTK
* w
The Texa* InatiUlte of Tranapor
tation. combining the factlitie* of
the atatewide AAM Byatem for
studies of nrobloraa of all typos of
transportation, i* being organised
here Crvation of the Institute was
authomed by the Board of Dirwc
tors of the System at a recent meet
Principal factor in crwotion of the
Institute at this time waa designs
tion by the State Highway Depart
ment of Texas of the system **
"the state agency to do highway
research for and on behalf of the
Slate of Texas and the Stale High
way 1 teportaient
\AM Ta I wad
laderahip in the organisation
come from the college and the . whi
Engmeenng Experiment Sution, I tie
Howard Badgvtt, Col, H. L Boat-
ner, and Dr BdMi Steen.
Appropriate dget.ration* for the
Grow presentation are under the
superviaion of Cel Boatnef
TV original liberty Bell which /
now hanp in ladependence Halt /
Philadelphia waa cracked in
It rang out and first prueUri
the inoepondenre of the
is 177ft Replica* of the hell
used in th# bond drive wVre an
made in the village of AniWgy,
France noar the Swws border
Resident* and manufacturer* gif
Annecy guaranteed exact reproduc
tion of the hell in tone and ftWoMIg.
Even the cnack nh the onginhl bell
has heen simulated on the repUcft*.
udy m Texa* Metal* for the hronxe betlft we*
ighwtay problem, and Z recent ^Wted by Ameriron cupper com-
year* supporting major aircraft T 01 ? MoU>r
studies part uularivTn the Personal f** r * rr >' the Mw
Aircraft Research ( enter at the Aft Wl* Arivn,
col leg*- airport.
highvnay i
ia the study |il Texas
•m *
GBchriat ( ammeat*
Chancellor Gibb Gilchrist, a na
Uonag) racognited sull*>ritv in
the field of transportation, tn com
mentiyig on the new Institute, aaid
today: “A groat noe<) exist* for
training young men in transports
tion qf various kinds This include*
not u*ily studies of th# vehicles in
which properly or person* move,
but ftf the track or modlum on
arhioh they move or the frig through
The original idea Tor obtaining
the bell came from Dr. Frank 0.
Bolton, president emeritus of the
cottage, according to Chancellor
Gilchrist -,
GilchriHt wrote the governor
early in May, in behalf of Dr. Bol
ton Latef he and Dr Harrington
traveled tin Austin to make the rw
quest wr«nnally
Shuffler Harvey and ('ounty
Judge A S Ware were appointed
as a committee to make arrange
ments for the kail Ware is rhairi
they travel. It alto include* man of the count) » committee fbr
^saa... w- the hand drive.
3<!ninfnLs Made
a C
K»r Held Artillery
Rh(, ' Jipmm
S-8; * sots.n 1
bimmi Officer,
i. St.lea. Jr,
service Five thou*- j mender Captain Johnj if. Mirphy,
An Editorial . . .
Slop a Vlimile to Think It Over
Tak* a look ahovr There’s g ropy of the Dec|»nUion of Inde
JW-nderK* . S little piece of puper which »Ynibon/.e# frefnioiy. to over lin
million Americana
It waa signed this day 174 years ago by a small group of h»#n who
wanted freedom and wanted it badly enough to risk the.* aecha. Had
the war been unsucceaaful, they would have paid and poid .dearly
Today, a« in 177ft, American aoiuier* are fighting But today's
battle i» not only to protect our freedom, but more materially that of a
amaller, weaker, younger nation wkich we hate po-dged a—igtanra
Gnr battle now is against t—iiwnni—i. It may take tune, but we
istend to win this battle just a* we have won the other* Why have we
fought almost one continual battle for these 174 year*' Just what wa*
It about that declaration that has kept it in existence s« long?
It was a burning desire to be- free men We are still free men.
