The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 29, 1950, Image 1

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I *
City Of
Official Newipapcr
If 4
Nation's Top
Safety Section
's 1»49 ( on test
t + t
/ ni\
tT. JUNE 29, 1960
Pricn: Fhre Cents [
MacArthur In Korea;
B-29’s Blast Commies
Tokyo - <Ah- The South Korea an say the military aitua-
t»<m in miprovtsf for them
The South Korean Miaaion it Tokyo haa iaan»d a aum-
. man of the artuatioe saying thair forcea are driving back
Red tank forcea from the Western Sector of Seoul.
The Me cniAured Seoul—the capital city—am after
the start of Mr kavaeloa of South Korea.
The Korean annoum ement says the military Situation
showed improvement with the aid of fuil-acale hn—hing at*
tacks by United States Air Force B-20'a, The Mperfortre»»c»
went into action for the first lima Thursday attacking mili
tary targets at Kimpo Airfield near Seoul
The announcenient aaya that South Korean military
headquarter* now haa moved hark to a point hetueeu Mu-
w«hi awl Seoul. The hewdquartan had been moved from
thK |H«fnt—Shimag—to Suwon earlier Tfcurad*!-
The annouarement uya that fierce fighting oontinuea a^
Kimpo Airfield. 16 mi lea west northwest of Seoul and at a
point 12 milea north of Seoul
MacArthur Flic* To Korea
Ry AwMM-iated Preaa
Phone Rates
Hearing Ends
In Deadlock
- f
The mooting between Bryan
and College Station city offi-
ciaia tad representative* of
the Southwestern States Tele
phone Company again result
ed ia • deaeloefc with neither of
the troupe acreeHtr •• U what
ttrreaae thou Id be made in the
telaphone rate* fur the two ciUaa
Whh a report from an auditor
hired by the two ruuneiia. a “tuf- !
ftcient" iiKp«a**> in rate* waC*
propueed by the city leader* The
increaM wan vubmilted U> the
telephone company who in turn
aaked frwai SSr to Mb more on
each rate than the city had pru-
J puaed Only in a few caeee did the
. representative* mibmit a l**w*r
^ iscrcaae than the city had armed
The taiapbune company irffi
nail arpued that even with the
rate incrcaee they are aekine the
people receiving their •erviee
wotdd be paying con«iderabiy lea*
than ether citie* uf comparable
•# N
Gov. Shivers to Present
Liberty Bell on July 5
TSc hell will he presented th
a ahert ceremony at The Grow
college by U«v. Shiver* follow*
_ . „ -v jm , • requeet made by offiriaia of!
Gotr- Allan Shiver* wM pro-1 the college to the governor ia:
•efit Texa. rephea of the bh- Au . Un ^ vrri , WM . kt #ro
erty Bell to tkal in a ceremony
here July b, It wa* announced ke*uli» of Viaii
thi* morning Clbb Gllchriat. chancellor of)
The replica i* one uf 4b now the ASM System end Dr. M T. vetad over the entire etnte due-
touring the 40 »Utae t and the' Harrington preeldent of the ool mg the pact *even week*
[** ,r *? t.S?''*** " lege./i*itod the governor in the AIk> trawling to Ollog* Su- [
for the 1»6U ln.lepen.ienw t>nve .tat* . capital and requested that ** t he fr-wnation will he
to eacourage wtang. beade eale. he name AAM a* the permanent S athan Adame, .tat* director for
Wednesday aftemoua. Jely A To
arrive from Dai la* where the eee-
mge bond* drive wiH he cohrM-
•d. the bell will he diaalayed from
the truck on wM*h H he* tra-
Preeentation of the bell to the home for the replica
Oceanography Staff
Gets Navy (Iontract
14*1 TfcompMWi
Mr*. 1 hoaipfon. onr of lh« top Miep^tiNi rharadrr* ia Kio Kila.'*
appear. » ewe of the mo«l colorful bccwc* of ihe operclta. She I*
caal a* laraieo a Meaicaa raharet girl. The two ad wcolcra melo
le Grove
drama odt hr preoented el The
again tooight, begioMng at h.
