The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 28, 1950, Image 1

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    / \
City Of
NUkw’nTop * ?
ftalfty ( t j
Lumberman'* HH» ( ontwit •
Tv. 1
)AY t JUM)|» 1960
Prto*: FW* Onts
L *f
Texas School
The Cofaty Sii|TtbmM |
dent* and ftupemaom Aaau-
oation and the Texaa School
Adminatration Confer once
US Rushes Aid To South Korea
hock Couaty «*h«oU Maatthf. |
CMH rn>wtk .ml rf f »oiapwwwt The Ho«m *fl4d|3ll t» 4 a* it
and life adjuttment r4ucati*n waa hoard rtiMrta 8. airmoa,
diaoMonl by Dr Rolan L. Suth- ««dor Whlto H«*» ordora la halt
vrland and Hr J Don Hall. 8«th- t«»m»ia*Mat ■wAiBaor. alraodv
rriand la Iho Dirortor »f tha Hove hoaahinf ta»iM '»f tho for-o.
KwiMbtMM far Monlal HyrWno at 'Kvadod foroa
Waahtnfton. June 2B—(API—War in Korea broke a On ordera of Preaiient Truman American
Senate41ouee defdlock over draft extent*)on yesterday and warahipa sprang into action today against the
h the House invader* of South Korea
noon (CST) Heartened by this support the resurgent South Korean
to the edge of a strategic city 12 miles
* I nurth of Sooul
At Lott* Huccmo Preudont Tfo*
army aaid it had drivn
Umat M<Sr« k eotOrr rCahl, know* akorr alfsioi
H h«l SoMMardl* all froialr. the UlrW (Woo
*|H lak** part u •Him RSa". a otodaoi AcUtttloa
atMiii^rHl Suoiial oprrotta in Ua fin* roo loaiphi
m art Mary
al Thr <»ro*r. McnWra ml ihr
BWs lo«krl AM Soothrra, Mary Jane
Jafvjr BMMm. VaHks MHIor, McNra.
8t»oa—, Jsdy Oils, Pai ScWkac*«. Mi
Halkrook*. and Lia MIBar.
Iho I’nivrmity of T«u*. full to
(ho A«o ««on( iMrortor in tjif Lh>
vumiS of Elolnrrtnry and Srrwnd-
aiy arhool*
( hnit*-> Hick*. So^rmfriiMoal
of Milam ( onmy arhixd* prr-odod
at tkr rffterkoon M>a*ion of tho
< ounty Suporiatrndmi* *<4 Su*-
i A rww ftatur* thi* yr«i «*«
th« Rctl
of frhrduU
- Late Wire Briefs -
Waahinfflnn. June ft - •A* TV I ni 1*4 State* pourod an inrivaainc
volume of wai maberinla into ita Pari fir ppolin*-* today U> nenforre the
new fighting front drown agoinat Oonminmet uggreMion in Aaia
Now that Ameriran planr* «nd umrahip* arr in lomhat artipn
ar*Kind Korea, anna have keen urgently diaputrhed to Indtakin* and
the I'kilipptnea and Formum la being a* reen«4 by th* l S Navy, the
neit mayor move in the grim ronW-at over apreading S<iviet ( ommutnam
wa* clearly up to the bromlin
•t Hot
Informed of the! Houie a* tmii.
which igme two fill day* ahead
ml schedule ('hSifnaM T yding-
ill M«li of the Senate Arm#*i Ser
vim* ( ommittrO fttd he wouhl
rail the meoauh 1 up in that , „ . _ ... . A r~ . . , . ^ ^
branch a* Man a* he could TV »* r Tniatan ■ Wrtorfr WIMm to aupport tV l ailed Natmnl yM nwi ^ mclpa t« becauae
and meet tV Roman challenge hand «hi. the little group of p.,werful fH/l m ^ rur Uon.
men who run Kuaaia and ita aatellit** h«>lda the key to world war f or \ me nr an planM aad naval
mag'* bold plan to «ave South Ro
hm* aad draw th* line on (o»n-
niumam in Last A»m wan the back
ing of th* Unite*! Nation* Secur
ity Council last nifkt Th* rat*
in th* ll-nMrinb*r cauncii wa* 7
to 4 for an American rcaolutlon erp
(knwmg the prooident’a dedaion.
