The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 23, 1950, Image 3
m -J # ’ * I MHlMvi. I anm. Of tft* MW Mixt iota §ra»ky. Dan WaHen ^lrkla4 aaflball ami MiKaf M tha attack aa tha neat) the Cok- ftfOt two bitter* arawd an thf U, 7-f. lattar a bi^rla lb# ■ ariwai— I Mpatn f tba third frame thf all tba way! A bM MtftiaUaw aafWctad a aaara. / aaiaaa# eft hall wo# Ita firat fait* iaat aight oa tba dtamuod when H Irwe Stall*** M< ■ill Plairaata pitcher, and h* r*W up <**»ly tbraa bflt CwrtU i »4>ry Holland wwa dkamad with tbr erta* U*aa a* the Acgif hitter* < lipped . hita o and wa» biwwffbt •df tba hwta of Broader a ad Hhr for rich! bMa in faar of (be j Dwatel Tbtn in the tap of the ail mamra of p^r. 4th. tha perrhanta rained Ibeir Maa#.. (aabtaat, iiollaim and' '’»< hit dmi thdr iMibar. Bwi Deni an ewrh tamed a hit for BoUaPd warned the Mt f«W tbp tbr l<*»rv while the winner* were ><*•« he ala# ae#rod the K ed hr Jaab liilkae, pnWard ! r®# ,.k,. .m u*. M dmw JJ‘" ; Th# Akc«m i«pHw.i td the nr- J*™ ‘ J* «waion i» th# firat laninf wben the , v * rth ~ B 'll* ^ "ff -ooaJSna*, reached firat' jJjf thTl on •« •ir#i~thinj ha»en,an Frank tf* the ill Davidaon waa. alao rrarud a <hin »« «*«, a leave to firat on bn error and both ^ .. , i - aeoinl iatrr on pap oata ' ^ >#nU,r ft*** ^ ^ th* yaw#i altdr ppvfbB f«a>bpd Mrrehaata Hipaaa for Three i fifat #a ^ abifle. The i ollepe ■errhaffc wen hrW hrtie*» and taawBPfa for the initial three fraate* ITC1 onle two h##.- <e* •#«• were handed-«ut in that time. In the eerood hwimp the Afflt* »e- ^WWe- tout twit COOl Paris Twke In Double Header Tha Bryan-Collage SUtion won two in a row laat t aa they shutout the Panthers. 1-0 and 9-0 the double header played in iportk Park The fim fame went •n* mrotif into oeerUma before aeennd b#aeman Bill FaDna rapppd i cut a bit with the baae* loaded t« win the fame for the Sport*. , Bnb Kindred and Ge#rf* Shell Were the winninf pitchers in tbe fhwt ^nd second fame, reapcctivv- Panthers f*>t to Kiaaiaa! hita while Shell set the down with only five firat fame the local mar lewd the AAM cw^r* #a tba Oaf !«*• •parked bjr tba M0 hittlff «f shortstop Uabby Delhs who also •P#red the ooly run of the fame Inland Cyr claimed the imttal hit W*r tba Sporta, and d was the only lit that thv- homeUWm had foinf | into the sisth franfe ^ Jumpinf to a su fun i##d in tbe first frame of the second fanyr, fhe Sports * oaated the rest of tb« j way a* Cyr, Shell, and John Joatta y rlamstvi thr#e hits apiece Cfrt stalled the rail) la the first ip- auu' with a staple am) three hits I later, loamf piti her Joe I>aM<irum was replace.1 by lh«k Balfe The second innine brought an- mthcr nia a#t**s» th* plate for the Au***, TVx.. June 23~ ^ ^ Hn • — ., _ »oe N led son s double Joshn had (A* Jlrk Tunn>, thd roirtt*- t* reach first back kMf from Tuiwnw. bo*imad !