The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 20, 1950, Image 2

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    < r pw f f
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:I V
'1 F
I «
P»ge 2
Tuesday. Junp 20. I960
U hat Do We Have tw do
We would have to puHtsh a hundred
page edition to reprint all oar editorial
pleading! for air conditioning in the libra
vy. For as far back as any of us on the
ixesent staff can remember, we have sug
gested. cried and begged for something
to alleviate the beat In the library dtriag
the summer months. True, aome small fans
stir the air within ita confines. But they
are so small and their task la an hopeless
that they aren’t worthy of mention here
or anywhere. 4
We have asked for air conditioning We
have suggested met a Nation of exhaust
fans until air condttloBtnf can be Inrtalfad.
but all to no avail.
(i«»ntl«*men we again lay ouraeivea at
your feet. What do you say’
Pullin': a ‘Doctor in the House*...
The University of Texas may have the
answer to one of tie most pressing prob
lems facing the nhhon today Dr. T. S.
Painter, president of TX', announced Sun
day m Gainesville a plan being initiated
by the University for alleviating the criti
cal shortage of doctors in many |»arts of
The plan is basically simple. A atate-
wide system of training centers for in
ternes will be established. Them- centers
win be located in parts of the state that
have a doctor shortage In this way. !>r.
Pdmter explasied, it is hoped that many of
the young internes will settle in areas
where they train Such has b«en the ten*
<!fc»ncy in the jiast. ‘‘We ho|»e, ’ l>r Painter
continued. ’ in this way the University
can contribute toward better apportion
ment of doctors, rather than having none
in the country and too many in the cities
He also eneoufbgtd small towns to help
young doctors get the faefiitiss they need
to practice since most of these new MU'*
did not have the money to buy them for
We admire this kind of approsch to a
tough problem It plaees in the hands of
the people the opportunity to improve
their communities by attracting new doc
tors to them while at the same time mak
ing the process <4 "getting started” easier
for the medical man Wc expect to sec
the University’s plsn iwy big dividends m
the future.
The General Earns New Heemit!
Whether General Dwight D. Kiacnhow-
er likes it or not, it begins to l<*ok as
though he'll be running in a very favor
able |iosition when the Republicans get-
together to (Jhoose their presidential can
didate in Iftfig Sunday. Governor Th<*mH%
E Dewey of New York told re|H>rtera he
believed Eisenhower would make a fine
{►resident ’ Thus, the {Kditlcal leader of
our most populous state lined up with
thousands of others who would endorse
the former Allied sU|>reme commander for
the highest office in the land.
Much has been Written about (Jeneral
Elsenhower, both on his service* to the
nation as a soldier ami oa his frequint
statements oa national and Work! affairs
wm* his retirement The maj«»rity of these
writings were favorable In fact, it is hard
to find fault with any of his statermtits
for. ui the mum, they represent common
sense logic beyond rebute. Particularly
encouraging since he is considered a like
ly candidate for Ike president y, are his
remarks on government. They represent
the kind of thinking which has been all too
scarce in recent years. Ov question he
fxwed to graduate* of Columbia Univer
sity is a good example- “How shall we
preserve as the oftistitutional pur|>ose of
government the welfare of all <mr citiaens
without making those citiaens or any
significant |»ar1 of thorn, unneceRHarily de-
{•endent on government subsidy or sub
ject to regimentation‘ ,M His answer to this
Classified m the Miami (Fla.) HeraW
‘ Anh Heart coalition made me make a
solemn promise td obey all of the mm
mandments of (»ad. I cannot sec you
again. Zeke."
Headline in the S«merse4 i Pa ) kmeri
raw: **Brid«groo*i IHes On Fried Egg
Trying To Eat." ,
,and other question* of vital im|*irtanoe he
silked of Columbia graduates deserves re
production here.
