The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 28, 1950, Image 4

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Is Asked
WMMiyrtan. J«M M IW l imfeired
Hom* SiMlt iuilMM '
to Pr»»KWnt fnuMr and
to prtrvtaum foinpam**
walarday to rut down th» floa of
forttf* oil into tMa
Cktirmnn Pat Main (D Two, IN
MotMtiqr $ raport toned on • 14
ta al|dy •# 41 import*, Mud
f P
UrX Tan lit*
to (toe 1*1*1 Um tnvMUfation
had "pro*** that for aadaMl
I month* the level of pn*r*l»aai «*-
port* ha* t|n#n too htah ”
TW Tra*n *aid t|» vwrftaa
i>rafuh of %ht fiivertMMHlt nhntild
“If pomutind to run tin o* bo
pond roaaunablo level*, national
•oranty national oronomy and
the virility of tho domoaU pry
duel no induttry will bo
CS Girl Scouts
Spend ^eek at
Nearbv Camp
A week of raaifunf at t amp
’Arrowtnuon on* 4pont by thirtv
flvo ( ullfre Station and Hryar
’ Girl S«»u*» io«t Oeek Artivitir*
rarnod un durn* the day in' loded
•hoii rrafi. flap rerrmuiiMi na
tor* hike* twunpiinp «<>o<i< raft
and fir*t aid Kvenin* artmtiea
inrhided f*n»«* ounyn and ramp
tlr# rereiOonw*
Wt. I Mi K William* of Bryan,
ttkeutiv* dtrertuf of the Girl
Stout*, dirorted the ramp
Ope, huuae «*■ held by the
Girl <Sruut* Saturday *>v*mn*
from 1 pm until H 31) pm for
fhoir familie* ami friend* A flap
ceremony followed the ' picnic
Ivnche* held on the picnic prmvnd*
.Several ortpinal akit* which the
Gtfi Sr out* wrote were ai*o pro
be fivea oMortonAy firet to of*
fret redi actMkw in udfroct* ak4p*
trade apreeiitenti. Orfope lepi*latl<M,
>4* jroaaiiKdd
The eoa»mitire refort vopanr
mended that the Pre*B*nt » »pk-
ed to revieO *«l*Uiip trade apfSa* {
mend to *4e that a “proper bah
• nee” he itiaiatained bitVriaii *a> |
nieptk pridutuon and import* ef
ft noted that m lf4S, for thpj
firet time *l»ice IW2. the I nitatl 1
State* brodght ip more crude 41
and refined* petroieian prodwrta
than it akidpad abnmd. the |Mdi
import batahre totaling
tuiryvi* <latt| The net
ftftare irrrtaaed to an average
Ilh.tH** barrel* daily in 1*4*.
T R44Ha Wmijm
ftport* of crude apul prndurta
de»T*a*e*i from the fe-ak rate of
l>arr*t* d*ih «i IP44 t* *
daily kvera» of hamd*
ai IS4k —-
Iniport* In the la*t half of
arc • * ported te average 1117.7*9
barrel* dnUt. of which MOH
barrel* are fryidual >01* need for
4np hunker* and heavy Indnatrud
- The *tate iepartmept announc-
«t la«t week that the Meajdait
trade agreement it to be abropat-
*d in *ix mdnth*. thug Pw-reaping
from lOH to 21 rent* the tariff oa
f' ; » 1 ^
Prepared for Building Projects
w A&M Education Buildings .
Preparation of |AAn* far four
mayor building pgp, »rt* on the
A AM Culler* of Tdxa* campua.
eotunaled to total liJUlJOtt ha*
boon aiPbonaod a* tie lale*t xt p
bi the M.OUQ.IMim huidnig program
ttorted late bat yggd.
