The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 23, 1950, Image 3

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-J # ’ *
I MHlMvi. I anm.
Of tft* MW Mixt iota §ra»ky. Dan WaHen
^lrkla4 aaflball ami MiKaf M tha attack aa tha
neat) the Cok- ftfOt two bitter* arawd an thf
U, 7-f. lattar a bi^rla
lb# ■ ariwai— I Mpatn f tba third frame thf
all tba way! A bM MtftiaUaw aafWctad a aaara.
/ aaiaaa# eft hall
wo# Ita firat fait*
iaat aight oa tba
dtamuod when H
Irwe Stall*** M<
■ill Plairaata
pitcher, and h*
r*W up <**»ly tbraa bflt CwrtU i »4>ry
Holland wwa dkamad with tbr erta*
U*aa a* the Acgif hitter* < lipped . hita o
and wa» biwwffbt
•df tba hwta of Broader a ad
Hhr for rich! bMa in faar of (be j Dwatel Tbtn in the tap of the
ail mamra of p^r. 4th. tha perrhanta rained Ibeir
Maa#.. (aabtaat, iiollaim and' '’»< hit dmi thdr iMibar.
Bwi Deni an ewrh tamed a hit for BoUaPd warned the Mt f«W tbp
tbr l<*»rv while the winner* were ><*•« he ala# ae#rod the
K ed hr Jaab liilkae, pnWard ! r®#
,.k,. .m u*. M dmw JJ‘" ;
Th# Akc«m i«pHw.i td the nr- J*™ ‘ J*
«waion i» th# firat laninf wben the , v * rth ~ B 'll*
^ "ff -ooaJSna*, reached firat' jJjf thTl
on •« •ir#i~thinj ha»en,an Frank tf* the ill
Davidaon waa. alao rrarud a <hin »« «*«, a
leave to firat on bn error and both ^ .. , i -
aeoinl iatrr on pap oata ' ^ >#nU,r ft*** ^ ^
th* yaw#i altdr ppvfbB f«a>bpd
Mrrehaata Hipaaa for Three i fifat #a ^ abifle.
The i ollepe ■errhaffc wen
hrW hrtie*» and taawBPfa for the
initial three fraate* ITC1 onle two
h##.- <e* •#«• were handed-«ut in
that time.
In the eerood hwimp the Afflt*
»e- ^WWe-
tout twit
Paris Twke In
Double Header
Tha Bryan-Collage SUtion
won two in a row laat
t aa they shutout the
Panthers. 1-0 and 9-0
the double header played in
iportk Park The fim fame went
•n* mrotif into oeerUma before
aeennd b#aeman Bill FaDna rapppd i
cut a bit with the baae* loaded
t« win the fame for the Sport*.
, Bnb Kindred and Ge#rf* Shell
Were the winninf pitchers in tbe
fhwt ^nd second fame, reapcctivv-
Panthers f*>t to Kiaaiaa!
hita while Shell set the
down with only five
firat fame the local mar
lewd the AAM cw^r* #a tba Oaf !«*• •parked bjr tba M0 hittlff
«f shortstop Uabby Delhs who also
•P#red the ooly run of the fame
Inland Cyr claimed the imttal hit
W*r tba Sporta, and d was the only
lit that thv- homeUWm had foinf
| into the sisth franfe
^ Jumpinf to a su fun i##d in tbe
first frame of the second fanyr,
fhe Sports * oaated the rest of tb«
j way a* Cyr, Shell, and John Joatta y
rlamstvi thr#e hits apiece Cfrt
stalled the rail) la the first ip-
auu' with a staple am) three hits
I later, loamf piti her Joe I>aM<irum
was replace.1 by lh«k Balfe
The second innine brought an-
mthcr nia a#t**s» th* plate for the
Au***, TVx.. June 23~ ^ ^ Hn
• — ., _ »oe N led son s double Joshn had
(A* Jlrk Tunn>, thd roirtt*- t* reach first
back kMf from Tuiwnw. bo*imad !‘ ‘Ai. u>ttrm »*f the eifhth
ff*nn hehimi vwwterday afttr hroopht th- Sports their fm*l
nianv had courted him ort of !*" '’ u »« »•*** ^ by
N' kA tennis tournament ^ W “ U> ‘ l '"* ^ *"
tfjf 4
a sic
Milner s Tigers siomiwd Dorm 19
terday. 54), to extend their wt
four straight gamed, the
victories in intramural aoftt
m Mwesw tw y
winning atraal
• gcKt skein
tball activrtv t
t ~
Duo Loses
Behind the three-hit hurling of
< h#rhe Jackson. lifer Batters,
sparked by Ken V<**a. Don War
den, and Jim Ooninger pounded
out nine base blows
The fame enabled Milner to
fain on the leafUe leaders, ele-
: vatinf them to a half-fame off
the pate iHirm U with a 2-2 rec-
. oni is tied for fourth place with
Walton Hall
Tha lifers tall tad three time*
in the first, b> v.rtu. of .in«le» Buff|l , 0 g r Juiw
hy Vos*. U anlen, and Qoninjrr | Joe l| ( . < -. rthy> M ,
and free tripa to first by Bob -
Takes Rest
A A tannis tournament,
dafending champion, who
thined Mb crwwn with a similar g-. ■ v , . . , . .