Kuama Akoeat
Soviat Kuaeui did not attend the
mreting YugonUvia rote*!
Adminmtrution officials agreed that »* tV situation now stand* rveolutton arul India and
viaoni agreement to v<|te today came
aga.i 'I
i tirypi
*e they
Colorful Operetta, 'Rio Rita *
Begins Two-Night Grove Run
Houston ha* itg l.ynr Ttieatre
and Suiuiaeflimd Light Opera
mmiMiMes Italian ita Starlight
Op* ret (a ‘roup, but AIM atu
dent- w -n l need to nmrtiey to
fere i w a Itberal! taste id fine
Stajtir.|{ a twdnight run to
night in !Y*e t.fpve will V the
•ulorful ‘ Rio Rfa.** a a.-sU-rr
lUdtaliania'to Iw 1 |>r*Htu<4<l by a
camnni’ t\ rast.j "Hie two act
nfieretta "'is the choice for this
summer » featurM tlpore pnah**-
ttan by s local r**up Rl** Rita. ‘
•ponsood l.y Stfdbml ArtivitMa,
mi pact of th*
program for
th# 4>i states, •Rio lita'
bring t»f*re the (iroro’a I
hghu a handsome array of
ly music, colorful settingi ‘
Maile,t .-oatume*. mixed
i tugeth
to please
ege s rartwatism | lb# Ringing c*i
arm daps.
*Br«Si)way farwrite
way around
er with MSig' designed
■lUsic lorerx »f all age*
In start*ig rules for the arenic
operetta will be Billie Jpa» Bar
rs»a bimI Heart "Buddy" Boyd
Mr* Karroo, of Bryan, will enact
th* title role »f Rita, while Boyd
la cast oppnatte her as Jim. hero**
*nd vocal Tetas Kanfur.
Mead tutor for th* group ta
Hill Turner, a man who liasi ewa-
tnkutod much to ASM* atotteeJ
veteran* plu« a group
new hands who promise to keep
the show from toeing its lively
Rapport la | Rale*
tV f ount) 'School
meeting Mrs
is president af tha ) untietiga' | 1 **•**"* obyactod! tg doing It last
Frank Munrge. Superintendent af n '»Ht TH** Wl Png broadened in
Midland RuhlW school* nreaoted • Renat* Hous* yot|ference in two
at the afternoon meeting <k Te** . ! J.
as School Administrator* » It lack* rksttictions which
TV •chsol’s ^respansibtlitv for '•fAnne hills, had
an effective hAlth program fog V*' ‘he pregnant * power U»
its children was tha topic intro* r *n U E
2 It
dutad by Dr. Cal Ngu Nau _
iirofaasor and chairman hf th* c**' tV Nat
Itepartmeat of Prrventive Me<!t-
nn* and Pubhc Health at th«
I’niversity of Texas Schte.l of
A dinner meeting at l^ike Vied
Inn wa- held last night After of.
ficem were alerted tV group
I nnri damug
Ratortamnttat was arrang e*i by
Cast as a comic bootlegger I*- 1 Pwpl Hughe*
Lmmar McNew will portray ( hick I 1 T*
permits thp president to
ngl (iuard and re-
Tokyo, June Id—The ( aMmuniat North Korean radia al Py-
(mgyang claimed at 4:M p.m Today fJapaneer nine 2:Sg a m KdT)
that North koreaa farce* had occupied Seoul, the Seeth Korean capital
The radio anneunremeol from the North Korean < ommunint rapi
lal said the eccupalUHi toak place at II M a m (9:M p.m RST. Tuea.).
