The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 30, 1950, Image 2

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P»fe 2
Frttty. June 30, I960
Take a Bow, “Rio Rita’'...
After waickmK the production, of "Rio
RiU" in Tho Oov« Uud night, we are anil
wnpre—ed with what AAM can dn in the
way of music, taking into cowaidsratKm its
basic curricula,
Any a<i enw orrUasin of the operetU
couM come ortly from unfair ctanpansMi
with a professional troupe, something
which the cast, dirsetor. and supportfm
didn't even try to imitate.
In a town the aise of Collegt Station
and evsn with larger Bryan nearby, taisrit
ta Hard to Anri, but it still aemns to bt
abundant emaagh to produce a plea—nit
evening for rant member* their farmh
and fry—da And from the nise of the
crowds both rughta at The Grove, "Rid
Rita” pleased manv othera, too.
Not that "Rio Rita" needa apologies
■* fl I-.
Oa the contrary, ths pr—sntation equalled
that of almost say community-produced
pragnuu he have Witnessed
It is aW> quite pi—sing to look at the
background of the various east members
Many ar» AAM atudenU. employe—, aid
then have little or no
coanecttoS with ihe achool, but just —joy
^wrticipsting And we —joy watching
iC*/ rr i
be wntt— about any local
i efforts, long hours sf
practice Nhearsala. manual labor, the
g—eral of'disorder just before the
•bow b^gm* Nu one aver appreciate* a
aaeceaeful “nin*’ more than the cast itself
So. —hgratulations to the cast of “Rio
Rita’ and ail persons aiding in the produr
tmn We —joyed It, and ao did hundred*
of othera.
Pag— could I
production th.
With the ey— of the nation turned t<>- r
ward the crwi* in the Orient few iienplr
have bad tne to —abse or appreciate the
tremendous effort being exerted by the
press and radio industry to keep us well
informed Probt the first reports of bsttle
the newspapers and radio networks or
gamseri thetr vast resources of men equip
ment and knowledge to assure us a chi-
■Unt and uninterruptMl flow <f newa
i orres|*«indents on the spot broad,ait
eye-witness w ciwnta of ha Ripenings bn
Kor—. News writer* and analysts jam-
fned telegr ,i h cable# to second the radio
ref»orts and fill m details impoanlbte to In
clude in brosdcantn Around the woflg
these men of pr—* and radio moved swift
ly into well kgown routines mtemewirtg
impsrtsat personag— and the comrtdn
itaB. mtunireting the effect of the rrisis
on their psrticular ‘ b—t," be it in Seoul or
Sklelighs of the new* which we have
reme to were added to actual battle.
reports. Political repetruasions. market re
actions. governmental moves diplomatic
maneuveta military actions, all were dis-
c—sed and reported for us Regular re
ports of the prugrem of the fighting were
poured at us from the front.
From now mftil the crtai* » at an end
—if it da— end- the American people can
be assured of up-tothe-minute informs
tins The new* is ours for a nickel or the
twist of $ dial It is s service we take for
granted. Out it cannot be purchased in
many rogntn— for a fortune
Senator Taft* Ill-Timed \ttark...
Senator Robert A. Taft s ilVtimed at
tack on Secretary of State Acheson sad
President tngnan is difficult to reoonrlle
in view of his declaration supporting the
> premal—t ■ action in the Knr—n icrtu*
^ ha4 n*A‘h*—«aR ft might banii^Pn
the grithty of the present mbematKinnl
*iU»wtion d<wa ivit form a mutable bwk-
gr<»und for attacks such as Taft s.
'Phe Ohio tenth* challenged the right
and j*ower of the president tor "engage ’
this country m what he termed a ' de fac
to” (actual I war What Thft fails to real
ue is that it was necessary to take quick
action to stop the Korean jCrmwnunists nr
it would have been useless to t*ke any ac
tion A day’s delay in ordering American
support of South Korean troopa
have meant the difference between victory
or def—t As it is. victory, still ^ not as-
' aun-d
We are confident the Congre— would
have appttnved action id—ti<al with that
President Truman ordered But the a-
mount of valuable time saved by direct
fi—mdentia I action wa* significant In
th—e dgya of modem warfare when every
Kltogfr -dramt* the people of the nation
and their elected representative in Con
gress must have enough faith In the Pr—i
dent and his military advisor* to place
confidence in their judgment when they
take steps to meet a crisis
Immediate support of ftouth Kor— was
necessary and immediate rapf*>rt ws*
giv— Senator Taft know* we acted as we
should have His uncalled for denuncia
ueas of the president's action smell strong
ly o/ prlittcal hay making Hi* cntlclam
of our foreign policy wr»uld have been
more rffective and would have met with a
lc— suspicious reception if it had been
withheld until the pres—t critical hours
were ; waned
* _ \ *
Washington architect David I-ynn said
h« will lie able to Complete hi* redegoru^
tion of the —pitoT huiWing this year if
Congrea* wil go home as scheduled July
31 ami stay there.