A new Phyoical Hd4cati<>n Build
mg, Bagtneer* IjWry, coliseum
dad a t.*w wing fWd the Phyaicv
ktiMing are top :t«la in the new
In addition, authogiti ha* been
rranted to advertbr for hida on
pavement b the *ma approachbg
the new ■emonal 8t|»dent (enter
to root Ihd.OOo and a rvaerve of
IS75.UOO ha* been adt up for the
CalUfa-g •hare of d project htt
J k*daatrian and vgklrular under
enwainga of the mlroad* which
•eparacg the mam calle*. lainpu*
from th« new aggtultural cen
ter* now under conatrvetiO’
The new Phyaicai
Build ng, expected to root fdM.OOt),
ia to have <k).IMK» octttare teet ul
floor 'pace, under pro**I* pbn*
Fpoviytoa ia being made for the
addition of two gymnaaia later
The new building ia deagfnod for
an expansion of the phpgical ed
ucation program, under which all
xtudent* of ihe rvllef* now re
ceive at lea at on* ygar kf phyxi-
cal training. It will include auch
new feature* a* treatment rooms,
fociitie* for corrective gaerctnea
and phyaicai therapy In uiklition,
the buildine will hovae dffkcea,
classrooms and oractiee godms
A modern building adyoinmg
the main college tibrgry was
authonaed for the lexaa kmgm-
eers Library, punt proM-et of thv
of Tenaa. student* and *laff men
beiV of the college.
Its Collection ef book* |
and H.UUU volume* of bound per-
iodkahi ia rated on* of the ftp
eat in the Southweet, while it*
petroleum section is particular!) 1
strong The library i* growing !
rapidly in six* and uaa, and i*
leretving 4211 engines-nag period
xala regulari) from thia country
and abroad, many of which are
not available for study elsewhere
in the stole.
The library ha* twen mroaed
in a wing of the Mechanical En
gineering Building on the campua
since it* establishment. The new
quarter* will fulfill an agreement
inede by the college in I1M3 to
fu.msh adequate and suitable hou*-
H can
naxo^um of UUh*)
regislered profeasional kgign.eem "»» “* ,Kr ^bftbw grow*
F. Mayo, hegd ef Ihe Kagliak Depart went, scan* thrwegb
l>r T
volume Irani hie pegeonal library Behind hi
lion he bought in Kkgland after ihe desMaaHon
m ie part ef the rollec-
ton ef I hr pound
(Contipued from* I’age I)
n-f ommuaist nalmh* of Europe
Kussih * rtaction »•» known only
, . _ s . . . , -w the hangful of Sovn t leaders
,,UW ^ T* Wide the Kremlin's wall, Amer-
r the domeatic rwn to r*fm*rW ^ (lffwt#u itlll
that the Rus«iar> Would refrain
from ot*enly joining in the Korean
•truffle and permit the fighting
to end without the threat of a
World Wfcr HI
atHfed Saturdag evefimg ma y
result in a cut in hn-
Gina who att*v>de<l the '■amp; i-^ Small Buain*** cOm-
inch*de<1 Jean Ad^a, Anna Bca* f ipittoe'a rvpi»rt would still call
Itotglkret and Ruby Ret- 'ugnm the IYa*iiient to wtview con-
MMrruente Britton, ^Sorah -ition. m tb* petnilegm indwitry
« m»'»dra t<1 ^ *H e |her there Was a proper
(Ourh, Binme Aon Itanaby, \an- halgnce la-tween oil produce here
•De Engliah, Itortha Fkctcher, | arid that skipped in front aliroml. rupted
Mgnlyn Flack, Ruthann FnAge. . -.-**• i bat* ii
Jane Gih*oa, I^ila Hendswwon,
Penny Loverly, Lynda Lynch,
Jamr* McNeely. Sally Ann Mil
ler, Marilyn Moehlman. BoWne
Jean Nebon, logn Norwood.
Jutynye Dell Owetis, Martha
Anne Parsun«. Eleanor Pric*,
Sally Puddv, Clair* Rogers. Alice
Faye Simms. Jean Ann Smith.
