The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 23, 1950, Image 2

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    Pif« 2
9 t
Friday, Jum 23. MW
We have bee» flattered. We're tM( so
i it waa aiaaeMi but the Suatraer Tex*«
that heatoa of
college )oumali«a| H
Cauae for th4 ton««a-ia*chiak com-
meat warn *r rocrnt xmonal beclur^ J.
E. !■< I' na|l a i%ht to appear on the
ftate'a IVmtK raHt pruaaty. balk*t The
Texan inaistt'd McDonald, eleventh term
laiKlHiate f.e etate a^rmUtural com mat-
■iewer, ehouM "(pflt taiklnf cae way and
voUaf another ’
Since pnM»« a’^n of the edHonal Me-
Donaid—aad The Battaioa'a viewpoint
haa been uphetrt n a Supreme Coart of
Texaa deeimon The court quoted the caae
of Love va. Wflcop. a« did the Texan edi-
tonaliat In that inatanoi it ruled a party
cannot atrike a candidates name from
the primary ballet if be ia wilbag to aign
the paity’a loyalty oath.
We aakd ear her that no mao ahould
vote afanwt hia belter judgmenr We ia-
affirm that atatenient
There m no doubt that the chance of
M. ! ‘ h tid beinjt elected on a Republican
.ticket aa Waa implied by the Texan woalri
be alim. He doean’t want to run. nor ahould
be run, on that ticket He ia a Democrat.
You may can it a moral taanr The
teftaMy of McDonald* action haa been up
held But we cin aee nothmf immoral m
placing the natioo'a welfare above ques
tionable party requirements
We are aure McDonald ia not the only
man who haa done this Many other broad
minded Totana hare had the courage to
ignore would-be pereecutors and vote for
what they believe beat.
U > i | ; > |
Pulitioi Above Better Judpnrnt . . .
We eameatly hope that by the time
this editorial ia pubiMhed our legmiatora
in Waahbigton Udll have resolved their dif
ferences ia regard to the bill to extend the
draft for three more years The bW ahould
be passed as qtiekly aa possible to maia-
tam the draft machinery which will ex
pire with the present draft law Saturday
Action on the bill Mt a legislative snag
Wednesday night when a amen of civ|-
nghts amendments spnasortd by Senator
Humphrey (Dsfr) of Mmneaota aroused
the opposition of Rep Russell ilienii Of
tfsnrgta. Ruasetl refused to agree to a time
for voting until Humphre) a proposal*
ware removed. Ths proposals ddalt with
complete mitlftWHig of iagregation in the
armed fovesa. lynching sf servicemen, and
prevention of racial or reMfioua diaenna-
ination agamst scmeeinen on pdbtlc con
Indications Thursdsy morning were
that the proposal* would be atneken from
the bill and that X then wnsld stand a
good chance of paaaage before the Satur
day deadline. Regard less of anyone s feel
inga on the propoaala. attaching them to a
bill as important as the draft act extension
bill strikes ut as an example of }*oor judg
ment Maybe H was good {silittcs. but
there are toe many legislator* who place
.politica above judgment Even the argu
ments for the proposals advanced by their
supporters were poor, aa indication of
their true mtentiona. Since civil rights for
Negroes may §nd up in Congress the men
who represent as there should reserve de-
hste on the subject for specific civh rights
bill* and not tack them onto legislation
vital for our national security m the hoj»e
that neceesitv for the main bill will force
acceptance of the unrelated amendments.
i *
Lets Inspect The Restaurant
The once rf*peeted restaurant investi
gation committee which used to it is* >• I
ud* and thorojgh mapactaur* of sating us-
tahf?s9inem* mfhe college area SppareXt-
ly is as dead as the proverbial d<s>mail
We recall with a little effort, that these
inspections of the kitchens and premises of
local eateries were quite effective. Some
•pkees which failed to meet minimum stan
dards set by the committee were forced |o /
dose until than.* standards were met
Others made a determined effort to always
be far above the minimum standard*
With the sammer increase in the num
ber of atudenta who ' sat out. ‘ It has been
brought to our attention that more than
one locaI restaurant haa allowed it* stan
dards of cleanbness and quality of food
fall below what we like to consider a ruiai
mum level.
