The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 13, 1950, Image 2

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Battalion Editorials
Pa<e 3 I HHDftT, JUN>: 13. 1160
A Heart\ ‘Hello to 4-H Yrs...
To you wlt> have {fledged your head* to
clearer thmkinf your bean* to greater
loyalty, your head* to larger eervke. and
your health to better living, for your com
munity and your country we aay “wel
come '
the more activated fall
It i* not every day that a college can
open it* doors to a *rleet group of boys
and girts a* you are—a group who will
goon take their places a* leader* of their
community and our stale.
For many of you. this n your first
visit to the campus We hope it will not
be yoar last As women of the not-to-dis-
tant future, you may have occasion to via
it the campus for a weekend of festivity,
Aggie style. The boys, we hope, will be
inspired by what they see here during
their brief visit, ard perha{>a return later
to more ably prepare themaelves for the
future awaiting them Tis our only la
ment that this visit c<»uld not occur during
a time when it could be )*oHSib)e to show
you AarM <
and qxing
Yos ana attending the State 4-H
Round-Up aa representatives of your duba,
oanm unities, and the famAe* who are
still at home awaiting your return Anx
iously waiting to hbar what you heard,
saw and did here Therefore it is your
duty to fulfill youK primary representa
tive purpose here It is your duty to tell
those who you are representing what you
learned so that they too. might increase
their knowledge through your trip
To those of you who were selected as
winners of the various judging contests
and demonstration* on yesterday's pro
gram "congratulations. We are proud
to have you aa representative* of our
mate. To those who aaptred to reach the
higher position we extend the hope that
you anil realise yopr mistakes, and im
prove them That ij} what 4-H camps and
AAM is for-to deWHop leaders, leader*
who can be good losA'r* a* well as winner*
Time t« (ionposc Differences . . .
The airing of difference* between
I^and ('ommMMioner Haacom (hies and
Atty. (ien FYiee Daniel over how and
where to fight for Texas m the Tideland*
dispute is unfortunate It i* even more
distressing that auch differences exist
Thia is acarcely the time for bickering
within our own rank* It is especially de
plorable that it cro^is out in the State land
Hoard itself Too much is still at stake.
There are not only the estimated future
million* in royalties from oil in the sub
merged coastal lands the million* of acre*
of TexggjK'honl land* and the vast stftn*
already realised from them are also threat
ened by the strange new doctrines relied
on by four of the justice* of the Supreme
Commiashnier (hie* revest* that he has
not gone along wholeheartedly' with the
Attorney Onerala strategy of fighting
the question out in the courts. Ha hsa
felt all along that the bent place to pitch
battle is in the halls of Congress Attor
ney General Daniel counter* with t h e
charge that Mr (hie* ha* favored a com
promise and that he is too ready now to
take the 4-tt>-3 decision of the court a*
May we remind both gentlemen that
the people sf Texai will nst look kindly
on any division of counsel within this
three-maa land board * They have the
right to aak both- and Governor Shivers
aa ex-offieio chairman to compose what
might be a fhtal difference.
So far as the min in the street is con
cerned, the court fight to date has been aa
wise aa R we* inevitable The chief attor
ney f«r the state had no choice. It was
the Federal Govemtient, egged on by the
Truman adbniniatrstion through former
Atty Gen. Tnm Clark, that opened fire on
ua, in the first plate. To have supinely
kn nek led under to this attack would have
proved the state a Attorney General re
creant to his trust
Commissioner Giles is right only to the
extent that he fhvors pressing for our
right* in Otigres* as well. Of course the
lawmarkers can right this terrible wr<*ng
by the Supreme 04urt by "ceding what
ha* been Texas owki property since 1H38
But neither field of battle should be aban
doned at thii stage W> have the example
of the great leader in the Battle of Brit
ain who said. "We shall fight them on the
landing beaches we shall fight them in
the streets " That w the only apint that
can win —The HaJIas Morning News
(aptain Kddir Joins the Tram
Our thanks go out to Capt. Eddie
Rickenbacker who said Sunday that he be-
heve* flying saucers are real Too many
giHxi men have seen them that don t have
hallucination*, ’ the president of Eastern
Air Line* todl fT{>orters in Indianapolis.
