The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 29, 1950, Image 3

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    ' !
\ y
Dorm 14,
Ml ooftWH IMNM
tort top rf Uto fimt
Hay* -iirlitfc-Har* Dam if NU-
i*ar and TrVV will tW far fn«rUl
Ha<* and tilth plarr WaHmv
fatn« »»• trWukd far 1:1$ ^ Tl -J
m T. • n (fca*M IS—I*, Raat
Tpm * JTS°V Ml llw* is turnad
remain at uip' la iMl Am Hrl i
•i N*a*—•
_ jIa r«Uar*
U» with fiw twd' 4a« Aral Pwal »/Wr Hm i i
W>rirt ii*fl two dffeatii each < W-4 Var-KAatem CaAate idA taiaa f
^ *• vrtarv Kaaday !• f
** . U ana fHI c^^ l# W .jj viriory over Dorm 17. J
tr "' h '** 4 . . , . Th^ vfrtor* piM WH«w ntaa ,
u! P “* k, * ,, ^ •« tlJ firat tw.> framM ami an-
JT.J^ ‘ft ^ taradlwo h.«l.waana K Hirau of
WrM iw. atH Daria 14 M fUiltrt m gw third and!
> w t ala/ad Dona 17 m Ua doahia f„ Ufth to uka tha.r fai win »a *
raoadHtAte laraap. TVa*a t»U4 ^uUaca
will ha ptayed lat« „ . . ii . J
TCW downed IVa 1* W , ,,nl •' , !
—^ tha Wf»4 ^n-St 1 ™am. Mrad D+tn IS wit^
MaiMkl paSn
lail'df man-
two »afatK'« and a thaarmo Hr*
rail *ioiit that raiaa in tha firat
OrAld Mmika thi wiAninc pitch
er, haftad ia a gather u$i|
tiua |loiik» wap tha
Kainu ip fimt Swjm th^W out of
four timc« Mmt haafmar Dale
Rm< k had twp >tnrwa f"» thd
M<x#i* ■ Itnwfd only] four hit*,
with pmot i*f Wa*t lA>jnt'« nm*
■11 H*. i»-
1 owl
Te*. t.eol.
.714 11
iNirni 16
It v\
l :
M li**!
W .ilton
iNtrit. 15
Ib.rm 17
M Pi.mler*
4 1
and I K-rm IS
Fomtcn, indl ia yaatandav after*
rim»n « ifalaa.
TCVr |. Rwrai M S
Ti’W atMtitod Dorm M'« hwpa*
of ir*’nia» a fimt ptare lie.
thank* ta tha ftgr-hit pitching »f
I, K 't inder ap<f the ttawly h««4
Mow* <>f H RdUer amt M Tnai'
ft »«« TT'W’a third atiaigh
yirtary and allow ad tha win na
t« poll wthin ana farwa <4 thg
lan'tar* After lowing throe af it# rewhllkir from thq
fimt f"«r guinea. tvVV npw l«««rn| <uad
a* niie of the strong teatti*. will
th* pitrhiag aarvirea of Winder
|t uwa Uw longwat -dtimll
gam* itua aaaatm r>*ng iium- mm*
mg* lad by Lyna kiarvav, J. 1l
Madim. and I'hil M< Dan.«l. DunA
la hmf a $4 lead enU-rtrig th#
IVi' in tha atath, B < amithel
atnf M Vt Miam* toueheii JohS
Thoma* for two hit* whirl
*pe«rr<ratlad tha way far Tt Vtf
rui'* uwMf thtwa and four
T< YV ihraatened la tha nar-
enih tdvanaipg runner* to fimt
nod third with two men tin wit
Hit th» nait two hatter* pt'PPad
«oit to retire the aide
Th. game w *» derided in th* log
Ninea 16-4;
Defeats Bryan
Wins Series, 2-0
off threw Rnran an and two being hggw TMW tint with • amgia, advafeiag U> thifi *
SpofU pitiTieni haaatnan Uhl Tan TMt aoUarted an Al lai^ r'i trrgrf- -pit ggagfi
dta betag ethrait the other four bagger for tha win- [ m a pop out flywr the hat or |
johaggr tnugs.
