The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 15, 1950, Image 2

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    k • X
4 »
P»ge 2
Battalion Editorials
„ I, .11
THI'MDAT. JUNE 15. lift)
• n; i i m,,
The MSCs New Social Director ...
One' of the most wetoomed tnnoume-
menta a many a year w out today Mr*.
Ann Hilliard ia to be oociil director of tho
new Memorial Outer. Known by every
one on the oainpua. ahe served for four
yeara aa director of the Student Center
at the Annex Wom the tiaoe the Annex
Waa ofitned through thai. ita laat year,
ahe haa aided, douneeta). and eared for
many a confu»»*d Freahman Now. th«i
Annex alraady a memoejr, ahe morea to
the main campua where ahe will continue
to work with the men of the four ciaaaea
ahe welomied to AJrM
No better wdection could have been
made for the nodal director of the MSC.
Mra Hilliard wan largely reapoiudbie f<»r
maintauiing the cheerful and iwiihey at-
maaphere which prevailed at the Anne*
center Working under the handicap* in
herent in the operation of a temporary
center ahe managed to provide a gather
ing place for Freshmen which aurpamed m
Lets Slop the Three-Ring (irrus . . .
Republican demands for a new invea*
ttgation into the AmenMia secret dootl
merits cane bring to mind again the m»>*
Uvea behind the current m\estigmtior into
alleged c(«nmurMt infiltratmu iato the
gi vemment The senate already ha* a
five-man subcommittee looking into the
the Ameraau case but 21 (10P senator*
are not aatiafied with that. They want an*
other inquiry te run cencurrently with
that of the already existing sub-commit
tee, thus making two committees work
ing at one time on the same investigation,
We are inclined to view the Amerasia
case with a W’hrre there s smoke there’*
fir* ’ attitude Howewr we believe th*
already exiating mibcommittee conducting
its investigation under dhe chairmanahip
of Sen Millard Tydings k< ca|>able of do*
ing a thorough job Thtfe is no need fof
a nerond itv»wti|Alon.
There has baen an undue amount of
publicity given tn the inquiries into com
munist activities tn the gevernment With
out a doubt the jieople should be informed
of the proceedings given a full refsirt.
Hut the contmaioua almost hyatt'ncal
hurling of charge* and counter charges be
tween the Republicans and the Democrats
Hi congress is enough to disgust many of
A Ji^cr of A * Energy, Please
While the nation* of the earth daily
tell of the atomic destruction they art
ready to ram on each other American in*
dustry is losing ho time in turnuig atomic
materials into more useful chann*!*
Yesterday an official of a major oil
company infornwvi hw colleague* of tht
latest use of radioactive materials It will
be added to fluid* i>umf»ed through |*|»e-<
line* in order to help operators locate thd
ividing line between two different ty|«l
4 liquid*
“Kach time a pumping station change^
the product beigg pumpeii through thd
line, ’ the of final said, "h fraction of an
ounce of diluted tracer (radioactive)
bquKi ia added t* the oii atreara between
the two product* At each i*>mt where
pniduct* are delivered, sensitive instru
ments respond to the arrival of the trat er
From theae instruments ’ he concluded,
“the o|(ermtora k*ow when one product has
completed it* artivai and when to change
the stream to another tank ”
pr-.bably few |ieo|ile will take note of
the oilman’s announcement unlea* H might
be stockhoWer* who will benefit from low
ered transportation mats But never!he-
Uma it waa refraahing to read of a prac-
tral use of atomic mahmals While gov
ernments are pruparinf to blow up one
another, Amenean industry ia using the
by-products of the explosive to make mon-
er. Sotjeone ought to be able to work
up a good pioral from that
The Battalion
"Stidttt, Sfftrrttn, Gntltm** 1 '
Lawrence SuIIitwi Eoaa, foundetr of Aggie Tradkxms
TV A-sWwtsC PrsM ia ssoil.,1 •■thwfvaiy to th* ms Nr topvkl rtown *f all nsw* <ii<ip«trhsa
rrHited ki it nr n<4 aVrwito rrsdHed ta tV aansr aad total aawa of * porta neou* o rut in publish
H heraut. Mtekto 4f repuhh4ati«>w af al aMwr hw^l ar» alao rtaerrad.
