The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 23, 1950, Image 4
i .* 1 . ‘ l D % LEON McCt.ELLAN Hii« TiftrVhd M) be- MitlMd bjr Om itudrau ol r—»h4»ud H.ffh School, (MU th» of 1M hirh f! ■rhooi itttdrnU for the 1H»-M of thr on- of ohrori o! I bout #M tWOflUoth ^ 91 ** a * m v (\orrh School art oWvo with omoc of the orojoot ■roatoo ohieh • w rltmaioo UbI i • tbry •" fc * M ^** c T* rh '* r « fc •••■ IMr arojort. oar* Wrrf hooMo College Station Summer Rpcrpalion Program For Saturday t oo a. m Sonntininc (Htyh Intermediate) Pro Woo Handicraft It 00 a m Jr Handicraft 11 00 a m Swnaann* lAdvanontl I 00 p m. Swimming Serration 100 p m Swiaiminc Ro<r ration For Moadat I 00 a m Per We# Softball Suprrmard Play P*rn»d < roUge H ilia I t 00 a m Swtgfeming (Noner irglrtnem) Tumbling It 06 a m Nwimming ( I^jw Beginner* (•nuup Tumbling 2*# p m Ihrtng 3 !tt p m. Swimming Recreation f :0t p m, Swimming Re« rration b «t p nt Swimming Rerreatinn ft ott p m. Jr H<ift hall 6 (It p nv Jr and Sr So ft hail ft: 't0 p m, Jr a>m| Sr .Softball T: .’tO p m, Atinlt Handicraft 'P»e* of thia year'i ^ maBroft. boantt edition have been ! ordered and ag>pro«imateIv eighty I Mtera ( hare been *-d.: The real jef the baeki will br maced ua mk t|hen th»\ arrive Ao Aat all nf the atndenta may *tt Oteir "TigerlanH' together (get all of their fnemh autograph*. I aatugfltph their friefid*' annuala. •M egfhaage the other cuatomarv Mlatattona commonly written in jreorbaaka. there will be a “Year bent thrty’' next negith when the annuala are delivered Hildebrand M Mi tor But in ordrf that *ver>one may Numerous Parties For Mrs. Binlwell Mm. Carl |irdwel| Jr, daugh- I tar-m-law of Mr a*J Mm Tari Htnlweil of Tt*' Sufnlk in (ollege Phrk. ha* baen the honoree at Bl *everal partim thi* week in (oi- b*ge Station Mr* Bird well I* >101 ting here from (oronafo. tali forma with her huaband. ( aH Binlwell J», a former resident at ( ollege Sta tion Mr Birdtrell m On leave from the natal ba*r at ('bn>na<i«> Mrs Hendegaon Shuffler enter tained Mm. Binlwell with a rof- I fee at* her heme at 41M Throck morton on Thair*<lay morning Mm. Henry A If din ami Mre ('nrl Birdwell Sr Mil honor her Kridar morninr at V >1 m the Bml well home Mr ami Mr* Binlwell plan to visit friend* in College Station ( fur three week* ami will return to California on July ft . bnet a Omview of whot the ^ bnngp to Ita reader* Editor-ip-Chief John Htkiehfiuid. I baa given a few atatoment* uilmg about tie 111 fage edition ; Three other gradualmr *eg.or* , bee idea HildetMhnd are a*eng tb«ee Mgaona who made the TTger land ’H a redptg. Tlby trv*Lit erary EMitor Pfancea Sunek. Lay out Editor Befly OBanr.on, and Omnaa I>ohreu|hiy, t,u»ine** inan- ager Pitre other MudenU. of Which three wore juafctm last year- and two »ophom<>re* complete thd liat of perenew who gave their time and telent toward pdbliahing the Ttger land They are Aaalatant Editor Dirk Weu-k Sport* Editor Burr herd, amt Eliaabeth the aadaatant Literary The thro aoplfMBore member* of rrtand Sta aet Wide for th| Junior high ytotmm. . ’ I Sport* Sgrt|aa Offmals Name ,4/ Church Su... UalOffieers y ou WiUFind For rromotions (hatch at ChrM Tho Motive Teat” ww~m omrvm Thpre Bryan and Colleft tepw ef the morning Worship St. Thowne Fg^tranel There are wvrgl Lgc. .Uoted SUtion A,r R «^Tve ofTlcrn 8un ^| r ,.