Martha Ann Stuart Katika
Wbitten. Teresa WilUMsa. Patsy
Williams, Carol* William* and
Sylvia William*
Briil^r Uuh
To Meet Thurnday
The Veterans Wivea Brulge
( lub which ateeto Thursday night •
at I n n» in the crfiinet room of
the YM< A said all veteran* wivug
not attending the meetings are ta-
vtted to do ao
More girl* will he nee«iel for
hqftwse' when the clul> gets or-
ganjaed. the memlwr* stated He
freahrnents will h* served, but pro
vided by the individual members
Officer* fur the club are Mr*
Betty Bronnei president. Mrs
[toria^ Ana ( reel, secretary, Mrs
Nautybyrd Meyer* vice-president, j
and Mr* Iaoiiw Giegrt»t> «*• ]
j \\
Ann Sow them
Miw> 'MMttkera i* »ne el (war
t eltege Htatton girl* partictpgl-
ing in the productiw* ef “lie
Kita“, ■gp«4llWd for TV* Greae
will sing
a*d night 8ke
g in the rhergn.
If it*a reol (hstton you wwiit
“Forget ine not"
I‘hone 4 UM
(Jl»cago4-v4 A wpnwn mlme-
■ imes cen haw the la.«t word in
an argument ever if s|e say« Mdh-
4 lag at mill. T
A rrdibeg grwblie.1 Mrs.. Pkirta
Swanson's perse on M^htean A y “'
mie Khe umeldrr't M go. The tug-
i of-war weht on untif she kicked H
ike soatchet in the ytomach.* He Jto< k*d
i fhnl up *• alley I
Prime Minister 4 t t I e e inter-
House of Commons de-
bgtg in I>>itdon to give the news
of Mr Truman's decision The
or fh* miniater anitoumed that
Britain would supiidrt in Ihe I’
N Swuiity < ounn) tht I'mted
dltatcs policy A roag of approval
went an frem Jo* bi!*>r and
opposition m» mie rs |.f parliament
Approval also wa* .-apressed m
Pan* and th< Havue
I't Wident Trumanfs histone or
der called Moscow's hand in the
('resident's Directions
The p re eh lent diWx ted the I'
8 7th Fleet to (mkert Formosa,
Ms* stronghold «f ih* Ckineae Na
Wr»nal»*ts, against any invaaton
from Red China Mr. Truman also
asked GengraliMimo Chiang Kai*
Bh» k to cegae attack* on the Qrou-
mwniat held < hinero mainland as
a contribution towartl pe*' 1 '* in the
whole area. The Chgiene approved
the suggeatior
The t»rei*ident directed that
Ameru-gn military gid Is- speeded
up U) the Philippines and Indo-
* Vina nations yhirh w.mbl Is-
immidiately (VreaU-ned bv fnrthet
Commumat expansion
J In (he ea*e of the dispatching
jf Ainencgn plane* and warships
An the aid of South Korea, the
VgitoJ State* maintains thi* *c-
4ion ia beigg token in support of
the U. N. Security Cowncil re so
lotion of la->t Suriiiav which or
dered,* cease fire ami calknl on
mvaifing northern Koreans to
withdraw tank to thru own terri
tory ah<iw the ,'tnth parallel This
A tha line which <|ivides Soviet
nurthern Korea fn.m
* Ameriran-slipfx»rtc»l ISouth Korea
I lev is ion l eahaerxed
(S VIrrchants 2nd
In La«ur Hare
Nedbelek SeTOice Station con-
tinuea to leail the Bryan Com
mercial Softball 1-eague with six
wins and no lokaes after Monday
nipht’i game* The ( ollege Sta
tion Men hart* moved into sefond Jonea
place with a l+fi win over I'hil-
i lip* (W> at the Is-ginning of the
D>a Stanley Was the twirler for
the winners in the Phillips *Col-