TV Battoiw*. ##firial (MWapaper of the AcnruifuraJ mi HMtoiurai Caltoa* nf Texaa and tV
C ity 4 Oattof* suuoa, Twas. ia Htltohed fhto ti+M a was* dariac the rvfalar arhool year iHir-
tot IV aaauaar,
through Friday
on r*-
Neur- coauibut
Gondwhi Rag*
a Offica, lUmn Wi,
at 4a
gtuudeat Activiu«»
aft ***»
t af OnWMai
I Mateo'
I Tto fttoum i s»a»
• W to.** a tfa '« j
■a* p law iniaiaaiy ww rw
■a*-l4 a»r> w* lar M Se« fork CM*.
Ctoww* La AaaMa. in4 Sm Praaruae
DKAN R££D. L 0. TUB* „
8M A Vimthy 4.J.X.. J—.—-J-a—
p mah Maailva . .
Joai Austin . J-...a. i—- 4
a*ur *a« Vttw .1- | ...
«S-4. •.
_. Co-Editors
Feature Editor
'S porta Editor
City Editor
etery way any aucti place available to stu- «
dhrts oa the maid fampua. . Now. with
t>e almoat unlimi’^i farihtie* of the new
cintar ahe win be dble to accomphnh many
of the things which lack of facilitiea at
th«‘ Annex prevented her from doing
ITacticafy everyone on the campus haa
hhd dealings with Mrs. Hilliard at one
t^ne or another. Almost every student
hga had nccaatua to tum to her for help
<>t advice She has always given willingly
of both in a graaoua manner which haa
earned for her the devotion of aeveral
thousand Aggie* and their fnends
We look forward next year and in the
yhars to cone to continuing our ptoesant
apaociatxNl with Mm Hilliard Her con
i'hut sma to AAM-aad its men have been
i|valuable She ta the needed final touch
tt> make of our Student ('enter the (ilai'e
W* hope it can bwi and which, with her
ad, we know it wi
County Ag Agents
Holding Meet Here
the people. It ha* gotten to the point
Where it appfcftrN that the actual finding*
a the investigations have taken a back
Wat m the legislator * minds. What they
are after is publicity, not mult*
The A merman case i* juat an example.
What (xiMibie good would rt do to have
tfro (ommittee* investigating one case 1 ’
tf two. why not teh or a hundred Why
not let everyone id congre** investigate
the Amerasia case if publicity ia what
they're after?
j Anyone familiar with the tactic* of
the communist* know* that only a foolish
fpovernmekt would not take the neceaaary
jrecaution* to protect itself from Red
tafilt ration. And they would also know
that effective ateps should be taken to
rid the govermmertt of communist* and
fallow travelers apuf to punish anyone who
lOiowingly aided them m obtaining access
to federal pbsts However, such investi
gations and proceeding* should be con
ducted in a manner befitting the position
«# trust to which the |>eople have elevated
their oingresemen
Making potttioal hay out of a situation
ia one thing, but making a three nng cir-
cii* out of R IS another. Right now it afr
jrar* that our codgreesmen are leaning
Wefl t«*warda the thre^-nng idea.
< mi' tjr Affri, ultunil ami Ho*»,
1 K moatormlftoe Aw«nt» fr<»ni ••mb
of Teiaa’ (f>wn(Vrau tto‘ fiS»t
day af SS in.k»»eMSei»t
rnra imiay, nwiepamtost of a< t|v-
nf IV 4 H RounS u*
llunnf tk«- ...urw of th«' KoiiWi-
t'p tV ••xU-nAio* -ervioe worker-
Vi<i br*slrfa-t Set-tocetVr* a*!
ilt'iiionutnUloii- Tb>* mominir.
