The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 29, 1950, Image 4

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    T* '
' I m ' w
• •
K * F I . » '
^■•kiaftnn, Jun* b-'if*'—TVw
ImmmH VkUtii 4mMod m
m Mmmm *m> rriMa omm out
iMlwiM. «nUi offlriols ompha
•uing iImmo point*:
^ V • mImu talk with hi*
Vp ilpInM^i liiiaii
MMipp, tkp fwilim IppMmI
tkat th* Tniud SutM Kad to
“dipo th* lin#” •(■uui (oiamun
I Th* prMktont aaid th* Um
U4 Slat** oouto 'too* foe*" with
toOMcnur aatarn* *v*rywh*r» if
It fat tod to *1*1*1 behind th* lit-
tto South Korea ropubh. it «|*on
Mad* b* Tmaaa
A* S*rr*Ui7 of Dof*n** John
aon and Secretary of Stat* Ach*-
•oa recalled event* today th* de-.lh* M 1nd*pandM«<*
I ri*»o»i» la e**ry cm* wpre la«A*
»nd laid down bp Mr. TfMha
him** If
(Hh*r u/flHali • *aid th* proai
dant mad* a dart*ion to raTfi
y to*t ('otowumat forad*
Far Eaat before h* *rrn
WaMiiairtoa Sunday fro pi
terrapt*d wpahawd in Mkeo
CM thi» the at i«
both from member* of
and thorn wh* Mt in on
fill Blair M>o** •eoaiona Si
•nd MoadtB pfhda
Mr Truwar himaeif pat
nkllnf that h* intended to
until after h»* return to
itortaiaiy ha did not
havt mad* up bt* aund jo
for* h* stepped aboard |ta
City far th* race back to th*
But tow of hi* fim remark* at
■hir poua* Sunday aipht wa*
that th* < ommumet tacltc* i*
* |h* F^ar Eaat noukl a<> I on per be
"Viper*** tcfwa"
TWn, having detodminad upon
; >tfor*aa atotoa.’* 4e preaidant
•ought both military and dipio
’ matte re*omatendatn,n* on how to
j proceed.
b* ft**n mtoUipenc* re
port* Sacretary of Itofen** Jokn-
*•*, mt bank from fokyo Satur
day fram ronfereore* with Gen
eral Uaopiaa MacArthur brought
alonp a ■—arandu» from the
p *neral uryttiy a mitoion to For-
i r
Loyalty Tests
Ip thra* day* of qumlponaHto kivaltten.
thrrr in no doubt at all about th* ImtHy
of a frrat man\ of our runtomrrn In
fart, even awtaMiulird bantnPMn has a
Croat many frtrndn wHomo tradr farmn
tko barkhunr of ita buNinmm It in not
to this croup that th* r*«>«ntl»aal farm
of frortry uforr advertiainc maken Hn
But ranvidtr our premium deal No
bn«er are »• buytiif full page and ImH
page adto -oinwtimen ip two or e\en tlinre
nawapapem. in addition to handbilk but
non are spending a minimum bdm in the
“telHnc” about our atare and ita bargniaM.
