The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 30, 1950, Image 3

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In 31st
< V
Uat ni«tt
fine hurled « threw
the r>mt f«f
the loral nine
pHrher* J«ae
■unted and w ■ 11 In
the only
Raftehiill RrMills
Major Lra^iw
Ked Hot It AMttin 14
Pfctlarieipfcia. Jane
The Beaton Rad Sr** and Phil-
'"t Oirht In TfeUra. CtHf tfct Jin»»l AAD
[tKithloa Cn&mpionthip rot uadcrwty with 21 tUM« «b-
tBrad in Um two day meet The favante waa, of cmtfw, the I _
hometown bty and PeftHdinf ehu \**\ Bob hitter m w.nnei,
SK T . Fr; I Tf ]WWm*m
Mathian wow the meet in ’48 M well as tT^ 0 ^ tw f,,
w aim jotfi tunes the ^tnner.up Ana 1 Mr K h.rv-d wtth the laaa. aittwMrh
“lloon Mondsrhien -f ^* w YorkJ #*l , t - -
enter this ymr. If Ifsthlss wins th i year, he
will be the third min t$ have ee« * won the
AAU nscathloa for thnse times a4i
ewe to have won it thrm Ism
Besides Mondnohieit who won the event
in ♦4, '4* nnd 47 While attending Mew
York Pinverait) Hamid Oshum ofllliRoin A.
w* mi«w.. ^ WOB the ten ever t meet In 13, ’2d. end 16
tnNiriA.H Osbum was atoo (Myrrsnc champion in r 24
and srOrsd 7,710 points out of the pcmiWe 10,000.
Mathias, who is IB, weighs 190 bounds and m ffont tall.
I»r* sumahly. in in eaeellent shape He wem the
title wKh a sewe of 7.886 p<«nts and will be trying to break
the world record set by the Olyrnu* rhampxm of 1 36
Moms of Cotorado, which w 7 900 poinU This is the
after the change in seoring which oorurded (Hiring )93(
The decathlon consists of 10 events 100 meter* dash
broad jump, shot put. high Jump pm* meter* dash. (l0
high hurdles, dineus pole vault. JivMin. and J
Bill Albans of North Carolina, who finished third last «vpp»* ye**flay ** *w»t the
year with 6.715 points. sh<*uid fumnh the n M.t rom 7 o* S. «i • nest
iSanU Barbara cJK,f ' 1T 4. Hr.w.. i
et SeV- St Leu it. June SB The
bt the CWveisiMl Indian* nwateil U*
i. ■
It an
I led ta* Inasi s It ten
S rimm rtsrrt is an* trla
•» tbs MfSed franw
Item spsHhnI by •
the but nf rWHt fielder
) as thru*
ptahs* *•*
*« twn watt* ■
But Uw visit
t thfUMfh .
in tun uruirS
a* thst HoHherH |oslin
thre«- dhrlr* asd a Sow* ran
whteti. to a three baa* Si for,
arietphta AtSleUeu nut en one of hreufSt Some five motft marhera
th* urwrrtMt Swflay. of bate |„ u,, fsf th thr baSM
hall is S<*4or> yesterday a* the niIM . lU f ir *4 run Whe,,
rlaba amaahwi the American j* NiWl-wn who hid VSlltwl
Usnua rvrecd for total run. in aeored oa a aiycle and an isfleU
a njaa-inma* same. After thru* out NM*oi' »core<1 th, wn>r,i
heart *f play. iS* Red Sea ea**r- run with a four b*cr*f with sen,
whtnef S2 to 14 There aboard fei the ninth
as anl|r one home run - Twl The Winner* added four mail-
WSta* adth. i run* is the *eTenth on three am- ;
wIBs laa 7, Tlfara 3 !slw, • triple snii an error, sral
Detroit, June 30 •P* The Oo^Wor th#, ronrtSaion *4orn. four
care White %>x fuve lefthan.Wr *1(01 n|na In the ninth with two
Boh Cain mum pow^ful batting •in#lc« a triple, and t*n eftvm
prtiunn A comparative unknown from
w (>t* y Scruggs He won
eral w*mh* 4 gn with a
dark bofne fti the meed
two wnska ngo. pis red third
hay ben working to Improve his uffbftB in the
i- »
Barbhr a
he haMnl qWt
Tur-ilsw W »he local picture and If
trytne to throw awneeae mta the res
decat bias frwn Teas* - the *taW tm
which cm Sawat as net havtifr rue
a* AAV ur Olyntph devatKkw ntsrths <
champ ten «« use So ent Setter alsat fer #
fitted than Boh Ceode he flnMWd
WhiR at ABM. Boh w*a one haee pla<»d MsUar.
