The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 28, 1950, Image 2

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Wedataday, June 38. 1150
4rouml th« 1 orld, the People fait...
An oki and Unuitor at
•» thd nal
Kiotia 4ayt
call t)i« aniknu 4aya of 1840 , it
People aver)where are aearrhinf their
radio dialn for $h« la teat new* reports
Newspaper* are bou«ti| an soon a* they
Kit the Hand*, ( anvernations ale filled
with talk of rrtMa. In reaturanta, diners
eat quietly a* the voice of a commentator
rerounta the day* happrainir* in an even
inf I*■ nark-ant f!ven a fiw “kintraa” are
being printed, giving up-to-the*minute
details of the iataat military measurae and
counter meaaurta. All at once a Menli
peninsula ih the diaUnt Orient has be
come thv ctntef of international at ten*
Veterans half-jokingly kid one anoth*
er about doing a new hitch in the service,
Reservists, noma with ami aimu- without
ai'tive duty rec«a)d«. are wondaring if they
might net soon hr hearing from their com*
mamhnf officer*, Strike* have been push
ed off the front pages, their spate alloted
to the familiar newspaper maps
People ip all wdthu of life are wonder*
iug if a new World War is in the making,
I n Washington, legislator*, govern*
ment officials and militar) strategists arc
weighing the potentialttias of every new
event C ongresslm n cast asitk 1 twtty dis*
agres'ments on th«- isactdime draft, pass-
ing it in a few minute*. The fleet amt
the Air Foret in the Far Fast are in bat
tle readiness. The Prtsidaat stands ready,
if aeed ha, to mobilaa the reserve and
otil the Natkanl Ounrd to duty ~a power
hastily handed him by a Mddenly war
confrioas (ongfesa.
No one vent eras an absolute pfedk *
tkm of the future There is geaerai afrvwe-
ment that our stand, in supporting the
South Korean Army is wise. The time
has come, people are saying, to have a
showdown if that w what Ruasis wants.
Better to stop Red expansion in Asm now
rsther than pull out. wstdh the Far Fast
fall and ouredlve* suffer the loss of con
fidence which millions of people around
the world ha ye placed in our might.
Once again the world is facing crisis.
Perhaps it is temporary. Perhaps Korean
communists will retreat, allowing oppor
tunity for the Mi*t«|ing. almost-hot war
to cool off But, whatever the outcome,
the opinion of the ntojonty of people to
day is certain. If t£i* is the time when
we must decid# hettgeen human rights or
further increasing enslavement of the
world, then let us Ch«**ae that course
which givea us an opportunity for free
The nation* who are really united in
t h e Fnrted Nations havg pushed their
chips onto the table. The communist*
must now call the bet or fold, at least
To Each His Own, Kven the ’Point Fours'...
We cannot imagine why A4M has lieeiy
singled out for penodb journalistic at«
tacks by the editors and writers o^Thu
Mummer Texan | As you know, they re-
cently criticised our stand oft J. K Mi
lkmaid's nght Ut appear on the primary
l»allot of the [iegtocnitic party. Not that
we mind the oriUciaib. but we were cut
to the quick by the left hamled compli
ment they cast our way by termitkr us
"that beacon of college jmimalmm ”
llon t they kn«* we have a rvpuNRion
for modesty"
If that h a d^ Iwen the limit of their
jllies, w- might have lawn content to let
sleeping dogs lie. But now com*** another
blow. Commenting on s report tbat grad-
imtes of Texas rollegv* have more chil
dren per capita than graduate* of the na
tion's higher institutions of learning as
a whole, the Tea an slammed at the fig
ures compBad on A AM gnniuat* s
"Tha aUry. reports." the Texas re
marked, "that graduates of Texas AAM
haw an average of 1.40 children each,
exact ly.’ M
Tv this bit of information the Texan
sneered, "This is a national tragedy, if
true "
We can't understand why the Texan
editors term this average s national trag
edy. Ihm’t they lindw that we fully in
tend to care for our children, the 4 ones
just as wvH fe the 1 0 (Mies’ In fait,
upon quastikning we have almtilv deter
mined from Aggie parent* their plans for
their children
All l.b fade* will attend AAM Th«'
1 f! female* will go to TSCW. All I chil
dren males and femtle*. aiN be di*|*trh
ed for their higher iducatioii to the I ni-
versity of Tuna* where they undoubted!)
will feel at borne.