ronnuer*'<t * <>W»»»mn Not Intcrcwtcd
r^ly last rear ffaatly eonqpertd
Yea. It's Marty karwa baaehah
flea He is at the preafnt time
baseball r<M<he« ia Omaha. Nrk
while he was a fulAiark at <lhM>
Otcillrtfng Fans
rV>n i timmer this summer'
W orking or relating, let one
oi these Sudwet-prited hesu
ties tut • wide swath of cool
tomtort lor yoa* Oaset-tYpe
Made, whir 4p. big brae/e
p*»were<rby long life in-
dwruon-ivpc motor. Beaun
<al and durable baked
statuary bronat i naan, I knish,
mtkei trim Made and guar,
a meed hr America's foremost
fan manufacturer See this
and other great Emerson
Flee trie Fan values! 12-inch,
2 speed modal, $24.91
iirnlral Texas
Hardware (d.
202 S. Bryan
Phonp 2-138X
tm Barnett of l!< LA. 2*4 10- |b TWC ( OHfk PoMtiOII
is l-L |
rie%aet»«r- <hic*aa. Tet June 2^1 </P^-
aaariffpals 1 J®** Crtf**p, f<v)tt*al! coach «>f
res ef Pei- j Odessa High S« hodl. said yestm
r et fawr'b- **■? he was not a • fndidate for the
UCLA A b^d rwarhing mb af Tesns tAVat
player aad «|rv. | df" < «lb*gc. He added that he
haem out-aWwk i • t^tan’t wren mterepted
(ikrrett. $-d. A-1, A-.l | ~ T
Defeat of UanreU ami Bassett
ifrt l ( LfA a smsries repreaentw-
tf)T\ to ope man. Herb Flam
Seeded | No 2 behind Tuero. j
Ham eonbnued his almost fia
l*erfot m»a< dumping (’hick
ria of Ride Institute A-2. A
s R V' W"" l Firat round pairings have been M (J. Am.thers vv W K Ph.l
of FaaUWrti nhfomia. wbonc mm<ir m , h<> t# , nn|)i and |f ln , r „., i,,,, ^ Naikre v« Bpbby Mauck
.Mashing style Ium made him the mxin{n pHirwament* which will beiBuf.fd Didt v. k. I, , Taylor
*a .mare..i* player t e completed hefon tbr first .es.ian Kd Timlin vs h >artk >4anittat
belted out Grant (]#!<*• rp6 * The .(raw,^ was ma.k hr Rnhf.d M.War vs J, l Malone
Nkti amural Dh-ertoi Harne\ (Tint liackapy vs ENiui 4 • b.tcr
rmi and Glenn Kothman
Dorm 16 loaded the base* in
the first and sixth inning* but
failed to tall v.