’“And if thfy exist.'’ he continued, “yr>u
can bet they belong to the United State*
Ah* Force they’re noHrom Mar* and not
from Kuasia '
The hero of two world wars thu* join
ed the team of million* of American* who,
deapitc Air Force announcement* to the
coatrary. have firmly believed that such
things aa flying saucer* do exist We have
been inclined aa have many other* ‘v think
qp Rifkeabacker does- -just too many good
men have seen fifing saucers for there not
to be some basis m fact for the refwrt*
Of course some of the wiki stones which
have been |**ased around are just * little
too fantastic to swallow But others are
juat too plausible and come from such
normally reliable people that you have to
put some stock in them
We can see a new rash of saucer re
port* aa a result of Rickenbacker * atate-
ment* Professional saucer observers will
hitch up their belta for a. new try Ob
nervation station* probably will be estab
lished. and the Air Force will have to gird
itself for a new senes of investigations
Maybe, before K la all over, the Washing
ton military men will break down and ad
mit they've known what the saucers wen*
all akmg When that happens we’ll be
glad to be among the first to aay “I toW
you an'' *
The Battalion
" Soldi*,
Lawrence Sulim*
TV AflMtnatsd Ptsm i* sntitM MUhshwIy U Uw sat far r*edh**tl«i «f all new* 4i*s*tpkf»
credited to it nr n<>t othcrwin* rrwUtrd is tV paper and Isrsl n#w» of aj
«d kerna Righto af ropsktiftion af sli otWf isttsr VrsW *W *b» rswrrad.
TV Hattal on. *fftri*l_newspaper tV
Ciljr .if
inf tV
Usual.os, *fftrisl newspaper sf tV Afrk«ft*ral and Her*antral CaHssr of Taxsa asd tV
r ^r. 'TtlZZ i SSXSit
AABwfWwi, asf^ lA I»*Wl P Iffxi v*fW^w A I mmm ClFfwraAvFfl aamBAjT
Friday afurnww. Ssksrnptias eaten t2.W> par assiswr. Ad'. rudat mtaa famlaVd on S»
Nrw. nontriWtloiia war V made by talesVar (4 M441 or at tfc* sdttaHal office Knnm WH
hnn Hall Ogaaiftcd ada may V sbsad by tilashat (4 1*4) at *t IV gUsdtal AetivMra
Qfadwin Mali CMfM I
Office. Mnom tm. (Wwts Wsli
OOW at Cn*w» a»*tan Te^ wm4m The
(** 4rt Omrmm M UanS X ttW
r r**li Maslfqa
ioai Asami *.,,4*4.—A *....
Shijt Aaa rettar
Mi sHaar
sarwa saaa
tmmm tmm I
Letters To The Editor
•mi was.
» Vld
F4t(nr TV HallaNsa
i want to retpatcr a fripe atsait
tV Volar Rm* piftaree I tanked
forward ta having thi« pirtari *«
a memory of how math my tfrfr
ha<i hetprd oh- in my «aiu
rattan. Even an Sverafft |irrttlTt
aoald have been worth a lot to u*
What wr artaaliy itareived i» h*nl
to iM-lievr
(Kir picture i* •> hlurrad that
tV only thin* w« tan remwiltae
t* my wife a multi colored do ne
\et Auxiliary
Holds Meeting
TV Wmncn'n Auiiltary to the
Te\ai» ktat. Veterinary Me<ik-al
A»*<nu(tMm were gue^tji Thumday
an<i Fn4a> of tV wtvea of tV
faculty ratmVrr df ASM * School
of Vetrrissry UHhrm. TV Aji*-
ihane* were havip* their antfSal
Coliejre SUitian opfi rence
Reiri*trat .on for the wiv«-» of |he
vtsitinjr vetennaPaor wa>
Thumday morning at tV
ami 73 ruent* we^ entertaoved at
a noon luncheon at the (take
Idra.tL C n..Srt of Ft W.rtb
aa« a|lp.sme«l rteleyate to the n»
flonal convention at Miami Ve
in* tV taieinea- meetm* Friday
mo min* Mm l ? , F Mamey, of
Han Antonio was apfaMnlr.) altrr-
'.ate* dyiarat.1 TV natHStal .rti
venUon jn Miami i» *che»iule<i for
Apni 23^4 After th« liu<irS'«*
meeting the entertainment enfVi
a ith a brunch at ler o dork
The Aucifia nea H.topte<i tftrir
yeaily rraolution to rontribuU
to the ASM Vatrrmary Me.hrme
I.tKeary Fund TVv al»o ado|*e<l
a reaoltUsn «tatmf:
“It i* rV»olve«i tn*J th< m« mVm
of the Women * Autiliaiy to jlV
Tr*a* Stair Vetanasry M.vijcsl
4««ociatior a noleheartedly thkmk
the rhsirnian of the lorai .-omisit-
tce for armniremmt. Mm. Hoffer.