Includ«*d in Lynn’s plans are new . pad*
de«l *eatH fog our legislator* The net ad
dition* are “aiAmproved type of indiwles*
•eat with —pwiaUy di'signed arm* and
We’ve in favor of the modern seats
but we stMl prefer the old faahiotied fon-
Kressman who didn’t con*i*tently upend
more thaa the nation received
We d—‘t blame the younger genera
tion for going out every mght We should
n't wait to stay hom# by ouraelv—. eith
The Battalion
"Soldi*, StMmmm, KjdfMy Gent terns**
mttma SdUvaa Mdm, Powder of AgfM Tradbooi
_ j f
The r—aon so mdny young fellows are
leaving the farm m that they ars not in the
market for a place la Hit sun
-- - i --- ^ „ -r -
TV Aa—kl
rret—4 t« i< *r ast
*4 Vests Mains <«f
) or at
- - r-CtTE--1
— — W CS—I. * — 1 ww.
> La
c c
Hollynood si a Glanre . ^.
Box 0/fice Receipts Decline,
Actor’s Finances a
is sill l—diag its
msplsto with a—-
»t* and
H ollywmul
Uipt* Ms, comply
Russia—An Aid In
\\ aking Democracy
Jorfc Wsrasr Is to
ugtrtm IV panw •triows at War-
ner Bras, by salsa—if tlirss
stars; Bogart Fly—, *— Osopsr
TVy all have a it-rssr cos-
trset which csRs for gill Mrillww.
fa— mill ion and gltt ieilli«* —
»ps)rttT«ty. TV cos tracts
handed out Airing the bah Vat
ysara «f ’ll and 4*
IV rtnaar a fair wsska ayo
was that Wan— w—M »»< r ■
fist lap flight arafiMr Jerry
Wald if V would takw Bssart,
Fly—, and ('asptr wtth h—.
(C—texts that is i "Csaac into
■gy paMW • * *
Star* Hsrtri
TV* isa't tV only -audio tr*ad-
tag the f rural path Several
■tar* have hewn naked ta take a
pay rat. but they )u*t *mi)e and
mumble. “A dear- a deal "
Box offlaa receipt* aren't what
they lined to be, and ntudio ew
A I* Fereiga Affair* tnal)»t
Somehow or other the dicfatar-
•hip of the penlctai iol «e< to
b«' just a- rapsl.l, of verumw mt»
take* a» tta predeeewMir* atnonir
Ihe personal dietatom and the
kin— who u*s<l to claim fteine
rtgfit far tVir derimon*
Thu. roiunat hat (Mintetl out
*er%r*l time* i* reeent year* how
the Kremlta't Ominp on major
developn enu l)aa anly nervy, 1 to
tiphlen the no#«e annind ita own
neek 1 don't recall a nintfb cav
where ( ..o—e** «ew» (»w»«idennir
an impoitast meature contrtbit-
mg to mobilization for the cold
war, *u< h at the Marshall Plan,
that hy* not done some
th mg to ifulet opponent* <g the'
Kuasm Klaland
Immediately afUu the war the
dcatorra. i»*a Were ra|>idly going
hack to »leep, disarming, and the
field wa* wide open for -urreiM-
ful Mlhvereiao if RuftKia hsii not
been so blatant. She made oi
mtarh naiae th*t the woke fvery-
hody ub
A* tne allied defense (irygraiii
t»ragre*s<.i there was mory and
nwgs ftmr that the we«t ift cm
phastring miatary preparStoms,
niight hr fnlthwiny a red herr
ing; that heavy expenditures
might play ripht into < »,fcmun-
mt hand* by upsetting national
(rraduatr (ondurtx
I nr ii hat ion Study
econom»e« and ngWmir the door
for non •«h«s»ting fumjuest Kus-
sia captuied centrfl run.)* ami
(Kora without dtiy< t up poet torn.