lege Merchant* title, and he al
lowed only si* scattered hits
thnuaghout the game
Stanley also |iace<l the hitlers
with a perfect day at the plate,
dipping two 1*tr two Tegmlhat*
■Linmy < ashiog held runnUi up
B«V Scouts Off
To Jamboree at
\allcv Koruc
College Station and Brian mem
bers of Boy Seoul Troog II, a *pe
rial troop mail* up of S»-<Hlts from
the College SutigrpBr van com
munity, Calvert. Hearn* and Som-
of Texas and of ihe college Ea-I
timateil u» cost 1172 (Vk) and to
have 14,4tHJ square fw-t of floor
spate, the buildup ia to hKMiae ihe
mi Hit Ruxiern facditie* fgr study
ansi resean h, in<iudiny private
study lawdhs ami all iiHMigni facil
ities for reprodiK’tion and collec
tion of engineering det.-i
Jg 0041 \ oluases
I oratevl on the 4AM < ollege
campus in MM.1 by the Stale Board
of Profeasional Knyiuegr*, the
20,00© volume technical library ia
maintamerl for the urn- of (h* N.UtK)
reg i-ten-si profeasional migmeera
The roliaeum ia to be a many-
pu building, deaigned for
gymnasium work When weather
work When
such mamr > * re monies
with tWo
tbs plets
t on,»r*
trip* to
I earn
< S Men hant* ;
Hryan Men-hwitts
Phillip* m.
I »»ne Star i,a»
hits in thre
H |
left fog * twsi day
“warm up" Satunigy in Houston Mft hotl iwt FritMItlship
before Mogd^y for Valley rimws. I. | Iff
Forge Pa, where tfjIgfH. Nation- ' UTIICBPB
al Jamb*)re* will t* held
Tna.p || which © Section 13,
Region 9 of the JgjiUrre ia led
by scoutmaster D C Maseyi
of Bryan Patrol leailer*
for TriKip II are Phillip Burba
nan of College Staba*. Patrol No.
2, Mike Barron of Jiryan, Patrol
No 1 and Ja. k Spell of Bryan.
Patrol No 3
Senior Patrol I -••©er Alhin Zak
of Brian is resporwidf for know
ing the whereat**iut* of each mem-
ter of the troop at 4| times Tom
Keynokia uf Heargej is the assis
tant ss-ouimasler m 4hi»rge of phy
SI* al agrungemenCa, fi«sl troop
equip«i**nt, ami train bwggag* Ke-
s|M.nsil>|e for ail grosTams and
a. livttie* i* Assigtgnt Soutinga-
ter Frank Holloway of Houston
Tump (Juartei iWMtcr and first
asiU'tant to Kevr*i©)« is George
Ne*ll-«iek of Biyw Reynolds
light liaml man and! scribe is la
mar < arroll. also o( Brvan
Tbe Friendship claaa
AAM Methodist Church in Col
lege Stotum has electaid new of
Elected are Jakie Schrum, pres
ident; Truman Jones, vice presi
dent, Mrs Curt Holland, secre
tary, Carles Pou. treasuter; Mra
Bill Wiilmgs. social chairman;
Mi* J. 8. Loupot, telephone chair
Jerry KuthMur
WodnwKlgy, Jun© 2N. 1D50
AI) Kales *r • •■m per lagwtI**
*il a * --V sstgasun Seer* rate te
namine<t »»-' me *•« .** aoiuaui
Inch Sen* ail ■ leastna*> *11* remit
ian*W Ui Ihe agiteiM Arn.KM* tone*
All a*a **><»n4 to luma* la ky I* Mi
• m »* ihe a a* herars leibltra' xi*
n>K K*NT 2 bean
ISIS belli Slerini refr*
Murke fr.«« Ncash <>J
« 4 TS*
l aeanmeni pri
airs' (Srsaw T**>
AreilaMe Plume
Mine Kutledae will enact the part
of lioitla, a flirty Mexican caba
ret girt, in “Rio Rita.’* to he
given tiMiighl and tomorroa
night in The (.rove.
