The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 30, 1950, Image 4

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    * i
f* * V
«; ^ j
You Will Find..
A4bM Chmrtk
Vy*« m
•*f th* Com-
* tHb for Ik** Shin-
tho ftwcrrni Nor
of tV AAM Pro.
VlMMI CVrrh «*Mt yoatonisy
Suiutey Scliool <torU at 9 4£ a.
V. fottooro4 ot 11
‘ttorwuc worohiy At I p
Junior L«oo* otnrwoo will ui#
■loro. On4 at t:M thr StuArnt and e ®®"
Fotowohip rxorriooo will roa
wooaMa ft It M at tho
tut CVofrh TIV of tV
wofninf oonnoa h ' “A
Look TV «ho Voorond
Brtwn aronaacwt
’TV LoH’o Bwppw''
tho tapir far tho Kronifif
a m ,k-. *t • P- ■« whoa ( ommu
* * tho ^ FnAay oaoainc 4 T:*t i moiahart .
ii t.k. tho onnaal Voration Hblo trhool oioaa. arrontinf to tho Itovorond K.
i wi$ toko L Brown, paotoi of tV Fiiwt Bap-
\mrmm.: i ‘i
moonarat on
ho aritod
School Enrolls
133 Students
Tht V»«t
lion Ekble School
UuMta at tht
Church in Col-
hat a total of one
y thru#
in ita four divi-
Holy Owp—ip will bo du
tnbotod at 1:99 Sunday an
^ ropiar w<
Bt TVma. Epioropol for l$ a ^
ig PrayoT and $hip w ,„ ^ k o
will bo Vid at' p
rharoh «f Oh riot
Sunday worainr BiMo rlnp* for
all arm oil 1 bo at I 4A. thd Bar-
I onop Jampa B. Fowhrr uf tho
• hurrh of n»n»t announrod Tho
roy of tho
M a. m. with KvoMMf Prayor
arhadalod far I P p m
3** IH' ■-
it Mary'a (aiholir ( hapoi
Tho arhool ia undor ruidanro of
P*. Browa, who a tho vara '
tion ■chool pnrxlpal, HaMo* fur
tho varation arhool atartorl on tho
aoronth of Juno and 'will <-«mo to !
a rkiao on Fnday. Juno U». at
aovon In tho ovoning whon com
aaonroitiont Will W hoM tho pa»
tor announwad
( ommonramont ovornao* aft to
bo hold in tho church auditorium
With all the parent* and rhtld-
»on lakmf part in tho prorram
Tho varation arhool ia for
y«iunp pooplr of all arm and fol-
bw* (morally tho pn>rram out- j
i I inert by tho Haptmt Sunday
i Srhool Boani of Naahvillr. Tonn
»*a«rr riaaara are hold from k 30
_ _ . . IVtil 11 aarh mortiin* at tho
T.od ia tho aubjort of thp Ua rharth
norySermon ahirb will bo rtad in
all rhurrhia of Chriad. SrimUat. (*raoral offlcor. af thr vara
Sorviroa born Sunday mominf Sunday Tho fr-nip iaoota «hoh * n Mrt k L Brown
School and I Sunday in tho Anaomblv M<aam af rOnoral
L V H.„„
tAM Moihodi.l Ihurrh j ' M
Sunday Srhool bofina at 9510
with tho moiyimp worahip at 10 U>
at tho ABM Mothodiat Church
with tho Rrvoromi Jamo* F. Jack
«on in tho pulpit. Tho laat ia a
Largest in
• i
CS Woman's Club Promotes
Acquaintancesand Friendship
Member> of the adult handicraft grou
craftnanahip which t
which ia
f raup.
•I 7 ML
I 1 Thera ta oalv ono Maaa od Sun
A f anfirmation (laaa wttl bo day now i ha Lead of tho twp aor-
Vid at 4 p m Uia Sunday. Bov vtcna arovtoualy hold at St Mary’i
Halvoy aaid Alt intoroaiod ia i atholir ' kat-l Mam thin Son*
( onfirmatuin art invited to ot-’daf, tho fifth Sunday iftor Fente-
food without abhratioir- Holy <-o«t. will bo at t « m.; it will ho
CooNnunioa wilt ho nerved daily a Low Maaa
next week at 1 lb a m ia con ^ L ^
aortior with tho South went Town tnarrh of Cnrtat.
and Country Inatitute. ho added
i w.
