The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 13, 1950, Image 3
41 h Tpxnn Mnp Begins MAA Z' Title Defense ^ m * wM «dl iMNPt totem I (Jit) in tik frit OrmH», Jim* U ••n Tm** wilt of* ita titi* „ fnnw m th. i»m MCA A tom- hM T.*»rn»mrru Ttorttoy nigltt, • totrift tmimav fnwrttr The T*» M 1:ID p m ( f**' of femm tmimn mrnt WfronMi nmm f^torntti AAM in to mem4 fttm- of to towto •HtonnUmi toinmum. at * » t m Otor firat rauad ganw* wttl hr Atttom va. 9ss0§ Mli' TafU va. Waahinrton fratr. at <:» and » 141 p m. Frttlajr Tfr tnufh I'mramty of Trnu i »to »»wi 14 af IS gama« hi to tovthwrat <'nn|iram > rao to* ft inrhto* to aaa*r thrrr pitrh- ara wha earriad to dnh to an NCAA tittr laat Jana- Murray . Watt. Charity (K»na and Jfr Ehr Mr f’omhmnd thay farr fr saiy St aamdd ran* in canfarancr ram patition. Warhmrton Mate and Wiaranain % ara to otoi xtranf team* *n thr toarnry WaahiaUM Mata Ha* two 4 aail^pft*at^ci oo II* rontrr —La* Itohfuitt and Ru*« Koa trr K third WaaMiiftta Btotr huHn ('r«n* ('nntoy with a m ord of »*«> and two u uttrvtimjf jnd* intt-rr«t fn*ai mayor kaeiH’ SCMto. W)«MiifWn'» ronqmwt of thr Hif Tan mak*ft th* Badfvri a powar- fnl thraat .* #1 " itr 1 'k 1 f - *• * ’ •■*.** * ■* tw*9 & i > 7 K % Cardinals Moon For B My KRAS* N MAMITEAM Wally Moon has turned pm. Moon, wfto wi the all-SWC and the DintiMt H NCAA baaeball sifBed with the St l>oui» t ardinoh and will be Houston with the Huffs. Conch Marty Kkrow. bnnrhaH and basket ball tutor of + to Acr*«. a»M that aMho^h th* aw « 0 {hnw wnaid ha grant. Moan (Mid Iforms L a 16 lin Intramural Softball Starts tettms has • nurned at wnato ha graat, Moan mid ba wplarad hi to cratafflaM. Bo! Ha Mfekrr car aaraty f|#d a* wall m- Moan. Karon addal, hut W* • -vi ^ - * j Watty Maaa aaa't to •tHhiai lto** |Ma*« •» familiar la *«*ry A ark *pan» faa gay mar* Th* May. Ar- kanaao touurhall and haakHtott alar aha l*ll*r*d in hath "port* fw l*o roniirauliir a*a>MNi> Ha» tarard pra Moon had i*tt*r«d fir. tvo ■traight naaaan* tn kaajillkall and ha**hail far AAM Ha Would ha?*. torn a armor raxt asason and atill had a yrar of rllglMtity in both iport* ^ Two softball games ulaved ' Commcntinf on th* aigninc of the summer BCSHlOfl H Bltfu* al th* arouta who *|M th* tova mural program. Dtirm 16 Utor* thay hav* comflatad ttour Pilgtti the I’oilfters, 7»d. ♦hgittbity. and *lth<iuini th«r* i» -r-i/ FATHERS JUNE / /\ 5 •J ■i i v\ * 7 Wmttmllnn SPORT? TVKS. JI NK IL 1** Psa* J S(*1h‘(1uI<*(1 Sunday Mjfht Ball Game Cancelled During 1949-50 Scawm . . . AgSwimmers H on A Lost 2, Placed 2nd In Conference on diamond f*<ur »hil« Dorm 17 «iow»>*d T( \ V. 7-5. Thirty thr*< >***• on toll* wvr* imwed tlunntr tto tao rant**t« *nil fmnjorr.t infieUI error* Wer* rhalk- j *r