if City Of College fltitil Official Newspaper NUMBER 0: VOLUMX $0 Natloa’s Top Safety SecUon l^imbennaii N I #4!* ( oateat H BUSHED Pi THE [YTTBOT Of A ABM COLLEGE COLLEGE STATION (AggialMil. TKX \> T! F SI AV J1NF 30.1950 Prior Five Oati [.urge Crowd Sees Piano-Dance Duo I KED * 41* EK Dinkf and Marrh*. duo iuM* . ar<1 piano i^anf paviantat a pii>- giaiti of popMlar I'lid <-laaai th«y app*-«tr on th»- !4uanii*-> Af tivitia* (’roKiani. Althouirh ram WmaU-nad oailtar in (hr rvrrtinfr, a larfr aud.rn#* W:i« pionoiit'to feonr t>t«- pair *ta|t th>* rutfitaMMant with SaiiM- 'Va^n* < out **r1o No it tri G Nii Or 1h«- iiunil»*r vaa oaila lotif, but attrition wt* b«*td a* th* mo<)irm>' Waa ..pi i "t att^nlivt*. hrrn Katonfa A i/rt aona, “T|»» Sabir Itaiifr* by Kbatt haturisn, arui (irribUin'i rv«*r-popular “Ehap-ith im HIim-’' a)l n.*t wth wami applauiw, but Mn/.art « "41- la Tun a himJ Jrn>m« Karri a ‘ t> in r* rftt ni«l tti likr lf»* n»t>i»t T**<1 Itrakr*’* arranffiiu i ( lof “*OIH Mm Kiwr” wan unutur A* it wa'i larrunl bv l>raktr, Mian Mar rb* playni Tachaikuwaky # "Pia no • unorrtu” for Irat'ka^oorMl. HntLilifm Staff McHn lonight Thr Hatlalion ntaff will ttyrapht at it* offii-o# in l .ootf wifi HmII. lb* (o-aditora Raid thin nuirning. Tba maotiiif mill U*viri at •> ttl "Only it «hort buaim-nn *«•»- «ion m tilumMrd," »aitl Co-oiillot’ |b*an krtd "Aftor that and htforr mr'H tourMaUrat* «a n*veial mafi-rmohitt* ’’ Any stinirnt who i* irit*r**t* ♦“it in writing for th«‘ putior k r«'«|Uf*tfil to com* to thr in**t* irijt, km I naitl St»«ltmt* arf ntill nmliii to wnt4 any and all tyiw* >f n*wn, hoVrophania. oil. In tha way df ikaHnc. "Strwt Swim" want owr ««tl. aa da moat aauaual ataf* BallT ‘‘Affmaia of a Hlark ppun", and *k»*w** .vriw" auppMI MU pwaallag tnuatr when Mma Mann* matU b« f b*»t atumpllft tka daiara. Th* taarn ma* aaiaawhat hampar ad by alwit iroptan diaturbin* tha area, but a "inp uV a motion wa* usually oaouph ta U np bark thr ' audirnwa attoiftina. Piaao Srala Uatwa A bit baffliad ta |Maw war tha da nor intrrpf«-t|ttkai <4 Rarkman i iaofTa ‘‘Swoodi Piano Caneart*" Thr piano mi (ttiad ♦ *nt wall rnouph, but ap kui ■»* it a no wa* not a* | a ijpartad Mi** Namna Mr*, who wa* fillitif in for Wa rpfuiat acowa paiuat, Hildur Nr-la«n, idaywd ua- ly two numb*ray “Vdlkr ■rWMiitd'’ *i«i "Iryaoda", but It ws* rviduat ib«t h*r nkill Maa Naupniard (a- atanUy. In *11 fbun**ii ta ahouMi a* aaid that Drab* armd th# *hiiw Mia liand*. vary atrunp, and uttarly ttrvleaa, War# Vrry rapabl* Hi* foowfulmaui wd* w#ll Ward, but it wa* thr ernfana* af hi* toach • that wa* moat nwprWaaivr *' l *«r Hiad*r A yam, in albfairaMa. it nhoaki hr aaid that Mia* Man'hr did Sat . havr rtmaph atop* for proper r* ptwaaion. Ami if thr audianrr coubi ha»r **eti hay m a iffltr <*nt •tyb*. pryhapd t»allrt (far whuh -h» baa tfained many y*arn». it mufht hpvr bran twt trr rx-rntrd , Thr pair ha filly t thair own nphaka. I HBtMnb Dollars Seen as Request Bv President Wathinftun. Jum 20 Preiideiit Truman ywUrday was repurted raadv to aak cui%moi for $300.000 000 to »p«*d iir-v**lo|>mant of the su per-powerful hydrofe* bomb It wa* a tifht aurrtt. huwavtr,! * fiat hr r thr monay would hr u«ni fk>r artual < onatmrtian of th* ) wot id’s fimt H bomir- hrrrabied *£ as prrbapa 1,UM Umaa wior* pow Jj rrfui than thr onfinal a loti i Iwnit. f wt f«.i ripandrd rrarairh ^ A mrtnbrr uf th* HwUw Appro anatluna Commuter, who aakrd aia namr withhrM. aaid br undn » «tdt"< Mr. Truman'* r*uor*t wouM br mmt to thr lapitai in a day' ar t*" This rrprrarntativ* aaid th* monry would br *|irnt rntireiy for i-atiatnM-tMir work at rii*tin* N Mj aSd Hanfotil Waah In other alomii itowrtopnwnt* 1. Frrnidont Truman runominat rd thr four urrnont aarmlwr* of tb* Atomic fcnrrt> Commiaaion Residents Slate Picnic Tonight Ml JOEf tisns Vtith lum-h baakat, rJb-r nkatra. baseball bata uni otbrr pi r n i r ^nrepaaitir* (olirMr Station rrai- j danta will rnak# thair way to Pat ranrlia Slab 'um^ht fur th» first of thrra community pwatn U> b* hr lit thir -ummrr Tha affair m rapntrd to !