The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 14, 1950, Image 1

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» P' . \
aty Of
(V>llrfr SUUon
Official Ncwnpap^r
0T A
Nation’s Top
> Safety Section
Lumberman’!* 194H (ontef*t
■ • . r \l
Numbrr 6: Volunw* BO
r, JUNE 14. 1900
Stale Government
Gosts Study Begun!
Auatili. T»* , Jun# 14—A mtmber* to ito ■ jot looking to-
bif dtiKfii* com rum ion to work word iniprovonwtt wfcRt \*
or thr iirokltMi of rotting thr mo*t goo.! ond <-«nir»g ou* at wKot is
>n *tttr fii>*mmort for tiw U>R«t bod in thr •tRlr'l govern mm t
moiwy W»«t to work hrrr yr»trr -lot’* not »ttr*npt moro good
*•7 than wr c*n wiggyt ktH Wt’»
a M*t out to itudy thr aUU ,h y ■••y ?row » • n f »r*«d thot
gov«*« riiornt witk a view to rut would art Toia* hark in*load of
ting out duplicating oprmUoiw mriying Te*a» firward.* tW gwr-
wa! ■U-piMiig up offirtom y through * rT ’ or 'W‘4
rtw» : wmam
Rat Extwdw Annual State 4-H Round-U
r«r 7 IWmIw _ _ J _ # _
Voted by House Held On Campus Ends tonight
MMngtfln,; June 14— g-r ■ gi
(API-TI- Hou#e ye» .osi»y t,ranam I iHitrstant
voted a aeven-montha extra-
aton #f federal rent coiArola Vt ||n> |)r«»ww He\ leu
for an additional five mnAtha ™ 1113 1/1 CoH llfT? Ivfv
logislaovc action
At tk«* «am«> timr (h)v kliai
Ehorni l*-*a* Ecaaoniy < ornnn*
won tnci idnd thia in it* »tatn
Mont «»f 'dijretivoa*
*'1hal thuft. nut penury, will
b# the ruduoive atm sought by
thu group in all its studies to
aohiev, « iu*t wisdom an>) * strict dollar's value for evory dollar
Oronooi). without instances of ‘pent. I'he organisation plan calls
wastefulne«**, in the adnmustra for oitension into evory common
ity with a •'constant, conatruclive
campatgn of wluration” along with
Shivers told tho cammiaaion It!
is necessary to fiad a way to stop
the trend toward tugger ami
blatter stale spenging, w|Uwit Via- ]
ptiving <ntr peofdn of essential Mr
vices." 4
Shiver* called on tho comiais
»ioa to help the state get a full
tion yf ttn* stale’s affair* ”
hhiver* Traes iMprovetnrat
Shiver* in s sproch kevnoting
tho first full meet mg of the
dJfMnember commiaaum urged it*
Bettv Pottsf
Him Pottot, daughter of l»r. and
Hrm. (toorgo Potior of t oBogo
Station, la society editor of The
Bet l si ion for the Miarner A
IRniei radio hroodcaetiag alu-
£ t at the I’alveiwttr of Tesas.
la alleadias AAH this stiai
C . Miss Potter w aleo a con
ant la Saturday aighTs rum
pMiliofl for “Mis* Brates VaJ
Ag Kd (Graduate
Students Reach
Record Number
the new examination of govom
mental function*
John S KO'iditt «.f Lufkin, for
mer state senator and rnerid>er of
the Highway (Ommiasum. was
elec toil chairman. Mrs f’hafiey
Wan! of Ixmise was named vice
chairman, Secretary of State John
Ben Shepperd, secretary; E P
( ravens of Austin, treasurer
Suggewls t*h|ectivew
In suggesting utiyorlives for the
comnitaaton. (»ov Shivers giao
Ihinng the tKw.m days, this
state embarked u|s>n new and ei-
Itanded »|ieiwling pn^rrams that
can no longer l<o finanaad fr>m
our shrunken revenues
'T'he prospective difference tie
twfeen potential income ami pces-
' ent iMitg<
upward* _.