There ia little the individuHl student
«aa ds about this He can. of course take
his trade elsewhere. But the choice in the
immediate ares around the college is hun
ted and nobody likes to eat at one place nil
the time
We believe (tie time has come to form
a new migieetiog committee Whether it be
city aponsord. college sjionaored student
sponsored, or a combination, it should be
formed It should begin its work as quickly
as (inusible. for it appears that only in that
way can we be assn red of sanitary eating
We hope to see the day when every
restaurant near the college will be able to
I lost this aigii “Our Kitchen Ojien for In
spection at All Times
From an American Reporter's Typewriter . . .
Very recently in this column we com
mented on reports of communist atrocitaw
m the Baltic nations and in (Vchosiovu-
kia We singled out one man * expmiencss
as part basis for our editorial. He was
I>ana Adama Schmidt an American cor-
resj>ondent for the New York Times He
had fled Czechoslovakia to avoid trial by
a communist eontmllsd court. 3cbedulbd
for trail with him were more thun tteo
dozen other men both native and foreign
Schmidt is sow living in Vienna From
that city wherb he has taken refuge, he
has filed a senes of dispatches about life
behind the Iron Curtain An Associated
Press report based on these dispatches is
repnnted on this page. We urge you to
read it.
The Battalion
i I
* Soldi*, Stotts mm, Kmgbtly GenUm*t
Lawrence Sullivan Roaa, Founder of Agpc Tradmom
The AssociatWt Prew b rntHierf exrluftivajv ta tie* uw for ray
crrdited to it or »K't •UwrWinr rreriitari fan the papar anri baal »*•*
•4 hrreSi Kirht> of rrpofchratton of alt ethrk matter herein are at
ion of all a*w» dispslrhei
of ■potitanoouf omrin suMnh
The HaMaltos offtrug newspaper r*f the Aanniltural and Marhsbirai Cstten sf Texaa and the
City of Collet* Station. TVtaa, ia fnd.|inhed f v* times a week d«n«| the regular aehnoi year Pur
lot the summer. The Battalion is rngtlmMl flur times a week aai rimdatsd svsry Tuesday
through Friday afternoon, lulmrrptioa rates ft per summer Advising rates furnished on re
Nsws eonuXtettsas sitv he maAf t* tsMphsws 14-bMdt or al Iho sdttsrml offW. loom mi.
t fMsdwis Hall ftesMfM ads mat i* seed by telrphone (flitif or at tbs Stuudsst Actirttie.
rittiee Kerin Goodwtn Rail
UaMNd m wwiS SWu. ■sUw el BmI
ft* • »» OMbo* SWlS ■ Tmoa «a4w
• b* 4 Umswi ** Uasdi a. WN.
1 he Assoi latrd Plum
- ..
Bar «i*Q< aottsmtls t*» Naieaol AS-
*Mfb>*0 Bwrlb* Is*.. ■* N«w T*ft CSf.
nusaoc. Im AmtOm. saO 8m fr—iaci.
DEAN REED, L 0. ItEOT . _ ^
IM Absma’hy , 4 —L
* n ^ ( . y, . t
l , jpP > ^flkl ij-e. -A
Aaa Tm m . .'j.