‘ ‘Ai. u>ttrm »*f the eifhth ff*nn hehimi vwwterday afttr hroopht th- Sports their fm*l nianv had courted him ort of !*" '’ u »« »•*** ^ by N' kA tennis tournament ^ W “ U> ‘ l '"* ^ *" error HDorm tfjf 4 a sic drm LiJ Milner s Tigers siomiwd Dorm 19 terday. 54), to extend their wt four straight gamed, the victories in intramural aoftt campaign. m Mwesw tw y winning atraal • gcKt skein tball activrtv t A\ MiM. r t ~ Duo Loses At NCAA Net Tournament Behind the three-hit hurling of < h#rhe Jackson. lifer Batters, sparked by Ken V<**a. Don War den, and Jim Ooninger pounded out nine base blows The fame enabled Milner to fain on the leafUe leaders, ele- : vatinf them to a half-fame off the pate iHirm U with a 2-2 rec- . oni is tied for fourth place with Walton Hall Tha lifers tall tad three time* in the first, b> v.rtu. of .in«le» Buff|l , 0 g r Juiw hy Vos*. U anlen, and Qoninjrr | Joe l| ( . < -. rthy> M , and free tripa to first by Bob - MmlSm’t McCarthy Takes Rest IB Thf A A tannis tournament, dafending champion, who thined Mb crwwn with a similar g-. ■ v , . . , . . ronnuer*'<t * <>W»»»mn Not Intcrcwtcd r^ly last rear ffaatly eonqpertd Yea. It's Marty karwa baaehah flea He is at the preafnt time baseball r<M<he« ia Omaha. Nrk while he was a fulAiark at <lhM> 9S EMERSON JUNIOR Otcillrtfng Fans rV>n i timmer this summer' W orking or relating, let one oi these Sudwet-prited hesu ties tut • wide swath of cool tomtort lor yoa* Oaset-tYpe Made, whir 4p. big brae/e p*»were<rby long life in- dwruon-ivpc motor. Beaun <al and durable baked statuary bronat i naan, I knish, mtkei trim Made and guar, a meed hr America's foremost fan manufacturer See this and other great Emerson Flee trie Fan values! 12-inch, 2 speed modal, $24.91 iirnlral Texas Hardware (d. 202 S. Bryan Phonp 2-138X tm Barnett of l!< LA. 2*4 10- |b TWC ( OHfk PoMtiOII is l-L | rie%aet»«r- <hic*aa. Tet June 2^1 </P^- aaariffpals 1 J®** Crtf**p, f<v)tt*al! coach «>f res ef Pei- j Odessa High S« hodl. said yestm r et fawr'b- **■? he was not a • fndidate for the UCLA A b^d rwarhing mb af Tesns tAVat player aad «|rv. | df" < «lb*gc. He added that he haem out-aWwk i • t^tan’t wren mterepted (ikrrett. $-d. A-1, A-.l | ~ T Defeat of UanreU ami Bassett ifrt l ( LfA a smsries repreaentw- tf)T\ to ope man. Herb Flam Seeded | No 2 behind Tuero. j Ham eonbnued his almost fia l*erfot m»a< dumping (’hick ria of Ride Institute A-2. A s R V' W"" l Firat round pairings have been M (J. Am.thers vv W K Ph.l of FaaUWrti nhfomia. wbonc mm<ir m , h<> t# , nn|)i and |f ln , r „., i,,,, ^ Naikre v« Bpbby Mauck .Mashing style Ium made him the mxin{n pHirwament* which will beiBuf.fd Didt v. k. I, , Taylor *a .mare..i* player t e completed hefon tbr first .es.ian Kd Timlin vs h >artk >4anittat belted out Grant (]#!<*• rp6 * The .