Gaining IK hit* off three
Coilaga Station
<* id thrat of Lb. bit*
ripuu. the 'Uadrwater Hwam went pern
an to aw^ep th. jjene. ^n«t th. T *M„ght at • p. >. the HrW
hcai mar laat aight « ( l ari. Oatlaga awe »iU aMartaln aJthn
thorioighiy tnmnring ih* ftportt. ^.p u..*, t ba I .rngview Taaana. in
^ Sporla t'ark
Chuck Mrjtnn went all the wa# Until tha hott«db of the fourth, throw by tha _
for th« .Sp*wt* und gy.vr up only the 8port* had ywt to rmaa the ftaal two ntM uf
fiwi hit* Left fodder Harold hcher horn, plate, and the gaaiO bwwr in the eighth when Hru
Uag waa tha Mg gun in the (.lade leading 14-0. (.ahhy Delha atwrtad j Hill FalMa a* on a
water iHulought, hitirng thr*H- 01 the local rally m tha fourth frame three errora.
RoUnd Crr added tha mcwmI
aw. riar to th* boraa team* **'«»re.
H« waa Ml hy ih. pitcher and tooh
firat haat, than adored dh an over
. hurUr Tha
ThM joll* Krwop of awiaiaiar* are free*! *le mem
bar* of Iba < Ollaf r Mai mm. *wimialnR Irani and
rill play a Mg pan in the ewmiag Ural pwH me.-i
• ill ha held the fir»( weal*ad of Jul)
ig. left to right, are Gewroa Rayftt, Mike
Keen, Jama* Haber. Orta MetotHMand John Far
Dodgers Regain Lead:
Tigers Streteh Margin
York Yaahoaa
wmh.t aarwaa them tug
Tl’s Willing
l psd in NCAA
Coif Tourney
had pmari d
moo U the
K GtohU S
Thu Hfbokty
at the Haw
day Olid regainpd tha
The payoff M>iw «a* Stan k*>-
jok * iton-aaoriiig iloublc with two
aaeii <a.t
Hra*e« \ I’hillir* 1
B*mtpn. Jim** Johnny
lain heram* die firat National
Uaguar ta pitch ton *1 clone
•all. and IMth iVnherthyFH p.1%. G RfflDU'SH
aeH. tTu mermaid* are Jean Odherthy, Harhara
Millet. Van « .p* land, hay Parnetl. and H* lh
l eahgrlky On Ike frawt row ar« Dick Hickni*n
Smart Na|*e) and Don Drapw.
-e- * • -i-. * A
Webster, Grant, (*uim Gain
Open Tennis Quarterfinals
Hi H VI t; VRN$>i
to play th. wiiMcr of th*' Snuith
l*-n< I'h'llip* du<|, and Taylor will
t 'p* with Ttmlig
loMin, Hctmler Win
I'mil W aha ter. luirl ()raot. wml l
Harold 4 •ami advnitted to the*
gHartarflnal* in the ( drr* nt in
tramural tonm* fu.nrnnewt fo. ' lr C A Au , tln an „
W.ImUi Jefiah'l Smalher* anil
M iwtai, aaay victor hv* i ()iat Snyder tl-2 k*t Tiiey will ulay
gaiknay in a i t. #-g aardnd- 'be winuer of the Malone Han
Uat aight a* the Bnatan Brave* rtmnd mptch i* %he*lulad U> play **"' v * MaaJia,. Freednuin match
whippad Fhilartrlphia. 3-1. ami th* winner of th*’ D14V y<»*< i
knockad the rhillie* hack into J ( Mglone match hy |ul> K.