funeral DotiglaM MacArthur arrived an the South Korean
war front ytmterday and American B-29 Sujierfortreaa Bomb- «it*. They ai*o emphasiwd the
ern went into action fur the first tune against the Cooununiat fee* that rate* bow being charged
invader* j I are the name an th..*e cstahliRhod
The nnprenir commander flew to'korva for a peraongj "Th^amodlmm
Uutk at Amencah force* fightmg the Red invasion froai the o,,,, aiM | lt k.’i ahowa the tele
north Writer aa authoritative source had Stated that tbe U.
S combat trmi|ai have hem alerted to be ready to go into ^
MMaBt" n | >\\ .rr* ***•' ^
la Tniiyo tbe Far Kant Afr Farce aasouamd tbe R-Wa IJ^awaal t« the
bomlwel ( oniinuaini hrtd Kimpo Airfield near the imptuml
Mouth Knreaa capital at Me<mL They hit primary Ufgrtn
with good rvmaiU. tbe Air Force said.
Kimpo ia 16 miles west of Sooul
Crowd Fills Grore
11 To See Rio Rita ’
ASM'* Department of Ocean
»giaptly ha* made a contract with
the Office of Naval Reweareh for
conducting a *urvey of the Gulf
of Mexico, according to Dale F
Leipper, heaii of the Ocean-
the bond drive
Rracewefl to Rawee
Maater uf ceremonie* for thf
poat IndepwndeiY* Day iK-cagia|l' ,
will be Searcy Brace*ell atote
aenatnr from Houaton and a ISM
graduate of ASM Adam* will |# i
inUtMhired and will preaent the
bell to the gt»*nu>r.
Gov. .Shiver* will accept the
beM is beisUf of tbe state, thaa
vie* wtli find u»eful, he «atd, ia in turn tracert it to Dr. Har>
Dr. Harm
weather data and information eon
cemmg the valt contotfit. current,
and temperature uf the Gulf. >
The Navy uae* this mforSia-
tiiun in xubmanne warfare Fbh
erte* are inteieated in the diftar-
ography liepartment alwi project 1 ent fish environmenU which each
situation* of hilaiity and pat ho*
Prom the bo* “Kto Rita” by
rpo*e of the Oulf survey
begun June 15 and 10 which the
Navy i* contributing EJtO.KlW i*
to procure information in ocean . .
ography ami meteorology .ml iam.stonU
analyse data collected, Leippvr
ring ton
cept the ball for A
Arriving at Kaetorwood
at 11 Wednesday mom h .
governor and hi* party
gueat* of Dr ll>ll1aatii
the Grove ceremony begin*
p m Dr Harrington will
#MA '
informaUon would relate. Utptwr lht roV enM.r on a tour
“‘U'*'* caaipu* that mornini
Work will involve four fall Member* if the
time employee, and four iwrt
U*t night st the Grtvs. a ^ Bo*-, and fred Thompnon. aaid
near-capacity crowd wa* OS haad .ueh “livp*Ale” character* The Kwh and Wildlife Service.