(raw,^ was ma.k hr Rnhf.d M.War vs J, l Malone Nkti amural Dh-ertoi Harne\ (Tint liackapy vs ENiui 4 • b.tcr rmi and Glenn Kothman Dorm 16 loaded the base* in the first and sixth inning* but failed to tall v. Two More in Tbirti Milner gained two additional i run* in the third Highlighting the .coring were Voss, Warden, Oon- ingei »ml Dirk Edgar Ken Rogers sent the final Tiyer tally home in the seventh with a wnfle Vos an/I V anien, batting in tbe j thir/i and fouitb -Iota, le/i the tmtters with three hits each (ilenn Goodman, Dorm U second j t/aseman and cleanup hitter, col i lectad two of the three bits gath er»*d by hi. team Sbnrtalap Bob Barry completed lh>rm 16 bitting The West Pointer, plfy TCW amt Dorm 11 tuckles Dorm 1A in this afternoon's activity A newcomer pitch t ng rort>* ed three-hh bwll tory. On thw AAM yoftbaU tear BiH Flag* •ns, who »| ■ of the losing Boston Rad Sox. cama The vie tort scuradl twice in the f yj '■rn, la-! • if ht to take a rest inning R/dt Carison am'I As hw arnva.1 at the airport «d, Fjpnk Dwvuisati •mbkb). awl. here at 3:»» p m (4 STl.. Me Wi»> BarbaF's <Jraj b%At Mouglt, ( arthy rushed through the gate home the run* • swinging at a phol/tgrapb/ r » Th* Idem threatened in tba cameia a. he went through ftrwt. mcWwd, and fburtb His wife met him an/^togi ther advancing a runner ha far they walked thmigh the station m each frame. In tbe fourth Wa|- / toward their automobile where t**o loadpd tha bases wkh one not their |Md terrier lappiii kis fa** aW *ingles b'y Bob Fag*' and Ba/ Mun*hy. and a walk by Ja-k Stioman. W* /, . i '■"•MW. ; I a. Dd»*l ‘ | me. Thoanaa tbe^ relieved bnnwlf of the fiwai tighe spat. g.dHag flm next two I setters an flys to/ the outfield. S'ogles by K G. B WI hwr * follows tiy Vic Kolb/k inaik rs in lh*- fo Local Marti Karo* and basketball ruadb of the Ac attending the N( AjA meeting of The pictare was ta)wn id Karuw Stair Pairing Completed in Open ‘hZ Tennis, Golf Tournaments Hot to lion sp< i ins in., June 21, )k )l I’age 1 TL Mine fhim/t* Nutters. 7-2 Omaha, June 2S- i-Y^ Tex- a* last night won a berth In the final, of the V C K A base ball championships outsluggmg Rutgers 15 to 9. The Texana will defend their NCAA title agam.t Washington State to night. taurney, belted <<u4 Grant (ioldgn of Northwestern. A 2, A-0 IWHerry. Dancan Edg'd Flam an«l Garrttt resch«-*l the iPartcrfuials in the dndbles hy mitam Welch bv«t raumi abtrtpn aad doat, lea M*trhes( in *#nnis must Tep»'i. BawMaa- (first*- ronou matcfp , « tn |e played iwf/fe W , d- qaartcrfidai* m the dodatga by x " , , i" ’ .. t r ' ~ stopping Balbiera anil Tom Mel- !