hlt-|«<^**nd nto* e liehind Brooklyn whw' <,„ nn hru*bed h> h A SnvO* -
1 ww York, l-J, in in fV-1 fl-o, tt» Ifiin the fiu^VrfirinU
Uae* af'cmOon gam*i n,. ,,,11 0 pp,„ r f 4r | (imm, win
fuaa U th. Tifar* * M bite Sat 2 Ml over Frank Dan*. K h-H
didwal IStwut. June 2t» '.fb Young Webntor and Gann n-cgiveil fn*:
•« H , Art Houttamary tiecam*' the fir»t ^«ind bye*
HMircl fO-gaiO* prinnef in the majoi Grant und ' .*■ >• hh ni i v .
bblwa* league* ytntrraay a* b* l***l the upp* ' hca*ket. and Hjeh-ter
f (awy'^u* Amarlgan Iwagu* leading Detroit III the lower
1-HM g$a* Tiger* to * K to 2 daemon over .. ... u ^
.L, 1 ’w. _ ui . HwHtowwh. Datraaon tdiaoca
j the ( blcag*i white Si*
Hw* t, Vihtotic* t I" fif«t-round, upiwr brack* t
telphia June JV f* ' R‘> H'dhiook datoated Dm
. Urt^Kte*.. < 1 Neill * H.mtm "k.,1 S.* Freedman Ky ti n. aid h .1
*w tba Natwtn«| lawape With tMrf*nvpt V Uiair mth *tmirU vt< di«Po,.il of I^ynn ID*
aid two hopia ruih ffam the; tery U*t mghl defeato g the •"f H«4bm*»lt and ItouSdnnn mm
(■•tji of Gand HerMahMi and* Phiiailagihia NAthletK-a K tn 2 —haduluO U- Ungb by July
furtlU. 'Mfcatin^ t|ie Giant*, j Home mu* bv Ted MilUam* 1 No. «ba lower hrackot k I'
5 .1 In FMwttd' Jg,, Varn HtopHrm* < No 171 amT *•*'• »*>hb> Mnuck il *•
. Irjrhar R»« want nil th. way.Aowl Dimaggot (Jfo Hi helped f 4 * •nd G. Haptor d.
for tw wstrwgi. rivlg up nnw aanei WpVtoak^ dnwn u» hi* Mn*r%fnrd fVMe »
12th defaat of the *ea*on i K. C Ttmlm rnaig*|l k tank
. turn. IS. (ardigalk 3 IwMan* I*. Hrwww* t Hanitiai, >>4 t> n to mHanc* Into
Tti4**e piUheO* fatlrd to *toa St L**ui*. Ju#.'' *» V four Hu thud rouml of pi . ^ K.m* c w a*
Alhitnurrauc N. M . Juw th. ean..*t4.nt fitting of the Dhi-j rim rally an a homer, two dnub ,
2D I.A 1*1-It took Hub-par r «*" » ub * '•■‘trtUy 'A Mr b*.mglty. an «j , ntntl ^ in the fir*l inn
.11 ai*l «1* Mr t(Umin« I*
*milfNt*'t the StfJ 5jt
’'B Mt N got hacIA Bed
YWk Ini mU ya»terg* f‘hila*le
Malm and Ji*’e*lm.n defeat-
•**l Tay|«*r ami Mild* recent while
Malone arid Man on were <|owrung
(iUthane and Cohen
t.ann and (4|l!ic ( op«dand. af
let rec*ivmg 4 fir*t round hy*-.
ace »i heduhnl |o no at Holbrook
and Mamtia* hy July '■’> Hol-
hri^.k and hid partner defeated
K l> Natoc altd 1- .1 Daiulaon.