Two More in Tbirti
Milner gained two additional
i run* in the third Highlighting the
.coring were Voss, Warden, Oon-
ingei »ml Dirk Edgar Ken Rogers
sent the final Tiyer tally home
in the seventh with a wnfle
Vos an/I V anien, batting in tbe
j thir/i and fouitb -Iota, le/i the
tmtters with three hits each
(ilenn Goodman, Dorm U second
j t/aseman and cleanup hitter, col
i lectad two of the three bits gath
er»*d by hi. team Sbnrtalap Bob
Barry completed lh>rm 16 bitting
The West Pointer, plfy TCW
amt Dorm 11 tuckles Dorm 1A in
this afternoon's activity
A newcomer
pitch t ng rort>*
ed three-hh bwll
tory. On thw
AAM yoftbaU tear
BiH Flag* •ns, who »|
of the losing Boston Rad Sox. cama The vie tort scuradl twice in the f yj
'■rn, la-! • if ht to take a rest inning R/dt Carison am'I
As hw arnva.1 at the airport «d, Fjpnk Dwvuisati •mbkb). awl.
here at 3:»» p m (4 STl.. Me Wi»> BarbaF's <Jraj b%At Mouglt,
( arthy rushed through the gate home the run* •
swinging at a phol/tgrapb/ r » Th* Idem threatened in tba
cameia a. he went through ftrwt. mcWwd, and fburtb
His wife met him an/^togi ther advancing a runner ha far
they walked thmigh the station m each frame. In tbe fourth Wa|- /
toward their automobile where t**o loadpd tha bases wkh one not
their |Md terrier lappiii kis fa** aW *ingles b'y Bob Fag*' and Ba/
Mun*hy. and a walk by Ja-k
Stioman. W* /, . i
'■"•MW. ; I
a. Dd»*l ‘ |
Thoanaa tbe^ relieved bnnwlf
of the fiwai tighe spat. g.dHag flm
next two I setters an flys to/ the
S'ogles by K G.
B WI hwr * follows
tiy Vic Kolb/k
inaik rs in lh*- fo
Marti Karo*
and basketball ruadb of the Ac
attending the N( AjA meeting of
The pictare was ta)wn id Karuw
Pairing Completed in Open
‘hZ Tennis, Golf Tournaments
Hot to lion
sp< i ins
in., June 21, )k )l I’age 1
TL Mine fhim/t*
Nutters. 7-2
Omaha, June 2S- i-Y^ Tex-
a* last night won a berth In the
final, of the V C K A base
ball championships outsluggmg
Rutgers 15 to 9. The Texana
will defend their NCAA title
agam.t Washington State to
taurney, belted <<u4 Grant (ioldgn
of Northwestern. A 2, A-0
IWHerry. Dancan Edg'd
Flam an«l Garrttt resch«-*l the
iPartcrfuials in the dndbles hy
bv«t raumi abtrtpn aad doat,
lea M*trhes( in *#nnis must
Tep»'i. BawMaa- (first*- ronou
matcfp , « tn |e played iwf/fe W , d-
qaartcrfidai* m the dodatga by x " , , i" ’ .. t r ' ~
stopping Balbiera anil Tom Mel- !<*y«d W edue^i. j, June >
IdV <* R ’flins. M-A. A-| Bassett and ! ,,r ™ r ,#rfe * ) ' ®' 11 ^ k T*m
Nkna* vs
(iiaiiln Shiilout Cards
Twicein Douhlu H(‘ader
/ nthuaiasticaiiy
M/< arth> -nuli-d and said
"At Ua-t '**h*/iw^v loves
anyhow ^
M< ( arthy looke*) a little drawn
from hi* seigc of illm-.s and seem-
‘‘•I anxious to get U> hu farm in
suburban Fast Amherst He turn
ed to ie|K)itei. and imni:
“I have nothing to ^y,” then
Have you ever felt Jousy’"
K* d *o\ officials .aid that Jih*
\va« merely sick, that then wa«
no thought of hi* resignation.
The date for hi. return te |he team FRIDAY JUNB ti
was n ported to he indefinite ( j Softball Laafba:.