held 2f> ,tl-t u%uon-
••a< h •k*ali*p with a (tfffen-nl pi
of exU’Datun woftk, an> of *hiih
th<- HEcntx mi|fht Mtlend
Feuu»* Spaskd
At 2 P Si thr ^reup V.ir4 H
dtocuaaion t>>' K I. Tan ton htwnl
of tV infermatten awctMin of fh,
Hurrau of ArcuSltumi and huf**
trial rheiiotry, <>n ’‘Nrw Pn>
diet- for *n EnJargirtK Itoimutir
and Work! Itomand * ,
Th-* AxArnhufa! Agrul* \n<'
nation wfig nweft in t>uu>ii Itoll
at 3 p ?n . whiJf th< Horn*- ItowSn-
xtration Afr nt!* Aaaoeiation meet *
in th- < tommtr) k- 1 -I!,n*ti
The two group- will rej<»m f'lr a
joint '*iypiet of th- k/ftetok'n
A^entx A*ao< iati»n« in the Mt n
Ihntn^ rtK*u of fhi-ie Hall wi 7 )•.
m An «»xter*inn afent.« daa<»- vrill
follow tV battoiwt
breakta-l Vl
TV »<lrniM*|r*tive »Uff
Will V preiwnftrd t« the acelita
(oliowring the rmup ftflXUiK
J H MrLaod. Cimie»r of tV
Tfrow-mwe Kxt-n«i«»w BSrvi«-e will
-4***ak to the froup 'S| (N>mniumly
Bsprovemonta and Attix'tie- mwi
Rxieiowo-i *< r omphwiew'ntx Hi-
addre»« will Im' follotosl by a
(li-xion of <'oj>«niunrt| work in ex
ten-ion (iroirrwfw* a- *><w by IikhI
yield \ irwU to Talk
ftlig 7 hi i uyh
r ok ton r him- teSShir : hi. MEh
tfforU” *h«' topi-
m Mena Hoga*'» a<iiire>«
group at 11 tfli. in She ix
"Kxt-o.kain Kunitu,
If Mi-
t»> the gm
fSI»A Kw-ld aif*-nt ttV th-' S*,*ith
At •-am, there wi| V a lurmh-
em for TS< M ei xlUri>Nita in tV
Ranqurt Room of Smi* Hal! The
StfenU ronferen<e Will b*' rnn-
«ude<l an a't»ir***» hj I* Ki nnetr
U'TaHand auperiplesdent "f
ftrhooli at Topeka, jgjinxa- at 2
y m
Lcolop (amp Men
At Brady Total W
Friday morrutor at 7, hrSakfiiau
ar*' -«he4*le-t fbr newl\ >'bv(ed
-iffieer- atal lH>ar*l» of th- too
ajfentV aaa<*< latibn*. From N an
til X IS thrie w Jl l>* ortran ntigur
arai vroup -iniriatr in (.uion Hail
Violin lav lor \\ ed
I'oChriMif* ^ alitr
The marriage of Mia* t'hrtitie
Maine. <lau*ht»r of Mr. atut Mr*
E S Walhe llt^ 1 Alto ia B< Ill-ire,
to Auatin R Taylor. Jr ao* of
Mr and Mr- Auatir H Ta>k»r.
2I4>* low«w>t| Hrife, wa« solemnifted
Saturday rweionf at th* i huich of
St John the Ihtv e. K«\ ThoiSaa
M Summer, officiatw-l a* th- arr-
em«mv „
Mr* K. I' Womack Jr, «a
matron of honor, and Mia- M'etodv
Hall and Mias Ann ,( rai-c were
bndema MB
M F lienroger, Jr, served a*
tiestmac to the bridegroom, And
hi* (rrnoraamen were ( T>n-,
v- rse J«V 'iilsoi,. Pete < ravei And
Joe ( iane
A receptioi at 213* Inwiaat Dtive
followed the rwenton)
The brhlr wa» a student at St
Ma ry's Hall in San Antonio and
the UatoMWty of Houston TV
grf*«>m wa- a stmtont of AdaMral
Fairagut Acadsasy ami AAM.j
Thirtv mn* *tixieiAgi are at
i.« th* AAM
Field Tamp at RradAifiru th
at t-'—F
Sum mer
term ef the mtnmeiij Vcordinx to
PudU-j Hurh- Haftal'oc r->rrea-
pondent at the campy
Stodo-s of na-k ibeknations in
'ill**u*h Ll»n*' Mason. San
pa Aw and other surAiyuad n|{ roan
ties are h* tig mada Ay dady ex
tuimoiis fr<*m the rAmp tx .-diru i' ■
|ei» Students are tfahsp* 'ted in
busses or “i arryaila
At preaent. a x 'Mi of students
is roappinf m ar--- Af IVnnaylvan-
Ut a|p sejiaieatary n«ks in north
rrn Me< uiioufh roti|to. wfhile an-
Pth. i a roup is < xantobti* the pre-
l arT'hrian igneous -wgfttrops in the
r- iUtal mineral ivr d*v
After tb* firwt dtok of July,
ran p headnuattr*, jtolfl h* mov-d
t<> tm Hip Bend »4A of Terns
T J I'ark-r of tV fo-olof) De-
bai1ai<’nt is diieftof
>■ Af the .amp.