Harnm. mot her committee mem
Vm. Mm L. W f.thh« Mm K
Itaie Mrs John Milliff Mm F, P
Jar*. Mr* K 11 Turk and ftn
P W Rum. for th. »piendid Va
pitahty which tV) extended trt
"We deeply appn* late the ei-
nenditure of their time and '-nenr
in making pretaration* for ptir
semi-aamtal n.eeting at the h(-
nCnltura! and Mechar ,< al (oltege
of Text* on June S and 9, 1»!WV'
F.ach June tV faeolty »|ve*
make* tV local arrangement* for
thi* convention and we want} th
thank them for runtimnnr jki*
ouiteay to u*. «aid Mm K C ga»*
of Hosaton state publicity ckgir-
Nun<mmfn Hill
Hold Short ( oursr
A Nurserymes’* Hhort Codrae
will he Md on the rsmpu* Aine
tl thsnsgh t3 aerordtaw to V.
R Irtaon, Vad of tV Hortthul
tor- DepoHment asd chairman of
the «hert roarae
TV «vrt course will hr agon
— — — ai v» oA^,, . — | ji a a _
Am •«*1
and ftathniagy, knd
\ (,(iW\
or it
It makes no diffartticc to us
either one will be done ex
pertly and scientifically,
(uimpiiN (JeaniTB
“Over Th. Kx. burita Store”
MtiMtip ^ ith Aiint^niftnti*
Mysteries Comprise
Screen Situation Tonight
(TV Black Hasd". Palace—
lota Aay t "Wkadew on the W al|*
( ampue io»l day.)
Two detective atone* of a af
ferent color, TV Rlodi HstaT.
and "Shadow on tV Wall", a.■cm
to be tV
tiona (or the
Gene Kelly fana may V mxpe
what Mirpnaed to aee tV uapal
hoofer tarn bar aaptrant and ai*a
tear aleuth It aee mo that
Italian drat net of New York
tion” organiaation,
biggeet arrasn
the first port of the
is Vine tem»n*ed by a "protpc
ftaher. an hsaeta law
yer who rrfwooa to ha tatiwtda-
ted, la etteraiinMed by tV long,
lhaa laraiag hia aos fro* Ms
law traiaiag onto (V veageaace
Thdnr fottawa a aorta* rtf bomb
ingf and general ratMeaanea*
ahirh prompu tV ranking police
officer on the raae (J. Car
Natah) to return to Italy, hosinx
the 10 or
m t . 'dMaena" Mated in the police file*
v f»y ( i —
outwits tV vtiliana
( eminent: J. (arrsll \aiah
ha* yet to make a poor picture
and the cadet «tandi*g in hock of
the rise
TV amateur from T Mark Roy •
hold* Studio of San Antonin ansp
Vd our picture «r|pn we mat.
looking to tV fmett waiting for
him to get through with hi* lit
tle “Mum-off acta
I waited several xaspnd* for him
t-. snap out picture th<m nay wife
placed the ring on finger; Vw-
g>er, he «a* Umi buay entertaining
the couple* in tV hue to rhek
tV camera at the right time
I have seen a few of tV pic
ture* that wen U.ktgt in Iiim. "A"
ami they were very fo««d On the
otVr han.1, I have teen several of
the pictute* that wert taken in the
- R" Km- (bloc rani I me of th»'
left. and VTlVE of tai’ni were ary
gt«od Th. y were alt blurred U*.