Thi* report ha* not been ouh*tanlisted hi any «*ther source
I^ake Succes*, June ft Security council delegate* from India
and Kgvpt tried round-the-world telrph**ne calks last night pi learn
*erye» to active dtAy without the j^,,. g 0 v t . rnm anta’ viewa on the Korean situation
curb* of present Iqw A|| ot ^ r eoupfi) delegate* adopted, by a 7 to 1 vote, a V.8. r*no
lution m-ommending aaaiatance to the South Korean Republic, the two
delegate* sought instruction* from home on how to \ote. '
Quick Action
• Agfie-
lagd Urrhea'ra durtny th* tofular
Bean in what shows promise of
hem* the top comedy role Oth
er* with matwr parts are Jerry
Rutledge, as Lmlita, a Spamah
girl, Iaii* Thompson aa caimMt
gal Canaan; Pat Srheihagm as
Cksrk’a first wife; Ibdty Mos*.
wko will ena. t American cabaret
girl lioliy pet* ( arson, a* Sgt
Mcfirnn. a rsnigb. touRh Texaa 11
Gaanr* WUman another Aggie
cast I Player vMaran. wilt play ‘ Car-
ha. made it*
luring the N)
todm. ha* L* -n poBaamg bin
»Ma lawyer Uvett. while IRl
The House topk'lt* sppedi ac
tion under ui,uniting* conaent after
R«p Murrantomp lAip NY i waiv
ed hi* light to hold up u vote. De
bate on a tax bi|! gu* interrupted
to get the m«aa|inj I hi,.ugh
( nairman VinfiMH I D-fia i of the
Armed Service* Conmi11t*e- J*-
, lare«l that th* unjf senaiMe thing
to do la extend tn* law “in view
of the world situMton"
Th*s* are cFi^al ami mom
entous time*" Vlfjaoi asid
K*p Short iK-Mki ranking Re
publican on th* Armed Service*
group, railed a MaceUme draft
repugnant but lalj "w* have no
choice now” begattoe “th* Krem
lin w trying u» t*4 western civil-
ication "
AaaMmg Turner m preparing law-hae portray
the caat fur the first tighter Vmiit Duvak,*
kmitinixatmn has been Jeain*
04*11 r, long a favorite of aptMe
■xative Aggie Player tana Mrs.
Odtner has coached the daatnatu
rales for “Rio Rita
The operetta take* place m.
nalurally the Rm> Grand* Valley
CaMpMe with Texas Rangers,
Mexican cabaret girls, mixed
■ henoM-v Mexican captains, gen
ergls, and other rank reeking ruf
fians, it is one of the few efforts
made by a local gruop tv (supply
thg < ollgire SuiMe Bryan area
with a hiueh t,«wd*<j cjvic Mlfnaie,
m top «up|M»ting rules for
“Rla Rita" will la- a
Net l nag
fc>ur Hogs*.
the Mexiraa
Others m supporting role* art
Bub Stinson a* GonteJes, Gordon |
Iftlne as Padrone. George Rodger*
a* Extaban am! Mack Knight aa !
galaxy of
( bora* I isted
c In the choru* for the two-act
Operetta are Judy (Vlen, Ann i
MU them. Mary Kusaei! Betty
Maaaey, Martha Miller. Betty
Gooilman. Mary Jane Akin. Jan
W* Hildebrand and Lit Miller
■ny* m the chora* are Dale Vt*|-
•U»n. Tommy Savage. Virgil Bo
gar Jame* Dalton, link A,lam*
Burtoa l-amhert and Kermit Pin-
R. K. PattanMwi
Dr. PatleraaM, recently premoied
frtMM asalatpnt director t* vice
director af Ike Agricalturtl Ex
pen men 1 statlea, aaereeda Dr.