Alma Jraii \ anre
llonomi al Brumv 1 !
fvaturdav at the Oaks, a brunch
wa> given by Mrs. Reed Aibntlen
bimI Miss Susie Mitchell, to honor
Mina Alma Jean Vance, future
bride of Agfcie-ex Lt William F
Bvate*! at the table wer* Misses
Van**, Sara Dinhnyan, Jeama*
wwoeeww,, - * “ « to-e roioavr
Brown, Mto)*iames l-eRi-v Iiownev i
Jr., Frankmi Peel Jr , Jolm Rtil*hi. ’
Proa ton M Smith. J C. Golgi-
smith Jr., ainl Don Garrett and the
rormaodato a maxi
perron* It ia have
fi.lhMi mats above the floor level.
EaUmatod coat it |;>IO,OOt)
Ngw M tag
Growth of the Physira Depart- .
merit and iiMieaaiiig interest in
this field 4 s* lenh* required an k
addition to the roilege Pfry»rc»
Building tg relieve overcrutodmg
Plana are being drawn for a new
wiag expected 'o cogt $lA6,0©0.
Paving foe which llrfb© was
a*t aside and authority grantml
the Chancellor to araraa© 'lar/
bid* aail award lontgnct* will
fumiah entrance and ptncw«#jf ak '
front of the newdy ggimptotHf
Menwe-ial Student ( egtof and min
or improvement' in the area 6f
Sbiaa Hall 7
< ha nee I lor Gibb GikAlriet was
authonaed to negotiate with the
railroa*!*. the Texas High« ak De
partment, tbe Bureau of jNiWic
Road* and otheen on a p©> ret to *
provide unde re roe sings for jiedca-
tnans ami whale* beV'c*" 1 the
mam roilege campu* and the farm
area west of tb»- i aittosol* The '
board set aside t£7V&O© a* a re
serve to rover the cuflafe'* share
of the coat of auch a project
Increased Traffic
Rse-ent expansion of gynmltiiral
facilities of the irillege into the
area west of th* railroad* will
greatly increase traffic l»etw**en
the campu* and thia grew Two /
railroads must lie rrosrod, and the
project is design**! to increase cons *
vemenre and safely A study ha*
been made of the problem by pr
engineering firm w*irfcing for fha
collage and the need for two ve
hicular and five pedestrian under-
(•asses ii indicated This project
would also require realifnmcnt of
tracks in the area to make thg
underpass*# practical.
(Continued from
Hollis is pisym? ia centerfield
while Al is catehing for the
Way up then in Ferros Fall*.
Minn John Ik-Witt hit the sphere
al * .W7 clip for tl»e first seven
j game* of the -*ea»on ami accord
ing to the latest report* he ia
lonpnuing to connect. '
John led the Cadeta igh*nne runs
this past season and Wa« one of
th* top basketimll pUtyers.
Fan Blade*
Evaporative ( owlers
Me Rewind Motors
N©IJ! Mala IV Ml22
I'—i Mry«l*
<1 m.s... rerenlly
Sew I- ir*b**«et»
« 4*lt «•* Mr *1
W Ni/ti k uouCt i
Almwi n w Ur*«
-*e<i«*lili- '.».l (J- - -I
©mi. It) au P*....,
ttl HifhlaiHl
KllOAk MIINITU© *tu »ilh lta«* K.atk
mall* Skull.r fk \ Uui* SuMuta up t»
1 H*i j*— l *— X 1 ** 1
Wr.«lefl rikrra A • 0 , k.alal IVk
Hri>e*i Aliiaplar Kn« an<1 I ■*•><■ Ha-*!
W<—Omi Me-ter II 0.-0 r aag , ( mm
l newit l-«tk»r ©sAp.l Ha*. 'I r 1*4*1 and
I'bb Read < >v*e 11V* Valur will aril
*K>OI '• A N r»
IN.) hkth
and pko
Our SmmhmI ( arluad td I »< h>r\ KrrtMMtilMMM.)