“faced with «* h a situatxm ^he numkei is a ktl per cent in-
m your busme*. in my businrsa. rrAar ovor those eniolUd for
in the -tate's husuveas. what ran' gnUkiatc work last summer amt
w, ' < * , '* 1* probably due to the (illmer-
“We can curtail or abandon A Am Bill and the wlvantages it
some of our current program* contains for teacher* with a mas
We can find new source* of re ter'a degree. Alexander said
venue Or Me rah try to spread Seventeen of the H.S students are
Mure than Kf> graduate dtu-
lentn-are enrolled for grad
urfte work in the Agricultural
Education Llepartment thin
gufcimer Thw iu the iargeat
nubiber of graduate students to
tietenrulled in the past 15 years
for an addition*] five month*.
i The vote was 802 le l«t.
^- W Y ZZSZ. Si I thrhiight for
all girl# attending Ow 4-H Round-
apmojd by . to At wde . WB , Xh t m
"ZrtT. k I , i‘' ?i H «“ l.*rald.a. Campbell of
a Hat g.k-rnontii exten^ .ad an- yuo ^ wm*fudged first
otherju, months at Iwml dption. , ^ wW oWr Jl 7he other
The Ht>u*e changes! the figures t« 4( ,mpetit»on
seven pnd five months • _ ■ , . ...
4 i . I The 15 year ok| ;gli l modeled
The Senau mRV t.lher accept . (Jrr(l , uf h#| . uWn )n ^
he Hpum change, or wn* the • „ rloth ^ k#4 ^
Ull to a conferaiue to iroh out ^ tS# p^keU and
i belt She cwmpltiaan|#d her dress
The House version would give with shoes, straxi tt|g. ami rro-
the new coagress, meeting ia Jan rheted glove# in taa|t color
uary. a oae-numth Iwk 4 the Mim W1 li b* given
picture Imfore contixil. ea(«re<l >n ,|| p.^ tn, to N
for fesaiounities which did not tlona | 4.|| (
take gswitiVe action to fitend ra »,,
l f^iYielina Cam of ^ildago coua-
The House bill would continue ty won second pigoe with her
unUl Jan .11, lt51, the Kaderal brown novelty weage pntue san-
Rent Centro) Program which is dress stopped by k contracting
now dated to eipire at the end tieige bolero She tap^ied a small
of this month Some W UbO.lkH) green Itag and weip green cas-
rental units are now coverad | uaJ pumps, beige gloves, and a
But cities town# or villages, by brown straw hat with beige nb-
refereadum or by a vete of their bun
governing body could retam the ln# Kangnow, IT year old 4 H
cimtroia until June W, 1*51 ( , uh gvi frwm CoM|ty
The Houae votes! also to allow was third place winrWT in her Dan
counties to decontrol themaelves River gingham in a »mall blue,
at any time an uptiort previously
given to state* an*1 cities
i S
Club CaH^res* at fhi-
o. projected into the belt, arburding to E R Alexaiuier, head nrk ( Vrmr
1 A * ru,u ] tur * 1 Education I*e- tro |. The pn
! paltBMnt. ' | l,v Km. IldlR.
John A (fuinn
(tUinn. 14. Tetaa born educator,
haa been named president of
Tesa» Stale ( rdlegr lor Women
at Denton Since June 1, ItMt.
he ha» hern president o( Haa
Angelo (Janior) < oilege Duinn's
name *a* one of 57 conaidered
bt regents sfter the schools
long-lime president, Dr L W
Huhharil atl was made President
►’meritus ( AP Photo)
The House defeated by volte
vote an amendment for an out-
ex tension of east-
proposal was offered
by Rep Duliinger iD-NYi,
Also knocked down, by voice
votes, were these pro|H>«ed atnerwl-
To require area housing rxped
it«r to observe provisiorgi uf
state ewntiol laws when notue is
served that such law* are to go
pkld. Red spot
n|y t»»uch acce*-
and spend ptexent revenues More enrolletl in a Residrnce Credit, two l,,to ®4 wr * tJ on
rly awl effectively.
