The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 29, 1950, Image 2

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Fife 2
~ ‘ r [
The Need For
U .
The immediate artioA UWn by I n:t^t
HUtu Ml lid iir fonei in entfruiK the
Korean wir ipQ^M more loudly tlnn could
my word* for (he need at nuunUfung • de
que t« armed ftiuM m iU areas When- the
United Nation* atsad guard Hecame high
mi aodair r>ower aatW prearnt in is pin in
effective numbers, valuable time was
saved in committing this power to action.
A delay might have lasured failure Wt
all know it would have had fanreachiug
Imlial communist gains may mean that
even thoip force* we were able to arixl
into battle may not hive been cndqgh Hut
thy aim stand as Lrvtuaony to flit advis
ability of sendinf equipment and supplies
to thiwe nation* who have alqpted them-
he learned as a n-
huK of the prsMnt war m the Orient One.
we «e aura, will carry the message that it
is far better to meat force wih force father
Ih«'\ ompmmae and m the end kwe all
Hut unlem the United Nations ia aMe to
prftvade form to fleet [toaiible communist
attacks, they will be unable to apply the
lessons they havefearnad
Until all free nations are able to help
themaeivea, the United SUtes should,
within the hiuit of its raaoarces. dedicate
itself to be constant task of standing
guand over their freedom In the meantime
we phoukl aid these nations to reach a
state of aelf-suffiejftiry That is our duty
selves with our cause and are unable to as the leading nation in the world
l^ r m L I Ij|i
(irerner Still (»r«ms the UampiLs.
We would be tailing down oa our jt>b
if we failed to call attest ion to tie newest
campus attraction We refer to the flour
ishing stands of carfiet grass which art
making them appearance within our rmdat.
Hefun earlier in the year by the ('are aad
Jgauitenam . o* <Jrounds I »e}>artment, the
grass • planting campaign has now been
taken up by thC Military Uejiartinent with
'fu« hi raging r*sult* In most of the stmts
attacked by the Grounds Dopartmunt
then- were only a few s|tar*e blades 4
grass In the gres in front of R.his Hull
then- a sa hardly even that But now all
them* location* are sporting or wili stain
s|K»rt healthy stand* of the bright grm*
4 lot of wfllfc has gone mto the grass
planting iqWac. Both de|Mirtments made
extonaiy^ prw|NirationM for planting then
imported sod or carpet grass runners to
start the growth Regular watering and
s{lading have paid off.
We look forward to more and im»re
carpet grass on the cani|Nia Although
more trouble to care for. it presents a
pleawant sight oa the hot dry days and
< ooirr evenings of the summer and fall If.
in t^Vs(uture it Would be poaaibl*- to have
nn Vatim ommpua covered with carfiet
grata W* re aure we d all agree the effort
had been well worth while.
Ki lter Police Forres for Texas...
Teaa* polme officers announced M*n-
da> the beginning of s drive 4' extrtui
state civil service pn**rtion U» p»»hce de
partment* in all cities in the state. The
reasons fur ami the advantage* a# ilia
protection wire well described tp the *|-
torney who represents the newlv inest
|s»rated Texas Municipal Police Anson*
L ♦ i
**lf the poRre in every loodity wtne
given the pnitectHHi of civil service. It
would attract th«* finest young Then in eur
communities to our profeM«is>n," the at
torney sanl * , B> giving each idfwvr the
proper traimiir through the vinous pc>
Ike and State Highway Hepartmeai
m-h<H»|?*. we wpuld t»e able to give tin- pi-o-
ple of the stale the kind of law enforce
ment they so richly deserve
"In all of the police department* In
the larger cities and in the Slat*- High
Solicitors Invade the ‘Forlv Acres*...
The Summer Texan, aemi-wcekly, bot-
weather tabloid offspring pt The Hafl>
Texan, recently puldiahed a warning^for
its student*. For the benefit of TV Stu
dent* currently studying on our campus,
we reprint the warning exactly a* it .age
peared in their own ptibliratkin under the
headline tvtgdenta Bewan*! Mag -h«Ih-
men Are Here Again ’
“He a art of any magaaiae sub
script»aa mihcitars wha may coatadt
you on or near the raatpe*. M<trn«ri
Arno Nowflta), deaa of studeal bit.