M/t aithy has been confine/t to Indiana at Callegp HjII*. Y«
hi* hoU-i ro/im s n.e Tuesday w:th 1 (.iants at rAlBl Flub*,
influenia sn/i nleunsy H* wa. or- game* t«egm it frM p. m
dered by hw physician to take a ball: CS AmgricrtL Lwfipfe
long rest Biyan in Sue Haswilll Fkrk.
Im lulling yesterday’s game w ith
the Chicago White Sox. the Red
Sox nave lost 11 of then pa-t l.'t
Md aibhy became manager of
the Red nox m i;/4e Mr formeric
"a. matiager of the New A
V ;inhee.
Jhek Sh/*emaker advanced with a 1 Wo H*g4H- 'iawe Peen ew(at>
A*l, A-a Vwtory aver R fi. ,De- i Imkad ig gg|f Me tn tbr differ
Hkrr\ and Robert Duphan of TeN- ent csliket af ptay*r*
»> AAM E’articipant* will receive slip.
I Cnchell and Hugh Stewart, pertanuag V' the opponent the\
.4*t»thrm < al * N*i 1 duubb** * rp t/> face and thg ilate by wh«h
* lAafn, bedil ’-Ml"* Ken i rawf/wvi the match mo.t U* ida\wf Metch
al>d Brrig-rt Karren. H-b. A 4 added Cei 4# taoL- are to arrange
in doubles quarterfinals, t m-h-
ejl and Hugh Stewart polished off , > oliow+wg i« « bat af opcwigg
Hwssett gml Jack Jshfwmaker of muod. snd flight.
UC!,A. *Fl t A 1 Flam an<( Get- i
rftt took out Howe Atwater and Tennis single* (Upper Brack
Tommy Bov« of'William ami Marv, H- matebes to i* played bef/*r<
. itirt. Dm i-
and Mauck ♦* Feytog an<f Pla* i.r
F!AMhf art Stexv^t *a F’at>
art many. Dower bkackefl Gu I
ne art < *iea v* Malbne agd Haa
.oa, Tavior ami Hil4eibi| dt vp
\ierlif and flreedmait. A atm a tin
Webiter * s. Rnyder agid >$*ather»
$ ifirat
>5. A-1
(.ll♦•ert B/igley and Charlg* Df-
Mne, of Rnrwetop imat Giliwrt
ihe* aiul Jack T#al of I'M , 7-5,
IE ’,4. A I, in a two and a half
tVednesdwy. the 2eth I Harold
Carin \s F M Snyder. Frank
Iksvi. vs. Grant Rg\ Hi>lhn.,k v«
Ira Freedman. Lynn Hanson r*
F J, Dgvidpon. C. A Austin v«
M/slltn v« f o|
FWht N*
mund mat«$es to h* idAcd be
fore | i 'day, June Uli J4rk MA
ler »*« J M Vaufhan,, P B
Me I hi’ >e|
\ os. R. J Fish*'-.
I D K NhJL, Join,
J Hatmorif K It
Ma. if. ^ o. in « \wti anil n rtiii L’ i i/ _k
hour inaArh and Henry Pinter G? .. 0 * ) *' r 'a.
(Mid Ikon Hamilto* of College of " *
wed Don Hannlt/W! of College
*He PacFr trimaicl Harn* an*i
Jack Tufpm of Rice, 1-3. A-1(1.
<,<ilf i hampnm.hip Fl'kb 1 '
Wedpr-day, Jane 2A. J rRy Bett*
\* I) M Ellioft Fndjmr, Ju#e
Mi, Ji^- Bi llnett v* F if 1 Kina
Kd Timlin vp J A Juripst n, IKfk
F/iiggr v* Tinjr Hdi .^tunluir
BrackeU, mptchea to Jul^ k. J I Rw* t«i pia9 winner
tta-Dgntt m
NrW York 1 1 Ml I/tula 00\
NeW >'OV J|i>« J.i - f*'
R'ghthan/h i l iim Jai .*
Smithpaw Dave Kp
.huoata y.-'*'i'i4>j a. tb/ Y w
Y/rrk Gian « ' Mibie dead
er from t‘ < St, t ard'fial-.