"For none of these questions ’’ the
I general said, "if there a |>at and simple
answer even though thhe office seeker in
creasingly attempts to convince us that his
own glib (*rom»as provide exceptions to
this rule. The honest man must face the
fact that panaceas offered us are more
often characterised by surface afipesl than
|by deep-seated logic'’
Hrrhapa. you say, the general does not
giv# us heft his own solution to these
problems faring the nation No, |»erha(i*
he doesn’t But them and other state-
meats which he ^a* made in the i«ast in
dicate a gr*wmg awareness that thew*
problems must b* faced ami solved They
indurate his reahiatior that we cannot
idmitimie the preaent trend toward m-
| Creased centralisation of government
whk h robs the people of their rights and
of their initiative. And this realization,
this awareness is sadly lacking in govem-
msat circles today. Until it becomes evi-
we carfbot hope for relief from an ex-
faridmg. bureaucratic government
‘ General Eisenhower has sounded a
note that rings ^rue in the minds and
habits of raanv people And it is a note
which may snujid clear when the mad-
hoase of the next presidential election is
I hpar us It is the kind of note to which
more and more people are listening
A revolving "tr made it {KMsibte for
He*ny (Rodman's, Xavier (’u Gat's ami
ibardo a orrhcMrs to spell one another
unute interesls (Ui time re Hus
Which one s[je|»-d C^u Gat s’
~New Yorker,
it UtMni
Maybe ttibneyips e talked, but the ta^t
it Can do nowaday* is whiter
77/e Battalion
' i
"Soldi*, Sistitmm, KmfMy Gentiemm"
Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Tradiooqs
The A-'ux istnH Prr*« m ^ttitlea cir|uK|vrly te the for rvpnMiestwin of all newt rfupafrH**
rrediteri to it ar set oth**rwns rredileH is the
H hereiii. Ilirhti of repsMicatiof) of all other
The f <4f r *1 neWWMfe r of the
City ^ I'" 11 *** Tetaa, w puMbbed
ing the aurrimer, The Eattabea ■ psblihbed
tkrotisf Friday adtemooa. Suharnpiio* mtea
_ |T ' t f 1
News ronthbiitloni may be made bv tek
(;oodwia Hhli f Uwffieri ada may he placed
Offict, Boom g**, Ooorfwin Hall
~ .,4-.,*-.. —44... . *«. I ■ >1.0 1 in.1. I
iper ind local nee- of •pOotanroaii onsin publxh
atWf herein are also reaerv-d
T* * 1 * ■ * ll '4 l
i and Mechanical r«>Ucc«> of Tevaa and the.
awvakdSnrif U«> r*wwlar arhooJ year lH*r
a waak and nrcaFated every Ttieaday
M yef asiiBiag. Advrrtlaiikf ratoa fumiahed on re
(i-Mfl) or at the editorial adfW-e, tonm 8f»i.
taludiaWi (kU>4) or at the Stuudent Artiviue*
RatoMd m "4« aMdet at r«*l
orfir* •« coham W«omi. Trta. nae
IW Art ■< C-">.r 4* Maedi & iWi
Sid AbaareMBrH—~
mmmSBml , .
Joel AaWMr *. ^ —^—
The Awriarrd Prtaa
an I hiy 1 [
^ J 1
SeoMretH uttnoallr hr Ke *4
•erteina Berra-* la* , at *»• Te»* < S».
Ctoraae. Ire *»■»*■» ea4 Baa frumrmr*
amr Am
ftll Mtr
c c a3
ahme am Man mm mu 1
0pr i Jrnmm Liaramw .
mmr CreWnm. rrmm cmen.
t iwnae Ml Mmaaa S V
.. Co-Editors
Featare Editor
. Sporta kdn<*r
. car Ed*«c
ReteaU Dab
College Offieials Sp<^ak
At Ag Extension Meet
l SDA, Wanhinip'^'. D C
ifieplnyed new tl
Memherw of tin ASM ad»|in-
latrative ataff Rddreane*! the an
nual Afrirulturdl Kxlenaion <N'n
ferenre eht« h <mdnl her>- oti $a''
uMm> Theme of the thrr-e-da>
program was lh«' Most
of the Rural SeitrhPoi-hood rr«>
gresK PnoRram.