■« a i fu if**t for pnoplr of ail aprn with j suftbaU, rolior »katinf. uicmrk- | in* nouari- ami "round" liam-nut. j awl movir* on arhudul*. accordyi* to U l) Bun hard chairman af I thr Knn-atuin ( (Hindi m charpr of pirni« » ( Kvrrythuijf will U- frrr cxcrirt *«ift drink* mhicb will b« sold for fiv* cant* *ar*kp i have oalv was approved by a a«iatr armed one object for tM MBMt: forvwa *ub committur. The m#a- "Makr the mbdr« fast, and aid- aurr already ha* beun approved th* down Iwforr did Ufe nets In.** 'by thr Houar BuMi) rwaaged !• rwaalrurtlag a brMtge acrime tbr at ream wMrh furmabe* aater fer Ibr awim mins hole at Camp Arreamewn aear Hearnr are member* ef Bay seaui Trimp I#2 They are Jack McNeely, IHrk Hickman. GwAa rbwajy Mm TrwUer. Ccwcge UMan. !>a»»d Par*^ H- MMIkrnn. IkunaM Par«#na. jimmy Murpbft Ikaasid Harrie. and Betty Potter Places Accepting T n . n I . i Reservations In Beauty Contest llollimon Kcsiuns As Editor of Jadk c. HoiUdM*. who hwa prwd- aated from ASM in 1P42 baa »e Hgnrd hi* poaition a* edit** of #lt -„ m i llrtW i -itk Sen. feet the Trva. Aggie, cff.ctal puhl. Mith bare faet. 'Hobo'Dance in Grove Finds \&M Tramps Lacking Spirit t ROLAND By H TAr "YtiU Saturday are were difbt 1 at feaUirwd dri- A»*ortalion of Par- cation of the mer Student* Hoilimon, who had l«een editor of thr paper fur th»- pa*t two year*, will tievota hi* full time to other tiumnes* mfcrraaU. "It i* with real regret that We learn* d of Hnllimpn * denaion to renign ftnm hi* punitaxi an Trta* Aggie editor J B *‘Ihck” Har vey executive necretary of the Avnonation. *aid Hoilimon received a bachelor of wience .legree in agricultirr from k*M He Ad gr*ilwatr at the I’tuverwtty of Tr*h« reietving a rnii-tei of nrt* iii Englmh thare in l.«4T man and woman wa* given to the couple most a* if they had juat all ntWpuckiBg tranaiunu £ V Munror, co-apanaur of the •houid have bfm Rtere to d*»H- r . awarded a priae to Mr* up on th* latest ^fathwn high g ri)Wn f ur charming coa- •B?” . . ^ i . _] itume of ill-matched *kirt blou»e, . |. r „ .i One drawbark tp tha riWkllt^ , rM , ^ke-up rompletr with’V* Eo»«f ^ JW- “U TbUT* tattered ihirts and pwnu In tranaiunu Betty Potter, daughter of Or ami lira (.eorfr F. Pottar of C/oHegi- Station w»» aerundrplati wtnneg tn Saturday night's con- le*t for "Mi** Braxoa Ndllry,” held b> Bryan at Sport* Park Winner of the conte*t wa* Gwyni Wilson of t a me roil M i*i Pot tn, whoru- fathef i* a meinbrr of the Biology iMpart ment, is a juntot radio broad 1 »>d mg Aajor at Trxa* Inivgraity She i* *tudyinf at A*M thia •um mer The only College Station girl Eager to Ireave ► ^OC ^ n Europe Trip Kmg F(fifer, A&M atgdent selected to tour Euroiie thi* lummer an a rtpreaentative of 1/ the Grove tonight M p Spence burn. n "Adam's ICtb,’’ starring Tracy and Katherine Ht*p group dancing bn thr dab wa* thr almost appalling Humber of de cently drvaaed people However, the hi'Ih»* didnft aepm to mind Ki.roaaal rabifuafa doaaUd by B«md N initM A&M During Training blacked v had wandered in Watermelon Winner* Kenneth Bmai. IWtS-dk «>-edit< of The Battalion ami th* first A ^ , watermelon /oun.alirt, grwrtaata of AAM re* | ^ wa* fvrn through the tunwd to the camgam over the p«t ^ { % Jr ^ weekend for hi* f$«t vi.U am.. ^ #|1 Kv-n graduation in Janugry | ^ ^ ^ Although hr linin't win a prise. Bond, now rtty editor af the Peco* Enterprise, is ra«Pa«tly j training at N«*th Eort Hood With the Cavglry National Guard and from Faro* Although he i» a second lieutenant. Bond is