Vo ami 6 1 Lil ■’ • ' t/-ul'•! hi.
cotesc/tutiv/ / '1 iL- se,r I.. 2'.*
it mng* w •* i -Jg nitle,
i |iener. K/ *!" op jg.l tt, R.sll, r/j.
to only tw*> hi!-HI th/' > vhliap
Tim/|ef» ,t >i‘!!(,'ll- th/ i ardi'iaL
irttt ‘4 a fii«' ma • ti/' wh’i
Brooklyn m > | ,kl ( IJM ** behind
the aiimb ng F iUad/Iphia i’hil-
lie« The t tr*i' ir||il the PI i|» b,
ami th/'
Th. '-/■
ai ' - to
( Low*-*
be played before Wednesdayi of He
p it no R a piAAos * p i \ sirs
Otir v/ iuni (. iwI'wmI of V arfon Kr< /m<iitH*«ed
V\ \ NOS
T H It Y \ K ll M M A L l.
and inmired
NO i:\TKA < H AKOt:
• |
We lAtenri ,4 Npeitnl InviUtkm To
(’oHpK** HtBtloB Areb
D» » l)*ma — I p to S Ymrx «« Hrtant-e
I Slightly IhiniBK^I Spi*H—
, A Hf»l BuTRiiiii
H J. Wyatt:
jot \t»rfh Cnllefe ftmte S-iS83
Oi^n Ihindhall roiirnfN F/iilr\ K(«*in
Pleas*- entgr (m/-> ius)
tnadh aitd addn*sM
oi t It' i'pvi Haii/lball
. irw/itie ,,nd addf**)
Monnunwaat, HinKb s t », Ika/Me* \ i
f'artn'-t * nana . *t<
Entries should t*e tiii7»<d in to Stiideiit AniMtbs >>0- e by Jpii' 2k,
I -I
I .
isiaim i . i. aas,—maSmass^mwammw i isi m ^iwi ■ i
a P1AX 08
(rraiul 0|M‘nin<!
b Kill AY A HAT! KDAY Jl Nt ‘IS A U
Viit’hf Shfll S^ryire Station
\N I. (RiBi VAimw healer
Dmu** Thurstln) bikM
WunninK hmHh ( ■IhfiR
Prixr for OiienniK Bay
fat Priir OC Turttct Kmrter
tad I’rtae 50 (*»li>nw HNKI-I premium
Ard Prise Maah. Luhrirrtivn aad Od
EAR A< < b>NOKU>
Mrttii Hlfhea t Mix aad Old hulphur ''prBiu>
« Road
five pecren'age b
[haigars h\ ,/ ' gi
tot te. ef riiih .i Bii
reach the e.' pia
in< .i-d then. ' - w
one hitlf i > !’• - ■
Jai.sea -• Mr j t
ie sil hi' | att
victory in th. ,ik
ng-h hande, i q |F,i
-t-aiglu - •I..-C4
I, tty H I i>
•m h- « i.rd» i|!
pr vvd h - n i"l’t I
‘.(twit »/• .,f**tJU
’ (U t* W ‘I fl '
i • ' I ;h. -. i a g *
r He eu-eih.
K •.!< r . hdilk'
mi. limit*' ng t'.i '
h l' thiro 'nMS.1 *
die Mii'et „ d 1#-!