Six hundre<l acncultuntl ex
fenalon worker* attended th« Con
ference apnnaoWd in Texa* and
Ok!ah<.ma hy fhe Farmer-Stdek-
ntan mairasine iti eoopi ratuw adh
the A(rtrulturSl Kxtenaioa ter
virea of the iwo atalea.
I ollerr Official- Speak
Chancellor cd»i' <.ilehn»t. w<-e
rhaneellor for agri> ultuie P it
William*, Pr R. P Iwwin, dmfior
<»f the Expcridient StaPor ami
C N Shepari*u*n. d«-an <>f th.
School of AuJViulture xf«>ke t«>
irroup Friday r*orninR
Pr l/t-wi* (Bonteil (Hit Hint
teaehinR. reaeafih, ami extension
have a common ohiective that of
improving rural life
(lean ShepaWiaou rr |>orted on
the plan* of the . nlleRe fot ffac
uate «ch<wi| *ind' a- it affect* (he
professional imgroveromt pruRtam
of the KxtenarrS) Serxice Hr kanl
that thr demand for riaduaV'k m
thi field of air> k-ulturr- exceed. (h<
(ha on-Her < Sir hr nd note»l »H<*
rontnHutiot' that the Exteofnm
Service make* |o the artvciiltpral
income of thr- *tati- \'ic. -la
cellor WiHram* he.,tiRhi up the
prohiem of agri< ultural produt -
New I’todSc** I M-pt* t ed
TV- rtmfeiendc o|H-ned on Thlir*-
day afternoon With a talk l-f f
I. Teuton, hewt of th« mfrrdrna
tmn division, Btirvaii of Airi{< ul
turai and IfKllertnal ( herni4tr>
General Rtqucsls
Aid for Formosa
Tokyo. June 2<> 'A* (.r-nnral
Ma« Arthur wB* undcr*to»ai to
have pr*>po-e<l |r* reaaed \m<|i<Bn
aid for t ofnmuniat-threwtfneri
F’(rrmo»a and M>uthea»t Aai* in
mnfidentiai taBtk today with fh-
fenao Secretary Johnaon and f.en
Omar Brattle)i ehairman of the
1 S Joint t ftief* of Staff
The three high militarj flganm
cnnferrwi for tkm h<Hir- .>n Ah*er
ica'» defemu t>4«ition in the tit*ub-
le<l Far Fast.
Johnson ha* aawi he is after
fact* which «i|l ta riv< r; t« Pm-s-
idant Truman t>. Iw fitted into
the over-all ddf#n*r policy Seek |n Manila Johti-on
*aid Amenrad far ea*terrt pol
try i* he in m r*viewerl heesuet- of
th*- situation ha- an-<t in
Autk'intaUva aourrt* -aid the
estimate of thf situa'ion at Mai-
Aithur * •» that, “even thoudh it
is latt.’’ quick delivery of A)ner-
ican C'lBipineiH still could eave
OlW r r*sne in >u«r
> IfMMfS
All Umi ylewls is
Orer tlw Rifhsiiff St of*
that have
been developed by mwearrh work •
era at thr 1'SPA’x rraewreh lab
One of the new falwic* t* “0*na-
burg,’’ which reaenddc* linen tnrt
is made from «hort staple cotton.