Seven Named
Cadet Officers
<>|. Ohio —8peci»l—
were well-re
WtMtl a
Dgytoi, Ohio
AAM .(letn were weii-repre-
uonted when cadet officer ae
teetiona fof the fmit week
were aniogneed here at the
with ether parts of th* system study at packaging souipment and
making special research facilities | handling and everything to da with 1 ^ M ‘a a •
available a* needed the Movement from place to place | ne*g|*sn Pl/sfsj Algfl
The rollege ha* pioneered in the of pegsons or things vF4lI 11111 I IOl> altl
development of modem transporta-1 ‘‘The Texaa Institute of Trans- ^ g __ ^ ■wrtA'-
tion systems in Texas, offering it* poriation will give opportunity for wf||/|ss|x| m|*4*cJ
first highway couraes a* early at young men to pursue graduate vTlUtivlll 1 UUU UlllO
IMHO, and furnishing much of the atwdips in t rana porta tion and at y y j -.k t
leadership for the state’s highway the name time to work on research Wore loud with a decrease in
development It ha* also done much project* in thia field, broadening ■ frecrr > k'"* '• ****»to«n
work m the fields of rail and air tjieir knowledge and enhancing ,nv ** t,nw, te ®n gardep pieta near
transportation their opportunities for traitiing
The Engineering Experiment
Station ha* devoted a large »hare
Deal. With All Firm.
and dollars i* nce.ieil U. .«.m|»iete “A" Bfttterv Comma
”'2, SHm ,h • , ’ ,h — ■" * h - ■‘"■O ^
social function* in the Atudefit Traat, “C* Battery Comma^ir.
i antei given hy stmlent*, e* atu j Battrnea "A ’ and p*’ are in the j
dent*. Collefe employ***, and |«-I CoHefd if tation Bry a ft area, and
1 4
t . _ igtery i* ia the tkldwell area
English Professor
Named Archivist
d and I
atlon of Independence could have posaibly realises!
Had it riot h,-en for that «e*- amall piece of paper and that small
group of men in 177ft, nerve of this would have been possible Today
the Ihelarxt ion of Indcp> nd> n<v is one of A^uenca'* moat cherished
document* “~-
Aad in another 174 year*, we feel sure that it will still he chenahed
and America will still be “home of the free.”
Frefeasor D H Cofer, member
of the English I >e part merit since
If 111, bus besn named to the newt)
created post of arrhiviat for the
t idiegts Dr M T Hanmgton pr%»
ideut *-f Gie Caltog*. anmmnced
late vroteriby
Ctjei will hold the title of Fix*
fonaut of Engltah and Archivist, de
vatMXg port time to each poaitteiq
itegianing August 1
Tlw piima' > duty of the arrhi
\ iat Wlfi'b* I" direct the coliectlltg,
catakoging, and prtwervatum of his
torlcal m tied* of the t ollege, Froa
ideal ll.iriingten aaid-
Aatwt Prefect
Tlw work
Rou|'h(on, Turk
Attend Conference
Dr K D Turk, ami Dr I B
Boughton kave just rvturnerl from
Installs titoi
-amp at Wftght-Fatteraon FieW
Among thw student* named were
■timoa White, group executive offi
oer (ma ioftl; IGonlun Edgar, squad
run rommhriAer imajer); Bill El-J
mure, sqiftadton executive 1 cap
tain 1; Lou Cdplan. flight command
er, (cwptgftnl; Jack Wood, flight
tom mandat (captain i; J 8 Lan-
♦aater. fli|ht executive list lieut.i;|
and Frank Thurmond, flight execu
tive (lat texftLj
The folftiiadng men were named
as non co#m|aaioiied efficers find
sergeant jL E Finley; technical
sergeants, John H Burttachell.
• (ecU Inglghar Jav Sponger, staff
sergeants, Tammy Butler. Doyle
Griffin. B W Brown, and G A
- X_i *
of its reaearch to ti ansportation.
VA Rf*pre***ntativt*
. g»L1 To Met*t With Vein
A representative from the Vete
ran* Administration regional of
fice in W aco will be on the campus
Thursday te talk with any veteran
students pertaining to VA affairs,
according to Taylor Wilkina, vete
rans' advisor for the college
TV representative will be in
room 204). Bitxell Hall, from It) a
m fill 2pm
Veteran* who have any problem*
pertaining to VA affairs are re
"Tn highway resoarrh will be de
voted a considerable portion of our
early activities, but the Institute
wilt deal with all firms of trans-
portgtion. a* needed Such an In-
• tiUXtr ba» long been nceder. and
AA1| is pecuhariv in a porition to
provide it."