Human Feeling Still Paramount...
Our attention was directed recently to
two abort report* that moverf over the
news wjres Wt pas* thtm oc for yout
consideratam and hofie you oiitain front
them the same fading of satisfaction that
we did
* 0*e was datehned Ballsta. '“anal Zone.
It told of s young reserve sailor who suf
fered from an attack of appendicitis while
on a training cruise W(> miles out in the
Panfg An immediate operation was
necessar\. The Navy shelved further
training (dans, transferred the ailing sea
man to a fast destroyer and rushed hint
tv an Army hmgiital w Balts* where he
underwent a successful operation
The second hews report came from
The Battalion
"SoUitr, Suatsmm, Km^btiy GimUmmT
Liwrcocc Suilivsi) Rots, Fouadet of A||ii TradUa
TV Kattalion, official newapaper of tV Agnmltural an
<>ty of ( olieg* ststioii, Tsaaa, ta psMUVd ffW timw a «r*e|i 4*nn(
big tfcr aummer, TV Batthl>o« is published four tunes a week and __
thmafk Knday altoraeoa. Bakarnptton rates f&Ut per aummer AlverUgfag
The Asanriatad Press la satltJed strhisiestr In the us** for
credited t« it or nor'other
ed Verna. Rights of rtptAlksUvn of ail sther
Nenai aantfilsMor* awy V mads kg
Gsadwm Hall QaaaMsg ads may V
<lffws nm
Interpreting the New*
closer home—Denison, Texas But it ong-
inatod in Germany where a United Slates
Army sergeant, whose home is in l>en-
isoa. was injured in s motorcycle accident
Despite treatment by medical officers, the
sergeant remained unconscious after the
The Army, declaring the swgeant’s
(xmdition serious, arranged for the Air
Force to fly the soldier s mother to tier-
many do that she might he' at her son's
bedside When K became obvious that he
must lie taken where better treatment was
available, a plane was readied ami the aol-
dier and s medical team were flown to the
Army general hospital in Westover Masa.
The sergeant's mother wss at his sidt dur
ing the entice flight.
WU M.t (
T4 4-
f » 4 f *
? d> S ** *
Diviecrats Speak . . .
Better Conditions
Promised Negro
(I’Mrik ia a Srnw «4 Vflirle*
•hi TV * Sangmc Hnalhi
Al‘ N*«»t«aturf»
(olamhia. SC. * Thi* m tV
Kea'Jijuartera f«»r a p*>in» «f vied.
that of tk* Hiviifst or Htatdx
Ki^ht Ikemm* rat
No most logical place ran |*.
fogV to ask 'What ha* th* *«>uih
(i*»ee for tfce Negro?"
It alao U Um- lugu-al place to
xeek opinicjn on th«» *ho amijd
rhangi tts* Soutb'x traditional
race fiattemi
The claef apokfaman for tke
Ihvucrata ia. rWuise, Gov J
Stfom Tha rmoBd. t* PrexMentSil
raiKluiate feml presectly a cand'*
dal*- for the I H Senate ‘cat h*4<l
by (Mm Jshnxoe
In a ratVr hurficil intrrvtekt, wa» H*he.i, “Wha' go
ymi think tr the ttegroe*' putik*
cal future is tV x«ath*"
I Hr!iin - tu Predict
To tliti the governor n plif<i
that an ah«»rr t>uM i-oSatiUge
a predirtlen an.l he *tinpl> >g«i
not care te (irwlict.