‘ t ^ Thurrh ef Christ •» .K, Z&TJtZt *« *«*r6«i promuuon. re- it. ^ ■«»<*•*. «~» «» Tigeriand." The fgMUn bn* ^tly for active participation .de«»tifying toeTlSH- keiiiell .0.1 b.MkW 1 n t 77- : wemmying ine 1 nurcti the flflMi Editor Ltdy (Men and Photogiaph- er Sana Buddy who took marly of the *naf>»hoU and informal pw- tures fig the bgok Aameta Htudewta landing her aaaiaUnce tor the •tudenta a* the faculty adpim.r ie Mm Munal Orr, mathematics teacherj Work wa* *Wrted in gathering the material which 1* emhodigt in the agvffi MK-tign* of the Uwk at th* buginning ef •cho«)l last Sept ember. Each o# the neven xecfion* ha* a full pagf picture mtrgdur U»rv page The dtHiicatipn of the atnual 1* to t)le Schdol Bonn I Kolbwing the dedication if the faculty member* *cctien Who*e pH-turra arv placed *1* U> a pagr The aetuur pwture* are ai*e ail to a pege, and each senior ha* a list of hi* or her grtivitiea f«*l- lowing the pioture TV .laa* of ISftd had twenty grad oating *en ion. All id the rliaaea have individ ual picture*, the umbr« laWmen all haring eight |>ictarv« per l<age Iqtrudgring each of the >!a*aea 1* a fulft-p«ge picture .|f tV 1 la»* (d’ficer*. One page ha* al*o Ruff am Sugiety will be », . *77-31 tdentifying lh* Church" m the V olunteer Ajr Bum I the mguiarty whedubd Young Training Program. ufficigK an- P*«pl*'i Meeting at <11 p m flounced at Bergetrom Ag Force ! •»» not V held Announcement ®**“ U> Auatm wa* made thw areek by the ftn- r tK . r *** w * r * fro, » tV local that an ice cre^n .upper will V VAST Squadron and in- held after Panyer Meeting Wed Hmied, MeW lame* B Hervey. night Commanding Offimg, who now NAM MelhadlM Churrh a.sjrihiii: *> it - »~- 1 nUJ,. ArrW f> .. u»»i la the announcement of the pro- nlv-Xnd ^ ^ motion* received from ik- u Reverend Jeme* F Jnckaon« ter Of tV HI pageg >4 the "Tiger- ^rve Uaaion Office at^ mor ' At th * •"♦•Ung, a land" .only fiftWn a* Vvoted to ,t n »m Air^ Force Ba*e Cathedral Film entitM, "No •rfTitMM. TV gdlrtiaing waalETwa. .1^ coatoineJ Gn * ,#r Pow " ^ **' * k *~ l -*-j/S: J- P " CT’S T7a,"X5; ll..,nitaU Relate lint fVim \ keUmlt, and baagb^l activiUe* have Vlh group and individaal I icture* The only ffftmr ptetnrv* am of fotrtVIl and jUaketliall Ku mere pages Mlrr been a* signed te tV ail fchlg.l favorite*, and the ggmor. luiiok. »ophomore, and frenhwian fgvwktw Other V«*« have pteturgn gf the com- meneement eaemara. ikemor plava. dancea, Sanior Day #<l other in formal tnapshot* The Tigerland ’$0 dollam and a half, g by the Taylor Pub! >t Italia* 0 iell* ind wa* •iwig c Nancy Reynolds In Twin Vigilor Rattalion CLASSIFIED ADS PAge 4 Fruity. June 23. 1950 a«u. with a BATTauog cMwnriRii *p n»l«* *r * wore per inaerixia ww* • Mr ■lainMua Kp«r. r*l* a r‘l««wfw4 SarlMM *>- per ••■uunt* • rt>« BENT e WrK am* all ciaaaWwn* Wtm r*a>i. r<*a RKNt 1 laae* t« nt# MaOWM AalOfrw* >*t* V*i* »«r«n. rern a *rai« aacaa* T* A« *■>• U>uW4 la* lurnai la p* la 1* **«»■ freai IV.ieiR rala Ava laSM W„n, aw »r IS* «ar Safara WiWieaOaa « WBItlgg UOIlH J on btrrrlr Alaeue * r a tire- an* *»«o« rarmllr raroaex awtral Im»W cheap lraa*p..rl- tioa Itl •» 4 4»lt .