“Virara ' a fahne made from
c*rn, I* moth |tr<*'f and mildew
Friday eveitinif, T. C Rkhard-
aon, Texw- editor of the Farmer-
Stockman magazmoL w.*« host at
h dinner in Shisa BaH He intn>-
dweed -p*; *k> rs Itilch list, Ferdle
fleering, editor of the Fanner
Stockman inagaimf, and ti ti
t.ils-on, director of the Texa*
Agricultural F.x'cnrion Service
Officers Hoard 11w!-e«
New off i«a rs and ImwoI inem-
in-r* were el. < ted to the Texa«
< mint) Ag-ricultui al Agent* A«*<>-
isaimn »nd lh« Texas County
Home hnmnnatratMn Agent*. As
siK-iation A t Hi alley INitfer
i minty agent, was re-elected pr*-s-
vtent of the im-.r* associatioti,
and Charloite Tomkins, ( arson
lownty, was eleeteti picaident of
the home agents aMoriatiou
Iilndy* Maitm, artink vie. dt
rector and stale hqme iemonstra
turn ai,'( nt of 'he Texas Kxten-
tion S»-r'le. pliWaied at the
s.-smo* on Friday and SattWduy
inoridiX- . < - . « . A, 1
Other Simaker-
Oth.-r *|h ahem at the ciinference
|iicKioe>i Mr* .1 M Pritchett lo)-
o-a community Kaufman < ounty
Ike Wvapitxkv I hland nrntrouii-
ity < aldWvH-llay* gaunt lew; Fred
Ciltiam. Fore«i i hatwl community,
latinar County M’ckk>n < amplwll,
I H Cfuh i*i) of Hood ( ounty,
f re<t ft Cla«* ptwMent of th*
.Iiidy.f and i omtaMMUonera.
F C. Maiim. a**(«tant state
«V»*nt for the Texa* Service, Mr.
kNil* J Newman, l^mar County
home demons*ratian agent, 1,
Scott. Hunt (ounty agricultural
agent, district agents Lida ( ooper
nnd \ (. Voung; and nqireacn-
tative* from tkklaboma
( arl Hirdwell Stahoncd
At Anti-Submarin** Baw«*
Fnatgn ( art H-rdwell I'SNR, i-
reeeivmg inatructkm with Air
Anti Submarine Sguadron 21
based at th. Naval Air Station
in Sar Piego (’ahf H« »* the
*«in of M-' and Miw C*rl Hird-
well of 1(ai Suffolk Street
The Mpiadrnn is hiehly skilled
in elactimnics aid repair and
maintenance of iatrirate device*
and e< bipment uwd in »ui>manne
Behind the
'Damned Don 7 Cry'Brings
Crawford, Brian Together
By Ft FP * A LA KB
“The Damned INl’t ( r»
(amps* alMwiaf .iarnag
Jwaa ( rawfard a ad UatM v iron ment
Brian ) f Joan ( rawfoad ha* goad opper-
A *tndy in Cpiwrftird ’ and a tnaity tw exhibit Her veiwaUltty
.lone-up of *yn«iicnted enme twin Iramatk quaiitie*. a* *he
he seen in 'The Dmaided Don’t portray* a woman who kna noth
in*, yet wanta everything
To sketch hrwPv t*.
Kthei S kitehead ((raw ford,
la the haggard wife wf aa wtl
field laborer Her life offers
aething hwt hard work a »h«ci
natrkerk and the spertarle of
her Min being deprived of child
h.Mtff (de*sores
Whei the child i* kiiiml, Kthei
dendea to *eek everything that
she ha* alway* wanted, and leave*
her husband
She get* a Job rm-deling in a
cheap wholesale houae and quu-k
ly l.-ama the traiU of th« percent-
CotlBty Democratic con# !TCPA rl^HTTiaVxTlickford
mitteen worried Monday over .Kent Smith), w nothing, and un
what to do about jiUttinR J E dri hei capahie guidance, h» i*
McDonald's name on the July m aeeaan
.... v tant for a national book and wire
{inmary ballot mrrieo.
Soxne liateil it tonUtively in >|V svndigate'* )»oa*. Gwo^ge
diawmr for pkkee* an the haB«t r^ti^man. (David Hnanl tahe-
Harrison ..amty (Ma«*halli v.ited |flto ,h,. organisation aioo
to P""( d after fmdijt* out that w\th train-
The *Ute democratic, executive in|f money ahe )w a great
committee la*t week voted unam to the grmit*.