. .to hear the 6mt of two perform
however *8111 of ~g io R)U « pr#1 ^ nt-1
. Jl Tsfner arul hi* local
1 qmpany * increase wa* en- |
The orchadtra began th« over
TraH Kmpiwyed
One of the men employed. Lrip-
a* Jim, the Texto Ranger Cap- I>vtppvr said, is inter#*to«t in this per *aid, is Carrol Trail, graduate
tain, who 1* in pee with Rita, survey to the tutent that it i* ‘ student in physics Other opan
Hg» are available to graduate
.tudente with bwckgrownd* in
plannhtg cok»-
mittee of the collage for the
bell'* presentation are R Hen
derson Shuffler C. W. Crawford,
J, B •*IAck'’ Hervtqr. Hawaii
Badgett. Col. H L. Boatnrr, and
Dr Ralph Stern ,
ftctlun it |ny ntomvnt wL, ( 1 "*, r Iur* etacUy al H. and «n|id the the Dan Juanma ^mervesn »hy*
hut pursue* her ibwther for rob- furnishing the ship and crew ne-
beryr, General |*teUn Rita** rr»*ary for the project
jealou* Mexican ^tHeor; Lovett, M rather Dal*
communication* M UMt °f the HtaiaUMi bound traih. ter, Dully and
'luck Bean the Infarniation which the Navy
company which would rieariy tpiit dog*, and feat minute afrivafe, newly-wed* who *aem doomeii tor Ibe Ki*h and Wildlife Ser-
the difference in their demand* 'he musical comedy started a* separation on Ufeu honeymoon; |
and those of the rttr I PWtowtoAB
and. of course the stealthy Mexi
Take Off From (guam
ty how
The proposal is to be preaent
ed to the South wee tern State*
Telephone Company today for
their acuoa.
TKe story It an involved affair can outlaw, knawfe enly a*
of American and Mextcan fitiiea* I
livae J|re interwoven frag An (fed Timer
t'call) at tkia point to b ro
The Air Forve ynnt>unc«mant did bat
■ ^ulicibtlKi PrpMaubhf Lbcjnadit low
came from GGam homt btar if \t* tfalRat
the Pactfic War. Guam fe about 1300 milea doutheMt of Soowt.
MacArthur Rays hr will stay m nrtfhborhuud of Seoul at
bant two days tc “are for mywlr’ what the war situation it.
Th»* Onrral h flight to Korea in an unarmed plane folluwwd an
authoritative report that Amencaf eotnbbt troops have bred
alerted for actot) “at any mowtowtr ; *
Seoul fell to northern invadera yeeterdiy. Fighting movba
20 milea further south d««ptte attacka by Amenoan jet fight
er* and bomberb.
The musical wa* first
when life wa* horgy and
pun* were ‘‘the greatest
the span of tgehi
I fiv* rear* had littfi
i atohk'* .awdfewta
1 wee* given freely
Educators Elect
rs& New Officers,
React RepHca
The bell i* an exact replica uf
the original liberty Bell in Phll-
phyice. math, and engineering. p, „ ^ th , ^
**'*• shape and eixc of the toll, with
“A major portion of the work tto identical tone. A crack ha*
will consist of data computatiur been simulated on the rep lift to
and analysis and will be done an complete it* > x*< tnea*
the campus”, said laupper Ar »The original idea for obtaining
but '
the bell for AAM came from Dr
Frank C. Bolb.n according to
Gilchhat. Dr. Bolton, preaidcnt.
emeritus of the collogr. made the
suggestion and (.ildinst wroto
Gov. Rhiver* in hie tohalf
led Here
KftlM Claim l .N. \rtion lllu^al
at almoot the wamr Mr radio MuaroW
i rwaly to the t altod Nationw
mibria lu aupph niUNart »
Janet HUdrtiraiMi
Mias HUdehrand i* Mngiag ia the
ctoraa of Ihe eommaaily coat'a
pheetaUWaa of ‘Hie Rita,” a
gay ■peretle ia a cwiorfal border
•Hting. She I* Me of four Col
toge Htatioa girt* parttripattae
ia the product ion
Mam (HMiding
Gooding, and AAM
new an arthitecl for
'j»«eai. play* the part
aa American lawyer, if Ku>
Rita” The twe-act operetta I*
toing prodeced by a commuaily
Mm krthur toft
hriNuh-nnt a Mtoilau
imlling ua 1’. If. metnl
lavardrti South Korrw.