S. F. Jones to tkat positum The
naaiinx »f Dr. Patterson r*r*iied
(he approval af the Board of Di
rector* last Week
The h>ur HaAafl member* who
voted "no'* wrer* kep* Crawford
1 R Mich), Feighgn jDOhio), Marc-
antomo (Alp-N Y ) and (rouser
(D-Ohio) Two gtkkr* were paired
against the rnea»u|4 HolfieW (D-
Galift and Sadoprxki (D Mich)
A* the Senat* prepared to take
up th* bill the* gere reportk in
that chamber of aa, unofficial alert
of some National Guard units
Sunday night **abrially among
the Air National Guard
Several senators who would not
jiermit use of th+tr names said
th*v had heard) tljat the Sunday
night alert ratke (after unidenti
f)*d airrraft piepe,! a radar
screen shout A,a*k$ An Air Force
spokesman said Ng knew nothing
about any strgnM plane* over
Alaska but said sngie Air National
Guard commarxlrnf put out week
end alert* on tfieir own
The army aafrl jt is taking no
«t«p* to mobilixp tjic guard
Iwindun. June th -‘•YN The Russian ('ammunist party Organ
1‘ravda suggrwled today that the United States had "(.owe I os F'ar* in
sendinx direct military aid I* the ( ommunist imaded .Nonth Korean
Republic and the thine** Nationalist Regime oa Formosa
The editorial, first Russian comment on Presidwnl Truman’* an-
iwtunermrnt of a new f. S. polity in the Far Kasl. gave no hint af whal
the Saviet government intend* to do about that policy, howrvgr
Broadcast by Moscow radio and heard in l^mdon by the Soviet
Monitor, the comment charged the I . S. with a "direct act of autre*
•00a arainsl the Korean people* Democratic KrpuMir and the people*
Republic of ( hina.”
Washington. June ft - 1^- Senate IVem.M-ratic leader Lucas, in
an expression of confidence that the l\ S, and Russia are not going to
war, said that the goal of a July 31 adjournment of Ongnm* *1111 stand*
The lllinota aonator talked over the situation with regurten, follow
ing general approval in Congo*** of Pnwident Truman’a order for arm
ed support ,>f South Korea against invading CommumsU.
Moat Republirans and virtually »ll the Democrat* made it dear they
will aupport the premdent’a bold move to stop Communism'* march in
the Far Pacific by drwxnni nn nwti-t ommunint defense Unea-even ai
the calculated 1 xk of war.
eletpoaU ranged now at the aid*
of the Smith Korean* have the
task of hanMng the Hngding north
Korean * forces bark arm** th*
Mlth parallel whirk uKidaa the
New York. Jun* ft GP*-Th*
four ntayor radio bnmdaaatlmg
network* (NBC. CBS. ABC and
Mutual! made program chatigta /
laat night in order |» broadcast
President, Tfuman’i speech Uy
day (J-.w pm CSTl at Waah*
mgton before the annual con van*
twin of the American Newspapaj
Within houra afUr Preside**
Trumap acted, Gen Ma« Arthur if
Nomi thi* terse annpanrempnt in
Tokyo:* . % - .. ,
“The Far, East Air Force and
naval element* of the Far East
lommand are conducting combat
missions aouth of th* ’Mth par.
ailel of Korea in support of the
Korean Republic
"Ammunition and supplies nr*
being air ami water lifted to Ko
ra* to aid the South Korean for
"A small ad vane*
GHQt General Heado
been established in K
ochelon of
tarViw) ban
Senate ronlmued debate on the $1.222..%tH».(MMi Foreign Arm* Aid
( vnfirmed President Truman's appointment of W Walton Rnttee-
worth of Iwuisiana a* Ambassador to Sweden
House approved and sent Is the S«nale a owe-year extension of the
draft law.
Opened debate on a billion-dollar excise lax reduction hill, which
also rarne* higher rain for hi| corporation*.