up. du« U» ih* |>itrh«*f* fir*» *p- 1 iwnramv* and th« mfialrh-ri’ mi*- oah-ulatOoits of irrouiidffy that r* j '|Uire nom* tine- to mauler he afti** o) th* bumpy playing *urfan* Th. Ihinn 1»; W. at I'omtrr tilt nothing to prrvrnt them from *tgn- mg th* uoy» *arty, l null don't j like it." “1 would lik* to «** to Nation al Com h** Aaa.M iation which m j meeting in Omaha next week to J )tas« a resolution ti'miUr to the; om u-*ed in roilegriata foottoli| which prevent* th* fMtnmg of a; ( layer until hia claa* ia gnaduattni from Th* prof rational hawtoll Hy JOHN NMIVIK The Apgn Swimming t«*arr. com- moittiy of MM'homof** t»m< thnmgh th* |ngn?ai neaaon with ie if* rence iie#t. eajk Hay At tkeir 2nd dim! me Farmer* tdaiigh(or.-.i » a*» h.r tOHip allowing ihetn niiy tfio fitat m tin wh.ik 4a***t, In the next >h.Mi m(*t wh|h ST KM IS, June 13 -Ah Th* that a Sunday aight gsmn ..mid • »*** \ n * cost n>\* ratal Sunday night banehai! h. acto-duied with tto cnndmt of ,h * Mlm< arhrdsHI f«r July 1« to th* via.tin* Wam and «idTo.uwnu f,r '' Umr ,h *' UM ^ ,n threen St K.uia and HriHdllyn wa* h,id torn ahu»n*d from Rramdte ,OWfr J 1 '" 1 xk * (,,nf »' r ' called *ff vewterday by l*r**id.nt Ki.key , |»rvaid> iit of the Dodg. m 1 ‘* n °v *' n<< ’ l'*^ Kn-d M Saigh of th* rardiSala. | Frirk and Carroll Mid ti* rutol 'AM « tram wa^ toilt around 4 Saigh void hw artam wag b. *.d •- .htoted all Sunday right miTHiJ wiphomarra Hdl Saigeat to. k “entm-ly" <* a ruling by National Sa gh aaid to would a*k t|at tto-’ rtroker; Van Adsmuqn, ftoawtyler. Irwgih Vn ankst Ford Frick and rule to Hacifa'd at tto next leagu. Kalph Ellta, frarrtyler, and R II Kwn* CarrfiH. I.wsu*’ counwel, that <> «*ting Karow a hr*ai.t*tn*k>tr and re th* gaW* w«Afld vioial* leagS* r*W Saigh » pUm* for the Sunday^ ceivxd xu^iport from point getter- . sttMto***- } night gwi i*. an jnrthvation in th*’*'Tommy Com - lock. John Parnell 4 lUiMidi a niu way, the lead changuig hand* thi>N' tinie*. J.ihn Thotna* ktarte.! for tto victor*, McDaniel relieving. York A < , | ; .*| year'- national IMtort lo.t«mg in the A A C ( hanipMs*. 7 to R. Tto- numb * r ,hr »'' **' tto lo-- rnemtor- of the ‘dht.f polo team 'to twirler weiv tiiltoit M K4*nt Bill M> y* John Hottingihead^ Ailamvoii, >nr "•* * n ip *•”! turk affan all th*- league* •hould get t*»g*th*r 'wnth the college*’and follow thnmgh ■ with tto- plan for allowing tto- hoy* j to fmi*h their college *dnc«vi<*ii ■ It * ( to th* |>ofSt that you j can t get a g'Mwl hoy tofore the! i profexaionai arouta ikm't come | Pacing Dorm )(! w*n- leadoff • • r ”' ,n4 .. and M * rt U ‘*" r * ,nit t,M * | man Robert < ariaan wrth a *iagl« °^" r * 'Th* r* were iw- >dhei i ■ • nerder atioua." Saigh Mlid (’ommiaaianer A. R. Chandi. t or derad Saigh D» canto! prepay * ft na for th. gam* Miyinf it wmihi c**n mayor league*, were --yM*•*■ d by'lam Bl-ndell Howell Johgaon. and aome St Kno* Hapt *t mih.atera ! Tommy Butler Anoth. - mimetor *aid * Th* < ad*U under the lead. nihip might do a lot wm>* thing* than Adani*oii, xtorted off atte.dl ha**ha!I g«n** on Sunday [>y wr< . u „ (1 ,p,, t in th. SW. relay tank meet. )u«t tohud (H.weifni Texa- tto ( aiiterenc*- y, (| . Iggned lato *** u(>a*t a* the |*M*ai tarklnefl cahi fr-wu bgl'ind if» tb< fond ekent .to (•.-at Na th Wr«t4>n of KaiituA 1 * , m -a" Th. Aggie RKi m*. I icy re|i> conatatiSg >( Saeg.-nt Know mwi Adam-i«*i w-f a U.-* pool r> rdni of 3 "f' breaking tto ‘Id on* whjih I wn» *. t t.\ h pn-d Aggie -wymm# g teahl of Howard Speocl I .lllegu KlowerA and Itonrv t.-too. i A»h; ow-H w it h >4eu’i'l,> Naval Station, predict.-d a* * .tg-^ '"gftI* iuiryed into a ”'«i ahta> ;.i* •K* Agfa* won "(2 2 $ with KaT« •etting h r*w p*vi| r,., omI of 1*5 in tto I'tfl yaM hrea«.t-tii kr Ih-aten lit TI Kill*, f'a il * Fhgiung Com and two walk* out of three tnp* ‘But Rally ahould fr all right «tock, Kgrow ltd Coa«h Art t*» the plate, and *eeogd tmxeman 1 ^Buff*, and hfl can P*.*' Adamnon, Th. X|fle* Have al«:i>* l.vmi Hervey and aktorUtop Al v . *“ *1^ man on tto hat * victonou* w|ii«-i p >!' team WtHiamwin team In the Tex*» 1 egue he will I ht y defealdil * t inference! me* and wer* .Itifsio' |i .♦«*>'■ M «ter Dorm 17 vic- pnibably run into a little troghle, and he will have t«> iea’n to hit Aith*a»f h tin t adet.» gg.nt*i Uf flkt with church aenice* The evening* comnoiuwoiwr *nld thi* would hot- Tto Rr\. Ai# tr .M Netin.ann.j . , to in the toat interiwt of hanehad pr-aid*'! of tto Met n {edit an j . r,> . Saigh di*agr.-.*d and a*k.-d for Church Fmierata.n, **i.i to b* rw-n | > a h. aring Preparation* for the arty d»r* not object to Sunday 1 k« ttoir fir*t dual nnet with O gam* went on. mght Mtoehall "It would tof to|t*rf tto Affto* aufte**,) a defeat *nd d* f»at In th received Carroll'* mter than double b«wd* rw that cgu*« Jnf 4* to $5. hut hnmM O. »'/* they Indt to T. pretation of th* league ruto tow gias)'rhsndl nhatito •w to go to tto ] MR ff**a4yl« relay tram their ya|*i ftoextyU roiav »i»a*|m.l terdai The rule read* "No aigki bail pirk at I p m ->«4 pom- up Lit* j flr*l defgst ia three year* f com rjMverttty’* pool rec*.rd bj 2 gam* *hall h* *< heduled on a get i M .. .,jfr *«rvi* ra,’: hg *.nd ai|iii date wuhout Ua auuSat of. - —‘Ttf~ ~ tto Matting team, or on Suhday "' 1 * s. th m 1 *d th 1 g^arg^i #,■*>#* M^WWd! Xs»f>s«sf SJ #S> tAM diver* Shoe eotwhgd hy h cn! Mamalign *td ( e \ id> d many m.pottant (m- 'i tluimi hout tin •‘ •a'on ITovei: Fthii'Vn won 4tl. i th* vonfererfs ('imr diver* U* ludc.l S*i| tiofigUv- 1*.. || Schaf tn am (ilht. >4gtc.' k ioiihl** lerallx walk.