"It ta with the third aaeRten
that the Texas llcvnomy Coioaua-
xanei n wse dpiition. can Joed iBnst
directly and effeclively.“
hour graduate course at
under the superv taion of
of Agrice
ton. und
W aiton,
Bavlor President
To Marry June 20
Worth June 14.—'^-
nil marry
of Memphis.
i aw VN ill ^)ri^inal<'
I*r W R White
Haylor Inivemity,
Mr* Tom TerwaUrr _
Tenn in s mremoi y at noon Juive Alexander
I »o in the park Vu*w Hotel Mens- 1
Mrs Taiwater told the Kart
| Worth Star-1 eiegram by tele
phone from Memphis that the
ceremony will tw performed by
Murray Cot. ,.,dn. d-reejor for
station W I-A A of India*, wdl or, | *•?» »* *! ~
ginatt hm pn^rnm W dnewd.y i
Juae lath from thi- ttudi.M „f 'he Southw^tern Bapt.M Theok.
WTAW m College Station J f** 1 -hem,nary, Fert Worth
On W • dneaday Cox will attend
The aasobai of men
i come from almost every section
of TexM There are also two out-
of-etate men. one from ismtsiana
jand one from Antona
CTro of the men enrolled head
Deflartaieats of Agriculture m
Jumor College*, and two men are
wit* the Veteran* Vocational Pro
^ grabi The remainder of tha men
To allow the Federal Hausing
expeliter lo reestablish cantrels
In dgfetise areas which have been
ipadked ♦-
eliminate from the preaent
law a provisiMi to give landlord*
s fair return on their invettment
in property
To allow landlords to appeal to
courts from area rent director*'
order* if maximum rentab ap
proved are considered oaf,sea
tory or do not permit a fair igwrat
mg income The courts would have
red and white
•hoe* were he,
Rewards (liven
Console electric sewing ma
chines were Mia* Cmk* and Mia*
Rangnow’s reward fur their sewing
and modeling
Miss Yolanda Ellis designed.
| made, and modeled the be*t wool
garment exhibited, She wore a
boxy plaid yarket made from
her grandmother'! coat, and a
beige gaberdine skift made from
hei father’* trouser* f orapietvd
with brown crepe (louse, brown
calf shows, beige Idather gjove*.
a beige fall hat aad brown >swine,
t-ag, the costume coat $5M Hhe
was swarded a 1100 War hoad
Other W Inkers
The remaining a n< gtrl* wen-
over all winner* Blnong Mallett,
Williamnor county; Mariha Han
tiK-k Cpshur ( oMnkv, Mifry Jo
Steven*, Wood Cobity. Betty L
Ihbrvll, Uonaale# (kainty; Jimile
Jennings, Randall Cvunty. Mary ron, P WUHi Jun »‘
Scheduled Kventa
Ov er’til Next Year
By U O. TI<*T
A part of every man's purpose
should be respect fof bis fellow
man. Snd a sense uf tW0anaibilft|
and tolerance Dr M fvJHarrBir*
ton president of the 'Cdlege told
4-H clubbers attending the an- (
nual State 4-H RoWR«*Up. held
on the campus since Swiay.