<*y«d W edue^i. j, June > IdV <* R ’flins. M-A. A-| Bassett and ! ,,r ™ r ,#rfe * ) ' ®' 11 ^ k T*m Ma Nkna* vs p (iiaiiln Shiilout Cards Twicein Douhlu H(‘ader / nthuaiasticaiiy M/< arth> -nuli-d and said "At Ua-t '**h*/iw^v loves anyhow ^ M< ( arthy looke*) a little drawn from hi* seigc of illm-.s and seem- ‘‘•I anxious to get U> hu farm in suburban Fast Amherst He turn ed to ie|K)itei. and imni: “I have nothing to ^y,” then adde>l Have you ever felt Jousy’" K* d *o\ officials .aid that Jih* \va« merely sick, that then wa« no thought of hi* resignation. The date for hi. return te |he team FRIDAY JUNB ti was n ported to he indefinite ( j Softball Laafba:. M/t aithy has been confine/t to Indiana at Callegp HjII*. Y« hi* hoU-i ro/im s n.e Tuesday w:th 1 (.iants at rAlBl Flub*, influenia sn/i nleunsy H* wa. or- game* t«egm it frM p. m dered by hw physician to take a ball: CS AmgricrtL Lwfipfe long rest Biyan in Sue Haswilll Fkrk. Im lulling yesterday’s game w ith the Chicago White Sox. the Red Sox nave lost 11 of then pa-t l.'t game. Md aibhy became manager of the Red nox m i;/4e Mr formeric "a. matiager of the New A V ;inhee. On n-/ Jhek Sh/*emaker advanced with a 1 Wo H*g4H- 'iawe Peen ew(at> A*l, A-a Vwtory aver R fi. ,De- i Imkad ig gg|f Me tn tbr differ Hkrr\ and Robert Duphan of TeN- ent csliket af ptay*r* »> AAM E’articipant* will receive slip. I Cnchell and Hugh Stewart, pertanuag V' the opponent the\ .4*t»thrm < al * N*i 1 duubb** * rp t/> face and thg ilate by wh«h * lAafn, bedil ’-Ml"* Ken i rawf/wvi the match mo.t U* ida\wf Metch al>d Brrig-rt Karren. H-b. A 4 added Cei 4# taoL- are to arrange in doubles quarterfinals, t m-h- ejl and Hugh Stewart polished off , > oliow+wg i« « bat af opcwigg Hwssett gml Jack Jshfwmaker of muod. snd flight. UC!,A. *Fl t A 1 Flam an<( Get- i rftt took out Howe Atwater and Tennis single* (Upper Brack Tommy Bov« of'William ami Marv, H- matebes to i* played bef/*r< . itirt. Dm i- and Mauck ♦* Feytog an<f Pla* i.r F!AMhf art Stexv^t *a F’at> art many. Dower bkackefl Gu I ne art < *iea v* Malbne agd Haa .oa, Tavior ami Hil4eibi| dt vp \ierlif and flreedmait. A atm a tin Webiter * s. Rnyder agid >$*ather» („dt $ ifirat >5. A-1 (.ll♦•ert B/igley and Charlg* Df- Mne, of Rnrwetop imat Giliwrt ihe* aiul Jack T#al of I'M , 7-5, IE ’,4. A I, in a two and a half tVednesdwy. the 2eth I Harold Carin \s F M Snyder. Frank Iksvi. vs. Grant Rg\ Hi>lhn.,k v« Ira Freedman. Lynn Hanson r* F J, Dgvidpon. C. A Austin v« M/slltn v« f o| FWht N* mund mat«$es to h* idAcd be fore | i 'day, June Uli J4rk MA ler »*« J M Vaufhan,, P B Me I hi’ >e| Moilghan \ os. R. J Fish*'-. I D K NhJL, Join, J Hatmorif K It Ma. if. ^ o. in « \wti anil n rtiii L’ i i/ _k hour inaArh and Henry Pinter G? .. 0 * ) *' r 'a. (Mid Ikon Hamilto* of College of " * wed Don Hannlt/W! of College *He PacFr trimaicl Harn* an*i Jack Tufpm of Rice, 1-3. A-1(1. <,<ilf i hampnm.hip Fl'kb 1 ' Wedpr-day, Jane 2A. J rRy Bett* \* I) M Ellioft Fndjmr, Ju#e Mi, Ji^- Bi llnett v* F if 1 Kina Kd Timlin vp J A Juripst n, IKfk F/iiggr v* Tinjr Hdi .^tunluir BrackeU, mptchea to Jul^ k. J I Rw* t«i pia9 winner tta-Dgntt m NrW York 1 1 Ml I/tula 00\ NeW >'OV J|i>« J.i - f*' R'ghthan/h i l iim Jai .* Smithpaw Dave Kp .huoata y.-'*'i'i4>j a. tb/ Y w Y/rrk Gian « ' Mibie dead er from t‘ < St, t ard'fial-. Vo ami 6 1 Lil ■’ • ' t/-ul'•! hi. cotesc/tutiv/ / '1 iL- se,r I.. 2'.