and now are umng a Itonn *hare of our
1SW) advertiaing fund" for the purrhane
of premium" to give our <-u«tomer* Not
on the bmiM of lurk, but in direct prntoor
tion to the amount of grorerv dottar"
npent here Nat only doe*, thin make it
worthwhile for the orranional "hopper
and the unallarhed chopper to reater
tkair buying here, but it in unique in that
it reward** our loval tWanra. too S.4VK
Thev mav he etrhanped for valaghle
Koma Brand I nrolored
Olroaurparinr . . . Hi. |9i
Saturday Oitly Allnweel or
Blae bonnet—QaarCer**
(oloml Oleo .... Hi. ■*)<
Kraft * Miracle Mhip
Salad Dressinp . . pinl .‘{|c
Scot Timur .... roll l#<
Criaro :i Ik I^i
Libby ‘a Kimedalc Brand 2V» ( ana
H;ii licit Pears. . . can 27c
Small Site*. Skirt ('uU, Tender ( urtip
(An hire (lent \alue)
(rreen Keans .no. 2 can lie
lor Kefrewhing Summer Itrinki*
h(Nil-\i<l.... 6 pk«s. 25<'
.Sunwhine kriapy
(packers Ili.lxixZSr
As (heap kv Weight a* the (alio Pkg
Vacuum Pack Tin Kunaten'x
Shelv'd Pecans X oz. tin
Scot Towels roll Hm-
(Genuine No. 1
Hempstead latermelons
lb. 2*/ie lb. if
The KeaiMBMlBl Vacuum Pack
(A Gauatal Fooda Ithml
Coffer, Bliss... lb. can 67c
; :—*-—
Popular Brand"
Cigarettes. . carton SI.lift
Krewh IMilv from, the (<4legr
HnrllraMuatl farai ‘
Fresh Corn . . . . 4 far 2Se
Fresh Tomatoes . 2 Ik 2Sc
Now - Hbme (tpown
( antaloupes.... cadi Iftc
TboiupMtn Seed lews
Kiln-I tried
}ams ,.
I llifitrnM -
Plums r.
t akfnrnia
Pcachd. lb. ISr
" * ■*''' » 1 w
(Mht ( ana Snow Crop
Juices. (rra|H'. (.nipdruit
.Orin{!e 2 cans tftc
Shy Hr ^(Parked by Hill|
Horse Meat. . . 2 pkgs.25r
Honor Brand
Briwcidi pk«.2ft<
(opftfetft of breakfast plate, luncheon
pbda. cereal luiwl. rup and saucer—5
piore* of genuin# Holiday (alifornia
« 12-W ratail value, for only
liyidl m trade and 9159 ra«h No limit
to the number so obtainable Start
yopr dal. todav. (Straight trade, no
raah. HtJ.S? )
(ripour's fMiter J«ced
fast Baron ... lb. 42c
AH Meal Hormel
Franks lb. 15c
Calf Liycr lb. 63c
(•rude A
Brisket Roast.... lb. 45c
Potato Salad .... lb. 25c
W'«M *•><*■•* a**HWi-T 4*. INWCWWIWNC K D*V
*(W* Keaerv* lh* Bight to U»H QaaalUto*)——
le 30 & Julv I
Await You.
Communist Paper
Hits * Aggression*
‘ y* L
Muacow. JunJ fti <iW—Pra*4a.
the ( Manramat party paper at*
a*rto«i ymtoeday th* I'mtod
Staton “ha* undertaken a direct
•d of aggreMKHT against North
•m Korea and Coatrauatat Oiiaa
1 I" • Oont »>ag* aditarial. H
d*rlar*.l Pr**id*nt Truman't or
day to *hip* and ptaiw* to help
i waatorn iwrognaed Southern go
re* and Formosa waa H **id*wu
that th* Amenran ruling cirrtm
no longer lonfin* themaelvya to th*
C reparation* for aggmnaiaa
ive gone »ver to <ni
red art* of
Mayor Brwato LaagfaH etpiatna a pert to* of th*
propaaed Mty hudyH f.r ik* IPM4I fiaral year
l* muncil tovmhan. and ether It mated laNege
MalkMi ntiaea* who aiirnded lb* heanm in lh*
Osner of Anli(|iie Pitcher*..
Obh Hail cwuncit
Wtoral rwuocil m*wih*r>
lk* hudyrt.
») night A kneec* W
up rounnl act too *n
Club Founder Spends Much
Time Lecturing, Judging
Then it inquired
"Har* they aot. however, gone
too far?"