The Soviet reply, diatnbatcd by TMa aaid the U N.
mudutum waa illegal tocauar Nationalmt China took purl In
the meeting and bei suae Kuitaia me of the big five, did not
Ruasia aaid the Nationalist Chmewd delegate who cast
the seventh votA-in favor of tha rewoluton had “no lawful
right'' to take bart in the procoodinga The nwolution waa
offered by the United States t
Seven affirfeiative vote* are requirafto pass a reoolution
In the Meeurity douncil
The Riiaaiafea also maintained that the U N. Charter
a per I flea that SB five permanent member* of tbe council—
the United States. Britain France, Ruanfe and (Inna *-mu*t
vote in favor of a resolution to make it )eA*l
Some American »rnbat trooife have been alerted for Ac
tion in South Kferea “at a moment’» noUga," an autbortUtive
source mud vesgerdey.
The MHirre declared tbe <ietenon*tfag military aftua*
Uoe la the ( ommunfet tovaded half of the rouatry may! ^
force the t ailed Htatee ta nmwwlt gregfed ■akliwa te the ^
So far no coanbat troop* have been sent tuwoea the aar- Worting with an experimental Kffrwu of v.nmi. e.mb,a.
row water harrier between Japan and Korea Only an Ameri- nmm with muwabie wall* amt Gun* «f andutocturai shape.
rvporte4y haa gone to the war front to r **f i*u»unt*xi or wheel*, the '•dj iw mcksuiel Tc*uiig
rangvoient* fur the work ware
rawile through the AAM Research
Foundation heailed by Dr A A.
Jukkula Joe 0. bell, of Triumph,
La., will supervise the computation
ai wurk, Leiggser said
ty or twenty- A *^^ ITwaelo I K Bnn * t k Drummond, tochnicgr, Dtwployt
k effect <m^t IfLIHLS j ul k< TL I aJ h VtfuI >, >toMt?| y,<i ij. l i1 1 < J>r 5h
_. llL . _ . , , The Texas School Admima I ^ ^ month While here, K wa* under
Billw Jean, Barw.n appeared a* * »e J exaa scnooi AOminia ! p ni j^rt Drummond i* In charg» , harre >4 the count* .«*-
the flirting Rita, and I lean L. tration Conference and t h e 1 of the otoervatiiM work at *ea. , (l |p, hund ch» rman — CotWtg
B«>yd played the c|oak and dagger County Superintendents and , . Judge A. S K arr -and hid enm-
'"tw lx ^ r i Superviaora Aaeociatum end- f ’ mittoe
port^^r^iv 1 three^lay aeeMotl at AAM -AAM ha* become the central Maoufacturwl in Frarne near
newlywed. Ibigy Mu** and lo- ^ednaoday. with the election of
mar McN'ev. Lofett was plared "ffiwa
hv Harn G<<adhiw School Administration officers! , - - -i „ . . , It
A. i7 ottor Ireawntation. at Frank Monroe, aupennten *-"*• * tomperaturv at .wnrtance of major l nitod
tto Uve.Ito Jdr.Uge piivi! of the Midland public -"Wfe.,"™- Gulf ^ Sute. copper Arm., ?
to be a ihwartfig .totacl* to P*v*‘<iv»>G suceeedmg J , mformation and ■imiiar data fur*
1,7, HUI. wwrtWmSnt ol ,h. GO- “ h ^
the chorus praaebt and .mt.ide •rhools; V W Mil •Gi'i«f'U doing research work
noiae* did not iknirove matter* ** r ' •upeeintendent of the Paaa- Since work in oceanography
greatly whool* vire-preaident. sue t( all at a graduate levol, it U
The cast seemed to have a good seeding Monroe; G H Wilcox, cloaely related to reaearrh, it il
deal of enjoyfoWit (ioing “Rio AAll. seiretar) helu ved that oarticipation in can-
Rita.” and the todies of relative*, Newly elected executive com- ta,t work of tala type will be vgl-
fnend* and n*»n«parti»an liaten- m,t toe 1* composed of M K <gr- U able in building up the acadertic
er* was quite n«ti*«able miehael. Bryan Ihckaop, iAan An- pntgraml^eippei aaid.
