The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 27, 1950, Image 4

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Gets UnderwaVzliere
Poultry I mprovtww^W
j Directors Give
Approval For
28 Promotions
L .
Pam»0 Speak*
Twonty-eifht uromottuiu in
; rank (ff the A
V. I) 1‘antall. pt<tf*«)Mir of ait ctaff were approved by the
ial hMokawlry M AkM <r«w « Hoard t4 Diwtori of the
_»lk ..a •‘BfWt- nf P< itltry 44y «**♦.*,
Mom purpooa of the Start **Jf™ •! 2 p m yM
Couroo, wkiek «>U Uot u«ul Fri ‘•W »fWfSi»n
tay tta D^rUMM Mid It U, 1 D ^ n » th# **«■ A’
mi •mployod at tiaU-tar } mm ^ ’J;
tkuroa. ate aad private !T ,ir J < fv
1 slate 'Gratae ha a« folhi*: rawr
of ihitaya, thap*- and «i»a of
tathl, color of thank nta
toa fata
liock awnrr* at sail. U , ,,,, ^ . .
wH B. 6. B. win mitt tta 1 , .Tm5MI
Th. rwka„ rwk Plaii ata iw^taa iart.firitai wh44
j"* ^ ,,***' n * will tnalita ttam to ta»t thotr own
and Pullorani Hh^rt fV K -kj for oalloram ditaaaa
Couraa. tpoaaorod fey tta Fuultrv
Haokatarv Uopanmant at AAM
•lartta yoatavday with Vi in ak
tandancc. according to E. D Par- .
nail, Chairman of tta Start , ,
Couroo p, :“ ,l nr AlrM Syrtem Saturday, when
tha taanl mat tu rayUlai taaaion
•in tta 1-a nput
Tta promotion' affortiva Sapt.
l, oaro at folio*
AfrHniltnra: Armultural tco !
nomim and Sanoloyy, J (1. Mr
Naab y, at*oriat* pruftmor to pro
fa* *or; Animal lluatapalry. R 0
II* rry arrnriatc profepaor t« pru- j
fcriior and J M ShrUm, inatmr
fair to aarittant prnfaaaior; Entn-
m. |.»^y. I) F Martin, assistant 1
prufrapor to avMx iat» pn>f*Mor.
rlortlMlItura, A H Krradorn, m-
atrurtir to anniStant profMomr.
larifo ami Koivttry D («. Wilaoa, I
Ihttrtatnr to a*Niatai|t |>rofaa*<>r j
AH* ami Scienro* Hiologv
W J Ihitaoa, M'lttapit profoaaor
to asawriate profetadr' Butin."
and Amnmtinff, ^ F Karfar,
a<o«iciat< profit'<*r t<» profoator
and H T Kcim. aaaittant prafat-
«or to a*«oriata pmfOttor; Ctam-
ittry, (J M Watson, nanonata pro-
ation and
Donald Jarvis
Married Friday
To Dallas (;irl
Mmh Karbara Ann Sterling
became the bride ot Donald
Kdwanl Jama Friday at the
Qreenv Ue Avenue (TinsUan
Oturch The Kev Dean Har-
naon ant Iw < rai F f'tavortaa
of Fort Wi.rlh off trialed
Parrot• of tta roupta aro Mr
and Mr* Edward R Sirrtrn
Ualkaa, and Mr and Mr«
coral tyta. ctdor of car lota, n4kk-
tar tf tor* o« each foot, and fra th
rrrd or clean Irfrcd
A number of talk* will ta ri*
rn luriny th* wimk by Ham A
Moop*. from Tta Bureau of An!
mai IndustH**. CSDA Waahiaf-
ton. D C .