School Teacher Aided
Under New YA Ruling
A new luhng litierahaing school- 1 vetomn teacher i
mg for school teachers under the reiiuirvmerit for
U WUttanM
Williams \tiled
\ iee-Direetor
E. L. Willigmn, Pkcently
nnmnl vh< -dirgctor of th«
Etigiitofrittg Extenmon Str-
viri* and head dC thg Irniun-
trial Iitvinnin, 'wa* «|»|)r(ived
f.,» thorn |N.*tt >un * by thv AAM
Si 'tern B*>«r,| pf Dircctoi • in
Lar«e Group Attends Council
l * Segrewt lj4‘ii<U Air
Hearing lor New Cily lludgel (.amp Recreation
nguUr vewAion
W iHinms who
AAM since ID 14,
the woik of the
gtiwwiing divrn
Vl«-e Me n*, liCrd
Irwlovti tal F»t>Mu(
'head of t Im
The t.«*rl ir •gproung (he np
pmnlmeiit sr ted Vpoo the recoin
Hiendahon of H. W Hallow di
has born with
ill handb- Uth
i it rial and un
of the aer
director of the
Service and
that needed improvement. ImiI
A eummtiveir largo group of ‘ *^« ^ths,
t ollege Rkation fitiaoa* atlended * tZTJZ*, IT IS
ths budget merlin* of tho eil* 1 *** wor *' «.m.ktlon and with
'•oUncil Inal mgki to Itolea U. the !**. '" 0 * t ,rm ^ ,c Pventusll) the
planned ached ui. of rvv> and ^ tU *treet. will
-xnenditurra for Ihe city for the ^ »»*G. good riNMlitton. he
Ibtd-H fiscal y*ar aa rend try ^ .
Mayor Eraost Imnwfofd A kunhmiwn of the mlsrellan
^ ^ •«•» portioii of the general fund
N« immadiate a« turn wa* token showed that $4«IU wa* proposed for
by the council in regard to pass- the citv'slshare of salaries for the
'*ig the htadfet due to the absence j cUy-m-houi library Also ft dtX)
#f »evemi munnl members final Wo- allocatmi for playground ex-
acti.m on the budget h rttpe, td penscu The mayor assured the
to lake plane at the neat regular people that the mom-v would i*
«*md ^*uadu*i Jfy Id. diatr+utod m.o tably to all area*
May.* I dntrfotd piwaentad th* *>* ‘Hd ‘‘» w «
Indgati si Kdu« ation
ith the atipni
t, thanmdlor
rector ,»f the
ten*oin Servifc
of Gibb (.dybr
the System
Under the
liam* the
ServM-c ha* gal
recognition a* ons
ing serviiv# of it)
agvmont arttoatu
tranapiotiiti. ■ mdMtry df tk»
■tote, whoh he nandutAa, ix.haded
aa a top-ranking service to tile
industry and U> tho state a* a
IK* new vac* director >4 a na
tiv* af Sher niAn tit) Mich H*
received a B S |n laduatrial edu
cation fixms M»* Uktvuraity df PVtta-
bar* to l«l and aa M f, fiwm
AAM to aducational adwdkiattm
tun, and iadustndl
•mo He aim attended P«
Cultoga to int-|b.
to the rMises*
bv hreakini dopi each of it*
'hfue |g■ net|>ai divisions and ex-
pldtoiwg what thy money albsst
vd foi ea«4i fund would he *pen4
In the sdaunlslrxtiv# segtton af ^ .
■V. ,.-,.l OjU Mam l„,,..o {^4,,
uopit <1 out thnt an im rswae of r
ftdkHt «>v«r last ysag's kgpBliiL
tore* had been proposed to take
car* of custa of hew affic* farm
orv and a Moling syotosa for th*
of Wil- 4 *‘2 Hall.
AddHtouaJ Patrutmaa
Aa addittonal an pen a* af I2.IM
bo toattMlW fan
tom tog Decal yoar for thv ad-
Electrical tost* Reduced
A large reduction in <o*ti> of
elartrtc power for th* city was
K puaed to the unapproved hudg. t
tuuucil lea,let said several
plan* bad been ma,le to punhaAr
cheaper rat* At th*
C Bohoa is making
an intensive aunray af the elec
trk-ul ptabbim
area of the city asked that s.»m*-
tbing be ,lune about th* sews,
and aamtatiton problem wbich eU
volvod that ares Stagnated water
m a creek naarbv wav *aU to be
< a using much trouble becailae mo*
UUitoe* bred there
Tkr < ollog* Hill* re* idea (a pre
sent at the meeting itatpd that
water facilities for thoir part *f
the city ware very inadequate
Said one man frmn >h|* area.