C c »mrm
• r
a *
Schmidt Tells Story of
IJfc Behind Iron Curtain
New Y**rk, June 2S -The
majority of rssrho*lovak< gro-
foumily hat« Communism, but it
will take a war or internal col
lapse of the ( oimmunist world to
rid the country <»f ite new maoirrv
ThU is the Mpptsi-al of a Rew
York Times rorreSpomtent whs re-
.f fitly left < »erh«alf.vakiS to aVooi
IMmfiihle anest in one of the (Vm-
1 mi rust* spy hunts
In ■ senes of dinpatche* (Vf>m
V'lesna Corresgondent I) a *’ s
kilamsSehmidt hS« mven hi* im
pression* of who* HappSOed
through twenty-Sish* months of
iron <'omm«ini»t rule over the
esuntry b«rn » hojn*ful reprbdH-
ost of the chaos of World War
I and reborn whet* the Nail* Sere
kinked nut in WnfM 'ksr II
In Febmary. 194H the ()nm-
munist* suhstitirtr**! a "people*
demrrrSi'y’* for the republic un
der which the (>erh«» hail flp ir
ished The rommuni*!* installed
all the orvupmeitt of the t>slice
*tate—the *pte*. a#ents, prp'n-
cateur* tod informer- to -erve
tV *ocret police. Fear «>a« #>eir
weapon ar"m!*t Soy oho oppa*cd
the new order
Buf there is Htile prospect for
ary re s# lance Shmidt
say*. WBUf the meroht Ipims m*-
Joritv, wpalever they -ay of *to
openly hsic rsmSnmist. *the
*'*ectw»«lovsk resl*tance tt m»S«t!y
in the mipd ” Bxd* P* f' , »' *ho hpro-
ie few there tX lltfle active n-
"You have to sfbv an.und and
iret to know people ityore you feel
the sRunt’on fepl *rcV and Weak
when y'fp learn *.omb<)ne you
know ha* beer' afre«tod haun.-gted
by a note summoning yoh tl> a
|w'hre «tat|on amreied every 4me
you *e« one of tloae unmUlakkhle
men in brown ISathor <i«t* fth<
S T H - th. ('*< ho*|o\ak «*t iet
|a»ltce I ”
People <|i*app«ar -uddenly The
(!ol!c«c Dairy ll«Td
To Br Clarified
Professor F T Atkeson Read
of the Han v Hu*han<iry Depart
ment of kan*a* State » tllege and
one iyf the few tier in the I’mted
States authorized to rlassify b«th
Holstein* and Jersey*, will cb»*-
ifv the Oollege herd* June 22 and
In addition U> rla*Mfyuiy the
females. Profe*s«ir At keelson will
classify the pure bred Holdtem
and Jerssjr bull* u**fd in the ar
tifinal lirceflmg proyuun oust
ed by tbs Collage
In official i-Ja^sifiration Work
the animal is aonpared to a hy-
l»othetira| ‘•ide•^, , ’ of the particul
ar breed The **tdea!'' rfpreiants
a standard of ifniformily in bo<l>
type and (onbrmation for the
Mrs. Wnlkrr l^»avpx
For Vixit in (lp\Hand
Mrs Ls«nar<l Walker, who Hvo*
at 115 l .oe Street in Oakwool
Addition of • olleee Stafliofi left
ThnrwtS', moridrig for <Vveland.
Oh to. tfrs W after plans to fisit
her sister whil| in Oevsland;
She will meet her hu«baiwt. Ma
jor Walker, in knaaylvania aqthe
end of tke Roti rump ahu H he
is attendlar thtre They will re
turn homr to r»llegi Station lur
ing the later pin of July
Bible Verse
“If we confegi our sins. Ill is
faithful and just u> fsrgiv* us
our sins, sod • cleanse u# (bom
all imriabisnuaBsss. I John I S
V x/l
\A‘ W
if /T 1 se 1
'Man on Eiffel Tower'Shows
Paris, Psychos and Manhunt
Shades of Freud? Thundering
Pavlov 1 Arc you frustrated ? Do
you suffer from a neuroma, pay
fixatism, or aa omRnary haa do chi ,
— l - —. t ^ . i i
bo a ts off the Eiffel Tower
The Man
Tniman Barks
Wanhington. June 23 —
(API Prandant Truman
yesterday backed the straight
democratic ticket ia Ohio, ia
contrast to democratic Gov
the Eiffel Tower” ia a wonderful
Btetwi*. but I wttl recommend it
betaass you may never tee any
thing hkr it again.