Thursday. ■ J .
“The perennial visitor* were on
the Urag again Thursday, ‘taking a
wirvey ta aae haw many reader* la
way Patrol," he continued, ‘‘where we
haw been under civil service and free
from pokihea, it has been proven we an-
in * much better position to cope with the
fast movbig criminals of today than we
went befoge we were in fear of losing our
i«b* every two to four year* ’’
The opjtetive* of the new Association
wew girfr* as improveti working condi-
ta*f*- cwlart' ami security for polucmen.
It lino hppes to mcieaar coofturation be-
twacn polu*# throughout Texaa.
Texans everywh«*re should be proud
that thejf law officers have formed this
itraai'izatfcon and m*t a* their goal an im-
prwemeiit of our police protection. We
should g)ve our full support to their ef
fort*. M if they sre successful w*- will
ill enjoy better communities, frw from
politically dommateti police forces who h
aro pow«nas», m some instance*, to crack
down on those who ignore the law
the intelligent class I h i a magarinr
has.' If the student seems interested,
the sob ft tor offers a thirty month
sutmeription to this magazine for only
the aikiNng coat.'
‘Of caurse, the rmt comes out to
he thij standard full price for t h e
"It is contrary to regulation* of
Ihr Idlvernit v W ihene people io sell
mag*line NuhnrripiMms on the cam
pus. hut legitisiaie sakmmen have no
hmiUUkuis placed on them on the
I hag or acaf the rampu*.’’
To this we can only add. "A fool and
hi.i montjv are soon parted ”
The Battalion
<* Af** Ti
The Kal.
City «f Cotiefe
lag the wmibmi
through rndag
The ArnscM Pres* i*
credits* te it er art
•dhsmn. Right* e#
*r aU saw*
J ing to
f 'tmp ( ftrreipesdmt
AE AkaisHH rails*
i kb* Joe Msaaa. Jesse Hiliiar*.
as* Jus fiobhjm, to name a feed
new hear the sM-k-nsme “Ysak. ■.
The whole program, as they
tail ua. i* to a hoe oa what this
“peore-tiise Air Perce" la ith*
>•1 it a true »hat they my Horn* foitow* rout* up thrtr
Disic- th- aon real I) doea mpreartona in two word- -mighty
aM the Um* At lee»t that’* nnirtsry AM in aN, theugh ft
courta, i
huurj I
I a 1
I nectmty
(eat. AH i
Is ROTTf radrt*
PX offering '
i fUua* at * |
reserved /
lr Th
well laute
out nererttly
there* alwa«
Aop>nio into erhirh
»sd Sunday.
tops- to town are
ban aometimns coat-
plena, found that
came ahMt hho
Interpreting the Dleux . . .
World Behind US:
Russians (.aulioiis
VI* PofriKB iffaim Xaalrat
The rea<tion th* rn>n-<|«>m-
nuinist eerlii to AHi.rnan utter
ventioa in knrva is that th* l ni
te*l Stains ha* «i<>oit no to he
counted am<>u|f th*- men. an*l that
other and !••*» atnoi* na-n may
a«>« fare forvapl cimfidently un
der her wing
The only word from thr d*nm-
animat bhs a*Hie from it* l»-*h
meal argument* about h-irality
arol its ax|Ml-ted effort pi rfas-.-
ify the U d. action a* Imixmai-
ism. indicatr* that Kiix«ia i« rr-
sdmg <*uUouaiy It xlrt-ngfhenH
the belief that the losonpl U S.
action t««n<h> to diminish, ritlwr
than -itK-reaac. the chaix-ts of
WorWi Wa. HI.