"Wber • ollgge Hill# wa*. admit
ted to the chy they were assurad
that a six ikrh wator tin* would
be onstruetod Jbmetime hi the
near future. The Mile has not *•
yet heel Usd ami fire i*aurange
ratoa for us are much t.igber than
they would be if th* watef supply
wa* suffk-topt.”
Also commenting on the wator
situation another resident of Col
Ivr# Hills hmi this to a4 ; “Tto
firaxneii would have to go far
blocks to roach a tap to furnipk
Herman B
pi ofesaor of
Veteran* Administration Program
ha* Iteer announce.! in a ruling
from Washington
Under previously announced
regulations every veteran had to
be enrolled in a count* of study
by July 1951 and he had to
continue that education without
interruption to keep hia eligibility
under the G I program
TNe new ruling make* it pos
sible for a veteran-toacher to at-
i respect to the
continuous pur-
and a captain uy tla kir force Re college only tn the summers
lerves, is in chprar of the physi
cal training prqgftm being offer
ed at the Air Fdr«| ROT<' summer
encampment I.NSitttl at the south
Kelly AFB. Sap Antonio, accord
mg to information received from
th* camp
Negrest ha* sgt bh « well-round*
vd PT program f*g the camp, and
ha* made availpbM every type of
equipment *o this (Adet* may part
icipat* in the sforta they like
heat, the rtooit laid
(providing he is working toward
a graduate ,legrwel. to keep hit
G I bill eilucational right* in
The text of the ruling follow*
'The Veteran* Admmiatrntion is
aware however, of the common
ctice of school teacher* to fol-
their nrofeaaion during the
ordinary whool year ami to pur
sue desired graduate study during
summer seaatok*. In this particu
suit of a course of education
training under the act after the
stgtutory delimiting dates may he
said to he unique among other
.lass** uf veteran berieficiane*
Hiatoriral Aspect*
Accordingly — and only because
of the hiatoriral aspect* of the
mgttor. that is. the long recog.
'liked practice of members of tha
teaching profession to pursue <ie-
*irgd graduate study during the
summer months- it ha* been de
termined that an eligible veteran
who pursue* a course under the
Servicemen's Readjustment Art,
pointing directly to a graduate
degree in a college or univeryity
during the summer session Ibfifl,
who k* regularly employed as a
t Aar her during the m Hoot year
UMRHU, pursue* graduate study
under the Act during the summer
i__ 1- -—
session of 1PM (or is
lar, therefore the position’of (he mmiled la a summer term on or
before Julv 25 IHMl and is teg
It was leamed that Amarican-
mannacf j*t fighter and hgM »- h
era have begun Iwuabtog and straf
ing missions against North K«r*4n
forces blasting th* invaders with
'iUU-pound bomb*, rockets and bO- ,
caliber machine gua bullet*
One account said tank column*
were being singled out a* target*
It wa* the North KtPean*' tank*
wbich the South Koraan army hmi
found moat difficult to atop Ik
four days nf fighting
American land forte* have not
been ordered onto action in Ko- \
nea and there is no immediate pros
pect that they will be
An A (he man source relaying In
formation from th* South Korean
army mid the South Koreans had
hurled Hack th* invader* to the
edge of Ui)onghu strategic city
guarding the invasion vattoy top#'
ing to Seoul This put* th* fight
ing approximately 12 mil** fmki
the South Korean Capitol North •
Kornaa unit* which had p*n«-trat‘
ed Seoul were reported driven
from th# city.