This rongiemeration of natur
aHstk, payrhotogical, and melo-
drumatic turmoil will atari boring
ly slow, but a imjsder a manic
depressive, and a ronXely-Strimu
pokes inspector aril wake you at
wtUi a bana>
A man (Robert Hutton) wants
bis aunt murdered an be can ac
quire a legacy, pay off hia wife
(Patrieia Rncl and marry Me mis
tress (Juan Wallae»|. An oMig
mg manic-depressive < F rancho!
Tone) ac<|uieeres and frames ar
idiotic and hen-peck ad scissor
grinder (Bstigeas Meredith) A
tenacious, but slightly confused,
police inspector (rharie* laugh
ton) huffs and puffs after the
killer A chain of events follow
he has framed the aCisqlV-gnaavT i
perfectly, there ifl a corlnin dia-
bokcal glse to be snjbyvd if bo 1
can make the indpartor helievv
who eonsmitked tho «nm* and yet
•at bo aMs to psmMg \ \
The manhunt ia tho aaoat jipoa* \
liar that I have ever *Mm filmed.
Everyone knows who
». hut provmg H ht sasncthing
•Me Up and «bmm Pari* they
go. Tone and I aaghtiis tmaSRw/
•Ughtchiba. brothel*, darknobd aV-
Myf. and sf counas the Bl/fel
Tower. .
That slice ff life that tls Pl
uralist < alls for M wondarfqRy
preoentad in detaA as you Am x ■
THE Paris in all its poptrirar
color and humnnasss. The sgcw*
from tbv Eiffel Trsar an/smaa
that w in not be fbfgutten easily.
Gsy, wicked Mm^mSt MNgfdlRg
Pari* in ail its ftofy vaome real
Its rssfey s treat!
Bm that
We ail know that It’s ths
Mot tn ths Mai...
•o buy ’em mm while
Lou has them on hand
“Trads with Lou — .A
*1 right wit* imr
CLASS tt ;
larky ones join '“me ti.OW) in a
fbneri labor ramp, even for such
(dfenaes as failing to have a "posi
tive attitude ’ toward the'regime
<Khai* not mi lucky go before
anuria lu>l*tered by M.ftOO Com
munist - dnrtnnateii 'people*
Jpdge* •’ Meanwhile the govern
ment preiiae* th* building of new
Ighor camp*
The ( athobc church ha* put up
Some resistance, but ha* lost it*
lire** ami *cboo|s, the right to
meet or t*«ue *tatemen! without
government permission.
W hat the Communist* have
kme in CxechoalovakM. Schmidt
mys m a model far what they
would do in Italy or Fance or any
advanced capttaftstis country
Where they seised power
Because ef her eaptlaliatie past
''zecbosMvakia enjojra tha high
mrt standard of Itvgig of any
1 >>mmunMt country hat the Rua-
dans. rather than ’nahe the coun
try a *hew window ef Commun-
i*m. are likely to forte town the
Wandard deliberately The Bus
dan «tar»«Mrd compare* ton un
favorably. It ia poeaible Cxeeh
Worker* “witl he redpred to the
Vteaker Russian -twcvtard* and
onk bark o« IPftO as the goWen
Age of plmttfiil consumer goods ”
Vbmidt say*
TV Cmnmunmts dsfer to Rus
sian nationalism to sate their own
Otde They were reminded «hsaT>-
9 of this recently by Marshal Jt.
A Bulganin of the Soviet poRf-
bwm At a IJhagatadl Ihiv cere
Siony he warnivl that even the
slightest rpre*tioniog of Russian
friendship lend* to fTitoism."
(’/•■chdalovakias tral< with th*-
he»t i* waning rapidly and she
b* more and more at the m rry
of the fiuon qul whatever
deni* the Russian* ft-rtre upon her.