?f you liked the laat Cfaarfafd'
McDonald (lase
Worries Countv
Demo Groups
Hi \ MMicia ted 1‘reawl
moiisly to Har the agt'tculUire
commiaaioner'i name from th«-
July tl aartv )*l)ot, on ehaige*
of porly infidelity He ih-nied
the charges
Melionald a»ke.l the suprgme
c.Hirt for a mandamus to force
printing of hi* name He *l*o
aske.) the court for an injunction
to halt prvporatMm of the lutllot
by county .-ommiltces (wndiiig a
decision of the mandamu* cake
The court hears argument-
Tueaday in the mandamus Suit
McDonald's lawyers said they
wanted the injunction, if granlni
tw be made effective hy Monday
June 2(i 'Hiat l* the date whe-
Miii-comm i tiers of the eognty
committees meet to finally nXake
up the July '12 ballot. The ballots
must b. c* ad) by July 2 fot ,ib
*entee voting
Meanwhile, the law provide*
Europe Vitality
Seen as Nenest
Sijjn of Hope
Hv \swcinated I’re**
(kffsetllng the rtsceBt British
display of (H-ononue isoiatemism,
developments <*n th* c-atinrnt
-uggi-st n-vivul of a Kuropesn i
v itahtv not seen since the war
Truly hisUmc in i's sigmfi-J
came is the Sc humann plan fpn- ‘
for the . ounty eommitte- imetings which h« gin* in i*»ns j
Mcnday June It) to dc-cide the or
der m which name* of candidate*
would eo on the ballot
The Travis county committee
(Austinl provided for M« flongld's
name leotativeiy in it* drawing
If the i-ourt nile- that hi* ngme
)u- nrinted. it will )>e No 2 on the
i*llot Thru an- fuur candidate
for commissioner nf agneultlire,
iiteinding M< Ikons Id
Brian picture, “Flamingo Road.’ I Kthei M hitelMad heroteoo the
you uil qiH>y thi* tab* of four beautMal. aiyateri*Mi» aoetaiiie
i rust rated poofAe whn advortike Lorua Ham** ForW Deemed
the age <4d sorial problem of ew- ready •for bar part, f’artlimaa
sends her te the Meat t oaot to
spy »n bis rvprr*entoti*e there,
who is reputed to he Motigatiug
so upnoing agotnat him.
Nick Prenter (Steve ( orhrsa)
turns out t<> W a hprwe of a dif
ferent color when he asks lairna
to marry him. Isirna (or ICtiieli
ho* the needad ewience to war
rant Prenter’g liquidation, but the
tact that he aaked her to marry
him wipes it away ( astleman ar
rives from tho Cast knowing all.
Prenter is klMfri. G>rna earape*.
and Blackford tell* the pk'hiNi
The last seem- ts hock at the
ml fields Blac k feed still h*vw»
her and | iead» escape f aftle-
man wrnvea, and he and whei
are sh«'t 11 never rouid find oat
shat happened to Blac kford after
that i
Ike parting remark i* made
hi * reporter who aska what
»ou would do ia an environment
like thal
Miss ( rawford I* one of the
best dramatic actresses, but her
director* have a tendency fo allow
*iei to avc rly diamotie Ii
ihik picture, however, there is
liuic- evatene* of that She doe*
i fine a»li in show mg the puidir
just h«rw complex a woman can
t>e Every phnse >f Ethe l White-
i>Had'« life was s different one,
sud Mi** < rawford brought a ruh
likPnctiveneaa into each part A
i.-*sc r adreaa would have made
F.tbel the same Woman at all time*.