Mnor* Ta Tak
According to tta nropraBi,
M*m«* in wfirdulnd to givr tall*
on "What |ta Vattonal P|an i«
Hnita for B** Poultry lmfi*t
at | p m, Tur*«lay and
HaUtarvmai’* Job in ffoaHay
Haaltabon rf Farm Flork*'* al 1
p id on Wminaaday
T, A Hcmariinf. aaocutiva wr-
rrtarv of tta T**a« Poultry l»-
pmtemrnt A»*<Knati«>n a* Stratan-
W. M. Ilo**11, ABM phyawal education inatrurlar
and tfWnia roach, aaaiatrd hy Thoma* Terrell af
th* C. E. department. InatroCt* those voungalerx
every afternoon la the court .port They are
(ulaadinK left ta ncht) River Uahltarg, John Cnl-
peppey. Warner Hahltarg. George Utlon. I tick
Hickman and Ernest Tamer Hittinp an tta day
«* Kenneth rtampMm. Waller Hahltarg. titan
'kevea*. Johnny Lyon, and Craig Thompooa Ten
n»* cla*»e» are conducted at the day roorta Mon
Bay through Friday at 4 p. m
Irng of . villa oil! ***' • , *^ l ' M ’ t ^feaaor to profe»eir; K«lu<
Wiliam! Out Report, kor N P I K Cp- p, V rh4ofv.G P Parker
BJanri* F.wt Worth * p •« Joeadav pMfa^r ta pr«f*.u>r- Enfflish.
|tom» attotaanta were Mirn And «. Qioneentarry, head || L aiv) r D u V erty av
Zitamarmai. Cktawnu. and tta of FouHry Hudmndry Itapad „h^| prufoaaon. b. •aaoriato pro-
brothwr, Huanw Jir ! will on Bmrrf- * * -
. uatarcl and pr^ Mum wta • partamnt; [Phynr.l Eiur.t.on, W
Evan. rr. kr, 'l , _J > f“ ,trT for M Ddwellj ..aiM-iate prtifeaaor to
Plan Flork*
kridawruom » brottar, fKianc Jar ! oiectt, * 11 «p*
▼ia. rod Wurth Mia* Ruth Kno*,|in« Aid* flork lmproveihea4
Ariinatun *ad Mim LeU Ertmnk at l p iR t ueolay and on "<}g»-
watp an'iee'mid' Martha Jamiaon tinB Gooll Hatchabdity** at 9 a.
waa ftowei girl j m Friday
J Fnd Oav<« and Bill Mkvr 1 This motninr • demonutrattan
role both if F<>ct Worth
Lynn Jervi* and Bill
Fort Wort lighted and!** and
uatared Tta welding mw«|c wan
pravantei by Mr» H F. (.reendl
«nd Buddv Boyd. Fort Worth
Mr* Jam* received her degree
from Te*a* Chnatian Cnivemtly.
• tan »ta *aa one ,»f tta tea moat
active *tud*nl» and repnaented h* r
•chpil at tta SMI ( otlon Bowl fe«
tvmVr' a 1 Baylor and VAM
Mr Jama »** a l't!iA grml
uate jf A4M shore ta wat vale
dwtoiian of tta aeiHor date He
wa* an arrhite« tore ma>or pie*
tdent of Tau Beta Ph, * mrniia r
of Phi Kappa l*hi, honorary fra
tarnily, ami vice president of tta P***e * ,u * Wnfte atail doll* Mn*
fe*a«rf] Mattamatir*. J. L.
ShawK, S A Sim* aa>| R L No
len, iR*trurtor« to a*'i*tant pro-
featnrt; OraBtiufraphy l» F la-ip-
per, a*VM tate i>rof«-»*nr ami acting
beml In |Myife*iMir and bead of de-
Vance Bridal \ t g # Wan* Announces Approval As
Candidacy for Judge Vice-Director
F'' * 7-^F
'wl• "
Most June Grads
Already Employed
Oeaprt* tta dark picture which latitra of tta aaUre rollaft Bom*
ha* been pemtad for 1M0 eel* 1 Ml toudent* grad t tied ta rnfia-
lewa graduate* 7t lo 10 par cast mi inf in June, tta larfeat number
of thy 1.14S June r r *duate* of at any arhool of tta •olkifa Hor-
ABM already are employed, a aloy mud 7S te Ml per cent
Mirvey indicated today ttam had job*
In certain tpeoaliaed field*, ar- ‘ Tta department* in wkirh
cording U> th* »urv*y, there la a enpineonag graduate* were ttfin
demand for more colUf-trained ad-mcludod cWtriral netranaaflcal
men than are avnilnhlo ctamical neil. geokifirt, /»An
Thoac field* include poeltry hua age met it merhaotcal
bandry. land neap* art. hertirnfou*. rum ct^inaanng ami
entomology and dairy hua bend ry A* breakdown on tha
Graduate* in agricultural ere- Arts and Science*
nontir* and agricultural education, many of tta giadua
howevan ar* finding an rareea ef wi for further rtndv,
trained Mrsonnel already avail- Of ID graduate* rfi biology 12
able in fh<>ae field*. Some of them have enrolled m Medical arhool*.