A« for the broad gucittn* ahopt
a hat the irnith K»t done for twr
Negio. Tk«rmon<l plant. ,1 «it thht
he had mr»'»rmeo*f*el thr at»>4't**fi
of the |miM ta* a* a |o , re<|ui«ite
for voUnf m South < anilina ahd
that tV MSU< aouU la- *e(tle<l In
the Novi-aper fenoral «had ion h>
-uhmiaxion to the laa-ph- at a n*j-
»t >t ut .-nal aiuemtnifnt
Thnrnini»«i alan ogaiivi-ii that
have recommended in th*. -talte
the . atahkahment of a tra aifc
arhool foC Negro gtrl> Merrk>
fore tVy have ^uai *ta>e(l m jpi!
a hen arre-t -d Ikten aW hW*
been adopird by tV Ugi-bituri* a
r.eoamiendat on (lot a Negfo
im hool fog the feel'll- nmaleil • l
have revetn me ivied more park*
ao<l m hoop "
For the a nr ter to the ce-vl pf
the que»gm, the govergor w-
ferred to hi* »e<tretan George
MrVabh .
MrNahh pointed out that S .igh
( ar-'lina «a- «p*-ndln»; nearly h«lf
itx anmigl t.udfot of ahopt
> 1 n n it go , ti 0 <) (minus ahuiit
iajg for highway ri*-'.e|r||,-
irnent i for education an*i that Niat
n>e* were ol tatrung an tn<srea«ing
ly laige idtare
was muSa
*mm 111.
ottt* at t .iuai hag tu*. Teia*. «ak
th> Aet tt Lmgmm of SaaS A ISTI.
virtHsfcfMw h», rtlMa 1
nuM^ SagMa* m4 Sm
— nil a» ■■■
* , ‘r»ak MamUa*
Joel Auatm
•hi, aaa pwim
|wWM iK >
^laaS* an Hi* Speech
The governor’* pre-i -e< retagy
the*i *aid that the governor'* Spat
answer pruhahly would V cf|n-
tair»e*f in at. addra*- made to a
I it,up of Negroes at Sumter, Sg'
ler» then i* Thurjnond'* ana»#i
"OpporSumtiea for fhe NeWm
in the xSuth are great*w t,»lpty
than evee heforv fft- aueantagea
hi« i nr mating ragidlv in eduM-
tion, health in agneultare arvl
“An ilhlalration of the manner
in which the Negro i* taking
advantaga of hi* Opportunities in
the wvutn is that of the is*uraSf*-
husine** The national NVgm pj-
aurance association in 1A4^ listed
a member eamtpafues of whtrk
tl war* ip the south
“Anotlwr goad egampie of Ngf
ro enterpnae ia tkgt of the hagfc.
in* huamaaa TVra are It V
owned bask* is tka I'm tec
awd 11 af thew srf in thr
“Ophatgusitwa | n ahundagee
have leva loped ta ether husinga-
IImm such as uitowtakmt, agto
repotr, hwrher *ho|». Voaty par
and pfenning mtoh
•< U ■
of South ( aroiMka Ngg
roga, for ea a in pie. ia asarkad ia
the wewsaivon of faming A
Vg Design- Hryan
Vfethodwl (Church
John Halael. J«M»r archil
wajw (MB Brspi. fatfstd
on*! ouildlM for
TV hoi too* « V ha
•hinglep, aad will contain an k*-
•eiahly area foar claaaroowia, • a
UlrlML wai a padtor * •tudr |
TV haikhog fasd rogHWittw for
m. M'9 MetVdiat Chun n neH
i mretinf to roSaiter a finindlal
rmmpaifS tor the am edlftce
Russian Attitude A Decisive
Measure for \World Peace
South Kiowa, ia Rviag a* to
pgoaMae At made three pOor*
to help tkoae who would
tVraeehrea againat the iscuruawa
of t'awauimaa*
Working unitor a certificate of
lagalitp from the Unttod Natum*.