* it mng* w •* i -Jg nitle, i |iener. K/ *!" op jg.l tt, R.sll, r/j. to only tw*> hi!-HI th/' > vhliap Tim/|ef» ,t >i‘!!(,'ll- th/ i ardi'iaL irttt ‘4 a fii«' ma • ti/' wh’i Brooklyn m > | ,kl ( IJM ** behind the aiimb ng F iUad/Iphia i’hil- lie« The t tr*i' ir||il the PI i|» b, ami th/' Th. '-/■ ai ' - to ( Low*-* be played before Wednesdayi of He match p it no R a piAAos * p i \ sirs X STOP Jl ST RFCKIVFD Otir v/ iuni (. iwI'wmI of V arfon Kr< /m<iitH*«ed V\ \ NOS T H It Y \ K ll M M A L l. (H AKANTrr — TI NINO — DEU\ KKY and inmired NO i:\TKA < H AKOt: LOOK • | We lAtenri ,4 Npeitnl InviUtkm To (’oHpK** HtBtloB Areb D» » l)*ma — I p to S Ymrx «« Hrtant-e I Slightly IhiniBK^I Spi*H— , A Hf»l BuTRiiiii C4P1T0L PIANO CO. NO. 2 H J. Wyatt: jot \t»rfh Cnllefe ftmte S-iS83 Oi^n Ihindhall roiirnfN F/iilr\ K(«*in Pleas*- entgr (m/-> ius) tnadh aitd addn*sM oi t It' i'pvi Haii/lball . irw/itie ,,nd addf**) Monnunwaat, HinKb s t », Ika/Me* \ i f'artn'-t * nana . *t< Entries should t*e tiii7»<d in to Stiideiit AniMtbs >>0- e by Jpii' 2k, I -I I . PIANOS # PIANOS isiaim i . i. aas,—maSmass^mwammw i isi m ^iwi ■ i a P1AX 08 (rraiul 0|M‘nin<! b Kill AY A HAT! KDAY Jl Nt ‘IS A U Viit’hf Shfll S^ryire Station \N I. (RiBi VAimw healer Dmu** Thurstln) bikM WunninK hmHh ( ■IhfiR Prixr for OiienniK Bay fat Priir OC Turttct Kmrter tad I’rtae 50 (*»li>nw HNKI-I premium rtkk Ard Prise Maah. Luhrirrtivn aad Od f'haaRe IDLE A (TJMPIaEm: LINE EAR A< < b>NOKU> Mrttii Hlfhea t Mix aad Old hulphur ''prBiu> « Road five pecren'age b [haigars h\ ,/ ' gi tot te. ef riiih .i Bii reach the e.' pia in< .i-d then. ' - w one hitlf i > !’• - ■ Jai.sea -• Mr j t ie sil hi' | att corsagutiv/ victory in th. ,ik ng-h hande, i q |F,i -t-aiglu - •I..-C4 I, tty H I i> •m h- « i.rd» i|! pr vvd h - n i"l’t I ‘.(twit »/• .,f**tJU ’ (U t* W ‘I fl ' i • ' I ;h. -. i a g * r He eu-eih. K •.!< r . hdilk' mi. limit*' ng t'.i ' h l' thiro 'nMS.1 * die Mii'et „ d 1#-! i lewiand Jf a i In land In ’i;# i " , i ir.- oft |-/«t' tet< i ts . 'h B' \ .iS Ys"h'---* (--I gaiiM of th, to*, fig \il but '■'tie i>f|t hx Ulth te*ni.« wa, horn- rur- Nr'f homer* ■ »m«' with a man on t»a*e •imi Megan and Luke Faster each and Vocked two for Uie winners. Ray H , h mtrte,; B'sWte got the other Jne [KMag gio ami Jobnnx Mi»e bilted the round tripper* for the tw/. New T rk n:rs Ostrowski allowed nine hit* in al.snitnig hi- first whipping since m-ing tiH/ieo to the Yankees by- St l>> its a week ago. Felier ■itHjik out »i\ and held the Yank ees to seven blows for his set- , nth * tOI\ Del rail 2 Detr/' t June 23 '.f*' The Washirurton Henatoi* went on « I t int -pree ,i» they ia-a' th/- De II oil Ttg 5 to 2, yesterday for then tl oil «tta git win ovei the Arneiu tn le ague jea'ler- I'hi lade I phu k. Hi l./>uis i St !avu:-. June 23 ** I’hil- soelpius hainmece.i f *w Brownie pitch,is for :f lot- las! mght to tsm a s■ j victoi \ B<*t'l>y Shantr h/ld St Ienus t/* eight hits be- t«te yielding to leiu Brissie the ninth \' ./shington (!