*.! t 17 ... n 1 'f ofelcio for -Am) aglnn, I am *<vrrv to lose ,two mmng*. the winder* taking , h , m ht|t , h , h . t ^ don* 1 a l-l lead in tto third . ,, .. . . ,, the light thing and that he w II KAY acer-d thre.- gnu* m th*- fo .rth toftak. a temporary h ad The gum* *»* tied In tto fifth " tfh Ihrm 17 scoring- twice and the Wer* tallying one* < -ml. .fielder Fi.rl VYakefn-ld Irik. the deadlock II) tto- *|\th " oh a ’-ao-'-load *i d.mM* that »c.i Howard Brawlm an.I T int ( Ih-V, l oio rhampion* in *» *-*1 The f, r<t Tto gam. for *^kn***o." raBtinoed 1 ad«t« have de fto'el *!jch Cut 'tandmg ciuh- as bioikhw.-'tein I - .iM-anH l.ln.otg Alhleti. t luh. ktina|>.)l * W, *t point. New Yo-i V t M i 4|M, t Club ao.l - tto-1' got to the top," Kanra cofW’ltide<l. M(*m n> th second Aggie thi* re a a on to >■ gn for pnif.-a*i"ti:»] t.asehall Hiuce Mori*** who wan gradtiated thi*-y.-ar fggned with th«- N.w (Hunt*. Monawe wa* .. (ut.-her Socks Get FATHER tome of these new Inter- woeen Socks . •. New Patterns . . • New Colorings ... ySCttprirandup. fJLJt w CLOTMERS ' T \ggie Fixh Grid Scheduti • • ' To Include 4 SWC Foes (hi Scheaulf * < a<i. t* ginngw uj-r , « T . frlTeVt- NjHWls >tnc l)nm|)s t t«iav «ma*|m.( tlx ■ •• III L ading illarvhali H ( onn. i. y the win Wth* Cl*. <|it.-.l « N • * College SlgticB June l.l * t-t’' Jl NF l< TI F.SDAY Soft T-va* AAM fr**hmwn f.-Ahwd hull. Commercial K agu. Lon* "A (day Alton Afwtomy Sta. t.u* v* Howell l.uinto r * --m 1 * , ’d foury Southwo-m ( Wgferrgfe pany at Sue Haawwtl to-ginning at f"c* H p in The Aggie h *h open th* Jl Nh. !♦. WFDNKSDA^ -Soft .o,-t 5 agaigat Alien ton in a hall. CommernaJ K agu* I < Meyer aid Star <.«* v» Bryan Men hagt* agd Station Mi-rrhant* a* N.<tk hah k Service Station at Si|«- Ha* well beginning at * pm. in C. la-ague Tiger* v*. Ihratea at Co! i* g- Park, t'uto v*. Yankee* at Coll.g. Hdla. gam*, tog n at d 4: * !’ m (tkitrni Mever night gam*- (V-t 11 they plgy Hay- tor at Mae*, (tot IK T< C at Fort R nrth. Nov !» Rn-* at ( oltog. Station ami Nov '2.1 Texa. tor. 9 Kurt M'orth. June 13 ‘t^ Th* new dean d Soij-hwext t ortferen* -ache* i. L K t i< r. I’todc rX'afh f. k happily yesterday With alt letuir.x in from the 'peing teim exam*', the rack* of tto.'** purpto plav*r« la-tog "...urit- •d oid’ hy M.-yer remain* intact Sevetal to(> hand* had faced fut- mi< table hurl to* to th. ho-k d< jartm. iit and the result* hav. he*-n “nwM giatifv ng it M.)-*t*' w ird* "Wit- f* a r.«b tUark of 3 M2 A AAM ram* (hrough wktti D* ir 1(h *i«hory m the l**t eV*et of the mget »ira ii*t the <|ronrt »t SMI U-am w many y< a|-* Th.- Agtr'e 4'V' i*tov team campOM’if of Butler Fill*. Karow and \dim *on. rwpn; m J 4i ! u. tto Rmi ctov, relay ’♦ >ti to tk.