She faded to leSrd the lesaon of
Berlin, where a <grtain type of
forre was met ly m similar type
<df form* the Apdkvwuk she de
cided to expenmdni in Korea with
shooting in aa Wea for which
the I'nited Nattanf and th* I'ni-
te<t States had diryct rasp—aibil-
ity She m a»eegr% guns in re
turn »>
1*1*as Refarted
Not only thaL but it i* nuite
jirohalds that Ay has wrecked
Her own ramps|gd to hayr the
('hiness romniSitts|a admitted to
the I ntted Sstiynt and certainly
her hoyertt of um| U. N ip that
matter proved this w»wk td lie a
big beomeraog
Russia « ahsenge; trom the Se
curity f ouncil fiAle it a walk
away for the rifted State- in
the Korean map—. Had Russia
hern present, ale could veto
Security Council aition. foarmt »
long delay while gie general as
sembly w aa hetrgr jealled to nm t,
and scrlowly eitthfrias-Hip Pres
ident Truman if hi had beep will
ing at ail t4> irTtciveiie in Korea
without U. N afonsemhip. TV
politics! situation might have
keen guch that tie l’. S. could
not have acted if fime NoW, even
if it should pro*.- that Anu-nran
forte is too littR hnd ton late in
Korea, allied lAiutary might is
mobilising and gufsia must know
that from herd an out. aggres
sion will he (flfllenged wnere-
eeer It occur*
After wystmg 1* year*. Ed
ward Small put the life of Ru
dolph Valentine under productioi
thia ajunth.
ShooCmg twhind cl.tSed d.K.r*
fmall, who has been busy trying
to get a learn arc of certain
nstnu*'* uayii is the ptrture, sm
findisg * '♦new'* Valeirtttio atiwe
IVt* said rNa admitUixe ' H.
wants at least some of tV wreoe-
W. he a autyviae
The comfe angle is the aew
“Great Lovgr" Small annouro-e.'
last sunanwy that he had foun.
Valestino'* twin, a Zh yVar .Id
Toay Ib-xtyr Someone .-ut the
card* and Dexter came out St
ami under Contract to Small for
the laat 2 year*
hdmund : Ro*trand'» comic-
tragedy “Cjraoo d* Bergerac” i*
under pnaty. iron at M(*M Jos«
Ferrer will play •'Cyrano” in the
75 percent Rostand and 25 per
cent Carl Kfrecnun i». reen adapt
crl presentation
Major ckanr-s. such a* the
.oaibrnaUon of la- Brete ide Ber
cutive* feel something has to h* grrar'a best' frietHli and Cartonde
dune. William Wyler, whose La*- j CmuI Ja—x uapUm of Cy-
i at prinluction "Th* Hetrea* cost: rai),,' K trowf of guard* | as oae
t2,«M,«ia. I* iweaiiS.stir over .haracter, *m! tV elevation *f
returns After deduclmg 10 per Kichelieu fitom ntere mention In
cent for Olivia KeHavilland. he the play to a major .haracter in
riiiMt *ee any pv^nl MnU*** »t tKr movir, fi\My rwt br m«*t w*\\
arrive* vv* tV everwas market, b) or oheerver* of the
It all m. aas «e end to long. , original pla>
trim contracts Newcomer* are ^
being signed at a impliwum l!n.
leas more |wopb' "ge to the mov
ies”, there may be more drastic
•igTrs Cr. M »gena 8hot-HaS**a| V
t* gat world urgsnitatmn pfX V
■noted if picturaa for I V pro-
I—aaAd. . . K >begt Ry— pUy* •
TV!, "Mad With M«ch Heart"
who is * gentiemaS and fo—ols
rltehes .j. . The MMah Board of
Trade Mya that as-
ntislly 11 “too rnuen” for Amen-
cun moVies, and Brk Johnstou
leaves Whitehall unhappy , s
TV K B 1 I* a V* reader of.
( eleb* itf Bulletin, * d*fie-ehcct
Tiating big movie —uie* amv-
mg and departing is New York
t Also pildr-'.e* and activitj* * j
. . . It j»ek t months, ■ wnlptod
and 200 noses to —be the rlgh|
fnf “Cyrano de Bergrrac
(!audillTti Address
Srlunil Coalerenre /
Wlttiak W (uudill. neaeanjh*
arrhitecj of the Texas Kngineei*
mg Exgenment Stuhon. went to
Hattiesburg. Miss., Thursday to- 1
speak gt the Misaitstppi School
Ad mi n ilf ra U>r'» ' 'onfereucc
The fonferen. e t» being held
at Misfaaippi S.mtkerp Cnllogr.