_ J- ; gelo: C T Gifford, Livingston, i —
agency for collecting data on the the Swia* border, the bell* wer*
Gulf of Mexico," iMppor aud. [ brought to the U. 8. by the
The Navy ha* deposited Sl.kOO Trtwaury Departhvent with the
Deparlmunt Heatl
I*atidh Conference
£•{!?',« MSC Becoming *
Flooded With
ran aignal coqa unit
art up cummunMatkiaa.
A&\1 \s A rch itccts
Aiming al Future
The "house of tomorrow * may tors .4 n.toa ami type* *f
ve uf much greater comfort such as louvered, gnBevi or
cuoveaieacc. thank* to the glaaa
wwrk of reaearrh architect, at
AAM Kf»#rt* %fee»yrrA
Working with an expenmentol 1 Kff*eU pf various gombiaa
V Morn*. I'lvaldt ami A G.
Welch, Alvin, superintendent* of
their schools,
Ghaa M Hick*, superintendent
the Milam county irhoolt, was
elected president of the County
Hupenntemient* and County Su-
perviaor* Asma-iation; 0 H
Stowe •uperinteiulent of the
. , , "Thi* *f»s one of the finaat
I exmfereneae we have ever held,"
George Wik-o*, bead of the Kdu-
cation and Bsycholegy Impart-
merit, said yesterday at the clone
of the three-day conference of the
County Superintendent, and Ru-
f rmsrtr* Asiuiciation and the
exa* School Adminietration Cen-
Robert M Stevenson, .to. pro- Wilcox, in charge of local ar-
fesaor of accounting at AAM, rarigemanta, paid nifh tribute to
wa. taken to the Bracken ridge the speaker* roOMifcwt* and all
Polio lIoNpitali^M
K. M. Stevennon
Tarrant county schools, elected ' n AusUn Tuemlav after- w ho took part in the ronfereneae.
1 vice-preeident W D Bunting, 'T* Hii^cnae. wa. diagno^ pa ^ ^ w . tlw
tx.i _ .upenntendent of the BraM». r''“ ^ ( ' dame at one or all of the ^-Mioa..
Htltel re to! tatlons 111 thg county •chool*. ie elected trees- •’D** Medical ( nnk. apeakcr* praiaed Wilcox
Mrmonal Student Center have urer Ateveaaon, who live* at fto ^ f° r hi* untinng eff«wte and work
been pouring m, according to K, , rnJ ! 1 iv r James parkway III Bryan, became *• m “ k * ‘h" 1 * Micceasful exmfer-
w. A Hill, attfctant director " f H< "£ U ' n T •» Sunday, .renting to Ma Wife ♦""f (ommsm i«rk by at-
i_ W— • . . J Wakelami, Waxatoohie. W T j tendanta wa* that we always
In CnArfe Of Hofei operauonu. Voiding Wharton, Ruth Richer The case is the seventh one re- cajov and look forurard to eera-
A complete hgnking including j ton, (mrendon; Mr*. Cacti Ross potted a. polio in Biaio* Caen- mg ta AAM We are always
sixty-*ix room, q the (enter and Jefferson and Bee man Justice. t> this year, ai cording to Dr treated *o royally here and evegy-
%t room* in the Aggieland Inn Nacogdoches, all superintendents l>. F. Brown, county health of- I thing is provided far our ron.
have been re*erv#i for the week- 1 ‘ * *- * 4 1 - i v
ShiTem C^iIIh for (civilian IMenae
archiiact* of the Engineanng Ex <*> r apn sound will to ctr-
periment Button are atudyiag the «' .irtulUnei.usiy tf deter
effects of building shape* on the m *'* currafetloa of those nWr
H 'Oaife J eavtn>nmental factors ontoental f*t..r.