America take* the rale >4 police
man mi tht Pacific
1 Vasw.* at WM rv4*i rwaoaaa at * rai m ^ K*, wt
S •*w *HPW -e^^^^h^Sha• ^*W *O
of war. Amcrtroa fighting man
afloat and ashore were moving
the front of
Jj li
Markets Drop, “
1 i ron
Trading V aries,
War Talk Rises
thoy loot
first hour* of the aurpnae iawa-
*»n WitVn to hour* the picture
hod rhoagod from who! looked like
the hogWiaing* <4 a Mutimm rout
to giro aonw hope that they would
hold until American help aouid
make itoelf frit
Aa Amencan force* mured to
the dafenae. the world wattod ta
what the Ruaamn attitude
would be Obaerron wore fairly
confident that, aa in the race of
Greece, the kremJia would not
tome into the open in ito aup
C ri af the local forras whWl it
d antonehod. Arm* aid. jms But
there were atony reason* to
doubt that offirtal
Would )mp ftHHui nt
er (m the ground or in the air
Ruaeianx perhaps, aa hi the
|otk| mmw |maA autol toaamwI*>
••11 W»▼ 11 w •! , htoig rflM
there would he no dM«4ag» of,
the issue ibm-tly h. twuM) the A..v-
tot Union and the UnMal ftstop
At I my. observer* were (ail
t* confident They only wuh< d
they could he sure.
. Than
wST’aM ^viumm
uf«et. he Sleatoto
larr*- numtor of our Negroes, work
and live ,10 tV fan* About SI
pur cent of all the |ig«i4^ ' n am*
cultun in this slate *aM colored
"All our coktred upgiftors began
s<l years ago as nthpr tenants or
• ham- croppers Totgiy- maay of
tfomi own their "wii farms and
inhr y others are Ciuyinf thorn
( lies High I'reregtage
in l'‘(l the cefisg* showed
lljtol Negro farm fewnerx in
South < arolma Of pit owners of
farms, il p* r cent ateig colored
which is a high figip^ when you
<'•mal(i«rr that the fr«giuttM>ri of
colored in our U>Ul prf>uiaU<>n is
now 42 |ier cant.
“TV number of cnloMd children
completing high M-hogi n this
-tpu baa lacrwaaed toutaikahiy.
In IMtf only Ito Nagto -ludeuta
«rre gmduaied in |Sf7 the total
>'hd grown to 2JS4S ItoltoU there
were eight accredited High school*
ut South Chweiina Thday there
ato (to and are have * g-toi of 166
t'fgh -chorta for cpigr
“There are four privately aB-
lewe*! sentur <-ollegna and three
lUmor , oltogee for NcMno-s TV
-tale maintatna a *•'••>» roll,
with a graduate arjtoto and re-
antly eetahlished a
Total eoruitoseiil w l|
■has ;.0M
“Nvgro teacher gilgries were
> ^unhand with thoge of White
tuarhera three year* ago (after
• federal epurt suit I. |n IS.XX the
• sa»Mfe Negro teMhgrs salary
w«a »to Today t|e average is
II,UT for eli-mentprt teacher*
«ad HAII for cok-rgi kigh school
"In (V field •( Imptan health
wo have nnmc s kuig whv The
Igtcst a\*ilaUe fig'ing «h*,w we
had k Negro 'icath r*ia of i>:{ per
thousand population.,
Impro' rawiii
“In South r«r»Hng pnd in the
sauth *« a whole, rgchd relations
hare imgnived stept^ly TVy
wifi improve even mgre rapidly
a* mir i-4«>romic chmlitions im-
pr*'V( ‘The -outhegn Negro ha-
heroine » home owngr, a taapayer
and a more dependghh cithicn
“You ate aware of the striking
pr-f res-, which ha* jugn made hy
tke Negroes of our under fhe
ttadiUonol relatinndhip* of our
pt-'-plee But the of our
common situation i* *l»t agitalore
from outside our Ispder* have
violently distorted tig fa<t* to
*arve their selfish (gidk
Depkires \gltaiiun
’ Pr-atreas in the eguth i* set
hack every time there is radical
atntatiiwi of the rpeml prnhiem
Ig' persona outside PM south
“Thoae who w *gt J all (siwer
ct-ntraliaed in WaAtogton have
uaed tV nvil right! ggitatmn a*
a stalk mg horse to, accomplish
their aims.