Caudill wms to spun mi ‘'Con
trol of Light. Air and Hound la
tTassrorpn*” and “Trend* in
School loilding floldgn."
< aodif is in churgx- of a prtv
ject of the Kiitsneering Kxperi-
l anguagei idiom* intervene as ment Station m which a full-
studioa are fore— to find new scale model building it being used
. 1nt release . to *hoi4 the effects of building
Maya Ink— lax—* cSpMsl. t’nited Nations Assembly as- shape* »n light, gjr adld sound.
hpwial nn rr
RATI RDAV 11 p.m.
Saturday 11 p.m.
And For (hu* IFiji
Yowlt b« doing what comet naturally".
Humming Irving Berlin’s smash hits 'M
Machamol CoUeue of Teg— and tV
Me— s duntig tV regular arho-d year. Dur-
M—* a week and rirrulaied euaiW Tuesday
par axuVur. AdhrarttaMg rataa fumahed on re-
wLspid—a.. .. .,
John W Fvan*. a griduat.
I’miltry Huadwmd.x student cxwi-
i’jrtVt reoautvh on the aublart
the poasihilitie* <if u
hukrWHty of
ym positive
<— ha drawn hut mdiratlen are
faeot—W. V said
Eg— are being held at A2 de
iMTea Fahronheit for vanox per-
«4* at time, and are then being
kA in the mculwtor along with
-ggs not auhjeetMi to low tem-
Result* indicate that the egg*
-uh—ted to the low tempefature*
are hatching at a higher Vretnt-
ag than those os a conlrtll Thi*
may in the fgture be a mean- of
getting a hi#ve. percent of egg*
U> hutch thereby n-duengr the
cut of chigkt
Bible Verse
* But tbe fruit of the SPIRIT I*
lore, Joy. pr* r * longiufferVg,
grniUenes*. goodness, faith,, meek-
ti.*i*, temxrSnce against »uch
there i* no lan»” Gal 5:SUS.
A Ho Run Mix Tars.
ratint ti thi
sun* I aMflfl A 50>JHl
“Sira up e Bargain"
^Fcudin* Rhvthiu"
HUrta: 2:|.ir, 15 X —
Plus rartooa -Ralrst New*
Broadway's outstand ng muairal j
comedy succeaa, “Anpu- Get Your
Gun,” now come* th the Qu«-en
tu reen in M G M'a *enMtional
Technicolor version starring Betty
Hutton and Howard Keel, with
L>ui* Calhetn, J. ( arP*l Nai*h, ITd
ward Arnold and Keenitn Wynn
heading the supporting rast.
TV stage play, with Ethel Met |
man and Ka> Middletoti in the ,
Umds. ran on Broadway for three .
^ears, played to an avdien. e of one
million, fi\e-hundr*d thousand, and
netted six million dollars for it* |
1,147 Broadway performance* A |
aeci.nd company toured the l nited
State* with Mary Martin in the
starring role.
Ining Berlin * ongmal wore re- !
mam* in tV picture version of
"Annie Get Your fiun,” the HI
s- ngs including "Buffalo Bill,” |
“Doin’ What Comes Naturally,” j
"The Girl That I Marry,” “You
Can't (»et a Man With a Gun,”:
"Show Bumneaa,” "Falling In Love'’
"My Defense* Are Down,” “Tm .
An Indian. T(a>“ "Sun in the |
Morning” and "Anything You Can
A Polkfumui’a lx>t H iu*t sai ’Appt One
rBATI RRR START Rl’NDAY 1 00 3:06 5:06 - 7:11 - 9 16
By A1 ( app
of ill new* dfapotthos
e. Room Ml.
rtt ActfrUHa
pmtod MMfV—m|1> fcy flptl nRf
Wtm'Sm Irt . rr Mo* Yof% 0M9.
rOu * STUOt US gvrer-
bnoftf ANC iv.-vet M
r Q*K.r (CX/vt I
up 1 Mt c*jnt
LIT, ABNER Me Tskrw the lam Kuxl
m zs-zsr
AND I C. //
fwouGwr SXi \ 1/
> loved J J
By Al (App
hjCUM ■■
m qo*jg
J »