plan t* further their training by four are taking or pled to take
tong graduate atudy graduate ftudy, and two plan to
Of ta graduate* in the School enroll in medk-gj >< h>jola latbr.
of V’etennary Medicine, all had All of tta fjA* ^hemiatry grad- r
mb* awaiting ttam or were able uate* are taking graduate work
U> ‘/o into buainea* for themaelve* at ABM TTyiee of »ia acononiic*
immediately after graduation graduate* haw job* tald one ta
Kafinrer* Reprem-atatlve ^ x*
*tatu* of the other two ta an re port
According to W R Hortley. di ed Two of four gradual* in edu-
rector M the Placement Office, tta cation and payrhalufV am doing
School ki Engineering t» reprenen graduate work; tta other two are
/ Joeraaliam Kmptayeea
Two of nine hktory graduate*
are employed, five are unrepnrtcd
| and two are doing further study.
One bf four graduate* in phy»ic*
Patterson Gets
Jt k aiute K«kwjin*k
Gi\i‘n (hikw Party
J **T
< ritif, a*«i*ta»n profemor to a«
nocglta profemnot, Architecture,
Then Tt Holleinau, Instructor to
a*i«tant prafeaaor. < hil Engineer
inf, R E. Schiller Jr . instructor
to a*ai*tHnt phofe**4r and J R
But), aanochltc pri.f^va.i to (>r<i
aa X lie Jeanne K< •eagak,
bri|e-to iw of Jiie Cla" Wn*
named tl»t tamoree SatumRy
niorning wfien Mi** Joyce gat-
ratwlla and Mi*, tarn Burfea* i„^ r ^ Eitaineerinf 1 T
entertained ft tta tlnk* wifk a pri^kett Jr, a«*i«tant] |iiiif»-*a<ir to
luncheon j ai'Mciat*! profeaaor. Enfineering
A w*ddmg iiartv of twelve Httlc Drawing, S M ITeland, a*M«tant
Vance and Lt. William Frank Yeo
man haife been ckocen. Mi** Vgnce
The maid of honor Will ta Mi**
< aroi Howard of San Antonio and
the taut man will ta Lt John R
Shelley, Altu*. Okla
Vino** Mary tad* Wan! Mary
Olive Bullock, Mirirm Norton, Vir
ginia Kiappet of Heame OWen
l.oiibneekcr HroWn*'ilk, and Ann
McNeil of Siltdme will ta bruie*-
Lt* John Trent. Memphi*.
Tcnn.; Joe t.oee, Phoenix, Afit ,
Bennie Davi*. M Alistei Okia
ha* a job, two hav* enrolled ia
the graduate achool and on# it
unreported Tha two hmmabam
graduate* are employfl, ,
Nine of 17 physical education
Tk*. r> _ _ ( i pagraduate* have job* and M* are
A S Ware, metintient candi livestock In our agriculture and . 1 , ?* 08 doing further atudy The stRtut
date for county jins, officially tta expanding population and con Dl® ABM BjlMfeBBS • PKBFQBf 0 f (he other four I* unkwrhan
announced for the kffjie recently ve^uent imlu.tnal ikvelopment of approved the promotion of Dr. ! According to Horsley, 75 to S»l
Judge Wan » aie>o«ncera. nt 1* tta community have all combined R E. Patterson from SSSiat- per cent of tta 117 buainea* and
to make increasing ami unusual ^ dij^ctor to vice director MW^UtiOag graduate* are employ-
W'endell (.dham, Austin; Walter . , dZ'Z T. J«
Baxter. Weslaco] and fa.lct Dan C '* ,H
profevaor to h**<m iate re
•euior class In ItlP he won * I r’Hgided ’he arrangemeWI of k*|»k indutrial Education, L B Hard.-
stmlent aid tnp to Europe and! ••’t * hue *iph a ami -★-anilerj rm man, inttnu tur to *"i*t*nt pro
th* Achievetnenl Awanl from tta !’he table !_> ; fessor; Msiiagcmeiit taigineenag.