;> It jpav* no an*w*r
Note IMiverad
Th* V 8 Emba**y said a not*
from Haahmgton asking Ru»-
*ia to ua* ita mnuened to bring
about th* withdrawal of the in
vading < ommumpt forre* from
South Korea wa* delivered Tu*#-
day No reaction waa made pub
Pravda* editorial wa* tha
first putlir Kuaaian (-amnwnt an
the ti«w U. S. pot icy ia the Pa
'ific atnf*. Prv*t«tont Truman'*
( »tatemerit wa* reported in reu-
un* fa*htan
Mrx C B. Campbell, one of
th* founder* of th* AAM Garden
Club, ha* l>e<*i intoreitod in h«»r
tsultito* »od flower torwnging
all of her lifb TimImv, a* an ac
credited etato judgi of the «tot*
gantoa club*, and a* an active
workeg in the AAM Garden Club
*h* agt* a* a lactnrer and iwIVm-
or in flower arranging on I* a I
and atatowuto protect*
She behevp* that the garden
Hub* are i be moat aHiv* and
worthful orgamration* we ha Vf,
nitH-e wbereUer there t« a d M, ‘
deti rlgb. there an more attfar-
tive kroner Mid park*
"A garden Hub «4aft« an tntor-
**t that ia almoat batching, by
Wtorvating other pdople in flow
er* and iwautiftoaMn of prop
erty.” *he *a>* Sixtorgi year* ago.
When th* AAM (.apian Club wa*
organiled, ganlen flpb work m
t**a* wa* lu*t b*|dnning To.iay,
i there are i.Su rhi^i, with more
kortirultun*t* atHl garden *how
worker* than any oM^r *tate »he
tnformeri us
Apecial Praiart*
The A4M '.anierv (jlub ha* «ev-
•ml projact* each vgar At the
present time there |*, a five year
plan to iwautlfy Uw {College Sta
tion cemetery SevUtkl unaightly
»|>**t* around the igtl have Ijeen
ito 1
Halt a lion
Page 4
Thurwlay, Jung JJ9, 154f>0
AU pal— V A ter lUa—ttM
*—>.« rat* ia
aa» g— —tuMB
•**■ Willi r*mn
B«yr •
iam* (o ta* *lu4*nt Artl.NM* Ofrie*
All a*« ...14 fe* • urod w h. In <*'
a m mt rtm dar b»r<«« euMira' wa
* FOB WALE * ■
wHiKtaa Mourn, j r<«a Mr'W
Alai a— n>« pie* >k.i a—r •-w*t.iir
'•-r»e4Mlu**il lifii Ar»i Irafwgl^la
Una. an*. Hm. »-4*l! ar + at
Mt NWtiland
a-puoM rra*na«Ki* pea—aai ia*
Ka.i i.ata. C..*•*•
Pall *1 Ito gran. ,
UN IMK El' A pmrt tti#n| . nurng* utr gu«l
<mt4*«tort htorji tbto-w rw^gyuttHg
ftoutti, H/vdt!
/N*M Mw>
or**: HRr.ieT* KKI'
full or
KOPAK MoNITtV* * fa all*) ria.A « .W
'•••tW nbullnr g4 4 tnae *i> U>
I tola »•< toWvaO) r*n» fiaart fur
W ntlen K)Ke». A AC. K «iak C.da
"•frea Adael*r Nia* aM lena P<n4
Wn-k* Ua,44r II U«4- , and t aar
*>•—44 l^aiA»» 4.adem Ha* Tripud aad
I— Mra.) lh— IIM • d -li
('.# §i*a riaa. 4 4*11 — at hi
t urr ia ■ uiu*a Mm* *•*'»« a«t> *ta —
wahad ia 'M IMOra «t is* i-a» Man
a«ar < aO»(n *1 At ion Ta*a« until Sam
Mangar lul» I* 1*011 Tt«» ngat la r*
aorvAd la rawdt aat and all nuta vhi tw
on— aar and All larbawanlwa varira—
('H| Mae*4ary (ittit a CuOa*a atfium
Ta*— t»t >ttNh— taf.o—alMm
- - -a— 4 - •
I rtr.i ikmim fraaa* v»i *—.*» »i0-.