- final l4ow Snu output of tto M- th. di*t hy a l^t 1 OOMUt Th* f'onf*iV-n. <• n . et wan a 4i* appoi- tinent t t «• Vg/k 'W.m whn h ran,, in thiol 3 i-**. t• I* him' '-kll TV Ag.-n-i ♦(>" f«**. *tyl. ti-lay team wa* #> by a false lta-1, th.-rwliV, liMing ! 12 |H.i*t* altlu-ugh th.'V tanic; in i with a record breaking confer 'Tiollrgf Mm lianls At-, r k'iividual rn >IJ< ti ' n-ng i h. io!< onfertnc* r«. • rd l-v ■> «<•< old* rnuttnt in Haiti, on* oT tto (.real ir Artoile* Kland* in th* Carra hear S-A Mr Eaton'i* m tto l’ni*e<1 State* D*|iattment of Ag- rtraltur and ha* h**n station*.! a* tto AAM (oltog* F.xpermvent Sta tion ... .. .j u v 1 M*y.-r head mei t . at p I’jEdfJf Br\ tifl. 2*1 Mwtl ( »inre IF3®, took ov.r when Mattyj Mr and Mr* Frank Tlatoti are Hell ret red front active Ci>a.hing» C.,n bm-ng a to.', -m hall* and ** SMI | two *irrgkei< o th. iaa* Sam. th< ® tolUg. Statum M Hou«fon, Jura- 13- '.T n«l arto** ?h* Winning run to down th and Arlington Hvtght* ’he final- Mrya- M*r»hi.nt.*, 2 1. last night s*!* ffryni Fort Rofth. dopin'at**! .„ > u , Ha*w,-|; I'a.k In th* "th t *to alM<>rtrnam*a team xdlectrm* ’ gam- of th- ev -n ng N.-dhal-k for ia*t w f-eka aiconrl arnuai . .ty Sem. »• Stut on ga-n.-r.-d eight hit* coTiferan. • •• hoolbov bw'*Hall m.opt whi- h pu*h--d aero*.* tto n*Hd‘-d Hera mn-g n to defeat tto- INtillip* tot Dambal wFirh won th* ihanjp- *--f'halleia, 5-1. ’••aahip by deJhatttig .1* toAm-town J ,k. M *g of ’h-- CattviR. M > riral In Ito- fiaal*. (daefd five ehant* t.erk f.-ui hall* in th- too r»l»y**n> OB the Id-man all-*t% r tom frame and ntarlod th* ne.-dod team. Arbaglai Height* I»la<< I on- run rally -*f th- 1-eal *->ftb..ll ft.ur team Hilly Buikhalt* r **-nt M . Adam om th-< third plar* wi an* r, g-< to **-c..r.d with a aingl- and had three aod H<*u*U*ff* Jeff, Cart e H.tlland gam. d tto KBI w ti. I Davta, which tm-k fourth ^ arn-ttor *mgi» . had rm* ^ Melvin l.udke pitch.-d th* n*. h t • , 5 ter for N--dto*tok J Mr<'arttv-y Fort Morlh. Tex., Juo* 13 l^F and Hill I'anxio *(dit tto- pitching ^ Not a *ingie T- xar ChrmUhn I ni^ dun** for the Oder* who’.* only varsity vanity f.-vtliall fcm*p«eh nm w** **or*tt by ealrto ■ Carl faded to ma*.e tto «)to*lastir; Cowger. arui *e| a new ofie c \AM Mate A AM- watei p' t . . . I their *"a*on will haut* pushed . , f . j. .. .v. rjisterp trt|i d- f*a' 12 to Xrrti\ l» RmiAI. fathers DAY FRRSKNTATION BY LEON B WEISS (T)lij-x;k station STACTvS AND PTAC’KS SMART SI MMER SLACKS $6 !W $7 Mi $10 HT, (XX)I» LCXJKING SHIRTS WHITE AND OOLORS NYLON WITH ACETATE GABARDINE WITH LONG OR SHORT SLEEVES GOBS AND GOBS HAND PAINTED TTES BRIGHT COLORS MULUANT smrrs FROM HOLLYWOOD JL’ST $21*) WORTH VERY MCCTI MORE HUSH HUSH AN ORCHID FOR DAD (X)ES WIT TflE TIES DAD S A GREAT GUY GOME IN UXMC ARCUND AND SEIJKT TOP QUALITY FOR HIM MPRCIAI NOVELTIES HE WILL UKE AT LEON B WKIHS COLLEfiE mil ION lo Make Your C’ift llmiliii*: ta^KT ... Hert art a fpw ■wMffted ion* from our Mrgt Mtrutton: Nf HAmat A PARREK KM NTAIN PENS ELMIKB SHAVE MASTER ctrr links ^ BELT Rl < 4tl> TIE HOLDERS LI*.