A number of transportation re-
•earrh studies now under way for
the Engineering Experiment Ste
tson, together with the new high
way research program, will form
th* nucleus of the Institute's work
TV organisation will be able
to undertake studies in any phase
of transportation and to receive
and expand fund* provided by
quested by Wilkins to contact the trsrtsportation agencies for the
representative, regardl##* of any | devftlopment of facta in the public
previous action taken mtefest
the college
Obtained through th* tfoflirgl-
ture Department, th* plots are be
ing worked by *tu<hrnt* livipg la
College View
Gardners bar* been paying sub
stantial returns in frwfth vegetables,
compared te the smAII amount «f
money aad spare time spent on
them, according lo (Tied Williams.
Grady, t.oudnan. and Johnny
Evans, who art working plots ID.
to, and 22, respectively.
They figure the investments for
seed, fertiliser, and charge fog
ground-breaking te average bn*
tween S3 and |t on each plot; sav
ing* on frurwry MHa. they claim,
are from 111) to $2» a month
Forty eight of the plate have
been assigned to the -rodent* oa
a first-come, ftrot-»erved basis The
pots, each approximately 14) X 40
feet, a** located north of A row
in College View.
the College will bv ('(fleeted, kV 1
lifted and preserved there a* pari
of th* werk ender the direction «f
„f u. nm iw c-K-lii-
of th^ II«|« office wi| he the col
lection of |g|turo* dtoforms and
inlormatton te supply a kietorual
dispUijr for clhibitioft during the
Couegt * 75th anmterseiy yeai
starting in Usllltokto-
t.rnduates Magna Cum l-sudr
of Eentucky, Cofer*
o TV
came |« T»*xa# ia Ifml h> jo*" l he
English 1 r-partneiit staff M as
net roc lot Hr receitied hia R A
troni Cemtre Coitcg* where he
comiucted as graduated magna cujn laud# aad
salutatorian of hi* ctgro In 19ti7
He heoame an aasiktaat nrofes
aor in 1011), and gatped full pro
feaaorahih ia 1M2 Qafei also
. _ served aft acting head <?f the de-
fFMhri w 'll t ‘’ i"**'*" the partmenft in lttl-21.
Listed m "Who's Who in Amer-
tedptatton", the newl]
is being ro
joint proyn*'i of the College and
the Funner Student’s A Kaon a tion
The t ollcge will furnish housing
and personnel for the WftTk, while
gjt from former student’s wf!
An ttffire and repmitory for the
search -neatiats of the American ;
Cynannde Company.
dean and one faculty member
from each school of Vetennftry i
Medic mi** in the Doited States,
Mexico. Cuba and Canada were 1
the guest* of (hr 4 ompany
The purpose of the conference,
wrtlh-h wa* held in New York, was
tft Bcuuau't the vcUnnary persew-
nftl of the various ( el tore* with
the farilHte* for th* manufactarv
of antibiotic* and drug* for humaa
and vetermnry medicine.
Young DirtM-dinu
Kan^e Field I our
Dr. V. A Young, head of the
Range and Forestry Deppstmesit,
is conducting a summer taitge man-
Antique Collection Keeps
Memory of Guatemalan Days
two matching French cabinets is
a hand made silver plate with a
May an border inscribed in Spanish
with the following words "To His
Exgsllency, the Dr. Edwin J. Kyle.
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Diplomatic Person from the United
States of Americw "
Hr ncath this inacrtptton are sig
tury Spanish stirnjii* hang frem a
Hanging frem the roiling of the
itining toom Is a thandelier fi
< techoslvv
akia. The polished glaaa
sends sparkling gem* of light over
the whole room.