President HarnBgtOti also
poinkrd out the ne«eaaity of fur-
| thknng one’s education and train
ing since the country is dependent
» uprm their gem-iatma far future
The presidents addlteaa was pro
ceeded by breakfast in Duncan
Hall sod 45 ,o. mi tea of organ
music a ml group singing, a* tha
| third and final day <>f the Rounrt-
I’p got underway
rip Reports
Mi** I ue Ruth Stetena. of Iml-
t la* • nunty. Mis* Beverly Run-
j nei* of Bra son a Courtly, and Har
ry l-ee Schneider <d Guadalupe
County reportc«l on National 4 H
Camp F'red I, Sutton df Menard
County reported on |ha Danforth
F'oundation Award Mia* Betty
Jean Bern son, an I F'YE delegate,
reported or, her tnp A report on
'National 4 H Congrek# was given
by Barbara Dell fVah of John
son County
The presentation gf State 4-H
Rrwognition Award* to Mrs H.
L. Camphell of Wiliorado. pres
ident of the Texas Home fiemon-
stration Association,| 0Bd ( »l\ n
T Jehnson *outhwemer» director
... ,, . j of the Sear* Koehucg Feuridation
riiteen Short ( ourses have been] Remaining Short ( imnu-s to be n f (Mllaa highlighted the yester-
arranged for the months of June offered in July constat of the ( j >v morning's program,
and July, according to Mr F W 'Seedsman Short (ourae. the 4 H -fk* sward* a g'old pour with
Flense!, assistant director uf the | Hub Boys Short (ourae. and the th , 4 .H .mblem in t lid Sank, pin -
placement office Of this number Farm bureau Institute The 4-H' an ,i ue city wen- 'pilBiHliil in
two course* hav« been .x.mpletwd j Hub course will he sponsored by recognition of "the rrtoatrtuUUiHj-
and a third will be fmiahed Fh-1 the Extension Service and will in|f U) 4 . H ,^y 1 w<vrk
d *L ^ ^ r* on Ju >y u Th* l* inver a period of yeaga."
Jjr TJrtMLnrh Sataakmg and partn^nt of Ag! lodture rtUI spun » nmMMtl.l _
BimW Cofwcting Bbort Course *or the Farm Bureau tnxtltut*-' Vfrsrarteral H*■pMUBaint^*
sponamed by the Poultry Depart-j on July 11. which will he the last' |) VV Williams. eie« chdncej-
ment, was tompleted June 9 On of the Short Courma currency lag for Agncalture Mha Bbo spnke
! to the group at yesterday’* meel-
Kenneth Jackson, assistant count) agent o4 Jun Well* county,
helps Jim Bells' county clobber* get their room rewenations for
the Stale 4-H Round up from Hteve Uodaey. seated at the desk
15 Short Courses
Se! for June-July
June M and 9, the Third Annual j scheduled.
Veterinary Medicine Short Course
was sponsored by the Veterinary , »
Medicine Ilepartment.
Currently, the Extension Ser- 1
vice is sponsoring the State 4*H
KoundT'p This course will be i',f fj
president of •'ther tea. her* or proapective Iwen anuHiwered to order higher | Lnu Mullen*. Denton ( ounty, Ath
teaSber* of Vocatiuaai Agrieul
Utfd in Texas High Schools said
The H.hjsc action came after,
only atwrut aix hours of debate
An I'
i'o»rani Here
Russia Using Pressure,
Secretary of State Savs
leen Rrsiger*, Bum*-, County
Marv Is>u M'eaver, Coryell Coun
ty. an.1 Rita Johnadt^ Nolan ( oun
Fill tire Short (ourses
The Management Engineering
She is the wwlow »»f Tom Tar-
DaHaa, June 14 -'A* Secre
tary of State Ache son r barged
,h " 4 iLLi±" ^ -F «t •• 4 T ^ nidht that Russ,. using ,t.
■ ^ Mill, of Bar ^ ^ ronimunii 7*
(Ounty winner* from 134 eoun-
ugnt s
itner r
onununist piot-
ountnes a* a “pois-
L< intimidate the
('allege Station <H, Thursday
will attend » .-onferonre of the nman. Tenn. amt New York ] tmw in Otl
State I sb m*.-n Workers ala., at Mrs Tarwater who Uvea at the .