oom mandmg the dnit. the otfier sponsor of th* liance. Janie* "Red" Duke, showed re markable originality when he showed up dressed a* a I'niveraity hobo Hia dapper, )4|fT colored sport cost and navy polka-dotted skill, stood out in the crowd BUI Turner's Aggteland (dmho played far tb* three-hour dance lay. h»* report* from hi* home in SMrevep«>rt, L» Fgger. cadet cheplain fdr the corps last yeai, wa* selected fiom a gn>uf> of apidicant* to make the b>ur Part of the expense* for the tour am iwid by the Mtu dent life (omdnttee of th* col lege 1 originally bad made plan* to fly (»ver" Kggt* w rote "sfnee I wa* toki *todegt ships s*l> not avadgble Just when I hgd re conriUd myself to flying tWer a speiial delivery came aaytng I would sail" Kgger exprevaed great delight in iaiing able U> make the Voyage by skip rather than by plane Kgger will bu officia! Euh>t>ran cornmpondent fur The Battalion thi* summer Frequently during hi* tour, he will send report* tell ! tng af the coudtry he is visiting The rep«irt* will le published in The Battalion aa often a* |tW**:Me, accodling to the co-editor* entered in the con teat Miss Pot ter wa* the only fill from the ( dlege Station Brygr area to place in the conteat. Third place winner wa* Juanita Hendrick* of Tbnrndai* Kor wuvning the second place, Mis* Potter wa* swunied * check for Sponsored I) the ( ol- b-giate Bbop in Hr^dd, *h. did a < •mbinatiwi! ( hailetldn-soft shoe tap damw routine Al Candida tea were judged ot talent a* well a* beauty Judge* for the epadest, *p«*n- »ored by the Bryan Junior ( ham- Iwr of (bmrnerve wftr Dean and Mm E. J Kyle g;l*'y* n R |m VsleU Letaaner i Mud Texa* for tw«py. May f ordaMm of Ut* ( ordmann School <4 Modeling m Houston, and three other* Her rises, tpplaaise Mis* Potter received a large round of applause fHdn the crowd at the baselwil field after she < fiiuahed her dance HK' wa* weai * mg a white one pieff bathing »uit at the centest In an« are now being taken for gueat ro<»ma in the new Memorial Student Center next fall according to W A Hill, newly appointed hotel manager and assistant director of the MS< 'The reservation* n a* far ahead a* one said The ( enter will probably house l it* first guest* aometimv in laUt , Septerntwr. if work on the building progresses a* hoped for said Hill, I Slaty guest room* will be avail able K>>oai» are located on th* west wing of th* second and ihtrd ' floor* Each floor will hare :ij moms, all complete wit$ hath*, ; ail •wndiWudiwg nml rivadb^i • 4e-, sign, tb* manager said ' The Aggieland Inn will iontlnue to he u*ed in a modified rapacity, , and will take care of overflow crowd* at the MSG Room facilities will 'w offered guest* of perwona connected with (he college, Hlfl said 1 riple Header Set The program get* underway at 5.A0 p in with a triplc-h«H*•'' I and maay other* will 5* top fea ture* for the ilatieafg Ti-m Collief, Carl Lyman, t. W- Htfhtower, John Sandtfer and Imrry DtllaA . will be among the** Aung tb# calling, reported Bab Lyle, offi cial assistant ta charge of danc ing For the*# that prefer danrinf of a smoother ’yP». Lyle wtll pro vide record* by tbe mi estme of the various danc# band* No Baby TroaMe “In planning the affair, the lit tle children weli not left out,"' Htm-hard »aid "Y#u dna’t have to worry about a fcahy sitter for th*» oecaaloa,” He added A free movie under th* sponsor ship M (Mhel (baftn will be shown for th..## y.«jng*t*ra at-\ tending th# picnic in the Con solidated gymnasium, Game* and other attractions will also he pro vided for the > btldreii the chair man Sikied ^ I aagford Kupport* In CommeaUaf on the picnic, i M*yor Ernest Langford *aid, ' Tbd ( ommuntty Pindr tn ' vlb-ge Sta» tarn ha* assumed ^mosf ♦!