i lewiand Jf a
i In land In ’i;# i
" , i ir.- oft |-/«t'
tet< i ts . 'h B'
\ .iS Ys"h'---* (--I
gaiiM of th, to*, fig
\il but '■'tie i>f|t
hx Ulth te*ni.« wa,
horn- rur- Nr'f
homer* ■ »m«' with a man on t»a*e
•imi Megan and Luke Faster each
and Vocked two for Uie winners. Ray
H , h mtrte,; B'sWte got the other Jne [KMag
gio ami Jobnnx Mi»e bilted the
round tripper* for the tw/. New
T rk n:rs
Ostrowski allowed nine hit* in
al.snitnig hi- first whipping since
m-ing tiH/ieo to the Yankees by-
St l>> its a week ago. Felier
■itHjik out »i\ and held the Yank
ees to seven blows for his set-
, nth * tOI\
Del rail 2
Detr/' t June 23 '.f*' The
Washirurton Henatoi* went on «
I t int -pree ,i» they ia-a' th/- De
II oil Ttg 5 to 2, yesterday for
then tl oil «tta git win ovei the
Arneiu tn le ague jea'ler-
I'hi lade I phu k. Hi l./>uis i
St !avu:-. June 23 ** I’hil-
soelpius hainmece.i f *w Brownie
pitch,is for :f lot- las! mght to
tsm a s■ j victoi \ B<*t'l>y Shantr
h/ld St Ienus t/* eight hits be-
t«te yielding to leiu Brissie
the ninth
\' ./shington
(!> l/4^ion Nint*
To Play Bn an
( S .Sp4d>ell Leagae: Pnatejf wk
( »♦.* at College Hill* and Trigm*'
\*. Yankees at ' o|leg> Partf, h»*lh
gmmna Iwg'n at »■ an.. Brvmi
i arntwaraiai I^aru*:* wowepil luitg*
rk‘iM»r \ * Bn an Merchart* ft*d IMid-
hps tid vs. Cnllgrt Ifarrhairt* I games H t Su# Ha^wnll^ Park VI
begbunng at H- g, m. \Baseball; |
CS American !>-gion vi
viSk at Huntseil)*.
( nHcge Station's American
legion Junior bascbgii team
will meet it* mmo«mJ 4auiH it
••ng/ment lumghl at II ».•.
when the l/wal nine move* t«
Hne Haswed (‘ark where they
• ill tangle wilh the Hrtan Iw-
gi«m Junior*
(oacb oibcl V. Ibafiw wiH
PcwImM* start Jwe M«*»heral
while Hrtan s cbmee ia Bill
Irhws tn an exhihtliaa c«m-
lewl resitrda> th* lirya* team
defealed the Laf.range Iwgion-
nairew, a-J. with Dick ManJax
and Doug H/twell splitting the
hurling duliew far the winners.
Included en the ( idiegr line
up InfMght are Fred Anderson,
shortstop; Da*id Hnnnen third
base; Pin key Coaner. renter
field, George Johnston, catch
er; Jarry Leighton, right field;
Dan thilliamu. left field H'.h-
hv I arter first base; and Jim
m* Bond second base.
rnmr Hilt-*
Nsliwurtl 1
■hi* 1 (»kt«
> \r >M H
|id!h , on,
Hi oi-klvn
tb u hoim t
PhilM l, !ph,»
Si Louis
- {!' fin,.
i nit ago
i * t t U (*
New Yoik
:»t n •
l'i*^ tv hi!*
f’ittsbui gh
\ (,lMM»no.
i in, ifirati
« Y ork 2
\ meriran
V The
i -h •■! fit•
.•<7 1
Jot Ostgow
Nz-w Y /)i k
, iFi
it- 'bv Nex*
( ivvelan/i
the riibrwr
i,f senrs
\\ a«hingt/*n
itiin* made
2. r >
Hiven in b\
St. Louis
f the s<‘\en
hast ys. Aest Duel
Expected in .4.41
Th< National AAU track cham
pionships on Friday and Saturday
might well settle down to an
east vs west dual
Pincu* Sober, chairman nf the '
Vationai Committee, ex|ire»sc>i
surprise yesUwday at not only
"the iiuantity but the caliber" of
YYest (oast delegations.
The A2nd annual amateur chain - ^
pionships have drawn $Kii cwitn/-*
one of the biggest field* in his- 1
tory, Sober said More are eg- '
1946 Fk^ tUne Aero
('hevrolrt two tone
green fully equipped
t’ued Cnr and Truck
t ! .
lirvan MoIih* Gl
Highway A, Naail’
Bryan, Taaas
/ PHONE IDSHw' ’ %
Telephone l-£t2l
Battalion Classified Ads
“W^/gEVg* CLOSE- 1
/ * .'Jr | \ ' f
l ur Yourt ommifttce \ {
211 North M.m . Urftn h
We pay the highest prices ior Used Books
W* maintain xvhoU*!>ale cx d ir*ta i •ml , the
year round.
St-rvutg Twautt Aygies
■ "y M\