of the better fhethaff ptayert W •* me betrtnniat
the ...nferenef. aad he aiao held Srither Baker nor
hi* ..wn in the track and field were g.-eet distance
erettt* He Sad on# fling at the hSd’ Pah 'Wun the
deeuthlaa; it u*» in the th kan- ''• v
»»* Relay* which wa* won by
Maxwell W ins
ts 1
CS Enters 13 Girls
In State Swim Meet
Km mtb
the StaR
_ I 1st
XJ ,. L a r-meUTc
and Emil M
the groop
Swimminy rtmrh Alt Ai
and Mr* Art Adsmaon t
to Houston feutarSay is
Renta «
•f IQS.
Dtehw eompouttaa w«- eoa
af one-meter iprtagb mwi. thi
SR«*r apriwnhaaig, and lM*Sh
cms* platform, aad fivs optional A
concerning the aad five required dive* will
•cet. perfumed fey tewtete'
Mahiug th* trip Wday for th*
Nancy Hale. Aim O’Bannan
plaSa arranget
fit CS Lesien Nmf
7J^MS£r»X n~kiS*JL, TteLiv
Spnom HiU miMsr Marih# 'TICtIN ^ H I f 1 <Nld \
Kigle, Helen* Boatner, Liindal* * .- *
Potts, and Pam Wtlaon Mttaea Pete Hickman, who war the
O Baonon asd Basts«r are th* hero m the lari roller* Btathm
I,divan of th# crew. Amencaa Legwa hasabaH Bam*,
will b* an th* awand today for
will be on th* swond t
the local awe who will
S*aly oa th* Kyla Field
HosaRm. Uallaa Ban Aatonio,
Au*tm. EJ Paeo. Galveaton, and
HctfU# Boatner
Am 01
, tnd
4-1 Vendiet «Wr the Bt I«* III fir^rA Coif
Browa* last mtht tahmd the m- aM A ^» A/AM I
kit pHchiag *f Steve <>mntek.
Mi*ae* ^ Ranpoi' and IRalacr will form the diviay portion of the
ffeup of ( si at mm firi ewiaiiaer* entered la the Male Wooten'*
( hemptoaoMl* S wham tag and Ibviag Meet which i* lakimt place loda)
at the dhamrWrk Pool in Houeton.
iMndaa hy pitcher Duane Pil-
* <•"' ■ k -i30 A ' b tr ,u ref«.“of Nn^ Tfnni* Coach Head* l»rograni
la third
he qui
the run.f
' Mondnchien
inner* and
S* may
Cleveland rung in the first inning, _
(da a I* l(. Is >d ger* 5 ChUn ^
Brooklyn. H>se M -4* TW Harvic Ward. Jr., ycsttr
New York Gia#u *na/po«i to Ufa day (imshed a thorough
of the way dopr 'er*
figured in the Nt V A
r*f tnSfi
iMrk Toat <»( Oregon Stau |n>I
isheri .rtf Want, 4 aad A to am* rgi
aa <>ne of the latent Ihvwnt.-
Raaklhg right with barn In gal
B* HAltol H C, ANN
'Terwu* ia m
tav* won the contentl
itforma nt l#a Anfolea, 1 up nr- »civnee, requlrt
fih thr hut tarn mninf* ye.terday,
aia* tn trounce th*
ru. n*«
had pttebed
af islte
eighth with a
he aoddenlv lout j
*tuff lory eriimate* «n* Hei
Hr**** I. Philllen 2 i Alven af the l niver*lty of Cal
Boetnn. June W -TV Ban
! ton Bra*** kngrbed ‘he Philadal•»mr ovwy Arnold Palmar of Bake tw* to masief '' Th..*e are
- . . . , Bob nob the Its mtar in 112. ph.a wMia ki#* mlt of a tain- 1 rarvat tnumey medalilt and pre
tarle* Baker of Arkan*a* plocrd **4ond in thej javelin V- m>rary first Mace tie with the wnialy rated
Mnnd*chien war »eciw>d and Bob Baker *e,und jn the pole Brooklyn Dodger* last night a* Ward
fini'hed aevantii VM | t Wlt j, , heiir B t 0 | jj’ 4 ’, and Vem BlrherfStrl nut-ds*ll*H left
Hob emild have finuhed highag, »#e.>nd in the dhcu* j K,. n Hehituehnkr for a 3-2 dec!-
to* Alm|WM»s Han tha Aitety j ' (Who A < ardtasio I
Jmk Simpaan of the ini ASM caaketflaM pomtion fir the Wet- 1 ,, 1 l*r,„^h,tT tn i- ..