> l/4^ion Nint* To Play Bn an MONDAY Jl NK 24F ( S .Sp4d>ell Leagae: Pnatejf wk ( »♦.* at College Hill* and Trigm*' \*. Yankees at ' o|leg> Partf, h»*lh gmmna Iwg'n at »■ an.. Brvmi i arntwaraiai I^aru*:* wowepil luitg* rk‘iM»r \ * Bn an Merchart* ft*d IMid- hps tid vs. Cnllgrt Ifarrhairt* I games H t Su# Ha^wnll^ Park VI begbunng at H- g, m. \Baseball; | CS American !>-gion vi viSk at Huntseil)*. ( nHcge Station's American legion Junior bascbgii team will meet it* mmo«mJ 4auiH it ••ng/ment lumghl at II ».•. when the l/wal nine move* t« Hne Haswed (‘ark where they • ill tangle wilh the Hrtan Iw- gi«m Junior* (oacb oibcl V. Ibafiw wiH PcwImM* start Jwe M«*»heral while Hrtan s cbmee ia Bill Irhws tn an exhihtliaa c«m- lewl resitrda> th* lirya* team defealed the Laf.range Iwgion- nairew, a-J. with Dick ManJax and Doug H/twell splitting the hurling duliew far the winners. Included en the ( idiegr line up InfMght are Fred Anderson, shortstop; Da*id Hnnnen third base; Pin key Coaner. renter field, George Johnston, catch er; Jarry Leighton, right field; Dan thilliamu. left field H'.h- hv I arter first base; and Jim m* Bond second base. ‘ , in rnmr Hilt-* Nsliwurtl 1 eague ■hi* 1 (»kt« > \r >M H Vk 1 IVt |id!h , on, Hi oi-klvn I’./MI tb u hoim t PhilM l, !ph,» 42 Si Louis i.i 21 - {!' fin,. Mi 2h 53* i nit ago 23 .51'.* i * t t U (* New Yoik •>7 :»t n • l'i*^ tv hi!* f’ittsbui gh 21 37 .3*2 \ (,lMM»no. i in, ifirati 17 37 .309 « Y ork 2 \ meriran 1eague V The \k L l*c( i -h •■! fit• Ih-tmii Ik .•<7 1 Jot Ostgow Nz-w Y /)i k , iFi 21 MS it- 'bv Nex* ( ivvelan/i :n 25 ;>♦>* the riibrwr Boston 12 3(1 oil. i,f senrs \\ a«hingt/*n 27 31 4 itiin* made Chicago 2. r > 33 431 Hiven in b\ St. Louis 2(i 3d ,367 f the s<‘\en Philadelphia 21 :w .350 hast ys. Aest Duel Expected in .4.41 Th< National AAU track cham pionships on Friday and Saturday might well settle down to an east vs west dual Pincu* Sober, chairman nf the ' Vationai Committee, ex|ire»sc>i surprise yesUwday at not only "the iiuantity but the caliber" of YYest (oast delegations. The A2nd annual amateur chain - ^ pionships have drawn $Kii cwitn/-* one of the biggest field* in his- 1 tory, Sober said More are eg- ' pe/U-/i NOLAN MlTF “49 1946 Fk^ tUne Aero ('hevrolrt two tone green fully equipped $950 t’ued Cnr and Truck Headquarters ick t ! . lirvan MoIih* Gl Highway A, Naail’ Bryan, Taaas / PHONE IDSHw' ’ % - WAN Telephone l-£t2l Far Battalion Classified Ads MAJOR’S CAFE \ “W^/gEVg* CLOSE- 1 / * .'Jr | \ ' f l ur Yourt ommifttce \ { ‘ 211 North M.m . Urftn h We pay the highest prices ior Used Books W* maintain xvhoU*!>ale cx d ir*ta i •ml , the year round. GET OUR PRlCr^ 2U ORE SELLING THE EXCHANGE STORE St-rvutg Twautt Aygies -r—-w- rmh ■ "y M\ iAffl