« mt .« 112 M «*.«,.,1 Kin. a a MiiMm.K am • ua n..*. a.^. ■Ml a- * hotter r« I Wte Hpee.1. up b. I *aa Bar * >rr»4*. r»M fhirlt awn W rvUee nhef. A ad. H rial Puh. ABeptrr K.«» an.) Le«« M..ul WeMee Werter II Metre «».j ('»«• Bwwn teethef '.«.t*r< H. s Tripa* an* Pa* Hr*A Ore» |IM Value otll avli tar lia* PW« 4 4&I2 <e «M el Mt Nwhland • WKLE WAimaP a K»per.»we«t ki-«k*ap*r *n4 rue*w lame, parmP<e(i lue ) *, 4*) weak **• r» Igir. Mr* lewt* »4 *u <'«*!•«* Brt*n rw# HWT Tea eawfaetakW aaat •ear r«iapu* oraguai# •>***>.«• v ***>B»k *r*f.rr**l rVee 4 atJ* Vert *«• 4‘mM i lean two !*<>« fUrrlekeg a pari men. el *euth Wa* Jual uff A B M C*mian ! ara* raa,»raicr *Tft ««n Mwile.or meeta 4.jWJi « « **14 4 B«H>M M KMMMkl. .per-m«.„* iu leal l.eW„ ' lief Bareeil* Au-uuimI t eli *1 IMj Vrea* 4 IVive e UWT ANB n»rWP e 1 0*T Oae yno «»*—•' «%*» rtei I • aa* u* l om* <*■ nwnrkaM>rt«a 1 at***, ant » a4*w>. a»,«a, ri a aer»-'t. KhtfrfW. vh .... t it** Nee • I.BCAI. • tea in * a vt a no it* AN ngt.lNANTg nnqi e.iN-i rmois- tllATi.g* Port acMJrirtltO t n t» TAKtNd OKI>RK* OK *' MW’KtlT.fN* gun .a t op *tatk <tooiu * n r> Ptiei htaT’on pkns< kibiko umi nr. or knot*tKatkin Ann rm. VIMNO A Pr.NAtTY K« IT OKltAINKI. at THK OITT Col N Cll OP THK ( ITT oV (*OI I g<IR *T A TION TKXa* V Ne eareee u«*ae» ne haa r*awte-ea for • aet imreufe **>»n au4M-i< or lekt aa er*ar ar atikar r1|' u.n v«Me the i'nf fer eei werrneivdMe *t'»<agreeaa taaw* *eeet* naaeweee m utMr tteme ur eecvuea eMrk ». the lime ear* euttrt le.Mti e maala u* auat. ur4al ur euh ear i eta at te taken ar* lureted e. erw* «nte at «IM ua pmatu ad in eiMtlMT «a<a end at.Mead ur Mhertriea aenl tnte <hw ("Hr the tulMImarx r>f tml, urder ar we t Kaeie.artu* fee ahe-r purpne* aba* re# •let of Ota r...u,<etn« (ai PMHrte mu a farm prttv.tM t.» the ta| Secret art ft am* MtmraMMae I Name tu«ae adorane end lorai *d Arena t4 anr at ream rant 1 Naow end eddraea nt Ote perene ftrw ar rereuraiwn If ur Ihet • MintTl.l-AhPXH w a plant. I ***•*>« gcee in Mtimr Kell A# ep< begmeia* nr kd anrad Cudeult f-rw lue ferll.tiea *'a.Ukir nea tdVarne M .«a , el Muau Mail »r ate*r.ora 4 **u:t Tor eetiwwien *n butid ec fenerw a* lure anil .•erret# wt«-k <•*!! It 4> I 'at* •enere rutrertwi P.«.n* 4 *trTt The fileea ! tad J»1 g Jdth M u .wntnee* after Ova Thuredto June tt I anctwm l« Mr 1 W. t >meer A an * Su heied ell t*. We<n#uda. end Banda* PIKUM 3~ MJ9M -f I>r. Carlton R. lipp 0PT0MKTRIST 2t<3 8 Main Street Call 2 lfti.2 for Appointment the feittru.ttg IS) ha nr aha repinenita or fnr whnhi « thuugr trhum nrdera ere te a* eun. iied ur a Mat ed I Meter* at the ertwWa ar thinge vhMai See te he eeM or fer whieh W a*<*(* Pei’Went ar daprwn at Overt w Bdvnere at final *e*t« ar* » Perwd at turn wMah mgwtrui ••parte la *a4trit or aatl W anui _ <Mg. mi refect »r* Written or are at the regia KFTM kOSN HKKSM MOT EAST GATE CXIL^BCI If it * cnol cotton y..u want "Forget me n»»t” Phene t I2&2 reavettne Mwn be ptrnttdwd b* . Hu. at aM lea* than tee (gMiem «aa*f aar >«#. doner* ^rz- M MeOtnnla ip aeerwar* aMgmB I^e* *»> aw 4 a*na l*e* I D AiMMag; - MBma 1 lagm i ANNOUNCING t ianplrb aad KffMret AnlomobMp