Tiro) ^rc Small
CJ1 4R A NTEF.—T! I MM. DKU\ >.M Y
A©d I ©si u rest Mo Exlrm (forge
Spinetft and up
10% Dows—Ip to S Yearn m lUlairor
xsa pn-wentatKHt
* m I J h K ' * 4|
prartice uiamv*
My I. -
a# Utka ad to th© wtore ym *
toiint oa ana piagam ami V, oa
Thia offer rimmI thru Malania)
iitol Piiino (ak No. 2
N. I. Hr alt Haaggcr
soi Non h ('on©f© 4 mm HI
for | luu
4 4412 ur
•• <12
I I *>T Ml i 'tdlrfa glda SaaM* rud* will b*
re.advad ir in* B2(ir« ui Ow ('ll# Uaa
.*#2, I'oila*. •*■>«(' uaill * p m
Munaa. Jig) id. 1*A*i Tha ngM ia ra
»rv*w n. r*(od ani *no all bid* bad la
• aiva an I and *1 rdVimraliiiaa Iddraa.
*'Mr Manaaani jbffie* Ccdl«*a gaUen* 'ar lurtipr uf or m a ■■« '
In his statement th* president
feral led that th* Seeuntv Coun-
tl'« de«iai*in wa* net idiserved by
the Northern Koreans who "on
the rentrafy have pfesaod tbe st
ta<k '*
The pre4dei t al*o re. alle.1 ttmt
th« SecurRv Council had called
on all members •to 'ender every
aaaistgnce to th« l *)t«*.l Nations”
in the execution of its reuae-firv
Then he de*lared: Tn these cir-
rumstances, I have onlered I ni
U-d States and ami «*-a forces to
give the Kurean government tr*M>ps
covto sn<l aupt**!" ’
"Th* attack upon Korea.'' he
aaul. ‘'makes it fdain b.'V«Mul all
doubt that A ommufiiam ha* takssesl
bey ond th« use of subveraion to t',' 1
roaquer inskqe mlent nations ami
will now use arnked invasion and *' * '' [ *“y*
Near " « sea*i, itr>
* niCURisiM tr*i
I >*h lialanr.
KWHanv. h«i
•W*s gtCSi M' |S»‘ pro
tsadw k-xadanJ e
4 *4l »r M. It I
i •di*a* nuts
Rig 3»2 rain >»a mi
*4* set mono t KICKS
«•*■ i Ills Hurry*
oaitis AM g
thatkin roK aoHit'i
ruK out or #TAtaf -
eraucAtioN iKgai
R*: IT Ogt)A (WEI* gf fHR '’ITT rot'N
(*tl. og the CtTTfoi rot.Mcog XT A
non rax as
( N« iwrem uniaa* >» a*«»'»m<1 for
Oia( iS|r|Mi*s (kai: rowli nr mto *n
urda* ar •ukarniMga wlihia (Iw ('Ur
fur *nr men-handla* |dlMo*rssn*i rww.