“Every effort has hgen made to
hide the fact that theiNegroe* in
the south have ma<w imore prog
ress as a race m tlm Igst HO years
than any other grotgi an hietory "
Bible Verse
hath )|Y command
keepeth Btem. he it
Nrw York, June 28-
Stock and commodity mar
keis had a bad caw of chiila
And faver ycaterday. Ptiom
-wung widely in the heaviest "" ’
tnuling in nearly 11 year* under Wltac, The Kallalioa:
fast-breaking new* from Wash
ington and the Korean war front
Hut at the rloae e*trem*-a of both
highs and low* were trimmed
Stork price* soared aad com
modities plummetted in thi morn-
tog, as war talk cooled over night
Then w ith the noon time weed that
American plane* and ship* would
aid the South Korean*, serur-
itii-a *lum|»ed badly Trading wa*
at the fastest (mce since the start
of 14 orld War II, and muck faater
than the stock eirhange facil-
t.reul Pagttoal Aspe<«*
The pehttcal aspeeig/ t4 the
Amoncun daeisiaa were manifold
First and above all.'the world
was assured that thp United Sut* - -
will art aa well a* Ulk about Jhn
taiaing Commuarim
la ukeeea like the Philippine*,
Indo-Chma, Tonuuag, Weatern
flaewiany, lyhn. Turhap—wven «n
places like Britain and Franco
American detoiounatian took on
a new aapact.
TV feeling of soiMtaftfa MWead
to tV American cemgyvaa Parti
sari “politic* weat out tha window.
Onfe more American hoy* were
uadir forvir"
of democracy,
and once more they would have
Your edilonariMa Inspart tha i the bucking of a united home
to a waaeea m
I fhtng into actma
I Skies in defense
Restaurants" has juat been brought j front. The Worst mlin af admm-
to my attention We regret that lustration pnliey troopad to the
conditions in some of the local j caior*
restaurants do riot meet with I Great decision* remained to V
your approval made Thera was immediate spec-
ulation as U* whether the
( baage l , osaihie
TVfe t* a Sanitary ( omailttne ulation a* to whether the presi-
in iperatom o«f this ramiww and dent's dacraibn to defend Formosa
in the College Station POinmgllRy would ronuire, ultimately. « whole ^
It ,>|>arate* on a 12 months basis [change in attitude toward the
and caisist* of very reputable in-; Chinese Nationalist grvernmenl
diMihRl* of long eipenenc* and headed hy Chiang Kai-Shek
specialised training who are try-
itie* could record expedttkmely At in f tlT * f p *4Ral«te Jab far taa
tV same time, the martial talk i "’H* “" d A rh * n ** m j th * A ' wr ;
sent foudatoffs and raw mate,..I f *« W 'nep^tor , lean stutude toward ^..s of
price* skyward again wh< ’ ,n, l*Tt* resUuranU. soft Red ( hina to the ( fdtod Natum*
At the dose both stock* and <,rink <1 '»P er ' SJ * n «. ""d other ap- was foreeen. along with a stif-
comm, bad pulled away from 'I -tt.tude toward British ato
tVir extieme* Stocks cloned from with the sanitary prov.l of that move.
procedure*, not only for genera)
cleanliness but also taking *peci-
mens of water and milk for chemt
ical analysis, checking the tenv*
$1 to 42 lower than Monday, when
hmae* ran to 47
Trailers preferred raw mater
ial* when war *e med likely, be
cause war bom inflation ami scan
cities would tend to send fommod-
ity prie*-* higher.