Bryan £‘£$79
v*' m
FIKHT tl >
—Starte Today—
l id - S:S0 • A: 1« • « «■> -
— Fridgy Starts -
1:25 - 3:06 -f40 - 6 13 -
f 30
I’iwa: Ibifi IW> (•rtawi
, i ii r-
*«. i. nvhSKOiOft
imiDAi p»rvi r
11 :#B P M
— Featura lltl* I' M -
Sunfltt tkru Thurwiai
PRF\ 1 1 HATe—11 P.M.
Mr.lf. Ban Reporisn *
/ / \f
WJ J wk
• . J/ / i'l
. WEU J *
Fexaii Ranpeps vs. Villain . . •
Turner Completes Casting
For ‘Rio Rita 9 Production
rou*h and ready Teiaa Kaafers.
ta* llaag- r
Complete rant m* for ‘’Rio Rita”,
a t sw art aperetta U* to arewe-nted j Jim. raptamisr a Tea
in TV (trove June 2* and 2», toa, company it» V poitrspad by
to>.tn announeed by Hill Tarnwr, I R«»ydl. is arroda th- Mexirar bor
director of tV pmdurt-oa. < der looking for a bandit known
I-racing roles wrill be plapad b/ as hmka>>u Hr toil* in love with
a Maaitwn cabaret' girl named Rita
I by
Hilile Jean Barron aad I town “Bud
dy- loyM.
(Mbem ia tbe wewtera welo-
draaa wifi V Jerry Mwtledge,
lada Tboaipooa. I'at SrVtbagea.
Dally Maaa. M C “Pefte* Car-
son. I.eorge Milman, Harry
(•aa^ng. Riil l-awsbae. Hah HDa-
■aa. f-ordoa Milne, (toarge Rad-
S era. Ij-mar Me Sew, aad Mack
(Risa Barron)
In addition to the above wrht
wtM portray tV '•harm tern in tV
operetta a lA-votre rhoms
to-*-n organised by Turner
Bio Rita” is scheduled as part | firandc. TVre
hr<.th« r is suagrrtrd by
Jihi as bring the bandit wto a she
finds that Jim suspects Vr broth
er, Rita tells bin* to leave and
never darken Vr patto again.
Knftrr tV eiltia*—(leaeral
Koietom (Radgers), a Ural Meg-
iraa authority, ia aloe ia tore
wiib Rila aad is jealous of Jiw,
our hero.
accaapanial far tbe few
songs Stage manager is
Hlinoan, reporter la Dsb Wgla-
ton. and C G. Milne to Bake op
Haadling (V sal wiN V Htin-
->aa and < arwaa TV dance-islt
to raaaposed af Peggy Peacock
and Aaac> Naytor
Esteban is finally revealed as
has 1 the real bandit and la tricked by
the Ranger, into - roastng tV Rio
ia take
ten into
of th- Summer Kntertamaient Ser-
i-w, •p<>itjH*r«*d by Student Activ
ities Director Turner is. during
the regular term, lender of the
Aggi' iand Orcheatratand the Sing
ing C»deta
The operetta’s music was writ
ten by Harry Tierney, with words
by Joe McCarthy
TV »tor> «f •Ria kit a” is
from the book by t-uy Holton and
Fred IboqpHMMi. Scene of tbe
product ton is the colorful M-tting
of the Km (.rande, in Ibe days
ol bandits, rattle rantb-rs. sod
Ten Men Si "n For
ManF Short (iourse
Tv Management Eiiginecnrtg
Sh-irt Caurwea got undertoar Mob
custody, and Jim and Rita are re
united at lust
Much of the sentiment of “Rio |
Rita” revolves around the Rita-
Jim love affair, although another
couple and an American lawy» r
furnish comedy mtuatioiw.