t of tho L
of Mr. ami Mm Handd Vinr«
607 Hpat dfnd Street in Btfyan
will bo ynarrieii to Lt 'b ..a i
Flrof Baptiot (horrh
at 9 46 with Sunday School and
will continue with tho mornm*
men of the 4rt Group worn Mm ■ Hub ia not a civic orpanitation
Th. 1 oi .K tk. ... I ** ^ Hanorwr »nd Mm M Nanco It ia a club with the purpoao of
for womo<m tV CcSmVSS! Mr * R 11 ' U ' Wl ’ K ' r w%t rh * ,r brin *‘ r Mf Pomona o nnortod with
n,d iVn rik^ of the Fo04 * Gr “p- wh ‘ kf tV ralloto m ronurt with otWn
^ ^ A ** V* * Mm W E Wntbt wan director whom tho, mipht not •therwue
• - to promote acquaintance „f tu# Handifraft croup and Mm ho aaaoriated
WOmrn W H 1>*»*FV»o wm prtaidmt
of the (ollo»e SyxiMa. All women of Now^MMra. \ Ad^a < un.matbn '
who belonp to a family of proaenl j
ami former AAM Syatom employ- Meet* ia Sbiu Hall Thia year tho club adopted a
eea, and women cmpioyoaw them- ! new ronatitutiion One af tho main
aolvos, are ohvible for member Social Club hold ail pen provwiona of thia ronatitwUon wa*
ship rral mootinfl last year All ww tho ehan(inc of tho malabarmhip
The fimt meet in* ot the Soc- ** TV fyat^moOt- to tacluda any peraoo aonnocte,!
. ^ .. tal Huh will Iw held on the fourth 1 '?^ f 00 * Ortober M and t with the AAM System
. handwraf. «rw«D proudly .how tMae piece, of Kr<lay o( September of n*xt year. ^ lw,t or ' ; n April. Included in than juat tho l olle*.
3 ^ announced Mr.« C Miller; i ^ 0? !f armony
arrive, meet, an Monday and Thumfcy racing. prrin<u . nt of rlu b for tho past ( * pp ^ of ? ^
year This, however, is a now nil-jr*" 1 p * jr t ^ r ,5***ff*V'
m* amco in yearn iiefore the club Stephen F
ha« «tartod the year in October Mifh School A apella
_ . . ! ( hoir, and a» art and handicraft
The- or*aniEatkin ia divided in- j ^jbibit
to aix intoroat groupa Mm H W.
Bat low haa been the «hainnan The Jovial Club ia an out*rowth
of the awimmmg group tin* year. l no »r*aaix*tton* which were _
Mra J H Hill add Mrg. H W. on the campua, One or*ani«ation w , )r ( in September are”.Mr* H
Stern were co-chairmen of the wa* a community < hnstmaa par- vi Barbw, proaldont, Mra. Le»-
ty rven for jbe atudonta who O'Bannon, v ico-prr*idont;
couW not affuiri to go homo for Mr> Warlkor. SmVry;
t hnstmaa T>»a urvantaaUon waa v)^ Martv Kamw dbaaMnr
.am/ms (.orner - - - - 1 * R * row
V/t.s.s Vance to Wed Saturday
Mia. Alma Joan Vance, daudktor , bndoamaiiia Mi**iw Mary
Ward, Mary Oliv# Bullock.
Manon Norton, all of Hryan Mias
w , Vir*ima Klapp. t of. Hearne. Miss , . . , , , . .
Yeoman Saturday evening it a j Gwen Lonbnecker oT Bn>wnavillo, n,,, 9"“ or " 0< " " 0 * > * fr,,up '
p.m. ' and Miss Ann M< KdH of Silshee
Tho eervntony will take also will ala# attend the bndo ac
Baptist (hunk
S morary prmidonta for this
wore Mra Gibb Gilcbritt
and Mm Frank Bolton.
Tho dub hope* to haoo ta regu
lar meeting room in tho now Stu
dent Outer build)rut, and hold
meetings there next papr.
Officer* who will begin their
\ ■'
Black and brown plastic rim
elaaaes VWao contact Grady
F.lma. Room {09, Goudwin Hall
or call 4 1149 or « MA4
mbly Room of f^nrral imcrrUry . UN.
• T Bonnett, asaiaUM secretary, Mm.
V. HaMM. devotional loader;
m. Manon Pugh beginner de-
P rtraont aupenntendont, Mm. L
Ihilaney, pnmaty deiiartment
aupenntendiwt; Mm I K Adama,
junior division auiienuterMient
and Mrs Gtiy (iann. intermediate
Closes Today
Campus fomer, better known
a* Georges” will close pormanet-
aorioa of Cathoded Films Will ho department superintendent
*hown at the evening *#i4ncts.
Pa*t* 4
VYtiiay . June 30. 1150
Of the IS.1 member* enrolled
in tho vacation *ch<.»l, 49 mr> in
tho beginnom ilotiartment. ST in
tho primary department. S5 in
tho junior department, and 14 in
the intermediate departanent, Res
Brown aaid
The pubhr is cordially invited
to attend the < ommenermont pro
gram Friday night ut seven
; o'clock in the chun-h auditorium.