KrtMurw AecMbwI (rarmffp HAIXiCE M Ml RTHY >klt (hit - Ph. i-llBl i-U a* TALK OF THE TOR N WbEEf Kyeryonf Meti* Tn Eajoy Omod Food at! Air .' L •e-ub II* for two Air Reserve offirrm must now printed Ire actively enrolled in a reurvr AHiipany training program at thr tvrmine- lion of their preaent rommiaaion or .offer peuibie loss «f their rommisaion Alan thoae officers that fail to ectiuire M) training fH.inU during the current year lo*e one year'* retirement in the reaerve force* M.a Ngncy ReyrdBda of Col- — lege SUUtir and MleelTynthia Farr L’ a • *a • . of Roanoke. Virgiaia. a classmate rjXI#*IlM|On “ OrktTfc | of Mia* Keynobl*', Mgve retumeti / k ■ • r _, , .home from a trip afund Te*a* 3 111 I IlNDtM't 10(1 I PII) In Angieton they visited with vc u i j o-» .. *"•••• «** m* new a<Mi Mia* Mary Jane Mir sen. a for .. t! Si,w Whit tion to Mr and Mn William E I mer reaident of ( Age Sution. ^e-m .fCI'T t' 1 ™ ^''y. the St. Joseph I They were guesta tf Mi** Jane •» r * nU ' A w < ™m, E*ten- Ho»piul *taff announced The lit- Nancey in San Anto|io ^ tu . rr tie girl wa* bom Wednesday night The girl* were gUe*t* of I>r. I ° CmU 1-* < ! Wm>n '• w,th ^h* MathemaUci S5si i #'f £ 'iKETfe S-4sr«;*«:- ,s, .^{irt^ir ^':,7:r m :^T.,!!r5: ami Mr* I H e. . A t r Evtenaion Service lepmeentative* and Mmfc H S»e^ , n Auatm j to th| , tnp “ -| Mtaa Farr Plan* to return to! The grt»up i* v*)utted to arrive V irginia during thi later (urt of bat k in College Station on June the week 2.1 They are traveling by plane Mirth* to CS People Three increaum in the Col lege population were announced yeaterdny by the Bryan and St Joseph’* huspitnl* in Brvnn A son wa* bom to Mr sad Mr* J Me mil Reed at the Bryan Hoapital Wednenday morning Mr. •rnl Mr« John H Sugnrtli were also tiesaeti with the arrival of a newborn son. Wmlneaday after- n«>on at the Bryan Hoapital. A baby girl weighing H pound* 3 t t ounce* was the new addi M- while regular anrrMe* nt l« IQ IVWM r>»«»pU morning penrice* navvjMk IMfip/ 1 up to 7:39 a m aceotMing to m V annouweemeut from the churrh «ffW» turning Prayer and ( hurrh trkonl begin* at * M vHh Enun-'. , ing Frnyer Service* tt B |» p jf / • Young People * Bnmcu Mont Will follow the Evemaf ('onflrmntlon rimuM viBMgln * •t « p m. thin Sunday nndwUI nntmue every Sunday Mill July 31. the office announond ( hniuh of ('llriot SctoMtisl* “(Tination Science” b the *ub yect of the Leaaon Sermon which* will be read in the ('hnstien Science Society meeting in. the YMCA Asaemblv Room Sunday ^ First HapUet Church Services will hern at 1<:46 a m at the Firat Baptist Churrh in * \ (Allege Station Sunday morning. Sunday School clMaea begin it 4& and Training l nion and the • Evening Worship are at ? and ^ H p. m respectively. tdM Presbyterian t'hurrh The A A M Preahyterinn Churrh will begin it* morning wor»blp at II am Sunday hiorniM Sermon • topic will be Who’* Who i« the Kingdom ef Heaven." , Sunday Schtml ia acheduled far fr-46 * in Student League at ftJW, St Mary’s (hapel Only one mas* i* acheduled for the St Mary * ( hapal in College Station for thia Sunday morning Tho maa* will be held at 9 a. m rather than 8:JO and 16 g. m. ae the tervice* are held in the regu lar school