^*k4. Mr Md sound Other tepttag device* heoidos
ends of Oct. Ip, 14, snd II and
for Nov 3 and 4»
Virginia MdHsty Institute will
meet AAM'* foothall team tore
Ort 14 A reupupi of the rlaswes
of l»10. lnt5. snfi ttU will also
be told on thpt day The ( las*
of At will h*>ld * reunion on
Oct 13 14
The AAM-Arkgnaa* game on
Nov 4 accounts for the complete
of their county sell
* v#i!iaiw*d*
i * 1
in informal»oft the etpnru|»ntnl room u»ed in ^ n,nnii ^
war U
la a
Han defenar
Oov. Allan
fetter U» ill Majwm aad
Make rmmm'miulUm,- be aaM.
The announcanMnt waa a follow-up ff an April 14 i
ormadum from fbt govaraor’s office reporting trfetMirt
atate nrgtuiutatkMi to 009* with dfeaaterv
1 Text of the govermir 1 letter was not Available, lie major
pointa. however, included thee* recommendatione
JhoMe to Mil
» j -i___ #,4. | *birk wfl enable builder* to the study include an fer ffew
nail ill pinni for oivv ,wntrol the*# efivironmeaUl fac- chamiiet for measuring air mo*e-
# tors ia home* erhool building* menu within and around budd
Tlend other rtrueture* ; me moifels, an intagratsai light
Mauafd so Wtort. «nj| dome fm Uwtiiw
j i_ 11^ ■» 1 Witn m.Ktelt and
VThe W x 30 foot r*i»enmental for photogta
tie fed nvll defewer ead structure (that sit# wa* chosen tern*
aa the findings could be adapted . .
The reaadreher* export to rt
tabitsh a relationship betwoea
to various ex budding* and Model*
e* i
Sr . * i'
l Tbe
partmantg in
cub to Arrive
and other*
of thane and other affected <W-
fecal off male
of firet aid and
mgs could to adapted
0 it mounted on
roil on a track to
<w lighting
smoke tunnel
air fpw pat-
that date
About 25 r-arn* ore still avatl-
sble in the * enter ami Aegteland
Inn tor the T ti U nirbt game
on Ortober 21, And for the Rice
game on Nov, It, according to
“Reservations haw men been
made for MotlWrW Day the Final
Review Soffiof Ring Dance and
Military Rail ifeat yeer,” Hill
Prirea of hptf
( entur begin «t Fl M) They have
he on set aftgr ebu dying othnr
**K»* , > .
Sft; (♦
•* r
• '■M
t ronm* ia the
• *
“Lncfeai Architect are"
walls ar* non-load, „ ,
are mterrhangunbie j felfew» that ‘togtral ,,,.
a fenestration ant Mini tecta rw can result oaiy building* and atadent union*
„ tautod Adjustable ‘kruugh . areful c nnaiderVKm of cordiag to Hitt/j
to eatioue height, ami shapes xim cnvironmenUl fec-
the reding cm. ia a minimum of *«"; F** “ ^t Ntfee k
Um*. to changed to provide any »*“• then, subject* i . t ^ _
one of four Jirfaxunt types arufetoxt* and engineer, can uar lto*tUril» frOMI H ATO
Bsasarrb Architwt Witlmm W Re hope* that data resulting
Caudill, in charge of the project, i fiww this ruaearcb project will
^ X Voss* Poll.. Victim
K el • #'h Uc
Ur and Mrs.
the project, from Dus research prolact Wi
ruaeurcb, ia it* various enable arrhitocts to AKenaine I Darrell Matt
i will be ranee mod with beforehand performance of dky *-leased from
cf the hatfbt. atop* and Mfktfec, uf tarsi vootilapoo and rvn* Hoepitol
of cuiltoga, the direction sound It Ai** may
fi ^ r»
uiiivrtfii num
ami shape*
■W’wi ana rvn * iiuamw
white new parahrsM, area
•rchitort er Mr Ftator
the Agronomy
her. 4. son of
I. Fisher of
Bryan will to
Waco Child-!
y with aal
to bin fatb-
mstructoc fe!
The Bay.
•t tbe Grove
Pto* Carson,