Rev Brown added.
at tho First Baptist (hurcb in hndoamaida in the gxromony
Bryan. The Reg. William H An- v i »
dmw* will affiktto * fiyl r
Mi*, ( and Howard <rf Bad An- ^ " pw ’ Il nn ;
tl*i 7r^„i
Altua. Okla , will ho Wat mpn , '! lh * m lod *7' Mom. Walker, mana-
Miai Vairo rhoae 1 as her ( ^ N" Foidbarg, rt . r> y e ,toniay It V 'won
♦—-* . i*aliaa. , ln |, ugln eaa since 1989
u Ik. ii T 1 l ^ {> * '' oV ‘‘ • n ** Ihgi Foldberg will The Memorial Student Gcntor
■•MBuMMJI lourney light tho candies staff has boon operating the ron-
„. 1 The rweption. ar|lrh will im* fectionery.
Oily |*reo entrant* _hase me«ilately follow the wedding, will j Walker will become assistant
f'f**i* f# * ' ,>r Opoa Hand- ( ^ hold an the lawn ot Mrs Mag- manager in tho fountain room of
baB Toamey to be played neat ^ home. The Oak* the Student ( entur next fall,
meat. j.— —_ -4- —
•*'rhl. tournament la ppaa to A .
oeryone in tbe ( olloge Station
area. Intramural Director Bar
nry W riok .aid this morning
Deadline for entrant* ia S <M
p m Monday I here will hr
doabie* and single..
Mai<he. will be piayed m tho)
I.title t.ym
(hnstmaa. ryua orgatsi.«uv«i w*. . Mid Marty
arrive when gll of the college *taff Mrs Rons Sherwood, pailiamentar
lived on the campus. | an . Mrs. James Four*, fwporibr;
The other organisation was the and Mm H. L. Heaton, general
College Red Cross The Social chairman r , .
Ndrlh Gale
Phone 4 4444
We Give S&H Green Stamps
We pay the highest unces ioi Used Books
We maintain wholesale and retail lists the
year round.
Serving Texas Aggies
A 1
ill with a nATTAiion (-ijumvtan. kupax ■opnut <m .us ► <*+ n.4.
*i mmm . . mi oore i** mMnk* mcm •Uta.urr m s im* ,* n> |
was a Mr wmoasua iv*** •» i a- *•.
•Vaoefwa aatitae . iir aw *woma PtKer. A $ 11. k.xp* Prfi
mas asoi all ctamirwea was rwaH %rMI g 1B- aMf lM . a..4
MW” *• amaom seuvmw umm W~V n MaOrr II IS^-r .Wl ( «. ,
an os. mwua s. mn^s i. Sr is an ^ mit lM<hrr <..4*4 *«, tTL^
l, " n rueneoMo. iv> Hm. t*vw <tM V.w wilt aril
,l * r.r lias rk..n« «-riit * m. m tlx
a rOR BALR • H.»* ^
cm. w im
WMigrrh ■ ougi.
j , m I,*4 tuc I .noon fnMM oA rwr> i*» timn tw |
. _ ._J _ «m< MliMK* to* •*> V* f wonts K*IM» 1
tsn^lr, H.—. Hin .
Un. rim rixio* 4 4111 .* w* •« !
•11 HWSW*. “ W “ Jlifc
OOC AT THU 4t I*. Boor W>»>«■'*
•Ot. •Ml SMI*' (W.WtMII . ..Met of. H*
Iw* Sam mm • •** •f'»r | I 4 Tin
a FO« RENT a
We ire buyinf; out of d»te
books of msjor binik ctdn-
pantoa Some half list pnee.
Other* wholea»le if neetiwi
Hans I.*» on the Faftr
Smith f*trni Machinery and
Forvoll Dairy'tngmooring
Braato* lend Drainage and
Braato* Agriculture engineer
ing fold note book
Lyon A Buck man Natarv and
Properties uf Sods
Murrey— Farm Appraism
Ziegler The Meat We Eat
Luak law In its Application to
TWry -Office Management and
Kiaibah A K —Principles uf In
duatrial Organisation
Smith A J —Uaifigd ( akaiua
Sboop A Ture- Merhaai< al Ep
gineeriag PTaottro
Siaco Madera Metallurgy for
' Engineers
Snodocor- StatiPliral Methods
MoOtrklo A S -Texas Govern
Foly ( allege Hiyairs
Stqddart A Smith — Range
Managgrai nt
Alive us Texas Grtaara
Mann Strength af Material*
Fepbndy Deatga of Reinforced
- < Crmcrete
Ward Introdactwa for Electo
ral Engineering
Gay A W - PriarWles and Prac
thro uf Electnga) Engineering
MtaNigacc ArarragNT .as «•.•.-
a *rva. I4wl (Or cuu.W Aim lUw
m w* Sam* a i mis*» tutiwA. Aoetv ] |
m* Uw Axs«ur In. 0*1 rr-O gr eSa.r
College Slalitm Stale
North Git*
ONE ncoigrtago Nura* ran or ear'
timr l. AdanaMratar UaUwaa.
gounir Huaiatx Mut anav '(.• Tua>
e umr AND rontfD a
MUTT tkuld watrS In». • S>»>...