The T Mack Key said- Studio of
San Antonin should feel very
much arhamed fop* rnndmg an
amaletiriaH "danw oftf’ U. repre-
*ent them on an <MtSa>ion «uch a*
thi* For all I h’low, th. rharseter
who UKi the i>i. tuSfS in line “R"
may have he«n T M. Reynold* I
**cnou*ly doubt thm Ih.mgh
Vo .me could renwgfi in hu*irM-M.
verv long and |>isltu-< inrturv*
Mi. h a* we have nAff.
I gue»* I h«\e tat off enough
*leam All that remala* i» dimsat.
Mayle the nrit Sm*(m clsaa will
not V *o unfortunate.
Far better wtd**r picturvw,
H. M Moor.
there. TV informative ta ar
(juirvd and eventually mailed, hat
— r . __ _ the officer** life i» forfeited is tV
J• A. Meaner, Joan ^
Burton Married ■- ^ Z'JVS.XL'^
Mm* Joan Burton, daughter of' convincing. Law and orMer prevtal
Mi and Mr* John L. Burton be | aa MUf, aftar rearumg tV kid-
came the brute of \t A MeaderJ napped brntVr of hia gwertVatA
Jr., non of (dainty Judge and l|r*
M A Me**er, in tV Taylor klal-
ley Baptmt ( hurrh.
Mm* Patay liahnke wa» bndP*-
maid, and Lin.ia (’row and Mgry
Alice Hill were junter lwi<).«ina«d*
Frederick la-wi* *ervnd a* he*t
man, and u#her« wen- John 1*wji»
RarUm. Jr and Melvin Aker*
The couple left after tV recep
tion at the home of tV brute * par
ent*, for IcMimtana and Arkansas.
TV bnde wa* a *pnng giwdoaU-
of Mary Hardin Hayidr College
Menaer, who will be a senior at
ASM thi* fall, i* majoring in ani
mal hv»i>andr\ Mr and Mr*. Mf»-
M-r will mak< their home in (i»l- Station in Scptemket
’TV Black privHedged atater. aa < eMa rap
idly deprives her ef tV fiance t ,
”111 apeak to iaai in tV ■**■/
ing,” replies Oita 'aaWfhantly
It aH started when David (Scott)
come* home from the. piwmtihial
bums*** tup to find th* wife (tha
second nat, that ta) at the tVatre
What he does nat realise ta thi*
the ia being eemrttal (and if they
really went! by Mater Dell'*
arml ,< Southern) beaux . Mclntirri. ,
Gig4 Pvrreaa nsw make* ber
appearance aa (V psar daughter
whs ia the only witness to lbs
ensuiwg murder Thia writer
doe* not feel remptaenl to rri-
ictae Mis* Perreaaa artiag. In
(V first place R la Pta fair I*
IV leungster to deny Vr an *(•»
tribute which aepsrates her frsta
ethers ef her age.
And in tV second place, it ia not
of •mall mtportanrs whether thia
writer likes child player* (and t»
be frank, 1 don’t K whirr tVrr are
ao many puwpl., predominately pan-
j enta, who ran appredMe them
It all comes down to projection;
n child ir
“Shadow on tV Wall” ia quite a you ran aee your own child in tV
contra*! to TV Black Hand" Th» aame situation and out foe* your
Zachary Scott, Ann South-j h* art.
ttaand Gtg) I'erreau, a new typed
"child m-trea*".
TV tVmr i* an <4d one that
Mill *ella ticket* at tV boa office-.
two *iateia, one t unatantly over- ^
shadowing tV otVr, in every so
cial aap*<et.