4 «. 4 0 ti-2
Four VI air M ■» I Un purled
N > n poM* ha
- fifU-e# hit*
DHt^H hnmatw- t o
fUy in the N(?AA toumamenl li«uia| f ard
\ e<4er<lav
A 'prime example wa* the
Hod | unset vtetorv of I^n Kerf
r> pM't* ha e t*
fro»M four Other matche* 73o-
af otem*-ntior»«**l matihe* an- pi
t« 1'»mpleted uy July .1. with the
1 veeptom of th* mati-'i myoKi'g
M .didrei ami Au-tm wn«i are iwiw
in th* aem.fmrd*
“All mrit. »i**nu w innu i ti u-
nt* HiaUtow raw** UitmUto their
^•eult* with thu* net *«oic* on the
bulletin b-mrd in room Jtr* (.oimI-
« 11 M dl' Inti ..i n I Dinfctor
Hu r'uv M . U h cad thi* n.irunj
Hhtn* m the fimt round matca Munet*. to *logKt.f the sc
I a. u 1*1 UaHinalt. IS 3 . I
gautel hi* Tourth wm in
g »taiu a* h* gake up hut ame hiti
f 1 in thd nine inning* of t$ap. 4
M. Ng t bivomity of Sruthera Stak Mnaiul drove 14 both of
aiifornia htond, over Moma OardinAlg' 1 run*
< «
* lliany Jr, W|l> raganiet 1’irata* k. ReUi' } t
Te«a< 1 mvaraity Smtotar j FrtMhurgh, |une »4 The Dctmil
$.*nn*tt wa* a PtroRe und** ' FitUhurgh Fngla* ral|*M for tww I New York
par at 'di for the 17 hole* whilr rur* In the eighth iliMf mgfit to Cla*elard
Milliam* had a H One over i>ar wig. the ('iruignati IM' ha- 1 fwitnH
acore* hy VkUmBt* on No I anti A»re a «pat*e crowd pf 12.P40. * H a*hilwttoa
No. K and birdie* hy Kh—aft t»| 4~- -e—i- 4M
No* 5 *nd 7 put the Caltfarniap
four uj at th* turn WHUi 0*
rallied t*> win the 14th and M>t|\
hole* hot Mat the match when
they hau wl Noe It and 17
K*opt for a couple ,4 toaaW
form rev* aala, favonto* gawarallp
triumphed m c**otoata T i *hammg * »hm in thb jhMhawi af
Mat -h plat in the Mid annugJ lK t f, * m i * Aggie*
iftl^llan. Rhiiout lh* •aMHt, N v w f lirV
He.lU < iimpanj *1 »W«to»kH» | Ktakwrgh
to tt- /game played vaatorday A*',' , rnriati
in thi‘ t'alvert gofttwl Twirna-f
The Bahhit tai
Hiet the beginning
(Tbveland l,ndian* maula«l th<
la.ui* Bropn* IK to 2 la*t
Bill Tadr* rlight The big inning wa* the
fiv* toverth when IS Indian* paraded
t|> the plate Wid kn*N ked in 11
rlin* It wa* |loh Lemon'* loth
i triumph
Intern an (.eager
Hal tu ho *
Tbura.. June 2V, IK.'rt Page 3
If it s n»*d rtitton you want
“For *•« me not"
I'hone 4 IS$S
North Gate
Phone 4 4444
r*» gw s wjm w 1 ri
p«r wig' tb
and (lore a
I ■— »
Mgr Rahliit. 141
FhiidMphw j 22
Ngttwnal i.e»t;oe
t'mk^y, , 3S
Fhiladiduhia 3S
We Give S & H Green Stamp#
Rt La
me*'. The Bahhit team i» rank*«d 1 > 1» 1
third among t|e *ofHall Wggre- |>4‘ II IK' 11.
gat *- in H.ruggen ] . k ^ rti
LMyd wa* fto winning J|1 IMM II (rOll I lilY
twirl4r and wfnt all tha way, j *
agpto^ing ^'t*t hibng the |,t |M> rlyangitoriahip flight of
Why Bill Atkibaon of The Hnu*-jihe idtrantoral golf tournament, 1
Mniag team M the (Hltaee with Jor Han nett Jyrry BetD. ami Kd
twe f.w three while .the Aggie* f,
ml»n gain*'.i the *emifinMU.