Pravxpis initial e*lit**nsl o« th*
subject flout.ain- much of the us
ual tine ami aakesl »h*Hh*r th,
V 8 max have gone tow fmr, hut
is flotn-eahl) fre*- of any ihn-at-
eamg tone
At *n> rate, first r«a<*tnp in
Washmgpo was lhat I’reslOent
Truman'* dervakm »»» arUiallv
aceompluhiug its pur|Mia*< of
‘'rooting" any Ruskiuii mte|itM*n
for further outbreak* tht* Sum
mer Hltre ha* been m«ieh »*eeu
latmn that ln<k»-( hm« and Tugo
*lav,a might at** have been og the
Russian list for action
All de*etognwmts «u* h a* th<»*<
of th,- last few day* |iM*d»ir* a
»*rte« of disjointed h*it not un
related Imt-res,avo mi* «>fi- id>s«-r
ver* Her*- are same of mine:
U 8. I**H.«* Might
That the i'nited ^tat* « has
l>een ver' admit in it* at>pr<*ach
through th, 1 at ted Nation*
That th, U N itself ha*> tak
en * hlgtonf *p>n toward aCcirni-
plishing th*- funettwn* for which
it was de»igned
That I’rusidetU Trumgn «land*
a great 'leal taller
That the itmtlanty "f thw Ko-
tean aSd tlerWtar citwatioes is
Uvi plow- to esc a ik- notice, and
that American failure to leave an
Army behind h« evacuating oc
cupation force* in South Reran
rontams a h swan for the future
in a (Vrmany where the Ru*
aians an doing in their ion*j just
ttible Verge
“liel nothing hi (ton* through
strife or vain gP»ry, wit in ^ent-
ae> of mind let each e-U-* tn inther
better that theCwaelves l^*flk not
rvery naan on bis awn tk rig*, but
rvtrry man a>*e on the thing* vf
others" Phil 2 .3. I
what they did in gteir lone of
That Russia - "|ie»**- loving"
|>>otui*r ii-la Ueik* |>ivtty green
aiouml the gill* a* the first
armed aggrrMion of the ixtstwar
period tome* from within th,-
highly touted "(leare bVu "
Kelly Air Force Rale. Tex.
(Special I—The Yankees are fiag-
ing |
shine aM
the situation in "Sunny San An- ia*i’t too t«d
tame. l-oag Hays
Northerner* in this case are a: The hour* coukpi t <|uRe Wl
portim rt the mo** than Wb mil.-*) rtaal The days ararn a lit.
Air Pon-e Admirtatietior cadet* ih. Ion* when you get up rt t:M
taking six weeks of Summer Air! a . m wrunda at 11 p nv. tbk.
Kon-e Rl>T( (amp here The although few cadets await Um(, Th* scpiadion had just retum-
lank* an- akm th,- main point invitation to climb inte their epl* 1 ed from a feur-hopr aeasioa of
of intorrat to the 14# ARM (h- A typical day at preaeot might Haa**, It wa* almut a half-bour
•let* include a 8 .10 brsakfaat. a good before retreat when four heauti-
(K cougep, since we’re freak barracks clean-up, two hours *>f ful yaU in an ojuatty beeutifai
from nine month* of (rtiege St»- either drill or P E . or a two to* car drr>v*j into the are* immediaU-
tion weather, the depeadsMe daily !<jur hour tour of some near by m-l ly adjoining the Aggl* barracks
ihmc of Old Sol is a little un- stalUtmn All Una .iw followed by ,, W ne-arao
usual to us tan. 1 lunch, four hours of daaa. a re- 1 They boy fiw eth-r Sumnwr ('amp formoUon tors review» ami whom thgy were looking and tea-*
*i.dets throughout the nation are ' w P ,> ' ,r * irr usually frae dered ai tnvitaUon to htm and a
M-ttiiag down to cangi routine, ^ P Bn T' > • n< * couple of buiklie* la hop in and
we’re well into our thifd week &t | ikroughout the seekdhil ! join thaff ia a short ride. Under
training 1 A * P* r u,,ual **■ ^ ™ »he the orrSmaUnees who could re-
vavi r. u * prr m,t 100 ‘S^ffuac? Nithe three Aggira They*
\*W laac* Kevieu »a announcing our acem-nce The long to make
The first w*-ek. wki*h was moet-i R r ** n*dbt hare found a yell them»ei\*» i>ws*muMe i
ly nrganixational. wound up with P r *‘ t, e r Yull-tut at thUj About five minutes after the
n review which the all Aggie v-sdet £h*h. _ , . . . jlfiipa, foqVehUWe, and AggP'* hmi.