Hollywwnd aterted late with I*
vui Brian, Imt Bevel the less, start
ed well hnan i* more the Bo
gart type handsome in a rugg.-d
-ert «f way, a good actor in hi*
own type Hi a|>t»ei*e« a* (In
very pi.iag.m nf fnrrefulnes* An^
other 'mil otual that gartver* force
in th. picture, *eem* to draw it
from hint A little more ex|»erk
ciW" and Ikavki Brian shcuild la
gra-b A
Two nv.a that shnuM met be
oventlooked k»v Kent Nmilh and
Sieve < oc-bfaa. the firs! alrong f
in his wrakneaa. the latter weak
in h* slrenglh Always s.nwl
sopportm* actors th* two never
seem to draw murk attention
Th. I .gianu g m' the show
might ‘s' low f"r iivast a-id t-a*
for (tiers, but the
of th. picture should
atone fnr -onw |mh»i dildrtnif In
t'cday, (Tviewdavi with (.ennany
ami F ranee sitting icvgcther in an
effort to poo; llw-ir great Indus
trial resource* for [seicee m-tea.t
of relying on the political modu * 1 dramatic
vivendi whb h has faded three n *Vednes
time* in (be lost 120 year*
ll> Harrison count) the drawing the
Middle Road M««t*
The *hc riff and his depiitie*
In t.ermwny’s meet pof^ai* mfr>l( ^ ...mB.,, but larthing like
-laic, Niiith Khioc-Westphalia. ^ t'rwwford’ii
gaunt sex «*>• ■*'
JAhc »ti|l ha- it,, and
voter* have shown a ‘irter-,—^ _
gag MrD<moM f .uitb hating , nuiasl « iddlg •>( th. ryad tempcia | (r M|ir ||b rl |
fn Ham* cwunty (H»oe(oni the iwn* m«Hinn Orman* in- MKR
commitec lei.Utively Ivied Me- ' biding (be rewideaU of the hive-U
Ikonald pending the supn-me I'ld 1 * , * < i steel di*tnie-(s "f
, ourt’* dei isiop the Ruhr -lapped down Isvth the j
Rep Jack ("ox of Hrarkenrldg- ■ ,, ‘ 1 th J
Austin promising lhat .hr ,wrty , **
pledge Debt wn.M he dealt with « vrr
hy the S2nd legislalare
I intend to introduce s hill at
the next session of the h'r'-bvh'rc
to repeal tne renal cement of «
iwiriv pledge en a primary 'wlhd
and to prohihit any jwvlitical parly
from demanding s aU'lg*' of camdi-
oew state constitutionirailing ftw
*o.-w(nation of industry k> what j
w»- a generaH> conwer*•' ve vote,
thi* wa- explained hy fhe local in j
leee*l in a nuM*h-< ("ser-to home
prc»vi«ion f'«r local option regard
ing church versus slate operation]
of school* lawal option won On
date, in the primary that they phurrt) ^ |T , 1(y
wil- siip|M>rt the nominee** of the
First Hun
(»arty ” he *aid
Hi bio Vorne
'Therefore if any man t*e in
(Twist, he i« a new creature old
thing- are uass.-d away; behold,
all things are '--come new ’’ II
( or .A 17.
he further devekopmciit* regani-
mg soeuiliswtion invoiwne, per
haps. federal intervention.
A* a whole however, the vote,
insofar as It affects national and
international affairs, seem* tn_be
a strong endorsement of the
Adenauer rggime which i* seek
mg a cacpelrwtive place for (iwr-
m*n$ m a unified westerr Europe
VVIJl - 1HKI . -
First Run
Start. 1 :M, «:35, 5:4fc,
Fira — Automcbila — CoauaRY — Liie
Mnr*qaga Loana
141 WaHon Drivg Pb 4 l?3€
U I ARNKIi His Mawter s Yukw
PYww ( srtoxwi — NHtw
•> Al ( afifi
UTL ABNER Yfw'pp Amoag FnemH
▼X'SO ri> JP)<Wv6mc»wAs
raiKikj to
Olnt to*
■At aorsv ■
wc cxxsnoe,
■ n AmuuN
R) ■
m fMCe-rN'RAMR
cgaMCLv WC
X o
**IL O I
XkBi-i. SOte-MJw
mar -ou vc
nao* rkwuurt
•w. - xvms
tevD BK C«a»vT1
MlftlD Bur am
k'M If TVcC
tW' Tfaik/Pui4-<
fOiPCK' \ mi oi
Qowmcal books, ) rm I
corner *4T.f
a OG