Tie la. Asm grim. Cri«s*Su*f tmta"
0.11 4 m 4mm 4 tssi .fler A
Pw Mtiiaaiw a. SuUOMa »»a»r^ fa
pain ani •oarre* *<ek call 0 M iHila
ilaUaral CtWtrMIM' llxitw 4 *tTX .
PlAIM ! aaataw grm In M taw ■all A»-
•m A».iaaif.( or .4 < anraS •> i4e<A* *»ar
i tea (aethUa. a.ail.Sre Saa tuVatM Huai
a< Waaw Matt ar immphmm 4 AS. I
Faa Ktado.
Rvapurative < wrier a
Ho Rewind Muter*
Ndl H. Main ITl V4lt2
Dr Cgrlton R. I>et
201 S Main Btroot
Call MM? fur AppointriMmt
■ ■ .mm . t . ...
Whdf* At’
Who Sm But
11 iidiiijj Post
North Gario
^ I
STOP at the
Central Texas lianlware Co.
Bryan, Texas
The FAfhan®e Slnre
“Serving Texas Aggies"
With Two Stores
Ma in (^ampUM AAM Annex
\meriean l,niintlr\
— and —
l)r\ Cleaners
Bryin, Texa*
Slutienl Ptihlleal inns
Texan AAM ( ollege
City National Bank
Member FMrral IrunininrF ('orpttrtttla"
Bryan. Trxaa
For a i
with % Ih
buef op fantid bag with
Serving the College Station and
Bryan Communities Since 1909
First Slate Bank & Trust
Mambar Fadoral DupogR UMuraara Oarparatloa
HI —
la thia lighthouse built on aaad? Seemingly poJ All
you Can arm at ita bom ta acmri
A dud My thia towering atruoture ia built or rock.
Underneath 9beae dunea oi aRnd ia a rocky ledge,
firm and enduring The aaad may be carried away
by »ea ar wind, but thia lighthouse will stand secure.
There's a roct; a firm foundOtton. underneath!
Soind people look at the Church and see only
sand. They see the shitting eands—ot custom—and
fashion—and passing persoaalties pile up and wash
away around the Church Why is it still gtandmg?'
they ask—-lor they see only aaad
The Church would have fallen long ago were it
built on anything so fickle os lath ion, to casual as
custom, pa impermanent as mere people The Church
M built on rock, ftrm and enduring It will aland
eemie lor all aoee. aheddfag light and imparting
strength to all whe are gui|d#d by it It gtands on
the 'Bock oi Ages,” the dirim# personality of ’esug
Christ and His a xesuge ok uupri lor all mankind * %
Calendar «f Church Service*
Authurued Deeler Hbtmlton (Hume) Dryer
One Block Kart of
College View Apt*
College Station, Texan
AO Grill
North Gal*
. 4
h» beef tMuriad bug with I ■ __ . ^
I Henry A. Miller & Co.
•;49 A M ('hureh Se|
11 ;QQ A M Morning
9:49 A M.—Bible Ctsaera
10:41 A.M. Meraiag Melikip
7:11 A M.—Youth moeiiftg
9:19 A M —Cadet fofi
t fer 15c
North Get*
Phone 4-1145
144 A M -
nri a.m -
uiS rs-iisi, 0 ^
9:46 A.M.—Beeriey Srbooi
10:60 A M Morning Worship
7rie p.m.- Tretarieg t aken
see p.m. Evening Worship
1:00 AM.—Holy Communion
9:80 A M Aggie Coffee Club
9:80 A M.—Ceuix#i Srbooi
11:00 A.M.—Mononf Worship
6 90 P M Evempg Service*
« 90 P.M-Student League
7:90 P.M—FelleWelup Service
9:90 A M Bibia Oaaa
10 46 A.M.—Worship Service
J. (» Penney & ( ompany
Bryin, Texas
“Clothing for the Family
M -Sunday Srbooi
M Morning Worship
For t apecial evening of enterUtam
bring the family to Martin’s for t
licioua Barbecue Dinner. Freeh barbe
cue eewen days a week Special rnt« for
H. (’allege Reed
• /