Foldberg. Dalian, will attend the
bndowgr.Mitn t amfb lighter* will
ta Jo« love snd Ihin Foldise-g
N\ alter Martin and
llrth Austin W«<l
“To the tTtixenj of Brato* demands upon county government
O'unty j and especially with reference to
Standing firmly UP*® my recoril 'tttl't^’veil highway* oc firm-to-
gnd uiHin • platfofiu which calls ,n * r het rued*
“I am especially proud af tta
fart thal during tta carreat
year our budget i* sutataatially
larger than ever before w the
hiKtory af the count* and yet
we have Had no lacreaae in the
tax rate and neither ha* the
t ounty Hoard id F^ualiMtwn
increased tax rendition* The
current budget will permit the
county to reduce lU outstanding
indebtedness by Ib'i IXHI during
IHM). in addition to paying all
accrued interest ’ '
of the Agricultural Eipanmant >“ ^ f’wluate* Hi account
fur a ciMitmuation, of efficiency
and eroneaiy in douity govern
a*ent, I hereby anaotg-e my can-
iloiacy for tta off|<i»! of < ounty
judge of Hrazo* jCdunty, Tex .
subject to the actioa m our Demo-
I tee ply grateful f*r the aim
pathetic rooperalien and aswist-
ance rendered hi th* people of
Hrapus t'aunly. I a® proud of
the progress w hirh ha* taen
made in the admtnitration of
count 1 affair* during the time
I have nerved as (’wepty Judge.'’
iC hoard acted upon ■ng^have jot®, he aaid.
recommendation af Dr R _ D <H T20 gradoataw ia the School
I^wi*. station director with *thc of AgrtrulUir*. 15:i were placed in
approval of tta chancellor of tta job#, 42 roturnml to their hrnne
system > farm or ranch. 29 are starting
Dr Patterwon succeed* Dr 8. E their own buatnes* or farm and 30
Jones who resigned April 16 Ui tentatively are empio yed
enter l.r^ scale farming and seed 4g ntm4ef>th <)k .,
production in tta El Paso and
Pecoa river valley* On June 1, Dean C. N. 8tap»rd-
(oming up through tta ranks * 0n °f lhe School of Agriculture
of the System, Patterson ha* ’n*<*ned that M ffradMte* were
served successively since 19.14 a* an Placad^ai|d tfjat >A job* *tili
graduate assistant in genetic* re> **** tmfHlad.
search assistant for tta Station, )• The shortage of graduates in
aaaiatant in genetic*, and animdl aome itepartments and the *hort-
husbondman for tta Station He age of job* in others. Dton Shep-
I hav»* great pride in the fact was made assistant director and ardson pointed out, r.-*tlUed in un*
School of Engineering. fharing in the ooufMay ♦fro
Mr Jarvi* wa* cailet lieutenant! the honon-g Me>«.lames H E. Bar
colonel nt tta t'orp* Stpff and! ge«s. I,. M Patranelln, t'h®nea
rorpa adjutant in the year '4k '49 1 Rosarek. B M Warren, L M
He 1* listed m Who* Who 11
American College* and C rnver
A R Burgess, acting professor
professor atui acting hea.1, M>-
ihaRidol F.ngirieeririg, Vt S Cuth-
eri# and W W Siipth, assistant
< argtll, the Misses Mary Ann proleaeor* to a.ssiH ial»- profeaaor*;
Nip-man, Helen Ann Carroll. Nan R H Fletcher, mstrpetor to assis*
• ities
Fugrcll and hxistesse*
taut professor
Mis* Igiuise Austin and
Rolwrt Waiter Martin were aiar-
rnsl Friday evening at the ORen-
giaal MetbiHiist Churrh in Dallas
Parent* of the couple are Mr