Tot teg. Staton j Bark View HoUde said «h* f'rs( *
His program is heard over met Dr White In 1942 ca«uklly. (
WF'AA *J(i m Dallaa, and parties But “we rosslly met last Jane", The se«rotary aai.i there are
representing both function* will she said while both xrore vara- four way* the United State* can come "our good neighbor
appear on th. hro.MlcMta Uoning at Mineral Walls meet Soviet pressure hut he War
ruled out isolationi*n\ appease- .
ment am) the uiea of a “preven
tive war" with atomic bomb*
The United State* ne said will
continue to follow a realistic pol
icy id peaceful legotiatiorts and * mnamon bu.wa,
strengthening Ihe free world, inf
the hope Russia Some day Will be j
Department will sponsor the In
dustnal Management Short Course,
from June 12 to July 21. follow-
Fia. h of the nute w inner* was *d by the Southwest Town and
prowmted with ad rlertnc iron Country Institute from June 171
Three large .lre*> designer mod t® July 7. •
els draped with malrrial for de- j TAi. Department* of H<>rtic«|-
sigmng served a* p harkgtound . turo, Entomology, F'lanculture i
fur the mudel* A latg*- four leaf *nd Lands<Mpe Architecture, and
clover with an “FT* in each leaf. Flont Pathology ami Physiology
symbolic of the 4-H club was also will sponsor the Nurserymen
on the stage Short Course from June 21 to 21
This course will lie followed by i
the Texas AdnunnWratiee
, j .. the Texas AdnunuWrativ* ( .m-
^ r. T r“ •ri"' r,r , # by the Depart-
modeled their dewga* ^ „ f tduiation and Fhyachol
JoH Atmtin
mg told the group not to ovrf-
- -■* - j look their opportnnltiea and re-
sponsiti.lities a* agiticulturiata
"You are resjMinsible for feed
ing (IS other people—1<. In the
United State* and one in bther
natinna bw»k the fi^ld over care
ful I v Fw-foi tj you decide to leave
atfrinUKure for some other field
of wor k " tk iflism* paid. Sight at ♦> p.m. a hnn-
• tuet honoring ihe -1W adult 4-H
. leaders on Ue ninpua wa« held
j »n Ihiruan Hall, gritjl Director
i (I C c.ihsoa a* «twgkar.
At X tonight, the tound-Up will
come bi an end following the show
ing of “Our Promiha i* Green"
on the North end id Jjrle Field.
The movie will he pi (settle.I by the
4 H Moving Pictun- Cotopany of
Agent's CaaleeWM
in the dress devue,
Phyw hi.
ogy, and the County Superintend-
tomato red, ent# and Supervisor# which will
pale pink navy, light tdoe frost- meet concurrently from June 2d
ed lime, ami chalk white dotninat- 2M
ed the color scheme of the show The Turkey Flock Selecting and
^ Dotted swisa and ergandy seeme,! , Pullorum Testing Agents Short
ant liievttable, Ach-tt*, i^. the popular ftoice in ma- Course, sponsored by the Poultry
eaon gaid It M oar rewponsihil tensl- and all wki|e acce**4»rie*! Huabandry Itepartment, and She
ity 4a find wayk of aolvtrtg our com|>ieted most of tit* m«eiel* out- Town and Country Church School,
problem withnut resort tq ■'■t.j fits i sponsored hy the Itepartment of
and to exhaust every poaaihtity m
that effort That is what We in
tend to <lo "
On Thursday MotmiMs agef,-
Auslin was recently naased city da for the Agents <buferenc- it
editor for The Halts lion this
summer. Freshman editor for
the past year, he is a sophomore
business major from Alice.