Squadron K took hands >1own mack nlertaSMWrt made thdir departu**, the Httire
TW camp i* i-tim|M>aed <»f an The (Tub, incidentally, ia only squadron fell out fw a can-ffl
cight-aquadron, tw«»-gn>up wing j (*ne /'of several entertainment 1 role call. The little scene, it
The few A*M cadets md in Squad- f*cilit*es offered There is also seem* had been obaerved hy a
ran M fuel themsches living with • theater featuring a new pra-, laclicai officer or tern,
our neifhle*r* from the far far; gi-am ca« h mgnt, a swimming Result th** Aggies returned a
northern provinces of Michigan pool a well-equipped gymnaatoia I few hour* later to find them-
and Miitne*uda in N<m*dmn 7 | containing la»«iuig alley a nod *,-hes praud owner* of 10 de*
M<at of the Aggi •» in S*iuad- other form* of recreation, yev- (merit* Their* were the long**!
ran 7 (Jack Cochran, Frank R<«p era I tasehall diamond* volleyhaM faces of the we»-k.
Bryan 2'f879
Now Showiatg
*<M«B / -owe
us ft,
Now Shorn ing
Prevug Snlurdg' 11
Firwt Run
81 ART S ; I tbl—>:Jb—
« 4v^i ; ab- -ia«a
of Tcxm and the
aehnoi yaar Ih*r
every luaaiay
HOWAiD <t l
VVMI (il I
2—2' / ( am* l.ibhv w
Peach Halves . . . . .
: lie
2—11 (to., ( an- l.lbbv\
Peas & (arrois . . .
.. 3i
z—dOT t d'»- Kowgd.ilr
Fresh l.ii
*1 Quart Trtr Tup
\pple Jiimt 25r
1— Ih-Ol. ( awn I 4Ml> Koval
TomaltN- Juiee . . ,
2— Na. 2'j (an*. ( rtsuur Point
Diet'd (arruts . . .
2—Nn. 1 TaN Pink Heaui v
Salmon .......
2 le
brapes. . .
2BB Sue ( alifuraia
Oranges. . .
Plums. . . .
Hi. 2le
doz. 35e
• Qh23e
Celen bunch 15c
F n*wh
2—No. 2 ( an \a-Z«a(
()ran»;e Juiee 35e
2— No. 2 ( ans Libb>'*
Spinach 3,)e
Miracle Vi hip
Salad Dressinj; pi Xle <|t dn
l2-(te l*kf Snow ( rop
Straw ImtHcs jJlc
2—ft (h. (ana Snaw ( n*p i
Orange Juiee 45cJ
Peppers 2 lbs. 2i»e
• M \ R K K T -
Decirr’a lall Korn
Sliced Bat •on
lender Veal la>tn
Steak . . . .
lb. 71
Tender Venl Square ( ui
Shoulder Roast . . Ih. 6le
Ib. lie
M iucofiHin Mild
Short Cul lionelevs
I lam Slices lb. 61c
S|M*< iaU for Frifhiv & Satunluv Junr M) & Julv 1
Charlie's Food Market
North (**t*
lottefe HtaHou
Flu** ( aftoon- New|
m A NAT.
start* t :A4.1<A-« 60-»:P
IJ L AHNT-K The \sh-( aa Blues
») AI (***
omm* aa- Hill'Uilill'
’Feudin' Rhythnr
Ktart* i:Ab-ft: lb-4:t0
LaUat New*
•Ow DC
AsiD Tm
wat rv-c tijD.*?
Ou tnOK i >«er
* iADrt®*A|