WVt the war scan seemed to i
be dying down overnight trader*
bought stocks, perhafw hoping that
the year-long bull market, bom
of continued Inisine** proa|H-rty.
would be resumed
Selling of ebaks when war
threatened perhaps wa* sparked
by the belief that war omtrol*
•hi price* and earning*, aa well as
dierdptn*** **f errihan gowds pn*-
durt on a^d the chame of higher
taxes. would make norporatr
holding* les* attractive and pro
( l»,,nd* closed lower in
heavy trading I S government
seeuritMa, steady during Monday'*
upraar, were *old down sharply
Tax Rediution
Debate Begins
Wa«hinjrt f >n, Juw* 2H -
i API — The Hnu»e began de
bating th^ $1,010,000,000 cx-
ciHg tax m1ucti(»n bill yenter-
day, but tht newly ordered U.
te. military moves in the Far
East i.ised some doubt whether
there will he any tax cut at ali
One influential D^pocntt told ‘
rt-poctor* “If tht| mwans war
we will have a Ut increa*, ,rt Jc
lay* ant a decrease "
A Republican member of the
tax-framing House War* and
Means committee, Rep Kean of
New Jeracy, said that ‘'develop
ment* in the Far hast may make
it completely unrealistic ta re- 1
duce any Ute* "
I Kiitale on the hill opened with
Rep Iktughton tI>-N'('l tolling the
House it nad (tetter artent an m-
creaae in tiirporaliori tox>*s to
avmd a veto of the proposed et-
erss cut*
But these are thinga for Ow
Morrow A* will ba the nubatioa
of army partu ipation if material
prove* not to be all that Korea
perature of water and stenliutroq need* for ground dvfenar.
used in dish wa*hing|
Ttalay, as last night, the Vart
uf America rules with the bombei
Bryan 2'5lJ7^
In my two years as chairman of f(ghUr rrrwa (>> „ a far ,^ n .
the committee no individual com- try which, only iO-yeat* ago, we
plaints have been brought to my wtrr perfectly wHli^ to let ja|«n
attention If you have or know Xh, fnitnd $Utoa wa* Bot
any com|d.,nts again.t any spec- thrn tK< . of t V world.
if if restouranto which you feel — ^ , 1t v . r ,
warrant mvestigatron, l would bet .
very hanpy to receive (hem.
I Vlieve that inve«tig*tion ttf
specific complaints and Amedial
action takdn wherein Marrwnted«
will priMlure morw constructive and!
continuous result* than general .
itatioti* made agaiii*t anonymous
local restaurant# nr local restau
rant)- a* s group, fur in almost all
instance* tafy have' proven to be
very foopeialive with thi# com- I
mittee and have d c manat i a tad an
h<ai< *t desire to ataintain the
highest practical standard, of
' Sincerely,
H 1. Boatner
( oioael. Inf
< kairaian.
Sanitation I am Mittee
r*r T 9iM
STAtfni: r\V J:»d -A lt.
HAYlffT ^
“He that
meats artl
i« that loveth ME #>d V that
Invetb MK shall b. Igjved of MY
FATHER, and I will ld|*e him. and
Will manifest MYSEll to him.
John 14 21
Tbih Ad and 5 cent* is good on any Train
Cara — Femswheel — Airplane.
UNTIL NOV. 1, 1850
Highway 6. South
Between Bryan It College
IVrfect Slran^^r"
Tlftiy NMD MAM*
(r/‘t Your Gun
Ptwnw Saluriay II P.M.
LIX ABNER Ah, Sweet Myatery of Htrtfe
By Al Cupp
IT %fti% X
UVtt >H ^
^ r^A^tA* vJ
'EL «kfM>*ATO” J L'TTLf (U“.?
n*y ri wju MAfefK
•POHgi vmkm;> hUx
T Mt«E.*r
VCXJ Ttip Ml Oj
.10 A WDf 4AL
- rt BEFORE nf
ahc nov ' nraccwfa
T*f t»f $T Q.
. - (*oa.r
rfrp* if
iT 1