( ontest JoBgc
rtment »f|\ I* Jiff
EiJSrS Declines Oiler
Re* lews Eofeifn
1 j]
tat. Oklahoma Exlegaion Service,
♦ «£-
CMitMW aarasuremeats were tbe
night M Ihe Musk Hall reeeatty. >
aigMis for “K»o Rita.** two act
. . ' MBealed M Tbe (iroee Juoe JB
* ‘ left lo rlgbl) are Ui Miller, briag
I oMealta
and M, (at
at tbe
Millie Jea. Barroa. ‘
the tape ■naarM.
■ile natal Iona.
raMWiy ageai
•bo la wteldiag
In a major foreign polity re
view prepare.I for the Civil Fmh-
ration of Dallaa, arid the Cogimun
Ity Coare at SMI , he said ‘^Soviet
Imperialism to challenging the
free world hy Military prepara Stillwater. Oklahr^ig' They were
tM>n* •'hich "have gone far he- nuusted by Mr# Dirothy Marsh
yo«*«l l*»e reasonable roquirament* county home demonstration agent,
of defesior. and by the irtteroo- Oronge; Emily Ritter, county home
tionol Communist movement. That demonstration ageitt, Bryoa. Mary
moveasowt he aaU seek* tb ie« Rout> and Nena t.^ers«m. Texas
troy the capacity ami the will of „ Utl . lrt ,, .hdhiftg *penah*U
aoa-iawlet natMrtlo to roaiat B.rvletH-,,11^, Station fhp revue was
"I do not believe this dTeate# Mia# RobMoog
an immediate danger of war." he w ,
went cm “But it la being nged a* ... g%##. . ,
a potasNi bludgeon to mt.midaU r4*rtlllZ4*r tlfflCiaU
the weak a ad it doa* roaifront 1
^ Attend Meeting;
"oviot leaders, whenever they feel t*
that thev are strong enough may
be tempted to Moke uoe of raih-
tarv ftsrre a* an instrument td
their policy"
UoiaOoniam Scorned
He scorned inointionism as a
mean* of meeting tbe problem
Arheoor said that would be "to
a senes of di*rux»ioits on the
jir»iWem« incurred in extensHm
work A joint banquet of coun
ty agricultural* sod Home lierWnn-
station Agents ansociatlon* will
be held in Sbisa Hall at 7 p m
tomorrow The Kxtgnaian Agents
Douce will be held in the main
dming room of Shikg Hall f-Hkiw- 4
Sis-iology, WilMhTheld* June Stf Declines Uller A breakfast for nearly elected
Judge, for the rowue were Eln ! The Awronomo officArs and the courtly rtgrietMft-w
.both Tarpley. p.^Mror of hi,me »p^.or ?hlT«rTurt AslJdi 1 Tu * t,n TeX Jun,, ^ f' '""V “ d
I nivergity of Texas tL _ ttn , ^Agr.uKure Oimrmn.Kjner ^jTT^t
J E McDonald, orphaned po- mornin ^
htically by the State Detno- other artiviue* for tbe day in-
cratir Executive rninnfiittce elude ar a.Mre** hy J. H. MrLeod.
yesterday, an invitation tri »e«-k director of the Tenlwaaae Exten-
re election s* a R- pubfican *ion Service, and tplka hy Rical
He announced plans for court "‘•“'I; ^
action to force the Democratic •£"* ^ ’ S * )A *«» •I®
oCmmittee txi print hi* name on | •‘•■v*** *■• f^up
Former Gov. Dan “*" 1 ig - "* 1 *' -i -
y or Auatin w,H head hi* ( p 11RKT-AIK111 Hlll4*
Fifty-four me*, are enrolle.) in! , *“ ,d .. ..
under the dtrortmn ef M.aa R^th thr thr ^ ^kshop roars*. J 1 *, ^ *? ft??: HiMFritN rnrollmetll
unoer roe < imtion at «,** Kouth )winf ^ ^ rampuil ^ aid. elertod to hi. prem-nt office |«
semester according to Henry the Democratic ticket The Gilmrr-Atkm h»rt ia a direct
Koaa professor id Agricultural r * m ' ,r »"’ R H , C }2jt l * " f 1 ^ th e mrrenaed fcroMmant
FUlucation ’ 1 Hrownaville, national GOP com- m certain aommer ourv* here.