*» char acter of ar official function In -ome way* it carriea more weight with our familie# tban an official functina. for it »* *fun for all aad t all for fun " *'I am sure that I don’t have to (Uigv all * oll#fe Station folk* to turn out UmiMM* ^ wr iMtr ^ ,r * t ' Com mum ty Picnic uf the ^. pson they will b. there if they poaaibly can." the- mayor aaid Hurgew# Praises Aiao aiM-aking of the outing wa* H E Burgea*. J»re*!.lent of tbe lollege Station Dtvelopment As sociation and Chamber of (om- merce. lie aaid “0#llege Station « not only one of the best commun- itie* ia Texas, It ia the fnendli- e*t One of tlw big reason* Col lege Station i« the fiiendlieat and b#*t eoaainunitl ia the atat# i* that wt all know an* anofber. and work ami play tagethi r." Tonight w* are g-big to prove it again when wr* gather around the pkrwie table* at PatranetU SUb, then ail join in the •laming and general n«ight>or!ine** Let's c\.K|ob* b*' ther*'" regresses Six Eandifiates ()n Archives for (lollege Are Unopposed She i» a member ..f the Dell Delta Delta .or-nt* at Texas and ^ hltU > ncml at,rial, for ’he 75th XJlz <•< y nalism. she ha* l»*fg working dug hand* to m*,be art anb.ve. s ^ archive committee will mg the ichiMil year *• *«wiety re- f,,r ,h * ** M ° i 4 ** I *'»rk with the Ibamond Jubilee ponnaik«. while tbe tax index n>s, from 24# to |gi, The move ment uf taxe* and price* in op posite directions resulted in a tax price ratio of 104 in 194#. compared with a ratio of 90 in 194(1. an increase of 24 point* or 40 percent will tbe trend of taxes contin ue upward' There are •om# tttdi cations that it will Operating cost* at local govgrnment* may na# further, principally because of demand* for expanded service# and the need for more teachers aa school lUirollmgnte increase Capital need* far mad*, school buildings hospiUla and "Over pub lic imarovemenu — bave not yet iwe* fally met High#r assessment* are admin latrativwly feasible; rate struc- tares uf counties and school dis trict* have been broadened in re cent year* Six BrarM County candi- iaten will be uiiu|>[huteri in next month's Defn(K ratic ph- marv a# the deadline for fil* the college has l.mg *M*d»j * wish j ofay The committee will al.o ^ »t midnight, of severai kg M official*, but un- I . . s . Ex . Only '.fie caafBfct* filed during j u : im on the idea ‘date* will ufipoat r lageti* The committee contesting oft The display l* lietng pUarwd Sheriff J ML Hamilton. Couafy eight member, has met twuw f^ showing in the Memorial Stu Attorney ^ant iH-tnct and report* that it. ,»rogr.-.. is ^ ( ^ * T Lolg, County Scbool well underw mv A tentative bud get for the project has t>een ap- ^ “ ,r proved and the committee i« now later — —-» # negotiating for employment of an (^Wnanent showing in thr archivist i ommitlee Named Members of the committee m'v E J Howell. 22 president - ptoved as * punt undertaking with two other group* the collection anil preparation of a tiajor his torical display to lie used during the Diamond Jubilee fekhration starting in September Approval by the Association gave initial fund* of flfltidP to the project Additional supfswt i* to tie provided hy tbe gar liege. Fali-Tim* treblviat If pmuibl# * full tiene arcki- vwt will Im obtained to maintain the collection and enlarge it. The college ha* agreed that a mem her of the faculty *bn will g« on modified service soon may w assigned to th* position. He would receive hi* nine- month salary from tbe college and would be paid from idber com But toe fund* during tb* summer month* Th* college ia ala# furnishing office space for the W*»rk First major undertaking of tb# archives group after tb# office ia eats bit shed will br participation in the collection and display of Sma# I .AM Tex 4 H #a th# caai last week. (AP 4 H dab bay* a dariag tbe aai ■te). girts ban# tb# Texas star aad at ate 4-M (lab Raaad-I'p h#M