Iragrr. 0.040X10*. uf miwr llama or
iwe»u-a* Whlek al gw ilitw •urn aollcl
lailan la o*ad* ur adSn order or auk
wniO"* ia tall an *C* Lwalad m UMlSar
Mata «r will Iw pwgn* ad in anodwr
•'al* and •nipeatl <g ©fc*rwuw *ani into
thi* i'R* * Ow fulgilpanl uf aurli order
ar .uta* r .|H um
2 H**i**m a* far abut* pirjrwr •hall roe
•wi »t iha (..ik-auw
■ a Kilim* oni • Tirq i
t a» S*rr*iair gipn
1 Nani* >»omf qddrwu and Irwai
•d ir**- if giy. ef r*fW(rani
7 Naaw and *dd* , »e at (Iw paraon
firm ur
Hark Knight
Knight, * ( allege Ntatfon mai
den t, ia rant as Roberto in "Kio
Rita.” a western Melodrama to
he presented in The Grove to
night and tomorrow night. Di
rector of the operetta ia Bill
North Ga'e
Phone 4 4444
We Give S6H Groan Stamp*
INTO* wimd fo f fo
«wr t ypw tofth
cMMKMsft F mir iidHtoto
221 l'i|Flk«ty
l«4« ©I'H'k *
a i on**ri In. Ti*f>t UM«
* .*• fn*nt radio and «w*l»r
laemret a n w *)*iki
4 toiOH
■to4 Ul
cmj *•
MF.imr •
KPHNllNMl ftftoir t me lt( 14ft
«* < uHm* Rmwi.llt dndkrat*d
luj KradaM Iki»*
}\t llTy
Tele,ill one 4-.S324
Battalion (llaMaified A(U
•Mger©MM It *n> (hat
. ••kr«a*.it. or for whnm
h who© order* are to Iw
eoHrtled or n^red
1 Nalur* of (to grHrte* or mine*
•rhn-h are to he edd or for which
<wder« ire R. to eolmited
4 Whether r.*gtrgn' upon any .*ie
nr order Oigl ietnand or rerev*
nr arrep* pdysAefM or dopoeii of
•voiwt ia a4v*4re of final dally
hirfi regtel rant
•ell I* .aid
Ik' SVimm in* eatiefgr"'Ki arlttMi or
dwiMeMary *|ri44nre of ih* regia
Irani • tdetitiig
1 Aa» twraur fUaimg Igw erdmanre ehail
'w ruIRT of a oHpdaWw.r.-r and upaa
rnavKlMM ahaH Iw pwMalwd h» a »ta* of
md W4k Iha* ten I pi U* dntlan MW
more «*•* anr ■ .ugrto illisiMi dollara
Kaeaed sSoroied add arde-ad teih whad
Him l*h day at Jgaa* iMti A I
t Kanorl of I to* whirl
•anarla to edlp' or
N M U*d)iaaM
I'Na *..*»' ary
Future llomciiKikerN Decorate Boom ut A & M
(rOiiMilidatf^l School.
Kiparworad h—kk^td* and rerepamnw*
miaa 4 s da* week
'*** Mm I wane '«>4 % < Mieoe Brraa
how A pen la a4i
I'oaetf Hoeisie ©
MlHg NBAT fellaw to
and a few free h*>«w*
«Mt*o*r rente Bee M<
ttoatoig- bmmMMBi
foil or part
HHe Tesae V
•4k *«*d paraowaliir
I pack a©era*nr far
DorRam at Part
IflklfB Ritol egMMPVUt
Pvaoe 1 eaaeo* glem M M
•m toromag m i am *i»i i
44m iwnroamgagSrSto
m hwm* hto m 1 *1»g> mi •
a—erol re
ran T> R hate
4 am
Dr. Cgrlton R. Le©
■203 ft. Mgin Street
Catt 2-1 M2 for Appointment
■' 1 t s
When young l&diea give up the joy* of t summer vaegtioo to redecomte © school clang-
room; thst* news! tomm.
However thst is exsctly whst the Puttre Homemskers are doing st fonaolidsted
School. 50 members of the local group, who are affiliated with the Natidnal Organisa
tion. are using the proceeds from their concession at the basketball -tournament, t©
redecorate their homemaktng laboratory at A A M (Vvnsoltdated School
Sponsored by lira. Jo© Mathews. Homemakmg Teachet. th© young ladies are painting
the entire walk, woodwork and furniture with Sewall'a aemt-Namel in shades of cool
blue-green Shown in the photo, left to right ar©: Celeste Oirrmn. 313 Park Place,
College Station, incoming President for 1950-51 Lis Miller, 402 North Avenue. Bryan,
outgoing PntUfot; Judy Oden, 104 Mostelnir, College SUtion, Parliamentsnmn
Congratulations, young ladies for ft Job weU done
2301 College Rd.\
• Nf