"YsuSe always taken every-
thiag Ihal I’ve ever wanted.”
wail* Mia* Ssuthern. the under-
To be brief, Ih-ll kills Celia m a
moment'* passion and atuply
frame* Olia'* husband, who Iota
the previous rouial by a kn<K kout.
Will Dell’s conarifinre overnd. h.<;
emotions in tV .-pd? Yog'll hire
to fiad that out f#r yguraelvea K
( omaieni: Hctat run* ahaul in
an undershirt a good deal.
-*■ -ta—
Wrdding Hold
Mis* Psggy RucVk god Martin
Mwanl Dealy Jr were marrleil
Saturday evening in the laivtr*
lane Methodist Oiarrh in Italln*
TV Kev Thomas Shipp offmalrd
TV bride i» tV daughter of
Mr. and Mr* A lea ft Buehrk,
•i;4;»9 KciiwoumI, and the bridegroom
i* tV son of Mr and Mr*
Maivm fcdwarrt l>e*ly of Houston
Mr* Gordon Alexagder, -<iStei
of the bridegroom, ww.* matron
of honor Mi** Virgmis Springer
wa* maid rtf honor
Ghi Wood of Houston «4>e<l a*
i>e«t man and Ace Jordan a*
gnmmsman llaher* were Rolthv
Sjrke* of Rallingi-r. Bland Mckav
ne(d* and Jack Standard, both of
Hountos, and Ben Templeton
Featur»*a Start-
.'1:45 5:, r AJ 7 f>3
^Shadow on lIn*
- Flu*
- Feat urea Start
I bo - 3.30 - b: 10 - <> 45
h 2o - it. tm
Rug* Ran*) Cart won
^0L0Rf ;0V
X V\ v i
thato lua*
Rahashing o» o bcaat# at Waikiki
urtov* Tropic Tana »port thirty by Norm hova deal
waarinq quolMtai for K/mmef tom par of ucet Trimly
loitorad oi coot ipon rayon in bright pnnh thta
display all thg cotar ol o rcra hop* bud foul
toraly word a compUta worthoba of lhato. Sot
i, f
glam today at . • «
‘Serving Texxn Aggiee''
Anchor A weigh
( «PP
m» r -
id tanrtarape
iyatotatf *»
e ffcllagn.
Opmiing add
en will be r
dawn, TVan
kgrieuHufV at i p.
Wtatatots I attend*
Wort roam i* to w
AH ttOutthriw/-
KAMSr ^ FtJpl rwiS X
Alsl nwi« T* (POpPF /
l A%y a* PMt
rilT D BE
: a
to the nuntarv
lie given W C. If ^ap-
TVar af IV School of
m June If
f-.t ih-
abort fnom i* lb with aH mhet
mar* to V Vhl I* the Agriruflpral
Tbiglwosrifi lecthre mom. Rrtaon
OOrrA m ruftis; TV.|f "x
anchor THt r mubTA tied \
wwL .TMgv mu4rix> Nt, \
otif ThAJA PWOPCBTy.m*
ME r lEAvE it at TM'lil
’E IT— fo T i
i rrtiC-NM DOMH
I Jiff, (Town Uff!
B> AI C., P
11 -1 i moisi raw—Mms—aii 11 h
■ Of I Pita' H I aa*t***B ta Wao—I AA fj
strd Preaa a»rH*» tat. •* nr* Ywt oh*. *JJ'
U ‘ ^ **4 ta* rmHSm sar
Official Holier
n*M* a*an •< •*
Feature Editor
. ftpadli Mftbr
.. .. dftr MV
eaf. «a>»»A»n.
Muonal Ammrnm
• r
ra* Daw.
mm tiai*
•aoMwai sene*
i c fame
r*yMn nsaanawNl
Bible Verse
Re that i* stow ta anger
ter tinn th* mtalMfr, and
rulelh hi* kpirit Utaa V that
a cHjr.
-Preverba 14 tl.
JV "Fdt QOCtfl
The h ’ '' c »
THE SEA.Tlgp ta]
A 500 P\
anchcp oiltabr
In no (CD
1 ■■
. v THEvtn: tantE r
POlke unIwneath. ‘
rnry p