(TKI( CLOCKS ‘ W A1X Hl> Dad wants KINGS MEN ^jji 3 h • Rry u (Vtl* g- F (» • r t * dun ped it-Wu. lead; 4k.' Mai»hall. t •’gh- ir< fp' '3* I'aik St..rb<... d-/ c-'(Hga-'dl <■ •**. p.t-h hi* fir** ran* f-f thi Spoil*, lowing 'h. R>ra'’'to -hi.* n.t* <. *.► I . et. I .in p ,| i! .*. d f * II C!, Xikauai*. had .» .'hut .•uf ,uid - no h.ttt | g.^ng until tto eighth w h* n 'h, in\fcnl. r* tailud the" ’ in* of’ .| walk ’rtple, and '.-g!e i'h< *port* "(.♦tied * ’h two rmim .11 the f i*t Shi1|t.*tif. t.fchhy I *. I i.* ap* arheaded tk- way with a to- tiling tr.pi. Itott *<--*tod a run J v ny H'uig.. i It ( fly bmught home Dell,*. Ito *poit* .Ud* : a " I'k-r i th. fourth and Jpimad th.-ir final -o-nr- m th. * x|h -ft huiler .lack M irti, * walk ♦'^;|• |tu' r-mttcally f"i< .-d hom.- a -till. Th. H. nd. i*an 'li. i« v .-tor* .\e- iid [i .<*• (.lid.-w ;a*' ty. t. * 4 ton., tn tut >4*1-1 pivm- !*••' t. • ght <|ar*. *»'r . * >•<*■ - 1 J ufi*. -t d* * V t. t ■ i.. a .>n (J* - hi- g 1 a d ’ h, .11 ng f.-'t l«i|- k .\(^*t.d to »• h -'yd.hut in 't.i >p it* !:n«- up tn-itght Softball Xotice Ktudent* rtt*r*«ied ia plai- »ng .mi \&M * «*tflh*jl team »re re«TM**ted t<> report t»> t i»#ch ilaruev M rich at fh. lighted vrfttoll field t..Bi»-f r ®» A , 7:15 p m - HOBBY CKINTER LraOb r Patberm Klexcraft Kitii (for costtUbF jewelry! — Opfwr Foil Aluminum Dink (lirf kuw’k! Airplane Fud — KBlyberbanti Model Airjdane*. / 114 F. 24>ih — Kryan (Next tn Rryan patty F,8fl*! SCE THE 1950 * ^Aje^<uC<yt scientific NEW CROSLIY WORKSAVER design GIVES YOU NEW SPACS, M0RE_S*ACf— m it th* "cosmtiMci imr "f • ~ rf ‘ 3 Ako man y for (^ildweirp* 112 N. Mam itc gift* ■welrtf Store Bn-an Fathers 1mA d y Gi*« ▼out f«thot • K*n r M*n tot father t (toy .. tha ana gdt that my* la *v book. tto* you «r* th. m.ti tohf lit* ■ " ...riOM JUST *1 BLACK’S PHARMACY East Gote — College; Station rV»%V_gVk-W%--. ^.vv. r NEW LOW PRICIS! m«*i can Fur YotEr... SltllM’ SHIRTS and SUCKS A G C1 K CLKANEUS /'iMtticatc au snee mu tememm.., AU Up to 23% more epaco in name sue cabinet. Neerfy 2 raev JO RIM- cubic feet of extra apttee Uiat’s eaay to use. No Atoopjag tBJf nff** clear lo the floor... Wioer-arhueplaat ic ahalvii reowMd [AS)' iv " ^ iu li»e door... e«y4oKAean ‘ Bu«i*Be4a.s so SJOOPlM CLIAK TO mi noon r n_rk_c ¥ i? v \ji ICw V9 'Ur JL 1 itonsr ftwArto Aar Hmgpiar Dvdag I PAKKER-M HARDWARE 00MPAXY BRYAN % ;r 1 n li. "'kk- rnrnmliimmmmjLmmjm l /- /