ssr ir ~ ^ ^
the Winning WtoherJ^ ^ | | n the upper bmrhet Bennett. I
virtoe ..ear F H Dunn hy one
whifjd 12 of h$* wuh ,, w , u {mrt ^ u . wK , altmia- i
. t" ^ i!* rpd In the lower hrackatt. Ed Tire-
by MtBaf wka $maa4 tha pMM^ 44^ jj A S|mtM1 „ n ^
rmn Third on Uoyd. only h* ot ^ ^ plBy ^ wtnn „
tha iwenjag.
to p
of the Dick F.dgar larrv Hill
One rawult him b.-ap p.o*te*| in
_ _ 01 P* fit* 1 tauewtf, which i*
jUad(Her Stephen* ±.Z£
flight. E J F|*her downed Kan
i.iair in th
National 1 •dlagiato AthiaUr
lonation maM ataitad
t mong A4 •luatHflM Imp
g "a! field of 141 The ehaanpuyn
»hip wilt be AmMMI BahirdM.
Mote he* H re being played over Wm
K,KTi^-Mrd l.niMgWtV uf New Meg
i<ST *?*Kir*♦•, a par $$-*7-71 layout.
Dan4* Sharpeul Bhaatar
Fmm a mn*Mi alandptHi t Lpr
day'* *1 d^PPMIg KAMI
fro*n Dave DeNuag, tt~yeni ^
K^n*a* l nirerektr earn Km aad
newly rrnvrrvad JygpaM ABUltdr
tltli»t Aftor bedU OHilaMwk
Jim \ icker* 5 and j. He wept <»
to fim*h the roupg with a five
under pin 67 Viclggp, eannuer tr
of Toledo , Frank llMMhu «t
the rocent * xtaru atwatour at
Dalian, look a 72
Favorite* gaggrally advaip. 1
including topMM MtoApliat Af- _
noid Fhimer of WaA* Foroet and gw* . 1 ■ 1 P tv * •
defending .hatosien Narvw 1 ard., K 12/lltO l|olC|N ” Kie
Ji. of North CarMh e
Maiwatt JgSEMLf
in which a favPMMlird!^^®, fhRpge Ju
wpwi’t good enough to win aap ,u-.
long drtvuig BiN IpgweM <|f
North l*aa* State op*t NaowdaN
Wayae Adam* on the IMh graap X *
m Nr* a fi. if < 'k.
•nr* M. >h.k AOm r^u.r*! bJE“JCL/VL, NLAA Gt.lf (Jiatop*
# ffo r f,c,n* v .. Masting out a 10 ' r ’ ul, *V£ N®rth TtUk BUta’* four low
Profutancy .a biaUmg ^t m trmm R i ^ ,JL. ^ Hahaiea put together
The ditotAutivu t*nkg« m- j^r fitoadav afternoon
* t f t *!, ! hH WPihod off with their *acond
rad to >41j44B mr S'offcgM. NCAA GoH • hampionahtp in tha
t/rtal vata in 4^ NdM 1 (at ttoe yM»W
I I'T* . w * w> * r, T* midnight Tha Texan* aeara totakad 571,
y, r*we t|> 2.»$lAtr. four Mow* ahpad of the eeond
“ batlrrad
. Uto M'raaai btagM 4 wttn Ml^ |7» *tooka,
v ... - J - . ! *'Ht **gxw4 J paced tha
• Yogi ■ r
hold* »n
rata* ovdr
Li an os • M A NOS # PIANOS
blfc Yank-
■ Ida Mad
ithUM Ml
nath Voe*
for the ch*i
! J Fl*her dow
»* to advance to
the *ami-
yfioenry to bhtotmg out
sand trap carrtod Be Wmtngor
Oklahoma AAV to vleMff
L. N. Cm—fj, Mpk 4a
Texas in a third round
on No. lb.