In addition to the antiqwaa, the
Kyles brought back with them new-
An ofitve and rvp.Mni .i> tor the waa cvdhcation , the newly ap
archives te he cstahliahcd on the pointed archivist ha* edited and
ram pus witJHft the next few week*, ' written toveral bosks, one of which [ age merit field tear fat ceutp
will he oprttod on August l Relira
and dorumepts of the early days of
At the Grove
| am Fra* Movie Intrudai ia
tha Dual," inth Claude Jamaa.
was used for IS years to one of the
Eaglidh Depertaeat 4 eaaay cour
Another one ef h» tv-oha was
taken frUm material odiected far
a thesis before ivceiWng his Mas
ten Degree from the I'toveraity
! of Wiacutuua
The sir hi vmt ia latprefttad la all
hack ropie* of any ■
tieaxt totters aad
tefta to tha collet
agents and v«r»tieaal agnruRural
The tour left Stephenvill« June
2ft aad WIN end there July 10 Dr
Yoeug to Wing a sale ted by Doctors
O. E. Sperry and F. W Gould.
Twenty county agents and six
acrirwtoure teachers are taking
part to the tour Their first step
waa at the Sowers Experiment Sta
tion, whore class ream discussions
war* bald and field studies made
A former deaa at AAM ha* in
his Bryan home a collection of an
tiques and furnishing* from Guate
mala that have varied and inter
esting histones
He is Dean E J. Kyle, former
dean of the School of Agriculture
and a recent ambassador to Guite- __
mala Dann and Mr. Kyto have .mteaaad^ in GuVte^toTt'tiat /’ar^W doll*, depleting
the collection at their Yiome, 117 UmK in recognition of hi* service ‘'"tome, of the G
as xmbssaadar. It was presented to
Kyto upon his departure in IMS
... , , , , . . , Shme of the largest items th#
After being sseocisted with the Kyto* hwve are silver trays, plates,
college m venous capm-lUe. f.r 42 4nd tllvvMrmra Included i. . aD-
jrears. l>ean Kyle wa* appointed to vrr ^nter piece for the table and
M’est 34th 8t in Bryan.
Guatemala Amhaai
natures ef all foreign minister* and , ^•"•rx ft^d LuutemelaB teiongmgs
the differ-
the Guatemaian position in 1V4S
by the Iftte president Franklin D
He and Mrs Kyto had aNrays
heen interested in antiques, and
while in Guatemala for three years,
saw a chance to coliect them Their
Guatemalan friends helped, and
alas many old families would sell
them chenahed antique* handed
down frem genermtioa te genera-
piet e
f tke knife ever 1(M years old.
ng a fireplace to a large bowl
a fireplace
pitcher, silver plated upea cap-
K and once belonging te Joae
ia Reina Bainoa. president of
Gufttpmals from IftdS te ISM
There is a note ins vie the
er that says Baines was
by an Englishman
* ear Old Dresner
Gn one side of the living room
are kept to a case
Kyto Receives Hewer
February. Dr. Kyto
resented the Order ef Ui
t Htrh-
F. J Kyto
fatteto Deaa ef AlriewHurv at th# euitoge, whpre W ss
toam uaparitlaft far 41 jraara. S. J. Kyto «f FiSaa to tl
• large collectisa ef aatiqnes aad pmivealra ahftataed to
served to vat-
the evaer ef
Many times Mrs Krle had te
look long and hard te find a part
ieuiar articto she wanted
Their home to deaerated with
th# colUetiea. madmwdite fund-1 ■•tote.
ter* fitting to with the old-fe*h , i twelfth mntury stirrup site on
towed style Ow top af th* owe of tha Door and
highest order amdal gives Is
Guatemala He to the only Amen-
ewa to reemv# it. and could net ae-
oupt R uwtd he had been discharged
from the Btate Deparf awft. ;
Hanging an a wall to a Wiser
with th* fhiRtoMUlii Dag IK
upper left and the Amei
in the lower right tor***,
to Mvwr and written to
are the words “Th# Presidant ef
KuaMlsnnr Mr.
ef the United
IK Waft
to part ef tha |
sal on the G
Tito Kyle.
ortaa of fthflto
and cherish their antiqaee i
toihing. aa a reminder ef
W there
* * \ ' -A' \\
• 1
f\ ’ •* i ' t i\
vl 3\ \