a ml Mr* t harle* W Austin Jr
Ihitla*. and Mr. Mr* W
Murtin of Colb-ge Station
“Our bonded mflel|e<lness ha*
la-.-n <y*lematicallyj atat materially
rvduceti and bushied*
arid strict econofnim
Suited in mibatanti.i| bAnefit* which
have been passed ion] to the tax-
< arl |>ayer* ■*
“The changeover f*>m crop* to
profesaor of
Sept 1, 1947
animal husbandry
Ha t ta lion
Tupadty, June J7, 1950
that Biazo* County ha* again
o|ierated upon h strict < ash luisi*
within available fund*, budget, ^ w _* e-
practices coiilrol ha* been continued ami Devemped Kecaraa
have re economics have tan-n effected ml Cnder Patterwon* direction the
all phase* of the county * activ- , Station dcvelope.1 tta uac of bu«
itie*. and at the same time effi ! me** machines for recording ami
nency has been mamUirmti ami , analytmg the great aaiount of
even inrroaaad.” j data required in many agnral-
“|la*ed upon performance and ' irtfestifatMiB*
exporiencr la tta affica, U rw Pattoraon will rontmoe to sup-
elected I ran aaaure our ciG- 1 erviae tta preparation ami ana-
ien« of a rontinaation of theat lysis of projects ami will a*
plan* and polirie* and of the *ume more responsibility in gen
long ewtabliahed prartire of keep- enil administration of tta Station,
mg the people fully and regular- I^wi* said
l> informed a* to th* details of Patterson is a native of Guay
their roanty government. dan, Uiuisiana He received a
Thanking you very sincerely t*. helor agnculture from Louis
ski j, WITH A BATTAI.ION ri.Aastrigi'
All Rsie» ► » *•> inmnios
011 h a *V noinhniun S|»>< • r*l» m
(-Usairtel Ssriioa *» p*r iWiaaM
Mvr* M*ful alt <iaaair,*4s with SsaiW
mn.-s i® tto moSsn' AelWm** Amrs
All *4* snnuM k» tufrwl is av 10 «i
s m *f I!>• 0»» sublu-siMa
placed students while Anftlleii jobs
Matching >*t.s for students,
he added, there would have been
enough jobs to place all but three
per rent of tta agriculture grad
uates withia a week after a grad
uation; “A* a whole, the demand
exceed* the supply *
741 Job (alia
The record* of the placement
office show that durian the 1949
S® school year, there were 749
job call* from concema over the
country, and 137 representative*
interviewed graduating seniors
for jobs that would be available
“We do not have an accurate
record, as of today, of graduate*
mm KEWT ? b*4rw>m sssomsnl pel
vftl* bail, »le-«rlr r»'na*r»tn» isrsa* T*o
bturks lr<rtr Vociti <)sw a»*ilsbl« eh,*#
4 .7*4
for your confidence and support lana SUt* riiiveriity ia l9!4 mid. ..
m th® past, and pletlging my con- * master in genetics ia 19.TA from who have taken jobs,'’ Horwl.-y
tinued efforts to serve the best AAM. A doctorate in animal gen said, “but It is safe* to say that
interests of the people of Brazes »Dct was conferre.1 on him in 1A41 | 76 to hb per rent art employed
< <>unty, I am I bv AAM or are in buainess for tRgnuielvea."
<.«t# CmIUw* RaW-Mly 4,,',,r®lr,l
i sli si hli CraiM-is l)r va
WHItZgH MOIlKt, J »« r--t »4r.fl*
AI must i.®*, ore* snS rWmUv
’®r,,«4l.u,n®'l <kssl irsn^awib
ta.,, *‘1. »n ttb-r , 4 i*i? ,* e- si
'll! HwKIssH
Ximxa UONtniA *>" »>*h Hs.k k «ls-
s>«lw KtuiSUr n.k U-ss 1■«■***» up b.