Tbe or* heati a for the production
has also Vrn named by Turner
Violinists will to- Mrs (leorgt Mar-
ton Adams, Victor Randali, Ernest
Nitch. Mrs J W Hill, viola—Louisr
Ham r.
( lannefs will hr piaved bj
Hsskefl Mothers! sod Hrrsnt t
Mollsnd ohife Han—,r»* Andrew* ,
wiH hsndle the hs—* t ellaSst is
Nsney Kryn-ldk. Frewch horn*.
H («. Htckes sod Jack Japp
Flutists arc Mm. J M. Dterkcrt.
ToB Pr.ckrtt. and heaacth
On th«' truaipetinr sid- will b< !
C.lenn Torrence and Harry \ i-ugh'
day with ten men signing for the and keoiieDi Co-firr will to ut th«*
Joh P!valuation and Merit Rating »**
( -mis--, which is the first of fire LaVerne Hunt will to pianist and
cournap that the Management Bit-j Ja* Pike tk-' drummer for the 01-
gmeertog liepartini-nt will offer ebeatra
this summ-r Guy Johnson Jr. Directing the drama is J-anac
assistant research engineer, said tb-tner. Mian Haul will atoa be
The joh evaluation Smt merit ^
rating course which is d«»igoe,t
for executives and suparvnmr* is j
liemg taught liy associate profns-
*or T* E ( arisen l
The second course, M' th,si- of
ImprovewMtnt. wdl run for two
weeks beginning next Mnmtay and
will tie taught by associate ueo
fessor Richani 1 Bnjrk*rd, John
son said
This is the first Ume that th-is-
courses have hern given «* a sir
ics. Johnson -aid and if thri
prove saUafa-'tory the epume* will
i-e prc»enU-l annually.
Man Ann
M*e« ileaaBier. «f l«fkin was
named tV Outstandisg Hrgm-
atag Girl Jtmmalini at the l ai-
vcrwltv of Trias by TVta HtgBa
Phi h-noran and prafessianal
jowrwaltnB fraternity far wo*
men A •mpbwmore JanrwalisB
student sV t« tV daughter of
H. K Heoamier editor add'
publisher af tV I ufkin Itoity v
News. ' Hex waiter spoki last
•rm ester Here to a group of
HmmaUma aludbuls and wan<
ho-1 to another grviop ia laifkia
several weaks ago.)
I’lan Vuur kiddies Birthdav Party
(8f*cid RxD-h for Pattiw)
Hetwwn Bryan A Colk'gt*
ME vrs
Corned Bet*f HunIi
2- 4 (IZ. ( INS *tfTtR
\ ienna Sauxa^e . .
Polled Moat ....
1 — 12 OZ. CAN !T \R
1—12 tiZ CAN ARMOI R '*
Treet . . - . ,
2— Ik OZ. ( \NS DASH
|)oo K<nmI
2- ( an« ( om*t<ick
2 MS t an- Del Mante
. .Th-
1—|(i Caas Libhj c
. (>'h
, -■
1—J Pound ( an
. 73<-
3 M3 « an- KimbcH -
. 25c
2- MW ( aits Koordafe
Hostess Vimaa—J I ar*
SAUSAGE . . , feiim 21k*
Decker’s Tall horn
SLICED BACON lit. if'*-
Trader I-an
STEAK ........ lb. (»'h
Tender Asuarr Cut FOl r ND
SHOl l.l ILK ROAST . .W«
Melto ( ured M incaasin
cheese lb. lb
HAM HOCKS lb. 2*k
(Eor Seaaaniag)
■ ; - - — -
★ Produce ★
Stalk 13c
( altfarnia ( rixp
2- -Large Hunches
CARROTS ... 15c
Frwph Tender Velvet
OKlA 2 I to. 25c/
I ~46 (N, ( M Tetawa
T0MAT(T)u1CE . i ,.25c «
( «a Ta
SpN-ialM for Kri<l«Y & Saturday - Juim* IMh iK I7th
Charlie s Food
CoOtfP NUttoo ] f
/ .,11.
mj< w.y