ConeenUation of ikonomic au
thority in the hand* of th« ‘tate
go,-* on swiftly The country is
rapidly kee<*ming va*t "nam-
dnl podrtA" (national enterprise)
In effect, this i* msking every
ko-'y * civil mrvant
Tnllrpr Oh m*<l Ilo*
Win** \.MX; \uanl
A Jersey cow owMed by the
AAW Daily Itepartmdrt ha* been
awarded a silver a#tal bv the
American Jersey ('state Club, ac
cording Vi R F, LHrhton. Pro
fessor of I»airy HushRndry
Maru- Kx|*erimentdNa, numer
imuuct.v, won the ai*mrd by pro
ducing r *0S pound* of flutter fat in
a Hdfi <iav period. *kn in )£ which
sh«- was milked twicf dai^y
She i* one of thsifows' of the
A4M Kxiwriment atation herd
and was two year* a»u f <»ur days
eld at the beginning vf the test
tl». ,h, in,|MrtAr of tW I . to J* HgSAJ*
right murdtikr. c * ,t ’ .
- . w . * • w ,, rpsycholagiaal nmMBMkaX ov ■ y
-- lu ^ hl " l " Kl r ri *\ h ' I war of netws, it would Still he
emwr Frank J. Lmusche. who ha> . lh *, 'fspastur^ slung, for wor t>i the a|lmt*«ran met to ns
indicated he might vote for Sena-1 m *I u 5, hr >a » > and thn Parisian .
tor Taft v « r > nhliging fellow. Although! Allhowh ^ ^ fM* flMr (|
I^iusche said, he hasn't made uii! there it too nmkMSd|fM4|av. M* I
his mind whether to vote for TaftifVl ■ member that thh Frenchman ia
or fee hia Democratic foe I «a\ I fktl ,Mj1 »» »Uid aa XM ApserVan.
■ <t .\ 1114 I VdStvC ANI > Tone delivers a eddrineiilg wrr-
formanev that ia kafnwktqphlg / ,
at lline* If ydu hsvW never seen
a mamr-deprcsMVO, Ms OH* vis
swinging like tft« aanddtoim <4 •
I , # rn - /'V I *Meh, eentirm uig the wd|M FXn i
L w/g»BLjgx I raw/ I ut »bounding joy one momrivl. and
rACISe I ax VaUI h ^nt m a .uie of meMn^dy
close to homicidal lendenriea the
Washington. June 23 — next, »ow ia the bine to do
Mr Truman said at hia news
conference that if he were a reel
dent of Ohio, he would vote the
straight democratic ticket lust a*
be alwav* doe* It would include
Joseph T Ferguson, Taft's op
ponent. TTie president asserted
Ferguson i* going to b# electeri,
without a doubt
The |>residorit had I wu-u he ini
for lunch yuatsrday along '•'th I (Al’i— Lr'euilaUon alaohing I-nughMa artietMAir ,
other demueratic governor* *•', . . ■ tfsAS/vrwwi nrvA corrtUmes comedy and dramh R» /
turning from the conference. «xri** txXeH Dy fl.tJUMARMJW ^ p#',ira impector l unmn.
The Trumni' new* conference, I h n< * incrcaHing levien on Inrjff I’atricia Roc and Jean Wallace
the first in three week*. pr«*hiced <<>r|Mirations took a bl^ step could have deliverud their lings .
another verbal spanking for gov- forward today The Ho«ae Whys much betUr. Irtlt the tnale |«rt of \
ernora J. Stivini Thurmoml of | and Means *< ommittee formally the audience didn't seem to ran'.
approved it. IT to X
Supporting the bill
liemocrat* ami 2 Repwblicans, writh
H Republican* oppoaed.