I f $k*ncwa»m N®'
IjOCQI hoaato*, lr
On Schedule . . /
A111*! .* *0 M M Kf|K k a(N As
which had
and both final
old record of
Howell Lumber
Star Ga* ia Sm
• F
wHh 4 par-hraak
tram bar* of t^
»nd Dm
J 1 ST Kh( Kl \ KD
Oar SerMNd (hrliuMl of F at ton li.'roiMlitHHipd
PI \ \os
The) Arp Snuftil
(.1 AltANT$;iv—Tl MM.—llMJ\ I.KY
And I—urad No Kxlra ChHFRr
Spitrth SPLj. anil up
19% IhMO- I ji to 21 I ran, on Huluiu r
Oa rt—tatioa al Uth* ad to thr *L*r* >mi will
IO r Y dl»o>aM4 (Hi bow piamm god .> r f on
Hi to oIIpt kimhI thru Saturday
I Nano (d». N«i. 2
\ H. J. Wyatt Manager
, W1 North C<.U- s '- i'li-.n* . ..ev>
POT AT age
1 !
, r 4 ^ - •wZaw ^ ^
Womm, tw T** '•* e tv •**»%, I
1 - * •wtow to* to -*-* - y hi I
COOL Savings
kbkMfOt you
Speriak ftir I riday & Saturday June .TO & Jul) I
Ur I Moni« t rrnBi Styk N4>. HKl
Franco \mrrican lo'j o*
Diamond No 2
Tomator* I(V
filudiola f> Ti Hindi*
Flour 37»
Htar hint Lrccn l^ib»l
Tuna 29<
I ncic VkillLim*. No. 10.1
Pork ami Beans . . 3 for 21k
Formulae .... HVtoz.lTc
Daricraft Tall ( an
Mi& 3 for 29r
StoheU'w—2 UiHindn '
PirCrcrricK....... 24e
Cliareoxl . . . Hi. lias 23c
PrwrcHsed—Bring—25 Ok.
Dill Pickles 25c
Ijtrgr Ivon •
Soap *2 for 25c
Ih’l M«»nU‘ 1H 0*.
(harm in
Paper Towels. . . 2for29r
Pineapple Juice 37e holex 2f«r I9t
IMI Ytontr No. 2'j
Fruil (itN-ktail . . .
. 33c
larsc 2 for 17c
(Mol .
Tup Kirk
Dog FimmI
NTthiM-o Premium I Pound
Nalu*n>—h (>/.
Bil/( racket's. . .
Crisco 3 ll». 73c
Powdered Sugar .. I lb. 10c
lesson (Jil pinl2^c
( alsup . . Libl)vs 14o/- 17c
- 11 ‘*ra Scot
5,b * ia Toilet Tissue .
Hrnrt 6 Texa*.
Fryers lb. 55c
\rmour * Slur
Bacon ]lb. 31c
I ont Horn
Cheese Ih. 42c
Armours Star. \Mw4r. 10 12 l.hv
Ham* lb. 55c
Cradc \ Babv Beef Sirloin
Steaks for BarlM-cucing
( onipMr Unr of
Fresh Seafoods
IM Hi*
\ ienna Sausage ...
Swrrt Hixrd—Orl IHxi—K Og
2 for 29c
1 lb. 25c
Dine—d okired (JuNtlrrH
Salad |ktwl
SalaiTDrcssinji. . . qL 12c
Met ormick
Tea Vi lb. 53c
Fiatwrll—15 Oz.
Sardines 2 for 29c
Admiral win—l-l.b. Pkg.
Whole—Del Monte—No. 2
Green Beans . . .
( ahfornia 1 * s
Carrots.... 2 btinehes 9c
Rtlon ;
Apricots lb. 29c
Onions 2 lbs. 9c
Mcxican Limes. . 2doz. 19c
( •U/ontia (.rern Paweal. extra large utalk
Cdery 2 for 25c
Fed Home (.row a
Potatoes . . . II Ih. bap 29c
.» I
H U « raw
A 1"
— - —