Hamv< 1 117.\ Murrv'
IHO* W'li’K iraea .t»v*rt>at# TifTn »»«l,
(out I iron a—*n»fti radm and heaiar
HTV,*n !ruiu.fa a I.V Walton
IrXtK AT TMId ii ton diau !>l < —dot h
r idw and >.-atei cndtlH— K*
(<<r* .y a m cAU * •tonI aft— ) 4.4TV4
a a* Imr VI *4MH»
(Ww 'DV" '« AdntMWtrat'O Made
C'aaat) Htwaita! W ,4tanaV ilia Taaaa
W'M* N*. VT fnltno oifn jamut p—aoaatttt
and a law Ira* r.n.ra ah' aft—n»m (or
dad,—, aouVa a— W— I mm a m at gal%
a—ilhaad# ('<di
>ra aauibaada 1.
Mimxijjy Dora
rleanad up by the Hub member*
The gardener* helped landscape th*
achnol yard at Conaoltdatesi and in
cooperation with the Stato High
way Ilepartment planted ihrub* a-
long Highway 6, between Bryan
and Coltoge .Station
(reading all other (t.itea in the
number of garden Hub*. Text*
even ha* *ome active organiia-
tiona in town* of population under
Another branch of fAnton ( -| u p
work i* flower arranging, Mrs.
( amptiell *ay* that there are two
mam arrangement* for flowers,
the ma** arrangement and the
line arrangement With the ma*a
arrangement mo«t of the design
i* (-*nipotted .,f flower*, whereat
the line arrnngt ment'a luctwaa
dejtend* upon aimplicity and de-
Pitcher < oiler lion
In addition to studying flow
er arrangement* Mr* 'amptiell
ha* a hobby of collecting nuna-
ture pitcher* She ha* ofer WOO,
one froan every »tat* in the union
and bvm .16 foreign cauntne*
H«r (ather egryed M wooden
pttchgg* out of Texa* wood* when
he wa* over H6 year* old No two
pitcher* are alike
They range from antiuve* tak
en from the ruin* of Pompeii and
a 1.1th century Chinese tomb to
more modem relic* phtunne Shir
ley Temple or Mickey Mouse
Mr* Campbell ha* kept a record
1 of all the source* of her rnttar
, twm and intend* to have a parly
when she i* 70 year* old, mvit-
i mg everyone who ha* rogtributod
j to her coIUh tHtn
Prpvda pubiiabed tha atonr (Ml
Pag* thra*, four paragraphs.
Uvmtia. the Boviet government
organ, priwtod it on th* back
rag*, a* did Bed Star and Rad
rto*«. paper* of the army and
navy Pravda wa* tha awly one
to cuiamrat Jiipkxaat* her*
thought It highly kignifieBnt that
th* reaction cam* so *wiftty Nor
mally, «t take* several day*
"Trsmptiag V. N. tWartor"
The American government
with a* charactonstir uncere-
momouan*** a* legarda interna
tional law, ia grossly trampling
on th* United Natioda charier,
acting a* though the United Na
tions organisation did not exist
at al). M the Pravda editorial as
“The question arise*, who auth
on tod Ike American gowernipent
to take this atop ? In bringing
its armed force* into action, did
the United Htato* government
reach agreement on its policy with
the United Nation* orlWUBatian,!
about their loyalty to which Tru
man and (Secretory of State I
Atheaon are ao vociferous; where
and when did the Security Coun-
i cil make a decision fmetng the
hand* of th* United State* of
America m th* act* <»f direct ag
gression undertaken by it?"
“Openly Aggreaaiv*"
"In undertaking its openly ag-
graaaive act.” Pguvda concluded,
“the American government *vt
dently set itself the aim of con
fronting the United Nation* or
ganisation with a ‘fait accttwipii.'"