frak team ha- the neede.1 ah,lily mar Trndkerv hit t4n for f.ntr>t t. a A t vnc lTn^ V J ' "fl rw’ ’.!
«h, h could lead him to a dg- in the fra,.* betw.v^ ike TfVt- f* <***?] *g*. 1 W * t1 ^ ^ . U ,h *' rui# * Hn ' , *
rath!.,a rhamptonahip if he w.mld er* and th, BraZaTjLmn. Wed- ^ C amto v^ ZT'^KTr 7 . *'2?* H)' ""•<r«« r O.bel fm ,- j, Imwell*. folden rule
*...k Ja< k ,* fa»t in the .iariim ne*d.v He also hsril 3 KBit to f‘ ™ Ik. L ^wli 1 "LLUf'Z ^ S* r t h,lf?r ; l . h ‘ 'V f ^
and hurdle*, car to.* th, ..vel.n hi* cr-1,t. Aggla,..d Haedvr ^, ^ iTmlZ th'* ;' lf t ub Th
mn. broad lump* around 22'. attd teamWaU AI Ogeltld, h«1 -We ' ^ ^ ^ '’L*?^'**"* * ^ ^ ’ h ‘ d “\ ^
V, pole vaulted ron.,*t*ntb hit >4 thfr, tnp. adThrwuRBt M ^ , IP - ’ n th » ^ f c nducte,! lailv wnae
around 13* C*. Ht is aMr to h.J two fun. m tV pX*. dU w ft Y*tea 7 h>Rr»al| w1th Yoat for heg,r,«n» jib, U,y* uke he « toUfh
)Limv c f ^ ^ ^ g**a, « T ■ r.lJJkSi YmIl Just >A- te— Semifinal* al* are *rhaduie,l coarta at tor. >»’‘ lr ^‘‘tl f »»‘‘or tw
ftinrwtty thr l&OP mater* in * fair Th* Na'a*"ta AlllftBi*
time Inutmt « Aggie* ’ornght fc# _ , , .
onaolatH#) fhampi<m&ip af the *•*"• 09 ♦" * ,n • * ,u|r ' MavWnll gamed the nuarteifin-
sava*ot* ■uiftball touanamantt 1 peRerdm U> take the *ene*, *1* by defeating B<> Winninger of
* Hild help him Immenaely m tie V_L .■ .1 L.— ltRn /kme* tp .aw A rii-nin OklahHS. ABM m the third
Awtiaiaer* OoR AH BaaUoaa
Swimmer* from all *eetx*n* of
the »tate ar* expected for Um | Game Urn* H aet «t 4 p m.
large meet, and UR ctllea eater Tha Goilesa Jsatoi* an now
mg team* include Fori Worth, j ia a tw far fasrlh place afiar
their first win of the aeaaon Uat
week ever the Hsataville »Quad.
Coach 0 V Chafin', team has
won one aad last thro* iB Dtoialtt |
TV play
I H tab man drove la fhsr runs
m two tuna* at hat lari W«ak
agar not HuntoviNe, and repiared
the usual »tartar Joe Motharml
on the mound He ftntriied tk«
hurling diitlaa IS food turn asd
ia expected to
for tne game
ptaee Houly
and lost two.