The ta* debate was set to open
in the House on Tuesday, under
parliamentary rule bamng all
invited democrats, he amendments However. Kepubli
cans, favoring the exciae slash
South Carolina and Fielding
Wlight of Missisaipja They head
ed the anti Truman state* right*
presidential ticket iu lS»4k and
captureil 'W electoral vote*
The president made it clear thev
weren't invited to his luncheon
He only
The president *atd the federal | )U { opposing heavy uu 'eaaes
budget i annot afford a /h frroup coi |>orate taxes, will have an op- *dult*
air force m> matter what rongres# portuaity u» offer a substitoite
may authorize legislation to i„||
authorize the big force i* pend-. There wese the»e other tax
mg but the hill carries no » r *Y 1 iev«lopiu*nk*:
ttial fund* and the site nf the i Prwatdepi Truman .Im lined
force would dejiend on approprta-1. t ew* confereeire
tions Mr Truman s program call* whether be would sign or veto the l|
for 4M groups. j hd). He noted that it may be 4
The [iresident would like to go changed before it reaches h'n».
to Missouri to vote in the prt-| > Chairman Doughton (D-Hrii
ma'y next August, he said, and () f th,. M ay* and Mean* t nmmiltre
pl*P* 1" ( l f ' * 0 inirodneed the Bill Formally in
Be left no doubt that he would the House under hia name, and
make many *|.rerhe* around the j Mn , M , un< ^ (w tM . f lr , t Urnv ^*1
country before the November eie*-up, ,t.
tK*n. He saw) he hoped to travel? j
i You would hsrdiy expect to fiml
i comedy in such a story, but q \
satinsiMi police forre MiU keep y
v.mi chuckling .
for fast actum (quite «n on-'
derstatementl and a lesson in pay- X
rhology, “The Man oa tha Kiffel
Tower" is the show to see. \
i OMMENT: mrietly for ths,
titarts: 1 2.i.i 2(Jh6jlM:10-9 (fl
a lot. thai be likes that sort
of non-rxditicwt traveling.
To Fearh
\tr Fmr in kitmi or Benn ' wi
'fa* r rV,,rrn luggage jewelry furs matte
The Houec Repeblicar pol- j
icy fomnnttek was rallesi to meet
tomorrow, to determtae a Haw of >
Tie bill as drawn reduce* or
rep«ml* th* <mci*e jmpost.d on ar I
Roiari (' Jaska assistant pro
fessor in the Agricultural Kngin-
ecnng Department, left Tuesday
for Seoul. RoraB. He writ teach
tic*, movu ticket* and other ad
mission*. cabarets, rkgwiny to-
Ita.TO, ngars. itt*tilled spirits used
medicines mo r-ductihp in the
Plus Pete Smith • Latoat Npwh
A grim I tiira I F.ngfneerhig »n the te s pro. f gaihm levy *»n drink-
Korea Technological Institute of l mg liouori. amusement devices
Seoul tires, automehite parts musical in-
Hc is nr s .me vear Irav* of *irument*. refngriatera. span-
absence from the College The mg good*, appilttii-c*. phoUgraphir'|
program Jaska will he B»*ociatttd apparatus. Uisineas ar... store
with i* a government program mai hines, mate hns, telephone and
Thi* r rf >S r »^ '* » part of the telegraph. tr»rw|airk*Uon of par- ,
t C. A and i* n conjunction with sons ami transportation of pro.
the Illinois Institute of Technol<*g\ |*ert)
II 0»p.mi
—Cultegt StaLon RepreaenUli\T
Flu* Cartoon
II p TO.
U I. \HNER Onward F uunon’l
By Al Um.
HEriMPk or xEl a MOM»<
'nLAALXsa pcm>ch 0 fah cum
or n«. uoma awta * -
sxcnrr viTrs*;
ca*/t hclp Twtr.r-ne
aucta i% wr oonx mrt
•aouez HAD
HEMiCP But wg
hAin't Bri ri 0>
ACTirit %/HOL
li'L ABMK Ralmny Srvne
; f A*,-
MB a A ‘TEAn f ss
Roacoot'xan Yuch
MCMBCR. %jkt
AS ME —AN' "
<*?TTA m.
A ^ A
4 4