IMpknaatir Moves Mad*
An earlier report a*id the South
K-.n-an* had rolled back th* Raa-
*iar trained invadera to a point
20 miloa North of Seoul
The United Stato* mode diplo*/
matte move* deaigaod to *nd the
Koreon war or ak least keep it
In Washington th* State D*-
Itartment announced that th* Uni
ted State* has asked Ruaota to ;
use ita mfluewre to bring about
the withdrawal of the < omntun-
i«t fortes invading South Koruo
President Truman'* dectoton to
meet farce with force in KorRi'*
•nd to heed pff further Comamfr.
tot territorial grub* in Aaia wax
supported by leadln* Democrat*
and Repuldtrana aiikr Ip rung-
gre»» It drew anplausr froa
(Sa* KOREA. Page 4)
water for *«> pi*.* in .-aa* of
mt th. I. ^ , ' r * J ptoaaurv wauld be fgr
totmme what would be thv hv.t *£* ^ ^ W
and cheapest Mmrr* af paw*r for ' " 9 T ’ .
psrsasnt the t w o
lama could out fie* to* city
trviOe but tw.vxhird* of a
» of gnotoat
84 boar **r-
, . , trra s
wator pipes rather than invest
Uphuea taksd
Teacher* Attending, VHk ^ ^ ,
School Conference
Six AAM t gaaslalaiad teachers
And fupvriatonlent 1. S Rickard
ularly employed a» a school teach
*r during the school year 1951 52
may he permitted to continue
graduate study during the sue-
csaaivv summer ».»»ion* following
employment a* a teacher .luring
*ucr*Mtve school year* and that
this shall Iiv deemed to he contin
uous pursuit uf his course of *du
ration or training w
ing of the governing
B i* to be understood that this
determination ia limited tn the
: lf«»< «»f graduate study only. P * -/a. -
Sgt to, in a rouras leading to a ^~,.f? Mr
grkduat* degree, and to situation* ^ ulU J rml re.*fiUy re-
mvojving ronaecuttve summer *• tPM*
aamnnn* following tearhmg cm- t **' *ka»o he has
i ewirae of *du a K 1 I Tk f
M rrofessor -
Hclurns from Trip
srhtol years
tm *ra attending the feurtemth
anatsal Texaa Srnual Admiaistral
Man Cottfemnce at AAM
Tbeae attowding ar
kwh arhoal principal,
are L 1 Boa*.
Mrs. Row ena
hmd L Sleep. Drat grad*
V Jim Bevana, jaaiac high
Mn, t. B Wittoa. sixth
tear her and Maartoe Ore
for p short time oa
proposed pari ng meter mala! to
twa program and as had! far the
peoples spAdua on this amtkgr
A diagram arms pa used afagnd nf
th* n*w Btreet marker* and expiagi
at(« was made about the.rv-nuUi
bering pewetoa now underway by
Without formally passing aa any
portion of the budget, tie coun
cil wa* disigtoaod becauae a qoar-
um was an| prevent to itond* aa
tb# .ffut*
kiwanian* Civ(*n
Girin* Slate Report
Draaia Directm Jeaaae Oat aer and Director Bill Taraer make ftoui
lioo af “Bia Rlu", * twa act warn era meiadram*
aigkt raa al Tbe Grova, alartlag tonight al A
the Student ActivMas spoaaatog apecetta ka«*
_- r J far aovccal w«*ka. At kar aaual ptac* at th* plan*
ia UTenw Hgai, accampaatot far toe peedketiem
daughter the
BouOtora. granted
A report on th* Annual CkrTa
8Ut* program wa* green yauUr
(toy by Ann Souttorn
of Mr. and Mrs J H
at th* noua meetiag of Uw Ki-
wttoig Cbk.
Mia* Southom toig to* group
about bur trip to top Austin magt
tug and activitiea ah* participate.!
to whito there
two-hour raaidauut
uate courae cat! tied
Building hi Voratoana! AgftouL
tuo "
Ths* to tk* Drab time such g
courae ha* been offered by the
* Agriculture, ia
mact Ik* needs af
The Sc heel
t to |
touMa to to* fluid, baa
appcwral far suck ceur-
•oa to bo offerwl to Uchnical agr
rtcuKur* and agrtotrilaral *AlMto
tion Tbaoe roataea are offered uuly
nbaa to* fnciMttoa far suck osar
aaa mu bettor thug beta *U A4&
according to Wahug.