Other member* of th* team ik-
Md Pinkney CoaSar, Dave Bom-
nen, Fred Anderonn. George I
John* .on, Jerry l^eighUm, Din
Willmm., Bobby Garter, asd Jtai*|
Fri M Jane M. IMS
Pafe I
v«e in the brut shape
tote .gainst third!
who has won two
Loral Recreation Program wlllmmg
Includes Tennis Instruction
A four run rally in the bottom |
of the nevanth wasn't enough
| tha Cottage B fatten Herehatttal
were edged by the Bryan Mar*
i bant*. 11-10, is a seven tmting|
Bryan (omwiercial league aoft-
two ba*ir divi.ionat Freddy Andenton, Tummy Ter-
Ihviding the playfr* into pair*, i roll. Bobb# Jackson, and Billy
myntery it i* * having one drop tha ball (or the Hiakelv gonform the one-year
g •kill and | m, other who e*erci*ei proper form player* who practice every morn-
!(< m in hitting the ball |cro*ti the net. | ing
u.™..' » »*■« J- ^g* *"* **
uu,_ „„,„ lv izr *" X' - r ". <•» fr , SL“.5?7115r*Z7ST,■ .*•«“
Asd Baui Cimid count on plenty t'*** i into three line* l^bmd the i.aae- 0 r vkunaater in the state "
of rompriltloc from tha half dna- And B M, I'owcll. AdVf* ten- Each take* tarn at hitting i>owelf *aid
an Othdkv advancing ihto tnday'a "*» coach Hid Gne .,f th* physical * ball thrown from a inwition "hat out Philippa W, 7-0, ta JmII
gsartorflnala /ormdr big ten education t»-a<4i« • - ha* pat Til- a t the net. The fouguome entered the Teg-Ivin latedk* pitchsd a one hittor
champtdn Fred W'ampler and t.ene dea'* word* T# action “Ilevelop their *troke* and .n. flecU#«al Tourney, and let-i law Richardson had a perfartl
then teach them tar* raqu«kting matches have been Ida V at the plato for the tMUgu
» t<> think under "*»* to Ndvasota, Warn, aad Hoaa-! Mflhatlan to lead the field with)
asper bear get with Alyea; and • tty KeciealRf^lbrecUr Othel fin’’ j* Imwell'* g-.lden rule of U»i four for four.
M* ninth r»e-, Bab r **“ “ * * ‘ •* * *
In the other game of the eve
ning Nedbalek Strvicc Btatmnl
conaolatinfl cbampionfiiiti af t
.nd cmndinauan ^ftb.]! WgawA,.
^ Two Trto- l ’ m vend tgpwhnRii
'** -tar* wr#e named Vithe^A
g,,, Yankee* a five-ru« Hrri inning
Semiflnal* .1* are scharfuled coarta at tor,
today and tha «*Hamr*kwndiip will gtrt* as ai mat R*
he decided Batuudav
Mt ftv*
<li** u* aad shot »t«r* w«a-e named 'Wi the^AlT foerih inning higbHghted by Ir* 'round Rt* *aoi>nd
All » all the decathlon i* a .\men«a«[ioll«gt <wi#iitflng Ram Horaa* thrue-vwn homer turned wa* Jahn Wallace
xport f<w one willing ami able. They wet, Erwa rd I.iB»ert, who th* ^de Bid Mudaon. harked by 4 and 8
and we think that a Vecathtor wa( hnted fourth in tha H# yald 1 7R hit*, Want all the way foe, MafRell play* Alyea tiriay
champion i» a true rhaaipioo freestyle, and Itavii Browning, t*'. «fhth tntimph • —
Short. »hort, ahori. atones: who plat'd second |hi the one* Cisnt* II. Dadgar* 1 j WofltoT* AAt TpHrik
Hollis Baker, who w playing the meter 4iv» Brooklyn June IS- Thdj
of one-year ixpericnee prartice
every mormlM to-girning at h:'M>
“Start 'ign latang - ’
‘’Start 'fig while they're
voung.” I* Huholl * motto “We’ll
method i* pfoving -jccea** !
ful After a few i#ys of practise,
e t*xhlhltla ,, remarkable
in the gaiV
f Bit*y, hiiver. and Warner Imhl-
l»arg have natural ability for t*fT-'
nu Twelve-year-old Craig Thomp
son «trok»** the b.H with much
( raig ha- another brother.