I am S» Kv®r*wl, -S'* f W»*1 *un
Wr.sw- riS®r« A * t. , k -tsl| •••*<
SrrMSi 4,Uii«®r Hint *-•* l®«” H.„4
W. ,l.* Ms®l®r II U®., r anS Cm
Kmmtl IssiflM r |»li«lir» 1 TriiMlAl bimI
f*Bn Bewt4l <>'MB V bGm' wHl ^11 E
(of |»‘**> f’lwrrtB 4 4Mi «*f
hf.ij' w antf-d
*.»p»ri»b<-S* bn.>aa**r*' *w1 rsrsp. tonle
|a>m>a»aiil s<eltio«i IA Sjl waak Sera
tar. Mr, i »»i» UM So, Coliaa* Hr,an
* Mls< H I ANfOl H •
Car Mitmair* ue Uttise* *•!•»'» r»
pairs aa* ran,-rat* sibrg !na*l It H I'ala
t'rmlrarior PtSm* Z-AI7J
,—- - f -
rilKKK ISMil T%nir:s saairsl I'®' »>H
b* r*ra(»®>l is !*• "fflr- <*i# |-nmp
It.Ular ist tt 111 4 m l»ir>» S' I*®' Tlw
naw t* ,*aef «t b, r»)»,-l any I™* *»»
l>i*l» *.~l >u •#»* aMy »»<1 stl Vorhai
ralium asarwA i*<mpiMSi-' asm
l-.itWaa ■* TaaoS <t<n**T St.taM. Taaua
Iim far"»r mruSSMSbirt
Ptana Iaaonna (ivow ta M«*w Hall Ar
at 4IJ | raps tiaaiHnia* 'M adt ®i<4»t, 4111* an It Prar
Hr* fanllltaa avallaSMt 11*4 l.aVarn* Huai
at Mium, Hall ,»r taiaeAaae S
A. S. W are."
FG*lly (greer Wed
Fo ( harleM 4ver\
Mis* Betty Jean C.reer became
the bride of ('harle* F^twanl
Avery at Sacre.1 Heart fatherl-
ral Saturday Th.- Rev Thomas A
T4ch«»ep* officiated
The bride is the daughter of
Mrs lindsay Harry Srammel,
1H07 North Fitzhugh The bride
groom is tta son of Mr and Mr*
R J Avery of Dalla|
lyFA. XI
YOU Mr • B®«k af
wa a* jd MMhma
•pen if up
rOU mat. CKa.ta,litW.
^ww®^B Jwv^PwW wxFwFjf
cigerorte R®g !• Recce men knew* —
f** **** Tobexcez Hm4 tsm®N
„ j
onnivvera vo iu
an ogntHANri amM’iaiwi troia j
tixaT u >n miR aomiTiH.) AMI.
TAHIM.I URI-Ifm nat HiFrioim 1
m* (,| T orldrATK .Hmie ami>'
pvaui ATioN, p»u*.-Hi»t>H4 rkth ,
on or HKOifTaATHiN awi* ran .
Vll.lpu A PIWAI TV
cu. or the <JtTT or coi i Jen I sta ;
| Mu pars.* » »#** ha* r* f ia<«*wi fra
t bat pur poo* Shall Wallril or '**• a*
or dor or auhsSrtF We vuhia tAs CW»;
for a*. i*>o.o«r**ha owe*
papas* .„*«**«*« or 4*bar or
aarvMa, wblr-k al th* uw* UM-U aoHct
I alto* a aioSJ •* »«•'*• <*ea*r #r pwa
array*"* 1 ta aSae ar* Km-SIo® t* aorSbar
atat a or VIII ha pr.alurod m >004 bar
*!*<* aroi »bi*e*# ar o.b*rw»a •*•■ an*
IM* f'Wy •* tb# htiftltmaai of tMWor
or mhorripno*
J a»MlSM»W»« for purpn** aba" roa
Mai pf tb# fup*Wli«S 1
ray piitioe .*4 * for* prov«i*a ay ia*
r-ay arrepan *<'!•* ta* ®ii—am
1 Noatr torvra arturoa* a a* torol
•lUraaa If any «l -afiMSan.
i Mayra MS arlrlrra# of tb* pnrvaa
fine o# oarporatiWt If *4? tb**
!■» in ®w f>pr*#»n4a or fW vhvm
or I bomb tehMi attlera aT* lo Ha
•oHrlir® or oaron
Z Mai ora al th* oflMM* -4 '»«■**
vbM-b in to H# aoirl or far vhH-ti
,a»t*r« aft 1* h# aoltrilig
4 VMuHMS fwsunranl upaut mi*
or »r*er (hall JribAorL ag roratve
or a- - ap' pararoftl or 4®>-ol' «<
otona. la M < *nr« of ' n* <UI
«>■ 1
• PorioS of Mloa Vhirti rSpw<ra«4
*ipa<'<S to oases or sail t* aorg
IM Tbialabire aaltaforlory vipton at
.lor .maaiar) a*Mora of Ig* f*aM-
tiwel • msMBl
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