(accomplished fact.)
TV editorial repeated previous
[Soviet declaration* that “th* pro
vocative action* of troops of the
puppet government —f South Ko
rea directed against the Korgan
people's detnociatic • republic
(Northern Korea! ixlapahed mil
itary operatMxi* on the territory
ef Korea "
Mr*, f. P Campbell
Flovof t«IU
why It •
to populor
Plan Your KiddieM Birthdav Parlv
(SpeciBl Katie for Partin)
Between Bryan A ('<itleyp
*— aatt—al— — *•#•* t—•) rm
1 K—ra an* eaarreta w—Hm rati (> K Pat*
• laat—*i <*aa«r—t— PV><4ta t «JTI
!*)»*«. laaaaa* ttv— ia mmo h*ii a»
a«— •»«'•.«,i> ( or art amto •»*•—•'« IT—
litre (—titt-a avAtiabw pto kaVarM Huai
at Mu... Haii - M-anged a A3mj
Fan Hlmte*
Evaporative (’outer*
We Rewind |l»ior«
*•1 S Mam Pi h4ia
• LWiAL •
oanisiAM * *o 14A
AH (gtl.lN »**:* REU( IRINU Rgru*
TUaTIun rt)R uotjcmwo ANl>
TAKING oRigaia OR aumM RiPflONB
rOR (MT 'Ip *TaT» good* AND
Vtolmj V MgiAlTT
rn *»r thi: city or coi.i aor bta-
rm* texae:
1 Na to—< UOMM a* "a* r—wt—a* f—
it—( pmtpmmm ak*i *<at—t — A*
—a— — autooriptHw wtthtr u— rtw
Aar av—«4m4>** so—og'*— W—
tmw* *1 «a—t — o«Wa, Itato* —
—d—a »hi«* *1
taW—i ia maga —
—rifiww '» (tom *i
•<»'* a—t •)'ifeari »r
tMa «Tt* la tha HilfiM
ara t—tata* ia tO—»—
— ana to —a—aea* ta t*—h—
ntirtlla— al aaarX —4—
— S*h—r.plaw
1 RaaUawta* (lw **••>. tatr— e-aB raa
•tat — ta* (At law in,
tat ruMwa u*t a (••mb —<>v>4— av I
rttr a—toiar* totns (aij** —a
I Naiwa Aaatna aASraaa an* wa)
a*i— II aat •( ragl— ra*'
I Nai— ah* ul'tra— .< On a—aaa
font — Aarh—aiww If aa*. that
to or to* rail—la — (— wtaa—i
— i).«h*a artaaai ar*—a ara la to
•ahrlt—I — Maara*
I Nalaa* — tto amrl— — tMag*
• ara ta to no* - far artoto
•man an la to aaOrM—
« « totaar topwina' •*■> **r mm
•r —tor shall —aa* « toratra ;
— — aata—wt - Aaeawt af
——r M aUvaar* mt naal «att«
* * rT
» r*Ma* «f tw— wvitrh ragtorwat
•»t—U to aallrn — nil « aat*
•to PUtolWjkg Ahttafwatarv wnttoa a*
I Aaf Mtoia WatoMag ia« ar*Waa— naal)
to fWth) af a ■■Batonair an* a*aa
■wrawim toto to *wanh»* to « ha* af
ato kw 'Has am tjto to Sauma aar
mmt* thaa w If Bra* rammt ifiiar*
ramto muntog mt Mlavto gtoktoa*
if ma Aai 4 i—M Mm i
JS asfAST'
rmU (ha
■uw lapurtouaMwi POiUi-gOATBI.
Nylon (lord
13.75 -
lit-rmil Kavon Kubric
$6.95 -17.25
UW, W.Mtl
•9.95-1] 1.95
“Vmng Texes Aggiag"