Kenn\, and two »i*tiT*. < arole and
Fire - Automobile — Casualty — Lilc
Msrtrjaxie Loans
141 Walton Drive
Ph. 4123b
rrSind victim _
of Stanford ,,||e them a# ..a.i a* they re able ^u^e who an 'alar.'showing ,^o-
t« walk", th# geteran teani* coach
—College Station ReprssMitative—
S... t.Hi (M.U fo, JT Seet Set In Kreeporl
k (Bdnta
en run* in the last two mnuiga
{ e«terday tn hand the Brnnkl
Kwiger* an Jl-6 defeat in
final gaaie n| their aene* New
York mauled five Dndgei fdtrh-
er» for Ik hit# mclodm? a h«*n»-
kr hy ErtHte Aginkv Jark»c Rnhin
son cloutod two home run* end
BUJy Get one for Brdnfclvn
tennn training system,
geared f,r ligas* pnaiSction, i*
the >*nly tyjp in th, ruRntry. ac
cording to BrA^cll It con»i*t* of
Eleven-yottr-oid Mailha
Terrell will develop into
acoerding to 1 towel!
Jirne 1# -•»* free
will he ho*t to the Na-
nmen * A A V trnA and
field rhampton.hip meet Seymour
Ueberlton announced here ye»-
■ terday I^Mherman t* bend af th,
iOnlf (Janet AAT
The meet will he h*|d Aug 2b-
M it', co#!* cotton you want
** F <##et me not **
I’hWie 4 12*»2
l!*4k Kaiaer 4 D<"»r S,-dan
Beautiful two-tnn. Paint
Only 24,tHtn mile# on this car
only MbK)
Ihinaho Kuick ( omiiany
Highway ♦> S.^ith Bryan
Phone 2-3437
For Your (ouxmlcntw
217 North Mam
Whfn* EfWJIIto MfN‘th
To <kood FcmhI at l‘'iBuli.r Prueg
Air (onditioMHl
1*4# Fuf# Convertihle
< ith al‘ trimming*
lee* thgn VW» n»lle*
(ink Owner
IkonalMJ Hun k («#npant
Highway <4 South Bryan
litgto, 2-1437
Rnfingrr i n g Depari
Hnada XM.Ndi; Pham.-,
Snercc Young Ph. Da
■4 j.
I 1 ' f '
FOB wrsic THAT
It'a rsally a treat’
Wf that
We all knam that R'a tha
bast ta tha land ...
Bo buy am now white
Laa has than on hand
Trad* with Lou —
He's right with you"
t HiwnMtiim aad ( ottefew
rmocology I
OUng Ph D a need- i
ed in all field* Libranana
Home Er to $6800. Coast to
Cote Coverage
aad Heenadan
pnegri Teacher* start
at I7T08 to J3000, more for
exptrieoee Calif Ifici). oth
ers. Muatc Art. Home Ec
Critka ^ ‘ “
m uim rixi
SttMrvtaors, Pr
* Top Monty.
FrAvns # mYOi # makoh
Our Seroud ( ariond of Im tory KeeomlilinRed
TWt Are Small
Aad tnaumd No Extra ( haru»
Sphict* k 19."). null ii11
19% Dawa (> to S Y ears oa Balance
Oa nrvweatatlaa of thin ad to the store you will
receive lt% tocaaat oa aew piaiuei aad 5% oa
Drarttre nimaga. INK offer good thru ’Saturday
i^NflE 1* alNBL I:
(lapitol Piano (Jo. No. 2
M. #. Wymtt Manager
301 Nortl CoUcfe PhoM#
For Style... Smartness... and Comfort, too!
At/& CS
Fn*RXTll1*.X*' r vBll,H,
h*h*mt Rl**. Rop*
Taa, Sua Ycftow. Real
Gray,3 .t4Gmn ,
Tb /mI Hfk-xtt /eaf right., a T-ttrin
amat be Rede ngkt That * win
Brit A mar* are sa p«>puUi TV Rais
taWl n nmr Maaranrw of higk
qualttv aaienal aad workteaatki/...#f
top value fee year men** Swul with
•Ucb « sham. YaaH warn
twe Of Klee to grv* yaar • porta
wartoV 4 irpettoixe.
Serring Tana Aggies