Twenty-six men are carolled in *""t~man from Texaa George B WtUrot. hami of the
the agriculturai education work “I am a Lemocrat,” McDonald ^ueation and riyritmty Depart-
shop couree and 2H men are ea- said when asked for comment or **? yeeterrtap. ^
rolled in the animal husbandry the offer “1 feel honored that P»*w*d by the •tata mgialatara
the Republican party would invlt*- ***. j r ** r ’ .T* •trengMiens
Mias Barmoc* Dolbur diroetor ,' 0 ^j' by "the' Fi remaiT. 'l rVlamg
ron.umer education dkision. Sears, by th,. Indus-
Roe hut-k ( ompaay Cbiedgo. and lria | Extension Service. from
Oi* Armstrong. c|o|hing spocial-
July 9-14
Workshop Counts
pi 11 s*i O I Ot mmmee
rnroll A Students
Mr F D Bunk, head of the «»«rae
Feed Usastral Senhdi. and Dr J. |
F Fudge, head ef .the Fertibaer
Coatrol Service, attapded the an-
These coursos according to Rosa me hut I would have to dnrime
deal with both technical and pro I’m falM to rnandaimm tbe Dem-
feaaional phase* of agriculture orratic Executive I ohunittoe to V? J* P» rt,r '4* r< y
nual moeting of the )0aa«»ciation of Improved method* of teaching and a*me on that ballot and nniRaakla^ Wilcox' *aid, in land
The Soatherr Feed Und FertHiaer the latest recommended farming *m *'»!«* to run on that ticket"
Control Official* practice* are stresasd in thswe Other attorneys who McDonald
The meeting wM.heid at the ro V r **'*- ^ aani will renreoent him are C. C.
aaU dawn the Mind* and ‘a*t in Buccaneer Hotel injklveafam. Tex i “ ,h * ** .*• courae, 12 exam Renfro of Dallaa, Clint Small of
th. parior With a loaded .Hot at laat Tharaday, t ay, and Sat Fjjjjj* ^ ^ ^ “P ^ Auat.n, W L Matthew, of Son
gun wwHiaw" u„ the nolicv urday. IT together Each committee tafaa Antoni., and Harry R Janas and
wrnaibm work and wauld be far Feed and fertiikra official. lL‘c^i^ , ’TS^p.* t ta l ^re , *^dit , W ' ,,, * ,n ^ *'”'**' ^
mo caatly in armament. from 14 Soutbe.n Jgte. attended,^
of StiVHrt amM
dMkmll, vatdd "raaoar- Members of tbe
•ft Bbatat aggraaaiaa amt lead Extsnmen Service
ta a final struggle in which both program were JR.
tbe Aawrv-an moral aad nANtary rented Ma paper on 4
proitMta would he aerkmaty waak mg" and Mr Brock
ewed ItNMatafailmM
compiled, mimeographed
McEIr*) Joins Firm
and distributed ta eoch of
iff from the the members in tbe course, Ra**' Henry B McEIroy. former aa-
iring oa tbe said aietant director of infanaatiea and
rh who pro- Cbptaa art alao put on a*le. sports news director at ABM 0*4-
linernt Khod- aad are oaod as supplementary lege, haa bean apaeinkad aaaonate
rbo gave the text hooka in some agricultural member of May Komegay Aaao
tbe meeting courses | , natea of Huaatoa.
mg, visual, and education admin-
letretion rourae*
At the Grove
I p as —The Sanat Gardep."
with Margaret O’Brian. Students,
fnrelty aad staff maatbaaa Raw,
their familiao will ha admitted-
Students sbauM kriltg their Stu
dent Activities foe al p*