month*. CULPEPPER INSURANCE AGENCY I ire — Automobile — Casualty — Life Martjotje Loans 141 Walton Drive Ph 4 U3h Crntral Texas Hardware Co. Rrytn. Texan . r» • hardware • (TfTNA WARE • CRYSTAJ. • (IIFTS . The F.xfhanffe Store * “Serving Texas Aggies" With Two Stores Main ('ampun A A M Annex \meriean Lonmin — and — l)r\ (ileaners City National Bank •f Member Federal Depoalt Inaurance t'orparutior Bryan TVxa* Bryan, Texan T Serving the College Station and Brytn Communities Since 1909 lirsl Stale Bank & Trust ’. I- Co. •RYAN TEXAS lembor Poderwl Dapoait laauraneo Oorporattaa Hid httla boy tn the p*ctUi-g t« practicing one ol •ic jarliwat and moat esaentui art* ol hle -thn art d bgiance Hid rwai problem is to keep the weight of hi* body evenly dmtnbuteo ao that the line ol gravity ;<usoa through his feet It ia the hr»t l#Mon a child or young ammoi munt team in aasurntn^ an upright poeition Children derive much pmegure and aatiMatiion Ron. their ability 1© walk a well or narrow curb or rail fence it give* them a *er»e>r4 accomplishment wheh they are able Ic pertorfi these feats without taliing Balance u important not only in physical preture and movement, but in all the relation* o< life It ts aayecially important lor chddfen, as wall a* older people, to learn to keep their balano*, menially, mordlly and spiritually Thg life #tthout religion ia an unbalanced life Man need* religion and the crfiaaouaneaa ol God to ieep him from tailing under tlfe weight ol temporal care# Thg Ourch provide* reli^ou* inatruction and npsr.taa! inspiration tar all whaaeek ita minutraton* LAUNDROMAT ■ HAI.F-HOI’R I.XI NDRV * CLEANERS Authorized Dealer Hamilton (Horae) Dryer One Block Eaat of College View Apts. College Station, Texas A & M Grill i North Gate 1 / THE BEST SUNDAY DINNER IN COLLEGE STATION AFTER CHURCH — Calendar of Churrh Sen ice* < i Hrnry A. Miller & Co. North Gate Hardware Phone 4-1145 Furniture (lifts AIM ( HR1KTIAN ( Hl ’Ki H 9 4ft A M —Cltorrk Sehod 1I 0U A M —Morning Wofphip A t M CHI MH OF CHKIHT 9 4ft A M.—BpM* Claaaas 10 4ft A M M'>m n* Woiwhip 7:1ft A M —Yoetk mewMi^l AIM MFTHOOIST 9 30 A M ('adet Coffee 10:60 A M Sunday Scfe* 11 06 A.M —Morning W<<rpKip 7:30 I’M F.vening Wonll'p ( HKISTIAN MTKN( F. s<m irn (X)LLE(iE STATION BAPTIST 9:4ft A M. Sunday School 16:60 A.M —Morning Worahip 7 •69 p m.—TrafeJeg Catoe ftfet— Rveefeg Worahip ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHAPEX. CHITICH iffge Hour Hi ‘<ir*h- kdp>l 1:06 A M 9:30 A M -Holy Communion Aggie Coffee Club 9:30 A.M.—CpMvii School 11:00 A M —Morning Worahip ft 30 P M —Evening Serrieee « 3ft P M.-ftaM.UMW 7:30 P.M.—Pellowahip &rrrie* 8:30 A M 10 00 A M Suaday Maaa Sunday Maaa ST. MARY’S CHAPEL < PM — Supper Grmift 11 00 A M Morning Woffthip Fellowship AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHI T RCH 9 30 A M—BM* Claaa 10:45 A M Worahip Serviee ARM PRESBYTERIAN CHITRCH 9:4ft A M.—Sunday Brhool 11:90 A.M. Murning WonhiD J. C. Penney & Company \ Bryan, Texas . , •7 “Clothing for the Family MARTIN’S PLACE For o special evening of enterUMunent bring the faaaUy to Martin e for a de- Ueiom Barbecue Dinner, freeh barbe cue eavea days a week. Special rata for [iimina - MM & (Uftege } \